Crossover Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The manual system of preparing time table in colleges with large number of students is very time consuming and usually ends up with various classes clashing either at same room or with same teachers having more than one class at a time.... more
The manual system of preparing time table in colleges with large number of students is very time consuming and usually ends up with various classes clashing either at same room or with same teachers having more than one class at a time. These are just due to common human errors which are very difficult to prevent in processes such as these. To overcome these problems people usually taking the previous year's timetable and modifying it but still it is a tedious job to in cooperate changes. To overcome all these problems we propose to make an automated Application. The Application will take various inputs like details of students, subjects and class rooms and teachers available, depending upon these inputs it will generate a possible time table, making optimal utilization of all resources in a way that will best suit any of constraints or college rules. List of subjects may include electives as well as core subjects. The case is similar to schools and other educational institutions. So our aim is to develop a general purpose which can efficiently generate optimal solutions.
- by and +1
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- Genetic Algorithms, Crossover, Mutation, Constraints
Purpose–The central aim of this paper is to give an overview of theory and research on the crossover of (work-related) wellbeing from employees to their partners at home. In addition, it seeks to discuss studies on the crossover of... more
Purpose–The central aim of this paper is to give an overview of theory and research on the crossover of (work-related) wellbeing from employees to their partners at home. In addition, it seeks to discuss studies on the crossover of wellbeing from employees to their colleagues in the workplace. It aims to discuss possible moderators of the crossover effect and delineate a research agenda.
The trailer of the US-american TV-show "Desperate Housewives" is the start for an art class series about quoting art history in new media. I've set up a learning process of perceiving artworks, reflecting their meaning for a contemporary... more
The trailer of the US-american TV-show "Desperate Housewives" is the start for an art class series about quoting art history in new media. I've set up a learning process of perceiving artworks, reflecting their meaning for a contemporary use, and creating a tableau vivant as a staged photo that the students presented with a portfolio to the audience in class, and in the German art competition Kinder zum Olymp! It's been a long time ago since I've planned the lessons but in Corona times it became a second renaissance on Instagram to engage yourself with art at home.
KEYWORDS: diy audio enclosure loudspeakers kit speaker hi-fi high-end driver series parallel wiring transducer baffle cabinet tips construction vented sealed ported closed parameters measuring calculate design build theory practice... more
KEYWORDS: diy audio enclosure loudspeakers kit speaker hi-fi high-end driver series parallel wiring transducer baffle cabinet tips construction vented sealed ported closed parameters measuring calculate design build theory practice filter transfer function crossover two three way order alignment diffraction parts components music placement mods room acoustics setting set-up bibliography engineering electroacoustics handbook cookbook Butterworth Linkwitz Riley Bessel Chebyshev L-pad Notch Zobel baffle step bass reflex audio loudspeaker book free PDF download software tools lautsprecher lautsprecherbox frequenzweiche højttaler kabinetter luidspreker filter hautparleur enceintes acoustiques filtres passifs 揚聲器 QB3 SC4 SBB4 B4 BE4 IB4 SQB3 C4 BB4 S2 D2 B2 C2 hum altoparlantes parlantes pantallas bocinas monitores cajones cabinas gabinetes recintos cajas acústicas altavoz altavoces subwoofer parámetros medición cálculo diseño construcción abierta cerrada material fórmula libro gratis PDF descargar programas manual teoría práctica bafle filtro vías orden alineamiento difracción música componentes colocación electroacústica ingeniería
Improvisation, the art of creating at the moment, is the main reason that I started singing jazz. It allows me to express my musical thoughts, while being the biggest struggle in my musicality. I was suggested by many of my mentors and... more
Improvisation, the art of creating at the moment, is the main reason that I started singing jazz. It allows me to express my musical thoughts, while being the biggest struggle in my musicality. I was suggested by many of my mentors and colleagues that my ideas were nice but needed to be connected. These artistic needs introduced me to taksims, improvisations based on melodic development.
In this research, I demonstrate how elements such as phrasing and melodic development can be integrated into vocal improvisation of jazz and arranged folk songs by analysing selected pieces in hicaz and huseyni makams. In this context, the recordings from Refik Fersan, Salim Bey, Andon Efendi, Cemil Bey and Tanrıkorur analysed and the stylistic elements implied into my daily practice with exercises.
