Astrology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Grammatically and semantically analyzed word by word.

Folios 1v-6r of the Voynich Manuscript, a mysterious codex that was written in an unknown language during the 15th or 16th century, contains various illustrations of plants, and these diagrams offer valuable clues about the text and its... more

Folios 1v-6r of the Voynich Manuscript, a mysterious codex that was written in an unknown language during the 15th or 16th century, contains various illustrations of plants, and these diagrams offer valuable clues about the text and its meaning (1). The labels associated with these diagrams were roughly translated to various derivatives of Proto-Indo-European languages (Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese). This was done using a frequency-based character map where the most common characters in Voynichese were mapped to the most frequent characters in the target language. The translated text was manually checked to identify words with possible meaning in a target language, and the meanings of those words were cross-referenced with Dr. Gerard Cheshire's work to identify which words were false positives and which were likely correct translations. Our mapping helps validate Dr. Cheshire's research on the plants described in the first ten folios of the Voynich Manuscript and provides further insight into the information contained in those folios (2). Since the Voynich Manuscript is over six hundred years old and may possess information that reveals novel remedies to common diseases and plants that were previously undiscovered, it can provide meaningful information that could alter the field of medicine. Also, because of the use of Vulgar Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire, the text may give clues about this purely spoken language. Voynich Manuscript | MS 408 | Romance Languages | Medieval Plants | Natural Language Processing | Latin

Sul profilo biografico di Cecco d'Ascoli, al secolo Francesco Stabili, gravano secoli di leggenda che si è frammista alla storia. Le scarse notizie sulla sua formazione, la rapida e fortunata carriera universitaria, i processi... more

Sul profilo biografico di Cecco d'Ascoli, al secolo Francesco Stabili, gravano secoli di leggenda che si è frammista alla storia. Le scarse notizie sulla sua formazione, la rapida e fortunata carriera universitaria, i processi inquisitoriali e la tragica fine sul rogo a Firenze hanno alimentato una pluralità di notizie a suo carico che devono fare i conti con le fonti storiche. Il presente lavoro tenta innanzi tutto di chiarire quali siano queste fonti e, quindi, di tracciare un profilo biografico attendibile.
Nel secondo capitolo, invece, viene analizzata quella che per diverse ragioni può essere ritenuta come l'opera più rappresentativa dell'autore: il Commento alla Sfera del Sacrobosco. La lettura del manuale di astronomia più diffuso del medioevo, diviene nel corso stabiliano occasione per intrecciare astrologia, negromanzia e magia.
L'ultima parte dell'elaborato, infine, è più ricca di domande che di risposte. Dopo aver analizzato in chiave diacronica e sincronica il contesto dello studium bolognese, vengono espresse alcune suggestioni in merito alle problematiche poetico-letterarie e alcuni indirizzi di ricerca futuri sulle questioni stabiliane.

Powerpoint Presentation briefly presenting the system of Hellenistic astrology

PROLOGUE of this paper is an extreme detail analysis of Chartres Cathedral's the symbolism embedded into the three Rose Windows. The whole purpose of this paper is to illustrate how Ezekiel's Merkabah is symbolized by the North and South... more

PROLOGUE of this paper is an extreme detail analysis of Chartres Cathedral's the symbolism embedded into the three Rose Windows. The whole purpose of this paper is to illustrate how Ezekiel's Merkabah is symbolized by the North and South Rose Windows. This analysis will demonstrate the pivotal esoteric teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. The history of Chartres will be discussed along with some of its sculpture. This is the second paper in a three part series on the analysis of Ezekiel's Merkabah. Part-One of the series will be on Ezekiel's Merkabah in the first chapter of Genesis and Part Three will be on Ezekiel's Merkabah laid out symbolically in the Sistine Chapel. Part-Two of the series is published first; because, I was well into writing it and; because, I had already written a paper on Ezekiel's Merkabah in the first chapter of Genesis; however, that second version has to be revised to incorporate other interpretations of the texts of the first chapter of Genesis in order for the initiate to envisage the symbolism laid out in Chartres Cathedral and the Sistine Chapel.

