Nature Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This is a collaborative portfolio of art and writing from Tumamoc Hill including work by Paul Mirocha, Eric Magrane, Barbara Terkanian, Monique Soria, D.L. Coleman, Meredith Milstead, and Kathleen Koopman. The introduction, titled "A... more

This is a collaborative portfolio of art and writing from Tumamoc Hill including work by Paul Mirocha, Eric Magrane, Barbara Terkanian, Monique Soria, D.L. Coleman, Meredith Milstead, and Kathleen Koopman.
The introduction, titled "A Context for Arts on Tumamoc," by Mirocha and Magrane, begins:
Early on a recent May morning, artist Meredith Milstead set up her easel outside of the historic Desert Lab buildings on Tumamoc Hill and proceeded to paint the scene before her over a twelve-hour period, completing one painting per hour. A study of color and time, the act of making these paintings echoes the historical research on Tumamoc. Much of what is known about deserts comes from Tumamoc Hill, either through research at the site itself or through the impressive list of those—a who's who of desert ecologists—who have worked at the Hill over the years. It's not a stretch to claim that the modern field of ecology owes much of its beginning to the Carnegie Desert Botanical Laboratory established on Tumamoc Hill in 1903. Long-term study plots set up by these early ecologists comprise the longest-running vegetation-monitoring program in the world. That some of the current activity on the Hill is in the form of art or poetry is a reflection of the growing awareness that scientific and artistic ways of knowing are not in opposition but can be, rather, complementary to each other. In a time when climate change has us facing increasing temperatures, drought, and wildfire here in much of the Southwest, and when increased acknowledgment that the disciplinary silos that have built up over the last couple of centuries are not up to facing such big questions alone, it is fitting that Tumamoc Hill is one of the sites that has embraced the role that artists and writers may play in the present, an epoch that many have begun to call the Anthropocene.

We describe in detail a general strategy for implementing a conditional geometric phase between two spins. Combined with single-spin operations, this simple operation is a universal gate for quantum computation, in that any unitary... more

We describe in detail a general strategy for implementing a conditional geometric phase between two spins. Combined with single-spin operations, this simple operation is a universal gate for quantum computation, in that any unitary transformation can be implemented with arbitrary precision using only single-spin operations and conditional phase shifts. Thus quantum geometrical phases can form the basis of any quantum computation. Moreover, as the induced conditional phase depends only on the geometry of the paths executed by the spins it is resilient to certain types of errors and offers the potential of a naturally fault-tolerant way of performing quantum computation.

During the Minoan Neopalatial period (ca. 1700-1450 BCE) female figures are depicted in visual art sitting on rocks and stepped cult structures, both of which may be symbolic representations of mountains. Trees are also depicted in... more

During the Minoan Neopalatial period (ca. 1700-1450 BCE) female figures are depicted in visual art sitting on rocks and stepped cult structures, both of which may be symbolic representations of mountains. Trees are also depicted in conjunction with rocks and stepped altars, sometimes replacing the female figure, and suggesting a tree-and-mountain combination. These scenes echo a tradition in the iconography of Syro-Mesopotamia, the Levant and Egypt of an association betweenand even the interchangeability of-trees, or more broadly vegetation, and female figures. While the Minoan female figures are unidentified, the east Mediterranean examples are associated with known goddesses. This paper suggests that, along with cult structures, Cretan Neopalatial female garments also belong to this tree-and-mountain symbolic visual language. Not only do abstract mountain forms appear on female garments, but the combination of female torso and elaborate skirt forms a silhouette that evokes the cult scenes in which women sit on rocks and stepped altars and platforms. Examination of the decoration, structure, and shape of Minoan Neopalatial garments as depicted in glyptic, wall painting, and three dimensions, will demonstrate their suitability for incorporation into the classification of landscape epiphany.

As a comparative reading informed by recent work in integration theory and metaphor theory shows, Heinrich Schenker's and Arnold Schoenberg's Harmonielehren adumbrate broader theories of composition based in part on a conception of the... more

As a comparative reading informed by recent work in integration theory and metaphor theory shows, Heinrich Schenker's and Arnold Schoenberg's Harmonielehren adumbrate broader theories of composition based in part on a conception of the tone as a partly unconsciously perceived, living idea, which the artist imitates in a piece of music as a manifestation or development of one particular tone by means of the motive and the key. Schenker and Schoenberg further conceive of a piece as a picture of the tone and a statement about the tone. This analysis reveals that Schenker's and Schoenberg's peculiar clashes, such as in their starkly opposed attitudes toward tonality, are the result of a mere difference in emphasis—attributable to temperament—on the absoluteness of the tone as an idea of nature versus the contingency of the artist's response to the tone in the formation of music, a contradiction inherent in both of their remarkably parallel theories. This deep unity in Schenker's and Schoenberg's musical thought invites a reassessment of the opposed historical categories of tonal and post-tonal music, which have informed our perception of a fundamental conflict between their theories and limited our perception of commonality between their theories.

