Cybernetics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

An ecomimetic method is developed as an innovative and transdisciplinary design approach rooted in the field of biomimetics. This new method emulates the interrelated complexity of the parts of an ecosystem with the intent to design... more

An ecomimetic method is developed as an innovative and transdisciplinary design approach rooted in the field of biomimetics. This new method emulates the interrelated complexity of the parts of an ecosystem with the intent to design buildings that are more efficient, effective and holistic. Ecomimetics refers to the design of buildings that mimic ecosystem processes and functions. This approach provides potential opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation by optimizing the use of resources in buildings. One challenge to the application of ecomimetics in architecture is the lack of systematic methods supported by scientific research, which may prevent development in this field. A theoretical basis and the initial development of an ecomimetic design method is presented, with a description of each step of the design process. Ecological systems are selected for functional properties that match architectural design goals, and then design tools are used to abstract and transfer those properties to architectural systems. The design tools integrated in the method are from the fields of ecological engineering, systems dynamics and architecture. The case of the Eastgate Center in Harare, Zimbabwe, is used to illustrate the method.

This paper contributes a new materialist approach towards relevant new media topics concerning computational systems, cybernetics and electrochemical assemblages, environmental media, artificial intelligence, and the self-organising... more

This paper contributes a new materialist approach towards relevant new media topics concerning computational systems, cybernetics and electrochemical assemblages, environmental media, artificial intelligence, and the self-organising capabilities of inorganic technologies and/or nonhuman organisms. Specifically, I will examine artworks that demonstrate the neuronal influences of audiovisual stimuli upon sensorial systems of control through the imperceptible feedback loops existing between all matter, electrical energy, and environmental media. The artist on whom I will focus is Carlos Castellanos, who directly examines environmental media and feedback loops within inorganic and non-biological systems of growth through experimentation with physical computing and alternative interfaces. I will argue that through artworks concerning the relationship between structure, matter, self-organisation and boundaries of the inorganic versus the organic, Castellanos illustrates the ways in which cybernetic feedback loops exist between sensorial systems of growth and their surrounding environmental inputs, of which includes the variable of audiovisual stimuli. Namely, I will discuss how Castellanos’ work with electrochemical assemblages in his cybernetic (Pask) artwork Biopoeisis (2012) and his blurring of the ontological boundaries of becoming for the (in)organic in his upcoming collaborative artwork entitled Beauty (2020), of which is to be credited under the art-group name , offers a fresh perspective on the materiality of sensorial (in)organic growth systems through re-defining and re-examining the scope of environmental media.

Technology plays an ever increasing role in our lives, more so now than ever in human history. With advances in the fields of biology, neuroscience, robotics and engineering, we stand on the precipice of great and exciting change... more

Technology plays an ever increasing role in our lives, more so now than ever in human history. With advances in the fields of biology, neuroscience, robotics and engineering, we stand on the precipice of great and exciting change according to some, or a moral and social pitfall according to others. In this essay, I introduce the reader to the ‘transhumanist agenda’, explore the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche on the quandary of human purpose and destiny; canvass the different opinions of various authors, philosophers, scientists and artists on the topics of human augmentation and bring to light the potential effects such technology might have on society in the future. This dissertation proposes and argues the need for more public exposure to the concept of ‘Transhumanism’, how mainstream media can help to provide the means to do so, and why it is important for humanity to ask the relevant questions on its implications at this present time.

... This is shown as the following mark: ... Death is the only truth in our life. The body of your abbu [father] has disappeared but he will continue to be with us as a golden part of our memory and source of inspiration to be right when... more

... This is shown as the following mark: ... Death is the only truth in our life. The body of your abbu [father] has disappeared but he will continue to be with us as a golden part of our memory and source of inspiration to be right when everything else seems wrong. Be his soul in peace. ...

Biological processes and methods have been influencing science and technology for many decades. The ideas of feedback and control processes Norbert Wiener used in his cybernetics were based on observation of these phenomena in biological... more

Biological processes and methods have been influencing science and technology for many decades. The ideas of feedback and control processes Norbert Wiener used in his cybernetics were based on observation of these phenomena in biological systems. Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems have been fundamentally interested in the phenomenology of living systems, namely perception, decision-making, action, and learning. Natural systems exhibit many properties that form fundamentals for a number of nature inspired applications – dynamics, flexibility, robustness, self-organisation, simplicity of basic elements, and decentralization. This paper reviews examples of nature inspired software applications focused on optimization problems, mostly drawing inspiration from collective behaviour of social colonies.

