Central Western Argentina Archaeology Research Papers (original) (raw)

West-central Argentina was the southern limit of the spread of agriculture in South America until European arrival, and the consumption of agricultural products varied its intensity during the last 2000 years. A first for this region,... more

West-central Argentina was the southern limit of the spread of agriculture in South America until European arrival, and the consumption of agricultural products varied its intensity during the last 2000 years. A first for this region, this paper analyzes plant micro-remains adhered to the surfaces of ceramic fragments from northern Mendoza archaeological sites: Rincón de Los Helados (pre-cordillera) and Memorial de la Bandera (piedmont). Our aim is to present a preliminary study on the use of plants between ca. 2000 and 1000 years BP, and thereby contribute to data concerning the function of ceramic vessels. The results indicate the presence of maize and algarrobo starch, supporting previous analyses of plant macro-remains and isotopes in human bones.

This work relies on the potential use of petrography to determine temper provenance and applies it to ceramics of west-central Argentina. Petrography is used to identify the raw materials, production technologies and, for the first time... more

This work relies on the potential use of petrography to determine temper provenance and applies it to ceramics of west-central Argentina. Petrography is used to identify the raw materials, production technologies and, for the first time in this region, temper provenance of the Viluco ceramics of mixed Inca type produced by local Mendoza Valley populations during the Inca domination and early Spanish colony (XV–XVII centuries), along the eastern-meridional boundary of both empires. Although the area is geologically complex, being characterized by the Andes Cordillera to the west and the arid plains to the east, isolated outcrops were identified near archaeological sites and comparative petrographic studies of ceramic and geological samples were conducted. The results show that the ceramics were produced with locally available raw materials. The comparative analysis permitted identifying two sources of temper located near the archaeological sites in the Mendoza Valley: the granite stock of Cerro Cacheuta and the volcanic ash (tephra) from El Borbollón. The evidence allows suggesting that the population concentration process that was developed in the short period between the Inca Empire and the early Spanish colony in the Mendoza Valley, required the local production of Viluco ceramics. The use of local tephra inclusions, confirms that this particular tradition related to the Inca expansion and infused with symbolic significance in the marginal southern borders, was developed locally by potters as part of their membership to the Inca Empire.

Las poblaciones humanas que ocuparon La Payunia en el Holoceno tardío, utilizaron obsidiana procedente de fuentes extra regionales con una direccionalidad de traslado predominante oeste-este. En el presente trabajo se analiza la... more

Las poblaciones humanas que ocuparon La Payunia en el Holoceno tardío, utilizaron obsidiana procedente de fuentes extra regionales con una direccionalidad de traslado predominante oeste-este. En el presente trabajo se analiza la distribución espacial de artefactos de obsidiana de procedencia geográfica conocida en el área El Payén. Se evalúan las posibles rutas de traslado, las estrategias de aprovisionamiento y la intensidad de uso de dicho recurso, sobre la base de indicadores tecnológicos y biogeográficos. Los resultados obtenidos plantean que si bien la direccionalidad de traslado de obsidiana coincide con la planteada para la región (oeste-este), su frecuencia en los sitios disminuye de sur a norte. Asimismo, los datos muestran diferencias en el número de fuentes representadas y en los modos de aprovisionamiento y uso de este recurso entre los sectores Centro, Sur y Norte de El Payén.

"En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis tecnológico de artefactos de obsidiana procedentes del campo volcánico de La Payunia (sur de Mendoza, Argentina). Estudios previos en el centro oeste argentino y Chile... more

"En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis tecnológico de artefactos de obsidiana procedentes del campo volcánico de La Payunia (sur de Mendoza, Argentina). Estudios previos en el centro oeste argentino y Chile central abordaron desde una escala macro regional, el rol las fuentes
de obsidiana dentro de las redes de interacción y movilidad humana en diferentes escalas temporales. En La Payunia se identificaron dos fuentes de obsidiana, ubicadas en áreas con características ambientales e historia ocupacional diferentes: fuente El Peceño en área el Nevado y fuente Payún Matrú en área El Payén. Se explora desde escalas meso y micro espaciales, y sobre la base de estudios tecnológicos de artefactos caracterizados por medio de fluorescencia de rayos-X (XRF), las estrategias de abastecimiento y posibles rangos de acción humana en el extremo sur de Mendoza, durante la segunda mitad del Holoceno tardío. Los resultados sugieren marcadas diferencias en el modo uso estas fuentes, así como en la amplitud y direccionalidad de los territorios explotados."