Paru aux é ditions Delarbre : -
« Je dois avoir un ancêtre qui s’appelle Rousseau, j’ai voulu relire Les Rêveries d’un promeneur solitaire, livre admirable mais dans lequel, au fond, Rousseau parle beaucoup de lui et très peu de la nature » déclarait Philippe Jaccottet en 1997. Malgré l’enracinement commun de leur écriture poétique et journalière au cœur de paysages naturels, la proportion des parts accordées au moi et à la nature les distingue très clairement. Le lecteur de Jaccottet le sait bien : le poète parle en ses recueils bien plus de la nature qu’il ne parle de lui-même, et aspire plus à faire parler la nature qu’il ne tente de parler lui-même. Sources, ruisseaux, rivières, montagnes, cerisiers, églantiers, cognassiers, pommiers, fleurs, cailloux, chats-huant, criquets, rossignols… la poésie de Jaccottet abrite un microcosme bruissant et animé, une nature loquace face à laquelle le « je » semble parfois demeurer taciturne ; l’élection qui l’attache à Grignan en 1953 fera de ces paysages qui s’offrent alors à lui le combustible essentiel à son écriture comme à sa vie poétique ; source d’inspiration, terre riche de fragments d’un âge d’or perdu, le paysage permet ainsi au poète d’éprouver son écriture par ses tentatives de (re)présentations, et son contact quotidien lui permet surtout de « vivre de telle manière que l’écrit naisse naturellement » (La Semaison) ; le paysage de Grignan, à la façon d’un attrape-rêve, filtrerait ainsi l’angoisse qui noue la gorge du poète pour lui permettre de s’abreuver enfin librement à la source de la Présence et de la vie. © Marie Delarbre Éditions Dépôt légal : octobre 2016 ISBN : 978-2-913351-33-2 ISSN collection : 1635-6373

This thesis analyzes Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Starhawk’s The Fifth Sacred Thing from ecofeminist viewpoints by specifically examining the interconnections between women and nature in both future-societies. Essentially,... more

This thesis analyzes Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Starhawk’s The Fifth Sacred Thing from ecofeminist viewpoints by specifically examining the interconnections between women and nature in both future-societies. Essentially, ecofeminism is a radical literary theory and a political movement based on ecology and a sub-branch of ecocriticism, which proclaims that the subjugation of the females and the exploitation of nature are all interrelated stratums conducted by a prevailing masculine mindset; thus, this radical ecological criticism necessitates the analyses of these interconnected oppressions. According to the ecofeminist understanding, the patriarchy exerts and maintains its power and domination by making use of authoritative power structures that are based on dualisms like human/nature, men/women, nature/culture. Thus, ecofeminists attempt to destroy all the established dualities and they disseminate ecologically informed societies where equality and liberation are maintained for all genders. This study explores the specific ecofeminist themes prevalent within Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Starhawk’s The Fifth Sacred Thing. These novels trace the connections between gender, nature, femininity, masculinity, sexuality, religion and science. While the dystopic fiction of Atwood offers a catastrophic social order that reflects the fallacy of the modern man regarding his oppressive attitude towards nature and women, Starhawk’s ecotopia, on the other hand, proposes an ecotopia where all species, genders, the human and nonhuman communities live in equality, peace and harmony. Both fictions, thus, focus on the issues of women and nature and signal an ecofeminist message by reflecting that if the society does not change its patriarchal, hierarchal and mostly androcentric approach towards women and nature, the environmental crisis and gender-based discrimination will be sustained forever.

2. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında akademik alana hızla yayılan eleştirel düşünce, sosyal bilimler ve kültürel çalışmalar altında pek çok yeni çalışma alanının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. 1980'li yıllarda yaygın olarak gelişen edebiyat merkezli... more

2. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında akademik alana hızla yayılan eleştirel düşünce, sosyal bilimler ve kültürel çalışmalar altında pek çok yeni çalışma alanının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. 1980'li yıllarda yaygın olarak gelişen edebiyat merkezli ekoeleştiri ve yine benzer dönemlerde gelişen eleştirel veya yeni müzikoloji çalışmaları, eleştirel yaklaşımlarıyla mevcut paradigmaları sarsmıştır. Ekoeleştiri düşüncesi ile müzikoloji disiplinini bir araya getiren ekomüzikoloji alanı ise müzik ve kültür arasındaki ilişkiye doğayı da katarak, çevre/doğa konusuna ses ve müzik açısından bakan yeni bir yaklaşım ortaya çıkarmıştır. Disiplinlerarası bir perspektifle çevre/doğa bağlamında birçok konuyla ilgilenen ekomüzikoloji çalışmaları, bilimsel ve aktivist bir çabadır. İnsan-doğa ilişkisini sorgulayan ve günümüzdeki çevre krizleri ile sürdürülebilirlik sorunlarına müzikolojinin sınırlarını genişleterek yanıtlar bulmaya çalışan ekomüzikoloji, 2000'li yıllardan itibaren tüm dünyada hızla gelişen bir alan olmuştur. Bu makalede, ekoeleştirel ve doğakültürel bir müzikoloji yaklaşımı olarak ekomüzikolojinin ortaya çıkışı, bu alanda yapılan çalışmalar ile alanla ilgili kavramsal ve yöntemsel tartışmalar konuyla ilgili temel kaynaklar üzerinden incelenmiştir. Bu makalenin, gelecekte Türkiye'de ekomüzikoloji alanında yapılacak araştırmalara yol gösterici olması hedeflenmiştir.
After World War II, the rapid spread of critical theory led to the emergence of many new fields of study under the social sciences and cultural studies. The literary centered ecocriticism, which was developed in the 1980s, and the critical or new musicology studies that developed in similar periods, influenced the existing paradigms with their critical approaches. The field of ecomusicology, which brings together the idea of ecocriticism with the discipline of musicology, has brought a new approach to the environment/nature issues in terms of sound and music, adding nature to the relationship between music and culture. Ecomusicology studies dealing with many issues in the context of environment/nature from an interdisciplinary perspective is both a scientific and an activist effort. By questioning the human-nature relationship and trying to find answers to today's environmental crises and sustainability problems by expanding the boundaries of musicology, ecomusicology has been a rapidly developing field since the 2000s. In this article, the emergence of ecomusicology as an ecocritical and naturecultural musicology approach, as well as conceptual and methodological discussions concerning this field are examined through the main sources. This article is intended to be a guide to future research in the field of ecomusicology in Turkey.

Ce volume comporte trois chapitres : le premier décrit les linéaments d'une doctrine archaïque de la « phusis » visant toujours à connaître la « nature » de chaque chose, cet ensemble de caractéristiques qui fonde sa puissance, sa... more

Ce volume comporte trois chapitres : le premier décrit les linéaments d'une doctrine archaïque de la « phusis » visant toujours à connaître la « nature » de chaque chose, cet ensemble de caractéristiques qui fonde sa puissance, sa capacité d'agir ; le second décrit une représentation archaïque de l'Univers au moyen du schème de la croissance végétale, reconnu dans l'usage du verbe « phuô » et la poursuit jusqu'à la grande synthèse de la cosmologie archaïque, telle qu'elle s'énonce dans la deuxième partie du poème de Parménide : l'Univers est comme une grande plante qui croît et distribue l'ensemble des « natures » des choses. Le schème de la croissance et celui de la distribution des natures convergent ainsi pour esquisser la première représentation globale d'un tout cosmique organisé. La troisième partie est consacrée au débat qui, dans le deuxième Ve siècle, autour de « l'enquête sur la nature », chez les sophistes et les médecins, accompagne l'apparition d'un tout de plus en plus homogène, mais néanmoins susceptible de plusieurs visages : ainsi celui de l'homogénéité du mode de production de toutes choses ou celui de la distribution des natures de toutes choses. La Nature commence à paraître, oscillant entre une logique génétique et une logique distributive : c'est ainsi que s'accomplit une histoire qui fait progressivement du terme distribué à toutes choses pour décrire leurs puissances respectives le nom du tout organisé où chacune trouve sa place.

Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to... more

Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to define obesity and assess adiposity, in up to 339,224 individuals. This analysis identifies 97 BMI-associated loci…

In two previously described donors, the extracellular domain of LAIR1, a collagen-binding inhibitory receptor encoded on chromosome 19 (ref. 1), was inserted between the V and DJ segments of an antibody. This insertion generated, through... more

In two previously described donors, the extracellular domain of LAIR1, a collagen-binding inhibitory receptor encoded on chromosome 19 (ref. 1), was inserted between the V and DJ segments of an antibody. This insertion generated, through somatic mutations, broadly reactive antibodies against RIFINs, a type of variant antigen expressed on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. To investigate how frequently such antibodies are produced in response to malaria infection, we screened plasma from two large cohorts of individuals living in malaria-endemic regions. Here we report that 5-10% of malaria-exposed individuals, but none of the European blood donors tested, have high levels of LAIR1-containing antibodies that dominate the response to infected erythrocytes without conferring enhanced protection against febrile malaria. By analysing the antibody-producing B cell clones at the protein, cDNA and gDNA levels, we characterized additional LAIR1 insertions between the...

