Japanese Linguistics Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Kanji Dictionary for Foreigners Learning Japanese


Neste volume há a contribuição de pesquisadores de diversas instituições, que vêm atuando continuamente para o desenvolvimento do ensino da língua japonesa como língua estrangeira (LE) no Brasil. Os artigos apresentados abrangem temas... more

Neste volume há a contribuição de pesquisadores de diversas instituições, que vêm atuando continuamente para o desenvolvimento do ensino da língua japonesa como língua estrangeira (LE) no Brasil. Os artigos apresentados abrangem temas variados e significativos para o ensino desta língua, como a formação de professores estaduais do estado de São Paulo e do Paraná, a formação de professores universitários críticos-analíticos, os desafios de se estabelecer um curso de língua japonesa, as ocorrências linguísticas nas falas de professores, as crenças, ações e reflexões feitas por uma aprendiz de japonês como LE, o estudo dos ideogramas sino-japoneses pela perspectiva do Tao, o ensino de fonologia da língua japonesa como LE. Assim, temos em um único volume uma diversidade de perspectivas que estimulam a reflexão e releitura de temas relevantes, e trazem à luz novas abordagens sobre tópicos que ainda não receberam a devida atenção dos pesquisadores.

This chapter discusses so-called “internally headed relative clauses” (IHRCs) in modern Japanese in which the head noun is placed inside the relative clause, as in the sentence ringo-ga tukue-no ue-ni aru no-o totte tabeta ‘I picked up an... more

This chapter discusses so-called “internally headed relative clauses” (IHRCs) in modern Japanese in which the head noun is placed inside the relative clause, as in the sentence ringo-ga tukue-no ue-ni aru no-o totte tabeta ‘I picked up an apple which was (lit. is) on the desk and ate it.’ The relationship between the nominalized argument of the main clause verb and the so-called head noun inside the IHRC has been neglected in previous studies. By examining this relationship, I argue that this construction in fact does not fit the definition of a relative clause,
but rather should be seen as a construction marked by the bound nominalizer no. Furthermore, by adopting the approach of the Radical Construction Grammar developed by Croft (2001), I examine various semantic and pragmatic functions of this construction, and propose that the no-clause construction can span across the four prototypes of complex sentences, namely, relative clauses, adverbials clauses, complements, and coordination, and makes those Japanese complex sentences a unified continuum. This versatility of nominalization is not limited to Japanese and is observed in other languages as well.

Loanwords (gairaigo), words ‘borrowed’ from other languages, are an integral part of the Japanese language, and are estimated to account for around 10% of the modern Japanese lexicon. While loanwords are conventionally written with the... more

Loanwords (gairaigo), words ‘borrowed’ from other languages, are an integral part of the Japanese language, and are estimated to account for around 10% of the modern Japanese lexicon. While loanwords are conventionally written with the katakana script, some contemporary examples appear in the hiragana script, which is usually reserved for words of Japanese origin. A corpus of loanwords in hiragana was assembled and analysed in order to describe typical characteristics of these words, such as the source language and method of elongating vowels, as well as the genres of text in which such words appear. The motivation for the use of hiragana for loanwords is also discussed, and expands on selected welldocumented functions of loanwords. For example, loanwords can be used to fill lexical gaps, or give a ‘cool’ or ‘modern’ image to a referent. These functions are discussed specifically in relation to loanwords in hiragana. The results of this study extend prior research on loanwords in Japanese, and reinforce the often-cited flexibility and adaptability of the Japanese writing system.

新日语能力考试万词对策N3级2000 [はじめての日本語能力試験N3単語2000]

本研究で開発した日本語学習者のための例文検索システムは、web上の膨大な電子情報をコーパスとして活用し日本語学習者のレベルにあった例文提示を可能にしたシステムである。語彙指導には例文の提示が欠かせないが、学習者のレベルにあった自然な日本語の例文を大量に作成するのは容易ではない。このシステムによって、学びたい単語や表現を含む自然な例文の検索が容易に行えるばかりでなく、文法的特性や共起関係などについても学習することが可能になる。本システムの評価実験は、日本語母語話者および非母語... more


Japanese noun modifying constructions (NMCs hereafter) can be divided into two major types: uti no kankei 'inner relationship' and soto no kankei 'outer relationship'. This classification was created by Teramura (1975-1978), which is... more

Japanese noun modifying constructions (NMCs hereafter) can be divided into two major types: uti no kankei 'inner relationship' and soto no kankei 'outer relationship'. This classification was created by Teramura (1975-1978), which is Japanese-specific and has been used in Japanese education for non-Japanese speakers to teach NMCs. This paper examines the similarities and differences of NMCs between Japanese and Marathi by applying the Teramura's classification. Particularly, it focuses on how Japanese outer relationship construction corresponds to Marathi. This paper will also provide key points to be considered at the time of introducing Japanese NMCs to Marathi native speakers.

