Byzantine Poetry in the ‘Long’ Twelfth Century (1081-1204): Perceptions, Motivations and Functions (Programme) (original) (raw)

The anonymous poets of the Anthologia Marciana: Questions of Collection and Authorship

Foteini Spingou


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The anonymous poets of the Anthologia Marciana: Questions of Collection and Authorship Cover Page

Philippos Monotropos in Byzantium and in the Slavonic World

Jürgen Fuchsbauer, Eirini Afentoulidou

HÖRANDNER, W., RHOBY, A., ZAGKLAS, N. (Hrsgg.): A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, 2019

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Philippos Monotropos in Byzantium and in the Slavonic World Cover Page

Metrical Polyeideia and Generic Innovation in Τwelfth Century: The Multimetric Cycles of Occasional Poetry”, in: A. Rhoby and N. Zagklas (eds.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry: Texts and Contexts, Turnhout: Brepols 2018, 43‒70

Nikos Zagklas

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Metrical Polyeideia and Generic Innovation in Τwelfth Century: The Multimetric Cycles of Occasional Poetry”, in: A. Rhoby and N. Zagklas (eds.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry: Texts and Contexts, Turnhout: Brepols 2018, 43‒70 Cover Page

Epigrams on Charioteers: Themes and Function

Maria Tomadaki

in: Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby (eds.), Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul a Revised and Expanded Booklet, Vienna/Oxford , 2020

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Epigrams on Charioteers: Themes and Function Cover Page

P. A. Agapitos, '"The Force of Discourses:" Literary Production in the Komnenian Era,' in B. van den Berg and N. Zagklas (eds), Byzantine Poetry in the Long Twelfth Century. Cambridge-forthcoming (the version uploaded has not gone through final editing and revision).

Panagiotis Agapitos

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P. A. Agapitos, '"The Force of Discourses:" Literary Production in the Komnenian Era,' in B. van den Berg and N. Zagklas (eds), Byzantine Poetry in the Long Twelfth Century. Cambridge-forthcoming (the version uploaded has not gone through final editing and revision). Cover Page

"L'historien comme témoin : le "je" historiographique est-il le garant de vraisemblance historigraphique dans l'Histoire de Nicétas Chôniatès" - Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 3 (2017), p. 37-60

Stanislas Kuttner-Homs

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"L'historien comme témoin : le "je" historiographique est-il le garant de vraisemblance historigraphique dans l'Histoire de Nicétas Chôniatès" - Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 3 (2017), p. 37-60 Cover Page

'The Excellent Man Lies Sometimes': Eustathios of Thessalonike on Good Hypocrisy, Praiseworthy Falsehood, and Rhetorical Plausibility in Ancient Poetry. In: SJBMGS 3 (2017), pp. 15-35.

Baukje van den Berg

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'The Excellent Man Lies Sometimes': Eustathios of Thessalonike on Good Hypocrisy, Praiseworthy Falsehood, and Rhetorical Plausibility in Ancient Poetry. In: SJBMGS 3 (2017), pp. 15-35. Cover Page

Theodore Prodromos and the use of the poetic work of Gregory of Nazianzus: Appropriation in the service of self-representation

Nikos Zagklas

BMGS 40, Issue 2 (2016)

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Theodore Prodromos and the use of the poetic work of Gregory of Nazianzus: Appropriation in the service of self-representation Cover Page

Mitteilungen aus der Österreichischen Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik 31 (2017)

Andreas Külzer

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Mitteilungen aus der Österreichischen Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik 31 (2017) Cover Page

A. Ricci, A Midddle Byzantine Patriarchal Monastery and Its Long Durée: The Contribution of Inscribed Finds from the Küçükyalı, Istanbul, in: Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. Prepared by I. Toth and A. Rhoby (Oxford, Vienna 2020) 255-262

Alessandra Ricci

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A. Ricci, A Midddle Byzantine Patriarchal Monastery and Its Long Durée: The Contribution of Inscribed Finds from the Küçükyalı, Istanbul, in: Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. Prepared by I. Toth and A. Rhoby (Oxford, Vienna 2020) 255-262 Cover Page

Astrology, piety and poverty: seven anonymous poems in Vaticanus gr. 743

Nikos Zagklas

Byzantinische Zeitschrift 109/2 (2016) 895‒918

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Astrology, piety and poverty: seven anonymous poems in Vaticanus gr. 743 Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 4, February 2018

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 4, February 2018 Cover Page

Medieval Latin Inscriptions in Constantinople


Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. A Revised and Expanded Booklet, 2020

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Medieval Latin Inscriptions in Constantinople Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 2, December 2017

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 2, December 2017 Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 7, May 2018

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 7, May 2018 Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 3, January 2018

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 3, January 2018 Cover Page

The Function of Text: Byzantine Reliquaries with Epigrams, 843–1204 (PhD diss., Florida State Univ., 2016)

Brad Hostetler

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The Function of Text: Byzantine Reliquaries with Epigrams, 843–1204 (PhD diss., Florida State Univ., 2016) Cover Page

“Constantine Manasses, Odysseus and the Cyclops: On Byzantine Appreciation of Pagan Art in the Twelfth Century”, Ekphrasis : la représentation des monuments dans les littératures byzantine et byzantino-slaves – Réalités et imaginaires = Byzantinoslavica 69 (2011), 123-36.

Ingela Nilsson

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“Constantine Manasses, Odysseus and the Cyclops: On Byzantine Appreciation of Pagan Art in the Twelfth Century”, Ekphrasis : la représentation des monuments dans les littératures byzantine et byzantino-slaves – Réalités et imaginaires = Byzantinoslavica 69 (2011), 123-36. Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 8, June 2018

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 8, June 2018 Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 1, November 2017

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 1, November 2017 Cover Page

Byzantine News, Issue 5, March 2018

Byzantine News

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Byzantine News, Issue 5, March 2018 Cover Page

Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium

Alexander Riehle, Krystina Kubina

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Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium Cover Page

Experimenting with Prose and Verse in Twelfth-Century Byzantium: A Preliminary Study. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 71 (2017) 229–248.

Nikos Zagklas

Dumbarton Oaks Papers 71 (2017) 229-248, 2017

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Experimenting with Prose and Verse in Twelfth-Century Byzantium: A Preliminary Study. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 71 (2017) 229–248. Cover Page

Istanbul Byzantine Circular No 42 July 2

Çiğdem Aygün

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Istanbul Byzantine Circular No 42 July 2 Cover Page

“Poets and teachers in the underworld: from the Lucianic katabasis to the Timarion”, Symbolae Osloenses 90 (2016): 180–204.

Ingela Nilsson

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“Poets and teachers in the underworld: from the Lucianic katabasis to the Timarion”, Symbolae Osloenses 90 (2016): 180–204. Cover Page