Las poblaciones humanas que ocuparon La Payunia en el Holoceno tardío, utilizaron obsidiana procedente de fuentes extra regionales con una direccionalidad de traslado predominante oeste-este. En el presente trabajo se analiza la... more

Las poblaciones humanas que ocuparon La Payunia en el Holoceno tardío, utilizaron obsidiana procedente de fuentes extra regionales con una direccionalidad de traslado predominante oeste-este. En el presente trabajo se analiza la distribución espacial de artefactos de obsidiana de procedencia geográfica conocida en el área El Payén. Se evalúan las posibles rutas de traslado, las estrategias de aprovisionamiento y la intensidad de uso de dicho recurso, sobre la base de indicadores tecnológicos y biogeográficos. Los resultados obtenidos plantean que si bien la direccionalidad de traslado de obsidiana coincide con la planteada para la región (oeste-este), su frecuencia en los sitios disminuye de sur a norte. Asimismo, los datos muestran diferencias en el número de fuentes representadas y en los modos de aprovisionamiento y uso de este recurso entre los sectores Centro, Sur y Norte de El Payén.

The present study analyses small mammal bone and tooth accumulations recovered in three open-air archaeological sites from northern Mendoza (Argentina) in the central Monte Desert, one of the most arid rangelands of South America. The... more

The present study analyses small mammal bone and tooth accumulations recovered in three open-air archaeological sites from northern Mendoza (Argentina) in the central Monte Desert, one of the most arid rangelands of South America. The sites, with radiocarbon dates between ca. 2100 and 400 years BP, are located on the margins of a now-extinct swamp that formed a more widespread wetland environment in the past. In order to recognize the agents responsible for such bone and tooth accumulations, a taphonomic analysis was conducted evaluating relative abundances of skeletal elements, breakage patterns, digestive corrosion, signs of anthropic activity and post-depositional processes. The taphonomic analysis allowed the detection of owls and humans as the agents responsible for small mammal accumulations. On the one hand, the low proportion and degree of digested diagnostic elements, among other taphonomic processes, suggest owl pellet-derived small mammal assemblages. On the other hand, the thermo-altered elements detected, some showing a differential burning pattern, the abundance of large-sized and gregarious small mammals and the identification of cut-marks on a caviid femur shaft are possibly due to human exploitation/ consumption of small mammals.

Central Western Argentina is an area archeologically defined as one of the southernmost limits of farming in the pre-Hispanic Americas. Optimal foraging models help to predict important changes in faunal use prior to the adoption of... more

Central Western Argentina is an area archeologically defined as one of the southernmost limits of farming in the pre-Hispanic Americas. Optimal foraging models help to predict important changes in faunal use prior to the adoption of agriculture related to resource depression and environmental changes. This paper evaluates changes in pre-Hispanic human subsistence from a zooarchaeological perspective and explores archeological record trends from the northern area of Central Western Argentina. Using zooarchaeological information in Northern Mendoza (Central Western Argentina), trends related to the human exploitation of faunal resources were explored in connection with time and space. Two high-ranked resource indexes were calculated: the artiodactyl index and a high-ranked resources index. The results show a decrease in the dependence on high-ranked resources by human groups after ca. 2000 BP and an increase in richness, indicating a diet breath expansion. Long-term trends in the density of radiocarbon dates suggest a considerable population growth after ca. 2000 BP. These trends are consistent with the contemporary changes reported by other archaeological proxies in Northern Mendoza. The results of the zooarchaeological analysis confirm changes in human organization around 2000 years BP that reflect an intensification process.