Omoiyari is known as one of the most ideal ways of behaviour in Japanese society. The word has been translated in Japanese-English dictionaries as nouns: “consideration”, “sympathy”, “empathy”, “compassion”, and adjectives: thoughtful”... more

Omoiyari is known as one of the most ideal ways of behaviour in Japanese society.
The word has been translated in Japanese-English dictionaries as nouns: “consideration”, “sympathy”,
“empathy”, “compassion”, and adjectives: thoughtful” and “sensitive”. Additionally, Rohlen (1974) suggested
combinations of English words such as “concerned sensitivity”, “empathetic sensing”, “concerned empathy” and
“concerned emphatic kindness”. However, as Travis (1992) showed in her work, none of these words correspond
to the full meaning of omoiyari, which is described in Japanese primary schools’ curricula as “Omoiyari tte nan
darou. Doushitara ii no.” (“What is an omoiyari. What is the best thing to do?”) and by Lebra (1976) as a way of
harmonious Japanese communication and coexistence with others. Omoiyari, similarly to other types of
behaviour, needs to be taught to children by their families and schools.
The paper aims to approach the meaning of omoiyari as a concept which Japanese linguists like Lebra
and Japanese teaching curricula and books like “Katei kyouiku techou” (“Home education notebook”) try to
present to Japanese children and non-Japanese speakers. Furthermore, the paper aims to address the question
whether omoiyari is a unique concept of communication typical only for the Japanese language or if it could be
found in Polish as well. In order to illustrate that, the situations in which Japanese people perform omoiyari are
presented and the typical reactions of Polish people in the same situations are described.

The two main accounts of lexical exceptions to phonological generalizations are 1) indexing exceptions to phonological processes and 2) directly encoding them in the lexicon (Guy 2007). The fi rst approach is taken by It^o and Mester... more

The two main accounts of lexical exceptions to phonological generalizations are 1) indexing exceptions to phonological processes and 2) directly encoding them in the lexicon (Guy 2007). The fi rst approach is taken by It^o and Mester (1999, henceforth I&M) in their Core-Periphery (CP) model of OT, which groups lexical items of similar age/origin into hierarchical strata characterized by di erent rankings of Faith. However, based on historical data from Japanese and English, I show that lexically encoding the results of earlier phonological processes no longer active in the language avoids the multiple parallel synchronic phonologies required by indexing models, while capturing more generalizations about phonological change.

Interest in Japanese manga (comics) has increasingly become an important reason for studying Japanese as a second language. As a result, there has also been a trend toward trying to use manga as an educational resource, with claims that... more

Interest in Japanese manga (comics) has increasingly become an important reason for studying Japanese as a second language. As a result, there has also been a trend toward trying to use manga as an educational resource, with claims that it is “realistic” and “easier”. However, with a lack of comprehensive research on language in manga, still much is unknown—a major problem given that understanding how manga function as a medium is essential to utilizing them effectively. By introducing a corpus of eight manga series compiled for linguistic research, this paper considers some of the claimed advantages and disadvantages. To that end, this paper focuses on two points: One, manga’s particular orthographic styles and their effect on ease of reading, and two, realism and stereotypes in gendered speech patterns. While supporting the use of manga as a learning resource, this paper will argue that manga’s linguistic characteristics necessitate more consideration.

An account of the Wa people in vol. 30 of the Weishu 魏書 (Book of Wei), Sanguozhi 三國志 (Records of the Three Kingdoms), which is known in Japan as the "Giši Waǰinden 魏志倭人傳," is the oldest source that recorded dozens of Japanese words... more

An account of the Wa people in vol. 30 of the Weishu 魏書 (Book of Wei), Sanguozhi 三國志 (Records of the Three Kingdoms), which is known in Japan as the "Giši Waǰinden 魏志倭人傳," is the oldest source that recorded dozens of Japanese words phonetically transcribed in Chinese characters. By analysing these Chinese transcriptions, this paper argued that in third-century Japanese, the bilabial obstruent /p/ (Modern Japanese /h/) was realised as a plosive [p] in the initial position and as a fricative [ɸ] in the medial position.
(This is an unpublished paper prepared for my presentation made on 25 January 2013 at a seminar of the Graduate school of Letters, Kyoto University.)

