Dr. Suhendri M.A. | Universitas Dharmawangsa Medan (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr. Suhendri M.A.
IJDS: Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies
One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education syst... more One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...
International Journal of Instruction
Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be impr... more Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be improved. Most elementary school students have difficulty in cultivating this skill. Even though, this skill is one of the 21st century skills, namely 4C (creative thinking skill, critical thinking skill, communication skill and collaborative thinking skill). This study aims to improve the students collaboration thinking skills under the implementation of a cooperative learning type, namely a quantum teaching model. This research was conducted by using quasi experiment in the form of non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control group design. The sample in this study were students of the Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Al-Musabbihin, Medan City, totaling 55 students. To test the difference of the students' collaborative thinking skills in the control class and experiment class under the implementation of quantum teaching model, we used statistics analysis tools, namely homogeneity test and independent sample t-test. The results of Levene Statistic for homogeneity test showed a significance value of 0.762 > 0.05, which means the two classes are homogeneous. The independent sample t-test showed that the score is 0.007 < 0.05, which implies the difference between the two classes is significant. It concludes that the implementation of quantum teaching model can improve the students' collaboration thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education Learning. Therefore, increasing the teachers skills in developing quantum teaching learning materials needs to be improved simultaneously through government policy programs or independently through deliberation activities for teachers of Islamic religious education subjects.
KnE Social Sciences
Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of stud... more Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of students. In such institutions, these programs are arranged based on Islamic paradigms and values. Furthermore, these programs are operationally supported by the availability and capacity of teachers, the facilities and infrastructure, education funding, curriculum structure, learning strategies, educational supervision, counselling guidance, and family or community support. The purpose of this study was to investigate the programs of Islamic education institutions in overcoming the psychosocial crises of students. The author conducted a literature review. The results indicated that the main strength of Islamic education institutions in implementing programs to overcome the psychosocial crises of students is a comprehensive understanding of the psychological growth and development of students from the perspective of Islamic paradigms and values. Besides, this program must be supported by tea...
SABILARRASYAD: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Kependidikan, 2018
Jurnal manajemen pendidikan penelitian kualitatif, Sep 29, 2018
Character education is aimed to shape people with strong integrity, good conduct, outstanding mor... more Character education is aimed to shape people with strong integrity, good conduct, outstanding morale, being dynamic, competitive, science and technology skills oriented as well as believing in the One Supreme God. The implementation of character education should be supported by all sides including SMA Islam Terpadu Bangkinang, Kampar District. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of character education management at SMA Islam Terpadu Bangkinang covering planning process, implementation and evaluation. The study employed qualitative method with triangulation. The validity of the data were checked trhough reliability, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The data were analyzed using flow model of Miles and Huberman and the results of the study showed that the planning process covered (a) planning conducive school condition, (b) designing explicit character education curriculum, (c) creating integrated character curriculum, (d) classroom management, and (e) outside-class environmental management. The implementation stage covered (a) the implementation of character education in the teaching and learning process, (b) the implementation of character education in extra-curricular activities, and (c) the implementation of character education in daily life. Finally, evaluation stage focused on (a) the collaboration with the students' parents, and (b) the strict control towards good conduct.
Belajar dari rumah adalah pilihan terbaik bagi peserta didik selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Selain... more Belajar dari rumah adalah pilihan terbaik bagi peserta didik selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Selain untuk, demi, dan atas nama keselamatan dan kesehatan peserta didik, belajar dari rumah adalah langkah untuk menjamin keberlangsungan pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Tetapi, satu hal yang mesti dicatat bahwa dalam kegiatan belajar dari rumah orangtua harus terlibat aktif dan tidak boleh abai tentang karakter anak-anak mereka.
Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, 2021
Pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19.... more Pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19. Sebagai sesuatu yang baru, model pembelajaran jarak jauh harus disosialisasikan dan dilatihkan bagi guru-guru terutama guru di sekolah dasar. Karena itu,tim pengabdian masyarakat melakukan kegiatan pengabdian di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) DOD Medan dengan melaksanakan pelatihan pembelajaran jarak jauh bagi guru-guru. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini, guru-guru SDIT DOD Medan diberikan pemahaman untuk menerima situasi sulit ini dan mampu beradaptasi dalam melakukan pembelajaran di masa pandemic Covid-19. Selain itu, guru-guru juga dilatih dalam mendisain perencanaan pembelajaran yang ringkas serta pengelolaan pembelajaran jarak jauh baik secara luar jaringan maupun dalam jaringan, dilatih membangun Learning Management System (LMS) di sekolah, dan dilatih memaksimalkan sistem dukungan orangtua dalam mendungkung moda PJJ di sekolah selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil kegiat...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan khusus pada sekolah be... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan khusus pada sekolah berbasis Islam di Sumatera Utara yang berkaitan tentang: a) model-model pelaksanaan pendidikan khusus, b) karakteristik guru pendidikan khusus, dan c) faktor pendukung dan penghambat pendidikan khusus pada sekolah berbasis Islam di Sumatera Utara.Temuan penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa: (1) Model pelaksanaan pendidikan khusus pada sekolah berbasis Islam di Sumatera Utara dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pendidikan khusus yang dilaksanakan untuk melayani peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus adalah model pendidikan segregasi dengan mengintegrasikan antarjenis kebutuhan khusus peserta didik (tunanetra, tunarungu, tunagrahita, tunadaksa dan autis) dan mengintegrasikan antar jenjang pendidikan dalam bentuk Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) satu atap, yakni satu lembaga penyelenggara mengelola jenjang Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa (SDLB), Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa (SMPLB) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas Lu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pembelajaran PAI bagi anak berkebtuhan khusus... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pembelajaran PAI bagi anak berkebtuhan khusus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Dalam menganalisis data peneliti menggunakan teknik analisa kualitatif dengan langkah-langkah pemaparan data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Temuan dalam penelitian ini ada empat, yaitu: (1) perencanaan pembelajaran telah dibuat oleh guru PAI yang didasarkan pada karakteristik kebutuhan khusus yang dimiliki peserta didik dan didokumentasikan dalam bentuk silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, (2) pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran PAI dilakukan dengan strategi pembelajaran yang beragam; pemilihan dan penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang variatif; dan pemanfaatan media pembelajaran, (3) evaluasi hasil belajar PAI bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus dilakukan dengan teknik tes dan nontes, dan (4) terdapat hambatan dalam pembelajaran PAI bersama anak berkebutuh...
Management of education requires not small amount of funding.Starting from funding for teachers a... more Management of education requires not small amount of funding.Starting from funding for teachers and students to guarantee the availability ofinfrastructure. For these conditions, waqf is considered as an alternativesupport and guarantee of the availability of financing referred to. Waqf is one ofthe potential sources of Islamic finance for Muslims. Waqf is a treasure of thepeople which can be used by all and for all time. Waqf can cope with the cost ofeducation in the future. If the cost of education can be overcome by funds raisedfrom waqf, Islamic education will be better in the future because from thehistorical point of view it has been exposed.
Peran wali kelas sebagai pembimbing dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Dharmawangsa... more Peran wali kelas sebagai pembimbing dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Dharmawangsa Medan dilakukan dengan cara: (1) mendampingi siswa dalam setiap permasalahan yang dihadapinya; (2) wali kelas dituntut agar lebih peduli dengan anak didiknya; (3) dalam proses pembelajaran wali kelas harus lebih kreatif dalam menyampaikan pelajaran sehingga siswa dapat dengan mudah memahami pelajaran yan disampaikan; (4) dalam tugasnya sebagai orang tua siswa di sekolah wali kelas harus lebih ekstra dalam memperhatikan dan mengawasi hal-hal yang dapat menghambat proses pembelajaran siswa yang dapat berakibat pada prestasi belajarnya. Berdasarkan Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan menjadi bahan informasi dan masukan bagi semua pihak terutama bagi wali kelas di SMA Dharmawangsa Medan dan para siswanya. Diharapkan kepada semua pihak di SMA Dharmawamgsa Medan untuk dapat memperhatikan prestasi belajar siswanya.<br>
Manajemen kurikulum menjadi hal penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada satuan pendidikan.
