Genealogy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The authors have considerable experience conducting DNA lineage studies, with a focus on Y-DNA studies of the world’s historic rabbinical lineages. Each of these studies presents its own unique challenges. Two of the more challenging... more

In THE GENEALOGY OF MORALITY Nietzsche assess the value of the value judgments of morality from the perspective of human flourishing. His positive descriptions of the “higher men” he hopes for and the negative descriptions of the decadent... more

In THE GENEALOGY OF MORALITY Nietzsche assess the value of the value judgments of morality from the perspective of human flourishing. His positive descriptions of the “higher men” he hopes for and the negative descriptions of the decadent humans he thinks morality unfortunately supports both point to a particular substantive conception of what such flourishing comes to. The Genealogy, however, presents us with a puzzle: why does Nietzsche’s own evaluative standard not receive a genealogical critique? The answer to this puzzle, I argue, lies in recognizing the centrality of the notion of “life”, and its connection to power, in Nietzsche’s overall account. Leiter has argued that his “Millian Model” provides the most charitable reconstruction of appeals to a privileged evaluative standard of power; this model ascribes an inference from a strong doctrine of the will to power according to which only power can be desired. I propose a “Benthamite Model” that ascribes an inference from the inescapability of a tendency towards power, a tendency that is essential to life. I argue that this model avoids the objections Leiter directs at the Millian Model.

This essay intends to highlight the problematic relationship between debt and credit, guiltiness and punishment, sin and atonement, which are central issues both in Nietzsche’s and in Dostoevsky’s thought. Particular attention has been... more

This essay intends to highlight the problematic relationship between debt and credit, guiltiness and punishment, sin and atonement, which are central issues both in Nietzsche’s and in Dostoevsky’s thought. Particular attention has been devoted to some meaningful Nietzschean passages of Thus spoke Zarathustra, On the Genealogy of Morality and Twilight of the Idols, as well as to Dostoevsky’s novels Notes from the Underground, Notes from a dead house and mostly Crime and Punishment. This study puts into question the correspondence between the transgression and the sanction through the analysis of the figures of the judge and the criminal in the light of criminal psychology. The traditional categories of law, based on this correspondence, become problematic as they reveal that their objectivity is only presupposed.

Firmly intertwining the personal with political history , this brilliant novel’s strength lies in Keki Nusserwanji Daruwalla’s trademark wit and underscored humour , effortlessly flowing prose, and a trenchant grasp of... more

Tiger C. Roholt explains why grooves, which are forged in music's rhythmic nuances, remain hidden to some listeners. He argues that grooves are not graspable through the intellect nor through mere listening; rather, grooves are disclosed... more

Tiger C. Roholt explains why grooves, which are forged in music's rhythmic nuances, remain hidden to some listeners. He argues that grooves are not graspable through the intellect nor through mere listening; rather, grooves are disclosed through our bodily engagement with music. We grasp a groove bodily by moving with music's pulsations. By invoking the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty's notion of "motor intentionality," Roholt shows that the "feel" of a groove, and the understanding of it, are two sides of a coin: to "get" a groove just is to comprehend it bodily and to feel that embodied comprehension.

This book focuses on the overall structure of the Book of Genesis and the function of its genealogies. After reviewing the status quaestionis and the reader-oriented method, the study uses form-criticism to examine and describe the... more

This book focuses on the overall structure of the Book of Genesis and the function of its genealogies. After reviewing the status quaestionis and the reader-oriented method, the study uses form-criticism to examine and describe the genealogical information in Genesis. The detailed analysis demonstrate that the genealogies provide the basic structure for Genesis and interrelate closely with the surrounding narrative passages. Genesis thus can be read as one book with a preface (1:1–2:3) followed by ten chapters (each introduced by the tôldôt formula). The genealogies serve literary, social, and theological functions, including that of drawing attention to themes, e.g., the role of women. The genealogical system interprets Israel’s origin, and theologically defines the chain of descent. The unbroken line leads from creation to the twelve sons of Jacob/Israel—and continues in two later strands: the priests (Levi, Exod 6:16-25) and the kings (Judah/David, Ruth 4:18-22). Both texts apply the same formulaic language as in Genesis.

The contribution left by Luigi Staibano to the local history of the Amalfi coast is the main theme of this paper. In the past his works were not appreciated but today we can affirm the value of his micro-historical researches as a... more

The contribution left by Luigi Staibano to the local history of the Amalfi coast is the main theme of this paper. In the past his works were not appreciated but today we can affirm the value of his micro-historical researches as a container of interesting antropological suggestions about these lands. He was born into a wealthy family of lawyers and he lived between Maiori and Salerno during the second half of 19th century. Staibano was much more than a 'failed historian', he was a man of his time. The century of romanticism and Italian national unification influenced his works. Furthermore, the observation of his family's coat of arm is also an important element in order to understand his behavior and point of view as a member of a certain community.

