Android Programming Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The dataset contains 950 Android application logs from different malware categories. Applications are instrumented by human (real human-interaction) so the behavior logs highly assemble real world executing of Android apps. The dataset... more

The dataset contains 950 Android application logs from different malware categories. Applications are instrumented by human (real human-interaction) so the behavior logs highly assemble real world executing of Android apps. The dataset contains 440 malicious and 508 benign (normal) app logs. The logs have been captured for XDroid project. You can find more details on the dataset in the paper.

The number of Smartphones users is increasing, and creating opportunities for the development of many applications in various application domains. Most Smartphones come with Internet connection, GSM/GPRS/3G/HSPDA/4G antenna, GPS,... more

The number of Smartphones users is increasing, and creating opportunities for the development of many applications in various application domains. Most Smartphones come with Internet connection, GSM/GPRS/3G/HSPDA/4G antenna, GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and other sensors such as magnetometer, gyroscope and accelerometer, facilitating geographic localization, geographic position calculation, the supply of points of interest proximity and supporting the user in trails navigation. This research analyzes the challenges in developing Android mobile applications that contain location services and map navigation support for outdoor pedestrian trails, using only the Smartphones native features and technologies. Besides the main location techniques and technologies available in Smartphones, and particularly in Android, this research analyses power saving strategies, using for instance sensor fusion, map types, and web services consuming. The objective of this research is to discuss and propose bes...

Una de las características principales del diseño en Android es la reutilización de componentes entre las aplicaciones, es decir, dos aplicaciones diferentes pueden utilizar un misma componente, aunque esté en otra aplicación para así,... more

Una de las características principales del diseño en Android es la reutilización de componentes entre las aplicaciones, es decir, dos aplicaciones diferentes pueden utilizar un misma componente, aunque esté en otra aplicación para así, evitar la repetición innecesaria de código, y la ocupación de espacio.

Aplikasi mobile sistem informasi kampus merupakan aplikasi untuk mengakses dan mendapatkan notifikasi pembaharuan informasi serta jadwal kuliah pribadi menggunakan perangkat mobile Android. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi... more

Aplikasi mobile sistem informasi kampus merupakan aplikasi untuk mengakses dan mendapatkan notifikasi pembaharuan informasi serta jadwal kuliah pribadi menggunakan perangkat mobile Android. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa menghadiri perkuliahan secara tepat waktu dengan pensinkronisasian jadwal kuliah dan kalender, serta memudahkan mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru tanpa harus berada di lingkungan kampus. Sistem aplikasi ini menggunakan Android Developer Tools sebagai Integrated Development Environment (IDE) serta XAMPP sebagai bundle untuk web server (Apache) dan database (MySQL). Hasil akhir penelitian ini berupa interface aplikasi Sistem Informasi yang dapat menyajikan informasi jadwal kuliah setiap mahasiswa, menghadirkan informasi terbaru, dan melakukan sinkronisasi jadwal kuliah dengan kalender pada Android device mulai dari versi 2.2 Frozen Yoghurt (Froyo) hingga versi 4.2 Jelly Bean. Kata kunci: aplikasi mobile, sistem informasi, Android Abstract Mobile application for campus information system is an application for access and get notification of renewal information and personal lecture schedule on Android device. In this research will be made an application to help the students to attend lecture on time with synchronizing lecture schedule and calendar, and this application also facilitate the students to get latest update information without having to be on campus. The application system using Android Developer Tools as Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and XAMPP as web server (Apache) and database (MySQL) bundle. The result of this study is interface of Sistem Informasi application that can present the lecture schedule information of each student, presenting the update information, and do synchronization between lecture schedule and calendar on Android device from version 2.2 Frozen Yoghurt (Froyo) until 4.2 Jelly Bean.

