Lightning Arresters Research Papers - (original) (raw)

AG Parafudr sistemleri, yıldırım ve aşırı gerilimden korunmak için çok önemlidir. Son yıllarda tüm dünyada artan yıldırımlı gün sayısı, fabrikalardan otellere birçok tesisi için maliyetleri attırdı. Yanan kamera sistemlerinden, data... more

AG Parafudr sistemleri, yıldırım ve aşırı gerilimden korunmak için çok önemlidir. Son yıllarda tüm dünyada artan yıldırımlı gün sayısı, fabrikalardan otellere birçok tesisi için maliyetleri attırdı. Yanan kamera sistemlerinden, data serverlerine birçok sistem ag parafudr sistemleri ile koruma altına alınmalıdır.

CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan... more

CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan Sistem Sekuriti.

ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi yang terpadu, terintegrasi dan semakin mudah menuntut sistem proteksi perangkat yang handal. Perangkat – perangkat telekomunikasi yang terintegrasi tersebut sangat rentan... more

Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi yang terpadu, terintegrasi dan semakin mudah menuntut sistem proteksi perangkat yang handal. Perangkat – perangkat telekomunikasi yang terintegrasi tersebut sangat rentan terhadap perubahan suhu (cuaca) dan perubahan arus listrik dari internal atau external, karena seluruh perangkat mempunyai batasan dalam pemakaian arus listrik (ampere) dan beda potensial (tegangan).
Sambaran petir di indonesia merupakan sambaran yang terbanyak di dunia dan besaran arus Petir menyebabkan Gangguan perangkat yang bersifat sewaktu - waktu yang sulit diprediksi. Petir merupakan listrik alam yang sangat besar tegangannya. Sambaran petir yang besar sangat menggangu sistem catuan telekomunikasi dan perangkat telekomunikasi. Petir atau listrik alam mengalir melalui instalasi sistem catuan, sistem catuan ada yang Alternating Current dan Direct Current.
Kata Kunci : Instalasi catuan, perangkat telekomunikasi, sistem catuan , pengamanan perangkat arrester
The development of telecommunications and information technologies are integrated and increasingly easy to demand a reliable device protection system. The devices telecommunication integrated are very vulnerable to changes in temperature (weather) and changes in electrical current from internal or external, because the entire devices has a limitation in the use of an electric current (ampere) and the potential difference (voltage)
Lightning strikes in Indonesia is the world’s largest strike and magnitude of lightning current caused the disruption of nature over time are difficult to predict. Lightning is the electrical nature of the voltage. Lightning strikes a large supply system impaired telecommunications and telecommunications devices. Lightning or electrical nature flowing through the supply system installation, system of supply there is an Alternating Current and Direct Current.
Keywords: supply system, installations device telecommunication, protect device with arrester

Este trabajo presenta un algoritmo para el cálculo de la respuesta eléctrica de un varistor de óxido metálico en sus tres zonas de operación, basado en ajustes de funciones dependientes de las variables más relevantes según la zona. Para... more

Este trabajo presenta un algoritmo para el cálculo de la respuesta eléctrica de un varistor de óxido metálico en sus tres zonas de operación, basado en ajustes de funciones dependientes de las variables más relevantes según la zona. Para lograr una mejor aproximación a la respuesta obtenida experimentalmente, el estudio se plantea separando el modelado del varistor en cada una de sus tres zonas de operación.
Los varistores de óxido metálico suelen modelarse como resistencias no lineales dependientes de la tensión aplicada, lo cual es válido como un primer acercamiento, pero estudios más detallados evidencian que la respuesta eléctrica es también dependiente de otros parámetros. Por ello, en el presente trabajo se desarrolló una matriz de ensayo para considerar la variación de los parámetros de interés en cada una de las zonas de operación. Adicionalmente se diseñaron y construyeron los montajes experimentales para realizar el estudio.
En base a los resultados experimentales obtenidos, se desarrolla un algoritmo utilizando MATLAB que representa un modelo equivalente del varistor de óxido metálico, el cual permite predecir la respuesta eléctrica en cualquiera de sus zonas de operación a partir de variables tales como la tensión, la temperatura y la frecuencia. La metodología propuesta consiste en estimar la respuesta del varistor a partir de familias de funciones para cada variable involucrada, utilizando para ello funciones documentadas en las referencias consultadas y funciones propuestas por el autor.
La caracterización de los varistores de óxidos metálicos es importante para el diseño confiable y económico de una protección contra sobretensiones de los sistemas de transmisión y distribución eléctrica, por ello se evidencia la utilidad de un modelo equivalente que permita reproducir el comportamiento de estos dispositivos ante distintas funciones de tensión, considerando la variación de los parámetros de interés en cada zona de operación.
Palabras Clave: Descargador de sobretensión, Varistor, Sobretensiones, Modelado, ZnO.