Desde el año 2006 se están desarrollando investigaciones sistemáticas en el Pukara de la Cueva. Las mismas se incluyen dentro de un proyecto que tienen por objetivos estudiar el modo de vida de los habitantes prehispánicos de la quebrada... more

Desde el año 2006 se están desarrollando investigaciones sistemáticas en el Pukara de la Cueva. Las mismas se incluyen dentro de un proyecto que tienen por objetivos estudiar el modo de vida de los habitantes prehispánicos de la quebrada de La Cueva, así como también su relación con áreas cercanas (Quebrada de Humahuaca y sectores aledaños), y promover la puesta en valor patrimonial de las muestras recuperadas. En ese marco, se excavó un conjunto de restos humanos siguiendo un procedimiento que incluyó la implementación de un Plan Integral de Conservación. El mismo contribuyó a la minimización de los efectos del deterioro y a sostener un manejo respetuoso de los restos mediante un adecuado tratamiento ético-profesional. En este trabajo se realiza el análisis bioarqueológico de la muestra y se describen las características principales del protocolo de conservación. Pudo establecerse la presencia de un mínimo de seis individuos, de ambos sexos y de edades variadas. Se detallan las características demográficas y paleopatológicas de la muestra, así como también se esbozan interpretaciones referidas a las prácticas mortuorias desarrolladas por los habitantes del poblado mediante la comparación con otras prácticas identificadas en el sitio a comienzos del sigo XX. Esta investigación es la primera desarrollada en forma sistemática e integral con restos humanos del Pukara de la Cueva, lo cual le otorga especial relevancia ya que permite generar hipótesis a contrastar a futuro con nuevas muestras osteológicas y comenzar a incorporar las discusiones que se generen en el marco de la problemática arqueológica regional.

zooarchaeological research from central western Argentina has focused until recently on the relevance of large mammals, camelids in particular. there exists relatively abundant ethnohistorical information that illustrates the importance... more

zooarchaeological research from central western Argentina has focused until recently on the relevance of large mammals, camelids in particular. there exists relatively abundant
ethnohistorical information that illustrates the importance of fish exploitation in the Guanacache lagoons during historical times. However, –with a few exceptions– the zooarchaeological
record has been poorly explored in relation to this issue, even though a large number of fish remains are found on different areas of the plains. this work deals with the data obtained from
fish remains recovered at Altos de Melien II, sector I (Guanacache) and compares them with those from other archaeological assemblages recovered from nearby contexts. It aims to improve our knowledge about fish consumption in this area of north-eastern Mendoza, with special attention to potential formation processes involved in this kind of assemblages. the ichthyoarchaeological record from AM II is dominated by the creole perch (Percichthys trucha), even though from specimens the patagonian pejerrey (Odontesthes hatcheri) have been also identified. Body part representation and other indicators have been analysed. It is suggested that
the assemblage reflects primarily the waste products of subsistence exploitation.

RESUMEN: Los conceptos ecológicos son útiles para explorar las razones de la declinación en la abundancia de ungulados a través del tiempo. Los datos demográficos, tales como perfiles de mortalidad y datos biométricos que reflejan el... more

RESUMEN: Los conceptos ecológicos son útiles para explorar las razones de la declinación en la abundancia de ungulados a través del tiempo. Los datos demográficos, tales como perfiles de mortalidad y datos biométricos que reflejan el tamaño corporal pueden ser analizados conjun-tamente para determinar si el decrecimiento en la disponibilidad de presas es el resultado de un incremento de la presión de caza o de un deterioro ambiental. Este último caso está relaciona-do a la disponibilidad de recursos para las presas. El modelo de depresión de presas de ungula-dos (UPDM; Ungulate Prey Depression Model) sintetiza conceptos ecológicos y explicita implicancias para la contrastación de hipótesis arqueológicas. Aspectos del modelo y conceptos relacionados han sido usados por los zooarqueólogos para examinar exitosamente el impacto de la presión de caza y/o el deterioro ambiental sobre las especies de ungulados. La disminución del guanaco como recurso ha sido propuesta para el registro arqu...

This paper reviews the main theoretical problems in the archaeological research from the Cuyo-Chile central macro region. Some of the topics that can be explored in this spatial scale are presented in order to present the problems and... more

This paper reviews the main theoretical problems in the archaeological research from the Cuyo-Chile central macro region. Some of the topics that can be explored in this spatial scale are presented in order to present the problems and perspective in their research. The early man and the human colonization, the mid Holocene human occupation paradox, the meaning of corn and the exotic material in the late Holocene human strategies are presented as examples.

