Medieval Coinage Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Az alábbi tanulmány, a Tóth Csabával (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum) közösen írt könyvünk fotók nélküli változata. Az éremkincs az egyik legjelentősebb magyarországi 17. századi aranylelet. This study is the photo-free version of our book... more
Az alábbi tanulmány, a Tóth Csabával (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum) közösen írt könyvünk fotók nélküli változata. Az éremkincs az egyik legjelentősebb magyarországi 17. századi aranylelet.
This study is the photo-free version of our book co-authored with Csaba Tóth (Hungarian National Museum). The coin hoard is one of the most significant 17th-century gold treasures in Hungary.
For 38 years, fictitious money has been used in the prisons of the (United) Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a consequence of the introduction of labour in three types of prisons on the basis of the Royal Decree of November 4, 1821. The... more
For 38 years, fictitious money has been used in the prisons of the (United) Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a consequence of the introduction of labour in three types of prisons on the basis of the Royal Decree of November 4, 1821. The speed of the switch to the manufacture of woollen products for the State can partly be seen in the order in which the tinned iron money was introduced: in November 1823 St. Bernard, March 16, 1824 Leeuwarden, July 10, 1824 Den Bosch, June 16, 1825 Leiden, May 1826 Ghent (pewter), June 2, 1826 Vilvoorde (zinc), August 6, 1827 Aalst (tinned iron from Leiden), December 16, 1830 Hoorn, March 1831 Woerden (from Den Bosch), September 1832 Gouda (from Den Bosch) and finally January 4, 1834 Rotterdam (from Leeuwarden). But this revenue model to reduce costs easily leads to the exploitation of the detainees. Because the production of the fictitious money has to be funded from the proceeds of the canteens, the first often locally produced or adopted one-sided series of tinned iron coins is often very primitive in appearance, with counterfeits as a result. With the second series of (zinc) coins, made after the example of Vilvoorde, a striking collaboration came about in the production by the Mint in Utrecht with its own city letter for the participating prisons. The article makes clear how much the fictitious money is part of the production chain of the textile factory in which the prisoner as a worker pays for his own confinement, with luxurious canteen items for which he has to work as a lure.
Recordemos que los reales, en reinados anteriores solían ir a 66 piezas en el marco de Castilla, y que por tanto su peso medio teórico era el de 3,485 gr. (230,02 gr. / 66 piezas = 3,485 gr. por moneda).
- by Ana Serrano and +1
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Discovered near the city of Bârlad in the last quarter of the last century, this piece entered the patrimony of the “Vasile Pârvan” Museum in Bârlad without knowing much about the context in which it was found. The maces of this type, as... more
Discovered near the city of Bârlad in the last quarter of the last century,
this piece entered the patrimony of the “Vasile Pârvan” Museum in Bârlad without knowing much about the context in which it was found. The maces of this type, as I have shown in the present text, were called by researchers “12-thorn maces” or star-shaped, being found in two variants: one in which they were constructed exclusively of bronze and which presented a certain decoration, and another in which these pieces were simple, without decoration, being made of bronze or iron. Since the mace discovered near the city of Bârlad, Vaslui County (Romania) presents a complex setting, we focused our attention on the first variant, where we
tried, based on existing analogies in Ukraine, Poland or Russia, to fit this piece into an approximate chronological segment. At the same time, taking into account the economic links between various territories in Eastern Europe, which were demonstrated following several archaeological excavations, as well as the reference works on this topic, we tried to analyze the possible options by which such a weapon would be could reach the territory between the Prut and the Carpathians.