Valérie Piétri L'apparition du nobiliaire, en tant que nouveau genre littéraire et savant, permet sans doute de saisir une des inflexions majeures de la culture généa-logique française, à la croisée des transformations de l'état... more

Valérie Piétri L'apparition du nobiliaire, en tant que nouveau genre littéraire et savant, permet sans doute de saisir une des inflexions majeures de la culture généa-logique française, à la croisée des transformations de l'état monarchique, de l'identité nobiliaire et des particularismes provinciaux. Des généalogies collectives aux nobiliaires, puis aux dictionnaires et histoires de la noblesse, la pratique généalogique rend compte de la manière dont le monde social est travaillé par la question des origines et par des conflits de légitimité qui s'emboîtent à différentes échelles. La Provence peut constituer un observatoire privilégié de l'évolution de ces formes de dispositifs textuels et graphique s d'une culture généalogique, héraldique et historique telle qu'elle est appropriée et diffusée par des auteurs provinciaux. En contre-point, d'autres cas provinciaux peuvent apporter des éclairages complé-mentaires sur des phénomènes globalement très similaires. La publication d'un nobiliaire constitue un véritable événement qui dépasse le simple champ littéraire ou du moins participe de manière exemplaire des pouvoirs de la littérature car, en offrant au public une « description », un « état » de la noblesse d'un pays, le nobiliaire construit, tout autant qu'il donne à voir, une réalité sociale. Genèse du nobiliaire au XVII e siècle : genres généalogiques, pratiques érudites et discours d'auteurs Jusqu'au début du xvii e siècle et dans le prolongement de la tradition médiévale, les généalogies collectives étaient essentiellement construites autour d'un lignage voire d'un personnage dont on s'appliquait à détailler

, dans sa transcription des rôles de l'Echiquier, offrait en 1844 une direction nouvelle conduisant aux Farsi; la communauté des historiens normands 2 ne sut y porter attention. Paul de Farcy puisa dans cet ouvrage quelques informations... more

, dans sa transcription des rôles de l'Echiquier, offrait en 1844 une direction nouvelle conduisant aux Farsi; la communauté des historiens normands 2 ne sut y porter attention. Paul de Farcy puisa dans cet ouvrage quelques informations (avant 1891); il ne releva pas plus cette note conséquente qui figure dans la partie inférieure des pages ccxli-ccxlii. Nous pouvons nous interroger sur le sérieux de sa démarche. Si l'idée ne lui convenait pas, il nous semble que ce dernier aurait pu la signaler. À cette époque, Stapleton émettait l'hypothèse suivante: Le Pont-Farcy, avant l'établissement du nouveau pont qui lui donna le nom qu'on lui connaît, aurait porté celui de Saint-Jean-du-Mesnil-Guérin; la paroisse contiguë de Sainte-Marie-outre-l'eau, celui de Sainte-Marie-du-Mesnil-Guérin. Cela est pour nous plus qu'une forte probabilité; aucunes autres paroisses jumelles ne correspondent mieux que celles-là 3. Ainsi que nous le disions, les chercheurs nièrent une telle possibilité. Pour quelle raison, cela restera un mystère. Plus étonnant encore, ceux-ci n'apportaient aucune alternative; les deux paroisses de la baillie de Vire auraient tout bonnement disparu sans laisser de trace ! Nous constatons que les titres sont identiques à ceux des noms primitifs. Connaissons-nous, au moins, les seigneurs de cette terre du Mesnil-Guérin? S'il est vrai que nous ne rencontrons que fort peu de Farsi entre la fin du XI e & le milieu du XII e siècles 4 , les éléments portant le nom du fief bocain fournissent une descendance complète, depuis leur première apparition dans le fameux Domesday-Book, jusqu'à la séparation de la Normandie & de l'Angleterre. Il restait à les mettre à jour. Par chance, la tâche nous fût grandement facilitée. En effet, le regretté professeur G. Barraclough s'était intéressé de bonne heure au comté de Chester. Ce dernier avait étudié les pièces conservées, tant en Angleterre qu'en Normandie, & publié en 1988. Les Mainwaring – prononcer « Manering » – alias Mesnil-Warin pourront désormais côtoyer leurs lointains cousins normands sur l'arbre de famille. Après 1204, cette famille du Mesnil-Guérin se scindera en deux branches. La première, représentée par les seigneurs de ce lieu qui ne tardera pas à devenir le Pont-Farcy, conservera son domaine le plus ancien. La seconde, quant à elle, tenant de nombreuses terres dans le comté de Cheshire, sera contrainte d'opter pour le parti du roi Jean. 1 Thomas Stapleton. 'Magnus Rotulus. Scaccari Normanniae sub regibus angliae'. Londres 1844. T. II. Note y, pages ccxli-ccxlii. La soeur de Stapleton épousa le baron de Mainwaring le 28 décembre 1808. Cette branche s'éteignit en 1934. Cf. Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage, pp. 532-3: « Sir Harry Stapleton Mainwaring (U.K.) 1804 of Over Peover, Cheshire (extinct 1934). » 2 Hormis M. J.-M. Bouvris, archiviste à Saint-Lô, qui nous fit remarquer la note de Stapleton. M. de Beaurepaire rejetta l'association Mesnil-Guérin / Pont-Farcy, sans apporter d'explication quant à la disparition de ces deux paroisses de la baillie de Vire. 3 Le Pont-Farcy & Sainte-Marie-outre-l'eau n'apparaissent sous cette forme dans les textes qu'après 1251. 4 Geoffroy, Renouf & Hugues I & II: 1 er , 2 nd , 3 ème [?] & 5 ème degrés. La branche cadette attestait à Sainte-Verburge de Chester; l'aînée, sans doute à Saint-Sever (14), dont le cartulaire est inexistant.

