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The paper defines and shows how to use the Minimal Ratio – an exact metric that expresses the ratio between the measured value and the limits of the confidence interval calculated according to the formula Fischer’s exact test is based on.... more

The paper defines and shows how to use the Minimal Ratio – an exact metric that expresses the ratio between the measured value and the limits of the confidence interval calculated according to the formula Fischer’s exact test is based on. The metric is meant to assist with keywords and collocations extraction and comparing texts or corpora according to the word types distribution or other similar criteria.

This study describes the sequential pattern of "through-produced" multiple questions using Conversation Analysis that sets the agenda dimension of questions, and the academic conditions that advance its use during turns at talk... more

This study describes the sequential pattern of "through-produced" multiple questions using Conversation Analysis that sets the agenda dimension of questions, and the academic conditions that advance its use during turns at talk from five faculty meetings. Results show that a. No first-pair of the "through-produced" questions has been answered; b. the answers to the second-pair questions are achieved through paraphrases, clarifications, keyword repetitions, and circuitous rephrasing until the hearer conforms with the agenda set; c. The subordinates frame their default identities with lower epistemic knowledge, and d. "Through-produced" multiple questions can be a manifestation of Chair's power. Implications and recommendations for cross-linguistic comparisons are offered to generalize the findings beyond the specific domain of the meeting.

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The fundamental assumption in this book is that ‘Constitution’, ‘Party’and ‘Talent’ are complex, culturally defining words, functioning as a record of historical facts or ideas and as resources around which discussions and political... more

The fundamental assumption in this book is that ‘Constitution’, ‘Party’and
‘Talent’ are complex, culturally defining words, functioning as a
record of historical facts or ideas and as resources around which discussions and political actions revolved since the late XIX century in
China. Discursive resources exploited by Chinese public institutions
in order to build a strategic representation of the political system and
its values.
On the basis of these premises, by tracing the incidence of the three
keywords in Chinese political language in a diachronic perspective,
the book aims at showing how they are currently used, polysemous,
categorical, actively contested and part of a cluster. This work is based on qualitative analysis of selected primary sources in Chinese language. Legal, political and newspaper texts were identified in this book as realizations of the genre repertoire of contemporary Chinese politics. Hence, the sources were considered connected to one another in a sequential chain of action, concurring to the discursive strategy to strengthen the political institutions and to disseminate their ideology by actively fostering consensus on the selected keywords.

This chapter takes as its starting point the experiences that led Raymond Williams to compile the influential Keywords (1976), tracing the impact of the Great War on the development of language – on the capacity of simple words and... more

This chapter takes as its starting point the experiences that led Raymond Williams to compile the influential Keywords (1976), tracing the impact of the Great War on the development of language – on the capacity of simple words and phrases to absorb meanings according to changes in immediate values and in types of valuation – through the use and abuse of game-play vocabulary in the formative writings of Edward Upward and Cambridge contemporary Christopher Isherwood. Examining the surviving stories, poems and dialogues that derived from the pair’s Mortmere Fantasy, together with later more overtly autobiographical works, the chapter draws on Judith Butler’s work on the performative to reposition these authors as maturing conscious agents actively producing their own identities through calculated acts of linguistic transgression. In rehearsing creatively the values that will shape their adult lives, these writers do not – as traditional criticism would suggest – use certain words in certain ways because of who they are, they are who they are because of the ways in which they use certain words. The Mortmere writings cannot, then, simply be dismissed as self-indulgent juvenilia, but must instead be understood as complex performances, interconnected imaginative spaces within which Upward and Isherwood collaborated to test the dominant values of their day and – finding them wanting – began to establish linguistically a .set of rules with which they could themselves identify.

doi:10.3791/50887 (2014). Obtaining in vivo human brain tissue volumetrics from MRI is often complicated by various technical and biological issues. These challenges are exacerbated when significant brain atrophy and age-related white... more

doi:10.3791/50887 (2014). Obtaining in vivo human brain tissue volumetrics from MRI is often complicated by various technical and biological issues. These challenges are exacerbated when significant brain atrophy and age-related white matter changes (e.g. Leukoaraiosis) are present. Lesion Explorer (LE) is an accurate and reliable neuroimaging pipeline specifically developed to address such issues commonly observed on MRI of Alzheimer's disease and normal elderly. The pipeline is a complex set of semi-automatic procedures which has been previously validated in a series of internal and external reliability tests1,2. However, LE's accuracy and reliability is highly dependent on properly trained manual operators to execute commands, identify distinct anatomical landmarks, and manually edit/verify various computer-generated segmentation outputs. LE can be divided into 3 main components, each requiring a set of commands and manual operations: 1) Brain-Sizer, 2) SABRE, and 3) Le...

