Improving the Eleventh Grade Students’ Writing Skill in Descriptive Texts by Using Pictures Media at Swasta Gkpi Medan (original) (raw)

Improving the Students’ Skills in Writing Descriptive Texts Through Digital Images at the Eighth Grade of MTS Ali Maksum Krapyak Bantul in the Academic Year of 2012/2013


IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ SKILLS IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH DIGITAL IMAGES AT THE EIGHTH GRADE OF MTS ALI MAKSUM KRAPYAK BANTUL IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012/2013 By Muhammad Dzulkifli 07202244019 ABSTRACT The objective of the research was to improve the students' skills in writing descriptive texts through digital images at the eighth grade of MTs Ali Maksum Krapyak Yogyakarta in the academic year 2012/2013. It consisted of two main actions and one additional action: 1) giving a model of descriptive text and asking the students to list the difficult words, 2) using digital images in the class, and 3) giving rewards and brainstorming to motivate the students. The research was action research. The members of the research consisted of the researcher, the collaborator, the English teacher, and the students of Grade VIIID. The research was carried out in two cycles. The steps involved reconnaissance, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The data of the research w...

The Use of Picture Media in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text


In learning English, writing is one of the important skills that must be learned for students in high school. One good strategy that can be used by teachers in English classrooms is the image media strategy. Image media strategy is one good strategy to express their ideas and be applied in written form. The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the implementation of the image media strategy in writing. (2) to find out the benefits for students when the teacher applies the image media strategy in teaching writing descriptive texts. This study uses a qualitative method that uses descriptive qualitative to analyze data. This research was conducted At tenth grade student and tenth grade English teacher MA Al Amiriyyah Blokagung. The findings in this study using image media in teaching descriptive text have many advantages for students and teachers in teaching descriptive text. First, this strategy can improve writing skills. Secondly, students can easily write descriptive texts ...

USING PICTURES AS TEACHING MEDIA IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Pre-Experimental Study at one of Junior High School in Garut, West Java, Indonesia)


This research investigated “Using Picture as Teaching Media in Writing Descriptive Text”. It enhanced the ability to write descriptive in one of junior high school in Garut. The purpose of the research was to know the effect of using pictures on students’ writing ability in descriptive text. The research population was the eighth grade students. The researcher used a written test to collect data. The research design was quantitative experimental. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test. The technique used in analyzing the data was t-test formula. It was used to determine whether there was a significance difference between the pre-test and post-test. The result of the test between pre-test and post-test, the mean of pre-test was 59.63 and the mean of post-test was 75.17 The obtained ttest was tobserved = 12.51 and tcritical = 2.0452. The result showed that tobserved greater than tcritical (12.51 > 2.0452). The tobserved was in the area H0 rejected it means H0 was reject...

Improving Descriptive Writing Ability of the First Year Students of Sma Toha Praktika Giligenting-Sumenep by Using Pictures


In Indonesia English is a foreign language, not a second language. As a result, it is very difficult for the students to write a paragraph in English because writing is a complex process that allow writers to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete. The indonesian students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph is very low due to several reasons. Firstly, the Indonesian community does not support the existence of the English situation Based on the fact, the researcher focuses this thesis on the problem of improving descriptive writing ability of the first year students of SMA Toha Praktika Giligenting Sumenep by using pictures. The research problem is How can the use of pictures improve the students’ability in writing a descriptive paragraph at SMA Toha Praktika?. The researcher thought that if the students can develop their imagination by the pictures, they will be able to create descriptive paragraphs that are meaningful. To answer the research proble...



The aim of this study is to describe there is significant between students’ writing skill in descriptive text before and after being taught by using picture of the first year students of SMAN 1 Karangrejo. The design of this study is quantitative design. The research was students of X-3 class that consists of 38 students. The instrument of this research was test that consists of pre-test and post test. The result is known that there is significant difference before and after being taught by using picture. It means teaching writing descriptive text by using picture of the first year students of SMAN 1 Karangrejo is effective. It is recommended to the teacher to use picture as a medium in teaching descriptive writing and to increase the students writing skill.

