Power System Security Research Papers (original) (raw)

This paper presents an effective algorithm to locate Single Line to Ground (SLG) fault at a transmission line. Post fault voltages and currents from both substation terminals were used as the input parameters to the algorithm. Discrete... more

This paper presents an effective algorithm to locate Single Line to Ground (SLG) fault at a transmission line. Post fault voltages and currents from both substation terminals were
used as the input parameters to the algorithm. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) was used to extract the magnitudes and phase angles of three phase voltages and currents. The modeling of the transmission line along with the algorithm was performed using Matlab/Simulink package. The results of fault location for SLG faults along the transmission line demonstrated the validity of the algorithm used even for high resistance earth fault.

In this paper, an advanced control system for the optimal operation and management of isolated power systems with increased renewable power integration is presented. The control system minimises the production costs through on-line... more

In this paper, an advanced control system for the optimal operation and management of isolated power systems with increased renewable power integration is presented. The control system minimises the production costs through on-line optimal scheduling of the power units, taking into account short-term forecasts of the load and the renewable resources. The power system security is supervised via on-line security assessment modules, which emulate the power system frequency changes caused by pre-selected disturbances. For each of the above functions, a number of techniques have been applied, both conventional and AI based. The system has been installed in the dispatch center of Crete since June 1999, and is under evaluation

HISTORICAL crossroads. Decisions must soon be made about the direction of grid development so that it can meet extraordinary economic challenges, critical needs for energy security, and essential requirements for a sustainable way of... more

HISTORICAL crossroads. Decisions must soon be made about the direction of grid development so that it can meet extraordinary economic challenges, critical needs for energy security, and essential requirements for a sustainable way of life. This is a defi ning moment in terms of our nation's commitment to providing an electric energy system, including a bulk transmission network, that can meet the societal needs of the 21st century and beyond. A major evolutionary step in the grid's design, planning, and operation is needed, one that adopts new design concepts and innovative technologies that can be integrated into a modern infrastructure. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provided a number of opportunities to achieve these far-reaching objectives. This article describes a vision of-and the steps needed to reach-the national objective of having a smart grid infrastructure. Our focus is on new concepts and related technological considerations in developing smart grid solutions that will meet the seven objectives of the smart grid, as identifi ed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE): 1) enabling informed participation by customers 2) accommodating all generation and storage options 3) enabling new products, services, and markets 4) providing the level of power quality required to meet the full range of needs in the 21stcentury economy 5) optimizing asset utilization and operating efficiently 6) addressing disturbances through automated prevention, containment, and restoration 7) operating resiliently against all hazards. To achieve these goals, smart research and development efforts must harmonize four principal aspects of the future grid: ✔ Expansion of the electricity grid infrastructure: This includes building new infrastructure to replace aging infrastructure while expanding grid capacity, improving the operation and efficiency of the existing infrastructure, and developing novel concepts, technologies, and applications. The smart grid will integrate renewable generation and distributed energy sources. It will also enable creative options for customers to participate in system operations by offering their loads and storage capability (e.g., from plugin hybrid electric vehicles) as resources. Customers also want options for making their own usage more energy and cost efficient (such as through building energy management systems).

The paper critically analyzes the state of the art of the procedures to ensure the security of power system operation with respect to the introduction of Interruptible Loads. A short overview of the existing international approaches is... more

The paper critically analyzes the state of the art of the procedures to ensure the security of power system operation with respect to the introduction of Interruptible Loads. A short overview of the existing international approaches is presented. The potentiality of load curtailment as an ancillary service is underlined. The benefits for the power system in terms of increased exploitation of the network capability -with particular attention to the increase of Total Transfer Capacity (TTC) across network sectionsare emphasized. A new definition of security is discussed as a consequence of the use of Interruptible Loads not only into emergency conditions but also during normal and alert operation, in order to guarantee the N-1 criterion satisfaction. The consequences of the introduction of Interruptible Loads are detailed and some preliminary hints for the specific situations of the Italian Power System are presented. The results of a research activity on the possibility to use the load curtailment approach to increase the TTC in the Italy-Europe section are reported.

