Analytical Marxism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

"Introducción Hay argumentos en la filosofía de la ciencia social pretendiendo mostrar que las leyes en las ciencias sociales o bien son imposibles, o imprácticas. Usualmente apelan a la dificultad de la materia de estudio con la cual... more

Hay argumentos en la filosofía de la ciencia social pretendiendo mostrar que las leyes en las ciencias sociales o bien son imposibles, o imprácticas. Usualmente apelan a la dificultad de la materia de estudio con la cual los cientistas sociales han de enfrentarse. Es sostenido ampliamente por muchos críticos de la idea de las leyes en las ciencias sociales de que hay una diferencia de “tipo” entre la materia de estudio de la ciencia social y la ciencia natural, lo cual excluye la posibilidad de utilización de leyes en la explicación del comportamiento humano. Ya Carl Hempel decía en The Function of General Laws in History (1942) que lo relevante a demostrar por las ciencias sociales es que los fenómenos explicados no ocurran por mero accidente, sino más bien, por algún tipo de patrón o regularidad subyacente. Bajo este espíritu es que se ve que la materia de estudio de la ciencia social ha de ser la misma que la de la ciencia natural. Precisamente a partir de este punto surgen las preguntas respecto a en qué difieren la natural de la social, qué es lo que queremos explicar, y si es, de hecho, posible la explicación.
En el presente ensayo expondré brevemente la discusión respecto a un argumento en contra de la posibilidad de la ciencia social como ciencia, este es el argumento de la complejidad de los fenómenos como lo acuñó McIntyre (1993). En una primera parte, expondré como se comprende la complejidad de los fenómenos tomando como caso ejemplar The Theory of Complex Phenomena de F.A. Hayek (1967), el cual argumenta contra la posibilidad de generar patrones predictibles. Él depende de una comprensión Popperiana de qué hace a algo propiamente científico basado en la doctrina del falsacionismo y su concepción del progreso científico. Siguiendo a McIntyre (1993), Hayek sostendría un descriptivismo respecto al objeto de estudio de la teoría científica. Seguido a esto, expondré lo que sería una postura más elaborada del descriptivismo de Hayek. Michael Scriven en A Possible Distinction between Traditional Scientific Disciplines and the Study of Human Behavior (1956) profundiza distinciones respecto a la sensibilidad que tendría una teoría científica a la hora de considerar la complejidad de los fenómenos en relación con los niveles de descripción, así se alejaría de la visión ingenua del descriptivista para pasar a un argumento más acabado sobre la complejidad: si bien no es como están dados los fenómenos (como arguye Hayek), es constitutivo al nivel que nos interesa. Finalmente, elaboraré el argumento de McIntyre en contra el descriptivismo y, finalmente, concluiré como estas dificultades son superadas a la hora de tener una concepción pluralista en la metodología de la ciencia social: por una parte, es necesario dar pie a la macroexplicación para dar cuenta de procesos más complejos de los sistemas sociales, y por otra, es necesario mantener la vinculación de la explicación con los mecanismos causales que hacen posible que esto se lleve a cabo. Para esto último me he basado principalmente en la exposición de Daniel Little en Varieties of Social Explanation (1991) y G.A. Cohen Karl Marx’s Theory of History (2001) desde una perspectiva marxista empleando el materialismo histórico como posible solución."

