Decision Making Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Seventy-six percent of 65 psychotherapy cases seen in a child guidance clinic either did not change or improved following a mandated report of suspected child abuse. In a significant minority of cases, the therapy relationship... more

Seventy-six percent of 65 psychotherapy cases seen in a child guidance clinic either did not change or improved following a mandated report of suspected child abuse. In a significant minority of cases, the therapy relationship deteriorated when the report was made about a client in treatment, and improved when the report was made about a third party not in treatment.

ncreasingly, the explosion in scien- tific knowledge is overwhelming both researchers and practitioners in the health professions. The man- aged care pharmacist today needs a con - stant and current sense of the basic phar- maceutical... more

ncreasingly, the explosion in scien- tific knowledge is overwhelming both researchers and practitioners in the health professions. The man- aged care pharmacist today needs a con - stant and current sense of the basic phar- maceutical sciences, clinical pharmacy, pharmacy management systems, health policy and ethics, new drug introductions, pharmacoeconomics, and pharmacoepi- demiology. Monitoring the ever-changing pharmaceutical industry is now

Based on interviews with bureaucrats and judges in several Swiss cantons, this article analyzes how bureaucrats decide to order immigration detention and how the judicial review shapes their decisions. The authors argue that discretionary... more

Based on interviews with bureaucrats and judges in several Swiss cantons, this article analyzes how bureaucrats decide to order immigration detention and how the judicial review shapes their decisions. The authors argue that discretionary decision-making regarding immigration detention is structured by the web of relationships in which decision-makers are embedded and affected by the practices of other street-level actors. The varying cantonal configurations result in heterogenous bureaucratic practices that affect the profiles and numbers of persons being detained. In particular, differences in judges' interpretation of legal principles, as well as in their expectations, strongly affect bureaucratic decisions.

Objective: Recent studies on treating obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have investigated noninvasive brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to improve patients’ impaired emotion and... more

Objective: Recent studies on treating obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have investigated
noninvasive brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
to improve patients’ impaired emotion and cognition. However, such experiments have yielded
mixed results, especially with respect to cognition. This study aimed to investigate whether
anodal and cathodal tDCS applied over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) would
improve decision making and reduce obsession symptoms in patients with OCD.
Methods: the current study is analysis of variance. In this regard, 20 patients with obsessive
compulsive disorder (n=20) were randomly assigned to receive either experimental (active) or
control (sham) tDCS. To measure cognitive functions, the participants underwent a series of
decision making neuropsychological tasks; to measure obsession symptoms, the Yale-brown
obsessive compulsive and Beck anxiety scale (BAI) were used. The parameters of active
tDCS included administration of 2 mA for 20 minutes per day for 15 consecutive days, anode
electrode over the right DLPFC (F4), and cathode electrode over the left DLPFC (F3) region.
Results: After 10 sessions of anodal and cathodal tDCS, patients showed significant
improvement in decision making tasks. The same results were observed for obsession
Conclusion: The data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0.0 software, using analysis of variance
methods.This study demonstrated that anodal tDCS over left DLPFC, concurrent with cathodal
tDCS over right DLPFC, improved cognitive impairment and reduced obsession symptoms in
patients with OCD.

Much research in the last two decades has demonstrated that human responses deviate from the performance deemed normative according to various models of decision making and rational judgment (e.g., the basic axioms of utility theory).... more

Much research in the last two decades has demonstrated that human responses deviate from the performance deemed normative according to various models of decision making and rational judgment (e.g., the basic axioms of utility theory). This gap between the normative and the descriptive can be interpreted as indicating systematic irrationalities in human cognition. However, four alternative interpretations preserve the assumption that human behavior and cognition is largely rational. These posit that the gap is due to (1) performance errors, (2) computational limitations, (3) the wrong norm being applied by the experimenter, and (4) a different construal of the task by the subject. In the debates about the viability of these alternative explanations, attention has been focused too narrowly on the modal response. In a series of experiments involving most of the classic tasks in the heuristics and biases literature, we have examined the implications of individual differences in performa...