More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and... more

More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and materialist cosmology more firmly entrenched. The piecemeal, truncated study of “Magic in Islam” to date has thus of-ten been pursued in service of either scientistic or religionist agendas, whereby magic can only ever be failed science or apolitical religion, and Islam can never be the West; Islamic Magic as simply Western and often imperial Science-and-Religion is thereby utterly disappeared from historiographical purview. And even those Islamicist historians of science and historians of religion who eschew ideology in favor of rigorously empirical philology, the majority, have tended to favor outsider, polemical discourses over insider, practitioner ones, and “classical” sources over “postclassical,” resulting in bizarre historiographical distortions and the disenchanting sanitization of Islamicate societies past and present. This manifesto therefore proposes a way out of this dire epistemological and ethical bind. To re-store Islamic Magic to its rightful place in Western intellectual and cultural history, especially history of science, we must take far more seriously the panpsychist cosmology on which it is predicated, and realize that our own reflexive materialism commits us willynilly to a colonialist agenda that is, ironically, both antireligious and antiscientific.

ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Роджер Бэкон: алхимия, астрология, магия и медицина (сборник) / М. М. Пэттисон Мьюр, Г. С. Редгроув, Л. Торндайк, Э. Т. Уитингтон, Г. У. Л. Хайм / Пер. с англ. и... more

This study surveys the introduction of astrology into East Asia with a primary focus on the Buddhist experience of Indian and Iranian astrology during the eighth and ninth centuries. It is argued that prior to the introduction of Esoteric... more

This study surveys the introduction of astrology into East Asia with a primary focus on the Buddhist experience of Indian and Iranian astrology during the eighth and ninth centuries. It is argued that prior to the introduction of Esoteric Buddhism during the 8th century, the Chinese sangha had no pressing need to observe astrology. However, following the rising popularity of Tantric rituals, which require proper timing according to non-Chinese astrological conventions, Chinese Buddhism took a deep interest in astrology. This in turn prompted a wider interest in astrology among Chinese elites, encouraging the translation of more foreign works on astrology, even outside of a Buddhist context. It is shown that around the year 800 there was a shift from Indian to Iranian sources of astrology, most likely as a result of ethnic Iranians working at court. Iranian astrology, which included a rich system of horoscopy rooted in the earlier Hellenistic tradition, prompted a booming popular interest in astrology. Buddhists subsequently took up practice of horoscopy for themselves. Chinese Buddhist astrology was then exported to neighboring countries, most notably Japan where it influenced medieval religious and court cultures.

Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of his work. Jung's Collected Works , seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions... more

Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung's thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of his work. Jung's Collected Works , seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions of this ancient divinatory system, and Jung himself used astrological horoscopes as a diagnostic tool in his analytic practice. Understood in terms of his own psychology as a symbolic representation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, Jung found in astrology a wealth of spiritual and psychological meaning and suggested it represents the "sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." The selections and editorial introductions by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice address topics that were of critical importance to Jung-such as the archetypal symbolism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astrological ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the experience of astrological fate-allowing readers to assess astrology's place within the larger corpus of Jung's work and its value as a source of symbolic meaning for our time. The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists, and academics and students of depth psychology and Jungian and post-Jungian studies, as well as to astrologers and therapists of other orientations, especially transpersonal.

Everyone has to face difficulties in every turn of life. Many solutions are used by the people to solve these problems. With the help of these measures, the problems of some people are resolved and none of them. +91-9915769547 Love... more

Love Problem Specialist Baba Ji +91 8440828240 lucknow Ghaziabad agra Varanasi meerut Allahabad bareilly Aligarh Moradabad Saharanpur Gorakhpur noida Firozabad Jhansi muzaffarnagar Mathura Rampur shahjahanpur farrukhabad hapur faizabad... more

An eclipse occurs when one celestial body blocks the other celestial body partially or completely. When Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching to the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse takes place. During a Lunar eclipse, the Moon moves into... more

An eclipse occurs when one celestial body blocks the other celestial body partially or completely. When Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching to the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse takes place. During a Lunar eclipse, the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. Apart from this one happening on 29th-30th November, here is the list of upcoming Lunar eclipses:

For the fulfillment of this cherished mission of Dr. Ganesh Dubey, the NGO is investing a large amount of energy and efforts in transforming dedicated learners into Best reiki paranormal healing in India. These trained individuals will... more

For the fulfillment of this cherished mission of Dr. Ganesh Dubey, the NGO is investing a large amount of energy and efforts in transforming dedicated learners into Best reiki paranormal healing in India. These trained individuals will move forward with the core idea of teaching society about the positive impacts of Paranormal Healing. Alongside this, the Foundation is also working for the Realization of the divine truth by every individual of this society and, more importantly, how to use these divine tools to reap various benefits and convert impossibilities in possibilities through the NGO's most Powerful astrologer specialist in India under the divine direction of Dr. Ganesh Dubey The Foundation is also working for building very committed volunteers in the society who can help all the needy persons attain salvation from pain, diseases, and unhappiness. These highly dedicated lama fera specialist in India would not only help common people but will also help in spreading the positive and scientific messages of the Foundation in society. Furthermore, these trained specialists will even further motivate other people to join the divine cause of the Foundation. Hence more and more people will too come forward to join this distinguished Foundation. Hence this will ultimately be proved significant for the Agnitra Foundation and for Dr. Ganesh Dubey's mission also to serve the society through making a large number of dedicated volunteers who will further their divine cause and who could become the Best astrologer for spirituality simultaneously.