This article pursues two tasks. The first is to clarify the value and productivity of Williams's Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society (first edition 1976, second expanded edition 1983a) for the project of Cultural Studies. This... more

This article pursues two tasks. The first is to clarify the value and productivity of Williams's Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society (first edition 1976, second expanded edition 1983a) for the project of Cultural Studies. This clarification is helped, I argue, by reading it alongside Vološinov's Marxism and the philosophy of language (published in Russian in 1929, translated into English in 1973). The second and related task is a speculative development of 'keywording' (or keyword analysis) based on an assessment of the limitations and potential of Williams's broad philological project for today. My argument is that Keywords initially sought to provide a historical map of changing patterns of feeling associated (primarily) with industrialization in England, and that this was sometimes in an uneasy relationship with what he would later name as the project of providing 'resources of hope'. One consequential limitation of the original work is that its historical perspective was built on semantic examples provided by the OED (or to give it its original title, the Oxford new English dictionary on historical principles) and supplemented with Williams's literary studies. My suggestion is that Cultural Studies can develop (and has, to some degree, already developed) Williams's Keywords project without it being centred on literature or beholden to the OED. This would mean treating the project less as an exemplary milestone or methodology and more as an unfinished and unfinishable project whose methodology is critically dynamic: in other words, to move from Keywords to 'keywording' requires altering Williams's methodology. In conclusion I speculate about the ways in which the historical aims of keywording could be expanded to make it more conducive to providing 'useable histories' and semantic counternarratives, while also pursuing the radical contextualism of Vološinov and Bakhtin.

It influences the nearness and presence of a web webpage inside the principal page of a look motor. The perceivability of a web webpage will be paid or unpaid., yet by and large if a web website needs to search inside the top situation... more

It influences the nearness and presence of a web webpage inside the principal page of a look motor. The perceivability
of a web webpage will be paid or unpaid., yet by and large if a web website needs to search inside the top situation after a natural
pursuit then PC program advancement is that the most critical vital instrument to utilize. The full web showcasing procedure
hovers round the SEO.
The calculation utilized in web search tools. Online nearness of an organization isn't just a direct gratitude to reach among the
objective clients however it ought to be beneficial as well if advancement is done keeping noticeable of the objective clients as of
the method of reasoning that most of the time clients get your hands on with the watchwords of their utilization as opposed to
looking through the association name, and on the off chance that the page connect goes in close vicinity to the top positions, at
that point the page is additionally gainful.

Scholars from various disciplines have used key concepts to grasp mobilities, but as of yet, a working vocabulary of these has not been fully developed. Given this context and inspired in part by Raymond Williams’ Keywords (1976), this... more

Scholars from various disciplines have used key concepts to grasp mobilities, but as of yet, a working vocabulary of these has not been fully developed. Given this context and inspired in part by Raymond Williams’ Keywords (1976), this edited volume presents contributions that critically analyze mobility-related keywords: capital, cosmopolitanism, freedom, gender, immobility, infrastructure, motility, and regime. Each chapter provides an historical context, a critical analysis of how the keyword has been used in relation to mobility, and a conclusion that proposes future usage or research.