During the archaeological excavations in Suceava (Suceava county) it was found a hoard with four coins issued in Poland (Jan Casimir), Transylvania (Leopold I) and Riga (by the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf). The discovery is important for... more
During the archaeological excavations in Suceava (Suceava county) it was found a hoard with four coins issued in Poland (Jan Casimir), Transylvania (Leopold I) and Riga (by the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf). The discovery is important for understanding the military and political events from the 17th century in Suceava. In that time, the city was occupied by the Polish soldiers and they were quartered in the Fortress of Suceava. After the
destruction of the fortress in 1675, they moved in an old Armenian monastery located outside of the city. The hoard was discovered near this monastery, known by locals as Zamca monastery, and the author assume it could have been a payment for one of the Polish soldiers who have been there. The earliest coin (1626) is a schilling from Gustav Adolf, king of Sweden, issued in the Riga mint occupied by Swedish army and the latest coin is a piece of 3 kreuzer issued in 1696 in Transylvania by Leopold, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
During the Medieval period, Saschiz (Keisd, Sászkézd) was a significant establishment of the Hungarian Kingdom. Without documentary mentions till 1309, Saschiz had a long history behind. To reveal a new data about its past, in the village... more
During the Medieval period, Saschiz (Keisd, Sászkézd) was a significant establishment of the Hungarian Kingdom. Without documentary mentions till 1309, Saschiz had a long history behind. To reveal a new data about
its past, in the village of Saschiz were made archaeological researches in two important sites: the fortress and the church (1999-2000 and 2010). Required by the restoration works made in both monuments, the archaeological researches unearthed objects and 35 coins dated between the 15th and 19th centuries. Even though the researches have not been extended, some conclusions were obtained: the fortress was built in the middle of the 15th century and the church at the ending of the same century. There are no other older traces and that situation proves a move of the community center here in the 15th century.
Premessa sullo stato dell'arte Parlare di tarì in generale significa parlare di un argomento talmente esteso che non basterebbero decine di volumi, perché questa moneta fu in corso presso numerosi popoli e per molti secoli. Circoscrivendo... more
Premessa sullo stato dell'arte Parlare di tarì in generale significa parlare di un argomento talmente esteso che non basterebbero decine di volumi, perché questa moneta fu in corso presso numerosi popoli e per molti secoli. Circoscrivendo l'argomento al napoletano, bisognerebbe considerare almeno il periodo che si estende dall'età normanna all'unità d'Italia per seguirne l'evoluzione. Infine, anche restringendo il campo d'azione all'età federiciana, esisterebbe una considerevole mole di materiali, che meriterebbe ampio spazio. Pertanto, cercherò di trattare solo quest'ultimo argomento per sommi capi, sino a giungere a una nuova catalogazione dei tarì federiciani, vale a dire il vero obiettivo del presente studio. La storia bibliografica sul tarì rimonta agli inizi del XVII secolo 2 , passando successivamente attraverso numerosi studi e catalogazioni, i più autorevoli dei quali a firma di Sambon, Tarascio, Grierson e Oddy, Travaini e Ruotolo. La catalogazione più completa sul tarì svevo è quella dell'ultimo autore citato 3 , giacché appositamente dedicata al periodo svevo, studio che sebbene basato sui principi di MEC 14 (es. labaro), vanta una propria evoluzione personale, in quanto effettua inserimenti in catalogo di tutto rispetto 4 (su cui tornerò più avanti, § 4.2) e ripercorre brevemente la storia degli studi sul punto, alla quale ultima non solo non mi sostituisco, ma rimando 5 . Dopo questo importante lavoro, ne sono intervenuti altri tre con intenti classificatori, i quali tuttavia si sono limitati ad arricchire il numero di esemplari di tarì o a catalogare la collezione del caso che avevano a disposizione, seguendo pedissequamente lo schema del MEC 14 6 . Queste scelte li hanno resi piuttosto testi divulgativi, che non testi concentrati all'individuazione di soluzioni diverse a fini di classificazione. All'esito di questo quadro, è intervenuto uno studio collettivo mirato alle qualità del tarì come moneta del Mediterraneo 7 , collettanea dalla quale ci si sarebbe attesi non solo la contestualizzazione della zecca di Napoli come zecca dei tarì, ma anche un tentativo di individuazione dei tarì napoletani, o quanto meno un loro inquadramento preliminare, visto che il lavoro amalfitano si è occupato di un periodo molto largo, che non avrebbe consentito studi analitici, ma che nell'ottica della dimensione mediterranea del tarì non avrebbe potuto prescindere dall'argomento napoletano appunto. Al contrario, la notizia della zecca sveva di Napoli ampiamente diffusa da qualche anno 8 , non solo non è stata recepita, ma alcuni degli studi ivi contenuti hanno denotato un abile slalom nell'evitare le intestazioni di zecca. Peraltro non è stato considerato nemmeno il lavoro di Giuseppe Ruotolo, l'unico che si era discostato leggermente da MEC 14.