Dans l'expression Astrologie : « science des astres » il y a… 3 mots qui posent problème : « science », « des » et « astres » ! Ce sera le fil conducteur pour une analyse critique en profondeur de l'astrologie, qui plus est rénovée par... more

Dans l'expression Astrologie : « science des astres » il y a… 3 mots qui posent problème : « science », « des » et « astres » ! Ce sera le fil conducteur pour une analyse critique en profondeur de l'astrologie, qui plus est rénovée par l'EX-astrologue que je suis.
Ce tome 1 est donc une introduction à cette nouvelle analyse d'une discipline dont on sous-estime souvent la complexité. Signe "d'une grande richesse" pour l'astrologue, elle constitue pour moi le terreau idéal pour les biais cognitifs. La raison première, peut-être, pour laquelle l'astrologie a pu si aisément traverser les siècles.
4e de couverture :
Il y a 12 ans, assistant aux désaccords profonds entre ses collègues, un jeune astrologue commence à s’interroger sur la question de l’erreur. Il débute une autocritique et se confronte aux sceptiques. Cet essai est le témoignage d’un homme sur son long parcours de déconversion. C’est aussi l’introduction à une analyse critique rénovée et sereine de l’astrologie qui ouvre à des problématiques plus fécondes.
Pourquoi les astrologues ne se réfèrent-ils pas aux positions des planètes réellement observées sur la voûte céleste ? Pourquoi conservent-ils certains astres qui n’existent plus ? Pourquoi les interprétations « marchent-elles » quand le praticien se trompe de date de naissance ?! L’outil astrologique (complexe et sacré) dupe-t-il ses utilisateurs de générations en générations ? Le zodiaque mésopotamien a-t-il, d’ailleurs, été créé par des astrologues ? Est-il vraiment né dans le ciel ?!
Et quel est l’énorme coup de chance qui permit aux horoscopes d’intégrer la presse, il y a juste 80 ans, avant d’inonder littéralement toute la planète ?
Le brainstorming, enfin, peut-il expliquer succès, échecs et longévité de l’astrologie sans prétexte scientifique ni métaphysique ?
Membre du bureau de l’Observatoire Zététique et ex-astrologue de la Fédération Des Astrologues Francophones, Serge BRET-MOREL a développé une expertise unique. Dans ses conférences et publications, il met un point d’honneur à décrire avec pédagogie les questions déroutantes posées à, et par, l’astrologie.
Plus d’informations :

In the early Renaissance, some illustrations appeared in medical manuscripts, depicting constellations of the Zodiac associated with the human body. Nowadays, these images are called the “Zodiac-Man” or the “Homo Signorum”. Later, similar... more

In the early Renaissance, some illustrations appeared in medical manuscripts, depicting constellations of the Zodiac associated with the human body. Nowadays, these images are called the “Zodiac-Man” or the “Homo Signorum”. Later, similar images emerged in Persia, which had no counterpart in the Islamic world. Being very few in number, researches on the Persian zodiac-man have nothing much of interest, but a succinct and imperfect description. Thus, it is necessary to justify the abrupt emergence of the Persian one. For this purpose, social circumstances, court patronage, arts, and sciences should be investigated alongside an explanation for the theoretical and pictorial backgrounds of the zodiac-man. In addition to pointing out these theoretical origins from the ancient Greek to the Islamic period, this paper investigates the idea of zodiac-man during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Moreover, it indicates that despite the earlier background of the theory of zodiac-man in Persia, its visual representation was produced in imitation of the European version. Finally, by delving into the social, cultural, and political history of Persia, it is demonstrated that the portrayal of zodiac-man is likely to be a transitory experience, which took place in the 2nd century of the Safavid sovereignty.