Omoiyari is known as one of the most ideal ways of behaviour in Japanese society. The word has been translated in Japanese-English dictionaries as “consideration”, ” sympathy”, “empathy”, “compassion”, thoughtful” and “sensitive”.... more

Omoiyari is known as one of the most ideal ways of behaviour in Japanese society.
The word has been translated in Japanese-English dictionaries as “consideration”, ” sympathy”, “empathy”, “compassion”, thoughtful” and “sensitive”. Additionally, Rohlen (1974) suggested combinations of English words such as “concerned sensitivity”, “empathetic sensing”, “concerned empathy” and “concerned emphatic kindness”. However, as Travis (1992) showed in her work, none of these words correspond to the full meaning of omoiyari, which is described in Japanese primary schools’ programmes as “Omoiyari tte nan darou. Doushitara ii no.” (“What is an omoiyari. What is the best thing to do?”) and by Lebra (1976) as a way of harmonious Japanese communication and coexistence with others. Omoiyari, similarly to other types of behavior, needs to be taught to children by their families and schools.
The paper aims to approach the meaning of omoiyari as a concept which Japanese linguists like Lebra and Japanese teaching programmes and books like “Katei kyouiku techou” (“Home education notebook”) try to present to Japanese children and non-Japanese speakers. Furthermore, the paper aims to address the question whether omoiyari is a unique concept of communication typical only for the Japanese language or if it could be found in Polish as well. In order to illustrate that, the situations in which Japanese people perform omoiyari are presented and the typical reactions of Polish people in the same situations are described.

This special issue introductory article investigates contemporary notions of theory in journalism studies. Many scholars have argued that we need better ways of conceptualising what journalism is and how it develops in a digital age.... more

This special issue introductory article investigates contemporary notions of theory in journalism studies. Many scholars have argued that we need better ways of conceptualising what journalism is and how it develops in a digital age. There is, however, a lack of knowledge regarding what the theoretical trends within the interdisciplinary domain of journalism studies are today and to what extent contemporary inquiries into journalism are framed by emerging theories and perspectives. To fill this knowledge gap, we have conducted an analysis of more than 9000 metadata keywords and 195 abstracts found in the first 14 volumes (2000–2013) of the two most internationally acknowledged journals dedicated to journalism studies: Journalism—Theory, Practice and Criticism and Journalism Studies. The findings indicate that there has been a move towards greater theoretical awareness in journalism studies since 2000 and that the variety of theoretical approaches has increased.

Cultural keywords are words around which whole discourses are organised. They are culturally revealing, difficult to translate and semantically diverse. They capture how speakers have paid attention to the worlds they live in and embody... more

Cultural keywords are words around which whole discourses are organised. They are culturally revealing, difficult to translate and semantically diverse. They capture how speakers have paid attention to the worlds they live in and embody socially recognised ways of thinking and feeling. The book contributes to a global turn in cultural keyword studies by exploring keywords from discourse communities in Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong, Japan, Melanesia, Mexico and Scandinavia. Providing new case studies, the volume showcases the diversity of ways in which cultural logics form and shape discourse. The Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach is used as a unifying framework for the studies. This approach offers an attractive methodology for doing explorative discourse analysis on emic and culturally-sensitive grounds. Cultural Keywords in Discourse will be of interest to researchers and students of semantics, pragmatics, cultural discourse studies, linguistic ethnography and intercultural communication.

The article presents an investigation of semantic and information structures; the former mainly characterises style (of a writer, a cyclus or a single piece of work), and the latter refers to the content of the work and/or cyclus. Based... more

The article presents an investigation of semantic and information structures; the former mainly characterises style (of a writer, a cyclus or a single piece of work), and the latter
refers to the content of the work and/or cyclus. Based on computational experiment and experiments with informants, the research allows us to characterise formally Nikolai
Gogol’s works. Particular attention is given to interaction and intersection of information and semantic structures – phenomena, distinguishing fiction from highly informative
text genres (scientific papers and news).