This essay provides a critical overview of contemporary legal approaches to capacity in the context of dementia. It is a pre-copy edited version of an essay published in Foster, Herring and Doron, The Law and Ethics of Dementia (Oxford:... more

This essay provides a critical overview of contemporary legal approaches to capacity in the context of dementia. It is a pre-copy edited version of an essay published in Foster, Herring and Doron, The Law and Ethics of Dementia (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014) pp. 271-282.

Esta tesis desarrolla el modelo de un sistema para la toma de decisiones y mejora continua que toda organización o industria debería de poseer; tomando como punto crítico la gestión cuantitativa de información. En este trabajo monográfico... more

Esta tesis desarrolla el modelo de un sistema para la toma de decisiones y mejora continua que toda organización o industria debería de poseer; tomando como punto crítico la gestión cuantitativa de información. En este trabajo monográfico el modelo propuesto se implementa en las granjas de porcicultura, ubicadas en Nicaragua, de la compañia AGANORSA. La tesis incluye como base los conocimientos desarrollados por Russell Ackoff, Edwards Deming, y Eliyahu Goldratt. Además de utilizar métodos cuantitativos como el cálculo de capacidad instalada, la modelación y simulación de procesos, análisis de factibilidad de escenarios, y otros.

The present study examined the relationships between leadership styles and decision-making styles among public schools principals. A total of 108 principals returned questionnaires from Russaifa Education District in Jordan. The Decision... more

The present study examined the relationships between leadership styles and decision-making styles among
public schools principals. A total of 108 principals returned questionnaires from Russaifa Education District in Jordan. The Decision Style Inventory and the Administrative Styles Questionnaire were used in this study. "Directive decision making style" was predominant among school principals,. Leadership style (5, 5) "Constituency-Centered Administration" was predominant among school principals. The results revealed that no significant correlation exists between decision making styles and leadership styles of school principals. Upon the research findings, some recommendations were recommended.

ABSTRACT: This paper serves two purposes: (i) it can be used by students as an introduction to chapters 1-5 of book iii of the NE; (ii) it suggests an answer to the unresolved question what overall objective this section of the NE has.... more

ABSTRACT: This paper serves two purposes: (i) it can be used by students as an introduction to chapters 1-5 of book iii of the NE; (ii) it suggests an answer to the unresolved question what overall objective this section of the NE has. The paper focuses primarily on Aristotle’s theory of what makes us responsible for our actions and character. After some preliminary observations about praise, blame and responsibility (Section 2), it sets out in detail how all the key notions of NE iii 1-5 are interrelated (Sections 3-9). The setting-out of these interconnections makes it then possible to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the purpose of the passage. Its primary purpose is to explain how agents are responsible for their actions not just insofar as they are actions of this kind or that, but also insofar as they are noble or base: agents are responsible for their actions qua noble or base, because, typically via choice, their character dispositions are a causal factor of those actions (Section 10). The paper illustrates the different ways in which agents can be causes of their actions by means of Aristotle’s four basic types of agents (Section 11). A secondary purpose of NE iii 1-5 is to explain how agents can be held responsible for consequences of their actions (Section 12), in particular for their character dispositions insofar as these are noble or base, i.e. virtues or vices (Section 13). These two goals are not the only ones Aristotle pursues in the passage. But they are the ones Aristotle himself indicates in its first sentence and summarizes in its last paragraph; and the ones that give the passage a systematic unity. The paper also briefly consider the issues of freedom-to-do-otherwise, free choice and free-will in the contexts in which they occur (i.e. in the final paragraphs of Sections 6, 7, 12, 13).

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being advocated as a climate adaptation approach that can deliver multiple benefits to communities. EbA scholarship argues that community-based projects can strengthen those ecosystems that... more