Das, Raju. Marxist Class Theory For a Skeptical World. Chicago: Haymarket, 2018. Marxian class theory, as the world knows it, has long been declared dead. Its obituary, although premature, was written both inside and outside of Marxism.... more

Das, Raju. Marxist Class Theory For a Skeptical World. Chicago: Haymarket, 2018. Marxian class theory, as the world knows it, has long been declared dead. Its obituary, although premature, was written both inside and outside of Marxism. Those in denial of class-divided capitalist society have triumphantly heralded the 'end of history.' But those who still clung to class theory and its explanatory potential forged new ways to understand social reality. They, however, refused to accept the proletariat as the historical agent of revolutionary reconstitution of society. As a result, different variants of Marxism have sprung up that challenge traditional Marxism and its putative fixation on class. Of these, analytical Marxism and post-structuralist Marxism are the most prominent. Both questioned the foundational concepts of classical Marxism, and attempted to bring it into alignment with the contemporary human condition. The challenge to traditional Marxism also produced its stout defenders. Among them Raju Das, a professor of Geography at York University, Canada, is a leading thinker of class. He has written a magnum opus in defense of classical Marxism. His work is a critique of different versions of contemporary Marxism that tore themselves away from original Marxian theory. While critiquing growing neo-Marxist traditions, which tend to draw less and less upon classical Marxism, Das's approach has been that of a sympathetic scholar and a dispassionate social scientist who drinks deep at the scientific theory of class as conceived by Marx. He productively engages with analytical Marxism and post-structural Marxism. He faithfully describes the basic tenets of each, and diligently identifies key figures and their major contributions to these traditions. How carefully he treads this path is evident from the fact that he waits almost 200 pages, detailing key ideas and key disagreements of analytical and postmodern Marxisms, before he offers their critical evaluation. Das is unfailingly generous in acknowledging many worthwhile contributions that these traditions and their key figures make. Sometimes he digs deeper into the neo-Marxist literature to uncover the obscure insights that even their authors might not have thought much of, or failed to recognize their significance in a given argument. Nuanced clarity is a hallmark of Das's splendid writing style. Also, he dutifully presents his interlocutors' ideas with the same clarity that they themselves could not have mustered. This meticulous and methodical approach further lends credibility to Das's monumental work, and opens up productive space for an engaged dialogue with his interlocutors on the other side of the debate. Sometimes he pithily makes declarative statements to undo what he sees 'conflation' of divergent ideas by contemporary Marxists: neoliberalism is not capitalism as Marxist geographer David Harvey would have us believe; class is not a set of monopolizable skills as analytical Marxist Erik Wright would argue; or class is not reducible to 'positionality' as anti-essentialist post-modern Marxism deems. Das applauds Wright for getting it right that "the explanatory capacity of the theories we construct depends to an important extent on the coherence of concepts we deploy within them" (p. 162). Yet, he argues, Wright's own intellectual practice, especially his methodological thinking does not "cohere with his class theory thinking" (p. 162). Despite denunciation of skill and organizational exploitation in his work, Das thinks, Wright still deploys these ideas in his class theory. Similarly, in spite of various problems with Wright's concept of middle class, some of which Wright himself recognizes, Das argues, he still continues to use them and indeed thinks that we need not wait until we have completely coherent concepts.

This module will provide a close reading of some of the key texts from the early writings of Karl Marx, examining some of the most important elements of Marx’s contribution to political philosophy, up to the publication of The Communist... more

This module will provide a close reading of some of the key texts from the early writings of Karl Marx, examining some of the most important elements of Marx’s contribution to political philosophy, up to the publication of The Communist Manifesto in 1848. We will examine a number of aspects of Marx’s thought, including some of the main features of Marx’s relationship to Hegel; Marx’s account of alienation and his critique of capitalism; his critique of bourgeois standards of justice, and the relationship between Marx’s political philosophy and analytic political philosophy; Marx’s views on exploitation and the relation between his political philosophy and his understanding of the dynamics of capitalism; and Marx’s advocacy of a communist society and his account of the transition from capitalism to communism.

