Lunar Eclipse Research Papers - (original) (raw)

An eclipse occurs when one celestial body blocks the other celestial body partially or completely. When Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching to the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse takes place. During a Lunar eclipse, the Moon moves into... more

An eclipse occurs when one celestial body blocks the other celestial body partially or completely. When Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching to the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse takes place. During a Lunar eclipse, the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. Apart from this one happening on 29th-30th November, here is the list of upcoming Lunar eclipses:

Background. Over the last century, scholars have deciphered cuneiform texts on mathematics and astronomy (Neugebauer & Sachs 1955) associated with Mesopotamia's religious architecture, calendars and iconography (Curatorla 2007). However,... more

Background. Over the last century, scholars have deciphered cuneiform texts on mathematics and astronomy (Neugebauer & Sachs 1955) associated with Mesopotamia's religious architecture, calendars and iconography (Curatorla 2007). However, no systematic investigation of possible astronomical orientation has been made of Mesopotamia's many ziggurats and temples. The availability of geo-referenced/sub-meter resolution satellite imagery now makes such analysis feasible; despite the region's ongoing military conflicts preventing Ground Truth field survey.

El trabajo propone una revisión cronológica de una serie de hechos relacionados con la campaña de Lépido contra Pallantia: la victoria de Décimo Bruto sobre los galaicos; el sitio de Pallantia por Lépido y Bruto; la entrega de Mancino a... more

El trabajo propone una revisión cronológica de una serie de hechos relacionados con la campaña de Lépido contra Pallantia: la victoria de Décimo Bruto sobre los galaicos; el sitio de Pallantia por Lépido y Bruto; la entrega de Mancino a los numantinos y el abandono del cerco, que Adolf Schulten fechó el 1 de abril del año 136 a. C. El artículo adelanta la cronología tradicional en un año y, siguiendo la teoría de Schulten de que los pallantinos se retiraron por un eclipse lunar, plantea que el suceso tuvo lugar el 20 de marzo del 135 a. C.
The paper proposes a chronological review of a series of events related to the Lepidus´s campaign against Pallantia: Decimus Brutus's victory over the Gallaeci; the siege of Pallantia by Lepidus and Brutus; Mancinus´s delivering to Numantians and the abandonment of the siege dated on 31 March 136 B.C. by Adolf Schulten. The article advances the traditional chronology in a year based on the Schulten´s theory, which explains that Pallanti-ans retreated because of a lunar eclipse, and suggests that the event took place on 20 March 135 B.C.

The plate of eclipses is a special instrument that can be attached onto the astrolabe to produce a rough visualization of the lunar phases, to estimate the time of moon-rising or setting, to find the possibility of a lunar eclipse and to... more

The plate of eclipses is a special instrument that can be attached onto the astrolabe to produce a rough visualization of the lunar phases, to estimate the time of moon-rising or setting, to find the possibility of a lunar eclipse and to provide information about some relative features, such as the magnitude and the duration of the lunar eclipse.
The instrument described by ʿAlī ibn ʿĪsā comprises a two-sided plate, a grid or rete, an outer limb and an alidade. One side of the plate is for the lunar phases and the time of the moon rising. The other side of the plate is used for the lunar eclipses.
The instrument is reconstracted after merging the two texts describing the instrument and its use. These texts are included in MS Istanbul, Topkapı Saray Kütüphanesi, Ahmet III 3509 ff. 304r–309v (MS T/ ت) and MS Cairo, Dār al-Kutub, Zakī 706, ff. 20r–22r (MS Q/ ق).

Along the ECR (East Coast Road) in Tamil Nadu, India, connecting Chennai and Pondicherry, we find a simple pillared pavilion which embodies great significance with respect to Astro-archaeology and the relationships between de Dutch VOC... more

Along the ECR (East Coast Road) in Tamil Nadu, India, connecting Chennai and Pondicherry, we find a simple pillared pavilion which embodies great significance with respect to Astro-archaeology and the relationships between de Dutch VOC traders and local authorities in the 17th ventury.

The lack of comprehensive solar radiation monitoring during the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century at Tianhuangping (Zhejiang), China, on 22 July 2009, has led to this investigation in order to evaluate the cloudiness... more

The lack of comprehensive solar radiation monitoring during the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century at Tianhuangping (Zhejiang), China, on 22 July 2009, has led to this investigation in order to evaluate the cloudiness contribution in estimating the impact on global solar radiation throughout this phenomenon. In doing so, we applied a cloud cover empirical model to obtain the global solar radiation and, at the same time, we deduced a theoretical model to get the direct solar radiation in which both the occultation and obscuration functions of this eclipse are included. We took limb darkening and atmospheric transmission into account. Though the weather during our eclipse observations agreed with the forecasts for that day, clouds and some rain, we were nonetheless able to observe all phases of the eclipse from our observation site at Tianhuangping. This experience suggests that for coming eclipses a record of the in situ observation protocol of cloudiness is mandatory. Our results for comparing global solar radiation models indicate that our total solar eclipse radiation model is quite acceptable and representative of that which could have happened at that time. Plain Language Summary A total solar eclipse is a situation where the Sun is obscured by the Moon viewed from Earth. In this particular arrangement in space a shadow is cast over a particular region. Thus, the ideal circumstances to observe a total solar eclipse are those in which the sky is cloudless in that region or zone. Yet from time to time this phenomenon occurs in the presence of interfering clouds preventing a direct observation of the event. However, under these adverse circumstances effects over the environment can still be felt and measured as, for example, the rapid reduction of solar energy reaching the surface. In that case such measurements would be lacking, but with some information about cloudiness one can have an idea of how the variation of this energy during the eclipse took place. In the procedure a quantitative knowledge of how the Moon disk is going to progressively cut the Sun's brightness during the eclipse is necessary. From an environmental point of view it is shown that a scientific observation of a total solar eclipse matters even though it was made under the influence of blocking clouds.

Hello my super students! How are your examinations? I hope you all do your best, and I hope your exam results are good and satisfying. Holiday is coming! It is time to enjoy your holiday and also TBP!. Well. In this holiday I have special... more

Hello my super students! How are your examinations? I hope you all do your best, and I hope your exam results are good and satisfying. Holiday is coming! It is time to enjoy your holiday and also TBP!. Well. In this holiday I have special TBP for you. Your TBP is making media of science concept related to the topic we have learned before in Term 3 and the topic on next term. This project is individual project. So, please do your best and show your creativity to create this project!  The project is making Science learning media about Solar System, Earth and Lunar Eclipse. Every one will get their own topic. Find your name in the table below! A.Making learning media about solar system B. Making learning media about Earth and Lunar Eclipse.