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being advocated as a climate adaptation approach that can deliver multiple benefits to communities. EbA scholarship argues that community-based projects can strengthen those ecosystems that deliver critical services to communities and in doing so enhance community resilience. In particular, the inclusion of indigenous and traditional knowledge (ITK) into community-based EbA projects is positioned as critical to successful climate adaptation. Yet, there is surprisingly little investigation into how ITK is being defined and incorporated into EbA initiatives. This paper critically reviews EbA literature and provides empirical examples from Vanuatu and Samoa to demonstrate the different ways ITK relates to EbA projects. We find that there is widespread recognition that ITK is important for indigenous and local communities and can be employed successfully in EbA. However, this recognition is more aspirational than practical and is not being necessarily translated into ITK-informed or ITK-driven EbA projects. ITK should not be conceptualized simply as a collection of local environmental information that is integrated with Western scientific knowledge. Instead, ITK is part of nested knowledge systems (information– practices–worldviews) of indigenous peoples. This knowledge includes local natural resource management, sociocultural governance structures, social norms, spiritual beliefs, and historical and contemporary experiences of colonial dispossession and marginalization. At present, most EbA projects focus on the provision of information to main decision-makers only; however, since ITK is held collectively, it is essential that entire communities are included in ITK EbA projects. There is a huge potential for researchers and ITK holders to coproduce knowledge that would be best placed to drive climate adaptation in a changing world.

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la... more

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la conversión deseable del ejido en la palanca del desarrollo integral de medio rural, de México y del planeta tierra en su conjunto.

Özellikle 2000’li yıllarla birlikte ivme kazanan teknolojik gelişmeler ve küreselleşme dünyanın bütününe ulaşılabilirliği ve insanların seyahatlerine ayırdıkları zamanlarını arttırmıştır. Geçmişte uzak ve ulaşılmaz olarak görülen... more

Özellikle 2000’li yıllarla birlikte ivme kazanan teknolojik gelişmeler ve küreselleşme dünyanın bütününe ulaşılabilirliği ve insanların seyahatlerine ayırdıkları zamanlarını arttırmıştır. Geçmişte uzak ve ulaşılmaz olarak görülen mesafelere günümüzde birden çok ulaşım aracıyla hızlı, konforlu ve güvenli bir biçimde ulaşılabilmektedir. Bu durum daha çok insanı seyahat etmeye ve turizme katılmaya yönlendirmektedir. Bu gelişmelerin sonucu olarak küresel ölçekte 2019 yılı itibariyle 1,4 milyar insanın katıldığı ve 1,7 trilyon dolar gelirin elde edildiği bir turizm pazarı oluşmuştur. Bu denli büyük bir pazardan daha çok pay almak isteyen ülkeler, bölgeler, kentler, köyler ve hatta kırsal alanlar yani destinasyon olarak adlandırılan bölgelerde yoğun bir rekabet ortamı ve turizm pazarlarında yer alma mücadelesi yaşanmaktadır. Artık dünyada kabul görmüş genel ölçütler bağlamında gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olarak kabul edilen ve hatta gelişim konusunda oldukça geri kalmış ülkeler bile hem genel ekonomik seviyelerinin yükseltilmesinde hem de dengeli gelişimlerinde ve gelir paylaşımlarında adaletin sağlanması hususunda turizmin ne denli önemli olduğunun bilincindedirler. Ülkeler genel olarak sadece isimleri ile bilinirliklerini artırma, marka olma ve turist sadakati oluşturma çabalarının ötesinde sahip olduğu tüm bölgeleri, kentleri ve yöreleri ile tanınma, bilinme ve marka olma isteğindedirler. Bu çerçevede sadece merkezi yönetimleri ile değil aynı zamanda yerel yönetimlerini, turizm bürolarını, politikacılarını ve hatta ulusal ve uluslararası tanınırlığı olan ünlülerini aktif olarak kullanarak pazarlama faaliyetlerini yürütmektedirler. Günümüzde genelden özele doğru ve detayların daha ön plana çıkarıldığı bir pazarlama ve satış süreci turizm pazarlarının ve destinasyonlarının öncelikli stratejilerini oluşturmaktadır. Çünkü diğer destinasyonlardan ayrışamayan, farklılıklarını ön plana çıkaramayan, var olan kaynaklarıyla yetinip alternatifler üretemeyen, potansiyellerini gerçekleştirmede başarısız olan, trendleri takip etme konusunda yetersiz kalan, altyapı ve üstyapı yatırımlarını tamamlayamayan destinasyonlar pazarda rekabet edememektedirler. Uygun kaynaklarla ve iyi analiz edilmiş makul hedeflerle oluşturulmuş, turistlerin kişisel ihtiyaçlarına, isteklerine ve beklentilerine de yanıt verebilen destinasyonlar ise yönetim ve pazarlama açısından başarıya ulaşmaktadırlar ve varlıklarını geleceğe taşıyabilmektedirler. Destinasyon pazarlamasında destinasyonun sahip olduğu tüm varlıkların ve değerlerin sunulması gerekmektedir. Ancak karmaşık ve çok bileşenli bir turistik ürün olan destinasyonların kendilerine özgü pazarlama güçlüklerinden dolayı uygun bir pazarlama karmasının oluşturulması, hizmet kalitesi ve turist memnuniyetinin sağlanması ve destinasyona olan sadakatin oluşturulabilmesi etkin ve sistemli bir pazarlama sürecini gerekli kılmaktadır.