These exercises made my improvisations more solid and consistent by prioritizing melodic development.
My findings, i.e. exercises and technical explanation, will help musicians, particularly vocalists who would like to apply the makam practice into their improvisation skills. By application of this process their musicianship will profit from the linear melodic approach, odd meters and the technique.
Sažetak: Slikovnice se tradicionalno smatraju knjigom za decu, autorka, međutim, stavljajući naglasak na savremene slikovnice, ukazuje na to da su one u očima mnogih pisaca i ilustratora, pa i teoretičara, zapravo takva narativna forma... more
Sažetak: Slikovnice se tradicionalno smatraju knjigom za decu, autorka, međutim, stavljajući naglasak na savremene slikovnice, ukazuje na to da su one u očima mnogih pisaca i ilustratora, pa i teoretičara, zapravo takva narativna forma koja može da naslovi bilo koju uzrasnu grupu. Novi oblici i grafički postupci, kao i kreativan, kompleksan dijalog između teksta i ilustracije donose nam višeslojno značenje slikovnica. Taj jedinstveni međusobni odnos teksta i slike, na osnovu čega slikovnice možemo i da razlikujemo od ostalih knjiga, čini posebnu umetničku formu, takozvanu vizuelnu književnost, a takođe pretvara ih i u pravi crossover žanr. Savremene slikovnice – koje su, možda, najzanimljivije i najživlje savremene književne forme – često su veoma kompleksne i predstavljaju pravi izazov bilo za decu, bilo za odrasle.
Ključne reči: slikovnica, ilustracija, tekst, vizuelna književnost, kompleksna naracija.
How can I adapt, develop and combine the Indian rhythm phrase "Tirakite Taketake" on the " Maracatu de baque virado" , by analysing different variations of it, such as grooves and fills, in order to integrate the result into my own... more
How can I adapt, develop and combine the Indian rhythm phrase "Tirakite Taketake" on the " Maracatu de baque virado" , by analysing different variations of it, such as grooves and fills, in order to integrate the result into my own personal language and into my own approach to the Maracatu?
MUS81 is conserved among plants, animals, and fungi and is known to be involved in mitotic DNA damage repair and meiotic recombination. Here we present a functional characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana homolog AtMUS81, which has a... more
MUS81 is conserved among plants, animals, and fungi and is known to be involved in mitotic DNA damage repair and meiotic recombination. Here we present a functional characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana homolog AtMUS81, which has a role in both mitotic and meiotic cells. The AtMUS81 transcript is produced in all tissues, but is elevated greater than 9-fold in the anthers and its levels are increased in response to gamma radiation and methyl methanesulfonate treatment. An Atmus81 transfer-DNA insertion mutant shows increased sensitivity to a wide range of DNA-damaging agents, confirming its role in mitotically proliferating cells. To examine its role in meiosis, we employed a pollen tetrad-based visual assay. Data from genetic intervals on Chromosomes 1 and 3 show that Atmus81 mutants have a moderate decrease in meiotic recombination. Importantly, measurements of recombination in a pair of adjacent intervals on Chromosome 5 demonstrate that the remaining crossovers in Atmus81 are interference sensitive, and that interference levels in the Atmus81 mutant are significantly greater than those in wild type. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that AtMUS81 is involved in a secondary subset of meiotic crossovers that are interference insensitive.
