Pengelolaan Tinggalan Arkeologi: Kegiatan Pelestarian Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata (original) (raw)
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Pengelolaan Tinggalan Arkeologi di Provinsi Papua
Jurnal Penelitian Arkeologi Papua dan Papua Barat, 2009
The packaging of archaeological remains is the way to advantage archaeological remains as tourism object. There is a large amount of archaeological remains in Papua that very potential for tourism, so that the archaeological remains need to package in to an interesting offer such as leaflet, pamphlet and need to publish to mass media. So the public know how to attitude towards archaeological remains.
Pengembangan Interpretasi Wisata Budaya Guna Mendukung Program Pelestarian Tapak Arkeologi
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap, 1970
Cultural Tourism Interpretation Development For Supporting Archeological Site In Preservation Program The development of the archaeological site into a tourist site resulting in the reduction or even loss of the values of the cultural heritage of archaeological objects and the archaeological site. However, the use for tourism can provide economic opportunities to the society and archaeological site preservation. Consequently, there are need some plan that can provide a variety of benefits and economic opportunities and remain to preserve their cultural values. The research aims were to study a variety of solutions and stages for the development of the site for tourism and archaeological interpretation. By looking at the physical, social, cultural, and visual conditions of the site were able to present the potential for tourism development. Analysis and synthesis methods were done to address the various challenges in developing the site. The results of the study was a site plan and a...
Das Ngrowo-Ngasinan: Pengaruh dan Manfaatnya Terhadap Tinggalan Arkeologi Di Trenggalek
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi, 2021
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Arkeologi dalam Kerja Pemuliharaan: Cabaran Terhadap
Arkeologi dalam Kerja Pemuliharaan: Cabaran Terhadap Masa Depan Negara ASYAARI M Ul IAMAD ABSTRAK Artikel ini memperkatakan peranan arkeologi dalam kerja pemuliharaan di Malaysia. Sehingga kini, lebih duripada 50 projek penyelidikan arkeologi, pemuliharaan kepelbagaian bangunan warisan dan tapak bersejarah di negara ini telah dijalankan. Ada yang berjaya dan ada yang tidak. Sehubungan itu, pentingnya penyelidikan arkeologi claim memastikan kejayaan kerja pemuliharaan itu ditunjukkan. Selain pemuliharaan harus dimulai dengan penyelidikan arkeologi yang sesuai, juga dicadungkan has il penemuun urkeologi perlu dipelihara. Untuk mengekalkan keaslian sesuatu bangunan warisan atau tapak bersejarah, ciri-ciri yang asal perlit dibina semula. Kesemua kerja dikehendaki dilaksanakan arkeologis yang berkelayakun dan juga yang berpengalaman. ABSTRACT This article discusses the role ofarchaeology in conservation works di Malaysia. To-date, more than 50 archeaological research projects involving conversion of a variety of heritage buidings and historical sites in the country have been carried out. Some were successful, while the others not. Following that, this article highlights the importance of archaeological research in ensuring the success of conservatrion work. Besides the point that conservation must start with the relevant archeological research, the outcome ofarcheaoloigcal findings need to be presered. To ensure that the originality of the heriage buildings and historical sites, the original features of the buildings and sites should be reconstructed. All these work could be done by qualify and experienced archaeologists.
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Arkeologi di Situs Pekauman
Pekauman is a village that has a heritage of archeological resources. Relics found in the form of relics in the era before knowing writing. The purpose of this study is to explain the management of archaeological resources in Pekauman Village as a cultural tourism object in Bondowoso Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that goes through the stages of collecting data from literature, observation, interviews and analyzed using qualitative analysis, contextual analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results of this study obtained an overview of the damage and consequences of damage to cultural heritage objects in the form of human, natural, and weather factors. Cultural heritage objects studied include menhirs, kenong stones, sarcophagi, and dolmens. Stages of treatment by cleaning the object's environment, cleaning mildew and other treatments.
