History of Science Research Papers (original) (raw)

Originally from Herzegovina, the Dundjerski family moved to south Hunga-ry, present-day Serbia's province of Vojvodina, in the seventeenth century. From the 1820s the family's progress was marked by the enlargement of their landed... more

Originally from Herzegovina, the Dundjerski family moved to south Hunga-ry, present-day Serbia's province of Vojvodina, in the seventeenth century. From the 1820s the family's progress was marked by the enlargement of their landed property. In the early twentieth century the family owned or rented about 26,473 ha of land in Vojvodina. Bogdan Dundjerski (1860–1943), the third generation landowner, was brought up in a mixture of different traditions including the ethic of Serb highlanders of Herzegovina, central-European middle classes and Hungarian nobility. A wealthy landowner, Serb patriot and benefactor, whose political role in the Second World War remains controversial, described himself as: Serb, Christian Orthodox, landowner.

From time to time, a small group of people makes an effort to transform society by promoting a set of ideas. Examples include any revolutionary or liberation movement, a new theory within the social sciences, or a new political or social... more

From time to time, a small group of people makes an effort to transform society by promoting a
set of ideas. Examples include any revolutionary or liberation movement, a new theory within
the social sciences, or a new political or social program. This paper argues that in order for an
intellectual movement to be successful, both the ideas and the tactics used to promote it must be
suited to the society in which the movement occurs. Ideas that are rapidly and widely adopted
in one society may have little impact in another society. To be accepted a new message must fit
the local culture. Furthermore, the way that ideas are presented and advocated may be quite
different in different societies. The intent of this paper is to add a consideration to the
philosophy of science. At least in the social sciences theories should fit not only the
phenomenon described but also the way the receiving society changes itself.
Keywords: Second Order Cybernetics, Intellectual Movements, Communitarianism.

Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course at Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce), in the summer of 1924, was the gateway event that led to the development of biodynamic agriculture and, subsequently, organic agriculture. The present paper identifies for... more

Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course at Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce), in the summer of 1924, was the gateway event that led to the development of biodynamic agriculture and, subsequently, organic agriculture. The present paper identifies for the first time the 111 attendees of that course. The list reveals that 'Koberwitzers', as they called themselves, were a well credentialed and capable group of individuals, some of whom went on to champion and develop Rudolf Steiner's ideas about agriculture and other fields. The present paper revises a prior analysis of the Koberwitzers. For each Koberwitzer, the list reveals, the name, hometown, occupation, and accommodation during the course. Thirty one percent of Koberwitzers were women. Thirty eight percent were associated directly with agriculture (including farmer, estate manager, and estate owner), 6% of attendees were creatives (including writer, author, artist and editor), and a further 6% were priests. These three occupational categories, viz. Agriculture, Creative and Priest, together account for 50% of Koberwitzer occupations (and 72% of the known occupations). There remains for further scholarship to populate gaps in the listing: the gender of one Koberwitzer remains unidentified; one hometown (and country) remains unidentified; 33 occupations remain unidentified; and 51 accommodations remain unidentified. At the time of the Koberwitz course, Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was mortally ill. The course was never repeated,. It was up to the Koberwitzers to progress Rudolf Steiner's call for the development of a differentiated natural agriculture without synthetic chemicals. The Koberwitzers met the call. There are now 251,842 certified biodynamic hectares in 55 countries, included in the 71,514,583 certified organic hectares in 186 countries.