This article examines Finnish online forum discussions where religion and discourses of 'homosexuality' are connected in various ways. Previous research (e.g. Jantunen 2018a) shows that in Finnish online discussions where sexual... more

This article examines Finnish online forum discussions where religion and discourses of 'homosexuality' are connected in various ways. Previous research (e.g. Jantunen 2018a) shows that in Finnish online discussions where sexual minorities are the topic, religion stands out as a significant feature-particularly in discourses on 'homosexuality'. Via corpus-assisted discourse analysis (CADS), the present study adds to previous knowledge on this subject by qualitatively analyzing the occurrences of certain keywords in the Finnish societal context-one in which immigration and the visibility of both Islam and sexual minorities are perceived to have increased. The analysis found four interrelated key discourses in these online discussions: (1) Islamization as an alleged threat to gay people (in the data: 'homosexuals'); (2) the alleged indifference/ignorance of people to Islam's stance against sexual minorities; (3) relativist discourse(s) claiming all fundamentalists to be similar; and (4) othering-including for instance, the verbal stylization of Muslims as being particularly hypersexual.

El uso no autorizado de marcas ajenas como palabras clave en sistemas de publicidad por enlaces patrocinados y un caso especial, el uso de marcas notorias (a propósito del fallo del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en Interflora... more

El uso no autorizado de marcas ajenas como palabras clave en sistemas de publicidad por enlaces patrocinados y un caso especial, el uso de marcas notorias (a propósito del fallo del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en Interflora Inc. vs. Marks & Spencer plc).

Black critical pedagogy distinguishes itself within the canon of critical pedagogy not solely by virtue of process, but rather, due to circumstances of identity and historical structures of inequality, also necessarily by a focus on... more

Black critical pedagogy distinguishes itself within the canon of critical pedagogy not solely by virtue of process, but rather, due to circumstances of identity and historical structures of inequality, also necessarily by a focus on cultural subject. Walter Rodney’s utilization and subsequent coining of the “groundings” pedagogical model, along with his conceptualization of the "guerilla intellectual", are among the most potent manifestations of a (Black) critical pedagogy or educational praxis with this unique intention. Within this framework, history and theory are not only weapons of the pedagogical process but are transformed—through the guerilla intellectual—into weapons of the struggle and, as Rodney’s life shows as testament, eventually into a facet of the struggle itself. This essay seeks to explore Walter Rodney’s life, his development and use of the groundings model, and to explain why his conceptualization of the guerilla intellectual is not only still relevant today, but how his development of an Afrocentric pedagogy model maps out a powerful educational framework which can be applied for the liberatory purposes of contemporary struggle. We also consider the absence of Rodney and the Pan-African tradition from too much of the radical pedagogy and general radical canons, though this is starting to change.

An edited collection of KEYWORDS for Critical Refugee Studies.

Whether you think you know all there is to know or you know next to nothing about the co-operative sector, this book is for you. An A to Z of the co-operative movement, this collection of short essays will introduce you to the diverse,... more

Whether you think you know all there is to know or you know next to nothing about the co-operative sector, this book is for you. An A to Z of the co-operative movement, this collection of short essays will introduce you to the diverse, broad, and multifaceted world of co-operatives. Co-operatives have a very long history, yet are still out there competing with their capitalist rivals in almost every market and every industry. They are rooted in revolutionary ideas, yet are more feasible and effective than many attempted revolutions, and they provide work, goods, and services to hundreds of millions of members in virtually every corner of the globe.
If you know little but want to know more, read some or all of the 23 stories of co-operative theory, history, and practice, written by world-leading experts. If you are already a co-operative member, an academic, or a practitioner with experience in the field, this straight-talking and jargon-free book will present new and exciting perspectives on a field you (think you) already know.
If you are looking for a different way to produce goods and deliver services to your community and if you aspire to a a different market, a different firm, or form of work, this book is for you. A succinct but provocative guide to the on-going, pragmatic revolution that is the co-operative sector, a revolution in ownership that we should all embrace after the failure of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Reconsiders the approach developed by Raymond Williams for analysing complex words used in cultural and political debate. Contrasts the semantic and lexicographical emphasis of Williams's work with the history of ideas' focus of Tony... more

Reconsiders the approach developed by Raymond Williams for analysing complex words used in cultural and political debate. Contrasts the semantic and lexicographical emphasis of Williams's work with the history of ideas' focus of Tony Bennett et al's New Keywords (Blackwell, 2005). Also argues that new electronic corpus approaches can enrich Williams's close reading method.

