Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver | Universität Heidelberg (original) (raw)

Books by Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver

Research paper thumbnail of Entre el negoci privat i la caritat popular. La redempció de captius a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval (1410-1458). Madrid: CSIC, 2024

Entre el negoci privat i la caritat popular. La redempció de captius a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval (1410-1458). Madrid: CSIC, 2024, 2024

Sumari Abreviatures utilitzades.- Pròleg.- Introducció.- Les taxes de sortida dels musulmans: un... more Sumari
Abreviatures utilitzades.- Pròleg.- Introducció.- Les taxes de sortida dels musulmans: una font per a l'estudi de la redempció.- Les destinacions dels captius musulmans.- Els viatges al Magreb: actors i interventors.- El rescat com a negoci mercantil i inversió a llarg termini.- El rescat de captius cristians a la Mallorca baixmedieval.- Conclusions.- Bibliografia.- Índex toponomàstic.
La present monografia ofereix una doble contribució al coneixement dels sistemes de redempció de captius a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval. En primer lloc, gràcies a l'anàlisi de les taxes que gravaven el moviment de musulmans presents en territori reial, es descriuen els mitjans, el volum i les vies de retorn d'aquells captius de religió islàmica que eren rescatats i embarcats en els principals ports de la Corona -els de Barcelona, València i Mallorca- cap als seus territoris d'origen. En segon lloc, i en sentit contrari, s'estudia el paper, l'àmbit d'acció i la productivitat d'una institució sorgida a inicis del segle XV a l'illa de Mallorca, encapçalada pels jurats de la ciutat i regne i pel capítol catedralici, amb la intenció de recaptar ajudes per als cristians captius a terres islàmiques. A la vegada, l'estudi d'aquestes vies de redempció posa de manifest tota una sèrie de fenòmens transversals al rescat de captius, que també són abordats en el llibre: des de les principals àrees d'intercanvi comercial fins a l'ús d'embarcacions de diversa tipologia, passant pels agents intervinents en l'empresa dels rescats i la combinació de negocis en uns mateixos viatges.

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Projects by Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver

Research paper thumbnail of DFG-Projekt "Medieval Maritime Predation: A Database Supported Analysis of Mediterranean Violence"

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Papers by Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver

Research paper thumbnail of “Servei i guerra; comerç i transport. Mallorca i els mallorquins en les empreses marítimes i navals d'Alfons el Magnànim" en Ramis Barceló, Rafael (ed.), El llindar de la modernitat: Mallorca a la tardor medieval i al Renaixement (1412–1598), Editorial Sindéresis, Madrid-Porto, 2024, pp. 341-369

“Servei i guerra; comerç i transport. Mallorca i els mallorquins en les empreses marítimes i navals d'Alfons el Magnànim" en Ramis Barceló, Rafael (ed.), El llindar de la modernitat: Mallorca a la tardor medieval i al Renaixement (1412–1598), Editorial Sindéresis, Madrid-Porto, 2024, pp. 341-369, 2024

La present contribució aporta una síntesi de la intervenció dels mallorquins i d’embarcacions mal... more La present contribució aporta una síntesi de la intervenció dels mallorquins i d’embarcacions mallorquines en les empreses navals del Magnànim, en la prestació de serveis al monarca, per una banda, i en la participació en els tràfics comercials de l’illa a través del nòlit de mercaderies, per una altra. La documentació mallorquina permet així mateix obtenir a informació sobre el moviment d'embarcacions i patrons d'altres territoris.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Pro vestris meritis et in satisfactione gratuitorum serviciorum". La participación en la guerra naval como vía de ascenso social en la Mallorca del siglo XV. En la España medieval, 47 (2024): 97-118

"Pro vestris meritis et in satisfactione gratuitorum serviciorum". La participación en la guerra naval como vía de ascenso social en la Mallorca del siglo XV. En la España medieval, 47 (2024): 97-118, 2024

ES Resumen. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de proporcionar una primera aproximación al as... more ES Resumen. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de proporcionar una primera aproximación al ascenso social, político y económico que experimentaron algunos sujetos mallorquines a través de su participación en la empresa napolitana de Alfonso el Magnánimo. Mediante el cotejo de documentación real-sobre todo, de registros fiscales y de correspondencia-se identifican algunos de los mallorquines que participaron en las campañas navales, sobre todo de los que lo hicieron mediante el aprovisionamiento de efectivos bélicos y, en especial, de galeras. Se analizan sus aportaciones, así como las compensaciones que recibieron por parte de la monarquía, y se dibuja, en conclusión, una vía de promoción social a través de la contribución en las empresas navales.
Palabras clave: ascenso social; Mallorca medieval; guerra naval; nobleza; galeras

