Maria Tomadaki | University of Ioannina/Greece (original) (raw)

PhD Dissertation Title by Maria Tomadaki

Research paper thumbnail of John Geometres, Iambic Poems. Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary

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Books by Maria Tomadaki

Research paper thumbnail of Iohannes Geometra Carmina Iambica, Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 100 (Turnhout: Brepols 2023)

The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most cre... more The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most creative and interesting Byzantine poets. The poems deal with a variety of subjects (e.g., Byzantine emperors, historical figures and events, saints, relics, iconographic types, theological and philosophical matters, ancient authors) and reflect the cultural and historical developments of tenth-century Byzantium.

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Research paper thumbnail of Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. A Revised and Expanded Booklet. Edited by Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby:

by Ida Toth, Andreas Rhoby, Anna M Sitz, Canan Arıkan-Caba, Matthew Kinloch, Maria Tomadaki, Estelle INGRAND-VARENNE, Desi Marangon, Nikos Tsivikis, Roman Shliakhtin, Nicholas Melvani, Efthymios Rizos, Ivana Jevtic, Nektarios Zarras, Brad Hostetler, Georgios Pallis, Maria Lidova, Alex Rodriguez Suarez, Meriç T. Öztürk, and Ivan Drpić

The volume 'Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in ... more The volume 'Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul' is a revised and updated edition of the booklet originally produced for the Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy. This collection of 37 essays has been prepared by Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby to provide a broad coverage of Constantinople's (Istanbul's) inscriptional material dating back to the period between the 4th and the 15th centuries. It is intended as a comprehensive teaching tool and also as a dependable vademecum to the extant traces of Istanbul’s rich late antique and medieval epigraphic legacy:

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Research paper thumbnail of Editio Princeps of John Geometres' Encomium of Gregory of Nazianzus (in preparation for the Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca)

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Research paper thumbnail of A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.)/(Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World, vol. 4). Leiden – Boston 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (c.1081–c.1350), parts 1 & 2.

by Foteini Spingou, Charles Barber, Nathan Leidholm, Thomas Carlson, Ivan Drpić, Alexandros (Alexander) Alexakis, elizabeth jeffreys, Theocharis Tsampouras, Mircea G . Duluș, Nikos Zagklas, Ida Toth, Alexander Riehle, Brad Hostetler, Michael Featherstone, Emmanuel C Bourbouhakis, Shannon Steiner, Efthymios Rizos, Divna Manolova, Robert Romanchuk, Maria Tomadaki, Kirsty Stewart, Baukje van den Berg, Katarzyna Warcaba, Florin Leonte, Vasileios Marinis, Ludovic Bender, Linda Safran, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Rachele Ricceri, Luisa Andriollo, Alex J Novikoff, Annemarie Carr, Marina Bazzani, Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Renaat Meesters, Daphne (Dafni) / Δάφνη Penna / Πέννα, Annemarie Carr, Alexander Alexakis, Jeremy Johns, Maria Parani, Lisa Mahoney, Irena Spadijer, and Ilias Taxidis

ISBN: 9781108483056 Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3 In this book the beauty and m... more ISBN: 9781108483056
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3

In this book the beauty and meaning of Byzantine art and its aesthetics are for the first time made accessible through the original sources. More than 150 medieval texts are translated from nine medieval languages into English, with commentaries from over seventy leading scholars. These include theories of art, discussions of patronage and understandings of iconography, practical recipes for artistic supplies, expressions of devotion, and descriptions of cities. The volume reveals the cultural plurality and the interconnectivity of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean from the late eleventh to the early fourteenth centuries. The first part uncovers salient aspects of Byzantine artistic production and its aesthetic reception, while the second puts a spotlight on particular ways of expressing admiration and of interpreting of the visual.

