Neuropathic pain Research Papers - (original) (raw)

During the past two decades, many pharmacological strategies have been investigated for the management of painful neuropathies. However, neuropathic pain still remains a clinical challenge. A combination of therapies is often required,... more

During the past two decades, many pharmacological strategies have been investigated for the management of painful neuropathies. However, neuropathic pain still remains a clinical challenge. A combination of therapies is often required, but unfortunately in most cases adequate pain relief is not achieved. Recently, attention has been focused on the physiological and pharmacological effects of L-acetylcarnitine in neurological disorders. There are a number of reports indicating that L-acetylcarnitine can be considered as a therapeutic agent in neuropathic disorders including painful peripheral neuropathies. In this review article, we will examine the antinociceptive and the neuroprotective effects of Lacetylcarnitine as tested in clinical studies and in animal models of nerve injury.

This study describes the management of 216 patients with post-traumatic iatrogenic lingual nerve injuries (LNIs; n=93) and inferior alveolar nerve injuries (IANI; n=123). At initial consultation, 6% IANI and 2% LNI patients had undergone... more

This study describes the management of 216 patients with post-traumatic iatrogenic lingual nerve injuries (LNIs; n=93) and inferior alveolar nerve injuries (IANI; n=123). At initial consultation, 6% IANI and 2% LNI patients had undergone significant resolution requiring no further reviews. Reassurance and counselling was adequate management for 51% IANI and 55% LNI patients. Systemic or topical medication was offered as pain relief to 5% of patients. Additional cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) was offered to 8% of patients. Topical 5% lidocaine patches reduced pain and allodynia in 7% of IANI patients, most often used without any other form of management. A small percentage of IANI patients (4%) received a combination of therapies involving CBT, surgery, medication and 5% lidocaine patches. Exploratory surgery improved symptoms and reduced neuropathic area in 18 LNI and 15 IANI patients resulting in improved quality of life. In conclusion, the authors suggest a more diverse and per...

This Atlas is the result of research about 3142 patients recruited prospectively and consecutively since 2004. As the clinic gives us opportunity to observe many more Aβ axonal lesions (axonotmesis) than transections (neurotmesis), the... more

Buku dapat dibeli di atau atau
BAB I. Pendahuluan
I.1 Latar Belakang
I.2 Tujuan
BAB II. Hewan Coba
BAB III. Macam-Macam Hewan Model Pada Penyakit-Penyakit Neurologi
3.1 Hewan Model pada Stroke
3.1.1 Cara Membuat Hewan Model Stroke Iskemik dengan mengunakan Mencit dan Oklusi Arteri Karotis
3.1.2 Cara Membuat Hewan Model Stroke Perdarahan dengan mengunakan Tikus dan Induksi Collagenase IV
3.2 Hewan Model pada Epilepsi
3.2.1 Perbandingan Hewan Model Epilepsi
3.2.2 Epilepsi pada Tikus Model
3.2.3 Hewan Model Sederhana untuk Epilepsi
3.2.4 Cara Membuat Hewan Model Epilepsi dengan Mengunakan Mencit dan Flurothyl
3.3 Hewan Model Pada Infeksi Sistem Saraf Pusat (Meningitis, Malaria Cerebral)
3.3.1 Hewan Model Meningitis
3.3.2 Hewan Model pada Malaria Cerebral
3.4 Hewan Model Pada Parkinson
3.4.1 Model Neurotoxic
3.4.2 Hewan Model Genetik
3.4.3 Ikan Zebra (Danio rerio) sebagai Hewan Model Parkinson
3.5 Hewan Model Pada Neuropati
3.5.1 Neuropati Diabetik
3.5.2 Cara Membuat Hewan Model Neuropati Diabetik dengan Mencit
3.6 Hewan Model Pada Nyeri
3.6.1 Hewan Model Nyeri Inflamasi
3.6.2 Hewan Model Nyeri pada Kanker
3.6.3 Hewan Model Nyeri Otot
3.6.4 Cara Membuat Hewan Model Trigeminal Neuralgia pada Tikus
3.7 Hewan Coba Pada Neurobehaviour/ Neuropsikiatri
3.7.1 Hewan Model pada Alzheimer Disease & FrontoTemporal Demensia
3.7.2 Model Protein Tau
3.7.4 Hewan Model Nematoda
3.7.5 Cara Membuat Hewan Model Depresi Post Stroke/ Post Stroke Depression (PSD)
3.8 Hewan Coba Pada Cedera Otak (Brain Injury)
3.8.1 Cara Membuat Hewan Coba pada Cedera Otak Akut menggunakan Tikus dan Alat Pengatur Ketinggian
BAB IV. Etik Hewan Coba
4. 1 Etik Hewan Coba
4.2 Prinsip Etika Penelitian.
4.3 Prinsip 3R dalam Protokol Penelitian dengan Hewan Coba
4.4 Dasar Hukum Penelitian pada Hewan Coba
BAB V. Penutup

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is still a puzzling disease. Although pathophysiologic understanding has improved, not every aspect of this challenging neuropathic pain syndrome has been explored. Typical symptoms of CRPS are... more

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is still a puzzling disease. Although pathophysiologic understanding has improved, not every aspect of this challenging neuropathic pain syndrome has been explored. Typical symptoms of CRPS are sensory, motor, and autonomic dysfunctions. In most cases, CRPS occurs after a fracture, limb trauma, or lesion of the peripheral or central nervous system. Sometimes, symptoms develop without any trauma. Recent pathophysiologic concepts basically consider three major mechanisms: enhanced peripheral neurogenic inflammation, dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, and structural reorganization in the central nervous system. Moreover, a genetic predisposition may explain increased vulnerability. Treatment usually requires a multidisciplinary approach, including medical and nonmedical therapies. The common therapeutic aim is to maintain or restore normal function of the affected extremity. Beyond highlighting pathophysiologic concepts, this article describes recent therapeutic approaches.