Mills writes: G. A. Cohen's influential ‘technological determinist’ reading of Marx's theory of history rests in part on an interpretation of Marx's use of ‘material’ whose idiosyncrasy has been insufficiently noticed. Cohen takes... more

Mills writes: G. A. Cohen's influential ‘technological determinist’ reading of Marx's theory of history rests in part on an interpretation of Marx's use of ‘material’ whose idiosyncrasy has been insufficiently noticed. Cohen takes historical materialism to be asserting the determination of the social by the material/asocial, viz. ‘socio‐neutral’ facts about human nature and human rationality which manifest themselves in a historical tendency for the forces of production to develop. This paper reviews Marx's writings to demonstrate the extensive textual evidence in favour of the traditional interpretation ‐ that for Marx, the ‘material’ includes the economic, and is thus ineluctably social in character. Thus those critics of Cohen who have urged the inclusion of the relations of production in historical materialism's explanans do seem to have Marx's terminological and conceptual backing.

This paper aims to show, that there is a need for society to change their ideologies or even their governmental system because, for example, especially for the society of Venice, although it is a trade country that is ruled by money, the... more

This paper aims to show, that there is a need for society to change their ideologies or even their governmental system because, for example, especially for the society of Venice, although it is a trade country that is ruled by money, the fight is always for the power through religion. In fact, they are using religion not just for the power but for their own benefits to get rid of ‘others’. In regards to that, what I’m going to explain with this paper is, with the ideas of Karl Marx and other philosophers who are dealing with Marxism, there can be a solution for societies, which are in need for some changes, so that they can understand the real problem.

A compilação dos textos que compõem esta coletânea está bem longe da busca do marxismo puro e duro ou do “verdadeiro Marx”. Essa miragem filosofante, responsável por parir no século XX tantos marxismos quantos analistas disponíveis,... more

A compilação dos textos que compõem esta coletânea está bem longe da busca do marxismo puro e duro ou do “verdadeiro Marx”. Essa miragem filosofante, responsável por parir no século XX tantos marxismos quantos analistas disponíveis, implicou em uma glorificação desmedida do autor e praticamente só isso. As ideologias teóricas que surgiram daí, cujo efeito foi encerrar a discussão e não permiti-la, criaram uma série de campos de força que dividiram artificialmente as ciências sociais em “Sociologia burguesa”, de um lado, e Teoria Marxista, de outro. A primeira, supostamente derivada de uma epistemologia positivista e de uma metodologia empirista, foi condenada e banida por sua inexplicável ignorância da dialética materialista.
Não é só um pouco desconcertante quando uma descobre a outra. O prejuízo contabilizado por essa separação bizantina, que parece ter mais a ver com as vantagens simbólicas que cada partido teórico retira dessa luta ideológica, implicou no isolamento provinciano de ambas as partes – e ele foi muito mais prejudicial ao marxismo acadêmico.
Este livro parte dessa presunção. Deixando de lado a política revolucionária e os pouquíssimos escritos que se incumbiram de falar do mundo pós-capitalista e da estratégia dessa reengenharia social, os ensaios reunidos aqui pretendem tomar o pensamento de Marx como uma ciência social normal. Essa postura implica numa compreensão diferente dos textos canônicos, mais interessada nas suas operações analíticas do que na monumental parafernália teórica sobre a qual se apoiam. Além disso, assume, para todos os efeitos, que os postulados do marxismo devem ser entendidos como hipóteses, não como princípios; e hipóteses são por definição verificáveis, ou seja, passíveis de serem confirmadas – ou refutadas. Só assim os estudos marxistas conseguirão deixar de ser o que frequentemente tem sido: ilustração de teoria.

It has been claimed that the ontological theories of Roy Bhaskar can provide guiding principles for social scientists, which can help steer them through errors and misconceptions. This article argues that neither Bhaskar's 'Critical... more

It has been claimed that the ontological theories of Roy Bhaskar can provide guiding principles for social scientists, which can help steer them through errors and misconceptions. This article argues that neither Bhaskar's 'Critical Realism' nor any overarching philosophical ontology can provide workable guiding principles for social scientific research and that such principles are unnecessary.

