Cadastral Systems Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The importance and necessity of 3 and 4-dimensional cadastre in international platforms is conducted within the FIG and are highlighted in the cadastre vision of 2014 and 2034. 3D cadastre work is done at a basic level ın some... more
The importance and necessity of 3 and 4-dimensional cadastre in international platforms is conducted within the FIG and are highlighted in the cadastre vision of 2014 and 2034. 3D cadastre work is done at a basic level ın some countries, such as Brazil, Croatia and Australia. Some projects such as TAKBIS and MEGSIS support three-dimensional cadastral transition Turkey. However, there are some factors that can cause difficulties in the implementation of 3-4
dimensional cadastre in both our country and abroad. These factors indicate differences according to the legal basis of each country and the level of development. We can examine the problems experienced in the implementation of 3D cadastre under legal, technical and institutional headings. Problems that are experienced from the legal point of view within the scope of our study will be examined. The definition of cadastre in our country is defined in different laws such as Civil Law
and Cadastre Law. However, there are differences between these definitions. In addition, there is no clear concept of 3D cadaster in these Law. But the legal definition of the cadastre supports the
three-dimensional cadastre because it is intended to reflect the current situation of the land. There is also no explanatory definition of the scope and content of the 3D cadastre in the law. The current cadastre system in our country is two-dimensional and has about 24 legal sub-systems. The diversity of legal bases including the concept of cadastre, sometimes leads to complexity in practice. There are also problems in the terminology concerning the cadastral system in these laws.
The same concept is expressed by various clauses in different laws. Making particular envisaged to determine the scope of the 3-4 dimensional surveying activities can be a problem in the terminology
used. Within the scope of our study the 3 and 4-dimensional concepts related to cadastral surveys used in the literature in the world and Turkey is determined based on qualitative research techniques. After, the existence of these concepts in legal legislation related to the cadastre used in our country has been researched according to the common concepts method. As a result, it is aimed to determine whether it is enough for a terminology framework that can be used in 3 and 4-dimensional cadastral applications by examining existing laws.
Compte rendu par Eric Fabre (université de Provence - IUT de Digne)
Today, technological advancement is the major driving force in changing the face of the spatial information around the world. The high spatial resolution satellite imagery tends to revolutionize the Mapping discipline. The GIS database... more
Today, technological advancement is the major driving force in changing the face of the spatial information around the world. The high spatial resolution satellite imagery tends to revolutionize the Mapping discipline. The GIS database technology for storage of large datasets, data management, analysis and update facilities has had the greatest impact on the spatial information environment. The study was aimed at development of a digital cadastral database for detection and analysis of road encroachment. The study covered phases III, IV and V of Nairobi's Buruburu estate. The methodology employed in the study involved use of GIS software to develop a cadastral database which contains both spatial and non-spatial data. Three Registry Index Maps (RIMs) were scanned, georeferenced, cropped and mosaicked. Vectorization was done resulting into the creation a cadastral database with information on area of parcel, parcel number and parcel owner. Overlay with high resolution satellite imagery was done to establish whether there were buildings constructed on the road reserves. Using a Structured Query Language (SQL), the database was queried to obtain information on the parcel owners whose buildings encroaches the road reserves. Statistical analysis using tables, graphs and charts was done to evaluate the total area encroached by the buildings. Encroachment maps were then developed. The Digital Cadastral Database prepared clearly presents a much better medium for land information management for the urban road reserves compared to the current method which depends on hard copy maps. The project shows the benefits of integrating Remote Sensing, cadastral survey and Geographic Information Systems approach in land management. As a result, it is concluded that Geospatial databases form the basis for this new technology as it provides information linked to the current condition on the ground and therefore provides a framework upon which developments on land can be monitored. Adoption of digital cadastral databases in management of land resources is imperative.
