Hanna Paulouskaya | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)
Papers by Hanna Paulouskaya
Chasing Mythical Beasts: The Reception of Ancient Monsters in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture, Katarzyna Marciniak (Ed.), 2020
Człowiek jako znak. Tom jubileuszowy dla uczczenia 70-lecia prof. dr. hab. Zbigniewa Klocha, 2021
Heroes of their time. Transformations of ancient heroes in Soviet animations of the 1970s and 19... more Heroes of their time. Transformations of ancient heroes in Soviet animations of the 1970s and 1980s
In contrast to the great Hollywood productions, ancient mythology entered Soviet screens in the form of animated cartoons for children. Ideological by nature, USSR culture adopted and changed for its needs also ancient myths and their heroes. This article analyses what changes took place and what meaning ancient heroes acquired in Soviet productions of the 1970s and 1980s. The subject of the analysis is the series of animations “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece” (1969–1974) directed by Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia and the film “Narodziny Heraklesa” (1982) directed by Yulian Kalisher.
OUR MYTHICAL HOPE: The Ancient Myths as Medicine for the Hardships of Life in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture, Edited by Katarzyna Marciniak, 2021
Our Mythical Hope. The Ancient Myths as Medicine for the Hardships of Life in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture
Our Mythical Education. The Reception of Classical Myth Worldwide in Formal Education, 1900-2020, 2021
Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura, 2019
The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the ... more The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the Children’s Picture Book: From Soviet Lithuania to India (2017). It describes the content of the monograph in the context of studies on picture books, especially those of Russia, Lithuania, and the Soviet Union, on the history of childhood and Russian literature. The main merit of the volume, in the opinion of the reviewer, is the choice of Indian and Lithuanian book art for comparison, which is made from the perspectives of the history of literature, art, societies, and understanding of childhood.
Rocznik Lituanistyczny, 2016
The search is based on eight chronicles written down in five Grodno (Hrodna) monasteries in the s... more The search is based on eight chronicles written down in five Grodno (Hrodna) monasteries in the second half of the seventeenth and in the eighteenth century. The content of the chronicles and the ways of its presentation allow the author to analyse the texts and find out topics and points missed. These omissions indicate chronicles as a literary genre, tell us about the goals of writing them down and about the specifics of the authors, give special value to any information included in the chronicles as an exception.
Our Mythical Childhood... The Classics and Literature for Children and Young Adults, 2016
Clotho, 2020
The paper analyzes a handful of works for children and youth that are based on mythology and deal... more The paper analyzes a handful of works for children and youth that are based on mythology and deal with depression, a topic that is becoming more frequent in contemporary children’s and young adults’ culture, mainly because of the need to break the mental health taboo. These are the newest edition of Laura Orvieto’s Storie di bambini molto antichi (2014, first published in 1937), Rachel Smythe’s digital comics Lore Olympus (2018–2020), Patricia Satjawatcharaphong’s short animation Reflection (2010), and the webcomic series Therapy created by Anastasia Gorshkova (2019–2020). They provide examples from literary and audio-visual culture for very young readers and more adult teenagers and youth, raising the issue of deep sadness utilizing storytelling and not in a didactic way. Some of the protagonists struggling with the problem are far from lively characters in conventional interpretations of the myths (including Hades, Hydra, or Medusa), so the texts play upon stereotypes entrenched i...
Античное наследие в последующие эпохи: рецепция или трансформация? Российско-германский международный научно-образовательный симпозиум (Казань, 18-20 октября 2018 г.) / сост. и отв. ред.: Э. В. Рунг, Е. А. Чиглинцев. Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та , 2018
Статья представляет краткий обзор истории советской мультипликацию на тему античной мифологии. В ... more Статья представляет краткий обзор истории советской мультипликацию на тему античной мифологии. В центре статьи мультфильмы для детской и юношеской аудитории.
Markus Janka, Michael Stierstorfer, eds., Verjüngte Antike: Griechisch-römischer Mythologie und Historie in zeitgenössischen Kinder- und Jugendmedien, “Studien zur europäischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (SEKL),” Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017, p. 287–312, 2017
There were three animations about Heracles in the Soviet cinema. They were made from 1969 to 1986... more There were three animations about Heracles in the Soviet cinema. They were made from 1969 to 1986 by different directors and contain extremely different message. Analyzing these movies I would like to answer the question what was the place of ancient Greek mythology in the Soviet popular culture for children. How popular and how known it was? Was it possible to use ancient mythology for propaganda aims and was it used? Was mythology understood as a link to the Western culture or not? How the artists made their movies in the late Soviet society, how much freedom did they have and what message did they choose to tell to their audience?