Every system of cooperation is sustained by a particular “institutional toolkit” – devices used to promote cooperative behaviour and to discourage defection. A particular toolkit is scalable to the extent that it can incorporate an... more

Every system of cooperation is sustained by a particular “institutional toolkit” – devices used to promote cooperative behaviour and to discourage defection. A particular toolkit is scalable to the extent that it can incorporate an increase in the number of individuals participating, while maintaining roughly constant levels of cooperative behavior. My central contention in this paper will be that our evolved psychology provides us with a set of pro-social psychological dispositions that can be used rather effortlessly to establish small-scale systems of cooperation, but that the fundamental architecture of these systems is such that they lack scalability. This is what accounts for many of the phenomena associated with our “unsocial sociability.” Various behavioral dispositions we have, that are pro-social in small groups, start to become increasingly anti-social as the size of the group increases. This puts an upper bound on the level of social complexity that can be sustained using those resources. Thus it is only when cooperation is reorganized, and placed on a different footing, that it can be further expanded. In order to motivate the discussion, I start by showing how this issue of scalability matters to political philosophy, by discussing some recent work that neglects it. I then go on to show how it is important to recent discussions about the rise of the state. I argue that in complex societies we should regard major elements of social structure as essentially a set of kluges, designed to overcome the limitations of our natural sociability.

The authors of this book reconstruct the philosophical, methodological and theoretical assumptions of non-Marxian historical materialism, a theory of historical process authored by Leszek Nowak (1943-2009), a co-founder of the Poznań... more

The authors of this book reconstruct the philosophical, methodological and theoretical assumptions of non-Marxian historical materialism, a theory of historical process authored by Leszek Nowak (1943-2009), a co-founder of the Poznań School of Methodology. In the first part of the book, philosophical assumptions of this theory are compared with the concepts of Robert Nozick, Immanuel Wallerstein, André Gunder Frank and analytical Marxism. In the second part, non-Marxian historical materialism is compared with the concepts of Eva Etzioni-Halevy, Andrzej Falkiewicz, Robert Michels, Vilfredo Pareto, Theda Skocpol and Karl August Wittfogel.

The first part of this book contains a selection of Leszek Nowak’s (1943-2009) works on non-Marxian historical materialism, which are published here in English for the first time. In these papers, Nowak constructs a dynamic model of... more

The first part of this book contains a selection of Leszek Nowak’s (1943-2009) works on non-Marxian historical materialism, which are published here in English for the first time. In these papers, Nowak constructs a dynamic model of religious community, reconstructs historiosophical assumptions of liberalism and considers the methodological status of prognosis of totalitarization of capitalist society. In the second part of the book, new contributions to non-Marxian historical materialism are presented. Their authors analyze mechanisms of the oligarchization of liberal democracy, the democratization of real socialism, and the development of early modern Ottoman and post-war Chinese societies.

Questo scritto introduce e presenta un saggio di Michael Burawoy, dove il sociologo di Berkeley traccia un profilo intellettuale del collega e amico Erik Wright. Redatto per la conferenza tenutasi l'1 e il 2 novembre 2019 all'Università... more

Questo scritto introduce e presenta un saggio di Michael Burawoy, dove il sociologo di Berkeley traccia un profilo intellettuale del collega e amico Erik Wright. Redatto per la conferenza tenutasi l'1 e il 2 novembre 2019 all'Università del Wisconsin a Madison, dove Wright era stato docente nel Dipartimento di Sociologia e per circa quarant'anni direttore del Havens Center for Social Justice, il saggio di Burawoy Wright presenta le origini e gli sviluppi delle ricerche di Wright, mostrandone infine il potenziale per ricerche future che leghino studio e trasformazione della realtà sociale. Sviluppatosi nell'arco di alcuni decenni come programma di ricerca scientifica neo-marxista che rielabora un'analisi di classe al passo con i tempi, il progetto di Wright muta all'inizio degli anni Novanta, a seguito di aporie scientifiche e mutamenti politici più generali, lasciando il posto al Progetto di utopie reali. Grazie a Erik Wright, il Havens Center è stato non solo un dipartimento universitario di assoluta centralità nel dibattito sociologico americano, ma un'autentica fucina di sociologia critica, crocevia di generazioni di ricercatori e attivisti da tutto il mondo, dove si fondono rigore scientifico e impegno politico. Questo saggio è stato inviato da Michael Burawoy a Officina PrimoMaggio e riproduce il testo pubblicato sul numero 121 della New Left Review, uscito nel febbraio 2020.



