toni Morant i Ariño | Universitat de València (original) (raw)

Papers by toni Morant i Ariño

Research paper thumbnail of Há algo mais transnacional do que a própria idéia de nação?". Entrevista com Ismael Saz (Universitat de València)

Locus: Revista de História

Entrevista con Ismael Saz (Universitat de València)

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Research paper thumbnail of Fascismos, 100 anos depois

Locus: Revista de História


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Research paper thumbnail of „Die großen Tage kommen" - Zum utopischen Staats- und Frauenbild der spanischen Faschistinnen

Zukunftsvisionen zwischen Apokalypse und Utopie, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Frauenabteilung der spanischen Falange und die europäischen Faschismen, 1933-1945

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Research paper thumbnail of Politisch auf Reise: Die Frauen des spanischen Faschismus und ihre grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit 1936–1945

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships in the Twentieth Century

Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-centu... more Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-century dictatorships and regimes Focuses on key Western European case studies, including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany, as well as briefer overviews of political cultures in Eastern Europe and Latin America Takes a global approach to understanding how these cultures and specific political movements evolved during the interwar period

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Till Kössler: Kinder der Demokratie. Religiöse Erziehung und urbane Moderne in Spanien, 1890–1936 (rezensiert von Toni Morant i Ariño)

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Research paper thumbnail of Politisch auf Reise

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Research paper thumbnail of Straßennamen als Politikum: Der Fall Spaniens nach der Franco-Diktatur

Geschichtspolitik im öffentlichen Raum, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Laura Branciforte: Donne in onda nel ventennio fascista tra modernità e tradizione (1924-1939), Soveria Manelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 246 págs

Historia Y Politica, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Para influir en la vida del estado futuro": discurso-y práctica- falangista sobre el papel de la mujer y la feminidad, 1933-1945

El analisis de la construccion del genero debe tener en cuenta su historicidad. Partiendo de esta... more El analisis de la construccion del genero debe tener en cuenta su historicidad. Partiendo de esta premisa teorica, el presente texto analiza los discursos de feminidad de Falange, a lo largo de sus doce primeros anos y en tres periodos historicos diferentes: Republica, guerra civil y dictadura franquista. Para ello, se presta una atencion central a los efectos vividos del lenguaje politico del partido fascista espanol en las integrantes de la Seccion Femenina y en su actuacion practica, lo cual plantea serias dudas a un modelo explicativo centrado en la sumision. No en vano, las falangistas intentarian reinterpretar y renegociar el discurso falangista de feminidad, adaptandolo, no solo a un contexto politico en constante transformacion, sino tambien a las criticas lanzadas —no en ultimo lugar por el flanco de la religion— por determinados sectores conservadores de la Espana franquista. Y todo ello con la ideologia de Falange como telon de fondo que, pese a las coincidencias tambien ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships in the Twentieth Century

Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-centu... more Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-century dictatorships and regimes Focuses on key Western European case studies, including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany, as well as briefer overviews of political cultures in Eastern Europe and Latin America Takes a global approach to understanding how these cultures and specific political movements evolved during the interwar period

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Research paper thumbnail of Compañeras de allende las fronteras. Estereotipos de género y nación entre las mandos fascistas de España y Alemania


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Research paper thumbnail of Uma primeira aproximação comparada ao fascismo feminino no Brasil e na Espanha, 1932-1937

Locus - Revista de História

O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fas... more O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fascismos brasileiro e espanhol e ampliá-lo, ainda, por meio dos estudos de gênero. Configurase como a primeira análise comparativa entre as integralistas e as falangistas, e também entre as fascistas brasileiras e as de qualquer país da Europa do período entreguerras. Não é em vão que apenas um olhar comparado permite estabelecer semelhanças e diferenças, padrões transnacionais e especificidades nacionais neste universo fascista

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Research paper thumbnail of Spanish Fascist Women’s Transnational Relations during the Second World War: Between Ideology and Realpolitik

Journal of Contemporary History

Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi... more Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War. From the very beginning, fascist women took a preeminent place in these contacts and exchanges in order to see with their own eyes how both fascist models were at a practical level. These relationships between fascist women’s organizations were born out of deep ideological affinity and were especially fluid, firstly on a bilateral level and after 1940 on the ‘New Order’ Europe-wide multilateral, transnational collaboration. However, they lacked neither of political calculation nor could abstract from the wider frame of international politics in such an eminently war period. As this article will show, Falangist women used these fluid but less studied relationships to consolidate their own political position at home and explore other ways of political participation in a Nazi-Fascist New Europe, while at the s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Straßennamen als Politikum: Der Fall Spaniens nach der Franco-Diktatur


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Research paper thumbnail of Uma primeira aproximação comparada ao fascismo feminino no Brasil e na Espanha, 1932-1937