Navigation assistance systems are aiming to improve safety and provide traffic optimization and have become more and more popular in a modern vehicular technology. The reason is given by the significant traffic increase and numerous... more

Navigation assistance systems are aiming to improve safety and provide traffic optimization and have become more and more popular in a modern vehicular technology. The reason is given by the significant traffic increase and numerous congestion events in large cities, large complexity of road infrastructure, and unexpected or hazardous conditions that can be found on roads. This paper proposes an innovative navigation system solution that intelligently gathers traffic data provided by integrated car sensors and/or onboard security systems and uses it to warn other participants. System concepts, architecture, design, implementation, and performance evaluation aspects are presented, and tasks organization for an embedded cost‐effective implementation using a real‐time kernel is illustrated.

Aplicación móvil apoyada en georeferenciación que permita optimizar el uso del transporte público en laciudad de cúcuta (STOPBUS) Mobile application supported by georeferencing that optimizes the use of public transport in the city of... more

Aplicación móvil apoyada en georeferenciación que permita optimizar el uso del transporte público en laciudad de cúcuta (STOPBUS) Mobile application supported by georeferencing that optimizes the use of public transport in the city of Cúcuta (STOPBUS) Resumen En este artículo se presentará un avance tecnológico en el sector del transporte público de la ciudad de Cúcuta donde aún no se han implementado nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) ba-sado en georeferenciación para dispositivos móviles. En el desarrollo de la aplicación se empleó el sistema operativo Android, y las herramientas que proveen los teléfonos inteligentes como el GPS. La aplicación móvil (STOPBUS) permitirá mantener informados a todos los usuarios del transporte público en la ciudad de Cúcuta, mostrando datos de interés acerca de las rutas que realizan los vehículos, basándose en la ubi-cación actual de la persona que toma el servicio y el lugar al que se desea ir, así como también los datos de ubicación de los buses. La aplicación encontrará cuál es la ruta más cercana al punto donde se encuentra el usuario, de manera que sea una opción cómoda para aquellas personas que no conozcan los recorridos del transporte público y así brindar menores tiempos de espera a la hora de tomar el servicio. Abstract In this paper a technological advance will be presented in the sector of public transportation in the city of Cucuta where (ICT) Information and Communication Technologies have not been implemented, this advance is based on georeferencing for mobile devices. In the development of the application the Android operating system was employed as well as the tools provided by the smartphones such as GPS. The mobile application STOPBUS will allow to keep all the users of public transportation in Cucuta informed, showing data of interest about the itineraries made by the vehicles based on the current location of the person who is taking the service and the place where they wish to go just as the data of the location of the buses. The application will find which the route closer to the location of the user is in a manner this is a comfortable choice for those people who do not know itineraries of the public transportation therefore giving shorter waiting times while taking public transportation.

In this fast life, everyone is in hurry to reach their destinations. In this case waiting for the buses is not reliable. People who rely on the public transport their major concern is to know the real time location of the bus for which... more

In this fast life, everyone is in hurry to reach their destinations. In this case waiting for the buses is not reliable. People who rely on the public transport their major concern is to know the real time location of the bus for which they are waiting for and the time it will take to reach their bus stop. This information helps people in making better travelling decisions. This paper gives the major challenges in the public transport system and discuses various approaches to intelligently manage it. Current position of the bus is acquired by integrating GPS device on the bus and coordinates of the bus are sent by either GPRS service provided by GSM networks or SMS or RFID. GPS device is enabled on the tracking device and this information is sent to centralized control unit or directly at the bus stops using RF receivers. This system is further integrated with the historical average speeds of each segment. This is done to improve the accuracy by including the factors like volume of traffic, crossings in each segment, day and time of day. People can track information using LEDs at bus stops, SMS, web application or Android application. GPS coordinates of the bus when sent to the centralized server where various arrival time estimation algorithms are applied using historical speed patterns.

