Holistic Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Este artículo contiene una discusión sobre la utilización de los conceptos sistémico y sistemático. para esto se presenta el origen y contexto de las dos expresiones y se muestran algunos entornos de uso de los mismos.

Thema Folie Systemik 1f. Systeme 3 Systemarten 4 Ganzheitlichkeit 5 Schnittstellen 6 Vernetztes Denken 7 Vernetzungen 8 Die acht... more

Thema Folie
Systemik 1f.
Systeme 3
Systemarten 4
Ganzheitlichkeit 5
Schnittstellen 6
Vernetztes Denken 7
Vernetzungen 8
Die acht Grundregeln der Biokybernetik 9f.
Systemisch denken lernen 11
Paradigmenwechsel 12
Veränderungen 13
Selbstorganisation 14
Simulationen 16
Entwicklungsblockaden 16
Rückmeldungen 17
Sechs häufige Strategiefehler beim Umgang mit Systemen 18f.
Mängel unserer Denkprogrammierung 20f.
Häufige Denkfehler im Problemlösungsprozess 22f.
Zwei Ansätze zur Erfassung der Wirklichkeit 24f.
Lehrinhalte 26ff.
Die Bausteine des ganzheitlichen Denkens 30ff.
Lenkungsregeln für die Erarbeitung und Evaluation von
Strategien und Maßnahmen 33
Übersicht über die Schritte und Fragen in der Methode 34f.
Maliks konstruktivistisch-technomorphe und
systemisch-evolutionäre Management 36
Eigenschaften und Verhaltensweisen systemorientierter
Führungskräfte 37f.
Die System-Methodik 39f.
Systemische Grundsätze 41f.
Metaphorische Konzepte 43f.
Aufbaustufen eines betrieblichen Frühwarnsystems 45
Einfache und komplexe Problemsituationen im Überblick 46f.
Kybernetischer Regelkreis 48f.
Systemisches Management 49

Seascape Ecology provides a comprehensive look at the state-of-the-science in the application of landscape ecology to the seas and provides guidance for future research priorities. The first book devoted exclusively to this rapidly... more

Seascape Ecology provides a comprehensive look at the state-of-the-science in the application of landscape ecology to the seas and provides guidance for future research priorities. The first book devoted exclusively to this rapidly emerging and increasingly important discipline, it is comprised of contributions from researchers at the forefront of seascape ecology working around the world. It presents the principles, concepts, methodology, and techniques informing seascape ecology and reports on the latest developments in the application of the approach to marine ecology and management.
A growing number of marine scientists, geographers, and marine managers are asking questions about the marine environment that are best addressed with a landscape ecology perspective. Seascape Ecology represents the first serious effort to fill the gap in the literature on the subject. Key topics and features of interest include:
 The origins and history of seascape ecology and various approaches to spatial patterning in the sea
 The links between seascape patterns and ecological processes, with special attention paid to the roles played by seagrasses and salt marshes and animal movements through seascapes
 Human influences on seascape ecology—includes models for assessing human-seascape interactions
 A special epilogue in which three eminent scientists who have been instrumental in shaping the course of landscape ecology offer their insights and perspectives
Seascape Ecology is a must-read for researchers and professionals in an array of disciplines, including marine biology, environmental science, marine management, and environmental protection. It is also an excellent supplementary text for university courses in those fields.

1. Meditation 2 1.1 On the Meditation Practice 3 1.2 Meditation in Eastern Christianity 4 1.3 Hesychasm 4 1.4 Meditation in Medieval Europe: The Sermon of Meister Eckhart 4 1.5 Dream as a State Close to Meditation 5 1.6 Meditation... more

1. Meditation 2
1.1 On the Meditation Practice 3
1.2 Meditation in Eastern Christianity 4
1.3 Hesychasm 4
1.4 Meditation in Medieval Europe: The Sermon of Meister Eckhart 4
1.5 Dream as a State Close to Meditation 5
1.6 Meditation and Consciousness 5
1.7 Our Unconscious self 5
1.8 Symbols 5
1.10 An Auto Training Experiment 7
1.16 Experimental Experiences 9
1.17 The Unconscious 11
1.18 Mandala 11
2 Meditation and Knowledge 11
2.7 World View 14
2.8 The Bayesion Syllogism 15
2.9 Consciousness and Knowledge 15

Pain is a significant symptom in patients with chronic and life-threatening illness. While pain is traditionally thought of as a physiological experience, total pain recognizes the interplay of psychological, cognitive, social, spiritual,... more

