Alessandra Beccarisi - (original) (raw)
Videos by Alessandra Beccarisi
Raccontiamo le esperienze di ricerca e di vita di 8 studiosi e studiose dell'università del Salen... more Raccontiamo le esperienze di ricerca e di vita di 8 studiosi e studiose dell'università del Salento che hanno ottenuto una borsa di ricerca della fondazione tedesca Alexander von Humboldt, per mostrare quanto l'eccellenza nella ricerca unisce e include in una rete internazionale oltre i confini.
Books by Alessandra Beccarisi
Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 2022
(S.I.E.P.M.). Cette revue joue un rôle irremplaçable en tant que publication de référence pour to... more (S.I.E.P.M.). Cette revue joue un rôle irremplaçable en tant que publication de référence pour tous ceux qui souhaitent être tenus informés des programmes de recherche, des projets en cours et des conférences dans ce domaine scientifique. La revue a pour principal objet l'étude et l'édition critique de textes philosophiques médiévaux inédits. The bulletin de philosophie médiévale is the annual journal of the Société Internationale de Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.). This journal acts as an irreplaceable reference work for all those who wish to keep themselves informed about research, projects, and conferences in the field of medieval philosophy. The Bulletin focuses mainly on studies and critical editions of unpublished medieval philosophical texts.
Academic press Fribourg, 2012
Second volume devoted to the study of Meister Eckhart's sources. With contributions on Origenes, ... more Second volume devoted to the study of Meister Eckhart's sources. With contributions on Origenes, Thomas de Aquinas, Seneca, Aristoteles, Liber XXIV philosoporum, Moses Maimonides, Plato
A cura di Elisa Rubino. Con un saggio introduttivo di Alessandra Beccarisi ➡️[ more ](;)A cura di Elisa Rubino. Con un saggio introduttivo di Alessandra Beccarisi ➡️ Il volume offre la prima edizione critica di un trattato geomantico medievale: la prima parte (I-IV,4) della Geomantia di Guglielmo di Moerbeke. Il testo è qui presentato secondo la recensione del codice di Kassel, 4° Ms. astron. 16 collazionata con il manoscritto di Wolfenbüttel, 76. 1 Aug. 2°. L’edizione è preceduta da una introduzione della curatrice, Elisa Rubino, e da uno studio storico-critico di Alessandra Beccarisi.
This volume offers the first critical edition of a medieval geomantic treatise: the first part (I-IV,4) of William of Moerbeke’s Geomantia. The text presented here is based on the recension of the Kassel codex, 4° Ms. astron. 16, collated with the Wolfenbüttel manuscript, 76. 1 Aug. 2° . The edition is preceded by an introduction by the editor, Elisa Rubino, and by a historical-critical study by Alessandra Beccarisi.
Report delle attività di ricerca e formazione del Centro per l'edizione e lo studio di testi medi... more Report delle attività di ricerca e formazione del Centro per l'edizione e lo studio di testi medievali e rinascimentali (CETEFIL) Unisalento
Bulletin de philosophie médièvale, 2019
Aschendorff, 2019
Ausgehend von den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen bietet die Lectio Albertina 19 von Alessandra Be... more Ausgehend von den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen bietet die Lectio Albertina 19 von Alessandra Beccarisi eine umfassende Untersuchung zum Einfluss des Albertus Magnus auf die "spekulative deutsche Mystik" und auf Meister Eckhart, 55 Jahre nach Bernard Geyers Artikel zum Verhältnis von Albertus Magnus und Meister Eckhart.
Die Arbeit stellt konsolidierte Auslegungen in Frage und eröffnet gleichzeitig neue mögliche Perspektiven für die zukünftige Forschung. Sie zeigt zum einen im Werk Meister Eckharts eine gewisse Distanzierung von der Metaphysik und Erkenntnislehre Alberts, zum anderen verweist sie auf die Zentralität von Alberts Naturphilosophie als wirksames Instrument fu¨r die homiletische Tätigkeit Eckharts sowohl in lateinischer wie in deutscher Sprache. Schließlich eröffnet der Text Beccarisis zum ersten Mal breiter Alberts Kommentar zum Evangelium des Matthäus als wichtige Quelle für das Denken des Dominikaners Eckhart.
Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche par ziale o per e... more Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche par ziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la memorizzazione elettronica ecc. senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta della casa editrice Il Poligrafo. Ogni abuso sarà perseguito a norma di legge.
Dante Alighieri e Meister Eckhart
Il IV libro dei Meteorologica 1 di Aristotele, di cui curo l'edizione critica, pone ancora alcuni... more Il IV libro dei Meteorologica 1 di Aristotele, di cui curo l'edizione critica, pone ancora alcuni problemi relativi alla sua trasmissione manoscritta e all'organizzazione dei contenuti del testo.
Wim van anrooij (universiteit leiden) alessandra beccarisi (università del salento, lecce) dagmar... more Wim van anrooij (universiteit leiden) alessandra beccarisi (università del salento, lecce) dagmar Gottschall (università del salento, lecce) maarten J. F. m. Hoenen (universität basel) thom mertens (universiteit antwerpen) nigel F. palmer (university of oxford) Kees schepers (universiteit antwerpen) Hans-Jochen schiewer (albert-ludwigs-universität Freiburg) loris sturlese (università del salento, lecce) almut suerbaum (university of oxford) Geert Warnar (universiteit leiden) Staff Editor: nadia bray centro per l'edizione di testi filosofici medievali e rinascimentali università del salento, lecce "Manuscripts Ideas Culture" is a series of peer reviewed monographs
Raccontiamo le esperienze di ricerca e di vita di 8 studiosi e studiose dell'università del Salen... more Raccontiamo le esperienze di ricerca e di vita di 8 studiosi e studiose dell'università del Salento che hanno ottenuto una borsa di ricerca della fondazione tedesca Alexander von Humboldt, per mostrare quanto l'eccellenza nella ricerca unisce e include in una rete internazionale oltre i confini.
Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 2022
(S.I.E.P.M.). Cette revue joue un rôle irremplaçable en tant que publication de référence pour to... more (S.I.E.P.M.). Cette revue joue un rôle irremplaçable en tant que publication de référence pour tous ceux qui souhaitent être tenus informés des programmes de recherche, des projets en cours et des conférences dans ce domaine scientifique. La revue a pour principal objet l'étude et l'édition critique de textes philosophiques médiévaux inédits. The bulletin de philosophie médiévale is the annual journal of the Société Internationale de Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.). This journal acts as an irreplaceable reference work for all those who wish to keep themselves informed about research, projects, and conferences in the field of medieval philosophy. The Bulletin focuses mainly on studies and critical editions of unpublished medieval philosophical texts.
Academic press Fribourg, 2012
Second volume devoted to the study of Meister Eckhart's sources. With contributions on Origenes, ... more Second volume devoted to the study of Meister Eckhart's sources. With contributions on Origenes, Thomas de Aquinas, Seneca, Aristoteles, Liber XXIV philosoporum, Moses Maimonides, Plato
A cura di Elisa Rubino. Con un saggio introduttivo di Alessandra Beccarisi ➡️[ more ](;)A cura di Elisa Rubino. Con un saggio introduttivo di Alessandra Beccarisi ➡️ Il volume offre la prima edizione critica di un trattato geomantico medievale: la prima parte (I-IV,4) della Geomantia di Guglielmo di Moerbeke. Il testo è qui presentato secondo la recensione del codice di Kassel, 4° Ms. astron. 16 collazionata con il manoscritto di Wolfenbüttel, 76. 1 Aug. 2°. L’edizione è preceduta da una introduzione della curatrice, Elisa Rubino, e da uno studio storico-critico di Alessandra Beccarisi.
This volume offers the first critical edition of a medieval geomantic treatise: the first part (I-IV,4) of William of Moerbeke’s Geomantia. The text presented here is based on the recension of the Kassel codex, 4° Ms. astron. 16, collated with the Wolfenbüttel manuscript, 76. 1 Aug. 2° . The edition is preceded by an introduction by the editor, Elisa Rubino, and by a historical-critical study by Alessandra Beccarisi.
