Ronald Watermeyer | University of the Witwatersrand (original) (raw)
Papers by Ronald Watermeyer
Global Policy Summit on the Role of Performance-Based Building Regulations in Addressing Societal Expectations, International Policy, and Local Needs, 2003
Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Ag... more Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Agenda 21 (1992), the Habitat Agenda (1996), the Millennium Declaration (2000) and the outcomes of the World Summit (2002). A performance description for sustainable housing should accordingly be framed around the provision of adequate and affordable shelter, the avoidance of harmful effects on the environment, the conservation of natural resources and poverty relief. This paper develops a performance description for sustainable housing and identifies which aspects of the performance descriptions can be regulated in terms of performance-based building regulations. Based on recent work done in the reinterpretation of South Africa’s National Building Regulations in SANS 10400, the Application of the National Building Regulations, it suggests how performance parameters relating to fire safety, sanitation system, moisture penetration and structural safety, serviceability and durability can be ...
Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Ag... more Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Agenda 21 (1992), the Habitat Agenda (1996), the Millennium Declaration (2000) and the outcomes of the World Summit (2002). A performance description for sustainable housing should accordingly be framed around the provision of adequate and affordable shelter, the avoidance of harmful effects on the environment, the conservation of natural resources and poverty relief. This paper develops a performance description for sustainable housing and identifies which aspects of the performance descriptions can be regulated in terms of performance-based building regulations. Based on recent work done in the reinterpretation of South Africa’s National Building Regulations in SANS 10400, the Application of the National Building Regulations, it suggests how performance parameters relating to fire safety, sanitation system, moisture penetration and structural safety, serviceability and durability can be ...
ISO 10845-1 defines a framework agreement as an agreement between an employer and one or more con... more ISO 10845-1 defines a framework agreement as an agreement between an employer and one or more contractors, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged. Framework agreements enable an employer to procure engineering and construction works, goods and services on an instructed basis (call-off) over a term without any commitment to the quantum of work instructed in the absence of a fully developed scope of work. This may be achieved by issuing a package, batch or task order in terms of a contract during the term of the contract, i.e. an instruction to provide works, to supply items of goods in a batch, or work within a service within a stated period of time.
Just under half of the world’s population live on less than 2US$ per day. Agenda 21 (1992) recogn... more Just under half of the world’s population live on less than 2US$ per day. Agenda 21 (1992) recognized that access to safe and healthy shelter should be a fundamental part of national and international action. The Habitat Agenda (1996) linked locally available, appropriate, affordable, safe, efficient and environmentally sound construction methods and technologies that emphasize optimal use of local human resources to the concept of “sustainable construction”. The Johannesburg World Summit (2002) includes an action relating to the use of low-cost and sustainable materials and appropriate technologies for the construction of adequate and secure housing for the poor. Sustainable housing can be considered to be housing that provides adequate shelter whilst satisfying fundamental human needs relating to health, safety and well being of residents; is affordable to access, maintain and live in; minimizes the harmful effects of housing developments on the environment; conserves natural reso...
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive met... more In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of urban and rural infrastructure. This paper summarises the scope and scale of work carried out in South Africa. Most of this work has been on a project basis : there has been no long-term, large-scale programme for the development of urban infrastructure. The paper closes with an outline of a four-phased approach that could be used to implement a large programme using labour-intensive methods. Such a programme would result in increased employment opportunities per unit of expenditure, good quality economically efficient assets, and the creation of individual skills and local, regional and institutional capacities. Al hoe meer aandag is onlangs aan die gebruik van arbeidsintensiewe metodes vir die konstruksie en onderhoud van stedelike en plattelandse infrakstruktuur bestee. Hierdie verhandeling gee 'n opsomming van die werk wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is. Die meeste van hierdie werk is op 'n projekbasis gedoen : daar was geen langtermyn-, grootskaalprogram vir die ontwikkeling van infrastruktuur nie. Die verhandeling sluit met 'n raamwerk vir 'n vierfasebenadering wat vir die implementering van 'n groot program wat arbeidsintensiewe metodes gebruik, geskik is. So 'n program sou verhoogde werksgeleenthede per uitgawe-eenheid, goeie kwaliteit- ekonomies doeltreffende bates en die ontwikkeling van individuele vaardighede en plaaslike, streek- en institusionele kapasiteite tot gevolg he.
Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in communities. T... more Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in communities. This paper discusses community-based construction in the light of sustainable development and community participation in the construction of community assets. It reviews the processes involved as well as the economic viability of such projects. Gemeenskapsgebaseerde konstruksie kan as 'n middel dien waardeur handhaafbare ontwikkeling bewerkstellig en arbeidskepping binne gemeenskappe voortgehelp kan word. Hierdie verhandeling beskou arbeidsgebaseerde konstruksieprojekte in die lig van handhaafbare ontwikkeling van, asook gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid by die daarstelling van fisiese gemeenskapsbates. Dit bied 'n oorsig our die betrokke proses en oor die redes vir die lewensvatbaarheid van sodanige projekte.
Synopsis Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in commu... more Synopsis Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in communities. This paper discusses community-based construction in the light of sustainable development and community participation in the construction of community assets. It reviews the processes involved as well as the economic viability of such projects. Samevatting Gemeenskapsgebaseerde konstruksie kan as 'n middel dien waardeur handhaafbare ontwikkeling bewerkstellig en arbeidskepping binne gemeenskappe voortgehelp kan word. Hierdie verhandeling beskou arbeidsgebaseerde konstruksieprojekte in die lig van handhaafbare ontwikkeling van, asook gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid by die daarstelling van fisiese gemeenskapsbates. Dit bied 'n oorsig our die betrokke proses en oor die redes vir die lewensvatbaarheid van sodanige projekte.
The choice of technology, has a marked influence on the number and location of employment opportu... more The choice of technology, has a marked influence on the number and location of employment opportunities generated. The choice of construction method can, particularly in the case of civil engineering projects, significantly influence the total number of person hours employment generated. The choice of manufacturing methods of components and materials can also significantly affect the number of employment opportunities generated. There is considerable scope for increasing employment opportunities through the use of employment-intensive methods of manufacture.
Journal of The South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 1995
Projects within Soweto's Contractor Development Programme, which has been in operation since ... more Projects within Soweto's Contractor Development Programme, which has been in operation since 1988, are evaluated in terms of certain project evaluation criteria. Parameters that may be used to measure the increase in employment and entrepreneurial opportunities generated by preferring certain technologies and construction practices over others are developed and evaluated. A project index that may be calculated by means of a simple formula is presented to evaluate both projects within a programme and the programme itself. This index may also be used to compare the effectiveness of different projects in meeting certain developmental objectives. The implications of the method of evaluation are discussed in terms of the Reconstruction and Development Programme and the NEF's proposed Public Works Programme, and its usefulness as a decisionmaking tool for implementing innovative technologies and evaluating current and historic initiatives is examined. Projekte wat binne die bestek...
Civil Engineer in South Africa, 1988
Mate en verhoudings of 'ontwerpe' van vrystaande mure word gewoonlik volgens die empiries... more Mate en verhoudings of 'ontwerpe' van vrystaande mure word gewoonlik volgens die empiriese reels wat in die Nasionale Bouregulasies vervat is, beiaal. Hierdie benadering kan egter beperkende en onekonomiese resultate lewer. Om die ontwerp van vrystaande mure te rasionaliseer is ontwerpkodes, soos vervat in die Nasionale Bouregulasies, gebruik om 'n wye reeks muurhoogtes en stutkolomrangskikkings vir mure met of sonder 'n vogweerlaag te bepaal. Die strukturele tekortkominge van die Nasionale Bouregulasies se klousules oor messelbouwerk word ondersoek, sowel as die invloed van stutkolomrangskikkings op die sterkte van mure. Free-standing masonry walls are generally proportioned or 'designed' in accordance with empirical rules contained in the National Building Regulations. This approach can be both restrictive and uneconomical. Design charts, based on the codes of practice as listed in the National Building Regulations, are presented for a wide range of wall he...
Joernaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Siviele Ingenieurswese, 1998
Targeted procurement in a practical, pragmatic and measurable manner enables government to achiev... more Targeted procurement in a practical, pragmatic and measurable manner enables government to achieve certain socio-economic objectives, as set out in the Reconstruction and Development Programme, through engineering and construction works contracts. It enables organs of state to operationalize policies in a targeted, transparent, visible and measurable manner when engaging in economic activity with the private sector, without compromising principles such as fairness, transparency, competition, cost-efficiency and equitability. The paper sets out what targeted procurement is, how it works and the range of social-economic objectives it can achieve in the South African context. Case studies of its application by the national Public Works Department and the Southern Metropolitan Council (Johannesburg) are presented.
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive met... more In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of urban and rural infrastructure. This paper summarized the scope and scale of work carried out in South Africa. Most of the work has been done on a project basis : there has been no longterm, large-scale programme for the development of urban infrastructure. The paper closed with an outline of a four-phased approach that could be used to implement a large programme using labour-intensive methods. Such a programme would result in increased employment opportunities per unit of expenditure good quality economically efficient assets, and the creation of individual skills and local; regional and institutional capacities.
Journal of The South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 1994
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive met... more In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of urban and rural infrastructure. This paper summarises the scope and scale of work carried out in South Africa. Most of this work has been on a project basis : there has been no long-term, large-scale programme for the development of urban infrastructure. The paper closes with an outline of a four-phased approach that could be used to implement a large programme using labour-intensive methods. Such a programme would result in increased employment opportunities per unit of expenditure, good quality economically efficient assets, and the creation of individual skills and local, regional and institutional capacities. Al hoe meer aandag is onlangs aan die gebruik van arbeidsintensiewe metodes vir die konstruksie en onderhoud van stedelike en plattelandse infrakstruktuur bestee. Hierdie verhandeling gee 'n opsomming van die werk wat in Suid-Afri...
Synopsis Traditionally, structural engineers have used their skills and expertise to ensure that ... more Synopsis Traditionally, structural engineers have used their skills and expertise to ensure that structures or structural components are serviceable and durable, in addition to possessing adequate strength and stability. Howevel; there is now a need for this traditional role to he broadened and expanded if structural engineers ure to contribute towards meeting current socio-economic needs. Dejinite relationships exist between employment opportunities, available skills, entrepreneurship, and the use of small-scale enterprises in the creation and maintenance of assets. The construction strategies adopted can he used to address social and economic needs and concerns and, depending upon how they are structured, to facilitate the economic empowerment of marginalised sectors oj‘society in a jbcused manneK Thus, the process of constructing assets can be just as important as the provision of the ussets themselves.
Joernaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Siviele Ingenieurswese, 2001
Extracted from text ... Discussion Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment i... more Extracted from text ... Discussion Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment in South Africa (D B Buttrick (Visitor), A van Schalkwyk (Visitor), R J Kleywegt (Visitor), R B Watermeyer (Fellow)) In Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. N Trollip, Engineering Geologist - Dolomite Stability Unit, Council for Geoscience: One of the greatest benefits to come out of the introduction of the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) is the interaction between the various professionals resulting from the need to ensure acceptable development risk on dolomite. This interaction has been lacking for years, perhaps because (engineering) ..
The Civil Engineer in South Africa, 1992
A site classification system relating differential movement of problem soil horizons in non-dolom... more A site classification system relating differential movement of problem soil horizons in non-dolomitic areas to foundation design and building procedures for single-storey residential structures of masonry construction is presented. Serviceability criteria as well as a systematic approach to the implementation of the technology described are formulated. 'n Klassifiseringstelsel wat die verband tussen diffensiele bewegings van probleemgrond in nie-dolomitiese gebiede en fondamentontwerp en bouprosedures ten opsigte van enkelverdieping-woningstrukture uit messelwerkkonstruksie daarstel, word beskryf. Diensbaarheidskriteria asook 'n stelselmatige benadering tot die implementering van die tegnologie wat beskryf is, word geformuleer.