Locus - Revista de História

O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fas... more O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fascismos brasileiro e espanhol e ampliá-lo, ainda, por meio dos estudos de gênero. Configurase como a primeira análise comparativa entre as integralistas e as falangistas, e também entre as fascistas brasileiras e as de qualquer país da Europa do período entreguerras. Não é em vão que apenas um olhar comparado permite estabelecer semelhanças e diferenças, padrões transnacionais e especificidades nacionais neste universo fascista

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[Research paper thumbnail of MORANT (2019). Uma primeira aproximação comparada ao fascismo feminino no Brasil e na Espanha, 1932-1937 ["A first comparative approach to feminine fascism in Brazil and Spain, 1932-1937"]](

Locus. Revista de História, 2019

This paper is intended to be a contribution to the emerging field of comparative studies on Brazi... more This paper is intended to be a contribution to the emerging field of comparative studies on Brazilian and Spanish fascisms by, at the same time, expanding it through gender studies. It also involves the first comparative analysis between Integralist women and Falangist women, and even among the Brazilian fascist women and those of any country during the interwar period in Europe. After all, only a comparative approach allows us to establish similarities and differences, transnational patterns and national specificities in this fascist universe.

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Research paper thumbnail of MORANT (2019). Spanish Fascist Women’s Transnational Relations during the Second World War: Between Ideology and Realpolitik

Journal of Contemporary History, 2019

Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi... more Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War. From the very beginning, fascist women took a preeminent place in these contacts and exchanges in order to see with their own eyes how both fascist models were at a practical level. These relationships between fascist women’s organizations were born out of deep ideological affinity and were especially fluid, firstly on a bilateral level and after 1940 on the ‘New Order’ Europe-wide multilateral, transnational collaboration. However, they lacked neither of political calculation nor could abstract from the wider frame of international politics in such an eminently war period.

As this article will show, Falangist women used these fluid but less studied relationships to consolidate their own political position at home and explore other ways of political participation in a Nazi-Fascist New Europe, while at the same time trying to secure there a pre-eminent place for non-belligerent Spain. In the end, concerns about the own survival of the Franco dictatorship as the fate of war clearly changed in 1943, let ideological affinity succumb to the diplomatic conveniences they had once meant to overcome.

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[Research paper thumbnail of MORANT (2019). Straßennamen als Politikum. Der Fall Spaniens nach der Franco-Diktatur ["Street names as political issue. The Case of Spain after the Franco Dictatorship"]](

Zeitgeschichte, 2019

Street names are no neutral, let alone ‘natural’ designations for any given location. They are th... more Street names are no neutral, let alone ‘natural’ designations for any given location. They are the superposition of different eras, social orders and ideologies. Since the late 1990s, in Spain, a new generation looks with criticism at the time of the Franco dictatorship and at the ensuing restoration of democracy during the Transición. It opened an intense public conversation about the so-called memoria histórica, in another example for the ‘memory wars’ so typical in the last decades for many countries around the world.
This article tackles the development of the politics of history since the Transición, which is also behind the renaming of streets related to symbols and personalities of Franco dictatorship after 1977. In doing so, special attention is paid to the cases of Catalonia and the Basque Country, as well as to cities such as Madrid and València.

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Research paper thumbnail of Há algo mais transnacional do que a própria idéia de nação?". Entrevista com Ismael Saz (Universitat de València)

Locus: Revista de História

Entrevista con Ismael Saz (Universitat de València)

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Research paper thumbnail of Fascismos, 100 anos depois

Locus: Revista de História


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Research paper thumbnail of „Die großen Tage kommen" - Zum utopischen Staats- und Frauenbild der spanischen Faschistinnen

Zukunftsvisionen zwischen Apokalypse und Utopie, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Frauenabteilung der spanischen Falange und die europäischen Faschismen, 1933-1945

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Research paper thumbnail of Politisch auf Reise: Die Frauen des spanischen Faschismus und ihre grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit 1936–1945

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships in the Twentieth Century

Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-centu... more Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-century dictatorships and regimes Focuses on key Western European case studies, including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany, as well as briefer overviews of political cultures in Eastern Europe and Latin America Takes a global approach to understanding how these cultures and specific political movements evolved during the interwar period

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Till Kössler: Kinder der Demokratie. Religiöse Erziehung und urbane Moderne in Spanien, 1890–1936 (rezensiert von Toni Morant i Ariño)

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Research paper thumbnail of Politisch auf Reise

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Research paper thumbnail of Straßennamen als Politikum: Der Fall Spaniens nach der Franco-Diktatur

Geschichtspolitik im öffentlichen Raum, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Laura Branciforte: Donne in onda nel ventennio fascista tra modernità e tradizione (1924-1939), Soveria Manelli, Rubbettino, 2018, 246 págs