Marciniak, Katarzyna, ed., Our Mythical Childhood… The Classics and Literature for Children and Young Adults, “Metaforms. Studies in Reception of Classical Antiquity.”, 2016
In 1993 Kir Bulychev wrote a new novel in the series “Galactic Police”, called “An Attempt on Th... more In 1993 Kir Bulychev wrote a new novel in the series “Galactic Police”, called “An Attempt on Theseus”. The book tells about a virtual tour to Antic Greece, where one of the heroes choses a role of Theseus, and Kora, an agent of Galactic Police, is sent to accompany him and to save his life.
Kir Bulychev, one of the greatest children's and young adults' science-fiction writers of the USSR, wrote mostly in the 1970s and '80s. Few generations of kids have grown up reading his novels, living partly in the worlds created by the author.
“An Attempt on Theseus” differs a lot from the earlier works of Kir Bulychev. Written in the 1990s it describes modern reality and is full of contemporary ideology. The world presented in the novel is full of elements typical for Russia of that time. The heroes, as well as the audience of the novel, have grown up and changed. Sometimes I even had an impression that the author feels himself alien to this new world.
Leaving all the differences behind, I would like to examine how the author sees his new audience, and what he thinks about their knowledge of antiquity.
At the first sight, it seems that K. Bulychev understate his new reader. He expounds all the antic realities, presents heroes and gods, describes their functions and characters. Though on the other hand it was the first time, when Bulychev chose a topic from the antiquity and made a very detailed story about Theseus’ adventures.
So the purpose of my research would be an examination of the Russian 1990s reality through the filter of antiquity described by Kir Bulychev. I would like to find out how the author sees modern Russian reader, what he thinks about their knowledge of antiquity, about their interests and even ideology. What does the old writer think about his advanced in age youth?
Прадметам даследаванне будзе функцыянаванне кляштарных хронік, на прыкладзе гарадзенскіх кляштарн... more Прадметам даследаванне будзе функцыянаванне кляштарных хронік, на прыкладзе гарадзенскіх кляштарных хронік др. пал. XVII - XVIII ст. Змест хронік і іх прызначэнне зразумелы, цікава, наколькі яны чыталіся, знаходзілі свайго адрасата, наколькі самыя храністы чыталі фрагменты, складзеныя папярэднімі аўтарамі. Сведчаннем чытання хронік будуць графічныя пазначэнні на тэкстах хронік, цытаванне іншых ці той самой хронікі ў тэксце, метакаментарыі адносна чытання хронік.
Асобным прадметам даследавання будзе вывучэнне сведчанняў хронік пра гістарычную памяць кляштара як супольнасці: наколькі глыбока яна сягае, якім чынам перадаецца, наколькі частымі былі перапынкі ў перадачы гістарычнай памяці на працягу функцыянавання хронік.
Цікава таксама функцыянаванне як доўгатэрміновай гістарычнай памяці (аповеду пра заснаванне кляштараў), так і кароткатэрміновай (памяці пра важныя з пункту гледжання сучаснікаў нядаўнія падзеі).
Усе гарадзенскія кляштарныя хронікі змяшчаюць звесткі пра злачынствы і пакаранні, якія мелі месца... more Усе гарадзенскія кляштарныя хронікі змяшчаюць звесткі пра злачынствы і пакаранні, якія мелі месца ў горадзе. На старонках манаскіх дакументаў, прысвечаных захаванню інфармацыі пра падзеі ў манастырах, падобныя апісанні выглядаюць асабліва адметна. Некаторыя з іх звяртаюць увагу на дзіўнасць злачынства, іншыя сведчаць пра ўдзел манахаў у судовым працэсе у якасці духоўнікаў, іншыя асабліва яскрава апісваюць спосаб выканання кары.
Падрабязнасць некаторых апісанняў і насычанасць крывавымі сцэнамі ўздымае пытанні пра прычыны з’яўлення падобных тэкстаў у хроніках: замілаванне да крыві ці наадварот выражэнне здзіўлення ці пратэсту ў адносінах да сітуацыі. У якую культурную парадыгму ўпісваюцца манаскія тэксты другой паловы XVIII ст. і якое стаўленне да апісанай сітуацыі выражаюць? Як адбываліся смяротныя пакаранні ў Гародні ў гэты перыяд і як рэагавалі на іх мясцовыя жыхары?
