Solar Symbolism of ’Horns of Consecration’? (original) (raw)
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This chapter deals with spiritual life in the Stone Age, briefly in the Upper Paleolithic period, in more detail in the Neolithic and Eneolithic. The chapter deals with some paintings and engravings from caves, such as the engraving of a mysterious creature with part of the human body part of the animal body from the cave of Les Combarelles (France). This engraving could prove a belief in the unity of man and animal. The important grave of a shaman, the sorcerer from Brno, Francouzská Street was mentioned, which included, among other things, a puppet of a man from ivory. Some unique ceramic statuettes of animals from the locality Dolní Věstonice and Pavlov (South Moravia) were intentionally damaged. The parts of these statuettes could be used in hunting rituals. So called command staffs have a number of explanations. Their use as drumsticks for ritual drums cannot be excluded. The hole against the handle could be used to "banish the evil forces". It is a epoch of religious ideas that can be classified as animism, animatism and demonism. These religious ideas survive to the Neolithic, when these religious wayif thinking evolve into a period of prototheism. Remarkable is a small ritual vessel in the shape of a goat but with a human face. Numerous ceramic anthropomorphic statuettes and images on vessels of the Linear Pottery culture were described (Vedrovice), and especially the female statues of the Moravian - East-Austrian group of Painted Pottery culture from Moravia, which were anonymously depicted as idols of the cult of fruitfullness and fertility. Anthropomorphic vessels could also be used for rituals. Described is a vessel depicting a woman with miniature containers in hands from the settlement Těšetice-Kyjovice, where the rondel was excavated. Kernos and pseudokernos (Střelice, Hluboké Mašůvky, Moravia etc.) could also be used for rituals. Interestingly, there is evidence of the use of masks in religious ceremonies (eg Liubcova, Banat; Uivar, Romania). Significant is the discovery of a simple rondel as a multifunctional gathering place at Prašník, Piešťany District (south-west Slovakia). Between the entrances facing the cardinal points, there are three large features (4 x 3 = 12) in each quadrant along the inner edge of the ditch. Four are also seasons. What are the 12 great features (12 months or something else)? The Eneolithic is characterized by the transformation of Neolithic prototheism into the earliest period of polytheism. Some statuettes were made including details such as clothing or body ornaments. It is possible that they already depict goddesses, priestesses (eg Vesnus of Hluboké Mašůvky) and priests or chiefs. There are also very rich graves of chiefs with copper pectorals (Štramberk-Kotouč, Moravia; Velvary, Bohemia) and tiaras (Vörs, Hungary). 56 Rituális tevékenység az újkőkorban és a rézkorban Szlovákia területén célra, különleges alkalmak során használták. Sámánok alkalomszerűen használhatták a föld alatti rejtett helyeket. Talán olyan szertartásokat végeztek itt, amelyet nem szántak az egész közösségnek. A szikla-vagy földhasadékok és a barlangok nem csak szimbolikus, de valóságos átjárók a föld alatti világba, és mint ilyen, szakralizált hellyé vált (Pavlů-Zápotocká 2007, 61). A természet ciklusainak misztikumát tükrözték a bonyolult rítusok, melynek során véres és vértelen áldozatot ajánlottak fel a természeti isteneknek. Feltételezhető, hogy az indoeurópai mitológia, mágia és vallás eredete a neolitikumban gyökerezik. Ez volt az időszaka sok isten születésének és halálának. Hamarosan megformálódott a gondolata a Magna Mater típusú, földanya és termékenység istennőknek. A rézkorban a "szent hit" fokozatosan átváltozik egy korai politeizmusba (sokistenhitbe), és a menny-föld és alvilág hármassága kezd kikristályosodni. A vegetatív típusú természeti istenek tiszteletére ren-dezett szertartásokat talán rendszeresen megtartották a természet újjászületésekor vagy a mezőgazda-sági munkák kezdésekor tavasszal. A rondellákban talán az égitestek megfigyelésével határozták meg a szertartások időpontját (. Ezeknek a szertartásoknak fontos szereplői voltak a sámánok. A modern gondolkodás számára a bemutatott rituális tevékenységek példái talán különösek és kegyet-lenek, de ezek mélyen gyökereznek az őskori emberek gondolatvilágában és visszatükrözik a társadalom-ról és az őket körülvevő világról alkotott gondolataikat.