The Metis Dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as... more

The Metis Dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as The People of the Metis Nation in 2011.
Often known as founders of the fur-trade, the Metis of what was to become the Canadian and American Northwest participated as trappers, guides, interpreters, factors, dock and warehouse workers, voyageurs, coureurs de bois, canoe and York boat operators, couriers of the first postal services, and Red River cart teamsters. The Metis were essential in commercializing both the fur trade with the invention of the York boat, and the buffalo hunt with the invention of the Red River cart.
Within this volume, well-known Metis personalities as well as the unsung heroes of Metis communities and families are documented. Day-to-day events as well as historical turning points are recounted. Achievements in the arts, sports and literature are included. We also attempt to correct the oversight of previous historical treatments which have failed to document the lives of Metis women. The accounts herein cover the past as well as contemporary Metis figures.

Historische Todesanzeigen, die aus Anlaß des Ablebens von Adeligen aus deutschen Ländern der Jahre 1912 bis 2009 gedruckt worden sind, können als wertvolle Quellen für die Ahnenforschung, die Familienforschung, aber auch die... more

Historische Todesanzeigen, die aus Anlaß des Ablebens von Adeligen aus deutschen Ländern der Jahre 1912 bis 2009 gedruckt worden sind, können als wertvolle Quellen für die Ahnenforschung, die Familienforschung, aber auch die wissenschaftliche Forschung, gelten. Die hier präsentierte Liste nimmt sich dieser bisher vernachlässigten Quellengruppe an und erschließt bibliographisch den Quellenbestand.

Under the Ottawa and Chippewa Treaty of March 28, 1836, a provision was made to pay certain sums to members of the mixed-blood individuals of the two tribes. A commissioner was appointed to create a census register of these mixed-bloods... more

Under the Ottawa and Chippewa Treaty of March 28, 1836, a provision was made to pay certain sums to members of the mixed-blood individuals of the two tribes. A commissioner was appointed to create a census register of these mixed-bloods and determine who was eligible to receive payment under this provision. His census of 584 individuals is transcribed in this report along with his instructions from, and his report to, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

The Metis dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as... more

The Metis dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as The People of the Metis Nation in 2011.
Often known as founders of the fur-trade, the Metis of what was to become the Canadian and American Northwest participated as trappers, guides, interpreters, factors, dock and warehouse workers, voyageurs, coureurs de bois, canoe and York boat operators, couriers of the first postal services, and Red River cart teamsters. The Metis were essential in commercializing both the fur trade with the invention of the York boat, and the buffalo hunt with the invention of the Red River cart.
Within this volume, well-known Metis personalities as well as the unsung heroes of Metis communities and families are documented. Day-to-day events as well as historical turning points are recounted. Achievements in the arts, sports and literature are included. We also attempt to correct the oversight of previous historical treatments which have failed to document the lives of Metis women. The accounts herein cover the past as well as contemporary Metis figures.