La presente copia viene fornita all'autore non per scopi commerciali, ma solo per scopi didattici o scientifici senza fini di lucro. Non deve essere riprodotta o distribuita dall'autore Provided for non-commercial research and education... more

La presente copia viene fornita all'autore non per scopi commerciali, ma solo per scopi didattici o scientifici senza fini di lucro. Non deve essere riprodotta o distribuita dall'autore Provided for non-commercial research and education use. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercial use L'articolo è stato pubblicato sulla rivista Acque Sotterranee -Italian Journal of Groundwater edita dall'Associazione Acque Sotterranee. L'articolo può essere usato dall'autore per la didattica o per condividerlo con i colleghi. Non può essere riprodotto o inserito in siti web dell'autore o di terze parti nella forma pdf impaginata dalla Casa Editrice. Può altresì essere inserito in formato txt o Word nel sito dell'autore citando la rivista in cui è stato pubblicato e il DOI ad esso collegato This article appeared in Acque Sotterranee -Italian Journal of Groundwater published by Associazione Acque Sotterranee. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited.

We have reached the peculiar situation where the advance of mainstream science has required us to dismiss as unreal our own existence as free, creative agents, the very condition of there being science at all. Efforts to free science from... more

We have reached the peculiar situation where the advance of mainstream science has required us to dismiss as unreal our own existence as free, creative agents, the very condition of there being science at all. Efforts to free science from this dead-end and to give a place to creative becoming in the world have been hampered by unexamined assumptions about what science should be, assumptions which presuppose that if creative becoming is
explained, it will be explained away as an illusion. In this paper it is shown that this problem has permeated the whole of European civilization from the Ancient Greeks onwards, leading to a radical disjunction between cosmology which aims at a grasp of the universe through mathematics and history which aims to comprehend human action through stories. By going back to the Ancient Greeks and tracing the evolution of the denial of creative becoming, I trace the layers of assumptions that must in some way be transcended if we are to develop a truly post-Egyptian science consistent with the forms of understanding and explanation that have evolved within history.

After beginning his historical work in Switzerland in the 1950s and then continuing it in the United States at the Menninger Foundation, Henri Ellenberger (1905–1993) became the leading historian of " dynamic psychiatry ". This expression... more

After beginning his historical work in Switzerland in the 1950s and then continuing it in the United States at the Menninger Foundation, Henri Ellenberger (1905–1993) became the leading historian of " dynamic psychiatry ". This expression commonly denotes mental medicine that draws from psychotherapeutic practices and psychological theories to improve our understanding of mental diseases and to cure them. Although still used today, usually in juxtaposition to 19th century alienism or to biological psychiatry, the origin and meaning of this expression are unclear. An unpublished lecture (1956) by Ellenberger on this subject, accompanied by an explanatory introduction, is reproduced here to shed light on Ellenberger's interpretation of that term. This article additionally aims to draw certain parallels and distinctions between Ellenberger, Michel Foucault and George Devereux's teaching in the 1950s. Considering that the history of psychiatry is now a well-established speciality in the academic world, Ellenberger's lecture is also an original document which enables us to trace the professionalization of psychiatric historiography as an academic discipline back to its beginnings after World War II.

Il De immenso viene composto, in otto libri, nel 1583, in Inghilterra, e poi pubblicato a Francoforte nel 1591. Insieme al De triplici minimo e al De monade esso fa parte di una trilogia dedicata al duca Enrico Giulio di Braunschweig e... more

Il De immenso viene composto, in otto libri, nel 1583, in Inghilterra, e poi pubblicato a Francoforte nel 1591. Insieme al De triplici minimo e al De monade esso fa parte di una trilogia dedicata al duca Enrico Giulio di Braunschweig e Lüneburg. Nonostante una ricca bibliografia critica, ampiamente descritta nell’introduzione del volume, mancava fino ad oggi uno studio dedicato interamente al De immenso, nel quale si offrisse una presentazione integrale del contenuto dei singoli libri tenendo sempre presente il contesto intellettuale europeo al quale Bruno risponde e con il quale si confronta. Con questo obiettivo si è tenuto a Barcellona, nell’aprile del 2018, il convegno internazionale «Giordano Bruno, De immenso et innumerabilibus. Letture critiche», dove l’esame degli otto libri dell’opera è stato accompagnato da interventi su aspetti generali del poema. Se ne presentano qui i risultati, nella speranza di offrire agli studiosi una sorta di ‘guida’ alla lettura del De immenso che possa contribuire alla più ampia attenzione, da parte di curiosi e di specialisti, verso questa opera così importante del pensiero bruniano.