Report delle attività di ricerca e formazione del Centro per l'edizione e lo studio di testi medi... more Report delle attività di ricerca e formazione del Centro per l'edizione e lo studio di testi medievali e rinascimentali (CETEFIL) Unisalento
Bulletin de philosophie médièvale, 2019
Aschendorff, 2019
Ausgehend von den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen bietet die Lectio Albertina 19 von Alessandra Be... more Ausgehend von den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen bietet die Lectio Albertina 19 von Alessandra Beccarisi eine umfassende Untersuchung zum Einfluss des Albertus Magnus auf die "spekulative deutsche Mystik" und auf Meister Eckhart, 55 Jahre nach Bernard Geyers Artikel zum Verhältnis von Albertus Magnus und Meister Eckhart.
Die Arbeit stellt konsolidierte Auslegungen in Frage und eröffnet gleichzeitig neue mögliche Perspektiven für die zukünftige Forschung. Sie zeigt zum einen im Werk Meister Eckharts eine gewisse Distanzierung von der Metaphysik und Erkenntnislehre Alberts, zum anderen verweist sie auf die Zentralität von Alberts Naturphilosophie als wirksames Instrument fu¨r die homiletische Tätigkeit Eckharts sowohl in lateinischer wie in deutscher Sprache. Schließlich eröffnet der Text Beccarisis zum ersten Mal breiter Alberts Kommentar zum Evangelium des Matthäus als wichtige Quelle für das Denken des Dominikaners Eckhart.
Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche par ziale o per e... more Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche par ziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la memorizzazione elettronica ecc. senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta della casa editrice Il Poligrafo. Ogni abuso sarà perseguito a norma di legge.
Dante Alighieri e Meister Eckhart
Il IV libro dei Meteorologica 1 di Aristotele, di cui curo l'edizione critica, pone ancora alcuni... more Il IV libro dei Meteorologica 1 di Aristotele, di cui curo l'edizione critica, pone ancora alcuni problemi relativi alla sua trasmissione manoscritta e all'organizzazione dei contenuti del testo.
Wim van anrooij (universiteit leiden) alessandra beccarisi (università del salento, lecce) dagmar... more Wim van anrooij (universiteit leiden) alessandra beccarisi (università del salento, lecce) dagmar Gottschall (università del salento, lecce) maarten J. F. m. Hoenen (universität basel) thom mertens (universiteit antwerpen) nigel F. palmer (university of oxford) Kees schepers (universiteit antwerpen) Hans-Jochen schiewer (albert-ludwigs-universität Freiburg) loris sturlese (università del salento, lecce) almut suerbaum (university of oxford) Geert Warnar (universiteit leiden) Staff Editor: nadia bray centro per l'edizione di testi filosofici medievali e rinascimentali università del salento, lecce "Manuscripts Ideas Culture" is a series of peer reviewed monographs
ochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter Volume , 2022
Prof. Loris Sturlese, seit 2016 Socio corrispondente dell' Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, ist he... more Prof. Loris Sturlese, seit 2016 Socio corrispondente dell' Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, ist heute ein führender Repräsentant der philosophiehistorischen Erforschung des lateinischen Mittelalters, insbesondere der Philosophie, die sich in Deutschland zwischen 800 und 1340 entwickelte und der Sturlese seine bedeutende Veröffentlichung Die deutsche Philosophie im Mittelalter widmete. Nach umfassender internationaler Forschungserfahrung an den renommiertesten Universitäten Europas liegt das Zentrum dieser Tätigkeit seit 1998 an der Universität Lecce, der heutigen Universität des Salento, wo Sturlese im Jahr 2000 das Forschungszentrum für die Edition und das Studium von Texten aus dem Mittelalter und der Renaissance (CETEFIL) gründete. Loris Sturlese hat an der Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa studiert. Als Dissertation veröffentlichte er 1974 die erste kritische Edition der Sätze 184-211 von Berthold von Moosburgs Expositio super Elementationem theologicam Procli und eröffnete damit eine Reihe von Studien und kritischen