Concerning the pyramids near the town of Visoka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this paper seeks to explain the symbolisms associated with several artifacts discovered in this region, some carbon dated as old as 10,000 years. The three pyramids, Sun, Moon and Dragon, were named from the emblem of the medieval Bosnian King Tvrtko. This symbolism descends from a sacred mountain named Meru described in the Rigveda, believed to originate in pre-Vedic Indo-Iranian culture. Evidence is presented here to establish a link to this pre-Vedic civilization, founded on astrotheological fertility symbolisms and harmonic physics.
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Recenzje / Review 525 perspektywy kultury / perspectives on culture No. 38 (3/2022)
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Oleh Bolyuk, Wooden sacred artefacts (as based on Ukraine's western regions). Lviv: Institute of ethnology national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2020, pp. 520. Oleh Bolyuk's book is an impressive work in terms of content and editing. enclosed in hardcovers, navy blue with gold embellishments, with 260 A3-size half-chalk pages, nearly 450 color and black-and-white illustrations in the margins as well as inserted into the text, it entices with its enviably beautiful layout and extreme editorial diligence. At this point, it is worth emphasizing the fact that in Ukraine, researchers often have to apply for funds themselves to publish their own research and are not assisted in this by state institutions. Fortunately, the author found full support at the Institute of ethnology of the national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which proves the exceptionally high esteem in the results of the research work presented in the book. the expeditionary research which allowed for a detailed study of the collection of church art, was made possible thanks to the support of the nGO center for cultural and Artistic Initiatives in Lviv. the aesthetic qualities are matched by substantive values, resulting from twenty years of scientific practice, which Oleh Bolyuk, Ph.D., gained first as a doctoral student and then as an employee of the Institute of ethno logy of the national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv. Research on church woodcarving in Ukraine has a long and glorious tradition. Modern Ukrainian researchers have eagerly referred to it in recent decades, not only by continuing and expanding the studies begun in the 19th century, but also through reprints of the doyens of research, to mention only Vadim and Danylo Shcherbakivsky's book published in 2015 (Вадим і Данило Щербаківські (2015), Українське мистецтво в двох томах з додаткми. Харків: Видавець Савчук О.О., pp. 472; first editions in 1913 and 1926) and works on wooden churches: the irreplaceable Mykhailo
Over the past five decades, there has been a steady increase in paleoclimatic and historical climatological research in Europe and beyond, emphasizing the need for mathematical calibration of data, both natural and manmade, in order to produce reliable scales and cycles of climate change patterns. To a lesser extent, attention has been paid to people as living beings, sensory creatures, that is, less rational and predictive than climate scientists would like them to be. This paper is dedicated to the sensual, emotional but also practical and cautious side of human nature, to the people who gather experience through generations, so as to increase resilience of their families and communities when faced with short, medium or long-term weather events and climate change. Data for Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina have so far fit the models of 'typical' preindustrial societies, in which agriculture and animal husbandry provided the livelihood for the vast majority of the population. Christian culture shaped the fears expressed in short marginal notes and Franciscan chronicles, but since the 15th century, urban and rural society included the Muslim culture and worldview as well. With periods of feudal, civil, and Austro-Ottoman wars, the spread of epidemics, a climate of violence emerged, producing dire consequences, such as heightened sensitivity, anxiety, and uncertainty, contributing to existential crises. Beside these tales of fear, oral testimonies provide a treasure of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), which helped people cope with great uncertainty and explain their own social-cultural realities. This will be re-evaluated through our ethnographic material in various areas of Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. S obzirom na to da su dokumentarni izvori za srednjovekovnu Srbiju i Bosnu i Hercegovinu skoro u potpunosti uništeni tokom njihove burne prošlosti, a podaci osmanskih arhiva su tek delimično objavljeni, naučnici su upućeni na narativne izvore, sa svim njihovim kvalitetima i nedostacima. Žan Delimo je u svom magnum opusu – Strah na Zapadu, pokazao da svako doba ima svoje strahove i teskobe, koje oblikuju, formiraju i na koje utiču Društvo i institucije. Stoga smatramo da naučnici treba da budu senzitivniji prema ljudima u prošlim vremenima, što smo pokazali ovde u interpretaciji narativnih izvora, ali takođe treba da budu svesni zajedničkih osobina kod ljudi u savremenom svetu. Etnografska istraživanja koja su ovde predstavljena potiču iz različitih oblasti savremene Srbije i Bosne-Hercegovine, i njihovi rezultati potvrđuju najvećim delom postojanje tradicionalnog ekološkog znanja. Ne samo planina Biokovo, kako je Alberto Fortis zabeležio 1774, već i skoro svaka planina u ovim istraživanjima – Velež, Romanija, Ivan-planina, Žaba i dr., i dalje služe kao 'ogledala' u kojima se predviđa vreme, i ljudi budno posmatraju oblik i boju sunca, meseca, oblaka, pravac vetrova sa njihovim osobinama, boju neba u zoru i sumrak, kao i ponašanje divljih i pitomih životinja, pritom 'osećajući vreme' na koži i u kostima. Glavni hrišćanski praznici, pravoslavni i katolički – Božić, Đurđevdan, Mitrovdan, Ilindan, i danas se koriste kao oznaka za početak nekih poljoprivrednih radova i za 'čitanje' znakova koji upućuju na dobro ili loše vreme u narednoj godini. Uzimajući u obzir takvu dugovečnost iskustva življenja na zemlji i od plodova zemlje, savremeni naučnici bi trebalo da ulože više napora u prikupljanju, očuvanju i predstavljanju tradicionalnog ekološkog znanja i zemljoradničkih praksi u celom svetu. Stoga je ovaj rad deo tog većeg poduhvata, s ciljem da se stimulišu slična istraživanja širom regiona Jugoistočne Evrope.