Security can be considered as a measure that is taken with a specific end goal to protect a place, an individual or group of individuals or nowadays also data stored on the computer and ensures that people with particular permission have... more

Security can be considered as a measure that is taken with a specific end goal to protect a place, an individual or group of individuals or nowadays also data stored on the computer and ensures that people with particular permission have the privilege to get the secured entity. Importance of security is at most while taking into consideration safety of an individual's house and dear ones or safety of information-sensitive data of particular organization. Automation has now played an important role in the field of security systems due to advances in the technologies related to Internet of Things (IOT). Internet of Things enables the various components of security systems to interact and communicate with each other taken with a specific end goal to transfer the information. Security Cameras installed in the various localities just captures the footage, however human intervention is necessary in order to detect any problem occurring in the frame. In this paper, Internet of Things along with facial recognition is used to detect the faces of people by making use of the camera and Passive Infrared sensor (PIR) and camera. The PIR sensor and the camera are mounted to a computer system. The sensor gets notified by the movement of the person which then triggers the camera. The camera captures the images and detects the face by making use of Facial Recognition algorithm of the computer system. This information is then sent to the concerned person, via mail on their smart phones or computer, by taking advantage of the facilities provided by IOT.

Three very different methods of accomplishing the same task-managing the operation of the transmission system in the deregulated power system operating environment-have been implemented as deregulated market structures have been created... more

Three very different methods of accomplishing the same task-managing the operation of the transmission system in the deregulated power system operating environment-have been implemented as deregulated market structures have been created around the world. They are first, the optimal power flow (OPF) model found in various implementations in the United Kingdom, parts of the United States, and in Australia and New Zealand. Second, the point tariff, price area congestion control model used in the Nordpool market area in Norway and Sweden. Third, the U.S. transaction-based model. All are pragmatic solutions implemented in advance of complete theoretical understanding. Each has strengths and flaws, and there are some surprising inter-relationships. Each maintains power system security but differs in its impact on the economics of the energy market. No clearly superior method has so far emerged. In the future, methods of combining decentralized market solutions with operational use of optimal power flow may provide better solutions to existing and emerging problems.

Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a... more

Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a break-in, the footage records can be stolen consequently losing data. To address high data storage space, monthly premium subscriptions, cost of separate systems and data loss issues of the aforementioned systems, we design and implement a Raspberry-pi based fire and intrusion detection systems in this work. The system sends an SMS in the case of an intrusion or fire detection, and then records and uploads the surveillance videos. The system used a GSM modem for sending SMSs, a video, a PIR sensor to detect motion and a smoke or heat sensor to detect fire. The system is a low cost combined home security and fire detection Raspberry-pi system intended for home and small offices use.

Puji Syukur penulis panjatkan atas karunia nikmat yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena berkat rahmat-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan Dosen Pembimbing mata kuliah Keamanan Sistem... more

Puji Syukur penulis panjatkan atas karunia nikmat yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena berkat rahmat-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan Dosen Pembimbing mata kuliah Keamanan Sistem dengan baik. Makalah yang berjudul "SQl Injection" ini disusun berdasarkan rangkuman dari beberapa sumber informasi dari media elektronik, dengan bahasa dan penjelasan yang sederhana dan sistematis. Harapan penulis, makalah ini dapat menjadi salah satu media yang menarik untuk dibaca dan mudah dipahami oleh seluruh pembaca.Penulis menyadari masih banyak sekali kekurangan yang ada pada makalah yang telah dibuat kali ini. Oleh karena itu penulis bisa menerima kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun sehingga penulis dapat membuat karya yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya di kemudian hari. Terima kasih penulis haturkan kepada semua sumber yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu -persatu dimana yang telah memberi pencerahan dan pelajaran sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan. Surakarta, Oktober 2018 Penulis A. Latar Belakang BAB I PENDAHULUAN

Improved and controlled power quality is one of the essential and fundamental need in any power driven industry for optimum utilization of resources. However critical problems in power quality have been recognized such as sags, swells,... more

Improved and controlled power quality is one of the essential and fundamental need in any power driven industry for optimum utilization of resources. However critical problems in power quality have been recognized such as sags, swells, harmonic distortions and other interruptions. Out of these sags and swells are predominantly found and have severe impact on the electrical devices or electrical machines and therefore needs to be compensated at an earliest to ensure any mal-operation or failure. To crack these problems custom power devices are used like unified power-quality conditioner (UPQC), distribution-STATCOM (DSTATCOM) and dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). The DVR is a one of the custom power device used for the compensation of voltage sag and swell with an advantage of active/reactive power control. A major volume of literature reported in past several years on different configurations of DVR and different control technique used in it. In context of this a detailed review on DVR has been presented with different possible power circuit topologies and control techniques available to reconcile these power quality issues. This review article will contribute in better selection of control strategy and power circuit for optimum performance of DVR for a particular requirement. Also it presents a very helpful investigation for the researcher in this field.