Several exchange archaeological evidences has been registered in southern Mendoza during last decades. These has been stimulated the discussion about both the real meaning of the non local goods presence in the region and the time when... more

Several exchange archaeological evidences has been registered in southern Mendoza during last decades. These has been stimulated the discussion about both the real meaning of the non local goods presence in the region and the time when these became more frequent in the archaeological record. However, until now the information available about the kind and place of recovered materials has been not systematized, as a result this has finished in the present dispersion of the discussion. These discussion had been focused on particular sites or materials. The present paper all the archaeological information available from the region is presented and it will be discussed within the different exchanges archaeological and ethnographic models.

Human populations that occupied The Payunia during the late Holocene, used obsidian from outside sources, with predominant east-west directionality. In this paper we analyze the spatial distribution of obsidian artifacts from known... more

Human populations that occupied The Payunia during the late Holocene, used obsidian from outside sources, with predominant east-west directionality. In this paper we analyze the spatial distribution of obsidian artifacts from known geographical origin in El Payén. We investigate the possible transport routes, procurement strategies and forms and intensity of use of that resource, from the base of technological and biogeography indicators. The results suggest that although the directionality of movement of obsidian matches that proposed for the region (west-east), its frequency decreases from south to north. The results also show differences in the number of sources represented and the procurement modes and use of this resource among Central, South and North sectors of El Payén.

Este trabajo intenta caracterizar la dieta humana mediante los isótopos estables (δ13C y δ15N en colágeno y δ13C y δ18O en hidroxiapatita). Los resultados se discuten en primer lugar con la ecología isotópica generada para esta zona.... more

Este trabajo intenta caracterizar la dieta humana mediante los isótopos estables (δ13C y δ15N en colágeno y δ13C y δ18O en hidroxiapatita). Los resultados se discuten en primer lugar con la ecología isotópica generada para esta zona. Luego estas tendencias son comparadas con las generadas por el modelo de mezcla isotópica aplicando el software SISUS y, finalmente, comparando esto con el registro zooarqueológico de Llancanelo. En esta escala los resultados muestran una significativa variabilidad tanto en isótopos humanos como en el registro zooarqueológico que podrían segregarse en las tendencias del sector Norte y sector Oeste de la laguna. Aún así, hay similares tendencias en el humedal: isótopos y fauna señalarían una baja importancia de guanaco y reidos, y una mediana importancia de recursos acuáticos y animales terrestres pequeños. A pesar de no haber aún registro que lo confirme, los isótopos simulados por SISUS proponen una fuerte explotación de algarrobos
(Prosopis ssp.) y en algunos casos también molle (Schinus polygamus). La información isotópica del conjunto humano arqueológico procedente de Llancanelo no muestra
diferencias significativas con el resto de las muestras humanas del sur de Mendoza, pero, analizadas por sectores de la laguna, las del Oeste tienen mayor similitud con las dietas isotópicas de Payunia/Planicies Orientales y las del Norte con las de Piedemonte. Sobre esta base se propone a Llancanelo como un
espacio de convergencia poblacional que fue explotado complementariamente con otras áreas del sur de

ABSTRACT Previous researches have examined the zooarchaeological record to understand changes in human diet in central western Argentina through time. This research has focused on variations in the relative abundance of large prey in... more

ABSTRACT Previous researches have examined the zooarchaeological record to understand changes in human diet in central western Argentina through time. This research has focused on variations in the relative abundance of large prey in archaeofaunal contexts. The observed changes were explained by a decrease in residential mobility, forced by both the intensification in the use of resources and the introduction of the first domesticated plants ca. 2000 years BP. In this paper, we revised archaeofaunal interpretations by taking into account zooarchaeological assem-blages and human isotope records within the biogeographical distributions of prey in the region. Our results demonstrate that faunal diversity in zooarchaeological assemblages has a stronger correlation with the natural distribution of resources (especially with altitude) than with chronology, as was proposed previously. However, archaeofaunal information, including human isotopic data, suggests that a decrease in residential mobility, postulated in a previous paper, took place, modifying the expected diversity distribution throughout the landscape.

