Muzara’Ah Pada Usaha Pertanian Padi: Analisis Nilai-Nilai Islami Dan Keuangan (original) (raw)

Akad Muzara’Ah Pertanian Padi Dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

The landless farmer chooses to enter into a muzara"ah coorporation with the landowner according to custom, without knowing whether the agreement is appropriate or not with sharia economic law. As practice in the Gebang Kulon village, the agreement there is a continuous deviation resulting in the cancellation. Seeing the problem, the writer feels the need to study more deeply based on the review of Sharia economic law. The method used in this research is to use qualitative by utilizing the descriptive approach of Sharia economic law. Technique of collecting date that is done observation, interview and documentation. From the research results obtained the agreement is done orally on the basis of hel and trust. The agreement is termed maro, where the landowner and the tiller agre the result will be devided into two with the provisions of the landowner hand over land and production capital such as paddy and other, seeds while the cultivators provide tools and manpower. According to the review of Sharia economic law, the muzara"ah is done based on the terms and conditions, so that if the conditions of muzara"ah are fulfilled then the agreement is valid.

Analisis Pendapatan Petani Penggarap Dengan Akad Muzara’Ah Dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya


The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". The agricultural sector is one of the main sources of income people in developing countries. The problems faced are reduction in the quantity of land resources and limited access to business services, especially in terms of capital. Muzara’ah is an alternative source of sharia-based financing, and has advantages in terms of capital repayment waivers. This study aimed to analyze the level of income muzara’ah results when compared to the level of household expenditure of Cimaranten farmer in the village, and analyzes the factors that influence the muzara’ah results. In addition, the commodities of this study are sweet potatoes and paddy. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the average cultivated land area recently is 0.3 hectares. The land area has not been able to sufficient the household expenses of farmers, so the extent of wetland things that should be work...

Tinjauan Fatwa DSN MUI No. 85/DSN-MUI/Xii/2012 tentang Perjanjian Pada Akad Muzaraah terhadap bagi Hasil Panen Padi

Bandung Conference Series: Sharia Economic Law, 2022

Muzara'ah contract is a profit sharing system in agriculture where one party owns the land and the other party acts as a cultivator, with a profit sharing system as agreed by both parties. In Cioyod Village the majority are farmers, one of the agricultural products in Cioyod Village is rice. The farmers in Cioyod Village in making cultivation agreements use the muzara'ah system, but its implementation it is suspected that it is not in accordance with the Fatwa of DSN MUI No. 85/DSN-MUI/XII/2012. Researchers in this study formulate the formulation of the problem as follows: How is the practice of sharing the results of the muzara'ah contract in Cioyod Village; How is the review of the DSN MUI fatwa No. 85/DSN-MUI/XII/2012 on the profit sharing agreement of the muzara'ah contract in Cioyod village; The purpose of this research is to answer the problems that occur in Cioyod Village. This research is a field research, using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of his research that in Cioyod Village the muzara'ah profit sharing system is interpreted as a cooperation agreement; the practice of muzara'ah in Cioyod Village is not in accordance with the DSN MUI Fatwa No. 85/DSN-MUI/XII/2012.

Muzara’Ah Dengan Sistem Murabahah Sebagai Upaya Menstabilkan Harga Kedelai Dimasa Pandemi COVID-19

Arena Hukum, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the muzara'ah akad with the murabahah system as an alternative in stabilizing soybean prices during the covid-19 pandemic. This normative legal research using statute and conceptual approach, shows that the characteristics of a muzara'ah akad with a murabahah system can be seen from 4 (four) things, namely: First, it consists of 4 (four) people, namely Islamic Banks, Soybean Farmers, Cultivators, and Tempe Producers; Second, the object in the muzara'ah akad with the murabahah system is the form of agricultural capital for the first transaction, and soybeans for the second and third. Third, in this akad, the bank, soybean farmers, and cultivators get a profit, while tempe traders do not get a profit in the form of a margin, but tempe producers benefit, because they can buy soybeans at a lower price. Fourth, soybean farmers who do not have the funds or costs or capital to buy seeds, fertilizers, agricultural...

Peran Wadi’ah dan Mudharabah Dalam Profitabilitas Bak Muamalat

Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, 2021

The bank's ability to increase profitability is inseparable from its ability to collect funds from the public in various schemes. This study aims to analyze the role of wadiah and mudarobah savings in the profitability of Bank Muamalat. The research method used is quantitative analysis with secondary data from the quarterly financial statements of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia 2016-2019. The results showed that simultaneously wadi'ah and mudharabah savings had a significant effect on BMI's profitability. While partially, wadiah and mudharabah savings have no significant effect on BMI's profitability.