Anak berkebutuhan khusus membutuhkan bimbingan yang intens dari guru. Tanpa bimbingan guru, anak ... more Anak berkebutuhan khusus membutuhkan bimbingan yang intens dari guru. Tanpa bimbingan guru, anak berkebutuhan khusus tidak memiliki percaya diri yang optimal
This Akhlak Creed subject is a branch of Islamic religious education, the subject of moral faith ... more This Akhlak Creed subject is a branch of Islamic religious education, the subject of moral faith in forming religious character emphasizes the aspect of habituation early on and not only the responsibility of the school but all participate in improving the learning outcomes of learners involving families, schools and community environments. The purpose of this study is to find out the efforts of PAI teachers in improving the learning outcomes of learners in moral faith subjects carried out in class VII at MTs Al-Furqon Klari Karawang. The subjects of the study were principals, PAI teachers and students. This research method is qualitatively descriptive i.e. written or oral of the research object. Data collection techniques use observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of PAI teacher efforts, learners in moral faith subjects there is an increase in terms of written value and skills.
Al-Mufida: Jurnal Ilmi-Ilmu Keislaman, 2021
The results achieved in improving the critical thinking skills of learners in Babul Ulum MTs are:... more The results achieved in improving the critical thinking skills of learners in Babul Ulum MTs are: (1) achieved of course they understand every material conveyed so that from what they understand can be applied in everyday life. (2) Learners have often read (3) learners are more responsive than a problem when learners are able to think critically (4) more responsive to problems are not sharper analysis of a problem or problem.
KnE Social Sciences , 2022
Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of stud... more Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of students. In such institutions, these programs are arranged based on Islamic paradigms and values. Furthermore, these programs are operationally supported by the availability and capacity of teachers, the facilities and infrastructure, education funding, curriculum structure, learning strategies, educational supervision, counselling guidance, and family or community support. The purpose of this study was to investigate the programs of Islamic education institutions in overcoming the psychosocial crises of students. The author conducted a literature review. The results indicated that the main strength of Islamic education institutions in implementing programs to overcome the psychosocial crises of students is a comprehensive understanding of the psychological growth and development of students from the perspective of Islamic paradigms and values. Besides, this program must be supported by teachers who are skilled in implementing counselling guidance, with simultaneous supervision of educational institutions, and parental or family support. The programs used in addressing the psychosocial crises of students in Islamic educational institutions focus on good advice (mau'izhah hasanah), exemplary behavior (uswatun hasanah), practice to do one's best (ihsan), do good earlier (fastabiqul khairat), help each other in doing good (ta'awun), sholat and du'a. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that Islamic education institutions that have programs that answer the psychosocial problems of students will continue to exist and succeed in preparing tough generations in the future, especially in crises.
International Journal of Instruction, 2022
Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be impr... more Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be improved. Most elementary school students have difficulty in cultivating this skill. Even though, this skill is one of the 21st century skills, namely 4C (creative thinking skill, critical thinking skill, communication skill and collaborative thinking skill). This study aims to improve the students collaboration thinking skills under the implementation of a cooperative learning type, namely a quantum teaching model. This research was conducted by using quasi experiment in the form of non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control group design. The sample in this study were students of the Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Al-Musabbihin, Medan City, totaling 55 students. To test the difference of the students' collaborative thinking skills in the control class and experiment class under the implementation of quantum teaching model, we used statistics analysis tools, namely homogeneity test and independent sample t-test. The results of Levene Statistic for homogeneity test showed a significance value of 0.762 > 0.05, which means the two classes are homogeneous. The independent sample t-test showed that the score is 0.007 < 0.05, which implies the difference between the two classes is significant. It concludes that the implementation of quantum teaching model can improve the students' collaboration thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education Learning. Therefore, increasing the teachers skills in developing quantum teaching learning materials needs to be improved simultaneously through government policy programs or independently through deliberation activities for teachers of Islamic religious education subjects.