Pain is a significant symptom in patients with chronic and life-threatening illness. While pain is traditionally thought of as a physiological experience, total pain recognizes the interplay of psychological, cognitive, social, spiritual, and cultural factors that influence the pain perception and total experience. Comprehensive pain assessment and management are foundational goals within the scope of palliative care, and optimal management depends on addressing each domain of the total pain experience. An overview of the total pain experience is provided, and clinicians should consider psychological, cognitive, social, spiritual, and cultural aspects in assessing pain. Pain management also addresses all domains, and suggestions are provided which address pain management barriers and challenges. First, patients should be educated about the benefits of pain management and importance to adhere to the plan of care. Second, healthcare professionals need education in order to manage pain properly and should adhere to internationally recognized evidence-based guidelines to provide care. Third, barriers to overcome system issues need to be addressed, such as working with governments and Ministries of Health to increase opioid availability for those in need and to ensure that patients can have access to opioids whether in the hospital, home, city, or rural area. While pain is a complex phenomenon, a comprehensive management plan can alleviate suffering for patients and their families.

'Holism' , strangely enough, given the absolute quality it indicates, is a concept that can only be grasped through negative examples: what it is contrary to, the paradigms to which it constitutes an alternative. Definitions of 'holism'... more

'Holism' , strangely enough, given the absolute quality it indicates, is a concept that can only be grasped through negative examples: what it is contrary to, the paradigms to which it constitutes an alternative. Definitions of 'holism' thus usually involve the interdependence among the parts composing an individual object; their relationship with that object as their container and sum; its insertion within a context, environmental or cosmic; and crucially, the existence of an additional quid which defines that object as a totality independent of its components-the idea that 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.' In all these senses, the significance of the relationship between 'parts' and 'whole' can be much broader than the medical and anatomical discussions with which we would most immediately associate it, and which are under the spotlight in this volume. The breadth and malleability of the concept are key to a cultural history which is extremely long, despite the fact that 'holism' itself, like many such labels, can easily be seen as anachronistic if applied to the pre-modern world. This chapter aims to offer a glimpse of this long history and to illustrate the relevance of the Graeco-Roman past to our understanding of the idea of holism, and to its various manifestations throughout the centuries which separate us from the ancients. 1 The Challenges of Holism The fact that 'holism' still lacks the status of a univocal, free-standing item in cultural history or philosophy is due to more essential reasons than those implied by its recent history and current popularity, with their sometimes imprecise and amateurish usages. A double challenge to defining the concept is posed by it being inherently relative and by its involvement in the idea of value. First of all, 'holism' has a situated quality that resists any attempt at precision , a circumstance that far exceeds the contingent datum of the recent coinage of the name itself. The impossibility of a univocal 'holism' is due to the truism that 'whole' and 'parts' are relative, non-neutral entities. What we consider a whole, which 'parts' we choose to highlight, and 'what we let into Chiara Thumiger-9789004443143 Heruntergeladen von Brill.com12/16/2020

This paper is a precursor to chapters found in my book, Essential Learning theories and their applications. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield (Johnson, 2019). here I explore humanistic learning theory, holistic education, and three... more

This paper is a precursor to chapters found in my book, Essential Learning theories and their applications. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield (Johnson, 2019). here I explore humanistic learning theory, holistic education, and three views of teaching: transmission, transaction, and transformation.

English Abstract: The article on "Living the Good News in an African Context" demonstrates that being a Gospel Ambassador in a deeply wounded Africa is not an easy task. The diversity of this continent and the multiplicity of evils that... more