I was appalled when I read a report in Nature last year about proposals by the Indian government to encourage universities to teach astrology (Nature 411, 227; 200110.1038/35077282), but never thought that anything similar might occur in... more

I was appalled when I read a report in Nature last year about proposals by the Indian government to encourage universities to teach astrology (Nature 411, 227; 200110.1038/35077282), but never thought that anything similar might occur in the West. ... To read this story in full you ...

keep calm and just call me for your all problems +91-7568863139 age problem V a s h i k a r a n specialist Black magic solution specialist Graha klesh specialist +91=7568863139 Online love problem solution Intercast love marriage... more

PREVIEW ONLY - READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: While the Torah instructs Jews not to practice soothsaying or divination, the Talmud includes several discussions about the power of astrology with... more

While the Torah instructs Jews not to practice soothsaying or divination, the Talmud includes several discussions about the power of astrology with many Rabbis even arguing that the use of astrology is both permitted and meaningful. Add to this discrepancy the numerous astrological mosaics on the floors of ancient synagogues, as well as certain Kabbalistic practices, and it becomes clear why there is confusion within the Jewish community. This article examines Jewish perspectives on evolutionary astrology throughout Jewish history and its link to current mystical applications.

Tutto è scritto nel cielo, il nostro astrologo può confermarvi il vostro cammino tracciato e darvi le indicazioni su come meglio ottimizzare il vostro futuro, seguite i corsi della nostra accedemia.

Cyclone Burevi was media hyped to reach India as a cyclonic storm and cross the southern districts of Tamilnadu and Kerala and move into the Arabian sea on 3rd,4th of December as per earlier weather forecasts.But suddenly on 3rd... more

Cyclone Burevi was media hyped to reach India as a cyclonic storm and cross the southern districts of Tamilnadu and Kerala and move into the Arabian sea on 3rd,4th of December as per earlier weather forecasts.But suddenly on 3rd December evening the cyclone weakened into a deep depression and lay in the Gulf of Mannar , baffling weather forecast experts and making forecasts of its advance go haywire. This calls for strengthening of the weather/cyclone prediction models with additional right data inputs as explained in this article.

Il volume è il risultato di una ricerca sull’atteggiamento di medici e filosofi di fronte alla peste, dalle prime reazioni nel ‘300 fino al maturo ‘400, con particolare attenzione all’umanesimo fiorentino e alla figura di Marsilio Ficino.... more

Il volume è il risultato di una ricerca sull’atteggiamento di medici e filosofi di fronte alla peste, dalle prime reazioni nel ‘300 fino al maturo ‘400, con particolare attenzione all’umanesimo fiorentino e alla figura di Marsilio Ficino. Si è voluto mostrare come l’avvento del morbo abbia profondamente inciso sulla produzione della letteratura filosofica, accelerando l’osmosi tra i saperi e le tendenze culturali, calamitando l’attenzione di molti sull’urgenza medica. La trattazione si concentra sulle opere di Marsilio Ficino, soprattutto sul Consilio contro la pestilentia, pubblicato per la prima volta a Firenze nel 1481 e da allora testo di riferimento per la tradizione posteriore. Attraverso l’analisi delle fonti e della fortuna di quest’opera si possono rileggere le questioni fondamentali che sono al centro della letteratura medico-filosofica contro la peste. In Appendice si presenta un’edizione accompagnata da alcune annotazioni critiche, con un Glossario essenziale di termini notevoli.

« Les animaux du zodiaque », in : Animaux d’art et d’histoire, Bestiaire des collections genevoises, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Genève, 2000, pp. 67-77.

of it that's why Bangali Black magic is father of normal Black Magic and it is most Powerful then whole world's Black Magic and Spells

Current political movements have raised the issue of the problematic diversity of forms of domination and oppression, as well as strategies to counter them, in the way black feminism has signaled the importance of intersectionality. This... more

Current political movements have raised the issue of the problematic diversity of forms of domination and oppression, as well as strategies to counter them, in the way black feminism has signaled the importance of intersectionality. This questioning has also reached Brazilian anarchism in an effort to combat inequalities within the organization of the movement itself. This endeavor can exacerbate internal conflicts, when factors such as race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age and other markers of difference are called into question. So, in situations of mutual support across such different perspectives, methods of attenuating conflict may be used. That is the (strange) case of astrology, which some anarchists have informally deployed to reduce tensions within their collective force, a kind of "spectral counterpower" (David Graeber).

Translation and interpretation of Paul Kammerer's 1919 Das Gesetz Der Serie, its implications and applications from chaos and complexity theory to multiple aspects of anomalism and the generally with Robert... more

Translation and interpretation of Paul Kammerer's 1919 Das Gesetz Der Serie, its implications and applications from chaos and complexity theory to multiple aspects of anomalism and the generally with Robert Schmidt, copyright 1991-2014...introduction only...
The complete text has now been uploaded and available here as Cause and Coincidence: The Serial Structure of Reality, q.v....