How can we describe movements in animated films? In Figure and Force in Animation Aesthetics, Ryan Pierson introduces a powerful new method for the study of animation. By looking for figures--arrangements that seem to intuitively hold... more

How can we describe movements in animated films? In Figure and Force in Animation Aesthetics, Ryan Pierson introduces a powerful new method for the study of animation. By looking for figures--arrangements that seem to intuitively hold together--and forces--underlying units of attraction, repulsion, and direction--Pierson reveals startling new possibilities for animation criticism, history, and theory. Drawing on concepts from Gestalt psychology, Pierson offers a wide-ranging comparative study of four animation techniques--soft-edged forms, walk cycles, camera movement, and rotoscoping--as they appear in commercial, artisanal, and avant-garde works. In the process, through close readings of little-analyzed films, Pierson demonstrates that figures and forces make fertile resources for theoretical speculation, unearthing affinities between animation practice and such topics as the philosophy of mathematics, scientific and political revolution, and love. Beginning and ending with the imperative to look closely, Figure and Force in Animation Aesthetics is a performance in seeing the world of motion anew.

Alchemy Rudolf II Prague Manuscript circulation a b s t r a c t This paper investigates John Dee's relationship with two kinds of alchemist: the authorities whose works he read, and the contemporary practitioners with whom he exchanged... more

Alchemy Rudolf II Prague Manuscript circulation a b s t r a c t This paper investigates John Dee's relationship with two kinds of alchemist: the authorities whose works he read, and the contemporary practitioners with whom he exchanged texts and ideas. Both strands coincide in the reception of works attributed to the famous English alchemist, George Ripley (d. c. 1490). Dee's keen interest in Ripley appears from the number of transcriptions he made of 'Ripleian' writings, including the Bosome book, a manuscript discovered in 1574 and believed to have been written in Ripley's own hand. In 1583, Dee and his associate Edward Kelley left England for East Central Europe, taking with them a proportion of Dee's vast library, including alchemical books-the contents of which would soon pique the interest of continental practitioners. Kelley used Ripley's works, including the Bosome book, not only as sources of practical information, but as a means of furthering his own relationships with colleagues and patrons: transactions that in turn influenced Ripley's posthumous continental reception. The resulting circulation of texts allows us to trace, with unusual precision, the spread of English alchemical ideas in the Holy Roman Empire from the late sixteenth century.

Focusing on experts in technology and science, ‘Building Europe on Expertise’ delivers a new reading of European history. The authors show that modern European history was defined by experts using their new knowledge to shape societies,... more

Focusing on experts in technology and science, ‘Building Europe on Expertise’ delivers a new reading of European history. The authors show that modern European history was defined by experts using their new knowledge to shape societies, set political agendas and establish research institutions and agendas which proved decisive in integrating the continent.

Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da... more

Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da affezione, mentre ne uccidevano altri e li mangiavano (magari dopo averli sacrificati in onore di una divinità). Conoscevano e usavano animali selvatici o feroci, o esotici come elefanti e pappagalli. Non mancavano, nel loro immaginario, creature aliene che si credeva popolassero paesi lontani, come l’India e l’Etiopia, patrie dei manticora, dei cinocefali e dei grifoni. Quello che per noi sono i dinosauri per loro erano i ciclopi, i pegasi, le chimere, gli uomini-toro. Un affresco suggestivo che restituisce per intero l’esotismo di un mondo scomparso.