Соймікі былі неад’емнай часткай жыцця шляхцічаў, гарадоў, паветаў Рэчы Паспалітай на працягу стаг... more Соймікі былі неад’емнай часткай жыцця шляхцічаў, гарадоў, паветаў Рэчы Паспалітай на працягу стагоддзяў. У год адбывалася па некалькі соймікаў, на якія збіраліся ўсе ахвотныя з павятовай шляхты. Прадметам нашага даследавання з’яўляецца арганізацыя соймікаў Гарадзенскага павета ў другой палове XVIII ст. Аналіз праводзіўся на падставе хронік гарадзенскага кляштара бернардзінцаў, якія часта змяшчалі звесткі пра праходжанні чарговых сходаў шляхты.
У артыкуле прадстаўляецца кароткі аналіз двух гісторый кляштара картузіянцаў у Бярозе: «Historia ... more У артыкуле прадстаўляецца кароткі аналіз двух гісторый кляштара картузіянцаў у Бярозе: «Historia Centum Annorum Carthusiae Sanctae Crucis prope Berezam in Lithuania sitae» (Гісторыя стагод- дзя картузіі Св. Крыжа, што знаходзіцца каля Бярозы ў Літве) і «Saeculum Carthusiae Berezanae» (Стагоддзе бярозаўскай кар- тузіі) аўтарства а. Францішка Пасекі (1712–1771).
One of the internal cloister manuscripts – Chronologia Ordinis Fratrum Minorum de Observantia pro... more One of the internal cloister manuscripts – Chronologia Ordinis Fratrum Minorum de Observantia provinciae Minoris Poloniae et Magni Ducatis Lithuaniae, composed by Thomas Digon – contents a description of a law proceeding, which was failed by this cloister a few years prior.
Thesis under consideration is that T. Digon uses this chronic on purpose, to transform it into an alternative virtual law proceeding. The aim of such an imitation is to justify own cloister and to prove its innocence to the descendants. The cause of occurrence of such a situation is that one of the litigants (Fratres Minores) couldn’t participate in a public trial because of its own statute limitations.
The article analyzes the text of the «proceeding», supposes motives of its creation, introduces litigants, reconstructs character of the author.
Klasztor w mieście nowożytnym stanowił przestrzeń wyodrębnioną i publiczną jednocześnie przeista... more Klasztor w mieście nowożytnym stanowił przestrzeń wyodrębnioną i publiczną jednocześnie przeistaczając się w ostatnią podczas uroczystości religijnych i wydarzeń życia publicznego.
Szczegółowe informacje o udziale zakonów w życiu publicznym miasta i Rzeczypospolitej zawierają kroniki klasztorne prowadzone w większości wspólnot. Oprócz wiadomości o historii klasztorów teksty te świadczą o zainteresowaniach zakonników będąc swoistymi silvae rerum wspólnot zakonnych.
Na podstawie kronik klasztorów grodzieńskich (bernardynów, karmelitów bosych i jezuitów) chciałabym przeanalizować udział zakonników w życiu publicznym, rozumienie przez nich własnej roli i wykorzystywanie kronik jako przestrzeni dialogu publicznego. Podobna analiza może stanowić przyczynek do badania roli zakonów w życiu społecznym i politycznym Rzeczypospolitej w XVII i XVIII stuleciach.
Chasing Mythical Beasts: The Reception of Ancient Monsters in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture, Katarzyna Marciniak (Ed.), 2020
Człowiek jako znak. Tom jubileuszowy dla uczczenia 70-lecia prof. dr. hab. Zbigniewa Klocha, 2021
Heroes of their time. Transformations of ancient heroes in Soviet animations of the 1970s and 19... more Heroes of their time. Transformations of ancient heroes in Soviet animations of the 1970s and 1980s
In contrast to the great Hollywood productions, ancient mythology entered Soviet screens in the form of animated cartoons for children. Ideological by nature, USSR culture adopted and changed for its needs also ancient myths and their heroes. This article analyses what changes took place and what meaning ancient heroes acquired in Soviet productions of the 1970s and 1980s. The subject of the analysis is the series of animations “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece” (1969–1974) directed by Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia and the film “Narodziny Heraklesa” (1982) directed by Yulian Kalisher.