La presente obra da a conocer la historia y genealogía de la familia Ramírez de Arellano, cuyas raíces se remontan al Rey Sancho Garcés III de Pamplona, el Mayor. A lo largo de este estudio puede verse como los orígenes de la familia... more

La presente obra da a conocer la historia y genealogía de la familia Ramírez de Arellano, cuyas raíces se remontan al Rey Sancho Garcés III de Pamplona, el Mayor. A lo largo de este estudio puede verse como los orígenes de la familia Ramírez de Arellano se pierden en los inicios de la monarquía navarra y cómo este linaje emparenta con la casa real de Navarra y la Probática Piscina, solar de nobleza radicado en aquellas tierras y que perdura hasta nuestros días. El asentamiento de la familia en La Mancha y su posterior marcha a América, completan un libro muy útil para el investigador genealógico y para todos los que quieren acercarse a la genealogía y a la nobiliaria hispana.

Elenco dei titoli napoletani concessi tra il 1458 e il 1860, con i riconoscimenti successivi; 2016 schede nelle quali sono riportati nel dettaglio le concessioni, notizie storiche sugli insigniti o le famiglie, la successione, dati sui... more

Elenco dei titoli napoletani concessi tra il 1458 e il 1860, con i riconoscimenti successivi; 2016 schede nelle quali sono riportati nel dettaglio le concessioni, notizie storiche sugli insigniti o le famiglie, la successione, dati sui riconoscimenti e sugli attuali detentori. Presentazione di Francesco Sanseverino di Marcellinara, Presidente del Corpo della Nobiltà Italiana. 230 pagine, 31x24 cm, brossura, Claudio Grenzi Editore, Foggia 2015. Edizione esaurita, il testo è stato ristampato in una nuova edizione aggiornata e ampliata:

The Metis Dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as... more

The Metis Dictionary of Biography is intended to give the reader an overview of Metis History through the biographies of a very diverse cross-section of North America's Metis people. An earlier iteration of this work was published as The People of the Metis Nation in 2011.
Often known as founders of the fur-trade, the Metis of what was to become the Canadian and American Northwest participated as trappers, guides, interpreters, factors, dock and warehouse workers, voyageurs, coureurs de bois, canoe and York boat operators, couriers of the first postal services, and Red River cart teamsters. The Metis were essential in commercializing both the fur trade with the invention of the York boat, and the buffalo hunt with the invention of the Red River cart.
Within this volume, well-known Metis personalities as well as the unsung heroes of Metis communities and families are documented. Day-to-day events as well as historical turning points are recounted. Achievements in the arts, sports and literature are included. We also attempt to correct the oversight of previous historical treatments which have failed to document the lives of Metis women. The accounts herein cover the past as well as contemporary Metis figures.

Family history research has become increasingly popular as online genealogical research tools have become widely available. However, family historians, particularly those from dominant social groups, usually end up interpreting their... more

Family history research has become increasingly popular as online genealogical research tools have become widely available. However, family historians, particularly those from dominant social groups, usually end up interpreting their family story within dominant national narratives. As a form of “memory work” (Kuhn, 1995), family history has the potential to unearth hidden or “forgotten” memories about the past and its implication for the present. Drawing on theoretical tools of the critical theoretical traditions, critical family history interrogates the interaction between family and context, with a particular focus on power relationships among sociocultural groups. In this article, I use my own family history to illustrate the recovery of a silenced or suppressed national narrative. Specifically, through an examination of property records and wills, I show how social relationships that colonization forged, rather than being a relic of the past, live on in the present, and how family history can challenge a national mythology that minimizes the importance and ongoing impact of colonization.

"Harmon Limes, Sr. was born on July 14, 1750 and baptized on August 5, 1750 at St. John The Evangelist Smith Square, Westminster, London, England. Andrew and Frances (Cornwell) Limes are shown as his parents. A brother, John, was born... more

"Harmon Limes, Sr. was born on July 14, 1750 and baptized on August 5, 1750 at St. John The Evangelist Smith Square, Westminster, London, England. Andrew and Frances (Cornwell) Limes are shown as his parents. A brother, John, was born on October 9, 1752 and baptized on November 5, 1752 at the same parish listing the same parents. These records are taken from the Church of Latter Day Saints microfilm rolls."

Os livros de óbitos do Hospital do Conde de Ferreira
1883 – 1903

What’s your street race? If you were walking down the street what race do you think strangers would automatically assume you are based on what you look like? What is the universe of data and conceptual gaps that complicate or prevent... more

What’s your street race? If you were walking down the street what race do you think strangers would automatically assume you are based on what you look like? What is the universe of data and conceptual gaps that complicate or prevent rigorous data collection and analysis for advancing racial justice? Using Latinx communities in the U.S. as an example, we argue that scholars, researchers, practitioners and communities across traditional academic, sectoral and disciplinary boundaries can advance liberation by engaging the ontologies, epistemologies and conceptual guideposts of critical race theory and intersectionality in knowledge production for equity-use. This means not flattening the difference between race (master social status and relational positionality in a racially stratified society based on the social meanings ascribed to a conglomeration of one’s physical characteristics, including skin color, facial features and hair texture) and origin (ethnicity, cultural background, n...