Im Rücken der „großen Fächer“ wie Psychoanalyse und dem Feld der Psychiatrie aber hat sich die systemische Familientherapie, heute einfach systemische Therapie, in allen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens etabliert, ist also nicht... more

Im Rücken der „großen Fächer“ wie Psychoanalyse und dem Feld der Psychiatrie aber hat sich die systemische Familientherapie, heute einfach systemische Therapie, in allen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens etabliert, ist also nicht allein eine nun (seit 2008) wissenschaftlich anerkannte Form der Psychotherapie, sondern wird auch in nicht-therapeutischen Bereichen wie der systemischen Sozialarbeit, der systemischen Organisationsberatung, der Mediation oder des systemischen Coachings eingesetzt. Man könnte sogar so weit gehen, dass die konkreten und handgreiflichen Techniken des Aufstellens das gegenwärtige Verständnis vom sozialen Selbst, von Familie und Gruppen maßgeblich bestimmen. Gleichwohl mangelt es an historisch-kulturwissenschaftlichen Reflexionen über die Durchsetzung des Systemischen als eines kulturellen Paradigmas eines sozialen Selbst. Der vorliegende Aufsatz möchte einen Beitrag zur kulturwissenschaftlichen und historischen Betrachtung der systemischen Therapie leisten.

This book explores the notebooks of S. Belle, an astrologer who lived in late fifteenth-century France, as a case study of late medieval astrological practice. These notebooks combine astrological doctrine, a large collection of... more

This book explores the notebooks of S. Belle, an astrologer who lived in late fifteenth-century France, as a case study of late medieval astrological practice. These notebooks combine astrological doctrine, a large collection of horoscopes, an almanac, and three complete judgements of nativities. By studying Belle’s methods, processes of learning, and practices, this book contributes to a better understanding of the internal architecture of astrology in the pre-modern world; this includes its techniques, methodologies, goals, transmission, and development throughout history. It offers an internalist view of the practice of astrology, as a counterpart to the existing research into astrology’s social and cultural impact.

The Soviet historian and philosopher of science Boris Hessen (English spelling also Gessen) is well known for the paper “On the Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s Principia” he gave in 1931 to the Second International Congress of the... more

The Soviet historian and philosopher of science Boris Hessen (English spelling also Gessen) is well known for the paper “On the Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s Principia” he gave in 1931 to the Second International Congress of the History of Science in London. Its focus on the socio-economic aspects of the development of science – later called “externalism”– was regarded as groundbreaking. We present here an English translation of a lecture he gave in Moscow in April 1936, recently discovered in Russian archives, and believed to be one of his last works. He was arrested in August that year, admitting to “participation in counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activity” and “animosity toward Comrade Stalin”. He was subject to torture and eventually executed in December, after denying “creating a terrorist cell at Moscow State University”. The lecture shows that despite being under enormous psychological pressure he coninued working on the history of physics but also returned to the philosophical questions of his earlier writings. We give a brief introduction to the lecture, attempting to place it in its context, and linking to his earlier work on the philosophy of physics from a Marxist standpoint which we have previously translated into English.

Sul profilo biografico di Cecco d'Ascoli, al secolo Francesco Stabili, gravano secoli di leggenda che si è frammista alla storia. Le scarse notizie sulla sua formazione, la rapida e fortunata carriera universitaria, i processi... more

Sul profilo biografico di Cecco d'Ascoli, al secolo Francesco Stabili, gravano secoli di leggenda che si è frammista alla storia. Le scarse notizie sulla sua formazione, la rapida e fortunata carriera universitaria, i processi inquisitoriali e la tragica fine sul rogo a Firenze hanno alimentato una pluralità di notizie a suo carico che devono fare i conti con le fonti storiche. Il presente lavoro tenta innanzi tutto di chiarire quali siano queste fonti e, quindi, di tracciare un profilo biografico attendibile.
Nel secondo capitolo, invece, viene analizzata quella che per diverse ragioni può essere ritenuta come l'opera più rappresentativa dell'autore: il Commento alla Sfera del Sacrobosco. La lettura del manuale di astronomia più diffuso del medioevo, diviene nel corso stabiliano occasione per intrecciare astrologia, negromanzia e magia.
L'ultima parte dell'elaborato, infine, è più ricca di domande che di risposte. Dopo aver analizzato in chiave diacronica e sincronica il contesto dello studium bolognese, vengono espresse alcune suggestioni in merito alle problematiche poetico-letterarie e alcuni indirizzi di ricerca futuri sulle questioni stabiliane.

Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. 1 (Voltaire)

Caeterum sic gerat velim sese, uti in studiis litterarum faciunt. Nemo enim se satis dedisse operam litteris putabit, ni auctores omnes etiam non bonos legerit atque cognorit, qui quidem in ea facultate aliquid scripserint, quae... more

Caeterum sic gerat velim sese, uti in studiis litterarum faciunt. Nemo enim se satis dedisse operam litteris putabit, ni auctores omnes etiam non bonos legerit atque cognorit, qui quidem in ea facultate aliquid scripserint, quae sectentur. 8 Alberti e il sapere scientifico antico: fra i meandri di una biblioteca interdisciplinare ida mastrorosa Sebbene incline ad arricchire il proprio patrimonio culturale anche attraverso l'experientia altrui, 9 quasi nell'ottica socratica di un cammino conoscitivo tutt'altro che solitario, Alberti non ignorava, infatti, che i libri rappresentavano i più diretti veicoli di acquisizione del sapere, immediati strumenti di colloquio con gli Antichi, depositari dell'intero scibile umano, e perciò tanto più preziosi e da doversi certamente custodire in gran numero fra le pareti di biblioteche destinate ad accoglierli a guisa d'ornamento prezioso:

Resumo Este trabalho relata a utilização de um modelo de laboratório problema-tizador que parte de um experimento histórico como problema a ser in-vestigado. A proposta elaborada e executada apresenta-se como uma das possibilidades de... more

Resumo Este trabalho relata a utilização de um modelo de laboratório problema-tizador que parte de um experimento histórico como problema a ser in-vestigado. A proposta elaborada e executada apresenta-se como uma das possibilidades de inserção da abordagem histórica em sala de aula. A me-todologia de utilização da atividade experimental segundo o referencial construtivista, o material histórico elaborado sob a perspectiva da mo-derna historiografia da ciência e a atitude do professor como mediador na atividade, buscam permitir o desenvolvimento de competências argu-mentativas e a compreensão de conceitos de eletromagnetismo por estu-dantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública do estado da Paraíba. Palavras-chave: Laboratório problematizador; Experimento histórico; Eletromagnetismo. + Inquiry-based laboratory and History of Science: a report about an activity using Oersted's experiment

Das Working Paper nimmt den Zusammenhang von Vergleichen und Erzählen aus einer systematischen und historischen Perspektive in den Blick. Es befasst sich zum einen mit der Frage, wie und vor dem Hintergrund welcher theoretischer Annahmen... more

Das Working Paper nimmt den Zusammenhang von Vergleichen und Erzählen aus einer systematischen und historischen Perspektive in den Blick. Es befasst sich zum einen mit der Frage, wie und vor dem Hintergrund welcher theoretischer Annahmen Konvergenzen, Verflechtungen und Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Vergleichspraktiken und Erzählformen postuliert werden können. Beide Praktiken – so die zentrale These – lassen sich als Kulturtechniken begreifen, die zur Formierung übergreifender Netzwerke in Beziehung gesetzt werden können, welche nicht allein durch sprachoder bildgebundene Repräsentationsprozesse gekennzeichnet sind, sondern diese in umfassendere Dynamiken zeichenhafter Darstellungsformen, sozialer Akteure und materieller Artefakte einbinden. Die systematische Perspektive schließt auch die Frage nach der Verknüpfung von Kulturtechnikforschung und Praxistheorie mit ein. Zum anderen skizziert das Papier vier exemplarische historische Konstellationen, die die moderne Wissenschaftsgeschic...