Jurnal Sains Sosio Humaniora
During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to carry out e-literacy because in addition to... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to carry out e-literacy because in addition to the spread of the Covid-19 virus the community was also faced with a lot of false information that was widespread on social media. One way that can be done to break the chain of spreading hoaxes is the skill of e-literacy. The aim of this study is to describe the access to e-literacy in Indonesian society regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. The research method used is descriptive with a cross sectional design, the study population is the Indonesian people as many as 2,759 people. Sources of data is primary data were obtained from questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the analysis in this study, the respondents responded related to e-literacy covid future pandemic-19, respondents stated the most difficult using information about the vaccine virus that find on the internet for the other (14.9%); difficulty making health decisions base...
Dharmawangsa: International Journal of the Social Sciences, Education and Humanitis
The results of this study revealed thatinclusive education planning in MAN 3 Medan was carried ou... more The results of this study revealed thatinclusive education planning in MAN 3 Medan was carried out by involving teachers andother education personnel before the process of accepting new students. Theimplementation of inclusive education in MAN 3 Medan has been running wheremadrasa receive students with special needs and provide adequate education services.Evaluation of inclusive education in MAN 3 Medan includes evaluation of context,input, process and results. Based on the results of this study, it is deemed necessary tomake policies on inclusive education and assist madrasas in implementing it.
ICoReSH, 2020
The role of the teacher is very important in delivering students to become moderate individuals i... more The role of the teacher is very important in delivering students to become moderate individuals in the present and future. Therefore, every teacher must understand correctly his role in learning. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of teachers in Islam and the efforts of teachers to internalize moderation values in learning. This study uses literature research and content analysis methods in analyzing data. The findings in this study indicate that Islam does not recognize the separation of the roles of teachers, both religious education teachers (Islam) and general teachers, both of which have an equally important role in internalizing the values of moderation in learning. The role of the teacher in Islam refers to Islamic terms that designate the meaning of the teacher, namely: ustadz, mu'allim, murabbiy, murshid, mudarris, and muṭaddib. Furthermore, these findings also indicate that the teacher's efforts to internalize the values of moderation can be carried out in a whole series of learning activities (preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities). Based on this study, it can be concluded that moderation values must be internalized to students from an early age by teachers ranging from low education to higher education. Therefore, it is hoped that teachers will re-understand their roles properly and at the same time be determined to make themselves as pillars and spearheads of maintaining moderation values in education. Furthermore, policymakers are expected to produce policies and prepare strengthening programs for teachers to equip knowledge and skills about the values of moderation while at the same time encouraging educational institutions to develop curricula and educational infrastructure that uphold the values of moderation.
IJDS: Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies
One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education syst... more One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...
International Journal of Instruction
Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be impr... more Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be improved. Most elementary school students have difficulty in cultivating this skill. Even though, this skill is one of the 21st century skills, namely 4C (creative thinking skill, critical thinking skill, communication skill and collaborative thinking skill). This study aims to improve the students collaboration thinking skills under the implementation of a cooperative learning type, namely a quantum teaching model. This research was conducted by using quasi experiment in the form of non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control group design. The sample in this study were students of the Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Al-Musabbihin, Medan City, totaling 55 students. To test the difference of the students' collaborative thinking skills in the control class and experiment class under the implementation of quantum teaching model, we used statistics analysis tools, namely homogeneity test and independent sample t-test. The results of Levene Statistic for homogeneity test showed a significance value of 0.762 > 0.05, which means the two classes are homogeneous. The independent sample t-test showed that the score is 0.007 < 0.05, which implies the difference between the two classes is significant. It concludes that the implementation of quantum teaching model can improve the students' collaboration thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education Learning. Therefore, increasing the teachers skills in developing quantum teaching learning materials needs to be improved simultaneously through government policy programs or independently through deliberation activities for teachers of Islamic religious education subjects.