This thesis consists of three empirical studies in economics of education on the determinants and consequences of language-in-education (LiE) policies. The “Environmental settings – Inputs – Processes – Immediate outcomes – Long-term... more

This thesis consists of three empirical studies in economics of education on the determinants and consequences of language-in-education (LiE) policies. The “Environmental settings – Inputs – Processes – Immediate outcomes – Long-term outcomes” (EIPOL) evaluation model is applied to LiE policies and programs and serves as the overall framework of this research (see Introductory Chapter). Each study then targets at least one stage of the EIPOL framework to test the validity of the “green” vs. “free-market” linguistic theories. Whereas the two first studies derive models tested empirically in the African context, the third is tested on a sample of countries from the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). The first study, Rationales to Language-in-Education Policies in Postcolonial Africa: Towards a Holistic Approach, considers two issues. First, it explores the factors affecting the choice of an LiE policy in 35 African countries. The results show that the countries adopting a uni...

In this research, lexical and morpholexical reading in Italian children ages 8 to 10 years were investigated. Children and control adults were administered two tasks on words and pseudowords: visual lexical decision and naming. Word... more

In this research, lexical and morpholexical reading in Italian children ages 8 to 10 years were investigated. Children and control adults were administered two tasks on words and pseudowords: visual lexical decision and naming. Word frequency effects in both lexical decision and naming were found in both children and adults. For all age groups pseudowords made up of roots and derivational suffixes were decided more frequently as possible words and were named more quickly and accurately than matched pseudowords with no morphological constituency. These results show that morpholexical reading is available and efficient in young readers of a shallow orthography, with similar patterns in children and adults.

On August 6, 1945, the world changed when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima. Three days later a second bomb was dropped on another Japanese city, Nagasaki. The decision to drop the atomic bomb... more

On August 6, 1945, the world changed when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima. Three days later a second bomb was dropped on another Japanese city, Nagasaki. The decision to drop the atomic bomb was left to one person, President Harry S. Truman. Since the decision to use the atomic bomb and following the unprecedented destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many questions regarding the decision have been asked, including if President Truman had made the correct decision by unleashing the bomb and what his actual motivations for doing so.

Organizational Behaviour is the only text to use a running case study to demonstrate the application of organizational behaviour in the real world, helping students with limited or no real-life experience of the business world to engage... more

Organizational Behaviour is the only text to use a running case study to demonstrate the application of organizational behaviour in the real world, helping students with limited or no real-life experience of the business world to engage critically and effectively with the subject.

ABSTRACT Successful interventions, healthcare planning, and patient-centered care require explanation, justification, and collaboration through interprofessional clinical decision-making (CDM). Understanding health practitioners’... more