Public infrastructure, which is central to the economy of a country, has little inherent value, b... more Public infrastructure, which is central to the economy of a country, has little inherent value, but creates value through the economic and social activities it supports. The economic downturn has put the spotlight on the value for money proposition that planned and delivered public infrastructure provide. A number of different organisations have over the last few years began to put in place processes and procedures to deli ver value for money. Others have identified the drivers of value for money. Approaches to monitoring and assessing value for money have also been recently documented. It is important to not only have a clear understanding of what is meant by value for money but also how value for money can be demonstrated or confirmed in the context of infrastructure delivery. Such an understanding enables a strategic approach to be taken in the design and implementation of a procurement and delivery management system for infrastructure. This paper outlines current thinking around...
There are six basic activities associated with procurement processes which establish actions and ... more There are six basic activities associated with procurement processes which establish actions and deliverables / milestones associated with the procurement process as indicated in Figure 1. Procedures and methods used in conjunction with policies guiding the selection of options and the application thereof are required to implement these procurement processes. Procurement documents are needed to communicate to tenderers a procuring entity’s procedures and requirements up to the award of a contract and to establish the basis for the contract that is entered into with the successful tenderer i.e. the agreed terms and conditions, the prices and the nature and quality of the goods, services or construction works that are required
Global Policy Summit on the Role of Performance-Based Building Regulations in Addressing Societal Expectations, International Policy, and Local Needs, 2003
Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Ag... more Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Agenda 21 (1992), the Habitat Agenda (1996), the Millennium Declaration (2000) and the outcomes of the World Summit (2002). A performance description for sustainable housing should accordingly be framed around the provision of adequate and affordable shelter, the avoidance of harmful effects on the environment, the conservation of natural resources and poverty relief. This paper develops a performance description for sustainable housing and identifies which aspects of the performance descriptions can be regulated in terms of performance-based building regulations. Based on recent work done in the reinterpretation of South Africa’s National Building Regulations in SANS 10400, the Application of the National Building Regulations, it suggests how performance parameters relating to fire safety, sanitation system, moisture penetration and structural safety, serviceability and durability can be ...
Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Ag... more Any definition for sustainable housing must reflect emerging societal expectations captured in Agenda 21 (1992), the Habitat Agenda (1996), the Millennium Declaration (2000) and the outcomes of the World Summit (2002). A performance description for sustainable housing should accordingly be framed around the provision of adequate and affordable shelter, the avoidance of harmful effects on the environment, the conservation of natural resources and poverty relief. This paper develops a performance description for sustainable housing and identifies which aspects of the performance descriptions can be regulated in terms of performance-based building regulations. Based on recent work done in the reinterpretation of South Africa’s National Building Regulations in SANS 10400, the Application of the National Building Regulations, it suggests how performance parameters relating to fire safety, sanitation system, moisture penetration and structural safety, serviceability and durability can be ...
ISO 10845-1 defines a framework agreement as an agreement between an employer and one or more con... more ISO 10845-1 defines a framework agreement as an agreement between an employer and one or more contractors, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged. Framework agreements enable an employer to procure engineering and construction works, goods and services on an instructed basis (call-off) over a term without any commitment to the quantum of work instructed in the absence of a fully developed scope of work. This may be achieved by issuing a package, batch or task order in terms of a contract during the term of the contract, i.e. an instruction to provide works, to supply items of goods in a batch, or work within a service within a stated period of time.
Just under half of the world’s population live on less than 2US$ per day. Agenda 21 (1992) recogn... more Just under half of the world’s population live on less than 2US$ per day. Agenda 21 (1992) recognized that access to safe and healthy shelter should be a fundamental part of national and international action. The Habitat Agenda (1996) linked locally available, appropriate, affordable, safe, efficient and environmentally sound construction methods and technologies that emphasize optimal use of local human resources to the concept of “sustainable construction”. The Johannesburg World Summit (2002) includes an action relating to the use of low-cost and sustainable materials and appropriate technologies for the construction of adequate and secure housing for the poor. Sustainable housing can be considered to be housing that provides adequate shelter whilst satisfying fundamental human needs relating to health, safety and well being of residents; is affordable to access, maintain and live in; minimizes the harmful effects of housing developments on the environment; conserves natural reso...