The reference sequence for each human chromosome provides the framework for understanding genome function, variation and evolution. Here we report the finished sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1. Chromosome 1 is... more

The reference sequence for each human chromosome provides the framework for understanding genome function, variation and evolution. Here we report the finished sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1. Chromosome 1 is gene-dense, with 3,141 genes and 991 pseudogenes, and many coding sequences overlap. Rearrangements and mutations of chromosome 1 are prevalent in cancer and many other diseases. Patterns of sequence variation reveal signals of recent selection in specific genes that may contribute to human fitness, and also in regions where no function is evident. Fine-scale recombination occurs in hotspots of varying intensity along the sequence, and is enriched near genes. These and other studies of human biology and disease encoded within chromosome 1 are made possible with the highly accurate annotated sequence, as part of the completed set of chromosome sequences that comprise the reference human genome.

T-cell growth factor (TCGF or interleukin-2) is an inducible glycoprotein hormone of molecular weight 15,000 (ref. 1) synthesized and secreted by T lymphocytes following activation with antigen or mitogen2,3. TCGF is required for... more

T-cell growth factor (TCGF or interleukin-2) is an inducible glycoprotein hormone of molecular weight 15,000 (ref. 1) synthesized and secreted by T lymphocytes following activation with antigen or mitogen2,3. TCGF is required for proliferation and expansion of T cells following antigen encounter4,5 and to maintain them in long-term culture in vitro6-9. Full expression of the human immune response requires both the induction of TCGF synthesis and the formation of specific TCGF membrane receptors10,11. Monoclonal antibodies binding TCGF have been prepared12,13. In contrast, antibodies specific for the TCGF membrane receptor have not been identified, nor has the receptor been characterized. We have prepared a monoclonal antibody, termed anti-Tac14,15, which appears to bind to the human membrane receptor for TCGF. In support of this, we now demonstrate that anti-Tac suppresses TCGF induced proliferation of T cells and blocks binding of radiolabelled TCGF to cells from a cloned human continuous T-cell line. Also we have partially purified and characterized the putative TCGF receptor. This receptor is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight (Mr) of 47,000-53,000.

A large variation in prognosis is observed despite the use of clinical prognostic factors in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is likely that this variation is due to the different biological properties of the... more

A large variation in prognosis is observed despite the use of clinical prognostic factors in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is likely that this variation is due to the different biological properties of the tumour cells. In this work we aimed to identify gene signature that could predict survival in advanced NSCLC. Total RNA was extracted from five 5 μm-thick sections of the FFPE using the High Pure RNA Paraffin Kit (Roche). RNA amplification was performed using WT-Ovation™ FFPE RNA Amplification System V2 (NuGen). The amplified cDNA was then labelled and hybridised onto Illumina HumanRef-8 v3.0 Expression BeadChips. Microarray data analysis was subsequently performed using Genespring GX version 9.0. Out of 75 FFPE samples, only 32 had sufficient RNA quality and quantity for microarray gene expression analysis. Patients were grouped into long and short survival groups based on the time to cancer-related death. After normalization and filtration, 19,002 genes were selected for differential gene expression analysis. A total of 440 genes differed significantly between the long and short survival groups (ANOVA, p <; 0.05, with Benjamini and Hochberg False Discovery Rate multiple testing correction). Unsupervised Hierarchial Clustering with Pearson correlation and average linkage identified two broad clusters of patients corresponding to the long and short survival. Thirteen genes were selected based on the TTest, 2-fold expression changes, principal components analysis and univariate Cox regression analysis and risk scores were calculated for each patient. These gene signatures were independent predictors of survival. The model was validated with a published microarray data from 130 patients with NSCLC. Using Gene Set Analysis (GSA), we found certain biological processes including metastasis and chemotherapy resistance were up-regulated in the short survival group while TID pathway and MAPKKK cascade were enriched in th- - e long survival group. As the conclusion, there is several distinct gene expression profiles associated with survival of patients with advanced stage NSCLC. Survival outcomes in advanced NSCLC could be predicted based on a 13-gene signature.