Switching Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

We present a model of energy consumption in IP networks. Using this model, we identify energy ldquohotspotsrdquo and estimate how energy consumption will grow with increasing network capacity. Todaypsilas Internet uses less than 1% of the... more

We present a model of energy consumption in IP networks. Using this model, we identify energy ldquohotspotsrdquo and estimate how energy consumption will grow with increasing network capacity. Todaypsilas Internet uses less than 1% of the available electricity supply. However, network energy consumption could grow substantially as access rates increase.

One of the most common challenges faced by English as Second language (ESL)and English as Foreign Language (EFL) writers in higher education is in composition writing. The researchers observed that students from different language... more

One of the most common challenges faced by English as Second language (ESL)and English as Foreign Language (EFL) writers in higher education is in composition writing. The researchers observed that students from different language backgrounds used different writing strategies when composing in L2, such as using L1 in order to produce a text in L2. This study investigated to what extent Language Switching (L-S) occurs, and the effect of its occurrence at various cognitive stages among local (ESL) and international (EFL) students. The study adapted the Cognitive Process Model by Flower and Hayes (1981) which introduces the cognitive processes involved while writing a composition. Four subjects were selected based on their rich verbalization to concurrently perform a think aloud protocol (TAP) as they wrote an argumentative essay in English, and to record their cognitive processes as to make explicit what is implicitly present in their mind. The data was transcribed, translated, coded ...

This paper proposes a new configuration to help a GTO to achieve unity turn-off gain and snubberless turn-off capability by utilizing a series connected discrete diode. The maximum turn-off gate voltage, which is crucial for realizing a... more

This paper proposes a new configuration to help a GTO to achieve unity turn-off gain and snubberless turn-off capability by utilizing a series connected discrete diode. The maximum turn-off gate voltage, which is crucial for realizing a high commutation di/dt in the GTO gate loop, can be increased from about 20 V of a GTO's gate-cathode breakdown to a voltage

There has been much effort in offloading MPI collective operations into hardware. But while NIC-based collective acceleration is well-studied, offloading their processing into the switching fabric, despite numerous advantages, has been... more

There has been much effort in offloading MPI collective operations into hardware. But while NIC-based collective acceleration is well-studied, offloading their processing into the switching fabric, despite numerous advantages, has been much more limited. A major problem with fixed logic implementations is that either only a fraction of the possible collective communication is accelerated or that logic is wasted in the applications that do not need a particular capability. Using reconfigurable logic has numerous advantages: exactly the required operations can be implemented; the level of desired performance can be specified; and new, possibly complex, operations can be defined and implemented. We have designed an in-switch collective accelerator, MPI-FPGA, and demonstrated its use with seven MPI collectives and over a set of benchmarks and proxy applications (MiniApps). The accelerator uses a novel two-level switch design containing fully pipelined vectorized aggregation logic units. Essential to this work is providing support for sub-communicator collectives that enables communicators of arbitrary shape, and that is scalable to large systems. A streaming interface improves the performance for long messages. While this reconfigurable design is generally applicable, we prototype it with an FPGA-centric cluster. A sample MPI-FPGA design in a direct network achieves considerable speedups over conventional clusters in the most likely scenarios. We also present results for indirect networks with reconfigurable high-radix switches and show that this approach is competitive with SHArP technology for the subset of operations that SHArP supports. MPI-FPGA is fully integrated into MPICH and is transparent to MPI applications.

In today's competitive business world customers are considered to be kings. Customers have several choices to make among alternative products, and they exercise a high level of influence in the market with respect to product size,... more

In today's competitive business world customers are considered to be kings. Customers have several choices to make among alternative products, and they exercise a high level of influence in the market with respect to product size, quality and price. Hence, ...

Power failure or outage in general does not promote development to public and private sector. The investors do not feel secure to come into a country with constant or frequent power failure. These limit the development of industries. In... more

Power failure or outage in general does not promote development to public and private sector. The investors do not feel secure to come into a country with constant or frequent power failure. These limit the development of industries. In addition there are processes that cannot be interrupted because of their importance, for instance surgery operation in hospitals, transfer of money between banks and lots more. This paper presents the design and construction of an automatic power changeover switch that switches power supply from public supply to generator once there is public power supply outage and it does this automatically. This is achieved by the use of integrated circuits that have timing abilities and relays to effect switching.

_The results of measuring residual voltage of metal oxide surge arresters (MOSAs) show that MOSA has dynamic behavior against switching and lightning overvoltages. For this reason, to obtain the real behavior of MOSA, several models have... more

_The results of measuring residual voltage of metal oxide surge arresters (MOSAs) show that MOSA has dynamic behavior against switching and lightning overvoltages. For this reason, to obtain the real behavior of MOSA, several models have been proposed. In this paper, regarding the importance of MOSA modeling and selecting an appropriate model in different studies, four models-IEEE, Pinceti, Fernandez, and P-K are analyzed under different scenarios. The simulation results are also compared with the manufacturer's data and the accuracy of mentioned models are determined in details. This study, which is performed by EMTP-RV ® software, indicates that concentrating on the particular model for all studies does not provide the appropriate accuracy.