E-Recruiter Portal (original) (raw)

Enhanced Recruitment Portal

IRJET, 2023

This paper presents and emphasizes the need for an online employment posting platform for colleges and the efficacy of such a system in connecting students with job possibilities. Historically, Human Resource management has utilized employment websites for candidate sourcing and placement. The current project is an employment website developed for one of the most prestigious engineering schools, which is a variant of such job boards tailored to service the students of the institution. With functions such as job suggestions provided offering learners recommendations based on their skills and candidate filtering to aid employers in application matchmaking, the platform is anticipated to be useful for both students investigating job opportunities and employers locating candidates who are appropriate to the position.

A Study of Issues in Job Portals: Research Analysis

IJCRT - International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 2021

Internet today has cropped out as an invention of science and modern technologies. Many people are using the internet for various purposes as per their needs. In the digitalization era, without the use of the internet, life would come to a standstill. The internet has caused a change in the lives of people and the way they work. The Corona Virus outbreak has pushed people even harder towards using the internet and the various services on the internet. One of the majorly used services on the internet by most job-seekers is E-job portals to search for jobs. This paper's main objective is to build a portal by considering the job-seekers' and employers' views, solving the problems, and adding new features to the current systems.

A Review Study on Online Job Portal

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019

Gaining information and explicit job skills have turned into the fundamental destinations for understudies in the colleges. Learning is important to settle on educated choices, particularly, in a basic circumstance. Learning and information the executives in any organization are pivotal to give it an aggressive edge in the present testing and globalized condition. In this paper we present the plan of different on-line recruitment framework, that enables businesses to post their job advertisements, which job searcher can allude to, when searching for jobs. This job portal can catch job prerequisites dependent on industry needs.


IRJET, 2022

Finding jobs that match one's interests and skill set is a difficult undertaking for job searchers. The issues stem from a lack of understanding of the organization's mission, work culture, and current employment opportunities. Furthermore, for any organization's recruiters, identifying the perfect individual with the needed qualities to fill their current job opportunities is a critical duty. Online Job Portals have made job searching much more convenient for both parties. Job Portal is a solution that brings together recruiters and job seekers in order to meet their specific needs. They are the cheapest and fastest means of communication, reaching a vast range of people with only a single click, regardless of their geographical location.

E –Recruitment and Its Impact Upon on Job Seekers: A Contemporary Approach

International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2016

The rapid growth and use of the Internet over the last several years has changed the way companies conduct of business activities, including the activities of human resource management. To attract and recruit good employees is one of the great challenges for Human Resource Department. Today online recruiting has become a significant tool for Human Resource Department. Online recruitment is effective in terms of saving the cost of recruitment and selection. Multinational companies also can recruit with their websites, job boards or resume banks, newspaper classified ads, and job boards. It also discusses the concept of e-recruitment from the perspective of job seekers.Online recruiting processes, increase the firms' competitive advantage through increased efficiency and lower costs and offers benefits and opportunities to job seekers. The study implies that the developers of online job sites need to provide additional useful functionalities or tools on the sites to help users for...

Online Job Portal Management System

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology

In this situation, there is a futile way of life in every single proficient field. It is additionally valid for the job market. A job portal is a site devoted to online data about recruiters as well as job seekers. A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters tracking down the right association for the representatives. On account of job seekers, as indicated by their instructive capability, experience, and their inclinations, the job portal shows the rundown of organizations to the job searcher. Furthermore, to the recruiters, gives the reasonable candidates from a pool of needs. The objective of this application is to foster a system to empower connections among employers and candidates. The assurance is to permit correspondence between the closely involved individuals and complete the assignment of enlistment rapidly.

Analysis of e-Recruitment System Design

International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning

The process of applying for a job is a first step for unemployment to get a job who matches the criteria. An e-recruitment system such as LinkedIn, Reed, and Indeed is a tool for prospective workers looking for jobs. On this site, workers must register the email address, name, type of bachelor and salary desired. After that, system will send company's link that is offers vacancies to the email of candidates, so the jobsekeer can directly register to the system. However, the system is ineffective because the prospective worker must register itself on the website where the e-recruitment site only provides such services. In contrast to prospective workers and e-recruitment systems, recruiters (firms) also have bigger problems. To open the selection of new recruiting candidates, the company has to spend a lot of energy, time and money. From that point, this paper is designed to create heading posts for users (prospective workers) and companies to be on the same system. It will help users in finding work and help companies in finding workers who are competent in their field.

Online Recruitment - An Intelligent Approach

The recruitment process has become extremely tedious, especially with the globalization of markets. The most essential part of the recruitment process, the interview, has not yet been covered in the recruitment automation process. Our "intelligent" system combines both the application form features as well as the interviewing portion of the recruitment process. It also gives suggestions about whom to hire for a particular job vacancy, based on specific and adapted criteria.

A Comparative Study of the Attributes of Two Popular Internet Recruiting Providers

The Internet has become a very convenient and effective means to access information. Many job seekers are now using the Internet to help them with their job search. Likewise, recruiters are also using the Internet to communicate job openings to prospective candidates around the globe. However, there are hundreds of Internet recruiting providers in the e-recruiting sector. Each Internet recruiting provider has common as well as unique resources and attributes. This study examines the resources and attributes that are provided to job seekers and recruiters of the Internet job databases. In particular, this research investigates how these resources and attributes in the two most popular Internet job databases, Monster.com and HotJobs.com, are meeting the needs of job seekers and recruiters. New graduates looking for jobs, persons interested in advancement opportunities, faculty advisors, and career counselors will find this study useful. Human resource managers, corporate recruiters, software engineers, systems designers, scholars interested in online research, and Internet Service Providers of online services will find the outcomes reported interesting.

Online Resumes: Optimizing Design to Service Recruiters


Despite the increasing number of publications in e-Recruiting, there is still scant research on the specific requirements of online resume fields, in particular from the recruiters' perspective. In this paper, the fields for resume forms are investigated by analyzing literature, interviewing recruiters and systematically categorizing and content-analyzing the resume fields of the 40 largest Dutch e-Recruiting sites. The findings reflect the main categories currently used in online resume forms: current career status, desired job, education, work experience, extracurricular activities, skills and personal and contact information. These identified online resume fields are discussed in light of prior resume design literature and compared with resume requirements derived from interviewing recruiters. Recommendations for resume design theory and practice are proposed.