STEFANIA carioli | Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo" (original) (raw)

Papers by STEFANIA carioli

Research paper thumbnail of Nel labirinto dei link. Dai “vincoli” della linearità alla complessità della lettura online

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Research paper thumbnail of The «Florentine School» of the 1950S. The Journal «Scuola e Città» and Critical-Rational, Secular and Progressive Pedagogy, Inspired by John Dewey’s Thought. «Флорентийская Школа» 1950-Х Годов. Журнал «Школа И Город» И Критически-Рациональная, Светская И Прогрессивная Педагогика, Вдохновленная Ид...

XVIIa conferenza scientifica internazionale Mosca, 11 novembre 2021, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Influenze digitali sull’albo illustrato: metamorfosi artistiche e sfide di “iper-lettura”

Journal of Literary Education

The influence of electronic and digital codes on children's literature represents one of the ... more The influence of electronic and digital codes on children's literature represents one of the most interesting aspects of the artistic and literary productions of the last decades. Signs of the profound and irrevocable change that has taken place in children’s literature and in the ecosystem to be read of the electronic age are particular picturebooks, which reflect how even the printed book has drawn from the multilinear structures of the digital and from the expressive codes of the screens. In the context of this cultural mutation, the present contribution explores two illustrated books representative of the media technology mutation and integration, which, on the one hand, maintain the stability of reading on a traditional printed book, on the other, they contain the challenges of a "hyper-reading" experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Racconti e giornali illustrati per l’infanzia d’ispirazione marxista nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra. Tra esigenze pedagogiche e istanze politiche

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Research paper thumbnail of ThinkAlouds to Support Online Reading Comprehension

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Research paper thumbnail of Stop and think. Modeling online reading comprehension with think aloud

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Research paper thumbnail of Lettura online e nuove necessità formative. Le opportunità del Think Aloud / Teaching online reading with the Think Aloud metacognitive technique

This study investigates the opportunity to adopt the Think Aloud metacognitive technique to instr... more This study investigates the opportunity to adopt the Think Aloud metacognitive technique to instruct students to become strategic and skilled readers in the online environments. After presenting the historical and theoretical roots of the Think Aloud and the methodological characteristics of this technique, the study proposes an instructional tool that could support late primary and secondary school teachers in planning online reading lessons with the Think Aloud. Finally, the main strengths and weaknesses in the application of this technique to the online reading, and the prospects and future developments of the research in this area are analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thinking Aloud about Digital Pictures. How to Promote Reading Comprehension in Teacher Education

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Research paper thumbnail of Public History, memorie scolastiche e formazione. Esperienze in Toscana

Studi e saggi

The contribution includes the interventions at the round table of the schools which welcomed the ... more The contribution includes the interventions at the round table of the schools which welcomed the educational initiatives linked to the "School Memoirs" (Memorie di Scuola) project - the first specific Italian experience of Public History in the educational field - and which intertwined their itineraries for the formation of historical thought with that perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ragazzi e mass media sulle pagine del periodico di pedagogia, didattica e problemi professionali per la scuola elementare L'Educatore (1978-1987)

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Research paper thumbnail of Historical legacies and use of corporal punishments of children in families in Italy

The paper focuses on corporal punishment of children in the home in Italy, adopting a historical,... more The paper focuses on corporal punishment of children in the home in Italy, adopting a historical, legal, and comparative perspective. Despite international legislation protect- ing children by excluding any form of corporal punishment, in Italy, the law confirms right of parents to correction. With empirical evidence in mind, which suggests that country legislation is one element that affects indirectly parental behaviors, and that legislation an heritage of a country’s history, a historical-critical and comparative analysis becomes central, in order to effectively understand corporal punishment, which con- tinue to be perpetrated to harm of children.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Think Aloud Approach. A Promising Tool for Online Reading Comprehension

The journal of media literacy education, 2016

Despite its unquestionable interest from a theoretical and practical point of view, so far there ... more Despite its unquestionable interest from a theoretical and practical point of view, so far there has been little research on online reading and there is a lack of attention paid to this topic in most European educational institutions. In particular, primary and secondary school teachers are not adequately trained on how and when to intervene to support students’ proficiency in the online reading comprehension. After presenting a rationale demonstrating why students may struggle with online reading comprehension and the importance to adopt a self-regulated reading, this study proposes a Teacher’s Guide that could support late primary and secondary school teachers in planning online reading lessons with the ThinkAloud (TA) metacognitive technique.