KnE Social Sciences
Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of stud... more Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of students. In such institutions, these programs are arranged based on Islamic paradigms and values. Furthermore, these programs are operationally supported by the availability and capacity of teachers, the facilities and infrastructure, education funding, curriculum structure, learning strategies, educational supervision, counselling guidance, and family or community support. The purpose of this study was to investigate the programs of Islamic education institutions in overcoming the psychosocial crises of students. The author conducted a literature review. The results indicated that the main strength of Islamic education institutions in implementing programs to overcome the psychosocial crises of students is a comprehensive understanding of the psychological growth and development of students from the perspective of Islamic paradigms and values. Besides, this program must be supported by tea...
SABILARRASYAD: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Kependidikan, 2018
Jurnal manajemen pendidikan penelitian kualitatif, Sep 29, 2018
Character education is aimed to shape people with strong integrity, good conduct, outstanding mor... more Character education is aimed to shape people with strong integrity, good conduct, outstanding morale, being dynamic, competitive, science and technology skills oriented as well as believing in the One Supreme God. The implementation of character education should be supported by all sides including SMA Islam Terpadu Bangkinang, Kampar District. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of character education management at SMA Islam Terpadu Bangkinang covering planning process, implementation and evaluation. The study employed qualitative method with triangulation. The validity of the data were checked trhough reliability, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The data were analyzed using flow model of Miles and Huberman and the results of the study showed that the planning process covered (a) planning conducive school condition, (b) designing explicit character education curriculum, (c) creating integrated character curriculum, (d) classroom management, and (e) outside-class environmental management. The implementation stage covered (a) the implementation of character education in the teaching and learning process, (b) the implementation of character education in extra-curricular activities, and (c) the implementation of character education in daily life. Finally, evaluation stage focused on (a) the collaboration with the students' parents, and (b) the strict control towards good conduct.
Belajar dari rumah adalah pilihan terbaik bagi peserta didik selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Selain... more Belajar dari rumah adalah pilihan terbaik bagi peserta didik selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Selain untuk, demi, dan atas nama keselamatan dan kesehatan peserta didik, belajar dari rumah adalah langkah untuk menjamin keberlangsungan pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Tetapi, satu hal yang mesti dicatat bahwa dalam kegiatan belajar dari rumah orangtua harus terlibat aktif dan tidak boleh abai tentang karakter anak-anak mereka.
Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement, 2021
Pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19.... more Pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19. Sebagai sesuatu yang baru, model pembelajaran jarak jauh harus disosialisasikan dan dilatihkan bagi guru-guru terutama guru di sekolah dasar. Karena itu,tim pengabdian masyarakat melakukan kegiatan pengabdian di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) DOD Medan dengan melaksanakan pelatihan pembelajaran jarak jauh bagi guru-guru. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini, guru-guru SDIT DOD Medan diberikan pemahaman untuk menerima situasi sulit ini dan mampu beradaptasi dalam melakukan pembelajaran di masa pandemic Covid-19. Selain itu, guru-guru juga dilatih dalam mendisain perencanaan pembelajaran yang ringkas serta pengelolaan pembelajaran jarak jauh baik secara luar jaringan maupun dalam jaringan, dilatih membangun Learning Management System (LMS) di sekolah, dan dilatih memaksimalkan sistem dukungan orangtua dalam mendungkung moda PJJ di sekolah selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil kegiat...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan khusus pada sekolah be... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan khusus pada sekolah berbasis Islam di Sumatera Utara yang berkaitan tentang: a) model-model pelaksanaan pendidikan khusus, b) karakteristik guru pendidikan khusus, dan c) faktor pendukung dan penghambat pendidikan khusus pada sekolah berbasis Islam di Sumatera Utara.Temuan penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa: (1) Model pelaksanaan pendidikan khusus pada sekolah berbasis Islam di Sumatera Utara dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pendidikan khusus yang dilaksanakan untuk melayani peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus adalah model pendidikan segregasi dengan mengintegrasikan antarjenis kebutuhan khusus peserta didik (tunanetra, tunarungu, tunagrahita, tunadaksa dan autis) dan mengintegrasikan antar jenjang pendidikan dalam bentuk Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) satu atap, yakni satu lembaga penyelenggara mengelola jenjang Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa (SDLB), Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa (SMPLB) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas Lu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pembelajaran PAI bagi anak berkebtuhan khusus... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pembelajaran PAI bagi anak berkebtuhan khusus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Dalam menganalisis data peneliti menggunakan teknik analisa kualitatif dengan langkah-langkah pemaparan data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Temuan dalam penelitian ini ada empat, yaitu: (1) perencanaan pembelajaran telah dibuat oleh guru PAI yang didasarkan pada karakteristik kebutuhan khusus yang dimiliki peserta didik dan didokumentasikan dalam bentuk silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, (2) pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran PAI dilakukan dengan strategi pembelajaran yang beragam; pemilihan dan penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang variatif; dan pemanfaatan media pembelajaran, (3) evaluasi hasil belajar PAI bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus dilakukan dengan teknik tes dan nontes, dan (4) terdapat hambatan dalam pembelajaran PAI bersama anak berkebutuh...