English Abstract: The article on "Living the Good News in an African Context" demonstrates that being a Gospel Ambassador in a deeply wounded Africa is not an easy task. The diversity of this continent and the multiplicity of evils that undermine it can add to the complexity of the task. Yet it is precisely in a dark and sad context that the light of the Gospel is much needed. For this reason, it is advisable to implore divine wisdom to translate the Gospel into the thoughts, looks, gestures, and actions of daily life to the extent that each child of God is a true agent of holistic transformation. The goal is to equip each individual follower of Christ in such a way that he or she is capable of bringing people out of misery, both literally and figuratively. The ultimate goal is to deepen the joy of the people in their respective contexts within the framework of spiritual reconciliation with God and sincere actions motivated by genuine love to meet their felt needs. To walk in the footsteps of Christ and the apostles is to help fellow humans to better understand and transcend their suffering, which unfortunately penetrates all spheres of social life and touches the human being in his body, mind and soul. To achieve this, it is important to rely first and foremost on God but also to do everything possible to better identify the root causes of the problems that the specific context encounters, to devise a consistent strategy in order to overcome them, to put appropriate and transferable resources at the disposal of all the faithful in a format and language that they can easily understand, to ensure a good coordination of activities and to make systematic evaluations, all in a spirit of humility by walking in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus. L'Afrique est l'incarnation même du paradoxe. Bougrement riche en ressources naturelles, elle n'en demeure pas moins le continent le pauvre de la planète. La pauvreté et ses multiples corolaires qui rivalisent en capacité de nuisance au point où, dans de nombreuses familles africaines, les moments de joie ne ressemblent qu'à de minuscules îlots dans un océan de misère. Pourtant, c'est en Afrique, et surtout dans la région subsaharienne, que le Christianisme croît à un rythme particulièrement accéléré. Nous en voulons pour preuve le fait que le taux du Christianisme ait passé de 9,1% de la population africaine en 1900 avec 7,5 millions de chrétiens (Mandryk et Johnstone, 2010) à 47.9 % en juillet 2017(Joshua Project) avec 595,1 millions d'âmes qui professent la foi chrétienne soit un taux de croissance de 426,3 %. L'on ne saurait donc nier le fait que la foi chrétienne se porte bien en terre africaine. Or, qui dit Christianisme dit Evangile ou Bonne Nouvelle. Du coup, une question s'impose aux chrétiens qui vivent en Afrique : comment vivre la Bonne nouvelle dans un contexte qui ploie sous le poids de mauvaises nouvelles qui semblent s'aggraver au fil des années voire des mois, des semaines et des jours ? Comment faire éclater des cris de joie au propre et au figuré quand la raison semble plutôt imposer un lourd et douloureux silence à défaut de pleurs tant la misère du continent africain est grande ? C'est à ces interrogations que tente de répondre ce modeste exposé. Mais, avant d'aborder le coeur du sujet, il convient de présenter un peu plus amplement le contexte africain, de définir l'Evangile tel que la Bible le définit tout en soulignant en quoi il est véritablement une bonne nouvelle en contexte africain. Enfin, nous en dégagerons les implications pratiques qui s'imposent sur ce contient afin que ce concept se traduise dans les réalités quotidiennes de la vie chrétienne.

Artículo publicado en: https://ferkari.wixsite.com/naturalezadelser#!articulos-sobre-el-ser/c1j1c RESUMEN En este artículo se muestra que la idea de los puentes cero-infinito (puentes 0-∞), el Yin y Yang, la teoría del desdoblamiento del tiempo de Garnier y el funcionamiento del toroide como fenómenos fundamentales, explican el mismo mecanismo universal, tanto a nivel cuántico como a nivel cotidiano, aunque vistos desde diferentes perspectivas. Si estudiamos lo que dice cada uno de estos supuestos teóricos, podemos llegar a un entendimiento más detallado de cómo funciona el Universo y como se desempeña la materia y la energía, basados en sistemas organizados y retroalimentados.

Embodied aesthetic pedagogic design is a means of approaching teaching that intentionally attends to holistic embodied aesthetic considerations, reconceptualizes and destabilizes the teacher role, and develops complicit learning... more

Embodied aesthetic pedagogic design is a means of approaching teaching that intentionally attends to holistic embodied aesthetic considerations, reconceptualizes
and destabilizes the teacher role, and develops complicit learning environments. To teach creatively, the teacher must develop an artful relationship between the self and the curriculum, and open avenues for the student to personally engage with, thoughtfully reflect on, and meaningfully organize that curriculum. An arts-based research and learning methodology called performative inquiry is explicated in depth to provide the reader with an understanding of how a teacher can transform curriculum goals into a problem-based learning framework, seek an instructional form that attends to these three design tenets, and thereby develop a creative learning environment that allows access to a multiplicity of possible answers for solving the problem at hand while deeply engaging the

El mensaje de Louise L. Hay es muy sencillo y básicamente se puede formular en pocas palabras. De hecho, a la autora le basta una de las páginas iniciales de esta obra para presentarnos lo esencial de su pensamiento. Para él lo importante... more