This article explores the emergence and significance of printed game boards in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century. These objects constitute an important and overlooked visual and material aspect of a pervasive culture of gaming... more

This article explores the emergence and significance of printed game boards in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century. These objects constitute an important and overlooked visual and material aspect of a pervasive culture of gaming that engrossed a huge range of the populace: both the rich and the poor, men and women, the educated and the illiterate. Printed game boards not only served to entertain, but also mirrored and reified deeper social and moral concerns about gambling and leisure, a tension between the prescribed morality of the legal sanctions, decrees, and censures associated with the Counter-Reformation, and the everyday games common both in courtly leisure and play on the street and in the tavern. Visually manifesting a dual understanding of games as both ludic and mimetic, printed game boards enacted the ontology of life’s journey for early modern players, from the courtly, to the religious, to the quotidian.

ANCELIN Justine | DCB21 | Mémoire d'étude | Janvier 2013

The Second World War gave a strong impulse to the development of translation and interpreting services in the Soviet Union. Military translators/interpreters were expected to engage in frontline propaganda, ad hoc language teaching and... more

The Second World War gave a strong impulse to the development of translation and interpreting services in the Soviet Union. Military translators/interpreters were expected to engage in frontline propaganda, ad hoc language teaching and reconnaissance, without special preparation. Under constant ideological pressure, they had to come up with creative solutions for concrete problems. On the base of the prosopographic research and semi-structured interviews with three prominent representatives of the aforementioned school, this book describes different biographical and professional trajectories of military translators/interpreters during and after the Second World War. Their backgrounds are as diverse as they are distinct: German and German-Jewish migrants, romantic philological students and poets from the legendary Institute of Literature Studies in Moscow (IFLI), bilingual descendants of diplomatic families and outstanding students and teachers from university departments of German Studies. The translational competences and methodological insights acquired during the war contributed to the establishment of a Soviet school of translation/interpreting and German Studies.
Key-words: Circulation of knowledge, military translation and interpreting services, Second World War, prosopography

In 1988, three laboratories performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud. The results, which were centralized by the British Museum and published in Nature in 1989, provided ‘conclusive evidence’ of the medieval origin of the... more

In 1988, three laboratories performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud. The results, which were centralized by the British Museum and published in Nature in 1989, provided ‘conclusive evidence’ of the medieval origin of the artefact. However, the raw data were never released by the institutions. In 2017, in response to a legal request, all raw data kept by the British Museum were made accessible. A statistical analysis of the Nature article and the raw data strongly suggests that homogeneity is lacking in the data and that the procedure should be reconsidered.

Community detection is a major issue in network analysis. This paper combines a socio-historical approach with an experimental reconstruction of programs to investigate the early automation of clique detection algorithms, which remains... more

Community detection is a major issue in network analysis. This paper combines a socio-historical approach with an experimental reconstruction of programs to investigate the early automation of clique detection algorithms, which remains one of the unsolved NP-complete problems today. The research led by the archaeologist Jean-Claude Gardin from the 1950s on non-numerical information and graph analysis is retraced to demonstrate the early contributions of social sciences and humanities. The limited recognition and reception of Gardin’s innovative computer application to the humanities are addressed through two factors, in addition to the effects of historiography and bibliographies on the recording, discoverability, and reuse of scientific productions: 1) funding policies, evidenced by the transfer of research effort on graph applications from temporary interdisciplinary spaces to disciplinary organizations related to the then-emerging field of computer science; and 2) the erratic careers of algorithms, in which efficiency, flaws, corrections, and authors’ status, were determining factors.