OUR MYTHICAL HOPE: The Ancient Myths as Medicine for the Hardships of Life in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture, Edited by Katarzyna Marciniak, 2021
Our Mythical Hope. The Ancient Myths as Medicine for the Hardships of Life in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture
Our Mythical Education. The Reception of Classical Myth Worldwide in Formal Education, 1900-2020, 2021
Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura, 2019
The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the ... more The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the Children’s Picture Book: From Soviet Lithuania to India (2017). It describes the content of the monograph in the context of studies on picture books, especially those of Russia, Lithuania, and the Soviet Union, on the history of childhood and Russian literature. The main merit of the volume, in the opinion of the reviewer, is the choice of Indian and Lithuanian book art for comparison, which is made from the perspectives of the history of literature, art, societies, and understanding of childhood.
Rocznik Lituanistyczny, 2016
The search is based on eight chronicles written down in five Grodno (Hrodna) monasteries in the s... more The search is based on eight chronicles written down in five Grodno (Hrodna) monasteries in the second half of the seventeenth and in the eighteenth century. The content of the chronicles and the ways of its presentation allow the author to analyse the texts and find out topics and points missed. These omissions indicate chronicles as a literary genre, tell us about the goals of writing them down and about the specifics of the authors, give special value to any information included in the chronicles as an exception.
Our Mythical Childhood... The Classics and Literature for Children and Young Adults, 2016
Clotho, 2020
The paper analyzes a handful of works for children and youth that are based on mythology and deal... more The paper analyzes a handful of works for children and youth that are based on mythology and deal with depression, a topic that is becoming more frequent in contemporary children’s and young adults’ culture, mainly because of the need to break the mental health taboo. These are the newest edition of Laura Orvieto’s Storie di bambini molto antichi (2014, first published in 1937), Rachel Smythe’s digital comics Lore Olympus (2018–2020), Patricia Satjawatcharaphong’s short animation Reflection (2010), and the webcomic series Therapy created by Anastasia Gorshkova (2019–2020). They provide examples from literary and audio-visual culture for very young readers and more adult teenagers and youth, raising the issue of deep sadness utilizing storytelling and not in a didactic way. Some of the protagonists struggling with the problem are far from lively characters in conventional interpretations of the myths (including Hades, Hydra, or Medusa), so the texts play upon stereotypes entrenched i...
Античное наследие в последующие эпохи: рецепция или трансформация? Российско-германский международный научно-образовательный симпозиум (Казань, 18-20 октября 2018 г.) / сост. и отв. ред.: Э. В. Рунг, Е. А. Чиглинцев. Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та , 2018
Статья представляет краткий обзор истории советской мультипликацию на тему античной мифологии. В ... more Статья представляет краткий обзор истории советской мультипликацию на тему античной мифологии. В центре статьи мультфильмы для детской и юношеской аудитории.
Markus Janka, Michael Stierstorfer, eds., Verjüngte Antike: Griechisch-römischer Mythologie und Historie in zeitgenössischen Kinder- und Jugendmedien, “Studien zur europäischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (SEKL),” Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017, p. 287–312, 2017
There were three animations about Heracles in the Soviet cinema. They were made from 1969 to 1986... more There were three animations about Heracles in the Soviet cinema. They were made from 1969 to 1986 by different directors and contain extremely different message. Analyzing these movies I would like to answer the question what was the place of ancient Greek mythology in the Soviet popular culture for children. How popular and how known it was? Was it possible to use ancient mythology for propaganda aims and was it used? Was mythology understood as a link to the Western culture or not? How the artists made their movies in the late Soviet society, how much freedom did they have and what message did they choose to tell to their audience?
Marciniak, Katarzyna, ed., Our Mythical Childhood… The Classics and Literature for Children and Young Adults, “Metaforms. Studies in Reception of Classical Antiquity.”, 2016
In 1993 Kir Bulychev wrote a new novel in the series “Galactic Police”, called “An Attempt on Th... more In 1993 Kir Bulychev wrote a new novel in the series “Galactic Police”, called “An Attempt on Theseus”. The book tells about a virtual tour to Antic Greece, where one of the heroes choses a role of Theseus, and Kora, an agent of Galactic Police, is sent to accompany him and to save his life.
Kir Bulychev, one of the greatest children's and young adults' science-fiction writers of the USSR, wrote mostly in the 1970s and '80s. Few generations of kids have grown up reading his novels, living partly in the worlds created by the author.