Proses kegiatan laundry membutuhkan sistem akuntansi yang baik. Sistem akuntansi adalah metode dan prosedur untuk mencatat dan melaporkan informasi keuangan yang disediakan bagi perusahaan atau suatu organisasi bisnis. Selama ini banyak... more

Proses kegiatan laundry membutuhkan sistem akuntansi yang baik. Sistem akuntansi adalah metode dan prosedur untuk mencatat dan melaporkan informasi keuangan yang disediakan bagi perusahaan atau suatu organisasi bisnis. Selama ini banyak dari bidang usaha laundry ini menggunakan pendataan laporan keuangan masih secara manual menggunakan kertas dan tulis tangan yang sangat tidak efisien. Proses yang tidak efisien dapat menghambat kegiatan laundry, sehingga banyak waktu yang terbuang. Berdasarkan permasalahan ini maka dibuatlah sistem akuntansi yang dapat membantu masalah pembukuan keuangan di “Jaya Laundry”. Pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan platform OS Android dan sebagai media penyimpanannya menggunakan MySQL dengan konsep client dan server. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh sistem informasi akuntansi laundry yang dapat membantu kinerja pengolahan data keuangan suatu perusahaan jasa laundry studi kasus “Jaya Laundry” yaitu input data pemasukan dan data pengeluaran. Output yang di...

Tourism becomes a common thing in an area. People usually spend their spare time for a vacation to a tourist place. As time passes, there are several new tourism spots that cause information about the tourism spots need to be well managed... more

Tourism becomes a common thing in an area. People usually spend their spare time for a vacation to a tourist place. As time passes, there are several new tourism spots that cause information about the tourism spots need to be well managed so that users can find information about the place of tourism in detail and practical. The above points encourage the author to discuss research on the design of Tourism Information Systems Information in East Java Province in Android Based. This information system is designed with waterfall method and built using JavaScript Web Object Notation (JSON) web service that can provide information about tourism place in East Java Province in detail and by utilizing tracking technology of Global Positioning System (GPS) from the Google Maps API that can help tourists to know the route to the tourism spots from the GPS point. The result is that this system can search tourist information in East Java Province in detail and show the route to the tourism place from the point of GPS, as well as the recommendation of the best tourism spot to other tourists which is seen by the rating of tourism spots.

Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android... more

Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android market. On the other hand, users of Android devices might not be familiar with the privacy and security implications of installing mobile application on their cell phones. Users might assume that a device that is password locked protects their personal information, but the devices might preserve the personal information on the devices in ways the end users might not be aware of. This research focuses on one of these applications 'WhatsApp®', a very popular social networking mobile application. This research outlines the ways forensic investigators can extract valuable information from WhatsApp and from similar mobile applications installed on the Android platform. The major focus is the extraction and analysis of the data of the application user from non-volatile external storage and the volatile memory (RAM) of an Android device.

Il s'agit de reconnaître un individu à travers l'image de son visage et par la méthode des EigenFaces

More than 2 million people in the United States are unable to speak or use handwriting as an effective and efficient mean of communication (ASHA,2004). This paper discusses a brief history of augmentative alternative communication (AAC)... more

Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android... more

Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android market. On the other hand, users of Android devices might not be familiar with the privacy and security implications of installing mobile application on their cell phones. Users might assume that a device that is password locked protects their personal information, but the devices might preserve the personal information on the devices in ways the end users might not be aware of. This research focuses on one of these applications 'WhatsApp®', a very popular social networking mobile application. This research outlines the ways forensic investigators can extract valuable information from WhatsApp and from similar mobile applications installed on the Android platform. The major focus is the extraction and analysis of the data of the application user from non-volatile external storage and the volatile memory (RAM) of an Android device.

El envío de información hacia un dispositivo móvil es una buena opción para catpurar datos y verlos en tiempo real, así como almacenar los datos obtenidos para luego procesarlos o analizarlos. La placa Arduino pude enviar datos usando... more