EN "Pro vestris meritis et in satisfactione gratuitorum serviciorum". Participation in naval warfare as a way of social promotion in fifteenth-century Majorca
EN Abstract. The aim of this article is to provide a first approach to the social, political and economic ascent experienced by some Mallorcan subjects by their participation in the Neapolitan enterprise of Alfonso the Magnanimous. Through the comparison of royal sources-mostly, fiscal records and correspondence registers-some of the Mallorcans who participated in the naval campaigns are identified, mainly those who did so through the provisioning of galleys for the war.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Competencia institucional, abuso de poder o mala praxis? Vínculos entre la piratería y los círculos de poder en la Corona de Aragón bajomedieval

Clio & Crimen, n.º 20 (2023), pp. 103-127. Dossier: Delincuencia marítima y portuaria a través de la Historia , 2023

El estudio de la delincuencia y de la conflictividad en los mares de la Corona de Aragón bajomedi... more El estudio de la delincuencia y de la conflictividad en los mares de la Corona de Aragón bajomedieval pone de manifiesto tres cuestiones principales: la relación entre las diversas instituciones de poder con la práctica de la violencia marítima; la ambigüedad del uso de la palabra pirata y piratería en la Edad Media, y su asociación con los propios patrones autóctonos de los territorios a los que atacan. El presente artículo ejemplifica esta triple problemática a través de la reconstrucción de la actividad marítima de uno de los personajes más próximos al monarca Alfonso el Magnánimo: Galceran de Requesens

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Research paper thumbnail of Jutjar els actes de pirateria a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval. El cas de Ponç Descatllar (1440)

Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval 24 (2023), pp. 67-90. Dossier: Violencias y resoluciones de conflictos en las sociedades medievales. , 2023

This article delves into the functioning of justice in the face of piratical acts in the Crown of... more This article delves into the functioning of justice in the face of piratical acts in the Crown of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages. It focuses on a landmark case such as that of the Majorcan skipper Ponç Descatllar. Through his attempts to escape justice after being accused of acting with his galley against the King’s subjects, his case becomes representative of both the crimes that could be charged to people accused of committing illegitimate attacks on the seas and the jurisdictional course that a case like his could take. The article examines which medieval courts (royal, ecclesiastical,
maritime and mercantile) could judge a person informally categorized as a
pirate, as well as intervene in different aspects derived from his actions, such as the reparation of damages or the return of property to the victims. It demonstrates how, in the absence of a specific crime of piracy in medieval times, maritime outrages were included in other types of crimes, such as treason or lèse-majesté. Moreover, through the accused’s contacts and the efforts of Barcelona’s municipal authorities to incriminate him, it shows the varied and conflicting interests of certain jurisdictional powers, acting for and against Ponç, under whose influence the justice system acted. This case becomes, at the same time, a reflection of the increasingly evident
differences between Barcelona’s municipal leaders and the monarch, and a demonstration of urban government intervention in the process of piracy criminalization.

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Research paper thumbnail of El rescate de cautivos musulmanes: nueva clave de las relaciones Mallorca-Magreb en la Baja Edad Media

Medievalismo, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Deudas y embargos. La otra cara de las compraventas de esclavos en la Mallorca de principios del siglo XV


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Research paper thumbnail of Enmity Among Friends at Sea during the Reign of Ferdinand I

War, Diplomacy and Peacemaking in Medieval Iberia, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of "Attès que lo dit loch de Santanyí és de gran reguart e perill" Santanyí i la mar a la baixa edat mitjana

IV Jornades d'Estudis Locals de Santanyí, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of La conflictivitat marítima en temps de Ferran d'Antequera (1412-1416)

Drassana, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Nova coordinació de les Jornades d’Estudis Locals de les Illes Balears


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Research paper thumbnail of Victòria A. BURGUERA i PUIGSERVER: “«Car més val contendre ab la quartana que ab flaquea» Conflictividad marítima en tiempos de carestía en la Corona de Aragón a principios del siglo XV”, Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, Vol. 6, Nº 11 (2017), pp. 43-61.

A lo largo de la Baja Edad Media, las ciudades de la Corona de Aragón obtuvieron de los soberanos... more A lo largo de la Baja Edad Media, las ciudades de la Corona de Aragón obtuvieron de los soberanos varios recursos para abastecerse de cereales y, en especial, de trigo. Uno de ellos fue la concesión real generalmente conocida como Vi vel gratia, la cual les permitía apoderarse de los cargamentos de vituallas ajenas en casos de necesidad ex-trema. Dicho privilegio, aplicado al transporte marítimo de cereales, supuso la autorización de prácticas anterior-mente consideradas como piráticas, ahora amparadas por disposiciones reales circunscritas a las épocas de carestía. Aun así, tales actividades fueron la base de conflictos, especialmente entre las ciudades marítimas de la Corona. Palabras clave: trigo, piratería, corso, abastecimiento municipal, conflictividad marítima.