An outline of this edition, and acknowledgements of gratitude for the foundation of the journal.

Corporate consulting, a one-time seemingly marvelous mixture of bare-knuckle rationalization, esoterica, and visionary futurism, is invariably deployed when business structures threaten to lose their equilibrium. What it actually means to... more

Corporate consulting, a one-time seemingly marvelous mixture of bare-knuckle rationalization, esoterica, and visionary futurism, is invariably deployed when business structures threaten to lose their equilibrium. What it actually means to be consulted, the part played by media in consulting, and how the branch of corporate consulting became a system of knowledge with such a socially important role is the object of this book. For the first time, it explores the ways in which the latest media technology, avant-garde aesthetics, economic pressures, and holistic philosophy together constituted the form of consulting dominant today, and which consequences arise from this. Thus it follows the work of early corporate consultants like Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and H. L. Gantt, while analyzing and describing their visual consulting models. The book develops a new, innovative, interdisciplinary approach, situated between media and business history, media archeology, and social theory, and thereby charts the genesis of modern consulting knowledge. It reveals that corporate consulting must be conceptualized in close relation to the visual culture that prevailed during this time, one which drew from nineteenth-century visualization methods and, more particularly, the new medium of film. Consulting is a cultural technique that is markedly characterized by media processes, in which the boundaries of economic logic and legitimacy emerge, and which, at the same time, considerably shapes and stabilizes this modus operandi up to the present day.

This article analyzes the development of Soviet scientific future studies after World War II, arguing that the field’s theory and methods undermined the certainty of the communist future and laid the foundations for a new Soviet... more

This article analyzes the development of Soviet scientific future studies after World War II, arguing that the field’s theory and methods undermined the certainty of the communist future and laid the foundations for a new Soviet governmentality that acknowledged the intrinsic uncertainty of future development. The emphasis on uncertainty-but also the need for more data that could freely circulate between different branches of government and hence more transparency (glasnost’)-called for radical revisions to Soviet notions of effective governance. Whereas some used future studies to criticize the actual practices of Soviet economic planning, others used this new type of expertise to extend personal influence and accumulate organizational power. Both cases, however, made it clear that Soviet governance had to accommodate the shift toward new constellations of power/knowledge in which scientific experts would play an ever-increasing role in shaping policy with regard to a fundamentally uncertain future.

Hayle’s extensive six-year research included extensive reading of the history of cybernetics, interviews with scientists in computational biology, reading cultural and literary texts engaged in research on virtual reality, cybernetics,... more

Hayle’s extensive six-year research included extensive reading of the history of cybernetics, interviews with scientists in computational biology, reading cultural and literary texts engaged in research on virtual reality, cybernetics, information theory, autopsies, computer simulation and cognitive science. This tedious research all generated from a particular passage in Hans Moravec’s Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence. She describes it as a nightmare...

The algorithmic processes underlying digital media entail that elements of the unseen are integrated into processes of visualization. What is visible in a digital image, for instance, is merely the tangible output of procedures which are... more

The algorithmic processes underlying digital media entail that elements of the unseen are integrated into processes of visualization. What is visible in a digital image, for instance, is merely the tangible output of procedures which are obscured from view. Borrowing from ecological theory, using Jacob von Uexkuell’s concept, the Umwelt, this paper explores synergies between notions of biological perception, cybernetic sensing and Harun Farocki’s concept of the operative image. Working from this conceptual framework, a technological notion of Umwelt is developed and applied in analysis of related computer science research and relevant artistic projects. The transdisciplinary approach applied in this investigation aims to frame artistic experimentation with algorithmic mediation of perception in reference to the technoscientific context these practices emerge from.

This article is part Eight of a series exploring the links between evaluation and technologies. It considers the rehabilitation of RCTs as a methodology through a new relationship with big data: one that repurposes the technology of RCTs... more

This article is part Eight of a series exploring the links between evaluation and technologies. It considers the rehabilitation of RCTs as a methodology through a new relationship with big data: one that repurposes the technology of RCTs to be useful within the lifecycle of the intervention. Reconsidering the application of impact evaluation provides an opportunity to apply the uncanny valley to evaluation contexts to give us a “good enough” view of results.