El envío de información hacia un dispositivo móvil es una buena opción para catpurar datos y verlos en tiempo real, así como almacenar los datos obtenidos para luego procesarlos o analizarlos. La placa Arduino pude enviar datos usando circuitos de transmisión que usen BlueTooth o WiFi. En está práctica se usará BlueTooth y para el desarrollo de la aplicación en el dispositivo móvil se empleará un framework que se llama Apache-Cordova, el cual permite desarrollar como si se tratará de una aplicación WEB, por lo que su desarrollo es ágil y rápido. En este documento no se ve la instalación de Cordova, pero si se indican las versiones empleadas para el desarrollo. Apache Cordova es un framework para desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles creado originalmente por Nitobi. Adobe Systems lo compró en 2011 y lo rebautizo como PhoneGap, después lanzo una versión de software libre que se llamó Apache Cordova. Apache Cordova permite a los programadores construir aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles usando CSS3, HTML5, y JavaScript en lugar de emplear directamente los API's de alguna plataforma específica como: Android, iOS o Windows Phone. Para mayor infomación puede acceder al siguiente enlace.

Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android... more

Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android market. On the other hand, users of Android devices might not be familiar with the privacy and security implications of installing mobile application on their cell phones. Users might assume that a device that is password locked protects their personal information, but the devices might preserve the personal information on the devices in ways the end users might not be aware of. This research focuses on one of these applications 'WhatsApp®', a very popular social networking mobile application. This research outlines the ways forensic investigators can extract valuable information from WhatsApp and from similar mobile applications installed on the Android platform. The major focus is the extraction and analysis of the data of the application user...

Sudoku is a pretty popular number game. The goal of this game is to fill a 9x9 matrix with unique numbers, and there should not be repeated numbers in each row, column, or block. This paper proposed a solution to solve Sudoku using the... more

Sudoku is a pretty popular number game. The goal of this game is to fill a 9x9 matrix with unique numbers, and there should not be repeated numbers in each row, column, or block. This paper proposed a solution to solve Sudoku using the Backtracking Algorithm. This algorithm is quite efficient because it does not have to check all the possibilities that exist, but which leads to only the solution that will be processed, namely by pruning every element that does not lead to the solution. Thus the time required is quite efficient and suitable for use in reasonably complex numbers games like sudoku. By implementing the backtracking algorithm in the sudoku game, the complexity of the algorithm can be as large 𝜽 (n3).

 Abstract— Malwares are spreading around the world and infecting not only the end users but also large organizations and service providers. Android operating system seems to have attracted the most attention from malicious code writer... more

 Abstract— Malwares are spreading around the world and infecting not only the end users but also large organizations and service providers. Android operating system seems to have attracted the most attention from malicious code writer due to its popularity. Earlier, Signature based detection techniques were used to detect unknown malwares. But it was insufficient because these techniques were not able to detect unknown malwares (0-day attack). To analyze the malwares, static and dynamic techniques are used. Static analysis has advantage of being undetectable, as malware cannot modify its behavior during analysis. Despite number of detections and analysis techniques are in place, high detection accuracy of new malwares are still a critical issue. This survey paper highlights the existing detection and existing analysis methods used for the android malicious code.

Over the years the process of manual attendance has been carried out which is not only time consuming but also provides erroneous result. Automated time and attendance monitoring system provides many benefits to organizations. This... more

Over the years the process of manual attendance has been carried out which is not only time consuming but also provides erroneous result. Automated time and attendance monitoring system provides many benefits to organizations. This reduces the need of pen and paper based manual attendance tracking system. Following this thought, we have proposed a smart location based time and attendance tracking system which is implemented on android mobile application on smartphone reducing the need of additional biometric scanner device. The location of an organization has a specific location, which can be determine by the GPS. Each employee's location can be determined by the GPS using smartphone. This location is defined as a key of time and attendance tracking in our paper.

Gambar diatas merupakan hasil dari koding Android Studio dengan menggunakan layout relative. Layout relative merupakan layout yang berfungsi untuk mengatur tata letak komponen atau widget aplikasi android dengan cara relative (secara... more

Gambar diatas merupakan hasil dari koding Android Studio dengan menggunakan layout relative. Layout relative merupakan layout yang berfungsi untuk mengatur tata letak komponen atau widget aplikasi android dengan cara relative (secara bebas) tidak hanya vertikal atau horizontal saja seperti pada linear layout. Untuk menghasilkan tampilan diatas, kita perlu menambahkan XML pada layout kemudian memberikan namanya sesuai dengan pengguna inginkan. Disini saya memberikan nama pada XML saya yaitu layout_relative. Setelah selesai, masuk ke kodingan XML dan ubah background yang ada pada design dengan warna lilac atau dengan kode #C6A1CF.