The given article investigates possibilities of application of high resolution remote sensing data for the creating electronic cadastral database, topological errors on spatial data were classified and correlation relations between them... more
The given article investigates possibilities of application of high resolution remote sensing data for the creating electronic cadastral database, topological errors on spatial data were classified and correlation relations between them have been defined. In addition, the identification method
of active areas in Real Estate Market was developed and comparative analysis of dynamic models based on different interpolation methods was carried out
What happens if Local History issues are integrated with the methodology and datasets of Landscape Archaeology? How can Local History promote the landscape history of a region? How can archaeological research be improved by establishing... more
What happens if Local History issues are integrated with the methodology and datasets of Landscape Archaeology? How can Local History promote the landscape history of a region? How can archaeological research be improved by establishing closer contacts between researchers and locals? This paper attempts to answer these questions by presenting two case studies from western Greece. The first, concerning the foundation of the village of Sageika near Patras, which dates back to the 19th century, explores the conditions that prevailed during the colonization of the same area in Roman times, as well as the ancient settlement patterns which have been discovered during an intensive surface survey. The second, the Soudena case study, combines the oral traditions of two pairs of modern villages situated c. 250 km apart from each other with the discovery of deserted medieval villages and the study of Ottoman manuscripts in order to discuss questions of movement and relocation from northern to southern Greece. More importantly, in both case studies, researchers were invited by local communities which formulated the research questions as they wished to have their local history recorded in a scientific way.
В статье обоснована необходимость совершенствования методики кадастровой оценки лесных земель и изменения принципов расчета арендной ставки лесных земель, на основе которой в будущем будет определяться арендная плата за пользование этими... more
В статье обоснована необходимость совершенствования методики кадастровой оценки лесных земель и изменения принципов расчета арендной ставки лесных земель, на основе которой в будущем будет определяться арендная плата за пользование этими землями. Приведена методика определения кадастровой стоимости лесных земель с учетом степени развитости их инфраструктуры. Рассмотрена инфраструктура зе-мель лесного фонда и приведен алгоритм оценки такой инфраструктуры посредством геоинформационного моделирования. Представлена методика вычисления комплексного интегрального показателя (коэффициента развитости инфраструктуры), которая применима для дифференциации земель, покрытых и непокрытых дре-весной растительностью, для эффективного и рационального управления ими. Комплексный интегральный по-казатель определяет доступность лесных участков, так как учитывает расположение объектов инфраструктуры лесного фонда по отношению к участкам оценки, что позволяет получить информацию о затратах времени на преодоление необходимого пространства. Данная методика может быть применима для оценки качества и со-стояния существующей инфраструктуры лесного сектора при реализации мероприятий в рамках Стратегии развития лесного комплекса, предусматривающих поддержку и строительство инфраструктурных объектов на землях лесного фонда. Методика прошла апробацию в Балтийском участковом лесничестве Балтийско-Бело-зерского таежного района, в результате получена карта развитости инфраструктуры лесного фонда в границах оценки дифференцирования по рассчитанному интегральному показателю развитости инфраструктуры, полу-чена регрессионная модель расчета ставки арендной платы с учетом таксационной ценности и интегрального показателя развитости инфраструктуры, рассчитана кадастровая стоимость земель лесного фонда с учетом раз-работанной модели.
Tanah memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan karena manusia berasal dari tanah dan akan kembali ke tanah pula. Syarat berdirinya suatu negara yang berdaulat adalah memiliki wilayah, yang lebih sering dibaca sebagai tanah. Tanah memiliki... more
Tanah memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan karena manusia berasal dari tanah dan akan kembali ke tanah pula. Syarat berdirinya suatu negara yang berdaulat adalah memiliki wilayah, yang lebih sering dibaca sebagai tanah. Tanah memiliki nilai yang sangat berarti bagi manusia sehingga dalam beberapa wilayah di republik dan di belahan dunia lain, kepemilikan atas tanah mencerminkan status sosial seseorang. Bahkan perebutan tanah sudah menjadi salah satu sumber konflik yang abadi.
Daftar publik yang berkaitan dengan kadaster dapat berwujud form atau daftar isian, daftar tabel, dan bahkan peta. Daftar publik berarti dapat diketahui oleh publik yang berkepentingan sesuai dengan kompetensinya. Semua daftar tersebut dapat menjelaskan hubungan antara orang (pribadi ataupun badan hukum) dengan tanah yang dimilikinya. Siapa memiliki apa, letaknya dimana dan apa jenis kepemilikannya.