Historia Y Politica, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Para influir en la vida del estado futuro": discurso-y práctica- falangista sobre el papel de la mujer y la feminidad, 1933-1945

El analisis de la construccion del genero debe tener en cuenta su historicidad. Partiendo de esta... more El analisis de la construccion del genero debe tener en cuenta su historicidad. Partiendo de esta premisa teorica, el presente texto analiza los discursos de feminidad de Falange, a lo largo de sus doce primeros anos y en tres periodos historicos diferentes: Republica, guerra civil y dictadura franquista. Para ello, se presta una atencion central a los efectos vividos del lenguaje politico del partido fascista espanol en las integrantes de la Seccion Femenina y en su actuacion practica, lo cual plantea serias dudas a un modelo explicativo centrado en la sumision. No en vano, las falangistas intentarian reinterpretar y renegociar el discurso falangista de feminidad, adaptandolo, no solo a un contexto politico en constante transformacion, sino tambien a las criticas lanzadas —no en ultimo lugar por el flanco de la religion— por determinados sectores conservadores de la Espana franquista. Y todo ello con la ideologia de Falange como telon de fondo que, pese a las coincidencias tambien ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships in the Twentieth Century

Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-centu... more Explores the coexistence of fascism and reactionary nationalism within a range of twentieth-century dictatorships and regimes Focuses on key Western European case studies, including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany, as well as briefer overviews of political cultures in Eastern Europe and Latin America Takes a global approach to understanding how these cultures and specific political movements evolved during the interwar period

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Research paper thumbnail of Compañeras de allende las fronteras. Estereotipos de género y nación entre las mandos fascistas de España y Alemania


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Research paper thumbnail of Uma primeira aproximação comparada ao fascismo feminino no Brasil e na Espanha, 1932-1937

Locus - Revista de História

O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fas... more O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fascismos brasileiro e espanhol e ampliá-lo, ainda, por meio dos estudos de gênero. Configurase como a primeira análise comparativa entre as integralistas e as falangistas, e também entre as fascistas brasileiras e as de qualquer país da Europa do período entreguerras. Não é em vão que apenas um olhar comparado permite estabelecer semelhanças e diferenças, padrões transnacionais e especificidades nacionais neste universo fascista

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Research paper thumbnail of Spanish Fascist Women’s Transnational Relations during the Second World War: Between Ideology and Realpolitik

Journal of Contemporary History

Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi... more Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War. From the very beginning, fascist women took a preeminent place in these contacts and exchanges in order to see with their own eyes how both fascist models were at a practical level. These relationships between fascist women’s organizations were born out of deep ideological affinity and were especially fluid, firstly on a bilateral level and after 1940 on the ‘New Order’ Europe-wide multilateral, transnational collaboration. However, they lacked neither of political calculation nor could abstract from the wider frame of international politics in such an eminently war period. As this article will show, Falangist women used these fluid but less studied relationships to consolidate their own political position at home and explore other ways of political participation in a Nazi-Fascist New Europe, while at the s...

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Research paper thumbnail of Straßennamen als Politikum: Der Fall Spaniens nach der Franco-Diktatur


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Research paper thumbnail of Uma primeira aproximação comparada ao fascismo feminino no Brasil e na Espanha, 1932-1937

Locus - Revista de História

O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fas... more O presente texto busca ser uma colaboração ao incipiente campo de estudos comparados sobre os fascismos brasileiro e espanhol e ampliá-lo, ainda, por meio dos estudos de gênero. Configurase como a primeira análise comparativa entre as integralistas e as falangistas, e também entre as fascistas brasileiras e as de qualquer país da Europa do período entreguerras. Não é em vão que apenas um olhar comparado permite estabelecer semelhanças e diferenças, padrões transnacionais e especificidades nacionais neste universo fascista

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[Research paper thumbnail of MORANT (2019). Uma primeira aproximação comparada ao fascismo feminino no Brasil e na Espanha, 1932-1937 ["A first comparative approach to feminine fascism in Brazil and Spain, 1932-1937"]](

Locus. Revista de História, 2019

This paper is intended to be a contribution to the emerging field of comparative studies on Brazi... more This paper is intended to be a contribution to the emerging field of comparative studies on Brazilian and Spanish fascisms by, at the same time, expanding it through gender studies. It also involves the first comparative analysis between Integralist women and Falangist women, and even among the Brazilian fascist women and those of any country during the interwar period in Europe. After all, only a comparative approach allows us to establish similarities and differences, transnational patterns and national specificities in this fascist universe.