Документът е описание на фреймуърка Xamarin. Изследвани са следните теми: - цел на фреймуърка - изисквания и инсталация - технологии и принципи - компоненти Добавено е и кратко описание на практически пример, както и връзка към качения му... more

Документът е описание на фреймуърка Xamarin. Изследвани са следните теми:
- цел на фреймуърка
- изисквания и инсталация
- технологии и принципи
- компоненти
Добавено е и кратко описание на практически пример, както и връзка към качения му в GitHub код.

About 60% of the Smart-phone users in the world are using Android based phones. The primary goal of the project is to design, develop and test an Android Application “Car Music Player App” The Following Android Application is designed to... more

About 60% of the Smart-phone users in the world are using Android based phones. The primary goal of the project is to design, develop and test an Android Application “Car Music Player App” The Following Android Application is designed to make listening to music in your car safer and easier with simple designed screens & high level of accuracy with efficient & steady retrieval of information.

The main goal for this application assignment was the development of a multi-player game where a central Java server application functions as a referee and a score keeper. This application serves as a prototype for a multi-player combat... more

The main goal for this application assignment was the development of a multi-player game where a central Java server application functions as a referee and a score keeper. This application serves as a prototype for a multi-player combat game that is in development. In this Tic Tac Toe game it is necessary for the creation of two graphics file, an X and an O in .gif form which will have the dimensions of 25 x 25 pixels and function as the game board markers. In this classic version of Tic Tac Tow the Java server application is launched first and continually listens for a network connection from a Tic Tac Toe client. The first client application is launched and automatically connects to the referee/server application and the first player receives a message that they are connected but waiting for another player to login. Once a second version of the client software is launched then the game play begins and the first player is given the option of selecting the first square for game play. The game progresses until a player wins or a tie game is completed. The referee/server watches all player game moves to ensure a player does not select a square that has already been selected by the other player. The future assignment requires a multiplayer client/server warrior game where an unlimited number of players may connect to the server.

Pubilkasi ilmiah penelitian, pengembangan aplikasi dan studi kepustakaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi Terbit dalam 2 (dua) kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Mei-Juni dan November -Desember Penasehat : Mahdianta Pandia S.Kom., M.Kom... more

Pubilkasi ilmiah penelitian, pengembangan aplikasi dan studi kepustakaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi Terbit dalam 2 (dua) kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Mei-Juni dan November -Desember Penasehat : Mahdianta Pandia S.Kom., M.Kom (Ketua STMIK Kristen Neumann Indonesia)

The Project titled Lock Screen is an android based application that enables people to stop the unauthorized use of their android powered smart-phone. The aim of the project was to make user favorable method for the security of their... more

The Project titled Lock Screen is an android based application that enables people to stop the unauthorized use of their android powered smart-phone. The aim of the project was to make user favorable method for the security of their android powered Smart-phone.

Voting droid ini merupakan penerapan pemilihan suara / pemungutan suara secara elekronik atau yang biasa disebut e-voting. Tujuan dari electronic voting adalah menyelenggarakan pemungutan suara dengan biaya hemat dan penghitungan suara... more

Voting droid ini merupakan penerapan pemilihan suara / pemungutan suara secara elekronik atau yang biasa disebut e-voting. Tujuan dari electronic voting adalah menyelenggarakan pemungutan suara dengan biaya hemat dan penghitungan suara yang cepat dengan menggunakan sistem yang aman dan mudah untuk dilakukan audit. Arti E-Voting merajuk pada suatu metode pemungutan suara dan penghitungan suara dalam suatu pemilihan dengan menggunakan perangkat elektronik. Dengan kata lain, teknologi ini memudahkan pemilih dalam suatu pemilihan umum untuk menggunakan hak pilihnya dengan menggunakan media elektronik dan internet.