Mengingat pentingnya tanah bagi kehidupan manusia, kelompok manusia bahkan bagi bangsa Indonesia, maka Pemerintah menyelenggarakan pendaftaran tanah di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kegiatan pendaftaran tanah meliputi pengukuran, perpetaan dan pembukuan tanah; pendaftaran hak-hak tanah atas tanahdan peralihan hak-hak tersebut; serta pemberian surat-surat tanda bukti hak yang berlaku sebagai alat pembuktian yang kuat. Penyelenggaraan Pendaftaran Tanah bertujuan untuk:
• memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang haksuatu bidang tanah, satuan rumah susun dan dan hak-hak lain yang terdaftar
• menyediakan informasi mengenai perbuatan hukum atas bidang tanah kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, serta
mewujudkan tertib adminisrasi pertanahan
Saat ini Sistem Informasi Pertanahan (SIP) berkembang pesat, baik di tingkat pemerintah persemakmuran, negara bagian dan local di Australia. Sebab, tantangan untuk dekade kedepan sangat komplek yaitu integrasi data sumber... more
Saat ini Sistem Informasi Pertanahan (SIP) berkembang pesat, baik di tingkat pemerintah
persemakmuran, negara bagian dan local di Australia. Sebab, tantangan untuk dekade kedepan sangat
komplek yaitu integrasi data sumber daya, lingkungan dan social-ekonomi ke dalam sistem berbasis
persil (kadaster). Sehingga perlu Model SIP yang ditinjau dari administrasi SIP di Australia.
Məqalədə elektron kadastr məlumat bazasının (EKMB) yaradılmasında yüksək ayırdetməli məsafədən zondlama verilənlərinin tətbiqi imkanları araşdırılmış, məkan verilənləri üzərində topoloji xətalar təsnif edilmiş və onlar arasında... more
Məqalədə elektron kadastr məlumat bazasının (EKMB) yaradılmasında yüksək ayırdetməli məsafədən zondlama verilənlərinin tətbiqi imkanları araşdırılmış, məkan verilənləri üzərində topoloji xətalar təsnif edilmiş və onlar arasında korrelyasiya əlaqələri müəyyənləşdirilmişdir. Bundan başqa, daşınmaz əmlak bazarında aktiv sahələrin təyini metodu işlənilmiş, müxtəlif interpolyasiya üsulları əsasında dinamika modellərinin müqayisəli analizi aparılmışdır.
Questions of creation of topology for objects of the real estate
on geoinformation base
Isu pertikaian tanda sempadan diantara dua hakmilik telah berlaku sejak 1990-an. Ini disebabkan oleh perkembangan teknologi moden yang digunakan bagi pengukuran tanah pada masa ini. Walaubagaimanapun, dengan penggunaan teknologi ini dapat... more
Isu pertikaian tanda sempadan diantara dua hakmilik telah berlaku sejak 1990-an. Ini disebabkan oleh perkembangan teknologi moden yang digunakan bagi pengukuran tanah pada masa ini. Walaubagaimanapun, dengan penggunaan teknologi ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh juruukur bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang menyebabkan pertindihan sempadan tanah. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilakukan untuk menyelidik, mempelajari, mengenalpasti dan menganalisa isu pertindihan sempadan tanah. Selain itu, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk melihat diantara penyelesaian yang digunakan oleh mahkamah bagi membantu meleraikan pertikaian tanda sempadan. Hasil utama kajian untuk membolehkan isu-isu pertindihan sempadan dapat dilihat dengan lebih jelas oleh pelajar ukur tanah dan pentadbiran tanah samaada dari segi teknikal ataupun undang-undang.
As part of the country’s five years growth and transformation plan, currently Ethiopia is implementing a land administration system (LAS) carried out in two development stages. In the first step of the certification program, the legal... more
As part of the country’s five years growth and transformation plan, currently Ethiopia is implementing a land administration system (LAS) carried out in two development stages. In the first step of the certification program, the legal relation between parcels and their landholders was registered. The second step – the mapping of parcels – will be launched in the near future.