“An Attempt on Theseus” differs a lot from the earlier works of Kir Bulychev. Written in the 1990s it describes modern reality and is full of contemporary ideology. The world presented in the novel is full of elements typical for Russia of that time. The heroes, as well as the audience of the novel, have grown up and changed. Sometimes I even had an impression that the author feels himself alien to this new world.
Leaving all the differences behind, I would like to examine how the author sees his new audience, and what he thinks about their knowledge of antiquity.
At the first sight, it seems that K. Bulychev understate his new reader. He expounds all the antic realities, presents heroes and gods, describes their functions and characters. Though on the other hand it was the first time, when Bulychev chose a topic from the antiquity and made a very detailed story about Theseus’ adventures.
So the purpose of my research would be an examination of the Russian 1990s reality through the filter of antiquity described by Kir Bulychev. I would like to find out how the author sees modern Russian reader, what he thinks about their knowledge of antiquity, about their interests and even ideology. What does the old writer think about his advanced in age youth?
Прадметам даследаванне будзе функцыянаванне кляштарных хронік, на прыкладзе гарадзенскіх кляштарн... more Прадметам даследаванне будзе функцыянаванне кляштарных хронік, на прыкладзе гарадзенскіх кляштарных хронік др. пал. XVII - XVIII ст. Змест хронік і іх прызначэнне зразумелы, цікава, наколькі яны чыталіся, знаходзілі свайго адрасата, наколькі самыя храністы чыталі фрагменты, складзеныя папярэднімі аўтарамі. Сведчаннем чытання хронік будуць графічныя пазначэнні на тэкстах хронік, цытаванне іншых ці той самой хронікі ў тэксце, метакаментарыі адносна чытання хронік.
Асобным прадметам даследавання будзе вывучэнне сведчанняў хронік пра гістарычную памяць кляштара як супольнасці: наколькі глыбока яна сягае, якім чынам перадаецца, наколькі частымі былі перапынкі ў перадачы гістарычнай памяці на працягу функцыянавання хронік.
Цікава таксама функцыянаванне як доўгатэрміновай гістарычнай памяці (аповеду пра заснаванне кляштараў), так і кароткатэрміновай (памяці пра важныя з пункту гледжання сучаснікаў нядаўнія падзеі).
Усе гарадзенскія кляштарныя хронікі змяшчаюць звесткі пра злачынствы і пакаранні, якія мелі месца... more Усе гарадзенскія кляштарныя хронікі змяшчаюць звесткі пра злачынствы і пакаранні, якія мелі месца ў горадзе. На старонках манаскіх дакументаў, прысвечаных захаванню інфармацыі пра падзеі ў манастырах, падобныя апісанні выглядаюць асабліва адметна. Некаторыя з іх звяртаюць увагу на дзіўнасць злачынства, іншыя сведчаць пра ўдзел манахаў у судовым працэсе у якасці духоўнікаў, іншыя асабліва яскрава апісваюць спосаб выканання кары.
Падрабязнасць некаторых апісанняў і насычанасць крывавымі сцэнамі ўздымае пытанні пра прычыны з’яўлення падобных тэкстаў у хроніках: замілаванне да крыві ці наадварот выражэнне здзіўлення ці пратэсту ў адносінах да сітуацыі. У якую культурную парадыгму ўпісваюцца манаскія тэксты другой паловы XVIII ст. і якое стаўленне да апісанай сітуацыі выражаюць? Як адбываліся смяротныя пакаранні ў Гародні ў гэты перыяд і як рэагавалі на іх мясцовыя жыхары?
Соймікі былі неад’емнай часткай жыцця шляхцічаў, гарадоў, паветаў Рэчы Паспалітай на працягу стаг... more Соймікі былі неад’емнай часткай жыцця шляхцічаў, гарадоў, паветаў Рэчы Паспалітай на працягу стагоддзяў. У год адбывалася па некалькі соймікаў, на якія збіраліся ўсе ахвотныя з павятовай шляхты. Прадметам нашага даследавання з’яўляецца арганізацыя соймікаў Гарадзенскага павета ў другой палове XVIII ст. Аналіз праводзіўся на падставе хронік гарадзенскага кляштара бернардзінцаў, якія часта змяшчалі звесткі пра праходжанні чарговых сходаў шляхты.