Throughout the Late Middle Ages, the cities of the Crown of Aragon obtained by the sovereign several resources to stock up on cereals and especially wheat. One of these was the royal grant generally known as Vi vel gratia, that allowed them to seize shipments of foreign victuals in cases of extreme need. That privilege, applied to maritime transport of grain, involved the authorization of practices previously considered as piratical, now protected by provisions of the King applied only in times of famine. Even so, such activities were the basis of conflicts, especially between the maritime cities of the Crown. This article analyzes the use of this royal grant by the great coastal cities of the Crown of Aragon –notably Barcelona, Valencia and Mallorca– in order to ensure their own supply by sea, particularly during dearth. The strategy deployed to this effect is, in fact, a form of institutionalized violence, legally sustained thanks to the support of the Aragonese kings from the first third of the fourteenth century. As can be seen, the objective that legitimated this type of action carried out by the cities was, ultimately, the need to ensure the supply of consumer goods –and especially wheat– to the population. However, it is difficult to think that the adoption of this type of measures would respond exclusively to the solidarity of the agents of the local power. Rather, we are dealing with coercive formulas
used by urban elites to safeguard their interests in a context of conflict, such as the Mediterranean world, during the two last centuries of the Middle Ages. Likewise, the use of these strategies by the urban powers, supported by the officers of the king, became a cause of conflicts between the authorities of Barcelona, Valencia and Mallorca.

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Issues by Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver

Research paper thumbnail of Movilidad social en los reinos ibéricos y el Mediterráneo occidental durante la Baja Edad Media: nuevas perspectivas. En la España medieval, 47 (2024), 9-21

Movilidad social en los reinos ibéricos y el Mediterráneo occidental durante la Baja Edad Media: nuevas perspectivas, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of RUHM Vol. 6, Núm. 11 (2017) Guerra y competencia entre Estados en el Mediterráneo Medieval (siglos XIV-XV)

Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, 2016

El próximo año 2018 se cumplirán dos décadas desde la publicación de Guerre et concurrence entre ... more El próximo año 2018 se cumplirán dos décadas desde la publicación de Guerre et concurrence entre les États européens du xiv siècle au xviiie siècle, un trabajo colectivo coordinado por Philippe Contamine y editado por Presses Universitaires de France como parte de una gran colección dedicada a los orígenes del Estado moderno (siglos xiv-xviii). Durante todo este tiempo, la historiografía no ha dejado de profundizar en las cuestiones planteadas en aquella obra, de modo que actualmente la cantidad de publicaciones dedicadas a la organización de los ejércitos terrestres, la logística o la diplomacia –por citar tan sólo tres cuestiones clave– se ha multiplicado significativamente. El objetivo de este dossier consiste en reunir una serie de estudios originales dedicados a analizar el papel de la guerra en la evolución de los Estados feudales durante los dos últimos siglos de la Edad Media, a la luz, precisamente, del cuestionario planteado en aquella obra y de su desarrollo por parte de la historiografía más reciente. El contexto escogido para ello es el mundo mediterráneo, concretamente la Corona de Aragón y una selección representativa de los Estados surgidos en la Península Itálica, que incluye el reino de Nápoles, la república de Génova y los dominios de las Casas de Este (Ducado de Ferrara) y Visconti (Señorío de Milán).

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Call for papers by Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver

Research paper thumbnail of CfP EAUH Ostrava 4-7 September 2024 - Main session "Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries)"

M20 Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries), 2024

We are seeking paper proposals for the main session M20 "Maritime cities at the boundaries: gover... more We are seeking paper proposals for the main session M20 "Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries)" to be held at the European Association for Urban History conference (EAUH) 2024: 4-7 September 2024 in Ostrava (Czech Republic). Find all the details of the session in the attached file. All paper proposals should be submitted through the EAUH 2024 website by the 30th September 2023:

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Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPER (Deadline: 2 October 2020) - Seminars of Medieval Studies 2020-21, IMF-CSIC, Barcelona


The department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats (CSIC, Barcelona) is delighted to invite proposals for paper presentations at the Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals (Medieval Studies Seminars), which will take place on-line from October 2020 to June 2021.
The Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals are specifically targeted to those students in the last years of their doctoral studies and those who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis for examination, as well as to all those researchers who obtained their PhD degree in the previous 12 months. The purpose of this series of seminars (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions) is to give those students and doctors the opportunity to discuss and share their research with an audience of doctoral students, young researchers and experienced scholars.
We welcome proposals relating to various trends of research and a broad range of disciplines, but with a main focus on Medieval Mediterranean and the Spanish peninsula, from various perspectives (archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology).
Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words and a 1-page CV by 2nd October 2020 to the following address: Abstracts and presentations can be in the following languages: Catalan, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Successful applicants will be notified by 5th October 2020.
Note that the speakers of the Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals will receive a certificate attesting their participation to the seminars.