Статья посвящена русскоязычным читательским переделкам в поджан-ре «кроссовер», в основе которых лежит сюжет сказки Х.-К. Андерсена«Снежная королева» (1844). В кроссоверах, представленных на попу-лярном тематическом сайте,... more
Статья посвящена русскоязычным читательским переделкам в поджан-ре «кроссовер», в основе которых лежит сюжет сказки Х.-К. Андерсена«Снежная королева» (1844). В кроссоверах, представленных на попу-лярном тематическом сайте, сюжетные коллизии и героиканонического текста «Снежной королевы» совмещены с сюжетами игероями других литературных, кинематографических и мультиплика-ционных произведений, а также с реалиями телевизионных шоу. Чита-тели переосмысляют любимую с детства историю в контексте своегоиндивидуального интертекстуального поля, которое формируется подвлиянием канона и современных популярных фильмов, сериалов, те-левизионных передач. Так, написанию кроссовера предшествует ана-литическое и творческое чтение текстов, созданных на разных языкахискусства и в разных культурах. В более широком понимании крос-соверы могут быть рассмотрены как художественные интерпретации,возникающие на пересечении различных текстов, медиа и дискурсов.Феномен кроссовера рассматривается в статье с точки зрения семио-тики культуры (используются идеи М. Лотмана, Р. Барта, М. Риффате-ра), автор статьи раскрывает связь возникновения и бытования жанрафанфикшн со спецификой читательского восприятия, писательскимипрактиками авторов-любителей и особенностями современной массо-вой культуры.
Abstract 1. This study of 62 dyads of employees (N= 124) examined the crossover of work engagement—a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. We hypothesized that work... more
Abstract 1. This study of 62 dyads of employees (N= 124) examined the crossover of work engagement—a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. We hypothesized that work engagement crosses over from an employee (the actor) to his or her colleague (the partner) on a daily basis. The frequency of daily communication was expected to moderate the crossover of daily work engagement, which in turn would relate to colleagues' daily performance.
Super Smash Bros (Hal Laboratory, 1999-2014) is a series of crossover fighting games featuring a large cast of characters from several of Nintendo's franchises. All of these characters have an audiovisual design and combat abilities taken... more
The data communication has been growing in present day. Therefore, the data encryption became very essential in secured data transmission and storage and protecting data contents from intruder and unauthorized persons. In this paper, a... more
The data communication has been growing in present day. Therefore, the data encryption became very essential in secured data transmission and storage and protecting data contents from intruder and unauthorized persons. In this paper, a fast technique for text encryption depending on genetic algorithm is presented. The encryption approach is achieved by the genetic operators Crossover and mutation. The encryption proposal technique based on dividing the plain text characters into pairs, and applying the crossover operation between them, followed by the mutation operation to get the encrypted text. The experimental results show that the proposal provides an important improvement in encryption rate with comparatively high-speed processing.
Genetic Algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm and a metaheuristic that was introduced to overcome the failure of gradient based method in solving the optimization and search problems. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact... more
Genetic Algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm and a metaheuristic that was introduced to overcome the failure of gradient based method in solving the optimization and search problems. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact on the convergence of Genetic Algorithm vis-a‘-vis 0/1 knapsack. By keeping the number of generations and the initial population fixed, different crossover methods like one point crossover and two-point crossover were evaluated and juxtaposed with each other. In addition to this, the impact of different selection methods like rank-selection, roulette wheel and tournament selection were evaluated and compared. Our results indicate that convergence rate of combination of one point crossover with tournament selection, with respect to 0/1 knapsack problem that we considered, is the highest and thereby most efficient in solving 0/1 knapsack.
Das Paper zeigt zwei konkrete gestalterische Aufgaben, wie die Trickfilmtechnik mit einem einfachen Computerprogramm wie PowerPoint dazu genutzt werden kann, im Kunstunterricht digitale Bildergeschichten allein oder in Gruppenarbeit... more
Das Paper zeigt zwei konkrete gestalterische Aufgaben, wie die Trickfilmtechnik mit einem einfachen Computerprogramm wie PowerPoint dazu genutzt werden kann, im Kunstunterricht digitale Bildergeschichten allein oder in Gruppenarbeit aufzubauen. Dabei ist es möglich, sowohl analoge als auch digitale Anteile, d.h. zeichnerische und fotografische Anteile miteinander zu kombinieren, sprich das Crossover-Verfahren anzuwenden.
