jessica ottelli | Università degli Studi di Padova (original) (raw)


Conference Presentations by jessica ottelli

Research paper thumbnail of Creare la « machinam » : idee politiche e pratiche di governo nella musica dei Visconti

Actes du colloque VOCES 2021. Fêtes et célébrations. Centenaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin médiéval », Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers), 29 septembre-1er octobre 2021, 2021

In the framework of the development of the lordships in the Italian peninsula, the case of the Vi... more In the framework of the development of the lordships in the Italian peninsula, the case of the Visconti duchy of Milan certainly appears as one of the most fascinating. Visconti rulers aimed to be introduced into a well-known communal tradition to corrode its prerogatives, in favor of a centralization of powers. Performed in the circle of the court during feasts, madrigals and motets served the purpose of celebrating the virtues of the new lords to make them more easily accepted by the community. In these multi-voice musical pieces, clear references to the politics of the Milanese dukes are hidden in acrostic forms. This essay focuses on a single word, written in the motet Lux porpurata radiis, composed by Jacopo da Bologna in the first half of the fourteenth century. Breaking the tradition, the piece presents the allocution Diligite iusticiam with a new term: machinam. What does the word machinam relate to and where can we place it in Luchino Visconti’s cultural policies, are the two main issues underlying this essay.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Qui nobis cantu et musica satisfaciant’: le cappelle musicali di Milano tra Visconti e Sforza

Music and Poetry in the Crown of Aragon (13th-15th Centuries) New Approaches to Documents, History and Texts, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. Thursday, 28 October to Sunday, 31 October 2021

The Social Mobility of Cantores in 15th Century Europe: An Example of How to Frame and to Structu... more The Social Mobility of Cantores in 15th Century Europe: An Example of How to Frame and to Structure an Analysis with Nodegoat

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Research paper thumbnail of -Voces 2021. Fêtes et célébrations Centenaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin médiéval »

L’édition Voces 2021 concorde avec le 100e anniversaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin Médiéval », pr... more L’édition Voces 2021 concorde avec le
100e anniversaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin
Médiéval », projet de l’Union académique
internationale (UAI) qui devait réunir la
communauté scientifique européenne de l’aprèsguerre
autour du défi de décrire le vocabulaire
latin médiéval. Initialement prévue en 2020, cette
conférence devait se consacrer au concept de
la fête et son vocabulaire. Les organisateurs ont
décidé de s’en tenir à ce thème.

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Research paper thumbnail of Programme Séminaire Questes « Sons et Voix au Moyen Âge

Séminaire Questes « Sons et Voix au Moyen Âge », 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Alibi fortunam suam experiri: cercare fortuna e fare fortuna alla corte del duca

La frontiera infranta: esempi di mobilità politica nel lungo medioevo, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Educare, rivendicare e punire: le Joyeuses Entrées della dinastia Valois di Borgogna


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Talks by jessica ottelli

Research paper thumbnail of CERCOR EcoleEte2021 Programme

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Conferences and Workshops by jessica ottelli

Research paper thumbnail of October 2021 - June 2022 - PROGRAMME of the XX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals

by Alessandro Silvestri, Laura Miquel Milian, Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver, Marco Conti, jessica ottelli, María José Cañizares Gómez, Robert Friedrich, Abel Lorenzo-Rodríguez, PhD Dr., Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch, Valerio Luca Floris, and Camille Larraz

The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address: https://conec...[ more ](;)The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address:

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Upcoming Conferences and Talks by jessica ottelli

Research paper thumbnail of A GLOBAL EARTH IN THE CLASSROOM: New Voices in the History of Early Modern Education, February 24th 2022

To attend, send an email to PROGRAM First session (2.00-3.50 PM, London... more To attend, send an email to


First session (2.00-3.50 PM, London time)
Chair: Cristiano Casalini, Boston College