The paper presents a discovery made during the archaeological researches at the Pricely Court from Suceava. In 2004, a gold coin was unearthed, a florin issued during the reign of Albert (1437-1439), the king of Hungary. The importance of... more
The paper presents a discovery made during the archaeological researches at the Pricely Court from Suceava. In 2004, a gold coin was unearthed, a florin issued during the reign of Albert (1437-1439), the king of Hungary. The importance of this finding is represented by the fact that is the first gold coin (and the only gold object) in more than sixty years of the archaeological researches at the monument. In comparison with Fortress of Suceava, the findings from The Pricery Court are fewer and less spectacular because of the massive destruction of the monument, seated in the downtown of Suceava, when the constructions were raised above it in the 18 th and 19 th centuries. The Hungarian coins were a common presence in the currency during the 15th century in Moldavia. The local coinage was able only in part to cover the necessities of the Moldavian markets and a lot o foreign coins (especially Hungarian and Polish coins) were used for daily trades. In the same time, for important transactions, like land purchases or princely donations, the payment was made in gold or silver coins. In the Moldavian documents from the 15 th century the gold coins were mentioned as zloţi. Of course, we can't be sure that the payment was made in the coins specified in the documents, but the presence of those coins was real, one evidence is the discovery from Suceava.
Final installment of the first edition of the Small Change for the Poor catalogue. I have begun work toward a second edition, which will incorporate the many things that I have learned along the way, should we prove able to survive Trump... more
Final installment of the first edition of the Small Change for the Poor catalogue. I have begun work toward a second edition, which will incorporate the many things that I have learned along the way, should we prove able to survive Trump and forestall our self-destruction on Earth.
MUDr. Zdeněk Petráň, jehož 70. narozeninám je věnována tato kniha, patří mezi nejvýznamnější osobnosti současné české numismatiky. V řadě článků v knize obsažených je zdůrazněna inspirující i mentorská role, kterou Zdeněk Petráň v... more
MUDr. Zdeněk Petráň, jehož 70. narozeninám je věnována tato kniha, patří mezi nejvýznamnější osobnosti současné české numismatiky. V řadě článků v knize obsažených je zdůrazněna inspirující i mentorská role, kterou Zdeněk Petráň v numismatickém prostředí plní již řadu let. Publikace sama přináší články od předních českých numismatiků, archeologů, historiků a sběratelů s různorodým profesním zázemím sdružených v České numismatické společnosti. Díky tomu je obsah knihy pestrý a zajímavý nejen pro úzce specializovaného badatele, ale i pro čtenáře, který kouzlo numismatiky teprve objevuje. Sumarizující a přehledně uspořádané kapitoly pokrývají široké chronologické i tematické spektrum od antické numismatiky přes problematiku středověkých ražeb až po raný novověk. Kapitoly z moderní numismatiky jsou pojaty šířeji a zasahují daleko více i do problematiky nemincovní drobné plastiky. Široký záběr témat jednotlivých textů přináší některé odpovědi na dosud nevyřešené problémy a zkušený čtenář si jistě všimne i nových otázek a podnětů pro další bádání.
MOZO MONROY, Manuel, MENDOZA TRABA, María José y CANO MARTÍN, Juan José, «Inventario de las monedas localizadas en la excavación arqueológica de la Iglesia de Santa María del Castillo de Buitrago de Lozoya (Madrid)», Gaceta Numismática,... more
MOZO MONROY, Manuel, MENDOZA TRABA, María José y CANO MARTÍN, Juan José, «Inventario de las monedas localizadas en la excavación arqueológica de la Iglesia de Santa María del Castillo de Buitrago de Lozoya (Madrid)», Gaceta Numismática, núm. 208, (Barcelona, diciembre 2024 -pero publicado en febrero 2025-), pp. 71-95.
Poklad ze Střelic (okr. Znojmo, Jihomoravský kraj) patří ke zcela výjimečným depotům. Objeven byl již v roce 1959, přesto dosud nebyl kompletně publikován. Díky svému složení patří k nejzajímavějším pokladům své doby, a to nejen na... more
Poklad ze Střelic (okr. Znojmo, Jihomoravský kraj) patří ke zcela výjimečným depotům. Objeven byl již v roce 1959, přesto dosud nebyl kompletně publikován. Díky svému složení patří k nejzajímavějším pokladům své doby, a to nejen na Moravě. Datován je do přelomu 20./ 30. let 13. století a současně s 1 352 stříbrnými mincemi obsahuje šperky a jejich zlomky.