With billions of people using smartphones and the exponential growth of smartphone apps, it is prohibitive for app marketplaces, such as Google App Store, to thoroughly verify if an app is legitimate or malicious. As a result, mobile... more

With billions of people using smartphones and the exponential growth of smartphone apps, it is prohibitive for app marketplaces, such as Google App Store, to thoroughly verify if an app is legitimate or malicious. As a result, mobile users are left to decide for themselves whether an app is safe to use. Even worse, recent studies have shown that over 70% of apps in markets request to collect data irrelevant to the main functions of the apps, which could cause leaking of private information or inefficient use of mobile resources. It is worth mentioning that since resource management mechanism of mobile devices is different from PC machines, existing security solutions in PC malware area are not quite compatible with mobile devices. Therefore, academic researchers and commercial anti-malware companies have proposed many security mechanisms to address the security issues of the Android devices. Considering the mechanisms and techniques which are different in nature and used in proposed works, they can be classified into different categories. In this survey, we discuss the existing Android security threats and existing security enforcements solutions between 2010-2015 and try to classify works and review their functionalities. We review a few works of each class. The survey also reviews the strength and weak points of the solutions.

Abstrak-Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah merancangan sistem pemiliharaan tanaman aeroponik yang dilakukan secara otomatisasi berbasis web, yang dilakukan sistem ini adalah memberikan nutrisi kepada tanaman secara otomatis serta membantu untuk... more

Abstrak-Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah merancangan sistem pemiliharaan tanaman aeroponik yang dilakukan secara otomatisasi berbasis web, yang dilakukan sistem ini adalah memberikan nutrisi kepada tanaman secara otomatis serta membantu untuk monitoring tanaman aeroponik oleh petani. sistem aeroponik tersebut dapat digunakan otomatisasi dalam pengukuran dan pengontrolan pertumbuhan tanaman Dengan diterapkannya teknologi otomatisasi pada aeroponik yang dapat melakukan pengontrolan pada beberapa aspek seperti suhu air, tingkat keasaman dan kebasaan air biasa disebut pH (potensial Hidrogen) , nutrisi dan perkembangan tanaman aeroponik. Dengan adanya Internet of Things sehingga dapat dengan mudah mengambil nilai nutrisi dari sensor EC(Electrical Conducticity) pada air aeroponik, kemudian data tersebut dikirimkan ke server. Data hasil monitoring yang sudah terkirim ke server kemudian ditampilkan di website sebagai informasi tanaman aeroponik.

The project entitled as ―ANDROID APP FOR WOMEN SECURITY SYSTEM. The front end of this project is Java SE 7 Software Development Kit and back end is SQLite. In today's world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a... more

The project entitled as ―ANDROID APP FOR WOMEN SECURITY SYSTEM. The front end of this project is Java SE 7 Software Development Kit and back end is SQLite. In today's world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a smart phone can be used efficiently for personal security or various other protection purposes. Women Security is a major concern in the current scenario and this Android Application for the Safety of Women tries to prevent the threats that might be occuring to women. The app can be activated by a single click, whenever need arises to alert the people associated with the woman. A single click on this app identifies the location of place through GPS and sends a message comprising this location URL to the registered contacts to help the one in dangerous situations. Continuous location tracking information via SMS helps to find the location of the victim quickly and she can be rescued safely.