The intent of this paper is to present an analysis of reactive power control and voltage stability in power systems. It identifies a new model used to enhance voltage stability and exposes several key issues that had remained as research... more

The intent of this paper is to present an analysis of reactive power control and voltage stability in power systems. It identifies a new model used to enhance voltage stability and exposes several key issues that had remained as research challenges in this area. The steady state voltage and reactive power control in distribution systems can be properly controlled by coordinating the available voltage and reactive power control equipment, such as on-load tap-changers, substation shunt capacitors and feeder shunt capacitors. It began with an overview of reactive power and voltage stability in transmission, distribution and load, and the importance of providing reactive power locally. The description of selected control features of shunt power systems such as SVC (Static Var Compensator)static compensators of reactive power, STATCOM-type systems (Static Compensator) static reactive power generators and systems that combine both these solutions, which are referred to as SVC based on STATCOM where not left out. It explains the need to improve the voltage safety of Power system, as well as the increasing requirements for energy quality and security. It also discusses the techniques that were adopted in controlling and monitoring of the rate of power flow in the entire power system topology. This investigates the system to an optimal level in order to reduce losses and ensures sufficiency of reactive power control during normal and emergency conditions and to prevent voltage collapse.

For 100 years, there has been no change in the basic structure of the electrical power grid. Experiences have shown that the hierarchical, centrally controlled grid of the 20th Century is ill-suited to the needs of the 21st Century. To... more

For 100 years, there has been no change in the basic structure of the electrical power grid. Experiences have shown that the hierarchical, centrally controlled grid of the 20th Century is ill-suited to the needs of the 21st Century. To address the challenges of the existing power grid, the new concept of smart grid has emerged. The smart grid can be considered as a modern electric power grid infrastructure for enhanced efficiency and reliability through automated control, high-power converters, modern communications infrastructure, sensing and metering technologies, and modern energy management techniques based on the optimization of demand, energy and network availability, and so on. While current power systems are based on a solid information and communication infrastructure, the new smart grid needs a different and much more complex one, as its dimension is much larger. This paper addresses critical issues on smart grid technologies primarily in terms of information and communication technology (ICT) issues and opportunities. The main objective of this paper is to provide a contemporary look at the current state of the art in smart grid communications as well as to discuss the still-open research issues in this field. It is expected that this paper will provide a better understanding of the technologies, potential advantages and research challenges of the smart grid and provoke interest among the research community to further explore this promising research area.

Um dos grandes desafios do Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) é trabalhar de forma a otimizar o uso dos recursos disponíveis mantendo os níveis de segurança do sistema. Nesse sentido, a utilização de regiões de segurança é de... more

Um dos grandes desafios do Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) é trabalhar de forma a otimizar o uso
dos recursos disponíveis mantendo os níveis de segurança do sistema. Nesse sentido, a utilização de regiões de
segurança é de fundamental importância, tanto para os estudos de Planejamento e Programação da Operação
Elétrica, como para a Operação em Tempo Real.
As chamadas regiões de segurança são definidas utilizando metodologias para análise tanto de regime permanente
como de transitórios eletromecânicos, com intuito de evitar a operação em situações que remetam à ocorrência de
violações do sistema de potência. Sendo assim, é possível determinar os limites de transmissão entre dois ou mais
subsistemas e ainda a máxima capacidade de atendimento a uma área geoelétrica.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados e benefícios obtidos com a utilização do software
ORGANON para cálculo das regiões de segurança, tanto nos processos de Planejamento da Operação, quanto
para Operação em Tempo Real, bem como os benefícios da utilização da ferramenta para auxílio na recomposição
de sistemas.

Steady state power system insecurity such as transmission lines being overloaded causes transmission elements cascade outages which may lead to complete blackout. The power system operator must know the system state at any instant. The... more

Steady state power system insecurity such as transmission lines being overloaded causes
transmission elements cascade outages which may lead to complete blackout. The power system
operator must know the system state at any instant. The contingency analysis is used to predict
which contingencies make system violations and rank the contingencies according to their
relative severity. Contingency Analysis is useful both in the network design stages and for
programmed maintenance or network expansion works to detect network weaknesses. The
weaknesses can be strengthened by transmission capacity increase, transformers rating increase
besides circuit breakers ratings increase. This work outlines mathematical models for the
simulation of generator outages and transmission line and transformer outages so as to carry out
a full AC load flow based contingency analysis and ranking. The method has been applied to
Sudan National Grid (NG) and gives good results in determining the network weaknesses and
suggesting the new transmission lines and transformers capacities which ensures better power
system security.