Management of education requires not small amount of funding.Starting from funding for teachers a... more Management of education requires not small amount of funding.Starting from funding for teachers and students to guarantee the availability ofinfrastructure. For these conditions, waqf is considered as an alternativesupport and guarantee of the availability of financing referred to. Waqf is one ofthe potential sources of Islamic finance for Muslims. Waqf is a treasure of thepeople which can be used by all and for all time. Waqf can cope with the cost ofeducation in the future. If the cost of education can be overcome by funds raisedfrom waqf, Islamic education will be better in the future because from thehistorical point of view it has been exposed.
Peran wali kelas sebagai pembimbing dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Dharmawangsa... more Peran wali kelas sebagai pembimbing dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Dharmawangsa Medan dilakukan dengan cara: (1) mendampingi siswa dalam setiap permasalahan yang dihadapinya; (2) wali kelas dituntut agar lebih peduli dengan anak didiknya; (3) dalam proses pembelajaran wali kelas harus lebih kreatif dalam menyampaikan pelajaran sehingga siswa dapat dengan mudah memahami pelajaran yan disampaikan; (4) dalam tugasnya sebagai orang tua siswa di sekolah wali kelas harus lebih ekstra dalam memperhatikan dan mengawasi hal-hal yang dapat menghambat proses pembelajaran siswa yang dapat berakibat pada prestasi belajarnya. Berdasarkan Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan menjadi bahan informasi dan masukan bagi semua pihak terutama bagi wali kelas di SMA Dharmawangsa Medan dan para siswanya. Diharapkan kepada semua pihak di SMA Dharmawamgsa Medan untuk dapat memperhatikan prestasi belajar siswanya.<br>
Manajemen kurikulum menjadi hal penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada satuan pendidikan.
Anak berkebutuhan khusus membutuhkan bimbingan yang intens dari guru. Tanpa bimbingan guru, anak ... more Anak berkebutuhan khusus membutuhkan bimbingan yang intens dari guru. Tanpa bimbingan guru, anak berkebutuhan khusus tidak memiliki percaya diri yang optimal
This Akhlak Creed subject is a branch of Islamic religious education, the subject of moral faith ... more This Akhlak Creed subject is a branch of Islamic religious education, the subject of moral faith in forming religious character emphasizes the aspect of habituation early on and not only the responsibility of the school but all participate in improving the learning outcomes of learners involving families, schools and community environments. The purpose of this study is to find out the efforts of PAI teachers in improving the learning outcomes of learners in moral faith subjects carried out in class VII at MTs Al-Furqon Klari Karawang. The subjects of the study were principals, PAI teachers and students. This research method is qualitatively descriptive i.e. written or oral of the research object. Data collection techniques use observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of PAI teacher efforts, learners in moral faith subjects there is an increase in terms of written value and skills.
Al-Mufida: Jurnal Ilmi-Ilmu Keislaman, 2021
The results achieved in improving the critical thinking skills of learners in Babul Ulum MTs are:... more The results achieved in improving the critical thinking skills of learners in Babul Ulum MTs are: (1) achieved of course they understand every material conveyed so that from what they understand can be applied in everyday life. (2) Learners have often read (3) learners are more responsive than a problem when learners are able to think critically (4) more responsive to problems are not sharper analysis of a problem or problem.
