Apache Cordova Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
1. Building Mobile Apps with Cordova , AngularJS and Ionic 2. Who am I ? •Soltani Kadhem •Web & Mobile Developer at Novavision-it •Website: www.kadhem-soltani.com •Twitter : @kadhem_soltani 3. Agenda 1.Why make mobile app 2.Hybrid VS... more
1. Building Mobile Apps with Cordova , AngularJS and Ionic
2. Who am I ? •Soltani Kadhem •Web & Mobile Developer at Novavision-it •Website: www.kadhem-soltani.com •Twitter : @kadhem_soltani
3. Agenda 1.Why make mobile app 2.Hybrid VS Native 3.What is Cordova ? 4.What is AngularJS ? 5.What is Ionic Framework ? 6.Q&A 7.Coding Time
4. Why make mobile apps?
5. Why make mobile apps ? •You want to make mobile app because: –The world is moving –Everybody's making mobile apps these day –For your business –...
6. Why make mobile apps ? •But: –You're not mobile app developer? –You don't know Java, Objective-C , c#? –You want to build app that run everywhere –……….
7. Let's try Hybrid!
8. Hybrid vs Native
9. Hybrid VS Native •Native Apps ● Platform specific ● Respective development tools ● Time consuming ● Expensive development
10. More Platforms, More Problems
11. You need cool web technologies..
12. Hybrid VS Native •Hybrid Apps ● Platform independent (iOS, Android etc.) ● HTML5, CSS3 & JS ● Quick development ● Direct access to native APIs with Cordova
13. Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
14. •2009: PhoneGap started at Nitobi •2011: PhoneGap purchased by Adobe •2012: PhoneGap donated from Adobe to Apache •Software Foundation, and renamed as Cordova •Today: PhoneGap is a distribution of Cordova PhoneGap vs. Cordova
15. What is Cordova •Platforms ● Android ● Blackberry ● FirefoxOS ● iOS ● Tizen ● WebOS ● Windows Phone 7 ● Windows Phone 8
16. What is Cordova •Plugins ● Battery Status ● Camera ● Contacts ● Device Orientation ● Dialogs ● File Transfer ● Geolocation ● Media Capture ● Network Information ● Splashscreen ● Statusbar ● Vibration
17. Single Page Application Framework
18. What is ? - MVC Framework. - Developed by Google and the community is:
19. What is ? Directives
20. What is ? Controller & scope
21. What is ? Model
22. What is ? Routing
23. What is ?
24. •A Front-end framework for mobile apps •Contains a lot of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components •Best Friend with AngularJs •Uses Cordova to create, build, run, deploy mobile apps is: What is ?
25. What is Ionic solves multiple device resolution issues
26. List
27. Tabs
28. Pull To Refresh
29. Side Menu
30. Install Ionic & Cordova Globally npm install -g ionic cordova
31. Ionic Templates ionic start app blank ionic start app tabs ionic start app sidemenu
32. Add Platform, Build & Emulate Test on web browser ionic serve Add mobile platform (Android or iOS) ionic platform add [android/ios] Run test on device/emulator ionic [run/emulate] [ android/ios]
33. Do you have any question?
34. < Coding Time />
35. Thank you!
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- Web 2.0, Mobile Technology, Javascript, AngularJS
El envío de información hacia un dispositivo móvil es una buena opción para catpurar datos y verlos en tiempo real, así como almacenar los datos obtenidos para luego procesarlos o analizarlos. La placa Arduino pude enviar datos usando... more
El envío de información hacia un dispositivo móvil es una buena opción para catpurar datos y verlos en tiempo real, así como almacenar los datos obtenidos para luego procesarlos o analizarlos. La placa Arduino pude enviar datos usando circuitos de transmisión que usen BlueTooth o WiFi. En está práctica se usará BlueTooth y para el desarrollo de la aplicación en el dispositivo móvil se empleará un framework que se llama Apache-Cordova, el cual permite desarrollar como si se tratará de una aplicación WEB, por lo que su desarrollo es ágil y rápido. En este documento no se ve la instalación de Cordova, pero si se indican las versiones empleadas para el desarrollo. Apache Cordova es un framework para desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles creado originalmente por Nitobi. Adobe Systems lo compró en 2011 y lo rebautizo como PhoneGap, después lanzo una versión de software libre que se llamó Apache Cordova. Apache Cordova permite a los programadores construir aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles usando CSS3, HTML5, y JavaScript en lugar de emplear directamente los API's de alguna plataforma específica como: Android, iOS o Windows Phone. Para mayor infomación puede acceder al siguiente enlace.