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Talks by Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver

Research paper thumbnail of Christian-Muslim Relations in the Aegean (and beyond) through Barcelona's Corsair Taxes

The Eastern Mediterranean: A Liquid Frontier, 1300-1700. Humbold Symposium. Heidelberg, 14-15 Juni 2024, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Different Approaches about Piracy, Predation and Conflicts at Sea in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon

Kolloquium: Neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Universität Halle (Saale), 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Las ciudades costeras de la Corona de Aragón ante la guerra y los conflictos marítimos: prevención, defensa y respuesta en el atardecer medieval

XX Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo. Guerra y ciudad en la Europa Atlántica medieval (y más allá): Consecuencias, resiliencia y memoria colectiva, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre el negoci privat i la caritat popular. La redempció de captius a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval (1410-1458). Madrid: CSIC, 2024

Entre el negoci privat i la caritat popular. La redempció de captius a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval (1410-1458). Madrid: CSIC, 2024, 2024

Sumari Abreviatures utilitzades.- Pròleg.- Introducció.- Les taxes de sortida dels musulmans: un... more Sumari
Abreviatures utilitzades.- Pròleg.- Introducció.- Les taxes de sortida dels musulmans: una font per a l'estudi de la redempció.- Les destinacions dels captius musulmans.- Els viatges al Magreb: actors i interventors.- El rescat com a negoci mercantil i inversió a llarg termini.- El rescat de captius cristians a la Mallorca baixmedieval.- Conclusions.- Bibliografia.- Índex toponomàstic.
La present monografia ofereix una doble contribució al coneixement dels sistemes de redempció de captius a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval. En primer lloc, gràcies a l'anàlisi de les taxes que gravaven el moviment de musulmans presents en territori reial, es descriuen els mitjans, el volum i les vies de retorn d'aquells captius de religió islàmica que eren rescatats i embarcats en els principals ports de la Corona -els de Barcelona, València i Mallorca- cap als seus territoris d'origen. En segon lloc, i en sentit contrari, s'estudia el paper, l'àmbit d'acció i la productivitat d'una institució sorgida a inicis del segle XV a l'illa de Mallorca, encapçalada pels jurats de la ciutat i regne i pel capítol catedralici, amb la intenció de recaptar ajudes per als cristians captius a terres islàmiques. A la vegada, l'estudi d'aquestes vies de redempció posa de manifest tota una sèrie de fenòmens transversals al rescat de captius, que també són abordats en el llibre: des de les principals àrees d'intercanvi comercial fins a l'ús d'embarcacions de diversa tipologia, passant pels agents intervinents en l'empresa dels rescats i la combinació de negocis en uns mateixos viatges.

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Research paper thumbnail of DFG-Projekt "Medieval Maritime Predation: A Database Supported Analysis of Mediterranean Violence"

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Research paper thumbnail of “Servei i guerra; comerç i transport. Mallorca i els mallorquins en les empreses marítimes i navals d'Alfons el Magnànim" en Ramis Barceló, Rafael (ed.), El llindar de la modernitat: Mallorca a la tardor medieval i al Renaixement (1412–1598), Editorial Sindéresis, Madrid-Porto, 2024, pp. 341-369

“Servei i guerra; comerç i transport. Mallorca i els mallorquins en les empreses marítimes i navals d'Alfons el Magnànim" en Ramis Barceló, Rafael (ed.), El llindar de la modernitat: Mallorca a la tardor medieval i al Renaixement (1412–1598), Editorial Sindéresis, Madrid-Porto, 2024, pp. 341-369, 2024

La present contribució aporta una síntesi de la intervenció dels mallorquins i d’embarcacions mal... more La present contribució aporta una síntesi de la intervenció dels mallorquins i d’embarcacions mallorquines en les empreses navals del Magnànim, en la prestació de serveis al monarca, per una banda, i en la participació en els tràfics comercials de l’illa a través del nòlit de mercaderies, per una altra. La documentació mallorquina permet així mateix obtenir a informació sobre el moviment d'embarcacions i patrons d'altres territoris.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Pro vestris meritis et in satisfactione gratuitorum serviciorum". La participación en la guerra naval como vía de ascenso social en la Mallorca del siglo XV. En la España medieval, 47 (2024): 97-118

"Pro vestris meritis et in satisfactione gratuitorum serviciorum". La participación en la guerra naval como vía de ascenso social en la Mallorca del siglo XV. En la España medieval, 47 (2024): 97-118, 2024

ES Resumen. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de proporcionar una primera aproximación al as... more ES Resumen. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de proporcionar una primera aproximación al ascenso social, político y económico que experimentaron algunos sujetos mallorquines a través de su participación en la empresa napolitana de Alfonso el Magnánimo. Mediante el cotejo de documentación real-sobre todo, de registros fiscales y de correspondencia-se identifican algunos de los mallorquines que participaron en las campañas navales, sobre todo de los que lo hicieron mediante el aprovisionamiento de efectivos bélicos y, en especial, de galeras. Se analizan sus aportaciones, así como las compensaciones que recibieron por parte de la monarquía, y se dibuja, en conclusión, una vía de promoción social a través de la contribución en las empresas navales.
Palabras clave: ascenso social; Mallorca medieval; guerra naval; nobleza; galeras

