Enhanced Recruitment Portal (original) (raw)

A Survey on Online Campus Job Recruitment System

IRJET, 2022

The software for the training and placement cell of a college is a need for the students and the institute management for proper placement and training of the students of the institute. It helps the students to provide their profiles to the training and placement cell of the institute, updating their respective profiles with their gradual approach towards the course end. The students also get to know about the companies coming for the oncampus/off-campus/pool/group pool categories of campus interviews. This paper emphasizes the significance of an on-campus online job recruitment system and its function in assisting students in obtaining available employment. It emphasizes the issues with traditional employment practices, particularly for college students. It also allows for teachers and placement officers to view statistics of the placements. The work discussed in this paper is based on an erecruitment system developed for the Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering campus, one of Bangalore's major engineering institutes. This system shows to be valuable for everybody, including firms, students, and the university, with features such as circular vitae ranking along with job recommendation based on various levels of talent, smart multi-criteria search, and graduate tracking.

A Review Study on Online Job Portal

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019

Gaining information and explicit job skills have turned into the fundamental destinations for understudies in the colleges. Learning is important to settle on educated choices, particularly, in a basic circumstance. Learning and information the executives in any organization are pivotal to give it an aggressive edge in the present testing and globalized condition. In this paper we present the plan of different on-line recruitment framework, that enables businesses to post their job advertisements, which job searcher can allude to, when searching for jobs. This job portal can catch job prerequisites dependent on industry needs.

Need of E-Recruitment System for Universities: Case of Pulchowk Campus, Nepal

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal

This paper highlights the importance of on-campus online job recruitment system and its role in helping students grab the available job opportunities. It highlights the problems associated with the traditional way of hiring, especially for college students. It also presents some findings and results obtained through various surveys conducted within the campus before and after the deployment of this system. The work presented in this paper is based on an e-recruitment system built for one of the leading engineering institute in Nepal, Pulchowk campus. With some features like job recommendation based on various levels of skill, smart multi-criteria search, graduate tracking, this system proves to be useful for all i.e. companies, students and the campus as well.

Online Job Portal Management System

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology

In this situation, there is a futile way of life in every single proficient field. It is additionally valid for the job market. A job portal is a site devoted to online data about recruiters as well as job seekers. A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters tracking down the right association for the representatives. On account of job seekers, as indicated by their instructive capability, experience, and their inclinations, the job portal shows the rundown of organizations to the job searcher. Furthermore, to the recruiters, gives the reasonable candidates from a pool of needs. The objective of this application is to foster a system to empower connections among employers and candidates. The assurance is to permit correspondence between the closely involved individuals and complete the assignment of enlistment rapidly.


International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, 2018

An Efficient Online Campus Recruitment is aimed at developing a web-based and central recruitment Process system for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing application data, and Interview process initiation Scheduling interviews, storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of the HR group. Online Recruitment System is an online website in which jobseekers can register themselves and then attend the exam. Based on the outcome of the exam the jobseekers will be short listed. The exam will be conducted at some venue after short listing of the preliminary Aptitude Test. The details of the examination, venue & Date of the examination will be made available to them through the website. Recruiters and job seekers both uses Online Recruitment System medium to have direct interaction with best selected ones. By uploading resumes and setting job search criteria by the job seekers, they can browse the web application. Recruiters will have the freedom to post the particular jobs with their requirements, can filter their search query, check out the resumes of job seekers, upload their logos, can create their profiles and much. Online Recruitment System is one such platform with some unique features to make recruitment process easier by providing flexibility to the recruiters.

A Comprehensive Campus Recruitment and Placement System for Optimizing the Hiring Process

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023

Campus Recruitment and Placement System's goal is to give students compatibility to make placement easier. This system has three login options: admin, teacher, and student. This is useful for college students, various employers who come to campus to recruit, and even the school's placement officer. Students can build their profiles and submit all of their information, including their grades, using the software system. The administrator can review each student's information and delete any invalid accounts. The system also includes a admin login so that different companies visiting the college can access a list of students. Students can examine a list of businesses that have posted job openings using the software system.

E-Recruiter Portal

IRJET, 2022

In today's world, the whole profession is a downto-earth race. The same goes for online portals. From food ordering to recruiting, today's tech-savvy teens use the internet for everything. Indeed, today the elect people rely more on the internet than on any other source, such as a newspaper or network. The job search online starts with signing up for a job portfolio, which is done by everyone looking for a job. Then there is the turnaround, in which some selected ones receive faster responses and assignments, while others are reduced to a single record on a portal website. This is because most job seekers ignore the importance of understanding job portfolios and their features, which can help them simplify and speed up their job search. We are trying to close the gap between the Job Seeker and the Employer in this job. This is achieved by considering the information provided by both the Job Seeker and the Employer, as well as the use of various filters to minimize the effects.

A Web-Based Applicants’ Matching System (WBAMS)


Considered in this study is the matching of suitable applicants to appropriate jobs, looking at the difficulty in solving problems associated with procurement in Federal College of Chemical and Leather Technology, (CHELTECH) especially where straight forward enumeration of solution possibilities tends to be explosive. For this reason, a system is developed to replace the old manual method of recruiting exercise and to solve the problems associated with it. The new system includes: data collection from the applicants and matching of suitable applicants to appropriate jobs. The technological approach to the system is based on open source solution. The results from the study are very promising and are recommended for implementation in other government and business organizations. INTRODUCTION The task of managing applicants’ records and processing is quite an arduous one. This is mainly because of the high data turnover, strenuous processing operations and requirements for speed and acc...

Analysis of e-Recruitment System Design

International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning

The process of applying for a job is a first step for unemployment to get a job who matches the criteria. An e-recruitment system such as LinkedIn, Reed, and Indeed is a tool for prospective workers looking for jobs. On this site, workers must register the email address, name, type of bachelor and salary desired. After that, system will send company's link that is offers vacancies to the email of candidates, so the jobsekeer can directly register to the system. However, the system is ineffective because the prospective worker must register itself on the website where the e-recruitment site only provides such services. In contrast to prospective workers and e-recruitment systems, recruiters (firms) also have bigger problems. To open the selection of new recruiting candidates, the company has to spend a lot of energy, time and money. From that point, this paper is designed to create heading posts for users (prospective workers) and companies to be on the same system. It will help users in finding work and help companies in finding workers who are competent in their field.

Web portal for Campus Recruitment System for graduate students and Training and Placement officers

College campus recruitment is crucial process for students and TPO as well. In traditional process, the time consumption and undisciplined work are main issues. A web portal will provide a solution for this problems, and will help the students and TPO for easy Campus Recruitment Process. The project is aimed at developing an application for the "CAMPUS RECRUITMENT SYSTEM" for the college. System aims at providing simplicity of the placement process for students. This system is consists of a student login, company login and an admin login. It is beneficial for college students, various companies visiting the campus for recruitment and the college Training and Placement Officer. Bootstrap is used to build the front end of this system. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework which scales the website and application with a single code base, from smartphones to tablets to desktops with CSS media queries. The back end of this system is built with java.