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive met... more In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of urban and rural infrastructure. This paper summarises the scope and scale of work carried out in South Africa. Most of this work has been on a project basis : there has been no long-term, large-scale programme for the development of urban infrastructure. The paper closes with an outline of a four-phased approach that could be used to implement a large programme using labour-intensive methods. Such a programme would result in increased employment opportunities per unit of expenditure, good quality economically efficient assets, and the creation of individual skills and local, regional and institutional capacities. Al hoe meer aandag is onlangs aan die gebruik van arbeidsintensiewe metodes vir die konstruksie en onderhoud van stedelike en plattelandse infrakstruktuur bestee. Hierdie verhandeling gee 'n opsomming van die werk wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is. Die meeste van hierdie werk is op 'n projekbasis gedoen : daar was geen langtermyn-, grootskaalprogram vir die ontwikkeling van infrastruktuur nie. Die verhandeling sluit met 'n raamwerk vir 'n vierfasebenadering wat vir die implementering van 'n groot program wat arbeidsintensiewe metodes gebruik, geskik is. So 'n program sou verhoogde werksgeleenthede per uitgawe-eenheid, goeie kwaliteit- ekonomies doeltreffende bates en die ontwikkeling van individuele vaardighede en plaaslike, streek- en institusionele kapasiteite tot gevolg he.
Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in communities. T... more Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in communities. This paper discusses community-based construction in the light of sustainable development and community participation in the construction of community assets. It reviews the processes involved as well as the economic viability of such projects. Gemeenskapsgebaseerde konstruksie kan as 'n middel dien waardeur handhaafbare ontwikkeling bewerkstellig en arbeidskepping binne gemeenskappe voortgehelp kan word. Hierdie verhandeling beskou arbeidsgebaseerde konstruksieprojekte in die lig van handhaafbare ontwikkeling van, asook gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid by die daarstelling van fisiese gemeenskapsbates. Dit bied 'n oorsig our die betrokke proses en oor die redes vir die lewensvatbaarheid van sodanige projekte.
Synopsis Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in commu... more Synopsis Community-based construction can be used to sustain development and create jobs in communities. This paper discusses community-based construction in the light of sustainable development and community participation in the construction of community assets. It reviews the processes involved as well as the economic viability of such projects. Samevatting Gemeenskapsgebaseerde konstruksie kan as 'n middel dien waardeur handhaafbare ontwikkeling bewerkstellig en arbeidskepping binne gemeenskappe voortgehelp kan word. Hierdie verhandeling beskou arbeidsgebaseerde konstruksieprojekte in die lig van handhaafbare ontwikkeling van, asook gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid by die daarstelling van fisiese gemeenskapsbates. Dit bied 'n oorsig our die betrokke proses en oor die redes vir die lewensvatbaarheid van sodanige projekte.
The choice of technology, has a marked influence on the number and location of employment opportu... more The choice of technology, has a marked influence on the number and location of employment opportunities generated. The choice of construction method can, particularly in the case of civil engineering projects, significantly influence the total number of person hours employment generated. The choice of manufacturing methods of components and materials can also significantly affect the number of employment opportunities generated. There is considerable scope for increasing employment opportunities through the use of employment-intensive methods of manufacture.
Journal of The South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 1995
Projects within Soweto's Contractor Development Programme, which has been in operation since ... more Projects within Soweto's Contractor Development Programme, which has been in operation since 1988, are evaluated in terms of certain project evaluation criteria. Parameters that may be used to measure the increase in employment and entrepreneurial opportunities generated by preferring certain technologies and construction practices over others are developed and evaluated. A project index that may be calculated by means of a simple formula is presented to evaluate both projects within a programme and the programme itself. This index may also be used to compare the effectiveness of different projects in meeting certain developmental objectives. The implications of the method of evaluation are discussed in terms of the Reconstruction and Development Programme and the NEF's proposed Public Works Programme, and its usefulness as a decisionmaking tool for implementing innovative technologies and evaluating current and historic initiatives is examined. Projekte wat binne die bestek...