Mincovní složka je složena ze tří hlavních částí. První reprezentují domácí ražby, moravské denáry tzv. fenikového typu, druhá je zastoupena rakouskými feniky a třetí složka je brakteátová, která kromě již zmiňovaných brakteátů s hebrejským opisem, obsahuje i několik dalších zajímavých ražeb, které se však i přes velkou snahu dosud nepodařilo přesně přiřadit konkrétním vydavatelům. Je možné, že tato skutečnost byla důvodem, proč tento poklad nebyl nikdy publikován v úplnosti. Šperkovou část zastupují záušnice s esovitým zakončením, torzo stříbrné čelenky, část náušnice, zlomky řetízku a vybroušený křišťál.
History of Beginning of Gdańsk (Danzig)
Nell'ambito della riorganizzazione delle zecche dello Stato Pontificio, regnante papa Sisto V (Felice Peretti, 24/4/1585-27/8/1590) la zecca di Ancona venne chiusa. Dovettero passare piu di due secoli prima che papa Pio VI (Giovanni... more
Nell'ambito della riorganizzazione delle zecche dello Stato Pontificio, regnante papa Sisto V (Felice Peretti, 24/4/1585-27/8/1590) la zecca di Ancona venne chiusa. Dovettero passare piu di due secoli prima che papa Pio VI (Giovanni Angelo Braschi, 15/2/1795-29/8/1799) ne autorizzasse la riapertura in data 28/2/1795.
- by Vladimiro Pirani
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The article presents basic information on the find of a hoard of deniers in a vessel from the Řeteč camp in the Písek district in 2017. The hoard is composed of 1,341 small deniers of Dukes Břetislav I and Spytihněv II.
- by Rastislav Korený and +1
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English: The Academic Coin Cabinet Jena emerged from various sub-collections, including a collection of the historian and polymath Johann Andreas Boses (1626-1674), which had been kept at the university library since 1694. In the 19th... more
Les deniers de Carloman II (879-884) de l'atelier d'Auxerre Éric Vandenbossche .
Trouvailles de monnaies carolingiennes
Trouvailles de denari piccoli en Champagne (France)
In 2009 a hoard of some 80 Carolingian coins was discovered near Bray-sur-Seine in the Île-de-France region (department of Seine-et-Marne). The hoard contained 13 coins of Louis the Pious and 1 of Lothar I, but the great majority were... more
In 2009 a hoard of some 80 Carolingian coins was discovered near Bray-sur-Seine in the Île-de-France region (department of Seine-et-Marne). The hoard contained 13 coins of Louis the Pious and 1 of Lothar I, but the great majority were issues of Charles the Bald (840–77), including 56 from the local mint of Sens. The high proportion of later coins and die
links with other hoards suggest that it can be dated to the 850s. Few hoards from 840–64 are known from this region, so the Bray hoard provides a valuable insight into the contemporary economy, and particularly the temple coinage of Sens. The article also identifies two new groups of Louis the Pious’ Christiana religio coinage and proposes attributions to Auxerre and Sens.
Etik beyan-Ethical statement: Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde etik ilkelere uyulmuştur. Benzerlik taraması-Plagiarism checks Yapıldı-İİ Çıkar çatışması beyan edilmemiştir. The Author(s) declare(s) that there is... more
Etik beyan-Ethical statement: Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde etik ilkelere uyulmuştur. Benzerlik taraması-Plagiarism checks Yapıldı-İİ Çıkar çatışması beyan edilmemiştir. The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest Finansman-Grant Support Herhangi bir fon, hibe veya başka bir destek alınmamıştır. No funds, grants, or other support was received.
- by Zeynep Temel
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Philippe Schiesser et Éric Vandenbossche, Un petit trésor de cinq deniers mérovingiens trouvé à Bar-sur-Seine, dans textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du... more
Philippe Schiesser et Éric Vandenbossche, Un petit trésor de cinq deniers mérovingiens trouvé à Bar-sur-Seine, dans textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14 novembre 2021 au Musées des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Troyes, RTSENA 11, 2022, p. 137-141.