El mensaje de Louise L. Hay es muy sencillo y básicamente se puede formular en pocas palabras. De hecho, a la autora le basta una de las páginas iniciales de esta obra para presentarnos lo esencial de su pensamiento. Para él lo importante es que lleguemos a comprender que lo que pensamos de nosotros mismos puede llegar a ser verdad para nosotros, que todos somos responsables en un cien por ciento de todo lo que nos sucede, lo mejor y lo peor. Porque cada cosa que pensamos está creando nuestro futuro, es decir, cada uno de nosotros crea sus experiencia con lo que piensa y siente. Y esto nos abre enromes posibilidades de cambio porque en nuestras mentes los únicos que pensamos somos nosotros. Cuando creamos paz, armonía y equilibrio en nuestras mentes, los encontramos en nuestras vidas.
A partir de estos principios, Louise Hay nos sugiere una forma de vivir que tendrá como resultado una mayor autoestima, una convivencia en paz con nosotros mismos y los demás y la posibilidad de conseguir lo que queremos para nuestras vidas.

Definitions of ‘holism’ in applied language studies need to remain broad enough to allow for true epistemological diversity and reject prematurely coherent impermeable systems that do not reflect the present state of knowledge in our... more

Definitions of ‘holism’ in applied language studies need to remain broad enough to allow for true epistemological diversity and reject prematurely coherent impermeable systems that do not reflect the present state of knowledge in our field. In Part 1 of this two-part paper, I focus on definitional issues arguing that the atomistic parts of any whole are related within a complex, but fluid, organic system and are more easily understood in relationship to other parts of that system. After considering the relationship between holistic and atomistic phenomena, I argue that ecological studies (Van Lier, 2002), while providing groundbreaking new insights into the holistic nature of applied language study, appear to exclude context-independence as a legitimate perspective. My definition above is therefore closely associated with Pappamihiel and Walser’s (2009) characterization of complexity theory. Epistemological diversity and complexity lead us to accept dynamism, unpredictability and instability as natural conditions of our field which cannot be ignored.

This paper discusses missio dei amongst people in the margins. It makes the case for significant efforts to reach out to the urban poor and those at the margins of society. It builds its missiological position based upon the decision of... more

This paper discusses missio dei amongst people in the margins. It makes the case for significant efforts to reach out to the urban poor and those at the margins of society. It builds its missiological position based upon the decision of Jesus to make the region of Galilee his home town. Since his decision to move his residence and ministry to Galilee seems to have been intentional on his part, we will refer to his selection as the ‘Galilean priority.’ We also look into the 'Galilean manifesto' of Luke 4:18-19, how Jesus sets out the domains for missio dei among the poor and disadvantaged.

"Cybernetics" so heißt esin einer 1983 formulierten 'Declaration of the American Society for Cybernetics', "Cybernetics is a way of thinking, not a collection of facts". Diese Charakterisierung trifft auch für denjenigen Denk- und... more

"Cybernetics" so heißt esin einer 1983 formulierten 'Declaration of the American Society for Cybernetics', "Cybernetics is a way of thinking, not a collection of facts". Diese Charakterisierung trifft auch für denjenigen Denk- und Forschungsansatz zu, der im Mittelpunkt der folgenden Überlegungen stehen soll: den sog. Radikalen Konstruktivismus. Doch nicht nur diese allgemeine Charakterisierung verbindet Kybernetik und Konstruktivismus; vielmehr stammen wesentliche Impulse zur Entwicklung des Konstruktivismus von Vertretern des " theoretischen Flügels" der Kybernetik.

The ‘System Analysis’ has been considered to be an effective way for the perception of religion by many scholars, such as Dr. Jasser Auda, he asserts: “In my view, an updated proof of God’s perfection of His creation should now rely on a... more

The ‘System Analysis’ has been considered to be an effective way for the perception of religion by many scholars, such as Dr. Jasser Auda, he asserts: “In my view, an updated proof of God’s perfection of His creation should now rely on a systems approach rather than previous casualty based arguments” . This paper presents a brief introduction to the system analysis. Consequently, it applies the system approach to analyse the maqasid-al-Shari’ah as a system of values in the Islamic law; in terms of the five features suggested by Dr. Jasser Auda as cognition, wholeness, openness, hierarchy and multi-dimensionality.