In diesem Buch wird erstmals der Stellenwert der audiovisuellen Medien für die Herstellung und Popularisierung von Wissen aufgezeigt. Der historische Rahmen der Studie erstreckt sich dabei von den kinematographischen Bewegungsstudien in... more

In diesem Buch wird erstmals der Stellenwert der audiovisuellen Medien für die Herstellung und Popularisierung von Wissen aufgezeigt. Der historische Rahmen der Studie erstreckt sich dabei von den kinematographischen Bewegungsstudien in Psychiatrie und Physiologie Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Einsatz von Video in den sozialpsychologischen Experimenten der 1970er Jahre. Mit dem Gebrauch von Bewegtbildern zu Zwecken der Kontrolle, Aufzeichnung und Demonstration veränderte sich die gesamte Experimentalkultur der Wissenschaft. Vor dem Hintergrund flexibler medienkultureller Kontexte transformiert sich das Labor zusehends in ein Filmstudio des Wissens, in welchem die Versuchsanordnung am Storyboard entworfen, die epistemischen Gegenstände in Szene gesetzt und die Probanden gecastet werden.

The house of wisdom is recognized wand memorized with terms like Grand Library of Bagh or Bait al-Hikmah and it was a big library and translation center for the medieval period founded by the Abbasids in Baghdad, Iraq. It has brought a... more

The house of wisdom is recognized wand memorized with terms like Grand Library of Bagh or Bait al-Hikmah and it was a big library and translation center for the medieval period founded by the Abbasids in Baghdad, Iraq. It has brought a revolution for translations of Greek, Persian, Indian scientific works into Arabic. This study examines the importance of this scientific institution, which contributed extensive progress in science, philosophy, history and literature and growth of the Islamic world. The grand library of Bagdad was a very important industry for translation services, and it became a great asset to earlier Muslim history to touch the pinnacle of the Muslim glory to meet the golden age of Islam. The precious effects o f this h ave influenced the world of east and west for many years, and the best colleges around the world have used its blessings. The services of the house of wisdom services were not only confined to translation but it also urged many scholars to contribute to produc ing the original works. The Abbasid Khalifa Harun al-Rashid and Mamun emphasize scientific works and encouraged literary development. The Abbasids period flourished throughout the world due to its recognition of the Abbasid era, as the Golden Age of Islam. This paper discusses the importance of the Bait al-Hikmah in preserving Greek, Persian and Indian works and materialized the scientific research.

From the sixth to the eighth centuries, the Roman world suffered the first known pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis, the bacterial agent of bubonic plague. Despite the pandemic's horrors, scholarly consensus has maintained that medical... more

From the sixth to the eighth centuries, the Roman world suffered the first known pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis, the bacterial agent of bubonic plague. Despite the pandemic's horrors, scholarly consensus has maintained that medical authors took no notice of the Justinianic Pandemic. This article introduces the first evidence that physicians at the time of the Justinianic Pandemic described the illness that raged around them. Through a close analysis of the language used by contemporary historians to describe the symptoms of the pandemic, it is possible to uncover discussions of the pandemic in medical literature that have remained hidden in plain sight. Specifically, this article argues that the sixth-and seventh-century physicians John of Alexandria, Stephanus of Athens, and Paul of Aegina not only describe the illness of the pandemic, but also develop sophisticated ways of diagnosing the illness, understanding it physiologically, and treating it. In so doing, these authors go beyond medical precedent to construct innovative responses to an unprecedented pandemic. The Justinianic Plague, the first historically recorded plague pandemic, first struck the Roman Empire at the port city of Pelusium in ad 541. From there the disease spread throughout the Roman Empire and beyond, recurring in successive outbreaks for over two centuries. 1 The Justinianic Plague is widely This article grows out of research conducted as part of the Max Planck-Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean (MHAAM). An early version of this article was presented at the École française de Rome as part of the 2019 conference "Les maladies infectieuses dans l'antiquité: Sources écrites et archives bio-archéologiques." This article is deeply indebted to the generous suggestions and comments of many readers. I would like in particular to thank Michael McCormick, whose direction on this project has been invaluable, Julia Judge-Mulhall, Kyle Harper, Lee Mordechai, Merle Eisenberg, and the two anonymous referees for the Journal of Late Antiquity. I would also like to acknowledge my debt to Dumbarton Oaks, which supported my research on this project through the William R. Tyler Fellowship. 1 For some of the most recent surveys and general studies of the Justinianic Plague, see Stathako