The Inluence of Using Visual To Focus Description Toward Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Texts At The Second Semester of The Tenth Class of Sma Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung


Writing is one of skills in english language. Writing is very important in learning foreign language, because the objective of teaching and learning English is that students are able to use English both in spoken and writen form. However the writer knew that students are still difficult to express or tell their ideas and their feeling in writen English. The objective of this research is to know and describe the influence of using visual to focus description toward students’ ability in writing descriptive text. The population of the research was taken from students at the second semester of the tenth class of SMAN 16 Bandar Lampung. In taking the sample of the research, the writer used stratified Propotional Random Sampling technique because the students’ achievement was heterogeneous. In collecting the data, the writer use free writing test or essay test, the students given some pictures and titles and then the students chose one of the titles and describe it at leas is 150 words. I...

The Use of Picture and Picture Technique in Improving Student Writing Skill

PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 2020

This study is aimed to know whether picture and picture technique can improve students’ writing skill. The method used was quantitative research with one group pre-test and post-test research design. The population was the 11th grade students at SMK Tunas Bangsa. The sample was one class of mechanical engineering major and consisted of 35 students.The result showed that null hypothesis of this study was rejected. It is proved by the data from T-test that shows the Sig. 2 tailed is 0.000. This value is less than 0.05. Null hypothesis, therefore, was rejected. This means that picture and picture could improve students’ writing skill. Keywords: Picture And Picture, Writing, Descriptive Text

The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series as Media to Teach Writing Procedure Text for Tenth Graders of SMA NegeriBandarkedungmulyoJombang

Retain, 2014

Some people may find difficulties in writing something or express their ideas. They have a lot of ideas in their mind, but they cannot decide what they want to write. When the first problem solved, other problem appear that they do not know how to write correctly. Those difficulties faced by students, too and make them frustated and not confident in writing. The teacher has a job to give some stimulus and let the students' imagination free by not forcing the students directly to write and not giving them the same boring strategy all the time. The teacher can use Picture Series. The use of picture series can help the students to be more interested in the material and it is makes students easier to write down their own concept. The research is an experimental research and the objective of this study To find out whether there is significant effect between the students who have been taught writing using picture series and students who have not. The subject of this research was the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri Bandarkedungmulyo Jombang which consisted of 2 classes, X IPS 1 (28 students) and X IPS 2 (30 students). The research instrument, the researcher uses test as the research instrument. The researcher find that picture series was easy to use so they could write with picture series easily. Writing procedure through picture series brought the students to new kind of situation. It would help both the teacher and students to revise the students' writing and made writing more fun than the way it used to be.



Ludovikus: Eleventh Grade Students’ Performance in Writing Descriptive Texts at SMK N 1 Kasihan Bantul This study was conducted to find out: (a) How is the students’ performance in writing descriptive texts and (b). What are the factors that affect the students’ performance in writing descriptive texts. This research was conducted at SMK N 1 Kasihan Bantul, especially for the eleventh grade students as the participants. The researcher used case study; the data employed were classroom observation, interview, the task and documentation. The collected data in this research were analyzed descriptively. The validity and reliability of the data were conducted by applying the protocol analysis. Findings show that students’ performance in writing descriptive texts was various. Some students preferred to write the texts spontaneously and directly and other students found it easy to write or describe the things or places they have ever visited. Almost all the students said that they did not make the outline and draft before writing. Some of them stated that they made the revision and the topic sentence in their writing and some of them did not develop the idea and arranged the words correctly in the topic sentence in each paragraph. Most of them can develop the supporting idea in their writing but few students just make the topic sentence and they cannot develop their ideas because lack of vocabulary about generic structure. The factors that affect students’ performance were also various. They found difficulty in vocabulary and grammar that made them unable to develop the idea in the topic sentence and to arrange the text in the paragraph and grammatical structure. Keywords: Students’ Performance, Writing, Descriptive Texts

Improving the Students' Writing Descriptive Text Through Single Picture


Most of the students were not interested in writing. It could be proved by the students' mean score on preliminary study was 50.75. The students had some difficulties when they want to start writing, as like they got difficulties in finding ideas, and how to write good sentences. The purpose of the study is to find out how single picture can be implemented to improve the writing ability of the first grade students of SMA Islam Al - Kamal Sarang Rembang in writing descriptive. The purpose of the study is to find out how single picture can be implemented to improve the writing ability in writing descriptive text. The research design of this study was a classroom action research. The finding of the study showed that the used of single picture technique could improve the ability of the first grade students of SMA Islam Al - Kamal Sarang Rembang in writing descriptive text. The data showed that the mean score of the students after implemented the action was 74.07 or 70.45% of student...