Editionen, an denen Kurt Flasch, Burkhard Mojsisch, Alain de Libera und Ruedi Imbach beteiligt waren. Das Ergebnis dieser erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft ist die für den Verlag Meiner herausgegebene Reihe Corpus Philosophorum Teutonicorum Medii Aevi (CPTMA), die Editionen unveröffentlichter philosophischer Texte aus dem mittelalterlichen Deutschland, von Dietrich von Freiberg bis Johannes Picardi von Lichtenberg, versammelt. Die Bedeutung dieses wissenschaftlichen und editorischen Unternehmens kann gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden. Loris Sturlese hat ein neues Forschungsfeld eröffnet, ausgehend von dem von seinem Lehrer Eugenio Garin entwickelten Konzept der "regionalen Philosophie". Es handelt sich um die Idee, es gebe gewisse Gruppierungen oder Netze von Texten und Autoren, die als regionale Philosophien bestimmt werden können: diese Gruppierungen sollten vom Philosophiehistoriker als solche identifiziert und rekonstruiert werden, und er sollte seine ganze Aufmerksamkeit auf solche Textgruppen konzentrieren, statt nach illusorischen Perspektiven der Kontinuität und der Universalität zu suchen.
Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana, 2023
The essay examines Albert the Great's conception of philosophy as it becomes more precise after h... more The essay examines Albert the Great's conception of philosophy as it becomes more precise after his methodological "turn" around 1250. Albert understands philosophy in two different ways. First, as the science of causes and the search for and determination of quiddities. Second, more generally, as a response to human wonder in the face of extraordinary events, which leads to the questioning of causes and ultimately resolves itself in the knowledge of them. Wonder itself is also the starting point for the theologian, although it is destined to be silenced only in patria.
Giornale Critico della filosofia italiana, 2023
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 1, 2022
God and nature. ecstasy as inner vision in the thouGht of Meister eckhart Recent studies on Meist... more God and nature. ecstasy as inner vision in the thouGht of Meister eckhart Recent studies on Meister Eckhart's sources have shown that Eckhart's so-called 'speculative mysticism' moves within a constant dialogue between pagan philosophy and Holy Scripture, between natural philosophy and theology. This is a consequence of the conviction, expressed several times by the Dominican master, of a close correspondence between naturalia and divina, between Nature and God. This is the reason why the final outcome of ecstasy is not an elevation beyond the natural possibilities of human faculties, but an 'emptying', an annihilation of the soul and its determinations, which 'forces' God to take its place in the depth of the soul itself. The aim of my contribution will be to show that the so-called mystical contemplation is not an exceptional state for exceptional men and women, but a state of nature that occurs, like any natural phenomenon, under certain conditions, which Meister Eckhart described with coherence both in his German and Latin works. *** Während es wenig Sinn hat, das vom Hegel-Schüler Karl Rosenkranz im Jahre 1831 eingeführte historiographische Etikett 'Deutsche Mystik' trotz vielfachem Missbrauch durch ein passenderes zu ersetzen [...], ist es erkenntnisfördernd und eine unabweisbare wissenschaftliche Aufgabe, sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, ob und inwieweit es eine ‚Mystik' Meister Eckharts gibt. Kurt Ruh aveva certamente ragione riguardo a "misticismo tedesco", ma il concetto di "misticismo speculativo" come etichetta storiografica sembra altrettanto problematico. Molto probabilmente, essa fu coniata da Rosenkranz che dipende, a sua volta, dalle Lezioni sulla filosofia della religione in cui Hegel scrive 7 : «Die Neuplatoniker haben mystisch den spekulativen Begriff genannt. Die oberflächliche Bedeutung unde anime possibile, cognoscet solum qualiter dii omnia indicibiliter cognoscunt singuli secundum le unum quod sui ipsorum. Sic enim tales anime semper assequentes sunt diis».