Social class has long existed in tension with other forms of social difference such as race, gender, and sexuality, both in academic and popular debate. While Marxist-influenced class primacy perspectives gained prominence in US sociology... more

Social class has long existed in tension with other forms of social difference such as race, gender, and sexuality, both in academic and popular debate. While Marxist-influenced class primacy perspectives gained prominence in US sociology in the 1970s, they faded from view by the 1990s, replaced by perspectives focusing on culture and institutions or on intersectional analyses of how multiple forms of social difference shape durable patterns of disempowerment and marginalization. More recently, class and capitalism have reasserted their place on the academic agenda, but continue to coexist uneasily with analyses of oppression and social difference. Here we discuss possibilities for bridging the gap between studies of class and other forms of social difference. We contend that these categories are best understood in relation to each other when situated in a larger system with its own endogenous dynamics and tendencies, namely capitalism. After providing an historical account of the fraught relationship between studies of class and other forms of social difference, we propose a theoretical model for integrating under-standings of class and social difference using Wright et al.'s concept of dynamic asymmetry. This shifts us away from discussions of which factors are most important in general toward concrete discussions of how these factors interact in particular cases and processes. We contend that class and other forms of social difference should not be studied primarily as traits embodied in individuals, but rather with respect to how these differences are organized in relation to each other within a framework shaped by the dynamics of capitalist development.

In recent years, the problem of idealization has been one of the central issues discussed in philosophy of science. This volume gathers original essays written by well-known philosophers. The papers address the method of idealization and... more

In recent years, the problem of idealization has been one of the central issues discussed in philosophy of science. This volume gathers original essays written by well-known philosophers. The papers address the method of idealization and its applications in science as well as ontological and epistemological problems that have arisen. Among the questions addressed are: What is the logcal form of idealizational statements and how should they be interpreted? Is the possible worlds semantics useful in understanding idealization? What is the relation between idealization and truth? The volume is a celebration of Leszek Nowak's sixtieth birthday.

1. Critique de l’irrationalité des institutions modernes. 2. Illich et la méthode peirastique. 3. La contreproductivité des transports revisitée. 4. Repenser la nature de la contreproductivité : de la vitesse généralisée à... more

1. Critique de l’irrationalité des institutions modernes.
2. Illich et la méthode peirastique.
3. La contreproductivité des transports revisitée.
4. Repenser la nature de la contreproductivité : de la vitesse généralisée à l’épanouissement généralisé.
5. La réhabilitation de la raison : Illich contre l’École de Francfort.
6. En guise de conclusion : pour une épistémologie peirastique du désaccord.

Faculty of Philosophy at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and Polish Philosophical Association, Poznań Division invite for an online discussion on the book of Giacomo Borbone, "The Relevance of Models. Idealization and Concretization in... more

Faculty of Philosophy at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and Polish Philosophical Association, Poznań Division invite for an online discussion on the book of Giacomo Borbone, "The Relevance of Models. Idealization and Concretization in Leszek Nowak" (Műnchen: Grin Verlag 2021). The participants will be: Francesco Coniglione (Catania University, Italy), Adolfo Garcia de la Sienra (Universidad Veracruzana, México), Igor Hanzel (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia), Theo A.F. Kuipers (Groningen University, The Netherlands), Stephen Turner (University of South Florida, USA), Rafał Paweł Wierzchosławski (Liberal Arts and Sciences, Collegium Historicum, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland).
Online discussion will be held on Monday, December 13, 2021, at 5 P.M.
(Central European Time).