EN "Pro vestris meritis et in satisfactione gratuitorum serviciorum". Participation in naval warfare as a way of social promotion in fifteenth-century Majorca
EN Abstract. The aim of this article is to provide a first approach to the social, political and economic ascent experienced by some Mallorcan subjects by their participation in the Neapolitan enterprise of Alfonso the Magnanimous. Through the comparison of royal sources-mostly, fiscal records and correspondence registers-some of the Mallorcans who participated in the naval campaigns are identified, mainly those who did so through the provisioning of galleys for the war.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Competencia institucional, abuso de poder o mala praxis? Vínculos entre la piratería y los círculos de poder en la Corona de Aragón bajomedieval

Clio & Crimen, n.º 20 (2023), pp. 103-127. Dossier: Delincuencia marítima y portuaria a través de la Historia , 2023

El estudio de la delincuencia y de la conflictividad en los mares de la Corona de Aragón bajomedi... more El estudio de la delincuencia y de la conflictividad en los mares de la Corona de Aragón bajomedieval pone de manifiesto tres cuestiones principales: la relación entre las diversas instituciones de poder con la práctica de la violencia marítima; la ambigüedad del uso de la palabra pirata y piratería en la Edad Media, y su asociación con los propios patrones autóctonos de los territorios a los que atacan. El presente artículo ejemplifica esta triple problemática a través de la reconstrucción de la actividad marítima de uno de los personajes más próximos al monarca Alfonso el Magnánimo: Galceran de Requesens

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Research paper thumbnail of Jutjar els actes de pirateria a la Corona d'Aragó baixmedieval. El cas de Ponç Descatllar (1440)

Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval 24 (2023), pp. 67-90. Dossier: Violencias y resoluciones de conflictos en las sociedades medievales. , 2023

This article delves into the functioning of justice in the face of piratical acts in the Crown of... more This article delves into the functioning of justice in the face of piratical acts in the Crown of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages. It focuses on a landmark case such as that of the Majorcan skipper Ponç Descatllar. Through his attempts to escape justice after being accused of acting with his galley against the King’s subjects, his case becomes representative of both the crimes that could be charged to people accused of committing illegitimate attacks on the seas and the jurisdictional course that a case like his could take. The article examines which medieval courts (royal, ecclesiastical,
maritime and mercantile) could judge a person informally categorized as a
pirate, as well as intervene in different aspects derived from his actions, such as the reparation of damages or the return of property to the victims. It demonstrates how, in the absence of a specific crime of piracy in medieval times, maritime outrages were included in other types of crimes, such as treason or lèse-majesté. Moreover, through the accused’s contacts and the efforts of Barcelona’s municipal authorities to incriminate him, it shows the varied and conflicting interests of certain jurisdictional powers, acting for and against Ponç, under whose influence the justice system acted. This case becomes, at the same time, a reflection of the increasingly evident
differences between Barcelona’s municipal leaders and the monarch, and a demonstration of urban government intervention in the process of piracy criminalization.

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Research paper thumbnail of El rescate de cautivos musulmanes: nueva clave de las relaciones Mallorca-Magreb en la Baja Edad Media

Medievalismo, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Deudas y embargos. La otra cara de las compraventas de esclavos en la Mallorca de principios del siglo XV


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Research paper thumbnail of Enmity Among Friends at Sea during the Reign of Ferdinand I

War, Diplomacy and Peacemaking in Medieval Iberia, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of "Attès que lo dit loch de Santanyí és de gran reguart e perill" Santanyí i la mar a la baixa edat mitjana

IV Jornades d'Estudis Locals de Santanyí, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of La conflictivitat marítima en temps de Ferran d'Antequera (1412-1416)

Drassana, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Nova coordinació de les Jornades d’Estudis Locals de les Illes Balears


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Research paper thumbnail of Victòria A. BURGUERA i PUIGSERVER: “«Car més val contendre ab la quartana que ab flaquea» Conflictividad marítima en tiempos de carestía en la Corona de Aragón a principios del siglo XV”, Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, Vol. 6, Nº 11 (2017), pp. 43-61.

A lo largo de la Baja Edad Media, las ciudades de la Corona de Aragón obtuvieron de los soberanos... more A lo largo de la Baja Edad Media, las ciudades de la Corona de Aragón obtuvieron de los soberanos varios recursos para abastecerse de cereales y, en especial, de trigo. Uno de ellos fue la concesión real generalmente conocida como Vi vel gratia, la cual les permitía apoderarse de los cargamentos de vituallas ajenas en casos de necesidad ex-trema. Dicho privilegio, aplicado al transporte marítimo de cereales, supuso la autorización de prácticas anterior-mente consideradas como piráticas, ahora amparadas por disposiciones reales circunscritas a las épocas de carestía. Aun así, tales actividades fueron la base de conflictos, especialmente entre las ciudades marítimas de la Corona. Palabras clave: trigo, piratería, corso, abastecimiento municipal, conflictividad marítima.