The objective of this thesis is the development of suitable methodologies for the second level certification program in the Amhara National Regional State (ANRS) of Ethiopia. This requires a reality check of the existing situation. Within the study a toolbox was developed covering the institutional set up, the cadastral and registration proclamation preparation, the densification of national grid points, and proper land surveying methods in ANRS.
The core legal cadastral domain model was used to describe both formal and informal settings in a land administration system. The CLCDM was adapted to the situation in ANRS.
In Ethiopia large scale cadastral projects are planned country-wide. As cadastral and registration proclamation is not enacted to facilitate and guide the implementation of cadastral projects, a tool was developed which can be used for the development of cadastral and registration proclamation for rural land administration in ANRS.
Cost effective remote sensing and ground surveying techniques were investigated for their feasibility to produce cadastral maps of different holding types satisfying the needs of users and being connected to the national grid. The study identifies that trust on a system, dependability, and traceability is more important than geometric accuracy.
The study deals with the development of methods mainly suitable for ANRS. But the results and findings of the current thesis largely can be used for the development of a LAS in other regional states of Ethiopia and even in other states of the developing world.
Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT) merupakan area yang menggambarkan nilai tanah yang relatif sama. Bersamaan dengan terbitnya undang undang No.28 Tahun 2009 aturan mengenai penarikan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan... more
Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT) merupakan area yang menggambarkan nilai tanah yang relatif sama. Bersamaan dengan terbitnya undang undang No.28 Tahun 2009 aturan mengenai penarikan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) serta Pajak Penghasilan PPh atas tanah dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Maka dari itu perlu dianalisis penilaian tanah untuk membentuk peta ZNT yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan penarikan pajak daerah sehingga dapat meningkatkan PAD (Pendapatan Asli Daerah).
Berdasarkan Perda Kota Surakarta No. 04 Tahun 2011 tentang Pajak Daerah perlu diwujudkan informasi nilai tanah, properti, ekonomi, kawasan, serta total aset pertanahan sebagai rujukan nasional untuk mewujudkan fungsi tanah bagi sebesar - besar kemakmuran. Salah satu perwujudannya adalah Peta ZNT (Zona Nilai Tanah).Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT) merupakan area yang menggambarkan nilai tanah yang relatif sama, sekumpulan bidang tanah di dalamnya yang batasannya bersifat imaginer ataupun nyata sesuai penggunaan tanah dan mempunyai perbedaan nilai antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya berdasarkan analisis perbandin gan harga pasar dan biaya.
Large-scale land acquisitions by investors, which are often called ‘land grabs’, can deprive rural women and communities of their livelihoods and land, increasing their food insecurity. This report argues that the current rise in land... more
Large-scale land acquisitions by investors, which are often called ‘land grabs’, can deprive rural women and communities of their livelihoods and land, increasing their food insecurity. This report argues that the current rise in land grabbing needs to be urgently addressed, and focuses on the actions that developing countries can take to mitigate land grabs through strengthening national land governance so that it is transparent, is accountable and protects communities’ rights.
The aim of this publication is to explore open-source software in general and in particular in the fields of cadastre and land registration and to come up with recommendations and hints for countries that are thinking of using... more
The aim of this publication is to explore open-source software in general and
in particular in the fields of cadastre and land registration and to come up with
recommendations and hints for countries that are thinking of using open-source
products. Open-source software has become an issue that cannot be ignored any
longer and that actually might provide solutions to existing problems. This publication
wants to explore and to develop an understanding of open-source software
in as much a balanced and unbiased way as possible, give recommendations and
reflect on lessons learnt with long-term validity on a conceptual and strategic
lo studio dei catasti storici si è affermato da tempo come strumento di lavoro per la ricostruzione grafica e planimetrica, sociale ed economica dei contesti territoriali e urbani. i catasti, in passato adoperati quale eminente... more
SUMMARY Although there is a published lack of accepted frameworks and methodologies for the comparison and evaluation of national land administration systems, several frameworks for assessing the performance of LAS in terms of different... more
SUMMARY Although there is a published lack of accepted frameworks and methodologies for the comparison and evaluation of national land administration systems, several frameworks for assessing the performance of LAS in terms of different aspects of these systems have been proposed. The bulk are biased towards analysis of technical, institutional, or cost/benefit aspects, or focus on economic efficiency and effectiveness. There is a dearth of frameworks for evaluating the external impact of land administration and cadastral developments, i.e. how do these developments affect citizens and communities having rights in land? This paper constitutes a review of recently published frameworks related to land administration and cadastral development. The underlying theories are explored and frameworks are identified as belonging to two general groups: those providing recommendations or guidelines, and those providing a hierarchical analysis that conforms to the general structure of evaluation frameworks. This latter category is further explored in terms of the motivations for development of the framework and three subgroups are identified: those that address a gap in knowledge, those that address issues related specifically to developing contexts, and those with a pro-poor and good governance focus. Finally key lessons are drawn from the reviewed publications. It is proposed that land administration systems should be developed in such a way that they can become successful, sustainable, and significant. To this end good leadership is seen as very important, as are public participation, the (temporary) adoption of fit-for-purpose standards, a focus on providing secure tenure, and good governance. The theoretical underpinning for development should be adaptation or unified theories, not formalisation or replacement theory.