Blood is saviour of all existing lives in case of emergency needs such as accidents, operations etc. which creates an immediate and critical need for specific blood types. Also blood donor information should be checked before donation.... more
Blood is saviour of all existing lives in case of emergency needs such as accidents, operations etc. which creates an immediate and critical need for specific blood types. Also blood donor information should be checked before donation. Blood-donors usually dont come to know about the need for blood. We propose blood donation applications for cross-platform mobile platform such as Android,WindowsPhone, IOS etc. using Apache Cordova Framework. Apache Cordova is a platform for building natively installed mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Using single source code to develop application for different mobile platforms. Allows users to locate donation clinics and view time slots, so they can make appointments and be reminded of them afterwards. Use of game mechanics makes it more interesting to user. Aim is to motivate donors to donate blood by applying game design and making apps for crossplatform mobile application.
Smartphone's are existence utilize for various ranges of vigorous activities including social media, messaging, a chart, context directorate in addition for location applications. Emergency never comes with prior information. In real... more
Smartphone's are existence utilize for various ranges of vigorous activities including social media, messaging, a chart, context directorate in addition for location applications. Emergency never comes with prior information. In real world case such emergencies and reporting them is a real challenge. This paper contains the existing systems detail survey and proposed system to overcome common problem of having manual intervention while reporting emergency. We are proposing the new idea for emergency detection and reporting. This system will record and report emergency in real time. Reporting of emergency comes with two ways either the person at emergency situation can report directly by Smartphone with nearest emergency facility or by reporting and response team comes with emergency facility like medical, fire, police. It works in three steps as detection of emergency with current location, user data collection and processing and reporting to web application. This is the client-...
El envío de información desde un dispositivo móvil hacia un sistema embebido es una buena opción para mandar datos y que realicen un acción en el dispositivo, así se puede controlar a distancia sin la necesidad de de cables. El framework... more
El envío de información desde un dispositivo móvil hacia un sistema embebido es una buena opción para mandar datos y que realicen un acción en el dispositivo, así se puede controlar a distancia sin la necesidad de de cables. El framework de Cordova mediante el método "bluetoothSerial.write()" pude enviar datos hacia circuitos de BlueTooth. En está práctica se mostrará mediante el uso BlueTooth como con Cordova se puede enviar información de manera simple a una placa Arduino, por lo que su desarrollo es ágil y rápido.
Smartphone's are existence utilize for various ranges of vigorous activities including social media, messaging, a chart, context directorate in addition for location applications. Emergency never comes with prior information. In real... more
Smartphone's are existence utilize for various ranges of vigorous activities including social media, messaging, a chart, context directorate in addition for location applications. Emergency never comes with prior information. In real world case such emergencies and reporting them is a real challenge. This paper contains the existing systems detail survey and proposed system to overcome common problem of having manual intervention while reporting emergency. We are proposing the new idea for emergency detection and reporting. This system will record and report emergency in real time. Reporting of emergency comes with two ways either the person at emergency situation can report directly by Smartphone with nearest emergency facility or by reporting and response team comes with emergency facility like medical, fire, police. It works in three steps as detection of emergency with current location, user data collection and processing and reporting to web application. This is the client-server GIS and Smartphone application for the person at emergency situation. the person at emergency select the emergency service such as in client application medical, fire, police, then it detect the user current location along with information name of the person and contact number(person's identity) for providing service then register, after registering their will be two options either the person at emergency select its own nearest service such as for medical nearest hospitals to provide medical facility, in case of fire nearest fire stations and police in criminal, illegal activity etc and second way after registering details information will placed onto server database so that rescue team will get information and provide appropriate services to the person. This proposed work, we will record all emergency details of rescued person with location onto maps, GIS will provide detection of emergency person coordinates (latitude and longitude) tracked by GPS and also provide plotting coordinates onto maps in the web application. Current project also Tracks location of person and sharing it with helping message to its family members, friends or any by selecting contact number from Smartphone and share via SMS or any social applications like face book, email, whatsapp so that front person understand person is in emergency and they will help them.
Indonesia is fourth most crowded population in the world, there are more than 200 million people live in the country. Unfortunately, there are still around 28 million people that live in poverty. In addition, from 100 workforces 5-6... more
Indonesia is fourth most crowded population in the world, there are more than 200 million people live in the country. Unfortunately, there are still around 28 million people that live in poverty. In addition, from 100 workforces 5-6 person are unemployed. The poverty and unemployed itself could be caused by low education and unavailable work field. This is an issue that author took as a topic and develop an employment media application as an effort to increase society productivity, which called " Gawean ". Gawean is an innovative application that will give an alternative solution to resolve unemployment issue in Indonesia. Through this application, many people will have benefit like the easiness to get job or even side job that available in certain region based on its current user location. The job that available to user are jobs that has similarity to user's skills rather than its education. This idea comes from the issue itself that people rarely accepted or did not get job because of their low education. Therefore, the purpose of this development is to increase society productivity, especially for people that unemployed because of the low education problem. This application develops using waterfall method with some programming languages, such as javascript for android and PHP for system that serve API and as backend.