Lesion Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Recently availability of large scale mammography databases enable researchers to evaluates advanced tumor detections applying deep convolution networks (DCN) to mammography images which is one of the common used imaging modalities for... more

Recently availability of large scale mammography databases enable researchers to evaluates advanced tumor detections applying deep convolution networks (DCN) to mammography images which is one of the common used imaging modalities for early breast cancer. With the recent advance of deep learning, the performance of tumor detection has been developed by a great extent, especially using R-CNNs or Region convolution neural networks. This study evaluates the performance of a simple faster R-CNN detector for mammography lesion detection using a MIAS databases.

Trata-se de uma revisão critica da teoria dos vícios do consentimento, causa de anulabilidade dos negócios, tendo em vista o universo peculiar dos contratos de saúde, pois somente o vicio do estado de perigo costuma ser invocado nesse... more

During rescue archeological excavation in 2018, the skeletal remains of a young male with an unusually large and rare lytic focus in the right iliac fossa, dating to the Middle Bronze Age, were found at the Mikulov site (Czech Republic).... more

During rescue archeological excavation in 2018, the skeletal remains of a young male with an unusually large and rare lytic focus in the right iliac fossa, dating to the Middle Bronze Age, were found at the Mikulov site (Czech Republic). The presented communication considers various diseases that could be the cause of this pathological condition (tuberculosis, syphilis, mycosis, parasitic diseases, tumors, peritoneal abscess). The examination methods used in this case were macroscopic examination, radiological, histological, and genetic analyses. Differential diagnosis helps us to focus upon the most likely etiologies, and in our opinion, we feel this erosive lesion was probably caused by inflammation from a peritoneal abscess associated with chronic appendicitis.

The rat auditory cortex (AC) is becoming popular among auditory neuroscience investigators who are interested in experience-dependence plasticity, auditory perceptual processes, and cortical control of sound processing in the subcortical... more

The rat auditory cortex (AC) is becoming popular among auditory neuroscience investigators who are interested in experience-dependence plasticity, auditory perceptual processes, and cortical control of sound processing in the subcortical auditory nuclei. To address new challenges, a procedure to accurately locate and surgically expose the auditory cortex would expedite this research effort. Stereotactic neurosurgery is routinely used in pre-clinical research in animal models to engraft a needle or electrode at a pre-defined location within the auditory cortex. In the following protocol, we use stereotactic methods in a novel way. We identify four coordinate points over the surface of the temporal bone of the rat to define a window that, once opened, accurately exposes both the primary (A1) and secondary (Dorsal and Ventral) cortices of the AC. Using this method, we then perform a surgical ablation of the AC. After such a manipulation is performed, it is necessary to assess the local...

The ventral subparaventricular zone (vSPVZ) receives direct retinal input and influences the daily patterning of activity in rodents, making it a likely candidate for the mediation of acute behavioral responses to light (i.e., masking).... more

The ventral subparaventricular zone (vSPVZ) receives direct retinal input and influences the daily patterning of activity in rodents, making it a likely candidate for the mediation of acute behavioral responses to light (i.e., masking). We performed chemical lesions aimed at the vSPVZ of diurnal grass rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) using N-methyl-D,L-aspartic acid (NMA), a glutamate agonist. Following NMA lesions, we placed grass rats in various lighting conditions (e.g., 12:12 light-dark, constant dark, constant light); presented a series of light pulses at circadian times (CT) 6, 14, 18, and 22; and placed them in a 7-h ultradian cycle to assess behavioral masking. Extensive bilateral lesions of the vSPVZ disrupted the expression of circadian rhythms of activity and abolished the circadian modulation of masking responses to light, without affecting light-induced masking behavior per se. We also found that in diurnal grass rats, NMA was capable of destroying not only neurons of the v...

A lesão periférica de células gigantes (LPCG) é definida como uma lesão benigna, proliferativa e reacional do tecido conjuntivo fibroso ou do periósteo. Seu desenvolvimento ocorre em gengiva e processo alveolar como resultado de fatores... more

A lesão periférica de células gigantes (LPCG) é definida como uma lesão benigna, proliferativa e reacional do tecido conjuntivo fibroso ou do periósteo. Seu desenvolvimento ocorre em gengiva e processo alveolar como resultado de fatores irritativos locais. Apresenta-se como uma massa nodular avermelhada. É frequentemente recoberta por exsudato fibrinoso em áreas ulceradas e geralmente ocorre na forma pediculada. A prevalência é maior em pacientes adultos, mulheres, e na mandíbula. Histologicamente pode-se observar uma proliferação de células gigantes multinucleadas em meio a muitas células mesenquimais ovóides fusiformes e células de inflamação crônicas. Paciente do sexo masculino, 13 anos, chega à Clínica de Estomatologia da UFPR queixando-se de aumento de volume doloroso à mastigação e com sangramento espontâneo, localizado na região retromolar inferior esquerda. Observou-se uma lesão pediculada, com diâmetro aproximado de 5 cm e com características clínica de uma LPCG. Radiografi...