This paper introduces a hexagonal-based measurement apparatus. The experiment culminates in a quantum object production. The experiment testing quantum wave collapse was inaugurated under Covid19 quarantine. Leong Yijing methodology... more

This paper introduces a hexagonal-based measurement apparatus. The experiment culminates in a quantum object production. The experiment testing quantum wave collapse was inaugurated under Covid19 quarantine. Leong Yijing methodology informed the production of the measurement. The apparatus uses the logic of Chance, applying it to produced social media phenomenology commemorating the 83rd solar return of Wolfgang Pauli's prophetic dream. In keeping with the predictive timing within the dream, the throw of coins outcome was confirmed by the biorhythms of the cosmos: the wave collapse taking place on the 24th anniversary of the January 23, 1997 Seal of Solomon alignment between Heaven & Earth. This repetition of cyclic timing reflects the physicist's vision of the hexagonal structure of the hieros gamos icon arising from under the wave collapse. This birth of the Third produces an ontology of the quantum object and an understanding of the autonomy of number as unifying energy and matter.

If there is a break up in your relationship, know that everything is not lost yet, there are rituals that can give results and help you to regain your lost lover. If the previous spells didn't get you to the desired result, here is the... more

If there is a break up in your relationship, know that everything is not lost yet, there are rituals that can give results and help you to regain your lost lover. If the previous spells didn't get you to the desired result, here is the most successful love spell that will help you to bring back your lost lover. Including the return of a lost partner, this type of magic spell is also used for ritual bindings. Although women are those who most often practice this type of ritual, this love spell can also be successfully performed by men. For this magic to be successful, you need to have: a photo of the lost lover you are trying to get back, a woolen thread of red color, and a candle with fresh pink tones. For energy to be sent to the universe and for the magic to give a positive result, it is necessary to perform the ritual at the right time-at the time of the growing full moon, which in fact symbolizes the growth of energy. When you have acquired all these items, prepare yourself mentally and wait for the full moon, so you can start performing the ritual: First, take the red wool thread and tie it into a knot. While doing this, focus strongly on your desire and say a prayer-to symbolically link it). The words are: I want you back! Repeat this three times, repeating the same desire each time and thinking of your lost lover. The flame of the candle should last until it extinguishes itself or until the candle melts completely. The wax left should be picked carefully and buried under a tree. The photo of a loved one should only be preserved from the views of other people. If this ritual is successful, will show you the fact that your lost lover will return in your arms.
Contact at +27718452838

Following a piece published in the previous issue of this journal analysing the nature of sacred kingship in 17th century Ayutthaya, this article proceeds to show how these tensions in the performance of royal office shaped King Narai's... more

Following a piece published in the previous issue of this journal analysing the nature of sacred kingship in 17th century Ayutthaya, this article proceeds to show how these tensions in the performance of royal office shaped King Narai's response to Christian proselytism in the 1680s. This involves a consideration of his increasing residence in Lopburi; his fractious relationship with the Buddhist monastic order; his desire to innovate in the field of astrology and chronicle writing; the appeal of French culture and monarchical grandeur; and the possibility that his metaphysical worldview underwent a significant shift towards deism. With the exception of the latter, for which the evidence is dubious, all these themes helped stimulate hopes among the French that his conversion was indeed a real possibility. This was largely an illusion: while Narai chafed within the confines of his role, and remained curious and cosmopolitan in his tastes, there was no great structural crisis which the French could take advantage of, and nor were they able to precipitate one.

A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the... more

A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and casts its shadow on the Moon.....

While the Book of Mormon recounts a variety of miracles, two miraculous events have special significance, the illuminated night and associated signs and wonders and the appearance of a new star in Mesoamerica previous to the birth of... more

While the Book of Mormon recounts a variety of miracles, two miraculous events have special significance, the illuminated night and associated signs and wonders and the appearance of a new star in Mesoamerica previous to the birth of Christ, and the darkness and destruction which occurred upon his death. In a previous work, The Geology of the Book of Mormon, I elucidated a scientific explanation of the destruction, here I will provide the most likely scientific explanation for the illuminated night and signs and wonders. Also established is the correlation of the day of Christ’s birth with a solar eclipse, seen both in Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia, and the Old World astrological calculation used by the Magi of the day of Christ’s birth, together with a planetary Bethlehem Star and a separate Mesoamerican new star as a comet. Exact dates are then determined for Christ’s birth and death based on this astronomical information and information from the Book of Mormon and associated information.