Neorealism is one of the most influential theories of international relations, and its first theorist, Kenneth Waltz, a giant of the discipline. But why did Waltz move from a rather traditional form of classical realist political theory... more

Neorealism is one of the most influential theories of international relations, and its first theorist, Kenneth Waltz, a giant of the discipline. But why did Waltz move from a rather traditional form of classical realist political theory in the 1950s to neorealism in the 1970s? A possible answer is that Waltz's Theory of International Politics was his attempt to reconceive classical realism in a liberal form. Classical realism paid a great deal of attention to decisionmaking and statesmanship, and concomitantly asserted a nostalgic, anti-liberal political ideology. Neorealism, by contrast, dismissed the issue of foreign policymaking and decisionmaking. This shift reflected Waltz's desire to reconcile his acceptance of classical realism's tenets with his political commitment to liberalism. To do so, Waltz incorporated cybernetics and systems theory into Theory of International Politics, which allowed him to develop a theory of international relations no longer burdened with the problem of decisionmaking.

Review of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

This paper focuses on women who worked at Bell Telephone Company in the USA during 1930s and 1940s as telephone operators, and the training programmes they went through. Transmission of information depended on their actions because they... more

This paper focuses on women who worked at Bell Telephone Company in the USA during 1930s and 1940s as telephone operators, and the training programmes they went through. Transmission of information depended on their actions because they had to facilitate the switchboards, and therefore held a crucial position as part of the communication channel. Thus, Bell felt they should tune their ‘bad’ behaviour which embodied noise in their systems. In order to maintain equilibrium, Bell enmeshed Michel Foucault’s disciplinary and biopower forms of governmentality and developed a hybrid form. This combination was seen in their flagship training programme, A Design for Living, where Bell penetrated operators’ bodies and minds, inside and outside work. When the operators revolted, Bell realised power should be exercised through automated dial machines. This would then become an inspiration for cybernetics who aimed to control communication systems that constructed information’s correct behaviour, and consequently users.

La struttura delle comunicazioni, che già Marx prese in esame, è ormai ad un livello altissimo di integrazione mondiale: lo sviluppo dei traffici e delle reti informatiche, la conservazione dei dati in memorie sempre più diffuse nella... more

La struttura delle comunicazioni, che già Marx prese in esame, è ormai ad un livello altissimo di integrazione mondiale: lo sviluppo dei traffici e delle reti informatiche, la conservazione dei dati in memorie sempre più diffuse nella società, l'elaborazione interattiva di questi dati, in tempo reale o differito, quindi il raggiungimento di una indifferenza spaziale e temporale nella comunicazione fra uomini, tutto ciò fa parte della maturazione di quel cervello collettivo che la società di domani saprà utilizzare al meglio per un nuovo e inimmaginabile balzo; e il risultato sarà così potente da potersi paragonare a quello raggiunto dall'umanità con il passaggio dalla raccolta in natura alla produzione cosciente di cibo e manufatti.

This little·book attempts an ambitious task: to give a bird's eye view of cognitive sciences today. Thus, this essay is like a compact, reasoned tour of an as yet ill-defined multidisciplinary field. Alongside human history of nature... more

This little·book attempts an ambitious task: to give a bird's eye view of cognitive sciences today. Thus, this essay is like a compact, reasoned tour of an as yet ill-defined multidisciplinary field. Alongside human history of nature there is corresponding history of ideas about human self-knowledge …. Like mirrors to each other, self and nature move in time like partners in a dance. The natural history of self-knowledge in the west remains to be done …. Human mind is the prime source and closest example of cognition and knowledge. From this background, the modern phase of cognitive science represents a remarkable mutation in this parallel history of mind and nature. For the first time science fully recognizes the investigation about knowledge itself, in all its levels, as legitimate.

Dalam teori belajar sibernetik, belajar adalah pengelolahan iformasi. Proses belajar memang penting dalam teori ini, namun yang lebih penting adalah sistem informasi yang diproses yang akan dipelajari siswa. Pendapat lain adalah bahwa... more

Dalam teori belajar sibernetik, belajar adalah pengelolahan iformasi. Proses belajar memang penting dalam teori ini, namun yang lebih penting adalah sistem informasi yang diproses yang akan dipelajari siswa. Pendapat lain adalah bahwa tidak ada satu proses belajarpun yang ideal untuk segala situasi, dan yang cocok untuk semua siswa.