KnE Social Sciences , 2022
Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of stud... more Islamic education institutions must have programs that can answer the psychosocial crises of students. In such institutions, these programs are arranged based on Islamic paradigms and values. Furthermore, these programs are operationally supported by the availability and capacity of teachers, the facilities and infrastructure, education funding, curriculum structure, learning strategies, educational supervision, counselling guidance, and family or community support. The purpose of this study was to investigate the programs of Islamic education institutions in overcoming the psychosocial crises of students. The author conducted a literature review. The results indicated that the main strength of Islamic education institutions in implementing programs to overcome the psychosocial crises of students is a comprehensive understanding of the psychological growth and development of students from the perspective of Islamic paradigms and values. Besides, this program must be supported by teachers who are skilled in implementing counselling guidance, with simultaneous supervision of educational institutions, and parental or family support. The programs used in addressing the psychosocial crises of students in Islamic educational institutions focus on good advice (mau'izhah hasanah), exemplary behavior (uswatun hasanah), practice to do one's best (ihsan), do good earlier (fastabiqul khairat), help each other in doing good (ta'awun), sholat and du'a. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that Islamic education institutions that have programs that answer the psychosocial problems of students will continue to exist and succeed in preparing tough generations in the future, especially in crises.
International Journal of Instruction, 2022
Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be impr... more Students' collaborative thinking skills in the elementary schools still need attention to be improved. Most elementary school students have difficulty in cultivating this skill. Even though, this skill is one of the 21st century skills, namely 4C (creative thinking skill, critical thinking skill, communication skill and collaborative thinking skill). This study aims to improve the students collaboration thinking skills under the implementation of a cooperative learning type, namely a quantum teaching model. This research was conducted by using quasi experiment in the form of non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control group design. The sample in this study were students of the Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Al-Musabbihin, Medan City, totaling 55 students. To test the difference of the students' collaborative thinking skills in the control class and experiment class under the implementation of quantum teaching model, we used statistics analysis tools, namely homogeneity test and independent sample t-test. The results of Levene Statistic for homogeneity test showed a significance value of 0.762 > 0.05, which means the two classes are homogeneous. The independent sample t-test showed that the score is 0.007 < 0.05, which implies the difference between the two classes is significant. It concludes that the implementation of quantum teaching model can improve the students' collaboration thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education Learning. Therefore, increasing the teachers skills in developing quantum teaching learning materials needs to be improved simultaneously through government policy programs or independently through deliberation activities for teachers of Islamic religious education subjects.
Jurnal Sains Sosio Humaniora
During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to carry out e-literacy because in addition to... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to carry out e-literacy because in addition to the spread of the Covid-19 virus the community was also faced with a lot of false information that was widespread on social media. One way that can be done to break the chain of spreading hoaxes is the skill of e-literacy. The aim of this study is to describe the access to e-literacy in Indonesian society regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. The research method used is descriptive with a cross sectional design, the study population is the Indonesian people as many as 2,759 people. Sources of data is primary data were obtained from questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the analysis in this study, the respondents responded related to e-literacy covid future pandemic-19, respondents stated the most difficult using information about the vaccine virus that find on the internet for the other (14.9%); difficulty making health decisions base...
Dharmawangsa: International Journal of the Social Sciences, Education and Humanitis
The results of this study revealed thatinclusive education planning in MAN 3 Medan was carried ou... more The results of this study revealed thatinclusive education planning in MAN 3 Medan was carried out by involving teachers andother education personnel before the process of accepting new students. Theimplementation of inclusive education in MAN 3 Medan has been running wheremadrasa receive students with special needs and provide adequate education services.Evaluation of inclusive education in MAN 3 Medan includes evaluation of context,input, process and results. Based on the results of this study, it is deemed necessary tomake policies on inclusive education and assist madrasas in implementing it.