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Papers by Maria Tomadaki

Research paper thumbnail of Two Unpublished Byzantine Scholia on Psalms 104 and 135 and the Ark of the Covenant

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of The Quadripartite Psalter Manuscripts, Witnesses and New Findings

in F. Albrecht – R. Kratz (eds.), Editing the Greek Psalter, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of An Unpublished Byzantine Lament for a Learned Man

JÖB, 2023

The article includes the editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an unpublish... more The article includes the editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an unpublished Byzantine lament in elegiac distichs. The poem is preserved in a philosophical manuscript that belonged to the cardinal Bessarion (cod. Marc. gr. Z 197) and is dedicated to a learned man called Trikanas Kantzas, who is not known from other sources. It is distinguished by its secular style, its adaptation of Homeric language and its emotional expression of feelings of grief.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fragmentary Psalters from Sinai

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Psalter Manuscripts of Meteora

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Bibliomantic Method of Codex Vat. gr. 619 (Rahlfs 1171)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Psalter Manuscripts of Andros, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of K. Demoen, R. Ricceri, M. Tomadaki, Paul in Byzantine Book Epigrams

Des cahiers à l'histoire de la culture à Byzance, Hommage à Paul Canart, codicologue (1927-2017), 2021

Cette contribution porte sur les caractéristiques principales et quelques exemples représentatifs... more Cette contribution porte sur les caractéristiques principales et quelques exemples représentatifs des épigrammes dédiées à l’apôtre Paul dans les livres manuscrits byzantins. La première partie de la contribution présente un aperçu de ce corpus et comporte des informations sur la nature paratextuelle de ces poèmes, leurs aspects paléographiques, leurs genre et contenu. La seconde partie comprend le texte et la traduction de certaines épigrammes spécifiques et donne un aperçu sur les plus communes représentations poétiques de Paul, de même que sur leurs principales sources littéraires. Cette analyse est corroborée dans l’épilogue par une brève comparaison entre les épigrammes livresques sur Paul et d’autres poèmes byzantins composés en son honneur.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Quadripartite Psalter Manuscripts (blogpost), 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of John Geometres: a Poet around the Year 1000

A Companion to Byzantine Poetry , 2019

in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's ... more in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World 4 (Leiden 2019) pp. 191-211. John Geometres is one of the most important poets in 10th century Byzantium. The chapter ‘Ioannes Geometres: A Poet Around the Year 1000’ offers his short biography as an intellectual and military officer, followed by a presentation of his poems and epigrams in iambic, hexameters and elegiacs. These are divided into four different categories: 1. poems on contemporary society, 2. poems on objects, 3. satirical and invective poems and 4. personal poems, prayers, hymns. Each category is illustrated by a discussion of some characteristic examples and observations on their context. Not only the thematic variety of Geometres’ poetry, motifs and techniques are revealed, but also his ability to compose poems in different genres, meters and styles. In this way, a full picture of the poetic qualities of this fascinating Byzantine personality is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Manuscript Sinaiticus gr. 66 (Rahlfs-Ms. 1831): A Witness to Greek Geomancy, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Tomadaki, Anne-Marie Demoen, Ταξίδι στα ελληνικά νησιά

Περιοδικό Ποιητική (Φθινόπωρο-Χειμώνας), 2021

Translation in Modern Greek of nine poems composed by Anne-Marie Demoen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Epigrams on Charioteers: Themes and Function

in: Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby (eds.), Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul a Revised and Expanded Booklet, Vienna/Oxford , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Literary Depictions of the Constantinopolitan Walls in Byzantium

The Istanbul City Walls Project, Koç University, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of John Geometres, Iambic Poems. Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary

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Research paper thumbnail of Iohannes Geometra Carmina Iambica, Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 100 (Turnhout: Brepols 2023)

The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most cre... more The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most creative and interesting Byzantine poets. The poems deal with a variety of subjects (e.g., Byzantine emperors, historical figures and events, saints, relics, iconographic types, theological and philosophical matters, ancient authors) and reflect the cultural and historical developments of tenth-century Byzantium.

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Research paper thumbnail of Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. A Revised and Expanded Booklet. Edited by Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby:

by Ida Toth, Andreas Rhoby, Anna M Sitz, Canan Arıkan-Caba, Matthew Kinloch, Maria Tomadaki, Estelle INGRAND-VARENNE, Desi Marangon, Nikos Tsivikis, Roman Shliakhtin, Nicholas Melvani, Efthymios Rizos, Ivana Jevtic, Nektarios Zarras, Brad Hostetler, Georgios Pallis, Maria Lidova, Alex Rodriguez Suarez, Meriç T. Öztürk, and Ivan Drpić

The volume 'Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in ... more The volume 'Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul' is a revised and updated edition of the booklet originally produced for the Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy. This collection of 37 essays has been prepared by Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby to provide a broad coverage of Constantinople's (Istanbul's) inscriptional material dating back to the period between the 4th and the 15th centuries. It is intended as a comprehensive teaching tool and also as a dependable vademecum to the extant traces of Istanbul’s rich late antique and medieval epigraphic legacy:

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Research paper thumbnail of Editio Princeps of John Geometres' Encomium of Gregory of Nazianzus (in preparation for the Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca)

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Research paper thumbnail of A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.)/(Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World, vol. 4). Leiden – Boston 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (c.1081–c.1350), parts 1 & 2.

by Foteini Spingou, Charles Barber, Nathan Leidholm, Thomas Carlson, Ivan Drpić, Alexandros (Alexander) Alexakis, elizabeth jeffreys, Theocharis Tsampouras, Mircea G . Duluș, Nikos Zagklas, Ida Toth, Alexander Riehle, Brad Hostetler, Michael Featherstone, Emmanuel C Bourbouhakis, Shannon Steiner, Efthymios Rizos, Divna Manolova, Robert Romanchuk, Maria Tomadaki, Kirsty Stewart, Baukje van den Berg, Katarzyna Warcaba, Florin Leonte, Vasileios Marinis, Ludovic Bender, Linda Safran, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Rachele Ricceri, Luisa Andriollo, Alex J Novikoff, Annemarie Carr, Marina Bazzani, Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Renaat Meesters, Daphne (Dafni) / Δάφνη Penna / Πέννα, Annemarie Carr, Alexander Alexakis, Jeremy Johns, Maria Parani, Lisa Mahoney, Irena Spadijer, and Ilias Taxidis

ISBN: 9781108483056 Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3 In this book the beauty and m... more ISBN: 9781108483056
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3

In this book the beauty and meaning of Byzantine art and its aesthetics are for the first time made accessible through the original sources. More than 150 medieval texts are translated from nine medieval languages into English, with commentaries from over seventy leading scholars. These include theories of art, discussions of patronage and understandings of iconography, practical recipes for artistic supplies, expressions of devotion, and descriptions of cities. The volume reveals the cultural plurality and the interconnectivity of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean from the late eleventh to the early fourteenth centuries. The first part uncovers salient aspects of Byzantine artistic production and its aesthetic reception, while the second puts a spotlight on particular ways of expressing admiration and of interpreting of the visual.

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Research paper thumbnail of Two Unpublished Byzantine Scholia on Psalms 104 and 135 and the Ark of the Covenant

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of The Quadripartite Psalter Manuscripts, Witnesses and New Findings

in F. Albrecht – R. Kratz (eds.), Editing the Greek Psalter, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of An Unpublished Byzantine Lament for a Learned Man

JÖB, 2023

The article includes the editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an unpublish... more The article includes the editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an unpublished Byzantine lament in elegiac distichs. The poem is preserved in a philosophical manuscript that belonged to the cardinal Bessarion (cod. Marc. gr. Z 197) and is dedicated to a learned man called Trikanas Kantzas, who is not known from other sources. It is distinguished by its secular style, its adaptation of Homeric language and its emotional expression of feelings of grief.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fragmentary Psalters from Sinai

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Psalter Manuscripts of Meteora

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Bibliomantic Method of Codex Vat. gr. 619 (Rahlfs 1171)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Psalter Manuscripts of Andros, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of K. Demoen, R. Ricceri, M. Tomadaki, Paul in Byzantine Book Epigrams

Des cahiers à l'histoire de la culture à Byzance, Hommage à Paul Canart, codicologue (1927-2017), 2021

Cette contribution porte sur les caractéristiques principales et quelques exemples représentatifs... more Cette contribution porte sur les caractéristiques principales et quelques exemples représentatifs des épigrammes dédiées à l’apôtre Paul dans les livres manuscrits byzantins. La première partie de la contribution présente un aperçu de ce corpus et comporte des informations sur la nature paratextuelle de ces poèmes, leurs aspects paléographiques, leurs genre et contenu. La seconde partie comprend le texte et la traduction de certaines épigrammes spécifiques et donne un aperçu sur les plus communes représentations poétiques de Paul, de même que sur leurs principales sources littéraires. Cette analyse est corroborée dans l’épilogue par une brève comparaison entre les épigrammes livresques sur Paul et d’autres poèmes byzantins composés en son honneur.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Quadripartite Psalter Manuscripts (blogpost), 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of John Geometres: a Poet around the Year 1000