T. BILI]: Jadranska ogigija i Vu~edolski Bog metalurgije, VAMZ, 3.s., XLII 73-84 (2009) 73 TOMISLAV BILI] Arheolo{ki muzej u Zagrebu Trg Nikole [ubi}a Zrinskog 19 HR -10000 Zagreb JADRANSKA OGIGIJA I VU^EDOLSKI BOG METALURGIJE -DVA PRIMJERA HISTORIJSKOG (DIS)KONTINUITETA UDK 291.215:903 (36/38:497.5) Izvorni znanstveni rad U Argonautici Apolonija Ro|anina Kalipsin otok, koji se kod Homera naziva Ogigija, smje{ten je na Jadran. Anti~ka tradicija Ogigiju ~vrsto ve`e uza zapadna podru~ja, {to je koncept koji se mo`e i{~itati ve} iz Odiseje. Apolonijev prethodnik Kalimah smje{tao je Kalipsino obita va-li{te na otok Gaud kod Malte, nedaleko otoka Kossure (dana{nja Pantellaria). Ta je ~injenica mogla imati za posljedicu Apolonijevo smje{tanje Kalipsinog otoka i susjednog otoka imena Kero s na Jadran, to vi{e {to je postojalo odre|eno dupliciranje mito-geografskih lokacija na Sicilskom i Jadranskom moru. Etimologija bliskih geografskih lokacija -Vukovara, Vu~edola, rijeke Vuke -odra`ava predslavensku toponimiju ovog podru~ja. Ta se imena mogu povezati s rimskim bogom vatre i kova~kog umije}a Vulkanom, a ta ~injenica mo`da odra`ava sna`nu metalur{ku tradiciju ovog podru~ja koja potje~e iz pretpovijesih razdoblja.
Zadubravlje – Cult Objects in the Starčevo Culture Settlement
Zadubravlje-kultni predmeti u naselju starčevačke kulture Zadubravlje-Cult Objects in the Starčevo Culture Settlement Posebni glineni predmeti otkriveni u inventaru zemunica i otvorenih prostora naselja iz rane faze razvitka starčevačke kulture u Zadubravlju svjedoče o bogatoj duhovnosti najstarijih zemljoradničkih populacija južnopanonskih prostora, koji su ostvarivali svoj mitski svijet i štovanje svojih božanstava najočitije u fi guralnoj umjetnosti. Među 25 kultnih predmeta otkriveni su: žrtvenici-kadionice, žrtvene posude, ritoni, te antropomorfna i zoomorfna plastika. Iako je ova vrsta arheološke građe raznovrsna, njezina interpretacija je u mnogočemu još uvijek nedorečena. Svako novo otkriće kultnih predmeta u ranoneolitičkim naseljima dragocjen su doprinos novim spoznajama o prvim vjerovanjima čovjeka da prirodne pojave mogu biti pod njegovom kontrolom u okvirima granica vlastite moći nad prirodom koje nije mogao do kraja spoznati. Zamišljajući bića koja nadziru prirodu, molitvom i žrtvom, nastojao je protumačiti svijet u kojem je živio i održati svoj opstanak.