I due dotari gemelli costituiti da Ugo di Provenza, re del regno italico, per il proprio fidanzamento con Berta e per quello di suo figlio Lotario con Adelaide devono essere compresi all’interno della politica di rafforzamento del potere... more
I due dotari gemelli costituiti da Ugo di Provenza, re del regno italico, per il proprio fidanzamento con Berta e per quello di suo figlio Lotario con Adelaide devono essere compresi all’interno della politica di rafforzamento del potere regio condotta dal re negli anni Trenta del secolo X: di quella politica sono infatti il coronamento. La doppia costituzione dotale fornisce al re italico l’occasione di riservare per sé (e per la giovane coppia regia appena formata) un forte controllo del centro della pianura padana intorno a Pavia e di smantellare (a vantaggio del dominio regio) le basi del potere marchionale in Tuscia. L’analisi dell’operato di Ugo permette la comprensione della sua politica nei confronti delle aristocrazie e dei meccanismi di promozione delle nuove famiglie (Aleramici, Obertenghi, Canossa). Le carte furono conservate nell’archivio della fondazione adelaidina del Salvatore di Pavia non per via della dotazione patrimoniale del monastero ma come strumento di legittimazione politica della nuova famiglia regia ottoniana.
К сожалению, в самой публикации в ЭНОЖ поначалу "слетело" форматирование и были мелкие ошибки. 07.09.2015 это было исправлено. Статья вводит в научный оборот дачные и отдельные книги 1581/82—1585/86 гг. на земли южных погостов... more
К сожалению, в самой публикации в ЭНОЖ поначалу "слетело" форматирование и были мелкие ошибки. 07.09.2015 это было исправлено.
Статья вводит в научный оборот дачные и отдельные книги 1581/82—1585/86 гг. на земли южных погостов новгородской Деревской пятины. Публикация списка с этих книг, сохранившегося частично (а также с книг Холмского уезда), снабжена необходимым источниковедческим и историко-географическим комментарием. Вместе с книгами письма и дозора Ф. Шишмарева 1581/82 г. и К. Карцева 1582/83 г. дачные и отдельные книги Деревской пятины 1581/82—1585/86 гг. рассматриваются как комплекс документов, составленных в Москве и присланных в Новгород в 1587 г. — в связи с возвратом Новгороду территорий, взятых в «удел князя Ивана Московского» в 1576 г.
In Zimbabwe, land is a highly emotive and political issue, one that has been seriously abused. Zanu PF has politicised and racialised the land issue with its “Land is the Economy and the Economy is Land” slogan. Bryan Sims of Idasa’s... more
In Zimbabwe, land is a highly emotive and political issue, one that has been seriously abused. Zanu PF has politicised and racialised the land issue with its “Land is the Economy and the Economy is Land” slogan. Bryan Sims of Idasa’s States in Transition Observatory argues that by forfeiting sensible land policies that would benefit all Zimbabweans, black and white, Zanu PF has damaged the economy, threatened food production, undermined sustainable livelihoods, and compromised civil and political rights.