Domination of modernism and non-holistic thinking in the past decades has caused the cities to lose their vitality and vivacity. Consequently, streets as the main constituent of the cities structure, the destination and the promenade of... more

Domination of modernism and non-holistic thinking in the past decades has caused the cities to lose their vitality and vivacity. Consequently, streets as the main constituent of the cities structure, the destination and the promenade of the people during the last decade have turned into smoked-filled route congested with traffic. Tehran as a metropolis has been no exception. The physical and bipolar look (Cartesian dualism) have made it impossible to create a sense of place and vibrant community spaces. Unfortunately, in contemporary urbanization, the sense of place has received less attention. The available studies have considered it as an object; an object which is lying in front of the human, but has not been standing by the human. This qualitative-deductive study draws upon landscape approach to identify the vitality components and their relationship with the sense of place. To this end, we have chosen the Valiasr Avenue as a case study because it is popular with people for its historical identity and collective memories. Methodology: Data were collected using Behavioral mapping and a questionnaire and the relation between the quality of spatial, semantic and physical aspects of Valiasr Avenue and the vitality rate were investigated. Friedman test formula and SPSS software were used to weigh the components of the vitality. As a result, a series of strategies and solutions have been proposed to revive the historical-recreational landscape of Valiasr and to increase its vitality, strengthening social activities and emphasis on collective memories were recommended.

El proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las instituciones educativas de educación primaria se orienta desde la complejidad de las realidades actuales, en el marco de la transdisciplinariedad de los factores que fluyen en las... more

El proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las instituciones educativas de educación primaria se orienta desde la complejidad de las realidades actuales, en el marco de la transdisciplinariedad de los factores que fluyen en las interacciones de los actores educativos, el objetivo del presente ensayo, es realizar un abordaje teórico de la Transcomplejidad en la Educación Primaria, basado con los aportes de Sánchez (1995), y otros referentes teóricos como Villegas (2010), en función de establecer el análisis y vinculación desde el entorno de las escuelas que desarrollan procesos de formación en el nivel primaria, desde la Transcomplejidad orientada en la educación transcompleja, partiendo de las premisas que los estudiantes son diversos, únicos e irrepetibles en su personalidad, intereses y necesidades de formación bajo la mirada de la integralidad del hecho educativo en el contexto de la educación primaria. Palabras clave: educación; escuela primaria; docente de escuela primaria; investigación.

Naturally, the mathematical process starts from proving the existence and uniqueness of the solution by the using the theorem, corollary, lemma, proposition, dealing with the simple and non-complex model. Proving the existence and... more

Naturally, the mathematical process starts from proving the existence and uniqueness of the solution by the using the theorem, corollary, lemma, proposition, dealing with the simple and non-complex model. Proving the existence and uniqueness solution are guaranteed by governing the infinite amount of solutions and limited to the implementation of a small-scale simulation on a single desktop CPU. Accuracy , consistency and stability were easily controlled by a small data scale. However, the fourth industrial can be described the mathematical process as the advent of cyber-physical systems involving entirely new capabilities for researcher and machines (Xing, 2017). In numerical perspective, the fourth industrial revolution (4iR) required the transition from a uncomplex model and small scale simulation to complex model and big data for visualizing the real-world application in digital dialectical and exciting opportunity. Thus, a big data analytics and its classification are a problem solving for these limitations. Some applications of 4iR will highlight the extension version in terms of models, derivative and discretization, dimension of space and time, behavior of initial and boundary conditions, grid generation , data extraction, numerical method and image processing with high resolution feature in numerical perspective. In statistics, a big data depends on data growth however, from numerical perspective, a few classification strategies will be investigated deals with the specific classifier tool. This paper will investigate the conceptual framework for a big data classification, governing the mathematical model-ing, selecting the superior numerical method, handling the large sparse simulation and investigating the parallel computing on high performance computing (HPC) platform. The conceptual framework will benefit to the big data provider, algorithm provider and system analyzer to classify and recommend the specific strategy for generating, handling and analyzing the big data. All the perspectives take a holistic view of technology. Current research, the particular conceptual framework will be described in holistic terms. 4iR has ability to take a holistic approach to explain an important of big data, complex modeling, large sparse simulation and high performance computing platform. Numerical analysis and parallel performance evaluation are the indicators for performance investigation of the clas sification strategy. This research will benefit to obtain an accurate decision , predictions and trending practice on how to obtain the approximation solution for science and engineering applications. As a conclusion , classification strategies for generating a fine granular mesh, identifying the root causes of failures and issues in real time solution. Furthermore , the big data-driven and data transfer evolution towards high speed of technology transfer to boost the economic and social development for the 4iR (Xing, 2017; Marwala et al., 2017).