У артыкуле прадстаўляецца кароткі аналіз двух гісторый кляштара картузіянцаў у Бярозе: «Historia ... more У артыкуле прадстаўляецца кароткі аналіз двух гісторый кляштара картузіянцаў у Бярозе: «Historia Centum Annorum Carthusiae Sanctae Crucis prope Berezam in Lithuania sitae» (Гісторыя стагод- дзя картузіі Св. Крыжа, што знаходзіцца каля Бярозы ў Літве) і «Saeculum Carthusiae Berezanae» (Стагоддзе бярозаўскай кар- тузіі) аўтарства а. Францішка Пасекі (1712–1771).
One of the internal cloister manuscripts – Chronologia Ordinis Fratrum Minorum de Observantia pro... more One of the internal cloister manuscripts – Chronologia Ordinis Fratrum Minorum de Observantia provinciae Minoris Poloniae et Magni Ducatis Lithuaniae, composed by Thomas Digon – contents a description of a law proceeding, which was failed by this cloister a few years prior.
Thesis under consideration is that T. Digon uses this chronic on purpose, to transform it into an alternative virtual law proceeding. The aim of such an imitation is to justify own cloister and to prove its innocence to the descendants. The cause of occurrence of such a situation is that one of the litigants (Fratres Minores) couldn’t participate in a public trial because of its own statute limitations.
The article analyzes the text of the «proceeding», supposes motives of its creation, introduces litigants, reconstructs character of the author.
Klasztor w mieście nowożytnym stanowił przestrzeń wyodrębnioną i publiczną jednocześnie przeista... more Klasztor w mieście nowożytnym stanowił przestrzeń wyodrębnioną i publiczną jednocześnie przeistaczając się w ostatnią podczas uroczystości religijnych i wydarzeń życia publicznego.
Szczegółowe informacje o udziale zakonów w życiu publicznym miasta i Rzeczypospolitej zawierają kroniki klasztorne prowadzone w większości wspólnot. Oprócz wiadomości o historii klasztorów teksty te świadczą o zainteresowaniach zakonników będąc swoistymi silvae rerum wspólnot zakonnych.
Na podstawie kronik klasztorów grodzieńskich (bernardynów, karmelitów bosych i jezuitów) chciałabym przeanalizować udział zakonników w życiu publicznym, rozumienie przez nich własnej roli i wykorzystywanie kronik jako przestrzeni dialogu publicznego. Podobna analiza może stanowić przyczynek do badania roli zakonów w życiu społecznym i politycznym Rzeczypospolitej w XVII i XVIII stuleciach.
Monastery chronicles were written in convents and describe history of monastic communities in chr... more Monastery chronicles were written in convents and describe history of monastic communities in chronological order. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries chronicles were recorded in the majority of the monasteries of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The texts aimed first of all at describing current events. They were written during long periods of time by many authors. Together with historical narrative they contained material of a different nature (copies of documents, sermons, excerpts from literary works, catalogues of brothers, economic notes and extracts from newspapers). This made them similar to silvae rerum popular in the Sarmatian culture of the Polish-Lithuanian state. Nevertheless, the chronicles were integral and they were subject to a common goal. This phenomenon is becoming increasingly important in today’s cultural situation, when mixing of genres and playing with text are of great importance.
The aim of the work is to determine specificity of the genre of monastic chronicles on the base of Hrodna chronicles, i.e. texts written in monasteries of Hrodna in the second half of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In order to describe the hybrid nature of the genre I relied on the prototype approach trying to capture maximum of various characteristics rather than attempting to arrange them in a taxonomic system. All the analyzed texts and all the features were equally important for the study. In my opinion, such an approach is the most appropriate to describe the specifics of these very diverse texts and can be applied to other sources.
Eds. Katarzyna Marciniak and Elżbieta Olechowska, Warsaw: OBTA, Faculty of “Artes liberales” UW, ... more Eds. Katarzyna Marciniak and Elżbieta Olechowska, Warsaw: OBTA, Faculty of “Artes liberales” UW, 2016.
Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura [Childhood: Literature and Culture] , 2019
The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the ... more The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the Children's Picture Book: From Soviet Lithuania to India (2017). It describes the content of the monograph in the context of studies on picture books, especially those of Russia, Lithuania, and the Soviet Union, on the history of childhood and Russian literature. The main merit of the volume, in the opinion of the reviewer, is the choice of Indian and Lithuanian book art for comparison, which is made from the perspectives of the history of literature, art, societies, and understanding of childhood.