Educational expectations Research Papers - (original) (raw)

L’objectiu d’aquest capítol és elaborar una panoràmica general de les expectatives dels estudiants catalans, amb un especial èmfasi en la seva relació amb les característiques socioeconòmiques de l’alumnat. L’anàlisi de les expectatives... more

L’objectiu d’aquest capítol és elaborar una panoràmica general de les expectatives dels estudiants catalans, amb un especial èmfasi en la seva relació amb les característiques socioeconòmiques de l’alumnat.
L’anàlisi de les expectatives educatives a Catalunya s’ha realitzat a partir de les dades recollides a l’avaluació PISA 2003, en l’Educational Career Questionnaire (ECQ). Aquest qüestionari no s’ha administrat al territori català en les edicions posteriors de PISA (2006 i 2009), per la qual cosa les dades utilitzades en aquesta anàlisi són les dades disponibles més recents

L’exclusió educativa és un fenomen molt present en la majoria de societats actuals. En aquest context, a Barcelona podem trobar innumerables entitats del tercer sector que, en front del buit institucional, treballen de forma constant en... more

L’exclusió educativa és un fenomen molt present en la majoria de societats actuals. En aquest context, a Barcelona podem trobar innumerables entitats del tercer sector que, en front del buit institucional, treballen de forma constant en la lluita per la inclusió i la igualtat d’oportunitats educatives i socials. Xamfrà és una entitat socioeducativa que promou processos d’inclusió fomentant una cultura de pau basada en el respecte a la diversitat i la bona convivència. Des d’aquest punt de vista, conceptes com els d’integració, pertinença, inclusió i reconeixement són cabdals per comprendre la seva forma d’entendre la justícia social.

This study compares the educational attainment of Muslim and Christian White boys and girls at the following junctions: KS2, KS3, GCSE, getting into universities and achieving a place at a Russell Group university. It utilises the... more

This study compares the educational attainment of Muslim and Christian White boys and girls at the following junctions: KS2, KS3, GCSE, getting into universities and achieving a place at a Russell Group university. It utilises the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England LSYPE waves 1-6 with linked data from the National Pupil Database. The analysis shows that once we take the previous school performance into account, Muslim students seem to be performing as well as the majority group, even in attending Russell group universities. Muslim girls seem to now be outperforming Muslim boys, especially in relation to their school performance. Furthermore, parental expectations and students' own expectations play an important role in determining the attainment of students. The study concludes that the higher achievement of young Muslims may be strongly correlated with their own unusually high expectations of going to university; but a primary source of the latter is likely to be the parents' unusually high expectations, the messages they receive and the discipline in place in relation to school-work at home and their relationship with their parents and their parents' norms.

Il saggio illustra i risultati di due estese surveys (studenti di terza media, studenti di quinto superiore) condotte a Roma e finalizzate ad analizzare l'intreccio tra i fattori ascrittivi e di background, gli atteggiamenti verso la... more

Il saggio illustra i risultati di due estese surveys (studenti di terza media, studenti di quinto superiore) condotte a Roma e finalizzate ad analizzare l'intreccio tra i fattori ascrittivi e di background, gli atteggiamenti verso la scuola, le performance e le scelte educative.

This study examined the direct association between parental educational expectations and adolescents' academic self-efficacy, as well as the moderating influence of parental academic socialization messages. Participants were 148 Latino... more

This study examined the direct association between parental educational expectations and adolescents' academic self-efficacy, as well as the moderating influence of parental academic socialization messages. Participants were 148 Latino parent-adolescent dyads with the majority of Mexican origin (80.4%). Most of the parent participants were mothers (85.8%). Adolescents were 13 (46%) or 14 (54%) years of age, and 53% identified as female. Adolescents reported their academic self-efficacy and perceptions of their parents' educational expectations ; parents reported on their academic socialization messages of shame/pressure and effort regarding academics. The results suggest that, after accounting for parents' level of education and immigrant status, parental educational expectations were positively associated with adolescent academic self-efficacy. This association was stronger among adolescents whose parents reported transmitting fewer messages of shame/pressure and academic effort. These results point to the importance of nuances in the content and type of academic socialization messages within Latino families. K E Y W O R D S academic self-efficacy, academic socialization, educational expectations, Latino adolescents, parent-school involvement Psychol Schs. 2019;56:483-496.

The world was hit by a pandemic causing closure of schools. For learning to continue, there is a shift from face-to-face to distance learning. In this matter, there is a need to explore on the variables that addresses learning continuity... more

The world was hit by a pandemic causing closure of schools. For learning to continue, there is a shift from face-to-face to distance learning. In this matter, there is a need to explore on the variables that addresses learning continuity in this contemporary times. This study aimed to determine the relationship between educational expectations, learning delivery modality and addressing learning continuity. It also sought to answer which variables of educational expectations and learning delivery modality significantly addressed the learning continuity variables. The data collected from the respondents were analysed using mean, standard deviation, Pearson r, and stepwise multiple linear regression. The results shows that the respondents agree and expected that the educational expectation variables and learning delivery modality significantly addressed the learning continuity variables. A significant positive correlation between educational expectations and addressing learning continuity is established. Learning delivery modality variables has a significant relationship in addressing learning continuity. Furthermore, teachers' instructional practices and expectations in education and online learning significantly addressed the communications and assessment of learning continuity. In addition, learning materials of learning continuity is significantly addressed by online learning, students' academic self-concept and teachers' instructional practices and expectations in education. This study concluded that educational expectations and learning delivery modality addresses learning continuity in the new normal.