_The results of measuring residual voltage of metal oxide surge arresters (MOSAs) show that MOSA has dynamic behavior against switching and lightning overvoltages. For this reason, to obtain the real behavior of MOSA, several models have... more

_The results of measuring residual voltage of metal oxide surge arresters (MOSAs) show that MOSA has dynamic behavior against switching and lightning overvoltages. For this reason, to obtain the real behavior of MOSA, several models have been proposed. In this paper, regarding the importance of MOSA modeling and selecting an appropriate model in different studies, four models-IEEE, Pinceti, Fernandez, and P-K are analyzed under different scenarios. The simulation results are also compared with the manufacturer's data and the accuracy of mentioned models are determined in details. This study, which is performed by EMTP-RV ® software, indicates that concentrating on the particular model for all studies does not provide the appropriate accuracy.

Receptor plays an essential role in determining the efficiency of lightning strike protection on wind turbine blades. To investigate the effects of receptors with different shapes and sizes on the lightning strike protection, we apply... more

Receptor plays an essential role in determining the efficiency of lightning strike protection on wind turbine blades. To investigate the effects of receptors with different shapes and sizes on the lightning strike protection, we apply five different receptor configurations to the blade of a high fidelity wind turbine model. The static electric field strength on the blade surfaces due to a lightning stepped leader is predicted through the development of a numerical model with finite element analysis. The interception efficiency is evaluated by comparing the predicted maximum electric field strength in the vicinity of the receptors. In addition, the locations of the predicted lightning strike attachment points match well with those obtained by experimental measurements, which validate the current numerical approach.

Lightning injuries should be kept in mind for every outdoor patient that has been found unconscious. The painless hyperemic spreading and ferning patern figure on the skin is called Lichtenberg figure (LF). LF typically appears one hour... more

Lightning injuries should be kept in mind for every outdoor patient that has been found unconscious. The painless
hyperemic spreading and ferning patern figure on the skin is called Lichtenberg figure (LF). LF typically
appears one hour later after being struck from lightning and disappears gradually in 24-36 hours. LF is pathognomonic
for lightning injury. It does not anatomically match to any vascular or neural pattern. Contrary to thermal
and electrical burns, it is harmless to epidermis and deeper tissues. Although the exact mechanism is
unknown, it is thought that they represent red blood cells extravasated into the superficial layers of the skin
from capillaries secondary to the dielectric breakdown of the skin and subsequent massive electron shower. In
the present case report, we state a case of stroke of lightning diagnosed by Lichtenberg figures.

Smog free citadel project is a series of urban innovations lead by Pristine Air Solutions to reduce pollution and provide an inspirational experience of clean future. Smog free public places. Here along with government and Pristine Air... more

Smog free citadel project is a series of urban innovations lead by Pristine Air Solutions to reduce pollution and provide an inspirational experience of clean future. Smog free public places. Here along with government and Pristine Air Solutions can work together to make a whole city smog free. Upcoming smog free projects will be launch in all over the cities in the world. Smog free tower is 15 feet patented ionization technology, of the PM2.5 and PM10 coverage coating an almost circular zone Solutions. Smog is a yellowish or blackish fog formed mainly by a contains fine particles and ground level ozone. Smog, which occurs mainly because defined as a mixture of various gases with dust and water vapor. Smog difficult. The atmospheric pollutants or gases that form smog are released sunlight and its heat react with these gases and by air pollution. The main diesel-run vehicles, industrial plants and activities, and heating due evident from the compone and the nature as a whole. toxic particles known as PM 2.5 can conducts scientific investigations on climate change, shows that 1.6 million people die each year of China a harsh reality of Smog Free Tower is 15-friendly and patented ionization technology, lightweight construction with LEDs. The tower sucks giant vacuum cleaner. Ion technology then filters it, before returning smog creating a field of ions, negatively charged, you the technology is that is about 30 Watts.