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2018
Edited by Alessandro Palazzo and Irene Zavattero. Geomancy had a prominent position among the med... more Edited by Alessandro Palazzo and Irene Zavattero. Geomancy had a prominent position among the medieval arts of divination. Outstanding thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Albert the Great and Bonaventure dealt with it. Writers and poets quoted geomantic concepts and texts. This volume addresses crucial issues concerning this particular form of prognostication as well as the ecclesiastical reactions and condemnations. Chief texts of Latin medieval geomancy – Hugh of Santalla’s Ars geomantiae, Estimaverunt Indi and the Geomantia ascribed to William of Moerbeke – as well as texts from the Arabic and Hebrew geomantic tradition are carefully investigated here. Attention is also paid to lesserknown forms of divination – onomancy, chiromancy, spatulomancy and astral medicine – and to magic.
Sophia IX (2017-1) 99-114
The author beginning with the Commentary of John’s Gospel, shows that for Meister Eckhart all of ... more The author beginning with the Commentary of John’s Gospel, shows that for Meister Eckhart all of reality has an intrinsic Trinitarian structure which to be adequately understood requires a dynamic viewpoint and interpretation that reflects the life of God. The vision presented by this great mystic offers new rigorous criteria for exploring the relationship between theology and philosophy
Teorema Revista Internacional De Filosofia, 2009
Attraverso l'analisi del pensiero di numerosi autori medievali e moderni, il volume ricostrui... more Attraverso l'analisi del pensiero di numerosi autori medievali e moderni, il volume ricostruisce le principali interpretazioni filosofiche e teologiche dell'idea di materi
Scintilla – Revista de Filosofia e Mística Medieval, 2020
The Renewal of Medieval Metaphysics
Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2
The scholar who, in sooth, does little else than handle books-with the philologist of average att... more The scholar who, in sooth, does little else than handle books-with the philologist of average attainments their number may amount to two hundred a day-ultimately forgets entirely and completely the capacity of thinking for himself
Die Philosophie des Mittelalters 4 (Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie online)
Apertura della III edizione del TEDx a Lecce 25 ottobre 2015
Napoli, Palazzo du Mesnil, giovedì 20 settembre 2018, Ore 16 Tavola rotonda Astrologia, geomanzia... more Napoli, Palazzo du Mesnil, giovedì 20 settembre 2018, Ore 16 Tavola rotonda Astrologia, geomanzia e magia naturale. A proposito di tre recenti pubblicazioni Indirizzi di saluto: GIAMPIERO MORETTI Modera: LORIS STURLESE AGOSTINO PARAVICINI BAGLIANI -Editor Micrologus Library
Il convegno è organizzato dalla Fondazione San Carlo di Modena e dall'Università di Modena e Regg... more Il convegno è organizzato dalla Fondazione San Carlo di Modena e dall'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (fondi PRIN 2015 del progetto "Costellazioni concettuali nel pensiero filosofico della prima età moderna")
Seit der Arbeit von PHILIPP MERLAN 1 ist der Einfluss der arabisch-islamischen Philosophie auf da... more Seit der Arbeit von PHILIPP MERLAN 1 ist der Einfluss der arabisch-islamischen Philosophie auf das Werk Eckharts allgemein anerkannt. 2008 veröffentlichte KURT FLASCH ein Buch mit dem bezeichnenden Titel: >Meister Eckhart. Die Geburt der "Deutschen Mystik" aus dem Geist der arabischen Philosophie< 2 . FLASCH verfolgte ein zweifaches Ziel: einerseits den Einfluss der arabischen Philosophie auf das Denken Meister Eckharts aufzuzeigen, andererseits Eckhart "aus dem "mystischen Strom" zu retten", indem er ihn auf festem philosophischen Boden verankerte 3 .
BREPOLS The Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale publishes articles and reports in English, French, ... more BREPOLS The Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale publishes articles and reports in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese. All articles submitted to the Bulletin are double-blind reviewed undertaken by a specialist member of the S.I.E.P.M.-Bureau or an external specialist.
Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 2020
Édité par la Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale
Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 2018
The pdf contains cover, copyright information, editorial and content index of BPM 60 (2018)
Geomancy had a prominent position among the medieval arts of divination. Outstanding thinkers suc... more Geomancy had a prominent position among the medieval arts of
divination. Outstanding thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Albert
the Great and Bonaventure dealt with it. Writers and poets quoted
geomantic concepts and texts. This volume addresses crucial issues
concerning this particular form of prognostication as well as the
ecclesiastical reactions and condemnations. Chief texts of Latin
medieval geomancy – Hugh of Santalla’s Ars geomantiae, Estimaverunt
Indi and the Geomantia ascribed to William of Moerbeke
– as well as texts from the Arabic and Hebrew geomantic tradition
are carefully investigated here. Attention is also paid to lesserknown
forms of divination – onomancy, chiromancy, spatulomancy
and astral medicine – and to magic.
Sicut Albertus saepe dicebat. Albertus Magnus und Meister Eckhart im Lichte der neueren Forschung... more Sicut Albertus saepe dicebat. Albertus Magnus und Meister Eckhart im Lichte der neueren Forschung Bernhard Geyer, erster Direktor des Albertus-Magnus-Instituts von 1931 bis 1974, veröffentlichte 1964 in der Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Josef Quint den Artikel "Albertus Magnus und Meister Eckhart". Es war die erste Bilanz eines verbreiteten Narrativs, das einen direkten Einfluss von Albertus Magnus auf die spekulative deutsche Mystik und insbesondere auf Meister Eckhart annahm. Dass es einen solchen Einfluss gab, wurde zwar stets vermutet, jedoch meist nur unzureichend belegt, wie Geyer schon damals feststellte. Zweifellos handelt es sich dabei um ein wichtiges Thema mit vielen nicht nur historischen, sondern auch politischen und kulturellen Implikationen. Geyers (nicht unbedingt expliziter) Bezug auf die spekulative deutsche Mystik ist nicht zufällig: Er richtet sich vielmehr auf eine breite wissenschaftliche Produktion, die ab dem 19. Jahrhundert eine deutsche Besonderheit in der Geschichte der Philosophie geltend macht, nämlich die spekulative Mystik. Der kurze, dichte Beitrag Geyers ist aber keineswegs ideologisch: Mit Präzision und, ich möchte sagen, mit der Nüchternheit des Philosophiehistorikers fasst der ehemalige Direktor des Albertus-Magnus-Instituts in wenigen Daten den Stand der Forschung zusammen. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint die Zitierung von Albertus Magnus in den Schriften Eckharts allerdings enttäuschend dürftig. Berücksichtigt man nur explizite Zitate, ist die Situation folgende (slide): (i) Zitate in den deutschen Predigten sind natürlich am schwierigsten zu identifizieren. Geyer gelingt es lediglich in drei von sechs Fällen, die Quelle nachzuweisen, nämlich für Pr. 52, Pr. 90 und eine Stelle von Pr. 80. In allen Fällen handelt es sich um Zitate aus dem Kommentar zum Matthäusevangelium. Die zwei restlichen Zitate der Pr. 80, die sich ausdrücklich auf Bischof Albrecht beziehen, sind dagegen nicht eindeutig von Geyer nachgewiesen. Er gibt allerdings
Titolo del volume: L'agire morale e i suoi limiti: Fato, Determinismo e Libero Arbitrio nel Medio... more Titolo del volume: L'agire morale e i suoi limiti: Fato, Determinismo e Libero Arbitrio nel Medioevo / Moral Agency and its Constraints: Fate, Determinism and Free Will in the Middle Ages, a cura di / edited by Alessandra Beccarisi, Fiorella Retucci. Articoli di: Thomas Ricklin, Carlos Steel, Irene Zavattero, Elisa Rubino, Stefano Rapisarda, Georgi Kapriev, Pasquale Arfé, Andreas Speer, Marialucrezia Leone, Nadia Bray, Guy Guldentops.