Successful interventions, healthcare planning, and patient-centered care require explanation, justification, and
collaboration through interprofessional clinical decision-making (CDM). Understanding health practitioners’
decision-making styles and influencing factors can enhance CDM capabilities. Health professionals and
students (N = 229) completed an online survey on their decision-making styles, interprofessional education,
interprofessional practice, discipline education, clinical experience, processing styles, personality, interpersonal
motivational factors, and age. To assess the influence of task structure, participants answered CDM questions
on a high- and a low-structured case study. Age demonstrated an effect on the level of clinical experience,
while clinical experience alsomediated the effect of age on rational processing styles.While personality results
were mixed, consistent with previous findings, conscientiousness predicted rational processing style. Effects of
interpersonal motivation on personality were also mixed, insofar as results indicated an association between
conscientiousness and both experiential and rational processing styles. Interpersonalmotivation also predicted
rational processing styles. The complexity of CDM and factors influencing healthcare practitioners’ processing
and decision-making styles was highlighted. To optimize CDM processes by addressing errors and biases, CDM,
and practice complexity, healthcare practitioner education should include theory-driven CDM orientation

Bu çalışmanın amacı; lojistik süreçlerde önemli bir yer işgal eden ürün yükleme aşamalarında makine ve işgücü verimliliğini artırmaktır. Bu çalışmada; orantısız yüklerin konteynerlere ve diğer taşıyıcılara yüklenirken zaman parametresi... more

Bu çalışmanın amacı; lojistik süreçlerde önemli bir yer işgal eden ürün yükleme aşamalarında makine ve işgücü verimliliğini artırmaktır. Bu çalışmada; orantısız yüklerin konteynerlere ve diğer taşıyıcılara yüklenirken zaman parametresi üzerinden hareketle, işçi ve makine kaynakların verimliliği incelenerek ticari araçların ve konteynerlerin karmaşık yük ve yükleme planları içindeki yüklenme hızını ve çalışan verimliliğini artırmaya yönelik analizler yapılmıştır. Karar destek sistemi (KDS) geliştirilerek, literatüre kazandırılmış uygulama sonuçları örnek vaka halinde sunulmuştur. Yazar Taşıt Koltukları A.Ş. firmasında yapılan incelemeler sonucu; yükleme operasyonları esnasında ek işçi istihdam edilerek lojistik operasyonların hızlandırılmaya çalışıldığı fakat bu durumun emek verimliliğini düşürdüğü, orantısız yüklerin tek seferde konteyner ve diğer araçlara yüklenmesinde ciddi zaman kayıplarının yaşandığı, maliyet verimliliğin düştüğü tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışma sonucunda; konteynerler ve diğer taşıyıcı araçlara, orantısız paketli ürünlerin optimum sıra ve hacim ile yerleştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. KDS kullanılarak toplam maliyet verimliliğinde % 76,09’luk bir artış elde edilmiştir. İşgücü verimlilik oranında % 25’lik verimlilik artışı sağlanmıştır. Zaman verimlilik oranında ise % 71,84’lük bir artış elde edilmiştir.

Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more

Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.

Is the sense of smell a source of aesthetic perception? Traditional philosophical aesthetics has centered on vision and audition but eliminated smell for its subjective and inherently affective character. This article dismantles the myth... more

Is the sense of smell a source of aesthetic perception? Traditional philosophical aesthetics has centered on vision and audition but eliminated smell for its subjective and inherently affective character. This article dismantles the myth that olfaction is an unsophisticated sense. It makes a case for olfactory aesthetics by integrating recent insights in neuroscience with traditional expertise about flavor and fragrance assessment in perfumery and wine tasting. My analysis concerns the importance of observational refinement in aesthetic experience. I argue that the active engagement with stimulus features in perceptual processing shapes the phenomenological content, so much so that the perceptual structure of trained smelling varies significantly from naive smelling. In a second step, I interpret the processes that determine such perceptual refinement in the context of neural decision-making processes, and I end with a positive outlook on how research in neuroscience can be used to benefit philosophical aesthetics.

Heurísticas são regras gerais de influência utilizadas pelo decisor para simplificar seus julgamentos em tarefas decisórias de incerteza. Com o intuito de entender as regras heurísticas no julgamento e na tomada de decisão, realiza-se uma... more

Heurísticas são regras gerais de influência utilizadas pelo decisor para simplificar seus julgamentos em tarefas decisórias de incerteza. Com o intuito de entender as regras heurísticas no julgamento e na tomada de decisão, realiza-se uma revisão teórica, que prioriza as pesquisas de Tversky e Kahneman, englobando as heurísticas de ancoragem, disponibilidade e representatividade.