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Research paper thumbnail of La lettura online come nuova dimensione della literacy On-line reading as the new dimension of literacy

The essence of reading is changing, and is complicated by the need to know how to read hypertexts... more The essence of reading is changing, and is complicated by the need to know how to read hypertexts online. Such texts require a different way of process ing the content, which has gained importance with the boom of information on the Internet and with its recognition as an important medium of commu nication, entertainment, and information. However, if the immense availabil ity information has, as its possible consequence, raised so much the need to read, it harbours within it the potential of turning people away from a fo cused reading. The reason for this is that the understanding of the online content is the outcome of investment in research, evaluation, construction and reconstruction of the text, as well as a range of other skills that cannot be taken for granted in the actual reader, who is therefore led astray by her lack of knowledge. Indeed, the teaching of these new skills generates serious doubts in terms of opportunities and modes of action, thus forcing to start again a r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching online reading strategies using the Think Aloud technique. Evidence from an experimental study

Journal on Educational Technology, 2019

The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional te... more The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional technique in providing young readers with effective strategies to enhance the comprehension of online texts. Eighty-nine participants from 10 to 14 years of age were sorted into two groups based on the type of training they had received: the experimental group (n = 47) had been taught with the TA strategies, while the control group (n = 42) had not received any specific training. Both the experimental and control groups were examined twice, before and after the period of training. Pupils had to find the correct answer to a specific question (Access) and to critically analyze online texts, expressing different opinions on a topic (Analysis). The findings indicate a positive effect of the TA technique, mainly in the transferal of strategies aimed at a more correct evaluation of the websites’ reliability. Indeed, while for the control group only a marginal, if any, improvement was recorded fr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Insegnare Nei Nuovi Scenari Mediatici. Una Scommessa Pedagogica

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Research paper thumbnail of Metamorfica Alice. L’originale di Lewis Carroll dalla stampa al digitale

In the book apps considered in this essay, Alice in Wonderland has been animated and made interac... more In the book apps considered in this essay, Alice in Wonderland has been animated and made interactive to offer an audience of young readers a literary masterpiece. I wonder if reading digital texts like this, that maintain the stylistic value of the original texts and that offer a playful insight into narrativity, can help young readers build a positive relationship with the literary classics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Europe and Digital History education. Training paths to develop critical skills

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Research paper thumbnail of Dalla lettura del testo stampato alla digital reading: una nuova sfida per l'educazione primaria

Interest in digital reading has recently increased following release of the report entitled “PISA... more Interest in digital reading has recently increased following release of the report entitled “PISA 2009 Results: Students On Line”. What do we mean by digital reading? How is reading digital media distinct from reading text on paper? What are the implications as far as teaching is concerned? In this paper we start by addressing these questions and then present a project based on the theoretical and operational insights that can be derived from the current state of research. The aim of this project, which is still in the experimental phase, is to foster and assess the development of digital reading skills among pupils attending primary school, a period of time considered critical for developing literacy skills.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multimedia and Multimodal Approach for Internal Differentiation in Heterogeneous Learning Groups

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Research paper thumbnail of Narrazioni digitali nella letteratura per l'infanzia

È possibile, pur nella rapidità dell'evoluzione delle forme narrative, definire le caratt... more È possibile, pur nella rapidità dell'evoluzione delle forme narrative, definire le caratteristiche delle tipologie testuali digitali rivolte ai lettori più giovani? In che modo i testi multimodali che combinano parole, immagini in movimento, musica, voce narrante influenzano la lettura? In quali casi l'apparato ludico dei libri animati e interattivi risulta di sostegno alla comprensione? È ipotizzabile che book apps in cui sia mantenuto il pregio letterario e stilistico dei classici originali contribuiscano ad avvicinare alla letteratura? In questo volume viene proposta una disamina dei molteplici prolungamenti della letteratura per l'infanzia nel mondo digitale con una riflessione sugli inscindibili legami con la pedagogia della lettura. A un esame dei testi basato su un approccio prevalentemente semiotico e intersemiotico è affiancata una ricostruzione degli esiti delle ricerche che hanno indagato opportunità e limiti degli ebook (statici, animati e/o interattivi) nell'imparare a leggere con piacere. L'analisi, rivolta a docenti, ricercatori, studenti, confronta una ricca varietà di fonti e si avvale di un apparato critico incentrato sui più importanti studi internazionali in questo ambito.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nel labirinto dei link. Dai “vincoli” della linearità alla complessità della lettura online

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Research paper thumbnail of The «Florentine School» of the 1950S. The Journal «Scuola e Città» and Critical-Rational, Secular and Progressive Pedagogy, Inspired by John Dewey’s Thought. «Флорентийская Школа» 1950-Х Годов. Журнал «Школа И Город» И Критически-Рациональная, Светская И Прогрессивная Педагогика, Вдохновленная Ид...