Izlaganje o osnovnim obilježjima analitičkog marksizma, na hrvatskom jeziku.

A talk on the basic characteristics of analytical Marxism, in Croatian language.

Marxists believe that an understanding of human society presupposes an understanding of the nature of the production of its material surplus and the nature of control over that surplus. This belief forms part of the “hard core” of the... more

Marxists believe that an understanding of human society presupposes an understanding of the nature of the production of its material surplus and the nature of control over that surplus. This belief forms part of the “hard core” of the Marxist scientific research program. This hard core is complemented by a set of auxiliary hypotheses and heuristics, constituting what Imre Lakatos has called a scientific research program’s “protective belt.” The protective belt is a set of hypotheses protecting a research program’s hard core. Over the past century and a half, Marxists have populated the protective belt with an economic theory, a theory of history, a theory of exploitation, and a philosophical anthropology, among other things. Analytical Marxism is located in Marxism’s protective belt. It can be seen as a painstaking exercise in intellectual housekeeping. The exercise consists in replacing the tradition’s antiquated, superfluous, or degenerate furnishings with concepts, methods, and auxiliary hypotheses from analytic philosophy and up-to-date social science.

В данной работе предлагается исследовать формальные методы современной экономической теории мейнстрима (которые являются единственным основанием объединения разнородных направлений теории под названием "мейнстрим") как некую языковую игру... more

В данной работе предлагается исследовать формальные методы современной экономической теории мейнстрима (которые являются единственным основанием объединения разнородных направлений теории под названием "мейнстрим") как некую языковую игру (Л. Витгенштейн) со своими правилами и принципами. Чтобы применить идеи позднего Витгенштейна и Ж.-Ф. Лиотара к анализу экономической науки, предпринимается попытка выделить основные правила конструирования теорий, используемые экономистами-неоклассиками в их работах. Рассматривается также специфический случай "аналитического марксизма" в качестве "конфликта интерпретаций", неудачной попытки применить правила одной языковой игры к другой.

Based on the ontological and epistemological problems and solutions exposed in the previous paper ("Problems of the philosophy of natural and social sciences", 2014), we engage in an analysis of the philosophical grounds of three main... more

Based on the ontological and epistemological problems and solutions exposed in the previous paper ("Problems of the philosophy of natural and social sciences", 2014), we engage in an analysis of the philosophical grounds of three main schools of economics. A careful and unprejudiced examination of the original writings shows that the common ideas and labels (reductionism vs. holism, individualism vs. institutionalism, positivism vs. dialectics, apriorism vs. inductionism etc.) on these schools are misleading. They are not opposing one another as solid blocks of incompatible ideas and theories, but each school contains different approaches and trends, which maintain their internal life and sustain the dialogue between them.

Les similitudes entre le thomisme et le marxisme-léninisme sont nombreuses et parfois très frappantes. Il n'est peut-être pas exagéré d'affirmer que parmi les écoles philosophiques contemporaines, ce sont les deux qui ont le plus en... more

Les similitudes entre le thomisme et le marxisme-léninisme sont nombreuses et parfois très frappantes. Il n'est peut-être pas exagéré d'affirmer que parmi les écoles philosophiques contemporaines, ce sont les deux qui ont le plus en commun. Ceci est bien sûr nié par la plupart des marxistes-léninistes. On est aisément convaincu que cette similitude n'est pas juste superficielle en jetant un coup d'oeil sur la liste des doctrines majeures soutenues par ces deux écoles.