Throughout the Late Middle Ages, the cities of the Crown of Aragon obtained by the sovereign several resources to stock up on cereals and especially wheat. One of these was the royal grant generally known as Vi vel gratia, that allowed them to seize shipments of foreign victuals in cases of extreme need. That privilege, applied to maritime transport of grain, involved the authorization of practices previously considered as piratical, now protected by provisions of the King applied only in times of famine. Even so, such activities were the basis of conflicts, especially between the maritime cities of the Crown. This article analyzes the use of this royal grant by the great coastal cities of the Crown of Aragon –notably Barcelona, Valencia and Mallorca– in order to ensure their own supply by sea, particularly during dearth. The strategy deployed to this effect is, in fact, a form of institutionalized violence, legally sustained thanks to the support of the Aragonese kings from the first third of the fourteenth century. As can be seen, the objective that legitimated this type of action carried out by the cities was, ultimately, the need to ensure the supply of consumer goods –and especially wheat– to the population. However, it is difficult to think that the adoption of this type of measures would respond exclusively to the solidarity of the agents of the local power. Rather, we are dealing with coercive formulas
used by urban elites to safeguard their interests in a context of conflict, such as the Mediterranean world, during the two last centuries of the Middle Ages. Likewise, the use of these strategies by the urban powers, supported by the officers of the king, became a cause of conflicts between the authorities of Barcelona, Valencia and Mallorca.

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Research paper thumbnail of Movilidad social en los reinos ibéricos y el Mediterráneo occidental durante la Baja Edad Media: nuevas perspectivas. En la España medieval, 47 (2024), 9-21

Movilidad social en los reinos ibéricos y el Mediterráneo occidental durante la Baja Edad Media: nuevas perspectivas, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of RUHM Vol. 6, Núm. 11 (2017) Guerra y competencia entre Estados en el Mediterráneo Medieval (siglos XIV-XV)

Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, 2016

El próximo año 2018 se cumplirán dos décadas desde la publicación de Guerre et concurrence entre ... more El próximo año 2018 se cumplirán dos décadas desde la publicación de Guerre et concurrence entre les États européens du xiv siècle au xviiie siècle, un trabajo colectivo coordinado por Philippe Contamine y editado por Presses Universitaires de France como parte de una gran colección dedicada a los orígenes del Estado moderno (siglos xiv-xviii). Durante todo este tiempo, la historiografía no ha dejado de profundizar en las cuestiones planteadas en aquella obra, de modo que actualmente la cantidad de publicaciones dedicadas a la organización de los ejércitos terrestres, la logística o la diplomacia –por citar tan sólo tres cuestiones clave– se ha multiplicado significativamente. El objetivo de este dossier consiste en reunir una serie de estudios originales dedicados a analizar el papel de la guerra en la evolución de los Estados feudales durante los dos últimos siglos de la Edad Media, a la luz, precisamente, del cuestionario planteado en aquella obra y de su desarrollo por parte de la historiografía más reciente. El contexto escogido para ello es el mundo mediterráneo, concretamente la Corona de Aragón y una selección representativa de los Estados surgidos en la Península Itálica, que incluye el reino de Nápoles, la república de Génova y los dominios de las Casas de Este (Ducado de Ferrara) y Visconti (Señorío de Milán).

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Research paper thumbnail of CfP EAUH Ostrava 4-7 September 2024 - Main session "Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries)"

M20 Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries), 2024

We are seeking paper proposals for the main session M20 "Maritime cities at the boundaries: gover... more We are seeking paper proposals for the main session M20 "Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries)" to be held at the European Association for Urban History conference (EAUH) 2024: 4-7 September 2024 in Ostrava (Czech Republic). Find all the details of the session in the attached file. All paper proposals should be submitted through the EAUH 2024 website by the 30th September 2023:

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Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPER (Deadline: 2 October 2020) - Seminars of Medieval Studies 2020-21, IMF-CSIC, Barcelona


The department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats (CSIC, Barcelona) is delighted to invite proposals for paper presentations at the Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals (Medieval Studies Seminars), which will take place on-line from October 2020 to June 2021.
The Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals are specifically targeted to those students in the last years of their doctoral studies and those who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis for examination, as well as to all those researchers who obtained their PhD degree in the previous 12 months. The purpose of this series of seminars (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions) is to give those students and doctors the opportunity to discuss and share their research with an audience of doctoral students, young researchers and experienced scholars.
We welcome proposals relating to various trends of research and a broad range of disciplines, but with a main focus on Medieval Mediterranean and the Spanish peninsula, from various perspectives (archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology).
Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words and a 1-page CV by 2nd October 2020 to the following address: Abstracts and presentations can be in the following languages: Catalan, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Successful applicants will be notified by 5th October 2020.
Note that the speakers of the Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals will receive a certificate attesting their participation to the seminars.