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; autistic individuals) may exhibit atypical face perception because they fail to process faces holistically. In the context of this hypothesis, it is critical to determine whether autistic... more

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; autistic individuals) may exhibit atypical face perception because they fail to process faces holistically. In the context of this hypothesis, it is critical to determine whether autistic individuals exhibit diminished susceptibility to the composite face illusion, widely regarded as key marker of holistic face processing. To date, however, previous studies have yielded inconsistent findings. In light of recent evidence suggesting that facial emotion cues increase the strength of the composite face illusion in typical individuals, the present study sought to determine whether the presence of facial emotion also modulates the strength of the composite face illusion in autistic individuals, many of whom experience difficulties recognizing facial expressions. We therefore measured composite face effects in a sample of autistic individuals (N = 20) and matched typical controls (N = 29) using an incidental emotion procedure in which distractor regions varied systematically in their emotion strength. As expected, the presence of facial emotion in the distractor regions of composite face arrangements increased the strength of the illusory distortion induced. The extent of the modulation by facial emotion was similar in the two groups. The composite effects seen in the ASD group were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those seen in the typical group, suggestive of intact holistic processing in this population.

This international, interdisciplinary conference will explore the possibilities and problems to which the concept of holism gives rise, both academically and in practice. Across many areas of contemporary culture we hear the concept of... more

This international, interdisciplinary conference will explore the possibilities and problems to which the concept of holism gives rise, both academically and in practice. Across many areas of contemporary culture we hear the concept of holism being invoked, as in holistic science, holistic spirituality, holistic healthcare, and holistic education. While there are different varieties of holism, each case implies a perspective in which the whole of a system is considered to be more important than the sum of its parts. Advocates of holism associate it with desirable qualities such as inclusion, integration, balance, and wider vision and champion it as a remedy for the fragmentation that is considered to beset the modern world. Critics argue that holism is vague, erases differences, and, by subordinating individual elements to a superior whole, ultimately leads to totalitarianism.

Meditation (3 – 10) Meditation and Consciousness (11 – 12) Symbols (13 – 18) An Auto Training Experiment (19 – 30) Meditation and Knowledge (31 – 34)... more

Meditation (3 – 10)
Meditation and Consciousness (11 – 12)
Symbols (13 – 18)
An Auto Training Experiment (19 – 30)
Meditation and Knowledge (31 – 34)
Holisticity of the World (35 - 37)
The Bayesian Syllogism (38 – 39
Consciousness and Knowledge (40)
Conclusions, and my Literature (41 - 42)

By encouraging reflection and questioning, rather than passive memorisation, teachers keep alive the “flames of intelligence”, which is so much more than abstract problem-solving skills. By accommodating differences and refusing to label... more

Contents 1. Meditation 2 1.1 On the Meditation Practice 3 1.2 Meditation in Eastern Christianity 4 1.3 Hesychasm 4 1.4 Meditation in Medieval Europe: The Sermon of Meister Eckhart 4 1.5 Dream as a State Close to Meditation 5 1.6... more

1. Meditation 2
1.1 On the Meditation Practice 3
1.2 Meditation in Eastern Christianity 4
1.3 Hesychasm 4
1.4 Meditation in Medieval Europe: The Sermon of Meister Eckhart 4
1.5 Dream as a State Close to Meditation 5
1.6 Meditation and Consciousness 5
1.6.1 Meditations as a Journey Inside Oneself 5
1.7 Our Unconscious self 5
1.7.1 Can the Unconscious Be Socially Controlled? 5
1.8 Symbols 5
1.8.1 Symbols in the Variety of Their Manifestations 5
1.8.2 Masonry 6
1.8.3 Simple Geometric Symbols 6
1.8.4 Trinity 6
1.8.5 Cross …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
1.8.6 Numerical Symbol Eight 7
1.8.7 Mandalas 7
1.9 Concluding Remarks 7
1.10 An Auto Training Experiment 7
1.11 The Triad 8
1.12 Freedom 8
1.13 Slavery 8
1.14 Dignity 8
1.15 Symbols 9
1.16 Experimental Experiences 9
1.17 The Unconscious 11
1.18 Mandala 11
2 Meditation and Knowledge 11
2.1 Knowledge as an Experience 11
2.2 Create Scientific Activity as Unconscious Meditation 11
2.3 Time 13
2.4 Holisticity of the world 13
2.4.1 Reincarnation 13
2.4.2 Other Realities 14
2.5 Potentiality 14
2.6 Knowledge and Love ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
2.7 World View 14
2.8 The Bayesion Syllogism 15
2.9 Consciousness and Knowledge 15
2.10 Conclusions 16