This paper describes an adaptive distance relaying scheme which can eliminate the effect of fault resistance on distance relay zone reach. Distance relay is commonly used as main protection to protect transmission line from any type of... more

This paper describes an adaptive distance relaying scheme which can eliminate the effect of fault resistance on distance relay zone reach. Distance relay is commonly used as main protection to protect transmission line from any type of fault. For a stand-alone distance relay, fault resistance can make Mho type distance relay to be under reached and thus the fault will be isolated at a longer time. In this scheme, the relay detects the fault location using a two-terminal algorithm. By knowing fault location, fault voltage at the fault point can be calculated by using equivalent sequence network connection as seen from local terminal. Then, fault resistance is calculated by using simple equation considering contribution from remote terminal current. Finally, the compensation of fault resistance is done onto
calculated apparent resistance as seen at relaying point. The
modeling and simulation was carried out using Matlab/Simulink software. Several cases were carried out and the results show the validity of the scheme.

The power system blackout history of last two decades is presented.Conventional load shedding techniques, their types and limitations are presented.Applications of intelligent techniques in load shedding are presented.Intelligent... more

The power system blackout history of last two decades is presented.Conventional load shedding techniques, their types and limitations are presented.Applications of intelligent techniques in load shedding are presented.Intelligent techniques include ANN, fuzzy logic, ANFIS, genetic algorithm and PSO.The discussion and comparison between these techniques are provided.Recent blackouts around the world question the reliability of conventional and adaptive load shedding techniques in avoiding such power outages. To address this issue, reliable techniques are required to provide fast and accurate load shedding to prevent collapse in the power system. Computational intelligence techniques, due to their robustness and flexibility in dealing with complex non-linear systems, could be an option in addressing this problem. Computational intelligence includes techniques like artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic control, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, and particle swarm optimization. Research in these techniques is being undertaken in order to discover means for more efficient and reliable load shedding. This paper provides an overview of these techniques as applied to load shedding in a power system. This paper also compares the advantages of computational intelligence techniques over conventional load shedding techniques. Finally, this paper discusses the limitation of computational intelligence techniques, which restricts their usage in load shedding in real time.

Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a... more

Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a break-in, the footage records can be stolen consequently losing data. To address high data storage space, monthly premium subscriptions, cost of separate systems and data loss issues of the aforementioned systems, we design and implement a Raspberry-pi based fire and intrusion detection systems in this work. The system sends an SMS in the case of an intrusion or fire detection, and then records and uploads the surveillance videos. The system used a GSM modem for sending SMSs, a video, a PIR sensor to detect motion and a smoke or heat sensor to detect fire. The system is a low cost combined home security and fire detection Raspberry-pi system intended for home and small offices use.

This paper describes the modeling of distance relay using Matlab/Simulink package. SimPowerSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of distance relay, transmission line and fault simulation. Inside the modeling, single line to ground... more

This paper describes the modeling of distance relay using Matlab/Simulink package. SimPowerSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of distance relay, transmission line and fault simulation. Inside the modeling, single line to ground (SLG) fault was choose to be the fault type and Mho type distance characteristic was choose to be as the protection scheme. A graphical user interface (GUI) was created using GUI package inside Matlab for the developed model. With the interactive environment of graphical user interface, the difficulties in teaching of distance relay for undergraduate students can be eliminated.

We propose a computationally efficient approach to detect severe multiple contingencies. We pose a contingency analysis problem using a nonlinear optimization framework, which enables us to detect the fewest possible transmission line... more

We propose a computationally efficient approach to detect severe multiple contingencies. We pose a contingency analysis problem using a nonlinear optimization framework, which enables us to detect the fewest possible transmission line outages resulting in a system failure of specified severity, and to identify the most severe system failure caused by removing a specified number of transmission lines from service. Illustrations using a three-bus system and the IEEE 30-bus system aim to exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

We analyze a 15-year time series of North American electric power transmission system blackouts for evidence of selforganized criticality (SOC). The probability distribution functions of various measures of blackout size have a power tail... more

We analyze a 15-year time series of North American electric power transmission system blackouts for evidence of selforganized criticality (SOC). The probability distribution functions of various measures of blackout size have a power tail and rescaled range analysis of the time series shows moderate long-time correlations. Moreover, the same analysis applied to a time series from a sandpile model known to be self-organized critical gives results of the same form. Thus, the blackout data seem consistent with SOC. A qualitative explanation of the complex dynamics observed in electric power system blackouts is suggested.