Philippe Schiesser, Les trouvailles de deniers mérovingiens (vers 670- vers 750) dans l’Aube, dans, textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14... more
Philippe Schiesser, Les trouvailles de deniers mérovingiens (vers 670- vers 750) dans l’Aube, dans, textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14 novembre 2021 au Musées des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Troyes, RTSENA 11, 2022, p. 107-135.
10 publications de plus en 2024.
Historical context and XRF-research on metal content of Dutch emergency coins of the towns of Groningen (1577) and Breda (1577)
Kupιoc έπιδίωξΎJ τΎjς δοχ.ιμΎjς* ποu άχ.ολοuθεϊ εΙνοcι &φενος νιΧ θέσει το πpόβλΎ)μΟC μιοcς νέοcς χ.pιτιχ.Ύjς Ιtχ.δοσΎJς τών εϊχ.οσι 'Ωδών τοu 'Ανδpέοc Κά.λβοu, άφοu πιιΧ διοcθέτοuμε τ�ν πολύτψΎJ έμπεφίοc μιοcς πpώτΎJς χ.οcλΎjς, &λλιΧ οχι... more
Kupιoc έπιδίωξΎJ τΎjς δοχ.ιμΎjς* ποu άχ.ολοuθεϊ εΙνοcι &φενος νιΧ θέσει το πpόβλΎ)μΟC μιοcς νέοcς χ.pιτιχ.Ύjς Ιtχ.δοσΎJς τών εϊχ.οσι 'Ωδών τοu 'Ανδpέοc Κά.λβοu, άφοu πιιΧ διοcθέτοuμε τ�ν πολύτψΎJ έμπεφίοc μιοcς πpώτΎJς χ.οcλΎjς, &λλιΧ οχι &πόλuτοc ίχ.οcνοποιψιχ.Ύjς, πpοσπάθειοcς &π ο τον fΌ Μ. Pontani1, χ.ocl &φετέpοu νιΧ προτείνει μιιΧ ΟCλλΎJ λύσΎ) στο πpόβλΎ)μΟC οcuτό. Οί σuγχ.εχ.pιμένες &νάγχ.ες ποu uπocγopεuouν μιιΧ τέτοιοc πpοσπάθειοc θιΧ έχ.τεθοuν &νοcλuτιχ.ιΧ στο σχεδίοcσμοc ποu &χ.ολοuθεϊ. Στο τέλος θιΧ ποcpοcτεθεϊ, ώς μιχ.pο δεϊγμοc έφοcpμογΎjς τών &pχών ποu πpοτείνοντοcι, ή χ.pιτιχ.� itχ.δocr7J τΎjς πpώτΎJς ΏδΎjς ιι Ό Φιλόποcτpις» &πο τ� σuλλογ� τΎjς Λύρας. Ό σχ.όπιμοc δοχ.ιμοcστιχ.ος χocpocχ.τ�pocς οcύτοu τοu δΎ)μοσιεuμοcτος έπιθuμεϊ νιΧ πpοχ.οcλέσει γόνψΎJ σuζ�τΎJσΎ), γεγονός ποu θιΧ βοΎJθοuσε στο μέλλον &ποφοcσιστιχ.ιΧ τ�ν ένδεχόμενΎJ όλοχ.λΎJpωμένΎJ ποcpοuσίοcσΎJ τΎjς ((πpότoccr7Jς» οcύτΎjς. 1.1. 'Αpχίζοντοcς, σΎ)μειώνοuμε τιΧ έντελώς &ποcpοcίτψοc: Τ�ν χ.upιoc έλλψιχ.� ποιψιχ.� ποcpοcγωγ� τοu Άνδρέοc Κάλβοu ( 1792-1869) &ποτελοuν εϊχ.οσι Ώδές2 σέ δύο σuλλογές, ποu έχ.δόθψοcν ή πpώτΎJ στη ΓενεύΎJ το 1824 μέ * Την πα.ρα.κίνφΊ) γι& τ� δοκιμ� α.ύτ-Ιj, ιiλλ& κα.ί τ�ν πολύτιμΊ) συμπα.ριiστα.σΎ), όφείλω στον κ. 'Αθ. Κα.μπuλΊJ, κα.θΊJγψ� τΊjς Ηuζα.ντινΊjς κα.ί Νεοελλ. Φιλολογία.ς στο Πα.νεπ. τοu 'Αμβοuργοu, στον όποϊ.ο έκφράζω τίς θερμότα.τες εύχα.ριστίες μοu κα.ί ιiπο τη θέσΥJ α.ύτΊ]. 1. 'Ανδρέα Κάλβου, Ώδαί. Κριτ. ltκi> .•.. Μ. Porιlarιi. Είσα.γ. Κ. Θ. Δψα.ρας. Γλωσσιiριο Α. (;erιιilirιi, 'ΑΘΥjνα., "Ικα.ρος 1970. 'Ο μόχθος γι& τ�ν έτοιμα.σία. μιiiς τέτοια.ς ΙtκδοσΊ)ς είνα.ι προφα.νΥjς, iiν λοcβει κα.νείς uπόψΊ) τοu τ�ν itλλειψΊ) προΊ)γούμενοu προβλΊ)μα.