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Research paper thumbnail of Christian-Muslim Relations in the Aegean (and beyond) through Barcelona's Corsair Taxes

The Eastern Mediterranean: A Liquid Frontier, 1300-1700. Humbold Symposium. Heidelberg, 14-15 Juni 2024, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Different Approaches about Piracy, Predation and Conflicts at Sea in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon

Kolloquium: Neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Universität Halle (Saale), 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Las ciudades costeras de la Corona de Aragón ante la guerra y los conflictos marítimos: prevención, defensa y respuesta en el atardecer medieval

XX Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo. Guerra y ciudad en la Europa Atlántica medieval (y más allá): Consecuencias, resiliencia y memoria colectiva, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Diversified Management of Maritime Conflicts in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon: Sources and Contexts

Universität Heidelberg, Germany, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of La guerra sul mare

La storia marittima e navale: le fonti (XI-XV secc.) Workshop internazionale , 2023

La storia marittima e navale: le fonti (XI-XV secc.) Workshop internazionale 18-19 maggio 2023 Éc... more La storia marittima e navale: le fonti (XI-XV secc.) Workshop internazionale 18-19 maggio 2023 École française de Rome-Sapienza Università di Roma Navigare per esplorare, conoscere, commerciare, conquistare, difendere. È quanto l'uomo compie da sempre; tanto più in quel lungo millennio medievale solitamente descritto come popolato di castelli, abbazie e città turrite e, dunque, di cavalieri, contadini, crociati, monaci e grandi lignaggi familiari. Eppure, il "Medioevo" non era solo questo. La narrazione tradizionale ha, spesso, evitato di contemplarne l'anima marittima, limitata, sovente, al solo piano commerciale, imprescindibile per tratteggiarne i contorni ma necessariamente parziale. Quali erano i principali tipi nautici in uso? Cosa voleva dire prendere il mare? Quali, i segreti della costruzione navale, della navigazione, della guerra sul mare? Quale, la condizione degli equipaggi? Cosa prescriveva la legislazione statutaria? Si tratta di questioni aperte, da affrontare mediante una rinnovata presa di coscienza del patrimonio di fonti scritte marittime e navali a disposizione. È tale aspetto a costituire il focus del workshop internazionale, centrato, in particolar modo, sull'universo latino e sui secoli XI-XV. L'obiettivo è quello di fornire un quadro della struttura e della geografia delle fonti scritte utili per ricostruire il contesto della navigazione nel Mediterraneo, soffermandosi su presenze e assenze, limiti e potenzialità, al fine di favorire lo sviluppo di linee di ricerca espressamente volte all'indagine delle forme documentarie e delle pratiche di scrittura legate al mare.

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Research paper thumbnail of Piratas y corsarios en las costas catalanas (1432-1442) ¿Una amenaza real y un riesgo para las poblaciones costeras?

6th International Conference Medieval Europe in Motion, the Sea, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Piratería institucional, abuso de poder o mala praxis? La relación de los piratas con el poder a través de varios ejemplos de la Corona de Aragón bajomedieval

Itsasoko eta portuko delinkuentzia historian zehar Delincuencia marítima y portuaria a través de la Historia, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Interruption of Captivity: Development of Municipal Ransoming Institutions in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon

The Seventh Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean (SMM) “Interruptions and Disruptions in the Medieval Mediterranean, 400-1500”, 2022

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Training School: Late Medieval and Early Modern Migration Routes an Identity Spaces in the Mediterranean Tunis. 15th-17th June 2022, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of El naixement del cors i la gestió de la pirateria a la Mallorca baixmedieval


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Research paper thumbnail of Where voluntary and forced migrations intersect. Merchants and slaves between Christian and Islamic lands in 15th century Crown of Aragon

Identity Abroad in Central and Late Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Piracy among Christians: new perspectives of marine attacks in the Iberian Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of Piracy and Privateering - Pirats and Privateers: The Conception of the Collective From Different Discourses in the Late Medieval Western Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of Trip to Otherness: Release of Captives through Merchants on the Island of Mallorca in the 15 th  Century

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Research paper thumbnail of La lucha por el trigo en el Mediterráneo catalano-aragonés. La piratería como obstáculo de los intercambios y método de aprovisionamiento ciudadano a principios del siglo XV

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Research paper thumbnail of Fake  friends or undercover enemies? Piracy among the subjects of the Crown of  Aragon at the beginnings of the 15th century

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Research paper thumbnail of Pirateria, captiveri i sistemes de defensa de la costa a Mallorca en temps de Ferran d'Antequera

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Research paper thumbnail of Esclavos como bienes preciados en la Baja Edad Media: embargos y compraventas en la isla de Mallorca

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2020 - June 2021 - PROGRAMME of the XIX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milà i Fontanals  INSTITUCIÓ MILÀ I FONTANALS

by Alessandro Silvestri, Laura Miquel Milian, Alessandro Rizzo, Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver, Anahí Álvarez Aguado, María Eugenia Pérez Gordillo, Andrea Pergola, Marina Girona Berenguer, Cristina M García García, Irene Velasco Marta, and Carlos Crespo Amat

For obtaining the link to attend the seminars, please contact us at:

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Research paper thumbnail of XVIII Seminari d’Estudis Doctorals 2019-2020, Departament de Ciències Històriques de la Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC, Barcelona)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Spoils of War: Catalan Fighters in Eastern Mediterranean Waters in the First Half of the 15th Century. In: CONFLICT AND POLEMIC ON THE IBERIAN PENINSULA AND THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD, I: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN IBERIA AND THE WIDER MEDITERRANEAN WORLD (IMC Leeds, 2024)