Zuerst soll die klassische Kausalität, hier Kausalität2 genannt, die den Stein des Anstosses für alle Evolutionisten darstellt, in einem Minimodell definiert werden. Dieses wiederum erlaubt in einfacher Weise einen Vergleich mit dem... more

Zuerst soll die klassische Kausalität, hier Kausalität2 genannt, die den Stein des Anstosses für alle Evolutionisten darstellt, in einem Minimodell definiert werden. Dieses wiederum erlaubt in einfacher Weise einen Vergleich mit dem Modell der statistischen Verursachung (Kausalität1). Unter Benutzung von systemtheoretischen Bedingungen wird gezeigt, daß sich dieses Modell besonders gut zur Erklärung von evolutionären Verursachungsketten und von gegen-seitiger Verursachung eignet. Der entscheidende Unterschied zwischen Kausalität1 und Kausalität2 zeigt sich klar, wenn man die klassische Kausalität (Kausalität2) wie sie der Newtonschen Theorie zugrunde liegt, einfach ohne Zufallserscheinungen zu berücksichtigen, auf biologische oder soziale Theorien überträgt. Immer dann, wenn wir den Zufall (Zufallsereignisse) in ein streng deterministisches System einführen, wird es, gemäß den alten Vorstellungen von Epikur und Karneades, indeterminis-tisch. 'Indeterministisch' heißt einfach, daß wir das zukünftige Verhalten eines bestimmten Individuums nicht mit einer definitiven Ja-oder Nein-Aussage ausdrücken können, sondern nur mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit p(e l). In typisch biologischen Systemen ist dieser Unbestimmtheitsspielraum der Einzelindividuen durch gegenseitige Beeinflussung, durch Zufall oder durch den Einfluß von übergeordneten Systemen ihrer Umgebung verursacht. Die Kausalität1 erklärt so, wenn sie zu zeitinvarianten, d.h. über Raum und Zeit ihren Zustand oder ihre Form erhaltenden Systemen führt, wie Naturgesetze als 'Invarianzen' verstanden werden können, wie noch eingehend in den nächsten Abschnitten gezeigt wird. Die Annahme einer Kausalität1 führt, wenn sie global gilt, zu einem einzigen kausal1 zusammenhängenden holistischen System (Bio-und Ökosysteme eingeschlossen), dessen Sub-systeme, Systeme und Supersysteme ein einziges offenes, nicht notwendigerweise linear hierarchisches, mit dazwischenliegenden Kausalschlingen, kybernetischen Zyklen etc. zusammengesetztes, kausales Wirkungssystem bilden. Diese Annahme wurde systemtheoretisch zum Aufbau einer Ontologie verwendet (Leinfellner-Leinfellner 1978). Die Annahme, daß das Universum ein kausal1-zusammenhängendes Wirkungssystem ist, kann als Konsequenz des berühmten Bell-Theorems angesehen werden, das hier in einer einfachen, analogen Formulierung benützt wird.

The spectrum of dental care is expanded across a wide approach including treatment measures involving the overall health care of the patient without the extensive use of conventional medicines. At times, diseases constrain their response... more

The spectrum of dental care is expanded across a wide approach including treatment measures involving the overall health care of the patient
without the extensive use of conventional medicines. At times, diseases constrain their response to methodical therapeutic measures. In the
course of relief, patients spend their fortune, and so, a need for excavating the root cause of a dental ailment is of utmost importance. Healing
does not necessarily occur on the sole basis of medicines. Various other factors in addition to the regular measures play a vital role in the dental
treatment modalities. Holistic dentistry is one such branch in which the dentist, practices to achieve comprehensive dental care by finding out
the root etiological factor of the disease and initiating therapy accordingly. Understanding the importance of a healthy mind, body, and soul to
successfully treat a patient with a dental ailment, ushering towards a better, successful, and efficient dental practice with utmost satisfaction
on the patient’s end. Holistic dentistry plays a key factor in unlocking the overall health care of the patient.