τισμο\.ί γι& κριτι.κ� ΙtκδοσΊ) το\.ί Κάλβοu, ιiλλ& κα.ί την έπίπονΊ) ιiντιβολη με τίς 15 τοuλιiχιστον προΊ)γΊ)θεϊ.σες έκδόσεις των ΏΙΙων. 2. Άπο τόν Δ. ΓκίVΊ) ιiνα.κα.λι)φθΊjκε (Νέα Έστία 23, 1938, 347-49) ίtνα.ς «Είς Έλα.ία.ν "lμνος» τuπωμένος στ�ν Κέρκuρα. το 1830 (σΊ]μερα. στη Βιβλιοθ. τοu Μοuσείοu ΜπενάκΊJ, μονόφ. ιiρ. 1930), το\.ί όποίοu � πα.τρότψα. πα.ρα.μένει ιiμφίβολΊ). 'ΕπίσΎ)ς ό Μ. Viιιi (Α. Κα/νω• e i .fuoi .κritti in italiano, Naμoli 1960, σσ. 325-28) i>Ί)μοσίεuσε ιiπόσπα.σμα. ένος νεα.νικο\.ί τρα.γοullιο\.ί τοu Κιiλβοu σ•rarηπιerιιο dalla ωnzone a Na r •oleorιe), το όποϊ.ο κα.τ& τον Br. ιavagnini (La pr irηa r•oesia in greω di Α. Calνo, Πρακτ. Άκαδ. 'Αθηνών 4 7, 1972, 199-210) &να.φέρετα.ι στοίις τuρα.ννοκτόνοuς 'Αρμόllιο κα.ί 'Αριστογείτονα. κα.ί πρέπει ν& γράφτηκε το πιθανότερο γUρω στ& 1813-1814.
This article surveys the medieval coinage minted on Georgian lands to the Mongol age. Aimed at college-level pedagogy, it underscores the benefits of contextualizing this rich numismatic record regionally, ecumenically, and... more
This article surveys the medieval coinage minted on Georgian lands to the Mongol age. Aimed at college-level pedagogy, it underscores the benefits of contextualizing this rich numismatic record regionally, ecumenically, and cross-culturally. The Christianization of the region named for the Caucasus Mountains, which accelerated after the royal conversions of the fourth century, heightened the isthmus' long-standing cross-cultural condition. Meanwhile, Caucasia's traditional socio-cultural orientation southwards, especially towards Iran, did not come to an end with the entrenchment of Christianity. Since the Iron Age, Caucasia has been an active component of the Iranic (Persianate) world. The formation of the dār al-Islām and its extension across Caucasia did not thwart the southwards orientation. In Georgian lands, Islamic types and Arabic inscriptions were commonplace on the local coinage produced by Muslims and Christians alike. The Georgian Bagratids, identifying themselves as a Christian Byzantine-like dynasty, continued to deploy Islamic types on their coinage even during its "Golden Age" in the eleventh to early thirteenth century. At the same time, the nexus of the Iranian and Persianate world, on the one hand, and Caucasia, on the other, endured and evolved. The chronological span investigated here is appropriately bookended by coins embodying imperial hegemonies whose epicenters were located in Iran (i.e., the Sasanians and the Ilkhans).