文化庁の「平成19年度国語に関する世論調査」で約45%の回答者がマンガを若者言葉に影響をもたらすものとして挙げたように,絵と言葉からなるマンガは一種の言語的メディアと一般に認知されている。しかしながら,マンガ研究の多くは視覚的要素に焦点が置かれていることが多い。ここでは,通常関心の払われることの少ない言語的要素に焦点を定めたい。... more


Detey, S., Racine, I., Kawaguchi, Y. & Eychenne, J. (éds) (2016). La prononciation du français dans le monde : du natif à l’apprenant. Coll. Références. Paris : CLE international, 263 p. ISBN 9782090382419 - With CD-Rom. Preview of the... more

Omoiyari is known as one of the most ideal ways of behaviour in Japanese society. The word has been translated in Japanese-English dictionaries as “consideration”, ” sympathy”, “empathy”, “compassion”, thoughtful” and “sensitive”.... more

Omoiyari is known as one of the most ideal ways of behaviour in Japanese society.
The word has been translated in Japanese-English dictionaries as “consideration”, ” sympathy”, “empathy”, “compassion”, thoughtful” and “sensitive”. Additionally, Rohlen (1974) suggested combinations of English words such as “concerned sensitivity”, “empathetic sensing”, “concerned empathy” and “concerned emphatic kindness”. However, as Travis (1992) showed in her work, none of these words correspond to the full meaning of omoiyari, which is described in Japanese primary schools’ programmes as “Omoiyari tte nan darou. Doushitara ii no.” (“What is an omoiyari. What is the best thing to do?”) and by Lebra (1976) as a way of harmonious Japanese communication and coexistence with others. Omoiyari, similarly to other types of behavior, needs to be taught to children by their families and schools.
The paper aims to approach the meaning of omoiyari as a concept which Japanese linguists like Lebra and Japanese teaching programmes and books like “Katei kyouiku techou” (“Home education notebook”) try to present to Japanese children and non-Japanese speakers. Furthermore, the paper aims to address the question whether omoiyari is a unique concept of communication typical only for the Japanese language or if it could be found in Polish as well. In order to illustrate that, the situations in which Japanese people perform omoiyari are presented and the typical reactions of Polish people in the same situations are described.

※Edisi baru di-upload pada 27/02/2017. Diperbaiki dari edisi pertama beberapa kesalahan. 新版を2017/2/27にアップしました。初版からいくつかの誤りを修正しました。 1. はじめに(pengantar) 2. 新情報・旧情報(informasi baru dan informasi lama) 3. 視点(sudut pandang) 4. 情報のなわ張り(teritori... more

※Edisi baru di-upload pada 27/02/2017. Diperbaiki dari edisi pertama beberapa kesalahan. 新版を2017/2/27にアップしました。初版からいくつかの誤りを修正しました。
1. はじめに(pengantar) 2. 新情報・旧情報(informasi baru dan informasi lama) 3. 視点(sudut pandang) 4. 情報のなわ張り(teritori informasi) 5. 指示詞(kata tunjuk) 6.終助詞「ね」「よ」(kata bantu akhir kalimat ne dan yo) 7. 敬語(honorifik) 8. 「やり・もらい」動詞(kata kerja yari dan morai) 9. テンス・アスペクト(tense dan aspek) 10. 「ている」形(bentuk teiru) 11. 語の意味(makna kata) 12. カテゴリー化(kategorisasi) 13. メタファー(metafora) 14. スキーマとネットワーク(skema dan jaringan)

The complexity and plurality of scripts and writing devices, such as auxiliary text or "ruby," used in nonconventional writing in Japan are outlined, and various aspects, such as the use of loan scripts, are shown to parallel aspects of... more

The complexity and plurality of scripts and writing devices, such as auxiliary text or "ruby," used in nonconventional writing in Japan are outlined, and various aspects, such as the use of loan scripts, are shown to parallel aspects of spoken language contact. The complexity of Japanese writing overall is attributed to "indirect" language contact with languages encountered predominantly in written form, especially Literary Chinese in the past and English nowadays, to which the concept of "total availability" that R. A. Miller (1967) uses to characterize neologism in Japan is applied. Specific choices of script are described in terms of cultural stereotypes and Jakobson's (1960) functions of language. Advertising and manga are identified as the major sources of many nonconventional practices that then spread into youth writing and even popular fiction. In each point, there is a parallel between choices in spoken language and in script choice.

UPPER INTERMEDIATE MINNA NO NIHONGO 2 IS HERE! The Minna no Nihongo Translation and Grammatical Notes download now! Ps. Message ME directly for the main textbook because its larger than 100MB that's why I might not be able to upload it... more

The Minna no Nihongo Translation and Grammatical Notes download now!
Ps. Message ME directly for the main textbook because its larger than 100MB that's why I might not be able to upload it here!

Minna no Nihongo Shokyuu de Yomeru Topic 25 is a book correlated with Minna no nihongo series. It contains short stories and texts with exercises along with vocabulary list and answer key. It helps the student with reading the Japanese... more

Minna no Nihongo Shokyuu de Yomeru Topic 25 is a book correlated with Minna no nihongo series.
It contains short stories and texts with exercises along with vocabulary list and answer key. It helps the student with reading the Japanese alphabet and understanding the written Japanese.