Ferdinand Ritter von Gluck, retired member of the Austrian military and the composer's last male descendant, died on 26 August 1878 in the Upper Austrian town of Aschach. He was a son of Gluck's nephew, the surgeon Karl von Gluck... more

Ferdinand Ritter von Gluck, retired member of the Austrian military and the composer's last male descendant, died on 26 August 1878 in the Upper Austrian town of Aschach. He was a son of Gluck's nephew, the surgeon Karl von Gluck (1757-1838). This article supplies the previously unknown genealogical data related to Gluck's younger brother Karl Gluck (1722-1741) and his eight children who were born between 1750 and 1763 in Baumgarten an der March. It furthermore deals with several of Gluck's other relatives, their dispute about the composer's estate and presents a previously unknown Gluck document from 1778.

Counting Y-DNA STR differences is a poor discriminator for members of the same family. Unless a very large number of markers are used, matching cannot be used with a statistically significant degree of accuracy to establish whether... more

Counting Y-DNA STR differences is a poor discriminator for members of the same family. Unless a very large number of markers are used, matching cannot be used with a statistically significant degree of accuracy to establish whether someone is more closely related even to second cousins. However there are other methods that may be used to distinguish degrees of relatedness. We present a simple and useful test which involves finding a “segmenting marker” which can establish relative consanguinity with some accuracy, and we give a real-life example of its use to show from which of two 17th Century brothers a man of partly unknown origins descended.

In liberal, democratic and capitalist societies today, we are increasingly invited to disclose our innermost thoughts to others. We are asked to turn our gaze inwards, scrutinizing ourselves, our behaviours and beliefs, while talking and... more

In liberal, democratic and capitalist societies today, we are increasingly invited to disclose our innermost thoughts to others. We are asked to turn our gaze inwards, scrutinizing ourselves, our behaviours and beliefs, while talking and writing about ourselves in these terms. This form of disclosure of the self resonates with older forms of church confession, and is now widely seen in practices of education in new ways in nurseries, schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and the wider policy arena.
This book brings together international scholars and researchers inspired by the work of Michel Foucault, to explore in detail what happens when these practices of confession become part of our lives and ways of being in education. The authors argue that these practices are not neutral, but political and powerful in their effects in shaping and governing people; they examine confession as discursive and contemporary practice so as to provoke critical thought.
International in scope and pioneering in the detail of its scrutiny of such practices, this book extends contemporary understanding of the exercise of power and politics of confessional practices in education and learning, and offers an alter- native way of thinking of them. The book will be of value to educational practitioners, scholars, researchers and students, interested in the politics of their own practices.

Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more

Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder for descendants to learn about their family history. Inhibited by language and geographical barriers as well as lost connections to the bearers of knowledge, many offspring of migrant families year for answers to questions such as 'Where do I come from?' or 'How did I get here?' Answering these requires re-establishing lost connections and meeting family one previously did not know. This paper illustrates how the juxtaposition of two generations of Chinese Australian migrants' narrative (a 'pioneer migrant' and an 'overseas born Chinese' are vital to piecing together a segment of family history.

Objectives: We describe a method to identify human remains excavated from unmarked graves in historical Québec cemeteries by combining parental-lineage genetic markers with the whole-population genealogy of Québec contained in the BALSAC... more

Objectives: We describe a method to identify human remains excavated from unmarked graves in historical Québec cemeteries by combining parental-lineage genetic markers with the whole-population genealogy of Québec contained in the BALSAC database. Materials and methods: The remains of six men were exhumed from four historical cemeteries in the province of Québec, Canada. DNA was extracted from the remains and genotyped to reveal their mitochondrial and Y-chromosome haplotypes, which were compared to a collection of haplotypes of genealogically-anchored modern volunteers. Maternal and paternal genealogies were searched in the BALSAC genealogi-cal record for parental couples matching the mitochondrial and the Y-chromosome haplotypic signatures, to identify candidate sons from whom the remains could have originated. Results: Analysis of the matching genealogies identified the parents of one man inhumed in the cemetery of the investigated parish during its operating time. The candidate individual died in 1833 at the age of 58, a plausible age at death in light of osteological analysis of the remains.

Queridas amigas, queridos amigos: En nombre de todo el equipo docente del Máster en Genealogía, Heráldica y Archivos de la Universidad de Córdoba nos complace enormemente anunciar una nueva edición de nuestro programa de estudios, una... more