A Companion to Byzantine Poetry , 2019

in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's ... more in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World 4 (Leiden 2019) pp. 191-211. John Geometres is one of the most important poets in 10th century Byzantium. The chapter ‘Ioannes Geometres: A Poet Around the Year 1000’ offers his short biography as an intellectual and military officer, followed by a presentation of his poems and epigrams in iambic, hexameters and elegiacs. These are divided into four different categories: 1. poems on contemporary society, 2. poems on objects, 3. satirical and invective poems and 4. personal poems, prayers, hymns. Each category is illustrated by a discussion of some characteristic examples and observations on their context. Not only the thematic variety of Geometres’ poetry, motifs and techniques are revealed, but also his ability to compose poems in different genres, meters and styles. In this way, a full picture of the poetic qualities of this fascinating Byzantine personality is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Manuscript Sinaiticus gr. 66 (Rahlfs-Ms. 1831): A Witness to Greek Geomancy, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Tomadaki, Anne-Marie Demoen, Ταξίδι στα ελληνικά νησιά

Περιοδικό Ποιητική (Φθινόπωρο-Χειμώνας), 2021

Translation in Modern Greek of nine poems composed by Anne-Marie Demoen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Epigrams on Charioteers: Themes and Function

in: Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby (eds.), Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul a Revised and Expanded Booklet, Vienna/Oxford , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Literary Depictions of the Constantinopolitan Walls in Byzantium

The Istanbul City Walls Project, Koç University, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Manuel Korinthios’ Poems in Wellcomensis MS.498

in P. Bouras-Vallianatos (ed.), Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Wellcome Library, London, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Uncovering the Literary Sources of John Tzetzes’ Theogony

in B. van den Berg – D. Manolova – P. Marciniak (eds.), Byzantine Commentaries on Ancient Greek Texts, 12th-15th Centuries, Cambridge University Press 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tragedies from a Byzantine Perspective: Book Epigrams on Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides

Medioevo greco 19, 2019

The present article contributes to the understanding of the reception of ancient drama in Byzanti... more The present article contributes to the understanding of the reception of ancient drama in Byzantium by examining a wide range of book epigrams, that accompany the classical tragedies in Byzantine manuscripts. These epigrams –hypotheseis, encomiastic poems, verse scholia, titles and colophons– are mostly related to the so-called triads, the set of tragedies used in the Byzantine school curriculum. The article begins with an introduction on the main characteristics of the book epigrams (section I), continues with three sections dedicated to Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (sections II-IV) and ends with one section on the short epigrams marking the ending of the tragedies in the manuscripts (section V). The article offers short overviews of the book epigrams attached to the work of each tragedian and discusses a number of remarkable examples, providing insight into Byzantine reader responses to ancient drama.

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Research paper thumbnail of "An Unpublished Poem on Porphyry”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111/3 (2018) 777-792

This paper offers an editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an interesting e... more This paper offers an editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an interesting epigram on Porphyry, the commentator of Aristotle. The epigram was transcribed in Vat. Reg. 166 by Ioannes Malaxos (16th c.) and is ascribed to Petros Servilos, a poet unknown from other sources. The paper discusses the poem’s manuscript context, as well as its authorship, genre, content and function. Further, it attempts to shed light on the poem’s relation to Porphyry’s philosophy and his reception in Byzantine poetry.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Reception of Ancient Greek Literature in the Iambic Poems of John Geometres

in Andreas Rhoby – Nikolaos Zagklas (eds.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry: Texts and Contexts, Brepols Publishers 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of John Geometres: A Poet around the Year 1000

in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's Companio... more in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World 4 (Leiden 2019) pp. 191-211.