Any type of growth or creativity involves a tearing away of the old so that new structures can be created. This article describes this process and puts it in the context of the Buddha’s journey toward enlightenment, Christ’s crucifixion,... more

Any type of growth or creativity involves a tearing away of the old so that new structures can be created. This article describes this process and puts it in the context of the Buddha’s journey toward enlightenment, Christ’s crucifixion, Silverman”s theory of dysynchrony, Piaget’s equilibration principle, and Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration. The similar processes of creativity and enlightenment are then illustrated using the Wallas Model of creativity that describes the four stages of this process: preparation, incubation, insight, and verification

On PDF: Introduction of the chapter Tourism can play a fundamental role as a tool for establishing ties with oneself and with other people to contribute to the development of peace. In this chapter, authors propose to study the different... more

On PDF: Introduction of the chapter
Tourism can play a fundamental role as a tool for establishing ties with oneself and with other people to contribute to the development of peace. In this chapter, authors propose to study the different dimensions of the concept of peace by studying the project of Trails for Peace, a project born as a non-profit social entrepreneurial project that integrates different routes around the world that have a special significance for their relationship with some conflict areas. Trails help travelers to know the natural areas and to build inner peace through various spiritual activities. The project helps to promote the welfare of people by involving local communities to foster contact between visitors and tourists and sustainable development. This chapter aims to analyse the impact the project has on the areas where these paths have been developed.

Our research reflects an emerging shift in understandings of effective preparedness practices from siloed approaches toward more holistic views over the past three decades. We trace a shifting perspective of how preparedness has evolved... more

Our research reflects an emerging shift in understandings of effective preparedness practices from siloed approaches toward more holistic views over the past three decades. We trace a shifting perspective of how preparedness has evolved over time by preparedness practitioners through the lens of operational literature. Through a qualitative study consisting of interviews of current preparedness experts in an international humanitarian organization whose core mission is disaster preparedness and response, we further explore the current emergence of a more holistic view of preparedness across sectors and disciplines. According to this emerging perspective, successful preparedness can be characterized by a) cross-sector mainstreaming, b) harnessing the term “resilience” to close the gap between development and response, and c) exposing the broader identity of capacity as community empowerment and central to preparedness. Designing effective and innovative policies, programs and tools for disaster preparedness requires us to better understand the dynamic and implicit ways practitioners define and practice effective work. Our research begins to uncover preparedness experts’ perspectives, how they do their work, and what they value. Our findings hold implications for the more effective design of the policies, programs, and tools to support the future trend toward a more holistic view of disaster preparedness.

Cross-frames are bridge structural members that provide lateral-load resistance and stability during construction, reduce buckling length of the compression flanges of steel girders, and to contribute to distribution of traffic loads... more

Cross-frames are bridge structural members that provide lateral-load resistance and stability during construction, reduce buckling length of the compression flanges of steel girders, and to contribute to distribution of traffic loads among girders at in-service bridges. It is hypothesized that cross-frames, play positive role in load distribution among the girders, and by extension contribute in increasing bridge system capacity. Furthermore, understanding the mechanisms behind the load sharing among bridge components at design and inelastic load levels could help with better understanding system-level behavior of bridges. In the light of the nationwide high inventory of structurally deficient bridges, the application of system-level analysis would allow for better identification and prioritization of the most critical structures and allow for a more efficient use of the limited financial resources available for infrastructure investments. Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate the role that cross-frame play in bridge stress distribution at in-service bridge. Prior research showed that for highway steel I-girder bridges, bridge skew, cross-frame type, and cross-frame placement can significantly affect bridge response in terms of stress distribution. Cross-fame designs (K-frame vs. X-frame), cross-frame layouts (inline vs. staggered) and five bridge skews (0°, 25°, 46°, 55° and 63°) were selected as parameters of interest. Additionally, FE models without the cross-frames (No-frame models) were added to each bridge skew. Combining all parameters of interest total of 25 bridge FE modes were built and analyzed.Stress distributions of main bridge components (girders, deck and cross-frames were extracted) from the models and evaluated using “holistic” level approach. The “holistic” level approach refers to comprehensive assessment of all FEA stress distribution data, not only peak values. The results showed that by using “holistic” evaluation of stress distribution data, we were able to identify and quantify best performing cross-frame configuration. However, results also indicate that removing cross-frames from bridges did not substantially affected stress distributions throughout the bridge. This finding was further strengthened by Tensor decomposition analysis of stress distribution data. This method found that removing cross-frames from the bridge models did not affect substantially stress distributions at design load levels. Although, removing cross-frames from the bridge models did affect stress distribution at first yield and system yield load level, it did not affect overall system capacity of the bridge.