Las transiciones a la educación secundaria posobligatoria son un momento clave en la tra-yectoria educativa de los jóvenes. Las decisiones que los llevan a seguir unos u otros estudios son producto de una agencia delimitada por... more

Las transiciones a la educación secundaria posobligatoria son un momento clave en la tra-yectoria educativa de los jóvenes. Las decisiones que los llevan a seguir unos u otros estudios son producto de una agencia delimitada por condicionantes estructurales (Furlong, 2009). Así, las desiguales posiciones sociales son fundamentales para explicar diferencias en su experiencia escolar, sus horizontes de futuro, sus expectativas y sus aspiraciones (Gillborn et al., 2012). Partiendo de este marco, este artículo analiza el impacto de variables de la estructura social y del sistema educativo en la configuración de las expectativas y aspiraciones edu-cativas de jóvenes que acaban de transitar hacia la educación secundaria posobligatoria en la ciudad de Barcelona. El análisis explota las respuestas de un cuestionario distribuido durante el curso 2018-19 a una muestra de alumnado (N = 1.318) del primer curso de Bachillerato y de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio en ocho institutos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los principales resultados constatan la desigualdad en los perfiles del alumnado que accede a una u otra modalidad de estudios secundarios posobligatorios. Además, profun-dizan en la comprensión de la interacción y del impacto de elementos estructurales y del sistema educativo sobre la definición de escenarios de futuro desiguales entre el alumnado que sigue la vía académica o la vía profesional, y entre el alumnado de distinto perfil social.

Key words: educational expectations, educational inequality, gender, horizons for action, labour migration, rural-urban differences, social transformations, Tajikistan

Introduction If provided an opportunity to save via formal financial services, will youth participate? This is one of the fundamental questions being asked by YouthSave, a four-country study targeted for young people ages 12 to 18 living... more

Introduction If provided an opportunity to save via formal financial services, will youth participate? This is one of the fundamental questions being asked by YouthSave, a four-country study targeted for young people ages 12 to 18 living predominantly in low-income households. Youth do save informally and—if given an opportunity—also may participate in formal banking services (Save the Children Federation, Inc., 2012; UNCDF, 2011), but such opportunities are few. The limited research available suggests that financial inclusion has important youth development effects and deserves greater study (Chowa & Ansong, 2010; Deshpande & Zimmerman, 2010; Elliott, 2012; Scanlon & Adams, 2009; Ssewamala & Ismayilova, 2009).

El abandono escolar prematuro es uno de los principales retos contemporaneos con que se enfrentan los paises europeos en general y Espana en particular. El objetivo del articulo es adentrarse en la comprension de este fenomeno a partir de... more

El abandono escolar prematuro es uno de los principales retos contemporaneos con que se enfrentan los paises europeos en general y Espana en particular. El objetivo del articulo es adentrarse en la comprension de este fenomeno a partir de un analisis cualitativo de las decisiones, practicas y estrategias educativas de jovenes que han abandonado los estudios recientemente. En particular, analizamos el efecto de la clase social sobre las oportunidades, creencias y deseos educativos de los jovenes y la influencia de estas variables para abandonar los estudios. Primeramente se presenta una revision del debate entre las teorias de la reproduccion y de la eleccion racional y explicitando la posicion de las autoras en el mismo. El resultado global del analisis, pone de manifiesto que las decisiones educativas de los jovenes van mas alla de los calculos racionales y que es fundamental atender a los aspectos no intencionales ni instrumentales que se esconden bajo las mismas.

After over forty years of study, sociologists continue to debate the educational system's role in reducing or reproducing intergenerational patterns of inequality. Theoretical perspectives frame schools as both equalizers that reduce... more