ICoReSH, 2020
The role of the teacher is very important in delivering students to become moderate individuals i... more The role of the teacher is very important in delivering students to become moderate individuals in the present and future. Therefore, every teacher must understand correctly his role in learning. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of teachers in Islam and the efforts of teachers to internalize moderation values in learning. This study uses literature research and content analysis methods in analyzing data. The findings in this study indicate that Islam does not recognize the separation of the roles of teachers, both religious education teachers (Islam) and general teachers, both of which have an equally important role in internalizing the values of moderation in learning. The role of the teacher in Islam refers to Islamic terms that designate the meaning of the teacher, namely: ustadz, mu'allim, murabbiy, murshid, mudarris, and muṭaddib. Furthermore, these findings also indicate that the teacher's efforts to internalize the values of moderation can be carried out in a whole series of learning activities (preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities). Based on this study, it can be concluded that moderation values must be internalized to students from an early age by teachers ranging from low education to higher education. Therefore, it is hoped that teachers will re-understand their roles properly and at the same time be determined to make themselves as pillars and spearheads of maintaining moderation values in education. Furthermore, policymakers are expected to produce policies and prepare strengthening programs for teachers to equip knowledge and skills about the values of moderation while at the same time encouraging educational institutions to develop curricula and educational infrastructure that uphold the values of moderation.
CV. Adanu Abimata, 2020
Pendidikan Islam harus memiliki pijakan yang jelas. Pijakan yang paling kokoh adalah Alquran dan ... more Pendidikan Islam harus memiliki pijakan yang jelas. Pijakan yang paling kokoh adalah Alquran dan Hadis --- perkataan kata, sikap, perbuatan, dan pengakuan Nabi Saw. Kemudian daripada itu, pijakan pendidikan Islam lainnya adalah praktik pendidikan Islam itu sendiri sepanjang kehidupan kaum Muslimin dari masa ke masa hingga sekarang, dan praktik saat ini akan menjadi pijakan di kemudian hari. Itu berarti bahwa, yang paling utama tidak boleh dilupakan dalam membersamai perbaikan dan penyiapan formula pendidikan itu adalah praktik baik pendidikan sepanjang sejarah kehidupan umat Islam. Dengan demikian, pendidikan yang berhasil adalah pendidikan yang mampu menjadikan praktik pendidikan masa lalu --- dengan kelebihan dan kekurangannya sebagai pijakan lalu dijadikan potret untuk memformulasikan pendidikan masa depan.
Buku Gugusan Ide Pendidikan Islam KH. Hasyim Asy’ari ini hadir di tangan pembaca sekalian untuk memberikan informasi, bukan saja tentang pemikiran KH. Hasyim Asy’ari tentang pendidikan Islam, tapi juga tentang praktik baik pendidikan Islam yang telah dilakukan beliau. Banyak pesan dan praktik baik pendidikan KH. Hasyim Asy’ari yang dikemas dengan apik dalam buku ini, yang dapat dijadikan alternatif panduan dalam pengelolaan pendidikan, antara lain: Pertama, antara ilmu dan agama tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan seorang Muslim. Sebab, menuntut ilmu adalah perintah agama dan agama adalah bagian ilmu yang harus dituntut. Kedua, pendidikan harus berisi nilai-nilai adab-sufistik, yang didasari niat yang bersih dan lurus, yaitu lillahi ta’ala, karena Allah Swt. semata. Ketiga, dalam praktik pendidikan harus menjunjung nilai-nilai ahlussunnah wal jama’ah, yaitu nilai-nilai moderasi antara lain: tawazun (seimbang), tawasuth (moderat), ta’addul (lurus), dan tasamuh (toleransi).
Buku ini penting dimiliki dan dibaca bagi pengelola lembaga pendidikan, pembuat kebijakan pendidikan, praktisi pendidikan (guru dan dosen), dan pegiat kajian pendidikan Islam (mahasiswa) serta masyarakat Islam secara umum. Apatah lagi di saat arah pendidikan sudah mulai menjauh dari tujuan. Wallahu a’lam.