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Research paper thumbnail of MORANT (2019). Spanish Fascist Women’s Transnational Relations during the Second World War: Between Ideology and Realpolitik

Journal of Contemporary History, 2019

Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi... more Spanish fascist women played a very active role in the Falange’s cross-border relations with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War. From the very beginning, fascist women took a preeminent place in these contacts and exchanges in order to see with their own eyes how both fascist models were at a practical level. These relationships between fascist women’s organizations were born out of deep ideological affinity and were especially fluid, firstly on a bilateral level and after 1940 on the ‘New Order’ Europe-wide multilateral, transnational collaboration. However, they lacked neither of political calculation nor could abstract from the wider frame of international politics in such an eminently war period.

As this article will show, Falangist women used these fluid but less studied relationships to consolidate their own political position at home and explore other ways of political participation in a Nazi-Fascist New Europe, while at the same time trying to secure there a pre-eminent place for non-belligerent Spain. In the end, concerns about the own survival of the Franco dictatorship as the fate of war clearly changed in 1943, let ideological affinity succumb to the diplomatic conveniences they had once meant to overcome.

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[Research paper thumbnail of MORANT (2019). Straßennamen als Politikum. Der Fall Spaniens nach der Franco-Diktatur ["Street names as political issue. The Case of Spain after the Franco Dictatorship"]](

Zeitgeschichte, 2019

Street names are no neutral, let alone ‘natural’ designations for any given location. They are th... more Street names are no neutral, let alone ‘natural’ designations for any given location. They are the superposition of different eras, social orders and ideologies. Since the late 1990s, in Spain, a new generation looks with criticism at the time of the Franco dictatorship and at the ensuing restoration of democracy during the Transición. It opened an intense public conversation about the so-called memoria histórica, in another example for the ‘memory wars’ so typical in the last decades for many countries around the world.
This article tackles the development of the politics of history since the Transición, which is also behind the renaming of streets related to symbols and personalities of Franco dictatorship after 1977. In doing so, special attention is paid to the cases of Catalonia and the Basque Country, as well as to cities such as Madrid and València.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships in the Twentieth Century. Against Democracy

edited by Ismael Saz, Zira Box, Toni Morant & Julián Sanz (Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 2019

This book provides a comparative study of fascisms and reactionary nationalisms. It presents thes... more This book provides a comparative study of fascisms and reactionary nationalisms. It presents these as transnational political cultures and examines the dictatorships and regimes in which these cultures played significant roles. The book is organised into three main sections, focusing on nationalists, fascists and dictatorships in turn. The chapters range across French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German experiences, and include a broader overview of the political cultures in Central and Eastern Europe as well as Latin America. The chapters consider the identities, organizations and evolution of the various cultures and specific political movements, alongside the intersections between these movements and how they adapted to changing contexts. By doing so, the book offers a global view of fascisms and reactionary nationalisms, and promotes debate around these political cultures.

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Research paper thumbnail of FERRER, MORANT, NAVARRO, eds. (2016). Tot està per fer. València capital de la República 1936-1937

Tot està per fer. València capital de la República 1936-1937, 2016

Al començament de novembre del 1936, quasi tres mesos després del colp d’estat contra el Govern d... more Al començament de novembre del 1936, quasi tres mesos després del colp d’estat contra el Govern democràtic de la Segona República, l’exèrcit franquista es troba a les portes de Madrid. Davant del que es percep com a imminent caiguda de la capital d’Espanya, l’executiu, liderat pel socialista Francisco Largo Caballero, decideix traslladar-se a València. La nit del 6 al 7 de novembre comencen a arribar-hi els membres del Govern, així com tot l’edifici humà de la maquinària estatal.
L’endemà València es desperta convertida, de facto, en capital de la República i se celebra ja el primer consell de ministres al Palau de Benicarló. L’estada del Govern legítim es va prolongar fins a les acaballes d’octubre del 1937, quan va decidir tornar a canviar d’emplaçament, ara cap a Barcelona. El pas per València de la capitalitat de la República va marcar decisivament la vida de la ciutat al llarg de tot aquell any.

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Research paper thumbnail of Program ComFas Convention CEU Budapest April 27-29.pdf

by Lovro Kralj, Roger Griffin Emeritus Professor in Modern History, Goran Miljan, Tomislav Dulic, Miguel Alonso, David Alegre, Javier Rodrigo, Jakub Drábik, Hrubon Anton, Craig Fowlie, Adrien Nonjon, Marco Bresciani, Gabriela Lima, Gabriela de Lima Grecco, Martin Kristoffer Hamre, Blasco Sciarrino, toni Morant i Ariño, Oula Silvennoinen, and Kari Kallioniemi

Program of ComFas Convention. "Comparative Fascist Studies and the transnational Turn" held at th... more Program of ComFas Convention. "Comparative Fascist Studies and the transnational Turn" held at the Central European University, 27-29 April 2018.

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