Penelitian Pelestarian Dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Arkeologi
Berkala Arkeologi
Dalam pembangunan yang sedang gencar-gencarnya dilaksanakan di Indonesia dewasa ini sering terjadi konflik-konflik kepentingan antar sektoral. Sektor yang kurang menghasilkan barang maupun jasa, sering terkalahkan dalam konflik tersebut. Dalam kasus semacam ini banyak masalah kelestarian sumberdaya arkeologi terancam. Sebenamya masalah konflik yang dapat mengancam kelestarian sumberdaya arkeologi tersebut tidak akan terjadi apabila koordinasi, integrasi, dan sinkronisasi antar sektoral dilakukan secara optimal dalam penyusunan program. Selain itu dirasakan pula masih kurangnya terbadap pemahaman aspek- aspek hukum yang mengatur masalah kepentingan antar sektoral.
Pemetaan Potensi Tinggalan Arkeologi Masa Klasik DI Kabupaten Sarolangun
Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Indonesia
Penelitian ini membahas potensi tinggalan Arkeologi dari masa klasik (Hindu-Buddha) di wilayah Kabupaten Sarolangun. Pada tahun sebelumnya telah dilakukan penelitian serupa dengan cakupan Kecamatan Sarolangun dan hasilnya mengindikasikan adanya tinggalan Arkeologi klasik yang padat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode predictive modeling yang dilaksanakan dengan Langkah awal penentuan titik-titik yang menurut toponim berkaitan dengan istilah klasik. Penelitian ini dilandasi oleh fenomena keberadaan kota-kota dan pemukiman di sepanjang aliran DAS Batanghari. Kabupaten Sarolangun dipilih karena sangat potensial menjadi tempat pendirian situs-situs masa klasik, terlebih lagi apabila dihubungkan dengan wilayah Kecamatan Sarolangun yang memiliki sensitivitas temuan masa klasik yang tinggi, indikasi toponim, dan keberadaan situs-situs serupa di wilayah sekitar, wilayah Kabupaten Sarolangun sangat penting untuk diteliti. Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya sebaran wilayah dengan sesitivitas tinggala...
Pemerintah Pusat melalui Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata telah menetapkan tahun 2008 sebagai “Visit Indonesian Year”. Salah satu potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan untuk mendukung program ini adalah wisata arkeologi khususnya wisata benteng yang jumlahnya cukup banyak dan tersebar dihampir seluruh pulau di Maluku. Wisata benteng di Maluku yang saat ini masih mengandalkan benteng sebagai satu-satunya daya tarik menunjukkan belum optimalnya Pemerintah Daerah mengembangkan wisata ini. Salah satu upaya yang perlu dilakukan adalah dengan mengemas berbagai atraksi wisata sebagai tambahan daya tarik bagi wisatawan yang akan berkunjung. Makalah ini mencoba memaparkan prospek wisata benteng di Pulau Ambon dengan menawarkan langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan dalam upaya pengembangan wisata yang lebih optimal.
Tinggalan Arkeologi Kalumpang untuk Edukasi dan Peluang Pengembangan Seni Kriya
Bakti Budaya
Kalumpang is one of the important regions for archaeology related to the existence of Neolithic and the Early Metal Age settlement remains. The finds provide knowledge about the history of early habitation of the Indonesian Archipelago by the Austronesian speaking people. One of the important finds from three prehistoric sites in the Kalumpang area, namely the Minanga Sipakko, Kamassi, and Palemba sites, is potsherds with various decorations. Pottery is still survives today in the Kalumpang area, although its production is only based on consumer demand. On the contrary, handwoven production tend to increase significantly. Considering that pottery has played an important role in daily lives and rituals since the Prehistoric Period, this cultural heritage needs to be preserved. So far, there is no one who are interested in finding strategies to increase pottery production and attract the public's attention. Therefore, the team of research and Community Service from Archaeology D...
Manajemen Pengelolaan Warisan Budaya: Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Pusat Arkeologi Nasional
Abstract. Management of Cultural Heritage: Evaluation of Results of Researches Carried Out by The National Centre of Archaeology. Within the last decade, the perspective of the Cultural Resource Management (hereinafter is referred to as CRM), has a fundamental change. CRM is no longer considered merely a part of management efforts, but an important and strategic role in scientific theoretical discourse. The performance of CRM does not stop at the aspects of conservation and research; it is a management effort that takes into account the interests of many parties. In this reformation era, the CRM position as an approach plays an important and strategic role in managing, governing, and directing cultural heritages, which are recently become objects of conflicts. The CRM performance includes utilization, in a sense that it is able to generate the social significance of a cultural heritage in the community life. It is the ability to regenerate the social significance that is the real es...