2.10-2.25 PM • Introductory remarks • David Salomoni and Henrique Leitão, University of Lisbon
2.30-2.45 PM • Some remarks on the education provided by the Jesuits in the early modern Provincia Brasiliae • Carolina Vaz de Carvalho, University of São Paulo
2.50-3.05 PM • "For these parts of infidels great learning is not needed": Jesuit education and pedagogical responsibilities in the early modern Indian subcontinent • Bradley Blankemeyer, Oxford University
3.10-3.25 PM • Every land is a moral metaphor: World Geography portrayed by Daniello Bartoli S.J., 1664 • Laura Madella, University of Parma
3.30-3.50 PM • Discussion

Second session (4.00-5.30 PM, London time)
Chair: Luana Salvarani, University of Parma

4.00-4.15 PM • Credit and courtesy: educating the merchant in Renaissance Milan • Federico Piseri, University of Sassari
4.20-4.35 PM • Under the Musical Law: Teaching Music to Rule the Earth in Europe, XV-XVI century • Jessica Ottelli, University of Padova
4.40-4.55 PM • Humanism in Schools and the Gender Divide. Latin and vernacular Education for Boys and Girls in Verona, 1405-1509 • Francesca Masiero, University College London
5.00-5.30 PM • Discussion, final remarks, and greetings

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Conference presentations and talks by jessica ottelli

Research paper thumbnail of Encounters Beyond the Border Zones: Material and Cultural Practices across the Frontiers of the Long Middle Ages (VIII-XV centuries)

Leeds International Medieval Congress, 4-7 July 2022.

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Papers by jessica ottelli

Research paper thumbnail of Under the Musical Law: teaching music to rule the earth in Europe, XV-XVI century

This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role of educational practices from the late medieval era to the early modern period. It provides a dynamic forum for emerging academics in the field, revealing fresh, multifaceted perspectives on the educa..., 2024

This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role ... more This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role of educational practices from the late medieval era to the early modern period. It provides a dynamic forum for emerging academics in the field, revealing fresh, multifaceted perspectives on the educational methods of this era. The work illuminates the sophisticated educational systems that shaped Renaissance Milan's merchants and the education of cantors in royal courts and cathedrals. Spanning from Brazil to India, it traces the extensive reach of Jesuit influence and reveals how their teachings fostered an early consciousness of a globally interconnected world in European education.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creare la « machinam » : idee politiche e pratiche di governo nella musica dei Visconti

Actes du colloque VOCES 2021. Fêtes et célébrations. Centenaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin médiéval », Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers), 29 septembre-1er octobre 2021, 2021

In the framework of the development of the lordships in the Italian peninsula, the case of the Vi... more In the framework of the development of the lordships in the Italian peninsula, the case of the Visconti duchy of Milan certainly appears as one of the most fascinating. Visconti rulers aimed to be introduced into a well-known communal tradition to corrode its prerogatives, in favor of a centralization of powers. Performed in the circle of the court during feasts, madrigals and motets served the purpose of celebrating the virtues of the new lords to make them more easily accepted by the community. In these multi-voice musical pieces, clear references to the politics of the Milanese dukes are hidden in acrostic forms. This essay focuses on a single word, written in the motet Lux porpurata radiis, composed by Jacopo da Bologna in the first half of the fourteenth century. Breaking the tradition, the piece presents the allocution Diligite iusticiam with a new term: machinam. What does the word machinam relate to and where can we place it in Luchino Visconti’s cultural policies, are the two main issues underlying this essay.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Qui nobis cantu et musica satisfaciant’: le cappelle musicali di Milano tra Visconti e Sforza

Music and Poetry in the Crown of Aragon (13th-15th Centuries) New Approaches to Documents, History and Texts, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. Thursday, 28 October to Sunday, 31 October 2021

The Social Mobility of Cantores in 15th Century Europe: An Example of How to Frame and to Structu... more The Social Mobility of Cantores in 15th Century Europe: An Example of How to Frame and to Structure an Analysis with Nodegoat

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Research paper thumbnail of -Voces 2021. Fêtes et célébrations Centenaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin médiéval »

L’édition Voces 2021 concorde avec le 100e anniversaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin Médiéval », pr... more L’édition Voces 2021 concorde avec le
100e anniversaire du « Dictionnaire du Latin
Médiéval », projet de l’Union académique
internationale (UAI) qui devait réunir la
communauté scientifique européenne de l’aprèsguerre
autour du défi de décrire le vocabulaire
latin médiéval. Initialement prévue en 2020, cette
conférence devait se consacrer au concept de
la fête et son vocabulaire. Les organisateurs ont
décidé de s’en tenir à ce thème.