Most of us probably don't doubt that much of our (mental) lives are determined by education, bias... more Most of us probably don't doubt that much of our (mental) lives are determined by education, biases and ideologies; much of our knowledge relies on the testimony of others; our beliefs can be strengthened by the authority of others; our emotions might change in the presence of friends; our inclination to act can be triggered by the courage of others; our thoughts might be completed by the perspective of others. But what precisely explains how others affect our mental states? Historians of philosophy often study such questions in relation to psychological, linguistic and moral theories. However, lurking in the background of philosophical models are medical assumptions whose exposition often sheds new light on ancient, medieval and modern debates. In the third instalment of the workshop "Medicine and Philosophy" we want to focus our attention on contagion and fascination. Are ideas seen as transmitted from mind to mind like diseases from body to body? "Contagion" and "fascination" are central terms that figure at the intersection of many philosophical and physiological discussions in Middle Ages, Renaissance and Early Modern times. What is the common ground between those two concepts? The idea that a person could influence the body, the emotions or the mental states of another person from a distance was not always connected to contagion. Fascination was the medieval term for transmitting an influence from one person to another at a distance, without direct physical contact. This was seen as a natural phenomenon, part of natural magie, which became an even more influential idea in the Renaissance. With the development of natural sciences, Early modern authors developed the idea of contagion as a way of transmitting bodily and mental states at a distance. Giving rise to debates about human mentality, physiology and politics, these notions impacted doctrines about the transmission of thoughts, images and emotions between people as well as well as the contagious nature of certain diseases. Focusing on the history of these and related notions, this workshop aims at stimulating exchange between historians of philosophy and experts in natural philosophy whose work often speaks more to one another than meets the eye. Please send an abstract to Martin Lenz ( by June 1, 2021. The abstract must be no longer than 300 words, prepared for blind reviewing and sent as a .docx file (please do not use pdf format). The subject of the mail should be "MediPhil". The author's name and contact information (name, affiliation, email and professional status-graduate student, postdoc, lecturer etc.) should also be specified in your message.
Il volume presenta 11 saggi su autori classici della tradizione filosofica e teologica che si son... more Il volume presenta 11 saggi su autori classici della tradizione filosofica e teologica che si sono confrontati con il tema della materia sul piano sia metafisico che ontologico
by Lo Sguardo - Rivista di Filosofia, Maria Vittoria Comacchi, Simone Guidi, Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi, Giovanni Catapano, Alessandra Beccarisi, Davide Riserbato, Alessandro Valsecchi, Tommaso Mauri, Ludovica Boi, Thomas Santa Maria, Federica Pitillo, Riserbato Davide, and Bernard McGinn
Lo Sguardo - Rivista di Filosofia, 2021
In its literal meaning, the term ἔκστασις (ekstasis) indicates a displacement, ‘being out of immo... more In its literal meaning, the term ἔκστασις (ekstasis) indicates a displacement, ‘being out of immobility’, and ultimately being outside oneself. To some extent, this term takes on a mystical connotation in late Antiquity, notably in book VI.9.11.24 of Plotinus’ Enneads, where ekstasis is described as a non-ordinary way of seeing. The notion of ecstasy, often inseparable from the concept of vision, would keep its mystical role, though altered in some ways, over the centuries, conceptualizing a specific kind of knowledge, which goes beyond the subject-object opposition, addressing the epistemological issues of perceiving and knowing the divine, and often challenging the nature of the self. This issue offers some attempts to track the constant reshaping and migration of the notions of ecstasy and intellectual or spiritual vision over the history of Western thought, unearthing their structural and constant persistence, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary ages, recurrently in many different non-ultimately-dialectical metaphysical systems. The papers in this volume provide some illustrative examples of the tangled history of the divergent meanings that the notions of ecstasy and vision have taken on, and their considerable reassessments and adaptations to constantly evolving conceptual frameworks, often redefining further notions such as those of rapture, prophecy, sleep, dream, and death.