- by Gunter Süß and +1
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- Cultural Studies, American Studies, Music, Media Studies
The crossover distribution in meiotic tetrads of Arabidopsis thaliana differs from those previously described for Drosophila and Neurospora. Whereas a chi-square distribution with an even number of degrees of freedom provides a good fit... more
The crossover distribution in meiotic tetrads of Arabidopsis thaliana differs from those previously described for Drosophila and Neurospora. Whereas a chi-square distribution with an even number of degrees of freedom provides a good fit for the latter organisms, the fit for Arabidopsis was substantially improved by assuming an additional set of crossovers sprinkled, at random, among those distributed as per chi square. This result is compatible with the view that Arabidopsis has two pathways for meiotic crossing over, only one of which is subject to interference. The results further suggest that Arabidopsis meiosis has >10 times as many double-strand breaks as crossovers.
In most organisms, one crossover (CO) event inhibits the chances of another nearby event. The term used to describe this phenomenon is 'CO interference'. Here, we describe a protocol for quickly generating large data sets that are... more
In most organisms, one crossover (CO) event inhibits the chances of another nearby event. The term used to describe this phenomenon is 'CO interference'. Here, we describe a protocol for quickly generating large data sets that are amenable to CO interference analysis in the flowering plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. We employ a visual assay that utilizes transgenic marker constructs encoding pollen-expressed fluorescent proteins of three colors in the quartet mutant background. In this genetic background, male meiotic products--the pollen grains--remain physically attached thereby facilitating tetrad analysis. We have developed a library of mapped marker insertions that, when crossed together, create adjacent intervals that can be rapidly and simultaneously screened for COs. This assay system is capable of detecting and differentiating single COs as well as two-, three- and four-strand double COs. We also describe how to analyze the data that are produced by this method. To generate and score a double interval in a wild-type and mutant background using this protocol will take 22-27 weeks.
Resumen El estreno en 2014 de La Lego Película (The Lego Movie, Phil Lord y Chris Miller) supuso un importante hito en la historia de la empresa danesa LEGO, erigiendo el filme como pieza clave de la estrategia transmediática que empezaba... more
Resumen El estreno en 2014 de La Lego Película (The Lego Movie, Phil Lord y Chris Miller) supuso un importante hito en la historia de la empresa danesa LEGO, erigiendo el filme como pieza clave de la estrategia transmediática que empezaba a tomar forma en el ámbito cinematográfico. Aquel filme, en el que el personaje de Batman gozaba de un especial protagonismo, ha dado paso a un particular spin-off que, bajo el título LEGO Batman: La Película (The LEGO Batman Movie, Chris McKay, 2017), repite algunas de las fórmulas puestas en práctica en La Lego Película e introduce otras nuevas de igual o mayor interés desde un punto de vista intertextual. Este artículo se aproxima al largometraje del superhéroe de DC Comics atendiendo a las particulares estrategias de adaptación, remediación y transmediación que lleva a cabo. A través del análisis de los componentes narrativos que constituyen la propuesta del filme, así como de su puesta en relación con los presentes en los textos impresos, audiovisuales y videolúdicos pertenecientes a la franquicia LEGO Batman, se estudian las distintas estrategias que posibilitan la interconexión entre ellos y moldean el 'macrorrelato' (Scolari, 2009) que, de manera paradigmática, toma forma en la narrativa transmediática resultante.
Realism in young adult literature is intended to educate and entertain adolescents at the same time. There are two major kinds of realism in literature for a teenage readership: old realism and new realism. The former predominantly... more
Realism in young adult literature is intended to educate and entertain adolescents at the same time. There are two major kinds of realism in literature for a teenage readership: old realism and new realism. The former predominantly involves “the author’s creation of possible people in a world of possible places” (Oliver 335), whereas the latter focuses on providing an opportunity to educate young adults about topics formerly considered taboo (Mercier 201). Drawing on this division, this chapter examines the ways in which difficult topics covered by new realism are addressed in the collection Barbie Unbound: A Parody of the Barbie Obsession (1997), written by Sarah Strohmeyer and illustrated by Geoff Hansen. Interestingly, this happens through a satirical representation of the Barbie doll, a toy easily identifiable by child, adolescent, and adult audiences. In this chapter, I analyze some of these representations, whereby I particularly dwell on how Barbie is turned into a productive means to represent contemporary society and culture whenever the standard characteristics of the doll are set against a realistic background. Hence, the Barbie doll becomes an intermediary in communication between adult authors and young and adult reading audiences, showcasing the crossover attitude of the collection.