This paper explores G. A. Cohen’s claim that Althusser’s Marxist philosophy is bullshit. This exploration is important because, if we are persuaded SI by Cohen’s assertion that there are only three types of Marxism: analytic,... more

This paper explores G. A. Cohen’s claim that Althusser’s Marxist philosophy is bullshit. This exploration is important because, if we are persuaded SI by Cohen’s assertion that there are only three types of Marxism: analytic, pre-analytic, and bullshit and, further, that only analytic Marxism is concerned with truth and therefore “uniquely legitimate” then, as political philosophers interested in Marxism’s potential philosophical resources, we may wish to privilege its analytic form. However, if Cohen’s attribution
is misplaced, then we may wish to explore why Cohen was so insistent in this ascription and what this insistence reveals about his own political philosophy.The first half of this paper explains what Cohen means by bullshit and it examines the distinction between bullshit and non-bullshit Marxism.The second half explores what the insistent misattribution of the epithet “bullshit Marxism” to Althusser’s Marxism reveals about Cohen’s own Marxist political philosophy.



Zgromadzone w tomie teksty można podzielić na trzy grupy: Do pierwszej należą artykuły, których autorzy rekonstruują w świetle aparatury pojęciowej idealizacyjnej teorii nauki założenia tkwiące u podstaw metody typów idealnych Maxa Webera... more

Zgromadzone w tomie teksty można podzielić na trzy grupy: Do pierwszej należą artykuły, których autorzy rekonstruują w świetle aparatury pojęciowej idealizacyjnej teorii nauki założenia tkwiące u podstaw metody typów idealnych Maxa Webera i Ernsta Cassirera. Autorzy kolejnej grupy tekstów prowadzą analizy z obranych przez perspektyw teoretycznych: marksizmu analitycznego i socjologii historyczno-porównawczej. Artykuły należącej do trzeciej grupy tekstów stanowią przykład modelowania świata społecznego w wymiarze historycznym i współczesnym.

Nel 1991 diversi intellettuali del PCI che erano contrari al suo scioglimento, aderirono alla Rifondazione Comunista e si impegnarono a preservare l'eredità gramsciana da letture e interpretazioni moderate-riformiste funzionali alla... more

Nel 1991 diversi intellettuali del PCI che erano contrari al suo scioglimento, aderirono alla Rifondazione Comunista e si impegnarono a preservare l'eredità gramsciana da letture e interpretazioni moderate-riformiste funzionali alla liquidazione di una forte organizzazione comunista con autonomia teorico-politica. Tra questi, Andrea Catone e Ferdinando Dubla, intellettuali impegnati in Puglia nella ricostruzione di un partito comunista di quadri e di massa. Il saggio, pubblicato sulla rivista Marx 101, fu tradotto in portoghese sulla rivista Vertice! sul nr.43 dell'ottobre 1991 ("O NOSSO GRAMSCI - GRAMSCI PARA LER , E MUDAR, O NOSSO PRESENTE") e in catalano sulla rivista Realitat, nr.34 del gennaio 1993 ("NUESTRO GRAMSCI - GRAMSCI PARA LEER Y CAMBIAR NUESTRO PRESENTE"). Il saggio si compone dei seguenti paragrafi:
- La concezione del partito comunista
- Per l’analisi del capitalismo contemporaneo
- La concezione del socialismo
- Le contraddizioni insuperabili (la teoria della crisi)
- Critica al sistema capitalista e alla sua egemonia culturale
- Gramsci e le forme della transizione in Occidente (e limiti della prassi riformista)
- Internazionalismo e vie nazionali (a proposito di "interdipendenza")
- Una critica moderna dell’alienazione (un altro esito possibile dell’antieconomicismo)

Proletariatul nu reprezintă clasa menită să facă revoluție, să pună bazele unei epoci postcapitaliste, ci o clasă care nu are sens decât în interiorul capitalismului care a produs-o, și căruia nu îi este destinat să îi supraviețuiască.... more