los omeyas en al-Andalus e idrisíes en la otra orilla del Estrecho, eligieron el remoto Occidente como tierra de promisión, pensando que aquellos lugates quedaban lo suficientemente apartados del nuevo poder musulmán como para que los... more
los omeyas en al-Andalus e idrisíes en la otra orilla del Estrecho, eligieron el remoto Occidente como tierra de promisión, pensando que aquellos lugates quedaban lo suficientemente apartados del nuevo poder musulmán como para que los califas de Bagdad no pudieran interferir determinantemente en su devenir. Como suele ocurrir en estos casos, se confundió la realidad con los deseos, pues las intromisiones llegaron, y de qué forma.
Single coin finds are important sources of information on the monetary circulation in a particular place. The article deals with coins found in four different sites in Prostějov and its surroundings; the first of them being a find... more
Single coin finds are important sources of information on the monetary circulation in a particular place. The article deals with coins found in four different sites in Prostějov and its surroundings; the first of them being a find obtained during archaeological research; the remaining three fall into the category of detector finds. Anonymous obols belonging to the Cach (1970) nos. 165–184 group have already been found in five or six different places in Moravia, and can be considered Moravian issues. New finds of deniers of Břetislav I of the Cach (1970) no. 300 type also unambiguously attest that both main issues of this type, with and without an anchor on the reverse, originated in Moravia.
MOZO MONROY, Manuel, FRANCISCO OLMOS, José María, y SERRANO HERNÁNDEZ, Ana, de 16 de diciembre de 2025, «El Real de plata abulense de Juan II: cuando la moneda confirma la historia», We Are Numismatics [en línea]. Disponible en:... more
In our paper, we explore the intriguing practice of coinage as a means of mockery during the medieval sieges in Tuscany, particularly focusing on a previously overlooked Florentine source related to the 1362 siege of Peccioli and the... more
In our paper, we explore the intriguing practice of coinage as a means of mockery during the medieval sieges in Tuscany, particularly focusing on a previously overlooked Florentine source related to the 1362 siege of Peccioli and the capture of Montecchio. We reveal how these acts were not spontaneous but rather strategic moves planned in advance to assert dominance over the enemy, highlighting the complex interplay between warfare and identity. We invite you to read our findings and share your thoughts!
Mes monnaies d'Aurélien Je présente ci-dessous ma petite collection de monnaies de l'empereur Aurélien, qui régna de juillet 270 à septembre 275. Je complèterai ultérieurement les descriptions des monnaies. Jean-Louis Charvet, 15 décembre... more
Mes monnaies d'Aurélien Je présente ci-dessous ma petite collection de monnaies de l'empereur Aurélien, qui régna de juillet 270 à septembre 275. Je complèterai ultérieurement les descriptions des monnaies. Jean-Louis Charvet, 15 décembre 2024 AURELIEN 001 Aurelianus. Billon. A. Buste à droite. AURELIANUS AUG. R. ORIENS AUG. Sol (le soleil) debout à gauche, levant la main droite et tenant un globe dans la main gauche ; à ses pieds, à gauche, un captif. A l'exergue Q. 79 exemplaires dans les archives CGB au 15/12/2024. Prix : de 4 à 428 euros.
Volumul de față este produsul conferinței cu același titlu, care s-a desfășurat la Iași, în cadrul „Zilelor Academice Ieșene”, ediția a XXVIII-a, în perioada 18–21 octombrie 2023. Participanții la conferință au reprezentat mai multe... more
Volumul de față este produsul conferinței cu același titlu, care s-a desfășurat la Iași, în cadrul „Zilelor Academice Ieșene”, ediția a XXVIII-a, în perioada 18–21 octombrie 2023. Participanții la conferință au reprezentat mai multe instituții de cercetare, universitare și muzeale din România și Republica Moldova, respectiv din Alba Iulia, Arad, Bârlad, București, Botoșani, Buzău, Chișinău, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Craiova, Iași, Piatra Neamț, Roman, Sibiu, Suceava, Timișoara, Târgu Neamț, Târgoviște şi Tulcea.
Se vor regăsi în paginile acestei cărți 15 studii, redactate în limba română și în limba engleză, care abordează o paletă variată de subiecte referitoare la trecutul comunităților umane din preistorie până în perioada medievală și modernă.