In 1802 Melchiorre Gioja published the Nuovo Galateo ('New Galateo'), a treatise that supplants the aristocratic model based on conventional ceremonies with a model based on ragione sociale 'social reason'. The word and its morphological... more

In 1802 Melchiorre Gioja published the Nuovo Galateo ('New Galateo'), a treatise that supplants the aristocratic model based on conventional ceremonies with a model based on ragione sociale 'social reason'. The word and its morphological derived lexemes play an important role in the argumentative architecture of the treatise. We hypothesize that reason can be considered an argumentative keyword of the treatise, i.e. a word that evokes beliefs and values that function as endoxa. We examine the collocations and the constructions in which ragione and its derived lexemes enter, and we demonstrate how different key-constructions based on ragione are used to argumentatively justify politeness evaluations. This investigation not only confirms the argumentative keyness of the reason-related constructions, but also casts light on the utilitarian nature of the social reason underlying Gioja's view of politeness.

This chapter addresses the theme of othering by reporting on preliminary work from a European project aimed at building a dictionary of migration discourse keywords. The chapter investigates the use of the terms COMMUNITY and comunità in... more

This chapter addresses the theme of othering by reporting on preliminary work from a European project aimed at building a dictionary of migration discourse keywords. The chapter investigates the use of the terms COMMUNITY and comunità in two British and Italian newspapers (Guardian, Times, Repubblica, Corriere della Sera) using corpus-assisted discourse analysis. In the first stage, it shows how these terms are interpreted as keywords of migration discourse. In the second, it examines the evaluative weighting of these lexical items. Contrary to previous work (e.g. Williams, 1983; Gallissot, 2007), it is shown here that the terms COMMUNITY and comunità are actually used as part of a pattern of othering, when employed in the context of migration discourse.

This essay is part of a special, guest edited issue of "The Journal of Architectural Education" entitled "#SMLXL." This special issue's publication coincided, down to the month, with the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Office... more

This essay is part of a special, guest edited issue of "The Journal of Architectural Education" entitled "#SMLXL." This special issue's publication coincided, down to the month, with the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture's self-described 1,000+ page architectural novel," "S, M, L, XL"

Analizo los pasos o etapas que debiera tenerse en cuenta para planificar, estructurar y finalmente escribir un articulo o “paper”. Logicamente, lo que pretendo es que el lector conozca la experiencia del autor para que con ello, pueda... more

Analizo los pasos o etapas que debiera tenerse en cuenta para planificar, estructurar y finalmente escribir un articulo o “paper”. Logicamente, lo que pretendo es que el lector conozca la experiencia del autor para que con ello, pueda animarse a producir su propio trabajo

Keyness analysis is perhaps the most widely used technique within corpus approaches to (critical) discourse studies. As an automated keyness analysis usually returns a much larger number of key items than is feasible to examine manually... more

Keyness analysis is perhaps the most widely used technique within corpus approaches to (critical) discourse studies. As an automated keyness analysis usually returns a much larger number of key items than is feasible to examine manually within an appropriate co-text, the approach to selection of key items is of paramount importance, as it will determine the results and conclusions (Gabrielatos & Marchi, 2011). Currently, studies tend to adopt a methodologically naïve approach to selecting key items for manual analysis: they remove items from consideration before the automated analysis by using frequency thresholds or stoplists and/or or select a small sub-set of items returned by the automated analysis (e.g. the top-N key items and/or key items that they deem relevant to the focus of the study) (see Pojanapunya & Watson Todd, 2016). However, the above approaches lack a principled rationale, and adopting them can remove important key items from consideration and lead to cherry-picking – consequently rendering results and conclusions questionable. Also, keyness studies predominantly focus on differences between the compared corpora, and there are very few studies using keyness analysis to examine similarities (Taylor, 2013). This paper will discuss a new approach to selecting key items in a principled fashion, and will demonstrate the relevant procedures via a case study. The approach utilises cluster analysis, and caters for a focus on both difference and similarity. However, in order to contextualise the proposed procedure, the paper will need to preface its main focus with addressing a number of relevant misconceptions regarding the nature of keyness, the selection of the corpora to be compared (usually referred to as the study and reference corpus), and appropriate metrics for establishing keyness.