XVIIa conferenza scientifica internazionale Mosca, 11 novembre 2021, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Influenze digitali sull’albo illustrato: metamorfosi artistiche e sfide di “iper-lettura”

Journal of Literary Education

The influence of electronic and digital codes on children's literature represents one of the ... more The influence of electronic and digital codes on children's literature represents one of the most interesting aspects of the artistic and literary productions of the last decades. Signs of the profound and irrevocable change that has taken place in children’s literature and in the ecosystem to be read of the electronic age are particular picturebooks, which reflect how even the printed book has drawn from the multilinear structures of the digital and from the expressive codes of the screens. In the context of this cultural mutation, the present contribution explores two illustrated books representative of the media technology mutation and integration, which, on the one hand, maintain the stability of reading on a traditional printed book, on the other, they contain the challenges of a "hyper-reading" experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Racconti e giornali illustrati per l’infanzia d’ispirazione marxista nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra. Tra esigenze pedagogiche e istanze politiche

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Research paper thumbnail of ThinkAlouds to Support Online Reading Comprehension

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Research paper thumbnail of Stop and think. Modeling online reading comprehension with think aloud

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Research paper thumbnail of Lettura online e nuove necessità formative. Le opportunità del Think Aloud / Teaching online reading with the Think Aloud metacognitive technique

This study investigates the opportunity to adopt the Think Aloud metacognitive technique to instr... more This study investigates the opportunity to adopt the Think Aloud metacognitive technique to instruct students to become strategic and skilled readers in the online environments. After presenting the historical and theoretical roots of the Think Aloud and the methodological characteristics of this technique, the study proposes an instructional tool that could support late primary and secondary school teachers in planning online reading lessons with the Think Aloud. Finally, the main strengths and weaknesses in the application of this technique to the online reading, and the prospects and future developments of the research in this area are analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thinking Aloud about Digital Pictures. How to Promote Reading Comprehension in Teacher Education

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Research paper thumbnail of Public History, memorie scolastiche e formazione. Esperienze in Toscana

Studi e saggi

The contribution includes the interventions at the round table of the schools which welcomed the ... more The contribution includes the interventions at the round table of the schools which welcomed the educational initiatives linked to the "School Memoirs" (Memorie di Scuola) project - the first specific Italian experience of Public History in the educational field - and which intertwined their itineraries for the formation of historical thought with that perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ragazzi e mass media sulle pagine del periodico di pedagogia, didattica e problemi professionali per la scuola elementare L'Educatore (1978-1987)

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Research paper thumbnail of Historical legacies and use of corporal punishments of children in families in Italy

The paper focuses on corporal punishment of children in the home in Italy, adopting a historical,... more The paper focuses on corporal punishment of children in the home in Italy, adopting a historical, legal, and comparative perspective. Despite international legislation protect- ing children by excluding any form of corporal punishment, in Italy, the law confirms right of parents to correction. With empirical evidence in mind, which suggests that country legislation is one element that affects indirectly parental behaviors, and that legislation an heritage of a country’s history, a historical-critical and comparative analysis becomes central, in order to effectively understand corporal punishment, which con- tinue to be perpetrated to harm of children.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Think Aloud Approach. A Promising Tool for Online Reading Comprehension

The journal of media literacy education, 2016

Despite its unquestionable interest from a theoretical and practical point of view, so far there ... more Despite its unquestionable interest from a theoretical and practical point of view, so far there has been little research on online reading and there is a lack of attention paid to this topic in most European educational institutions. In particular, primary and secondary school teachers are not adequately trained on how and when to intervene to support students’ proficiency in the online reading comprehension. After presenting a rationale demonstrating why students may struggle with online reading comprehension and the importance to adopt a self-regulated reading, this study proposes a Teacher’s Guide that could support late primary and secondary school teachers in planning online reading lessons with the ThinkAloud (TA) metacognitive technique.