John Geometres is one of the most important poets in 10th century Byzantium. The chapter ‘Ioannes Geometres: A Poet Around the Year 1000’ offers his short biography as an intellectual and military officer, followed by a presentation of his poems and epigrams in iambic, hexameters and elegiacs. These are divided into four different categories: 1. poems on contemporary society, 2. poems on objects, 3. satirical and invective poems and 4. personal poems, prayers, hymns. Each category is illustrated by a discussion of some characteristic examples and observations on their context. Not only the thematic variety of Geometres’ poetry, motifs and techniques are revealed, but also his ability to compose poems in different genres, meters and styles. In this way, a full picture of the poetic qualities of this fascinating Byzantine personality is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of A.J. GOLDWYN and D. KOKKINI John Tzetzes, Allegories of the Odyssey (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library 56). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. xxiv + 347

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Tomadaki, «Review of Ilias Taxidis, The Ekphraseis in the Byzantine Literature of the 12th Century (Hellenica 90). Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso 2021, 276 pages», Byzantine Review 3 (2021) 288-291.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Fevronia Nousia, Byzantine Textbooks of the Palaeologan Period (Studi e Testi 505), Città del Vaticano 2016, published in Byzantion 87 (2017) 443-446.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Catena Type XIV on the Psalms (CPG C27) and its Christological Aspects. Conference: Collecting - Presenting - Studying - Transmitting Scriptural Interpretations of Early Christian Authors in Old Catenae Manuscripts and New Databases, University of Vienna, 23-25 March 2023

My talk is concerned with the Christological exegesis of the Psalms and specifically with its app... more My talk is concerned with the Christological exegesis of the Psalms and specifically with its application in the catena XIV on the Psalms (CPG C27). This catena, which is preserved in two old witnesses from the 10-11th centuries (Vat. gr. 1747, Ambros. B 106 sup.), contains several Christological passages. My intention is to identify the sources of these excerpts, their exegetical approach, their theological implications, their placement in the catena, and their function as means of the Christianization of the Psalms. In this way, we can shed light on authors and texts (e.g., homilies or commentaries) that were considered appropriate for a Christological exegesis, as well as on unedited exegetical extracts, which prefigure Christ in the Psalms and are transmitted in this particular catena.

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Research paper thumbnail of Origen from the Catenae: Two Examples

24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Byzantium - Bridge Between Worlds, Venice and P... more 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Byzantium - Bridge Between Worlds, Venice and Padua, 22-27 August 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Unpublished Encomium of Gregory of Nazianzus by Ioannes Geometres

24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Byzantium - Bridge Between Worlds, Venice and P... more 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Byzantium - Bridge Between Worlds, Venice and Padua, 22-27 August 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Reception of the Akathistos Hymn in Byzantine Poetry

International Conference: "The Akathistos Hymn in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Tradition. The His... more International Conference: "The Akathistos Hymn in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Tradition. The History of a Liturgical Masterpiece between Text and Image", New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest, 13-15 October 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Quadripartite Psalter Manuscripts and their Transmission during the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, SBL Annual Meeting, San Antonio (Texas), 20-23 November 2021

The quadripartite Psalters contain four versions of the Psalms and the Odes written in parallel c... more The quadripartite Psalters contain four versions of the Psalms and the Odes written in parallel columns and in Latin script. The first three columns consist of the three Latin translations by Jerome (Psalterium Gallicanum, Psalterium Romanum, Psalterium Hebraicum), whereas the fourth column contains the Greek text transliterated into Latin characters (Psalterium Graecum). The oldest quadripartite Psalter is the codex Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek Msc. Bibl. 44, which was commissioned in 909 by Solomon III (890-920), bishop of Constance and Abbot of St. Gall. Similar content and layout have also other Psalter manuscripts originating from the Latin West, such as the codices Essen, Archiv der Münsterpfarre, Domschatz, Ms. 4 (11th c.), Vatican Library, Pal. lat. 39 (11th c.), Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek 629 (12th c., fragment of a quadripartite Psalter) and the cod. Nouvelles acquisitions latines 2195 (1105). These manuscripts have many textual and visual similarities to the Bamberg manuscript, but occasionally their content deviates from it in order to serve the didactic and liturgical needs of the monastic community, which commissioned them. My talk aims at analyzing the content of these Psalters, their affinities, their association to the Ottonian dynasty, as well as the purpose of their production. The quadripartite Psalters are of particular significance, not only because they preserve an old version of the Psalms (e.g., the Ps. Gallicanum is associated with Origen’s Hexapla), but also because they are witnesses of the usage of the Greek language in the Latin West during the medieval times. They display an interest of western monastic centers in the Greek language and an interaction between western and oriental liturgical practices.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Ancient Texts in John Tzetzes’ Theogony, presented at the workshop "Preserving, Commenting, Adapting: Commentaries on Ancient Texts in Twelfth Century Byzantium", University of Silesia (Poland, 20-22 October 2017)