This handbook about somatosensory rehabilitation of neuropathic pain discusses the dysfunctions of the skin sensitivity and its painful complications. If a slight loss of vibrotactile sensitivity only hampers the flow of re-education, a... more

This handbook about somatosensory rehabilitation of neuropathic pain discusses the dysfunctions of the skin sensitivity and its painful complications. If a slight loss of vibrotactile sensitivity only hampers the flow of re-education, a more important loss disables the affected body part, such as rendering it impossible for the hand to perform everyday movements or for the foot to walk. Most traumas affecting body parts alter the nerves in the skin which control our sense of touch. These micro-lesions can generate painful complications causing certain areas of the skin to be sensitive to the point of sometimes depriving their victim of sleep.
This work presents clinical tools developed from the 19th century until now. Four of these tools allow to establish a diagnostic of axonal lesions, which in turn might bring into light undetectable lesions in the nervous cells called the axones.
These various clinical tools enable the evaluation and the re-education of the dysfunctions in the skin's sensitivity and their afflicting complications. The early detection of these dysfunctions and their origin can prevent the appearance of neuropathic pain?
This work, dedicated to all patients whose pain is unspoken of, places itself at the crossroad of medicine, fundamental research and re-education. It is intended for re-education therapists, physicians as well as the patients placed into their care.

Somatosensory rehabilitation is presented by means of its paradigm which is: Look for hypoesthesia, because, by decreasing hypoesthesia neuropathic pain decreases. Occupational therapists are going to observe cutaneous sense disorders if,... more

Somatosensory rehabilitation is presented by means of its paradigm which is: Look for hypoesthesia, because, by decreasing hypoesthesia neuropathic pain decreases. Occupational therapists are going to observe cutaneous sense disorders if, and only if they know beforehand that they can offer a new treatment to the patients they are taking care of.
Somatosensory rehabilitation and it’s effects are presented: by means of the Mc Gill pain questionnaire which allows the assessment of the patients pain symptoms and by means of the pharmacological treatment indicator: The number needed to treat (NNT). The important and strong correlation (Cov=15.7) between the decrease of hypoesthesia and the decrease of neuropathic pain is demonstrated. The rehabilitation of hyposensitivity based on the neuroplasticity of the somatosensory system is described. The second part of the article tells about the assessment of patients with chronic neuropathic pain: Clinical reasoning of a beginning reeducator, the mapping of the zones of hypoesthesia or when it occurs, that are hypertensive to touch and especially the therapeutic strategy which will be chosen according to the status of the skin. As a conclusion, the ways to learn more about it are enumerated.

Title. The impact of neuropathic pain on relationships.Aim. This paper is a report of a study exploring the impact of neuropathic pain on family, social and working relationships among patients at a pain clinic serving a large urban... more

Title. The impact of neuropathic pain on relationships.Aim. This paper is a report of a study exploring the impact of neuropathic pain on family, social and working relationships among patients at a pain clinic serving a large urban area.Background. Neuropathic pain is a particularly distressing type of chronic pain which is extremely difficult to manage successfully. It produces a range of unpleasant symptoms and adversely affects patients’ quality of life, but little is known about its personal impact.Method. A descriptive and exploratory approach was used and 10 participants participated in three focus groups in 2005. Because of the low response rate of 20% from the initial sample, a second sample of 16 patients was invited to participate. However, only one person responded and therefore it was not possible to convene an additional group.Findings. The unpleasant and bizarre nature of neuropathic pain underpinned much of its impact in terms of respondents’ difficulties in maintaining a range of relationships. For closer relationships, key difficulties centred on the reduction in quality and/or number of personal relationships. For more distant relationships and those with professionals, frustration at the invisibility of their pain and their own failure to communicate symptoms and its consequences were central.Conclusion. More extensive work is needed to improve our understanding of how neuropathic pain is experienced, how it affects close and more distant kinds of relationships, and how healthcare professionals might best support people with persistent neuropathic pain to maintain personal and social relationships, and to communicate their pain effectively.

The use of opioids for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain has become more widespread recently. Available data support the short-term use of opioids in clearly defined nociceptive and neuropathic pain states. Their use in... more

The use of opioids for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain has become more widespread recently. Available data support the short-term use of opioids in clearly defined nociceptive and neuropathic pain states. Their use in 'pathological' pain states without a clear diagnosis, such as chronic low back pain, is more contentious. A decision to initiate opioid treatment in these conditions requires careful consideration of benefits and risks; the latter include not only commonly considered adverse effects such as constipation, but also opioid-induced hyperalgesia, abuse, addiction and diversion. Ideally, treatment goals should not only be relief of pain, but also improvement of function. Opioid treatment of chronic non-cancer pain requires informed consent by, and preferably a treatment contract with, the patient. Treatment should be initiated by a trial period with defined endpoints using slow-release or transdermal opioids. Ongoing management of the patient requires ideall...

Ce manuel est destiné aux rééducateurs, aux médecins généralistes et de toutes les spécialités, ainsi qu’aux patients qui cherchent désespé-rément une solution à leur douleur. La méthode de rééducation sensitive diminue les douleurs... more