Civil Engineer in South Africa, 1988
Mate en verhoudings of 'ontwerpe' van vrystaande mure word gewoonlik volgens die empiries... more Mate en verhoudings of 'ontwerpe' van vrystaande mure word gewoonlik volgens die empiriese reels wat in die Nasionale Bouregulasies vervat is, beiaal. Hierdie benadering kan egter beperkende en onekonomiese resultate lewer. Om die ontwerp van vrystaande mure te rasionaliseer is ontwerpkodes, soos vervat in die Nasionale Bouregulasies, gebruik om 'n wye reeks muurhoogtes en stutkolomrangskikkings vir mure met of sonder 'n vogweerlaag te bepaal. Die strukturele tekortkominge van die Nasionale Bouregulasies se klousules oor messelbouwerk word ondersoek, sowel as die invloed van stutkolomrangskikkings op die sterkte van mure. Free-standing masonry walls are generally proportioned or 'designed' in accordance with empirical rules contained in the National Building Regulations. This approach can be both restrictive and uneconomical. Design charts, based on the codes of practice as listed in the National Building Regulations, are presented for a wide range of wall he...
Joernaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Siviele Ingenieurswese, 1998
Targeted procurement in a practical, pragmatic and measurable manner enables government to achiev... more Targeted procurement in a practical, pragmatic and measurable manner enables government to achieve certain socio-economic objectives, as set out in the Reconstruction and Development Programme, through engineering and construction works contracts. It enables organs of state to operationalize policies in a targeted, transparent, visible and measurable manner when engaging in economic activity with the private sector, without compromising principles such as fairness, transparency, competition, cost-efficiency and equitability. The paper sets out what targeted procurement is, how it works and the range of social-economic objectives it can achieve in the South African context. Case studies of its application by the national Public Works Department and the Southern Metropolitan Council (Johannesburg) are presented.
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive met... more In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of urban and rural infrastructure. This paper summarized the scope and scale of work carried out in South Africa. Most of the work has been done on a project basis : there has been no longterm, large-scale programme for the development of urban infrastructure. The paper closed with an outline of a four-phased approach that could be used to implement a large programme using labour-intensive methods. Such a programme would result in increased employment opportunities per unit of expenditure good quality economically efficient assets, and the creation of individual skills and local; regional and institutional capacities.
Journal of The South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 1994
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive met... more In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the potential of using labour-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of urban and rural infrastructure. This paper summarises the scope and scale of work carried out in South Africa. Most of this work has been on a project basis : there has been no long-term, large-scale programme for the development of urban infrastructure. The paper closes with an outline of a four-phased approach that could be used to implement a large programme using labour-intensive methods. Such a programme would result in increased employment opportunities per unit of expenditure, good quality economically efficient assets, and the creation of individual skills and local, regional and institutional capacities. Al hoe meer aandag is onlangs aan die gebruik van arbeidsintensiewe metodes vir die konstruksie en onderhoud van stedelike en plattelandse infrakstruktuur bestee. Hierdie verhandeling gee 'n opsomming van die werk wat in Suid-Afri...
Synopsis Traditionally, structural engineers have used their skills and expertise to ensure that ... more Synopsis Traditionally, structural engineers have used their skills and expertise to ensure that structures or structural components are serviceable and durable, in addition to possessing adequate strength and stability. Howevel; there is now a need for this traditional role to he broadened and expanded if structural engineers ure to contribute towards meeting current socio-economic needs. Dejinite relationships exist between employment opportunities, available skills, entrepreneurship, and the use of small-scale enterprises in the creation and maintenance of assets. The construction strategies adopted can he used to address social and economic needs and concerns and, depending upon how they are structured, to facilitate the economic empowerment of marginalised sectors oj‘society in a jbcused manneK Thus, the process of constructing assets can be just as important as the provision of the ussets themselves.
Joernaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Siviele Ingenieurswese, 2001
Extracted from text ... Discussion Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment i... more Extracted from text ... Discussion Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment in South Africa (D B Buttrick (Visitor), A van Schalkwyk (Visitor), R J Kleywegt (Visitor), R B Watermeyer (Fellow)) In Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. N Trollip, Engineering Geologist - Dolomite Stability Unit, Council for Geoscience: One of the greatest benefits to come out of the introduction of the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) is the interaction between the various professionals resulting from the need to ensure acceptable development risk on dolomite. This interaction has been lacking for years, perhaps because (engineering) ..
The Civil Engineer in South Africa, 1992
A site classification system relating differential movement of problem soil horizons in non-dolom... more A site classification system relating differential movement of problem soil horizons in non-dolomitic areas to foundation design and building procedures for single-storey residential structures of masonry construction is presented. Serviceability criteria as well as a systematic approach to the implementation of the technology described are formulated. 'n Klassifiseringstelsel wat die verband tussen diffensiele bewegings van probleemgrond in nie-dolomitiese gebiede en fondamentontwerp en bouprosedures ten opsigte van enkelverdieping-woningstrukture uit messelwerkkonstruksie daarstel, word beskryf. Diensbaarheidskriteria asook 'n stelselmatige benadering tot die implementering van die tegnologie wat beskryf is, word geformuleer.
Public infrastructure, which is central to the economy of a country, has little inherent value, b... more Public infrastructure, which is central to the economy of a country, has little inherent value, but creates value through the economic and social activities it supports. The economic downturn has put the spotlight on the value for money proposition that planned and delivered public infrastructure provide. A number of different organisations have over the last few years began to put in place processes and procedures to deli ver value for money. Others have identified the drivers of value for money. Approaches to monitoring and assessing value for money have also been recently documented. It is important to not only have a clear understanding of what is meant by value for money but also how value for money can be demonstrated or confirmed in the context of infrastructure delivery. Such an understanding enables a strategic approach to be taken in the design and implementation of a procurement and delivery management system for infrastructure. This paper outlines current thinking around...
There are six basic activities associated with procurement processes which establish actions and ... more There are six basic activities associated with procurement processes which establish actions and deliverables / milestones associated with the procurement process as indicated in Figure 1. Procedures and methods used in conjunction with policies guiding the selection of options and the application thereof are required to implement these procurement processes. Procurement documents are needed to communicate to tenderers a procuring entity’s procedures and requirements up to the award of a contract and to establish the basis for the contract that is entered into with the successful tenderer i.e. the agreed terms and conditions, the prices and the nature and quality of the goods, services or construction works that are required
Client Guide for Improving Infrastructure Project Outcomes, 2018
There is a direct linkage between the role played by the client and infrastructure project outcom... more There is a direct linkage between the role played by the client and infrastructure project outcomes regardless of project size, complexity and location. The root causes of project failure can frequently be attributed to the lack of governance and poor procurement and delivery management practices, all of which are under the control of the client.
This Guide describes the roles and functions of the client and identifies practices which if adopted will contribute to project value (the outcome of client decision making to achieve an optimal balance of the project benefits, risks and costs). It offers practical guidance on how a client should go about establishing a client team and the structuring of governance arrangements. The essence of the critical knowledge areas for effective delivery, namely delivery management, procurement, portfolio, programme and project management, risk and change management and governance are outlined, drawing upon the content of recently published national and international standards. A methodology for controlling workflows to regulate work in relation to its context which may from time to time change is described. The range of project delivery routes and procurement options are discussed. A generic framework within which procurement strategy and tactics can be developed is outlined. The concept of value for money is discussed as well as the enablers and inhibitors associated with improvements in project outcomes. This Guide concludes with some suggestions on what clients can do to improve project outcomes in the design of their delivery management systems.