Atomic Force Microscopy Research Papers (original) (raw)

Cellulose nanofibers with a size range of 5–100 nm have the potential to be a low cost renewable material that has application in a range of products. However, current chemical methods to produce crystalline nanofibers suffer from low... more

Cellulose nanofibers with a size range of 5–100 nm have the potential to be a low cost renewable material that has application in a range of products. However, current chemical methods to produce crystalline nanofibers suffer from low yields and high chemical costs, while mechanical methods require high energy costs. Methods to lower the energy costs of the mechanical methods have not been well documented in the literature. A bleached softwood kraft pulp was processed using a mechanical dispersion mill and a homogenizer to produce cellulose nanofibers. Two different commercial enzymes were used to pretreat the wood fibers before the mechanical treatments. The resulting nanofibers were characterized by light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and inverse gas chromatography. Results indicate that the dispersion mill does not affect the overall pulp fiber fibrillation, but does help prepare the sample for the homogenizer. Most fibrillation occurs after three passes through the homogenizer. The enzyme pretreatment has little effect on the size of the fibers, but does allow for higher solids to pass through the homogenizer without clogging. The dispersion component of surface energy of the resulting nanofibrils is impacted by the type of enzyme used. The measurement of acid–base properties proved to be challenging using current IGC experimental protocols.

A novel technique for synthesizing a diamond-like carbon (DLC) film by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is proposed. In the technique, additional lasers irradiated the plume in order to increase the density of the ionic carbon. By... more

A novel technique for synthesizing a diamond-like carbon (DLC) film by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is proposed. In the technique, additional lasers irradiated the plume in order to increase the density of the ionic carbon. By irradiating with an ArF excimer laser, the emission intensity of the atomic carbon was increased greatly. By irradiating with the third harmonic output and the fundamental output of an Nd:YAG laser, the emission intensity of the atomic and ionic carbon also increased greatly. The sp3 content increased from 51% without to 76% with two additional irradiation of the fundamental output of two Nd:YAG laser beams. The differences in the binding energy and surface morphology between the films with and without the irradiation of the additional lasers to the plume were observed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), respectively.

Fabrication of microfluidic systems capable of extracting and isolating nucleic acids from biological samples and preparing them for downstream applications within the same device is of interest as on-chip sample preparation reduces the... more

Fabrication of microfluidic systems capable of extracting and isolating nucleic acids from biological samples and preparing them for downstream applications within the same device is of interest as on-chip sample preparation reduces the time and effort expended on multi-step benchtop procedures. A microfluidic chip capable of cell lysis, nucleic acid extraction and immobilization has been developed in our laboratory. This report focuses on substrate development and chip integration of the nucleic acid immobilization platform. The immobilization region was initially developed using poly-adenylated mRNA released from normal human lymphoblastoid cells. After immobilization, the mRNA remains functional for amplification by the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) gene expression analyses. Detailed surface functionalization, chemical modification, and covalent oligonucleotide immobilization methods are described. Vapor and liquid ...

The electron and hole mobility of Si complementary metal on oxide field effect transistors (CMOS) can be enhanced by introducing a biaxial tensile stress in the Si channel. This paper outlines several key analytical techniques needed to... more

The electron and hole mobility of Si complementary metal on oxide field effect transistors (CMOS) can be enhanced by introducing a biaxial tensile stress in the Si channel. This paper outlines several key analytical techniques needed to investigate such layers. Raman scattering is used to measure the strain in the Si channel as well as to map the spatial distribution of strain in Si at a lateral resolution better than 0.5 μm. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to measure the surface roughness. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used to reveal dislocations in the structure, the nature of the dislocations and the propagation of the dislocations. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is used to monitor the Ge content profile in the structure and the thickness of each layer. In the long term, inline nondestructive techniques are desired for epi-monitoring in manufacturing. Two techniques, spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and x-ray reflectivity (XRR), have shown promise at this stage.

Potential applications of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings range from precision tools and biomedical implants to micro mechanical devices and engine components. Where uniform coatings are required on substrates with complex geometries,... more

Potential applications of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings range from precision tools and biomedical implants to micro mechanical devices and engine components. Where uniform coatings are required on substrates with complex geometries, plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) is often a preferred deposition method. As a non-line of sight process, the geometry of the substrate is often considered negligible. For this reason analysis of PECVD coatings, such as amorphous carbon, has mostly been concerned with reactor deposition variables, such as bias voltage, pressure and gas ratios. Samples are therefore usually prepared and positioned to minimise the influence of other variables. By depositing nominally similar DLC films on silicon samples positioned horizontally and vertically on the reactor cathode plate it was possible to examine the variations in the coating characteristics and mechanical properties that occur due to the geometry of the substrate being coated. Topographic measurements and analysis of bonding structures revealed significant heterogeneity in the coatings. Electron microscopy showed variation in surface structure as well as thickness disparities of up to 50% in the vertical sample. Atomic force microscopy showed roughness, Ra, varied from 0.37 nm to 15.4 nm between samples. Raman spectroscopy highlighted variations in the sp2/sp3 bonding ratios whilst micro wear tests demonstrated how these variations reduce the critical load performance. These effects are explained in terms of the deposition mechanisms involved and are related to variation in deposition species and geometrical field enhancements within the deposition chamber. Improved understanding of these local variations will aid in the optimization of coatings for complex substrate geometries.