The avian family of barn owls (Tytonidae, Strigiformes) is the most geographically widespread group of owls in the world and one of the most common accumulators of small mammal bone and tooth remains recovered from archaeological and... more

The avian family of barn owls (Tytonidae, Strigiformes) is the most geographically widespread group of owls in the world and one of the most common accumulators of small mammal bone and tooth remains recovered from archaeological and palaeontological sites. The present study analyses the taphonomic characteristics of modern barn owl pellet-derived small mammal bone and tooth accumulations at three roosting sites from the central Monte Desert, one of the most arid regions of South America. In order to identify the taphonomic signature of this predator in the formation of zooarchaeological and palaeontological accumulations, taxonomic structure, relative abundance of skeletal elements, bone and teeth breakage patterns, and digestion were evaluated. Taphonomic results locate the barn owl in modification category 1 (light modifier). Although the general taphonomic results obtained in the present study were similar to a common barn owl pattern, the three samples showed variability both among them and with other samples previously reported in different regions of the world. Very light digestion was detected on incisors, whereas the proportion of digestion on incisors was close to 20%. Cricetid and murid rodents as well as marsupials were detected. Salinomys delicatus, a scarcely known and endangered cricetid species, was recovered.

The importance of obsidian from the northern Patagonian source at Las Cargas is reflected in its early use (8000 years B.P.) and extensive geographic diffusion but is nonetheless surprising in light of the source’s high altitude... more

The importance of obsidian from the northern Patagonian source at Las Cargas is reflected in its early use (8000 years B.P.) and extensive geographic diffusion but is nonetheless surprising in light of the source’s high altitude (located
in the Andes Cordillera), which makes it both difficult to access under ideal conditions and inaccessible for much of the year. Prehistoric use of the Las Cargas source can inform us about mobility, subsistence choices, economics of stone consumption, trade, and territoriality. Here we present the results of
various lines of evidence (surface survey, X-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analyses, artifact morphometry, and obsidian hydration dating) used to characterize obsidian from Las Cargas and its prehistoric use
during the Holocene. Results indicate that Las Cargas obsidian occurs at the source as blocks and nodules, which are chemically homogeneous and of variable quality. Use of the source was nearly continuous through time, and the primary knapping activities performed there were the production of blanks and preparation of cores.

"Previous researches have examined the zooarchaeological record to understand changes in human diet in central western Argentina through time. This research has focused on variations in the relative abundance of large prey in... more

"Previous researches have examined the zooarchaeological record to understand changes in human diet in central
western Argentina through time. This research has focused on variations in the relative abundance of large prey in
archaeofaunal contexts. The observed changes were explained by a decrease in residentialmobility, forced by both
the intensification in the use of resources and the introduction of the first domesticated plants ca. 2000 years BP.
In this paper, we revised archaeofaunal interpretations by taking into account zooarchaeological assemblages
and human isotope records within the biogeographical distributions of prey in the region. Our results
demonstrate that faunal diversity in zooarchaeological assemblages has a stronger correlation with the
natural distribution of resources (especially with altitude) than with chronology, as was proposed previously.
However, archaeofaunal information, including human isotopic data, suggests that a decrease in residential
mobility, postulated in a previous paper, took place, modifying the expected diversity distribution throughout
the landscape."

The ecologic concepts are useful to explore the causes of ungulate abundance decline trough time. The demographic data such us dead profile and biometric data that reflect the body size could be analyzed together to determine if the... more

The ecologic concepts are useful to explore the causes of ungulate abundance decline trough time. The demographic data such us dead profile and biometric data that reflect
the body size could be analyzed together to determine if the decrease in the prey availability is the result of an increase in the hunting pressure or by an environmental ameliorate. In this last
case this is related to the availability of resources for the preys. The Ungulate Prey Depression Model (UPDM) synthesizes ecologic concepts and implicances to contrast archaeological
hypothesis. Aspects from the model and related concepts had been used by the zooarchaeologist to determine successfully the impact of hunting pressure/environmental amelioration over
the ungulate species. The guanaco depression as a resource had been proposed for the archaeological record from Late Holocene in southern Mendoza as part of an intensification process. It
is reflected in the artiodactyls decline trough time and the increase in the small preys consumption, as well as the incorporation of other resources to the diet like wild and domestic plants around 2000 years BP. The application of the UPDM could help to clarified why the mentioned resource depression occurred in the region.