John Tzetzes’ Theogony is a long didactic poem in political verses, which is dedicated to Sevasto... more John Tzetzes’ Theogony is a long didactic poem in political verses, which is dedicated to Sevastokratorissa Eirene and narrates genealogies of mythological Gods and heroes. This poem is an important witness of the classical learning in the 12th-century Byzantium and can be considered as a creative paraphrase of Hesiod’s Theogony. Although Tzetzes’s narration is based on Hesiod, he also uses a lot of quotations and mythological material from several other ancient authors (e.g. Homer, Aeschylus, Lycophron), in order to demonstrate his knowledge and present himself as an authority of the subject. My analysis will address, among others, the following questions: How closely does Tzetzes follow the Hesiodic narration and how does he reformulate it? What quotations and motifs from other ancient authors can be found in the Theogony and how do they function? Which are the didactic and exegetical aspects of the text? How the Theogony relates to the broader ideology and socio-cultural developments of the Komnenian period? By answering these questions, I will attempt to shed light on Tzetzes’ attitude towards the ancient authors, as well as to situate the Theogony in his broad activity as a professional poet and commentator of ancient texts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ιωάννης Γεωμέτρης, Ιαμβικά ποιήματα: θεματικοί κύκλοι και τεχνικές σύνθεσης/ John Geometres, Iambic Poems. Motifs and techniques of their structure, presented at the 1st Parekbolai Symposium on Byzantine Literature, University of Athens (14 December 2012)

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Research paper thumbnail of Βυζαντινά βιβλιακά επιγράμματα αφιερωμένα σε κείμενα και συγγραφείς της αρχαίας ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας /Byzantine Book Epigrams on Texts and Authors of Ancient Greek Literature, presented at the 8th Conference of Greek Byzantinists, University of Athens (18 December 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ioannes Tzetzes, Theogonia: Critical Edition, Literary Analysis and Cultural-Historical Contextualization, presented at the 3rd Parekbolai Symposium, University of Athens (16 December 2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Epigrams on the Tragedians

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Research paper thumbnail of Maria Tomadaki, “Η ηλεκτρονική βάση των βιβλιακών επιγραμμάτων (DBBE) του Πανεπιστημίου της Γάνδης: επιγράμματα Κρητών λογίων και κωδικογράφων»

Guest lecture in the course offered by Manolis Patedakis “Βυζαντινή λογοτεχνία: κείμενα, βιβλιακός πολιτισμός, μεθοδολογία της έρευνας” University of Crete, 26/11/2020 and 23/10/2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Byzantine Theogony from the 12th Century (guest lecture at the University of Hamburg, Department of Greek and Latin Philology, 26 June 2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Agonistic Epigraphy: Epigrams on Charioteers (lecture, “Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy” organized by Koç University, Oxford University and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Istanbul, 3-9 September 2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Development of Greek Minuscule Script in the 10th-12th Centuries (lecture, Crash Course in Greek Palaeography organized by the Research School OIKOS, Ghent University, 13 February 2019 and 4 February 2020)

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Greek in a Period of Financial Crisis: Ancient, Byzantine and Modern Greek in the Educational System of Contemporary Greece (lecture, 15 May 2019, Griekenlandcentrum, University of Ghent)

After some opening remarks on the financial crisis in Greece and the problems it caused to educat... more After some opening remarks on the financial crisis in Greece and the problems it caused to education, my talk will introduce the educational system in Greece and the main courses of Greek that are included in the school curriculum. Subsequently, it will focus on recent changes in the school system of Greece, differentiations to teaching purposes and their impact to the learning of ancient Greek. It will also discuss current debates in Greece about the value of ancient Greek and its relation to Modern Greek. At the end, I intend to present the opinions of some significant intellectuals who affected the directions of teaching and learning Greek in contemporary Greece.

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Research paper thumbnail of Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE): (open access)

The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE) is an ongoing project that makes available both te... more The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE) is an ongoing project that makes available both textual and contextual data of book epigrams - also known as “metrical paratexts” - from medieval Greek manuscripts dating up to the fifteenth century. We define book epigrams as poems in and on books: they have as subject the very manuscript in which they are found, elaborating on its production, contents and use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Byzantinische Kulturgeschichte

Lecture Series, Summer Term 2023

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