Proletariatul nu reprezintă clasa menită să facă revoluție, să pună bazele unei epoci postcapitaliste, ci o clasă care nu are sens decât în interiorul capitalismului care a produs-o, și căruia nu îi este destinat să îi supraviețuiască. Contradicție, dialectică, valoare, plusvaloare sunt la rândul lor fenomene a căror inteligibilitate este de găsit numai în interiorul capitalismului, mai exact a capitalismului liberal specific secolului al XIX-lea, atunci când au fost teoretizate de Marx. Însăși munca, o activitate care trimite la universalul transistoric prin excelență, nu poate depăși limitele modului de producție în interiorul căruia a apărut. Felul în care mediază munca relațiile sociale și mult anticipata ei emancipare de sub tutela clasei burgheze pentru a intra în posesia clasei muncitoare și a fi astfel eliberată pe deplin, socializând radical contextul tehnologic și reglând productivitatea muncii în funcție de valoarea de utilitate, nu cea de schimb – indică plasarea într-un orizont teleologic specific de asemenea capitalismului. Pe scurt, " orice teorie ce atribuie o logică de dezvoltare intrinsecă istoriei ca atare, fie ea o logică dialectică sau evoluționistă, proiectează o dimensiune a capitalismului asupra istoriei în ansamblu " (p. 55). Altfel spus, orice proiect ontologic gândit în capitalism, indiferent de cât de radical și emancipator se consideră a fi, trebuie istoricizat, trebuie redat, sub o formă sau alta, contextului în care a apărut. Acestea ar fi câteva dintre asumpțiile de bază ale marxismului revizionist teoretizat de către Moishe Postone. Ideea centrală a autorului este că nu putem gândi istoric capitalismul prin intermediul unor concepte care își datorează existența acestuia. Depășirea exploatării capitaliste nu ține de înlocuirea unei clase de către alta, nici de socializarea producției și redistribuirea ea echitabilă, ci de conștientizarea unui tip de dominație mult mai abstract, înscris în însăși logica internă a ordinii existente. Capitalismul nu creează subiectul istoric generic responsabil de abolirea sa (proletariatul), ci este efectiv acest subiect. A transgresa capitalismul nu presupune în niciun fel împlinirea potențialului revoluționar al proletariatului, ci tocmai abolirea lui, abolirea claselor, abolirea muncii ca tip de mediere socială care face posibilă în primul rând actualul mod de producție bazat pe clase antagonice, abolirea productivității generatoare a legii tendențiale de scădere a profitului, abolirea valorii ca esență abstractă a mărfii, abolirea ingredientului principal al formei valoare a mărfii: timpul de muncă socialmente necesar pentru producerea unui anumit bun. Acest timp, în ciuda aparenței sale anistorice, general-valabile, este de fapt unul dintre cele mai importante constructe abstracte care ne subordonează în capitalism, imanența sa intimă. Postone îl numește timp istoric, timpul fluctuațiilor producției și a dinamicii negative a plusvalorii pe care o generează – și îl deosebește de timpul abstract, la rândul său un rezultat al capitalismului, dar aflat într-o relație mai puțin strânsă cu acesta; timpul cronologic, evenimențial. Dacă încercări asupra teoretizării timpului abstract au fost inițiate și în perioadele precapitaliste, cu rezultate diferite, desigur, condiționate de modul de producție aferent – timpul istoric este pentru Postone un timp eminamente capitalist, pentru că doar capitalismul a produs totalitatea comodificatoare în orizontul căreia un astfel de timp capătă sens. Timpul istoric universalizează timpul tuturor comunităților umane, înscriindu-le într-o dominație pe cât de abstractă, pe atât de ilizibilă. La originea sa se află ceea ce Marx numea compoziția organică a capitalului și dinamica ei în favoarea capitalului fix (tehnologie), respectiv în detrimentul capitalului variabil (forță de muncă). Deoarece valoarea, dată de unitatea de timp necesară pentru producerea unui bun, apare doar în urma activității capitalului variabil, aceasta va scădea pe măsură ce productivitatea