This article examines the conception of art history put forth by Chilean artist Juan Downey (1940-1993) in two of his videos from the Thinking Eye series: Information Withheld, 1983, and The Looking Glass, 1980. The focus of the analysis... more

This article examines the conception of art history put forth by Chilean artist Juan Downey (1940-1993) in two of his videos from the Thinking Eye series: Information Withheld, 1983, and The Looking Glass, 1980. The focus of the analysis is on the visual strategies Downey used to implement the pictorial theories of art critic and historian Leo Steinberg in reference to Vélazquez's Las Meninas and Michelangelo's Tondo Doni. More generally, the article shows how video artists in the 1980s turned to both historiography and cybernetics in conceiving art for television.

W tekście zaprezentowano założenia narzędzia badawczego, mającego pomagać w porządkowaniu badań instytucjonalnych w ramach nauk politycznych. Wyjściowo przyjęto, że potrzebne jest dążenie do uzgadniania pytań, hipotez i wniosków... more

W tekście zaprezentowano założenia narzędzia badawczego, mającego pomagać w porządkowaniu badań instytucjonalnych w ramach nauk politycznych. Wyjściowo przyjęto, że potrzebne jest dążenie do uzgadniania pytań, hipotez i wniosków badawczych pochodzących z różnych instytucjonalnych nurtów teoretycznych, a wsparciem przy realizacji tego celu może być narzędzie o charakterze metodologicznym.
Proponowane narzędzie oparto na elementach analizy systemowej – dwóch modelach identyfikacji systemu i pojęciu sprzężenia między systemami. Wydaje się, że takie połączenie pozwala na mapowanie układów instytucjonalnych zwłaszcza na etapie konceptualizacji i operacjonalizacji badania. Ilustracją zastosowania procedury mapowania jest analiza relacji między Trybunałem Konstytucyjnym z Sejmem w momencie zmiany Konstytucji w 1997 roku.

During the last decades, architecture has changed its role from fetishizing and fertilizing objectification and objects alike towards glamorising the processing of relations, observations and materialization of the objectile1. Steering... more

During the last decades, architecture has changed its role from fetishizing and
fertilizing objectification and objects alike towards glamorising the processing
of relations, observations and materialization of the objectile1. Steering the
design process in contemporary computational architecture through and
with a variety of dynamic, interconnecting agents affords re-framing, reviewing,
and re-designing prescribed patterns of creating architecture. It
critically encourages to examine the concept of feedback beyond the beloved
evolutionary algorithm, which presents a technical rather than architectural
cultural calculus. ‚CYBERNETICS FEEDBACK NETGRAFT’ proposes
cybernetic principles as blueprint or genotype for computational architecture.
Such principles allow for a systemic continuation of re-programming the
architectural culture currently at stake. The forthcoming observation hovers
between theories and meta-models. It argues that the possibilities for design
increase through digitization and digitalization2. In this respect, the chapter
refers to Ross Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety (Ashby 1957) on one hand
and to emergence through digital self-organization on the other. (DeLanda
2011; Johnson 2001). The text offers a critic of the bio-digital and too
fantastic (Werner 2014, pp.229-230). I am starting to suggest an ‘architectural
laboratorium of and for computational theory’ built on a systemic approach
to emergence and the unforeseen - nourished by cybernetic principles: a
cybernetification that eventually can govern and feed back into practice and
the art of architecture.
Keywords: feedback, cybernetification, network, Anthropocene, ecology,

The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and... more

The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics
Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enhanced the human interactions and have contributed to “reinvent” classical concepts such as political participation, political debate, decision-making. However, their all-encom- passing, ubiquitous nature and their growing use for political and military purposes poses significant risks to international peace, stability and security. The low barrier of access to ICT capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyberspace environment with regard to traditional legal definitions of borders have presented new challenges to States (the main actors of international relations) such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber-attacks. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of parties to attribute cyber-attacks and incidents “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to build trust and political rapport in cyberspace. The purpose of this research is to analyze how cyberspace affects the international politics. The nature of the topic dictates the use of qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources such as official reports, declarations and policy documents, and academic analysis, in order to understand effects and dynamics carried out by the cyber domain on classical concepts such as war, peace and international relations. The main idea of this research is that the development of Information and Communication Technolo- gies (ICTs) and the related (r)evolution of warfare have produced relevant effects on the dynamics of the contemporary international system highlighting, at the same time, how the militarization of the cyber domain has posed consequences on interna- tional security, peace and stability. However, the lack of specific research related to “cyberspace’s effects on international politics” highlights the need to devote more attention on this topic bearing in mind that, more extensive and enduring analysis on cyberspace’s dynamics might allowed policy makers the opportunity to improve
awareness related to cyber threats in order to governing challenges emerging from the digital sphere.