After over forty years of study, sociologists continue to debate the educational system's role in reducing or reproducing intergenerational patterns of inequality. Theoretical perspectives frame schools as both equalizers that reduce inequality across generations and as agents of social reproduction, recreating and legitimizing inequality. This study focuses on an understudied aspect of these intergenerational processes: parents' early educational expectations for their children. Multilevel models applied to the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) test the degree to which parents' educational expectations for their young children reflect class privilege, race/ethnic-specific orientations to schooling, or broader trends of "college for all." I also examine how aligned parental expectations are in relation to institutional feedback, and whether such congruence varies across class and race/ethnic groups in ways that the social reproduction perspective predicts. I find that parents' expectations for their children are positively associated with SES. While the lowest SES families were more likely to report the lowest expectations, many others reported great optimism expecting their children to receive the highest level of educational attainment. In fact, a larger percentage of lower SES parents held the highest level of graduate school expectations than the highest SES group, indicating a "reach for the stars" approach to thinking about their children's educational achievements. The parents of minority students held higher expectations than the parents of white students. This was especially evident when examining parents' expectations for advanced degrees. Parents of minority students also reported more polarized expectations, expressing both the highest and humblest hopes for their kindergarteners. With regard to congruence between parents' expectations and school feedback, I found that the highest SES parents' expectations most "mirrored" the various institutional assessments in the ECLS-K. Outside of the highest SES families, teacher-based assessments were generally not associated with parents' expectations. In addition, parents of white students reported expectations that were more closely aligned with school feedback than did the parents of racial and ethnic minorities. Between the time their children began kindergarten and were in fifth grade, parents who reported the bachelor's degree category were more likely to maintain their initial expectations than parents with either lower or higher expectations. Many of the parents who did not initially report a bachelor's-degree-level expectation moved in that direction, reflecting a "college for all" tendency in which a bachelor's degree is the default educational plan. Upper-SES parents reported the most stable expectations over time and parents of white students were most likely to stick with their kindergarten expectations. The parents of Hispanic and black students were least likely to maintain their initial expectations over their children's elementary school careers. The results provide nationally representative evidence that SES and race/ethnicity shape how parents relate to school feedback and view their children's educational potential.

This article presents the design, implementation and evaluation of an educational orientation project for young people at risk of social exclusion who attended an Open Access Centre in Barcelona (Spain). The project aimed to increase... more

This article presents the design, implementation and evaluation of an educational orientation project for young people at risk of social exclusion who attended an Open Access Centre in Barcelona (Spain). The project aimed
to increase participants’ expectations of education in general, and of university and higher education in particular. A content analysis and a pre- and posttest
design are used to evaluate the effects of the programme. The programme was developed during five sessions under the supervision of a psychologist researcher. The results show that young people adopt a new meaning in relation to higher education by appropriating a language that allows them to redefine its sense and the original meaning of the academic institution.

This thesis analyses the impact of structural changes in the Tajik society and education system in relation to factors such as gender differences, academic success, socioeconomic status of families, and the educational expectations and... more

This thesis analyses the impact of structural changes in the Tajik society and education system in relation to factors such as gender differences, academic success, socioeconomic status of families, and the educational expectations and plans of Tajik parents and children. The thesis begins by briefly describing the social transformations that Tajikistan wentthrough in the past 100 years; particular attention is paid to the break-up of the USSR and the civil war that took place in the last 20 years. It is suggested that the social context which shapes the attitudes of parents and children towards education has been changed considerably, creating new types of educational trajectories and re-framing educational and social inequality in the country. The second part of the thesis presents qualitative and quantitative data on how Tajik parents and children perceive further education and employment and make educational choices within the current institutional context. The empirical basis o...

La relazione controversa tra stratificazione sociale e sistema educativo può essere esplorata efficacemente attraverso ricerche empiriche attente a mettere in luce il funzionamento quotidiano del campo educativo. Il passaggio dalla... more

La relazione controversa tra stratificazione sociale e sistema educativo può essere esplorata efficacemente attraverso ricerche empiriche attente a mettere in luce il funzionamento quotidiano del campo educativo. Il passaggio dalla scuola secondaria di primo grado a quella di secondo grado nel sistema di istruzione italiano rappresenta un momento chiave nei processi di differenziazione e riproduzione delle diseguaglianze. I percorsi degli studenti attraverso il sistema di istruzione sono particolarmente segnati da alcune appartenenze ascritte: genere e classe sociale. Più recentemente l'essere o meno figli di immigrati.
La ricerca empirica nel nostro paese non ha esplorato in misura soddisfacente il modo attraverso cui tali appartenenze si intersechino e siano quotidianamente internalizzate, vissute, usate e agite nel campo dell'istruzione formale. I sistemi di classificazione usati, talvolta tacitati o negati, dagli attori nel campo educativo (studenti, famiglie, insegnanti) hanno una forza processuale e performante. Indagare il processo di scelta che accompagna il passaggio alla scuola secondaria di secondo grado vuol dire accedere ad un momento privilegiato di confronto tra attori dotati di un potere simbolico differenziato. Le aspirazioni educative sono il prodotto di un quotidiano lavorio di mediazione, negoziazione e accomodamento tra gli attori coinvolti nel processo di scelta che punta alla fissazione di specifici orizzonti di possibilità per gli studenti.
Il mio intervento si concentrerà su genitori e insegnanti discutendo parte dei risultati di una ricerca empirica tutt'ora in corso condotta attraverso osservazioni etnografiche e interviste in due scuole Milanesi. In particolare si rifletterà: a) sulle intersezioni tra classe sociale, genere e etnia, nel processo di orientamento alla scelta della scuola superiore e nella costruzione del consiglio orientativo formulato dagli insegnanti; b) sulla capacità del processo di orientamento di cristallizzare e reificare l'identità scolastica degli allievi c) sulle interazioni tra genitori e insegnanti e dunque sulle connessioni tra potere simbolico e traiettorie scolastiche effettivamente intraprese.