A Review Study on Online Job Portal (original) (raw)

Online Job Portal Management System

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology

In this situation, there is a futile way of life in every single proficient field. It is additionally valid for the job market. A job portal is a site devoted to online data about recruiters as well as job seekers. A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters tracking down the right association for the representatives. On account of job seekers, as indicated by their instructive capability, experience, and their inclinations, the job portal shows the rundown of organizations to the job searcher. Furthermore, to the recruiters, gives the reasonable candidates from a pool of needs. The objective of this application is to foster a system to empower connections among employers and candidates. The assurance is to permit correspondence between the closely involved individuals and complete the assignment of enlistment rapidly.

A Survey on Online Campus Job Recruitment System

IRJET, 2022

The software for the training and placement cell of a college is a need for the students and the institute management for proper placement and training of the students of the institute. It helps the students to provide their profiles to the training and placement cell of the institute, updating their respective profiles with their gradual approach towards the course end. The students also get to know about the companies coming for the oncampus/off-campus/pool/group pool categories of campus interviews. This paper emphasizes the significance of an on-campus online job recruitment system and its function in assisting students in obtaining available employment. It emphasizes the issues with traditional employment practices, particularly for college students. It also allows for teachers and placement officers to view statistics of the placements. The work discussed in this paper is based on an erecruitment system developed for the Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering campus, one of Bangalore's major engineering institutes. This system shows to be valuable for everybody, including firms, students, and the university, with features such as circular vitae ranking along with job recommendation based on various levels of talent, smart multi-criteria search, and graduate tracking.

Enhanced Recruitment Portal

IRJET, 2023

This paper presents and emphasizes the need for an online employment posting platform for colleges and the efficacy of such a system in connecting students with job possibilities. Historically, Human Resource management has utilized employment websites for candidate sourcing and placement. The current project is an employment website developed for one of the most prestigious engineering schools, which is a variant of such job boards tailored to service the students of the institution. With functions such as job suggestions provided offering learners recommendations based on their skills and candidate filtering to aid employers in application matchmaking, the platform is anticipated to be useful for both students investigating job opportunities and employers locating candidates who are appropriate to the position.

Development of a Job Web Portal to Improve Education Quality

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2014

This research aims to develop a job web portal for the students in the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT), University of Malaya (UM). The main aims of this portal are to connect to the industries and acts as an online recruitment to support the students to find the right IT job after graduation. Furthermore, this system enhances the understanding concept and importance of the job portal for students in the universities. A survey was conducted to identify the students' problems with the existing portal of the faculty and to gather their requirements which can be incorporated in to the portal to be developed.

A Study of Issues in Job Portals: Research Analysis

IJCRT - International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 2021

Internet today has cropped out as an invention of science and modern technologies. Many people are using the internet for various purposes as per their needs. In the digitalization era, without the use of the internet, life would come to a standstill. The internet has caused a change in the lives of people and the way they work. The Corona Virus outbreak has pushed people even harder towards using the internet and the various services on the internet. One of the majorly used services on the internet by most job-seekers is E-job portals to search for jobs. This paper's main objective is to build a portal by considering the job-seekers' and employers' views, solving the problems, and adding new features to the current systems.

E-Recruiter Portal

IRJET, 2022

In today's world, the whole profession is a downto-earth race. The same goes for online portals. From food ordering to recruiting, today's tech-savvy teens use the internet for everything. Indeed, today the elect people rely more on the internet than on any other source, such as a newspaper or network. The job search online starts with signing up for a job portfolio, which is done by everyone looking for a job. Then there is the turnaround, in which some selected ones receive faster responses and assignments, while others are reduced to a single record on a portal website. This is because most job seekers ignore the importance of understanding job portfolios and their features, which can help them simplify and speed up their job search. We are trying to close the gap between the Job Seeker and the Employer in this job. This is achieved by considering the information provided by both the Job Seeker and the Employer, as well as the use of various filters to minimize the effects.

How to Transform the Traditional Way of Recruitment into Online System

Abstract This paper elaborates on simplifying the recruitment and selection process in purely filtering the best candidates that fulfil the basic requirement which is language proficiency, interpersonal skill and confidence. Basically, this research is on transforming the way of recruiters to screen and filter applicants through a simple and fastest way with the cost saving elements which would be benefited by many people including the organizations. Keywords: online recruitment, screening, interview


IRJET, 2022

Finding jobs that match one's interests and skill set is a difficult undertaking for job searchers. The issues stem from a lack of understanding of the organization's mission, work culture, and current employment opportunities. Furthermore, for any organization's recruiters, identifying the perfect individual with the needed qualities to fill their current job opportunities is a critical duty. Online Job Portals have made job searching much more convenient for both parties. Job Portal is a solution that brings together recruiters and job seekers in order to meet their specific needs. They are the cheapest and fastest means of communication, reaching a vast range of people with only a single click, regardless of their geographical location.

Use of an Improved Online Job Recommendation System to Search Job Roles and Vacancies

International Research Conference - KDU, 2021

Finding the perfect job is the main purpose of Higher Education for young individuals. For this purpose, nowadays, there are a lots of job portals available in Sri Lanka, where job seekers discover work opportunities and vacancies according to their preferred job titles. Yet for this, the seeker has to have a clear idea about at least several job titles or roles in a company. Not every person who uses these portals has knowledge of jobs and job positions, and most might know only a few job positions, while they might not have ever heard of some. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the whole world has been suffering for almost 2 years now. Changes have happened in every sector in continuing with daily processing during the pandemic. Many researchers have already proposed matching approaches by developing ontologies as a reference to mediate matching accuracy approximately. However, these approaches do not prove how closely matched applicants are in relation to their core skills. This research paper proposes a method that uses a proper approach for improved keyword searching, by influencing the comparability between concepts in the judgment, which represents the core skills and qualifications needed for a job to decide how closely matched an applicant is during the job searching process, mainly focusing on two recommendation processes; job role recommendation and job vacancy recommendation.