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Research paper thumbnail of Programme Séminaire Questes « Sons et Voix au Moyen Âge

Séminaire Questes « Sons et Voix au Moyen Âge », 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Alibi fortunam suam experiri: cercare fortuna e fare fortuna alla corte del duca

La frontiera infranta: esempi di mobilità politica nel lungo medioevo, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Educare, rivendicare e punire: le Joyeuses Entrées della dinastia Valois di Borgogna


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Research paper thumbnail of CERCOR EcoleEte2021 Programme

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2021 - June 2022 - PROGRAMME of the XX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals

by Alessandro Silvestri, Laura Miquel Milian, Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver, Marco Conti, jessica ottelli, María José Cañizares Gómez, Robert Friedrich, Abel Lorenzo-Rodríguez, PhD Dr., Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch, Valerio Luca Floris, and Camille Larraz

The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address: https://conec...[ more ](;)The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address:

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Research paper thumbnail of A GLOBAL EARTH IN THE CLASSROOM: New Voices in the History of Early Modern Education, February 24th 2022

To attend, send an email to PROGRAM First session (2.00-3.50 PM, London... more To attend, send an email to


First session (2.00-3.50 PM, London time)
Chair: Cristiano Casalini, Boston College

2.10-2.25 PM • Introductory remarks • David Salomoni and Henrique Leitão, University of Lisbon
2.30-2.45 PM • Some remarks on the education provided by the Jesuits in the early modern Provincia Brasiliae • Carolina Vaz de Carvalho, University of São Paulo
2.50-3.05 PM • "For these parts of infidels great learning is not needed": Jesuit education and pedagogical responsibilities in the early modern Indian subcontinent • Bradley Blankemeyer, Oxford University
3.10-3.25 PM • Every land is a moral metaphor: World Geography portrayed by Daniello Bartoli S.J., 1664 • Laura Madella, University of Parma
3.30-3.50 PM • Discussion

Second session (4.00-5.30 PM, London time)
Chair: Luana Salvarani, University of Parma

4.00-4.15 PM • Credit and courtesy: educating the merchant in Renaissance Milan • Federico Piseri, University of Sassari
4.20-4.35 PM • Under the Musical Law: Teaching Music to Rule the Earth in Europe, XV-XVI century • Jessica Ottelli, University of Padova
4.40-4.55 PM • Humanism in Schools and the Gender Divide. Latin and vernacular Education for Boys and Girls in Verona, 1405-1509 • Francesca Masiero, University College London
5.00-5.30 PM • Discussion, final remarks, and greetings

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Research paper thumbnail of Encounters Beyond the Border Zones: Material and Cultural Practices across the Frontiers of the Long Middle Ages (VIII-XV centuries)

Leeds International Medieval Congress, 4-7 July 2022.

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Research paper thumbnail of Under the Musical Law: teaching music to rule the earth in Europe, XV-XVI century

This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role of educational practices from the late medieval era to the early modern period. It provides a dynamic forum for emerging academics in the field, revealing fresh, multifaceted perspectives on the educa..., 2024

This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role ... more This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role of educational practices from the late medieval era to the early modern period. It provides a dynamic forum for emerging academics in the field, revealing fresh, multifaceted perspectives on the educational methods of this era. The work illuminates the sophisticated educational systems that shaped Renaissance Milan's merchants and the education of cantors in royal courts and cathedrals. Spanning from Brazil to India, it traces the extensive reach of Jesuit influence and reveals how their teachings fostered an early consciousness of a globally interconnected world in European education.

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