Praktek muzara’ah sebenarnya sudah ada sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW, kemudian diteruskan oleh para sahabat. Seperti yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu umar r.a. bahwa Rasulullah SAW memberikan tanah Khaibar kepada orang-orang Yahudi dengan syarat mereka mau mengerjakan dan mengolahnya kemudian mengambil sebagian dari hasilnya. Pada masa kini sangat cocok karena konsep dan praktek muzara’ah ini merupakan salah satu solusi terhadap pertumbuhan perekonomian masyarakat pedesaan, yang pada umumnya hanya menggantungkan hidupnya dari hasil pertanian. Tidak sedikit orang yang memiliki lahan pertanian tetapi tidak mempunyai keahlian dalam mengolahnya, begitu pun sebaliknya banyak orang yang memiliki keahlian dalam bertani tetapi tidak mempunyai lahan pertanian. Berdasarkan konsep seperti ini adanya saling tolong-menolong dan kerjasama kedua belah pihak antara pemilik lahan dan penggarap yang memiliki keahlian dalam bertani, sehingga akan terciptanya lapangan pekerjaan dan mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap menurunnya angka pengangguran di pedasaan. Kemudian meningkatnya pendapatan yang membawa dampak pada kesejahteraan kedua belah pihak yang sama-sama akan memberikan keuntungan.

Implementasi Akad Muzara’ah Pada Bank Syariah : Alternatif Akses Permodalan Sektor Pertanian

Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang, Jawa Timur, 2016

The purpose of writing this article is to know the law, muzara'ah cooperation model, applications such contract in the modern economy and how the opportunities and challenges in its implementation. Muzaraah in the agricultural sector is essential applied in Islamic banking as a superior product Indonesia Islamic bank as a real form of Islamic economic jurisprudence that benefit the community because the agricultural sector is a sector that can absorb large and very influential in food commodity and world economies. To realize the need for synergy between academia (universities), the association of Islamic banking, the association / community of farmers, agricultural ministries, NGOs, cooperatives sharia and sharia insurance deign to consider the creation of new products in Islamic banks that are specific to the agricultural sector given the low financing agriculture and the majority of farmers in the village with a little knowledge. Keywords: Islamic Banking, Akad muzara'ah, Agricultural Sector.

Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usahatani Terpadu Padi – Itik DI Kabupaten Musi Rawas

Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 2018

ABSTRACTIntegrated rice-duck farming is one of integral farming pattern used to increase farmer’s household income. This integral farming pattern has been developed in many contries such as Japan and Philippines. Rice farming pattern integrated with duck poultry gives farmers chance to gain multiple crops, not only paddy but also duck meat and egg. The purpose of this research were to analyze the financial feasibility of integrated rice-duck farming pattern. Outcome of this research were development model of integrated farming between rice farming and duck poultry which feasible to run. Hopefully this research can motivate farmers to gain more product from one field in order to increase farmer’s household income. The methode used in this research is survey methode. Respondences are choosed by purposive sampling methode from farmers who integrate rice farming with duck poultry. By this methode 10 respondences are selected. The result of this research shows that integrated rice-duck ...

Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktek Bagi Hasil Muzara’ah Pada Masyarakat Petani Penggarap dan Pemilik Lahan Pertanian

Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika: Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2019

Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam akad Muzara’ah idealnya menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak, namun yang terjadi di Desa Doho justru sebaliknya, yaitu merugikan salah satu pihak. Penduduk Desa Doho sebagian besar berprofesi sebagai petani, yaitu Penggarap dan Pemilik Lahan dan mempunyai hubungan kerjasama bagi hasil (paroan) atau Muzara’ah. Rumusan Masalah dari Penelitian Tesis ini adalah : Pertama, Bagaimana Pelaksanaan Sistem Muzara’ah di Desa Doho, Kecamatan Dolopo, Kabupaten Madiun. Kedua, Bagaimana tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap pelaksanaan Sistem Muzara’ah di Desa Doho, Kecamatan Dolopo, Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode qualitative karena data yang dikumpulkan adalah data realitas sebagaimana adanya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah developmental research, yakni studi deskriptif analisis dengan ragam penelitian kasuistik. Adapun hasil penelitian yang akan dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang perjanjian Muzara’ah, khususnya antara penggarap dengan...