Cadastral Records of Land and House owners During the cadastral work between 1850 and 1918, the owners were registered on maps (field sketch, indication sketch) and various records (list of names, house number register, land register,... more
Cadastral Records of Land and House owners
During the cadastral work between 1850 and 1918, the owners were registered on maps (field sketch, indication sketch) and various records (list of names, house number register, land register, list of dwellings, individual property record, summary of individual property records). The types of records currently described, based on the survey instructions, along with maps, are well-suited for family history researches, as they include the name, residence, house number, the lot number of real estates owned by the landowner, and even his job.
Economical and political matches about economic development in Ecuador.
Nowadays, remotely sensed images are used for various purposes in different applications. One of them is the cadastral application using high resolution satellite imagery. In this context, a comparison of extraction results from these... more
Nowadays, remotely sensed images are used for various purposes in different applications. One of them is the cadastral application using high resolution satellite imagery. In this context, a comparison of extraction results from these images and existing vector data is the most important issue. The goal here is to show the advantages and disadvantages of the QuickBird and IKONOS imagery for making cadastral maps. In this study, high resolution IKONOS and QuickBird images of rural and urban test areas in Zonguldak and Bartın have been chosen. Firstly, pan-sharpened IKONOS and QuickBird images have been produced by fusion of high resolution PAN and MS images using PCI Geomatica v9.1 software package. The parcel, building and road network objects from these datasets have been extracted automatically by initially dividing it into segments and then being classified by using the spectral, spatial and contextual information in eCognition v4.0.6 software package. On the other hand, these ob...
A review The 1820 Russian survey of the Khanate of Shirvan. A primary source on the demography and economy of an Iranian province prior to its annexation by Russia. (Cambridge, UK: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2016) from the June 2018 issue of... more
A review The 1820 Russian survey of the Khanate of Shirvan. A primary source on the demography and economy of an Iranian province prior to its annexation by Russia. (Cambridge, UK: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2016) from the June 2018 issue of the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies.
Garis Panduan Pertukaran Unit Jarak dan Unit Keluasan Metrik
Geodetska služba v Sloveniji mora poiskati odgovore na številna strokovna vprašanja, ki jih pred njo postavljata predvsem tehnološki in družbeni razvoj. Kaj moramo v geodetski službi storiti, da bomo kot dejavnost, stroka in znanost... more
The aim of this article is to analyze how the cadastral system was developed in Kosovo historically, to examine methodically in which level of development is it and to investigate potential solutions in 3D cadastre development comparing... more
The aim of this article is to analyze how the cadastral system was developed in Kosovo historically, to examine methodically in which level of development is it and to investigate potential solutions in 3D cadastre development comparing other countries success with our own achievement. The author will describe 3D elements of cadastral data. There is a simple example of how 3D cadastre should look like. Finally a draft roadmap for 3D cadastre establishment will be proposed.
This article is prepared based based mostly on literature review and the proposals deriving whithin this paper express the opinion of the author based on the conclusions from Kosovo conditions comparing to other countries developments.
- by Fisnik Loshi and +1
- •
- Cadastral Systems, Cadastre, 3D cadastre
The implementation of an effective Cadastre in Brazil is a historic challenge. The absence of this instrument means constraints to tenure security, social justice and economic development. Especially in Amazon, the lack of Cadastre... more
The implementation of an effective Cadastre in Brazil is a historic challenge. The absence of this instrument means constraints to tenure security, social justice and economic development. Especially in Amazon, the lack of Cadastre complicates the management of public lands, regularization of adverse possessions, encourages irregular exploitation of natural resources, increases land conflicts, reduces the ability to recognize land rights and limits the sustainable development.
To contribute to the solution of these problems we developed the Land Management System - SIGEF: a cadastral electronic platform for public and private lands, based on the Public Records Act. Using this tool, georeferencing professionals send the surveyed parcels' data directly to government agency for automated validation, online. The system provides results for stakeholders and public consultation, generates standardized documents and allows direct access to the property Registry personnel - safely, efficiently and transparently. This enables the connection between land parcels' data from Cadastre and informations of rights and restrictions from Registry.
SIGEF is also used for land regularization in Amazon. There are more than 100 thousand parcels of irregular possessions surveyed and validated: over 25 million hectares. More than 60 million hectares of public and private lands all over Brazil, in 11 months of operation.