The paper presents the actual situation and the ongoing development concerning load participation to power system security in Italy. It is intended as a contribution to a panel session organized by the Fast-Acting Load Control for System... more

The paper presents the actual situation and the ongoing development concerning load participation to power system security in Italy. It is intended as a contribution to a panel session organized by the Fast-Acting Load Control for System and Price Stability Task Force of the IEEE Power System Dynamic Performance Committee.

The increasing rate of crime, attacks by thieves, intruders and vandals, despite all forms of security gadgets and locks still need the attention of researchers to find a permanent solution to the well being of lives and properties of... more

The increasing rate of crime, attacks by thieves, intruders and vandals, despite all forms of security gadgets and locks still need the attention of researchers to find a permanent solution to the well being of lives and properties of individuals. To this end, we design a cheap and effective security system for buildings, cars, safes, doors and gates,so as to prevent unauthorized person from having access to ones properties through the use of codes, we therefore experiment the application of electronic devices as locks.However, a modular approach was employed in the design in which the combination lock was divided into units and each unit designed separately before being coupled to form a whole functional system. During the design, we conducted Twenty tests with the first eight combinations being four in number, the next seven tests being five and the last five combinations being six. This was done because of the incorporation of 2 dummy switches in the combinations. From the result...

Developing technology and systems for future power systems requires an evolutionary approach where Distributed Renewable Energy Resources can be seamlessly integrated in to the system. As the diversity of the generation mix increases, the... more

Developing technology and systems for future power systems requires an evolutionary approach where Distributed Renewable Energy Resources can be seamlessly integrated in to the system. As the diversity of the generation mix increases, the need for advanced sensing, communications and control systems (so called "smart" grid technologies) in managing the real-time stability and operation security of the power system will increase. This paper focuses on the development of a mathematical framework and computational methodology that can be used to evaluate the stability and operational security of a power system in the context of stochastic hybrid dynamical systems, and propose an approach based on embedding and symbolic dynamics that can be used to analyze complex system behaviors by encoding the system dynamics into symbol strings.

Power systems security in the case of contingencies is ensured by maintaining adequate ''short-term generation reserve''. This reserve must be appropriately activated by means of the primary frequency control (PFC). Because the generation... more

Power systems security in the case of contingencies is ensured by maintaining adequate ''short-term generation reserve''. This reserve must be appropriately activated by means of the primary frequency control (PFC). Because the generation is an electro-mechanical process, the primary control reserve controllability is not as fast as required, especially by modern power systems. Since the new improvements achieved on the conventional control methods have not been enough to satisfy the high requirements established, the necessity of enhancing the performance of the PFC has arisen.

Power system (PS) is exposed to natural and man-related threats which may affect the security of power supply, depending on the vulnerabilities of the system to the threats themselves as well as on the pre-fault operating conditions.... more

Power system (PS) is exposed to natural and man-related threats which may affect the security of power supply, depending on the vulnerabilities of the system to the threats themselves as well as on the pre-fault operating conditions. Threats regard not only the power components, but also the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems involved in PS control and protection. The resulting picture is characterized by significant uncertainties, especially as far as high impact, low probability (HILP) events (typical causes of blackout events) are concerned. These considerations call for the adoption of novel techniques to perform more in-depth security analyses, able to identify the contributions of the different threats and vulnerabilities to the overall operational risk. The paper describes a probabilistic risk-based methodology, developed within the European Union (EU) research project AFTER (A Framework for electrical power sysTems vulnerability identification, dEfense and Restoration), aiming to perform risk assessment (by means of hazard, vulnerability, and impact analysis) of the integrated power and ICT systems. Initial results of the approach are described with reference to a test system.

— Frequency control is essential for the secure and stable operation of a power system. With wind penetration increasing rapidly in many power systems, ensuring continuous power system security is vital. The frequency response to a... more

— Frequency control is essential for the secure and stable operation of a power system. With wind penetration increasing rapidly in many power systems, ensuring continuous power system security is vital. The frequency response to a disturbance on the all Ireland ...