With the amount of food waste generated in the country continually increasing, the misuse of food along each stage of the food lifecycle has become a serious environmental, social, and financial issue. Huge quantity of food is wasted... more

With the amount of food waste generated in the country continually increasing, the misuse of food along each stage of the food lifecycle has become a serious environmental, social, and financial issue. Huge quantity of food is wasted everyday in hotels and restaurants. The waste at marriage halls, a party hall etc. is also gigantic. In a country like India and other Third World countries where a huge society is deprived of basic amenities and don't get meal for one time, such wastage is intolerable. It is an irony that there are hundreds of NGOs working towards helping the people belonging to under privileged society and want to at least provide them with bare minimum requirements such as food and shelter. The proposed method says that if we can connect these two, in such a way that these NGOs can get the "food to be wasted" without hassle, and the hotels/restaurants/party-halls find these food seekers without any extra effort then it will serve a greater cause and will be a big service to humanity. Using the cutting edge technologies, we can bridge the gap. Now a day, Smartphone’s are available at a highly affordable price and are the best way to keep people and agencies connected.
Index Terms- Food Waste, Food Seekers, Food Loss, Food Recovery, NGO, Food Wastage Reduction, Food Donation.

In the current era of smartphone, mobile games have become really popular. To the high growth rate of mobile media, online games are getting progressively well-known and have been generally played, particularly among teenage-aged... more

In the current era of smartphone, mobile games have become really popular. To the high growth rate of mobile media, online games are getting progressively well-known and have been generally played, particularly among teenage-aged citizens. Our paper is about learning the development process of an ordinary online multiplayer game model and analysis of the complexity for its mobile option by several types of testing using Unity game engine. The emphasis is put on utilizing the inherent Unity segments in a multiplayer game in particular, building up accessory practices to utilize Unity's Scripting API for C# and incorporating outsider segments like the networking engine, 2D models, and molecule frameworks made for use with Unity and accessible through the Unity Asset Store. We choose to lead a convenient testing on the implemented mobile game application. We also make remarks on Unity as a multiplayer game improvement condition and execution engine.

Coding Elements is creating the next generation of coders who will change their cities, their countries, and the world. Coding Elements curates the best curriculum in high-growth areas such as machine learning, data science, and... more

Coding Elements is creating the next generation of coders who will change their cities, their countries, and the world. Coding Elements curates the best curriculum in high-growth areas such as machine learning, data science, and full-stack development - with input from the industry. The online and classroom courses offered by Coding Elements have been rated favorably by thousands of students and have helped hundreds of students secure meaningful jobs.

In recent years, much focus has been put on employing technology to make novel behavioral aids for those with autism. Most of these are digital adaptations of tools used in standard behavioral therapy to enforce normative skills. These... more

In recent years, much focus has been put on employing technology to make novel behavioral aids for those with autism. Most of these are digital adaptations of tools used in standard behavioral therapy to enforce normative skills. These digital counterparts are often used outside of both the larger therapeutic context and the real world, in which the learned skills might apply. To address this, we are designing a system of automatic expression recognition on wearable devices that integrates directly into the families' daily social interactions, to give children and their caregivers the tools and information they need to design their own holistic therapy. In order to develop a tool that will be truly useful to families, we proactively include children with autism and their families as co-designers in the development process. By providing an app and interface with interchangeable social feedback options, we aim to produce a framework for therapy that folds into their daily lives, tailored to their specific needs.

Android malware has continued to grow in volume and complexity posing significant threats to the security of mobile devices and the services they enable. This has prompted increasing interest in employing machine learning to improve... more

Android malware has continued to grow in volume and complexity posing significant threats to the security of mobile devices and the services they enable. This has prompted increasing interest in employing machine learning to improve Android malware detection. In this paper we present a novel classifier fusion approach based on a multilevel architecture that enables effective combination of machine learning algorithms for improved accuracy. The framework (called DroidFusion), generates a model by training base classifiers at a lower level and then applies a set of ranking-based algorithms on their predictive accuracies at the higher level in order to derive a final classifier. The induced multilevel DroidFusion model can then be utilized as an improved accuracy predictor for Android malware detection. We present experimental results on four separate datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the DroidFusion method can also effectively enable the fusion of ensemble learning algorithms for improved accuracy. Finally, we show that the prediction accuracy of DroidFusion, despite only utilizing a computational approach in the higher level, can outperform Stacked Generalization, a well-known classifier fusion method that employs a meta-classifier approach in its higher level.