The Spoils of War: Catalan Fighters in Eastern Mediterranean Waters in the First Half of the 15th Century. In: CONFLICT AND POLEMIC ON THE IBERIAN PENINSULA AND THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD, I: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN IBERIA AND THE WIDER MEDITERRANEAN WORLD (IMC Leeds, 2024), 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of (with María Viu Fandos) The attack of the Genoese Polus Ciconia on the Catalan merchant Joan de Torralba: economic losses and political gain (1429-1433). In Waging and suffering war in the Middle Ages, International Seminar, Bilbao 20-21 June 2024

(with María Viu Fandos) The attack of the Genoese Polus Ciconia on the Catalan merchant Joan de Torralba: economic losses and political gain (1429-1433). In Waging and suffering war in the Middle Ages, International Seminar, Bilbao 20-21 June 2024, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2022 - June 2023 - PROGRAMME of the XXI Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals

The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address: https://conec...[ more ](;)The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address:

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Paper 2022-23 - XXI Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)

Deadline: 20/09/2022

DESCRIPTION The Department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fonta... more DESCRIPTION
The Department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats (CSIC, Barcelona) is delighted to invite proposals for paper presentations at the “XXI Seminari d’Estudis Doctorals”, which will take place on-line from October 2022 to June 2023.
The Seminari d’Estudis Doctorals are specifically targeted to those students in the last years of their doctoral studies and those who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis for examination, as well as to all those researchers who obtained their PhD degree in the previous 12 months. The purpose of this series of seminars (20 minutes for presentation, followed by Q&A) is to give those students and doctors the opportunity to discuss and share their research with an audience of doctoral students, young researchers and experienced scholars.
We welcome proposals relating to various trends of research and a broad range of disciplines, but with a main focus on Medieval Mediterranean and the Iberian peninsula, from various perspectives (archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology).
Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words and a 1-page CV by 20th September 2022 to the following address: Abstracts and presentations can be in the following languages: Catalan, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Successful applicants will be notified at the beginning of October 2022.
Note that the speakers of the Seminari d’Estudis Medievals will receive a certificate attesting their participation to the seminars.

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Research paper thumbnail of 13 July 2022, Panel 6.3, "Movements and Interruptions in the Mediterranean World (1200-1500) II – People and War", Lecture Room 5, h. 9.30-11.00, SMM Conference 2022, University of Crete, Rethymnon

From the straits of Gibraltar to the Levantine Sea, the late-medieval Mediterranean world was cha... more From the straits of Gibraltar to the Levantine Sea, the late-medieval Mediterranean world was characterised by a continuous series of wars and invasions, in turn marked by sudden accelerations and unexpected interruptions. This complex and frequently changing political environment also affected the government of territories, with rulers seeking for new strategies and tools for strengthening their authority over their subjects and conducting their foreign policies against external powers. The papers of this session explore these and other questions by focusing on a set of specific examples in both the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean, and with a particular stress on single rulers or on groups of people who dealt with the problem of exercising rule. On the one hand, whether Paper A analyses how Brancaleone I Doria operated – also ideologically – to be recognised as a legitimate ruler in Sardinia, Paper B explores how and to what extent Marino Badoaro, the “Rettore” of the duchy of Crete, exploited poetry as a means to rule a foreign city. On the other hand, while paper C illustrates how Alfonso the Magnanimous continued the war for Naples along the 1420s thanks to a various group of people at his service, Paper D focuses on the chancery environment of the Mamluk Sultanate, as a crucial organ for defining the boundaries between Mamluk and Christian’s territories.

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Research paper thumbnail of 12 July 2022, Panel 5.2, "Movements and Interruptions in the Mediterranean World (1200-1500) I – People and Concepts", Lecture Room 1, h. 16.30-18.00, SMM Conference 2022, University of Crete, Rethymnon

Through focusing on the Western Mediterranean of the later Middle Ages, this panel discusses the ... more Through focusing on the Western Mediterranean of the later Middle Ages, this panel discusses the different factors of disruption that marked various societies and communities of the period. In particular, this session’s papers examine the circumstances that produced the change and interruption of a specific status, as well as how societies and communities adapted to new environments. In particular, the first paper focuses on the use of terms such as “segregation” and “marginalisation” in the context of the Western Mediterranean; the following two papers analyse the “double” interruption that marked the life of both Muslim and Christian captives, namely the beginning and the end of their captivity; finally, the last paper examines how Jewish converts practiced their citizenship and to what extent they adapted to their new status in late-medieval Barcelona.

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2021 - June 2022 - PROGRAMME of the XX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals

by Alessandro Silvestri, Laura Miquel Milian, Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver, Marco Conti, jessica ottelli, María José Cañizares Gómez, Robert Friedrich, Abel Lorenzo-Rodríguez, PhD Dr., Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch, Valerio Luca Floris, and Camille Larraz

The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address: https://conec...[ more ](;)The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address:

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Research paper thumbnail of CfP - XX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)

Deadline: 6-10-2021.

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