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Research paper thumbnail of La lettura online come nuova dimensione della literacy On-line reading as the new dimension of literacy

The essence of reading is changing, and is complicated by the need to know how to read hypertexts... more The essence of reading is changing, and is complicated by the need to know how to read hypertexts online. Such texts require a different way of process ing the content, which has gained importance with the boom of information on the Internet and with its recognition as an important medium of commu nication, entertainment, and information. However, if the immense availabil ity information has, as its possible consequence, raised so much the need to read, it harbours within it the potential of turning people away from a fo cused reading. The reason for this is that the understanding of the online content is the outcome of investment in research, evaluation, construction and reconstruction of the text, as well as a range of other skills that cannot be taken for granted in the actual reader, who is therefore led astray by her lack of knowledge. Indeed, the teaching of these new skills generates serious doubts in terms of opportunities and modes of action, thus forcing to start again a r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching online reading strategies using the Think Aloud technique. Evidence from an experimental study

Journal on Educational Technology, 2019

The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional te... more The present study aimed to investigate the value of the teacher Think Aloud (TA) instructional technique in providing young readers with effective strategies to enhance the comprehension of online texts. Eighty-nine participants from 10 to 14 years of age were sorted into two groups based on the type of training they had received: the experimental group (n = 47) had been taught with the TA strategies, while the control group (n = 42) had not received any specific training. Both the experimental and control groups were examined twice, before and after the period of training. Pupils had to find the correct answer to a specific question (Access) and to critically analyze online texts, expressing different opinions on a topic (Analysis). The findings indicate a positive effect of the TA technique, mainly in the transferal of strategies aimed at a more correct evaluation of the websites’ reliability. Indeed, while for the control group only a marginal, if any, improvement was recorded fr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Insegnare Nei Nuovi Scenari Mediatici. Una Scommessa Pedagogica

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Research paper thumbnail of Metamorfica Alice. L’originale di Lewis Carroll dalla stampa al digitale

In the book apps considered in this essay, Alice in Wonderland has been animated and made interac... more In the book apps considered in this essay, Alice in Wonderland has been animated and made interactive to offer an audience of young readers a literary masterpiece. I wonder if reading digital texts like this, that maintain the stylistic value of the original texts and that offer a playful insight into narrativity, can help young readers build a positive relationship with the literary classics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Europe and Digital History education. Training paths to develop critical skills

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Research paper thumbnail of Dalla lettura del testo stampato alla digital reading: una nuova sfida per l'educazione primaria

Interest in digital reading has recently increased following release of the report entitled “PISA... more Interest in digital reading has recently increased following release of the report entitled “PISA 2009 Results: Students On Line”. What do we mean by digital reading? How is reading digital media distinct from reading text on paper? What are the implications as far as teaching is concerned? In this paper we start by addressing these questions and then present a project based on the theoretical and operational insights that can be derived from the current state of research. The aim of this project, which is still in the experimental phase, is to foster and assess the development of digital reading skills among pupils attending primary school, a period of time considered critical for developing literacy skills.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multimedia and Multimodal Approach for Internal Differentiation in Heterogeneous Learning Groups

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Research paper thumbnail of Narrazioni digitali nella letteratura per l'infanzia

È possibile, pur nella rapidità dell'evoluzione delle forme narrative, definire le caratt... more È possibile, pur nella rapidità dell'evoluzione delle forme narrative, definire le caratteristiche delle tipologie testuali digitali rivolte ai lettori più giovani? In che modo i testi multimodali che combinano parole, immagini in movimento, musica, voce narrante influenzano la lettura? In quali casi l'apparato ludico dei libri animati e interattivi risulta di sostegno alla comprensione? È ipotizzabile che book apps in cui sia mantenuto il pregio letterario e stilistico dei classici originali contribuiscano ad avvicinare alla letteratura? In questo volume viene proposta una disamina dei molteplici prolungamenti della letteratura per l'infanzia nel mondo digitale con una riflessione sugli inscindibili legami con la pedagogia della lettura. A un esame dei testi basato su un approccio prevalentemente semiotico e intersemiotico è affiancata una ricostruzione degli esiti delle ricerche che hanno indagato opportunità e limiti degli ebook (statici, animati e/o interattivi) nell'imparare a leggere con piacere. L'analisi, rivolta a docenti, ricercatori, studenti, confronta una ricca varietà di fonti e si avvale di un apparato critico incentrato sui più importanti studi internazionali in questo ambito.

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