A new approach to the prediction of the reliability of electrical systems is presented. In this approach a graph trace based reliability analysis of electric transmission and/or distribution systems is used. The systems are modeled using... more

A new approach to the prediction of the reliability of electrical systems is presented. In this approach a graph trace based reliability analysis of electric transmission and/or distribution systems is used. The systems are modeled using containers with iterators, where the iterators manage graph edges and are used to process through the topology of the graph. The analysis provides a means of computationally handling dependent failure rates and cascading failures. The effects of weather, time-varying loads, equipment age, wetness, and dependent failures associated with repaired components are considered. A sequential Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the reliability changes for different system configurations, including distributed generation and transmission lines. Historical weather records and loading are used to update the component failure rates on-the-fly. Simulation results are compared against historical reliability field measurements.

Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) is necessary to determine a transiently secure Power Scheduling. Till now enegy functions were used to find the margins of stability. In this paper[1] a new methodology is proposed that... more

Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF)
is necessary to determine a transiently secure Power Scheduling.
Till now enegy functions were used to find the margins of
stability. In this paper[1] a new methodology is proposed that
essentially preserves all the constraints of a standard Optimal
Power Flow(OPF) and also be stable for a given disturbance.

Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a... more

Fire alarms and building security systems are currently separate systems and are liable to monthly fees. Video recording for closed-circuit television (CCTV) is done locally subsequently requiring high storage space. Whenever there is a break-in, the footage records can be stolen consequently losing data. To address high data storage space, monthly premium subscriptions, cost of separate systems and data loss issues of the aforementioned systems, we design and implement a Raspberry-pi based fire and intrusion detection systems in this work. The system sends an SMS in the case of an intrusion or fire detection, and then records and uploads the surveillance videos. The system used a GSM modem for sending SMSs, a video, a PIR sensor to detect motion and a smoke or heat sensor to detect fire. The system is a low cost combined home security and fire detection Raspberry-pi system intended for home and small offices use.

In this paper, a Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) for the 420kV Norwegian bulk transmission grid has been evaluated. The robustness of the PMU measurements has been demonstrated by a direct comparison of phasor information from the PMUs... more

In this paper, a Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) for the 420kV Norwegian bulk transmission grid has been evaluated. The robustness of the PMU measurements has been demonstrated by a direct comparison of phasor information from the PMUs and a state estimator (EMS). The paper highlights benefits of both off-line and on-line WAMS applications: a method for real-time detection of power oscillations, as well as the use of WAMS as input to power system stabilizers (PSS), is presented.

In power systems with the high penetration of renewable energies such as wind powers, accuracy in predicting power system state is really important, especially in bidding strategies, risk management and operational decisions. In this... more

In power systems with the high penetration of renewable energies such as wind powers, accuracy in predicting power system state is really important, especially in bidding strategies, risk management and operational decisions. In this paper, the impact of STATic COMpensator (STATCOM) and Static Series Synchronous Compensator (SSSC) on predictability of power system is studied. For this investigation, predictability
indices are utilized. This paper clarifies some important questions and concerns about power system such as; do the STATCOM and SSSC improve or impair the predictability of system state? Also, this paper warns the operator of system about ignoring the predictability concept in FACTS included power systems. Moreover, the necessity of utilizing predictability indices in optimization problems beside conventional objectives, such as losses, is discussed. The results are discussed on IEEE 14 and 57 bus test systems.

The increasing rate of crime, attacks by thieves, intruders and vandals, despite all forms of security gadgets and locks still need the attention of researchers to find a permanent solution to the well being of lives and properties of... more

The increasing rate of crime, attacks by thieves, intruders and vandals, despite all forms of security gadgets and locks still need the attention of researchers to find a permanent solution to the well being of lives and properties of individuals. To this end, we design a cheap and effective security system for buildings, cars, safes, doors and gates,so as to prevent unauthorized person from having access to ones properties through the use of codes, we therefore experiment the application of electronic devices as locks.However, a modular approach was employed in the design in which the combination lock was divided into units and each unit designed separately before being coupled to form a whole functional system. During the design, we conducted Twenty tests with the first eight combinations being four in number, the next seven tests being five and the last five combinations being six. This was done because of the incorporation of 2 dummy switches in the combinations. From the result...

Increasing levels of wind generation has resulted in an urgent need for the assessment of their impact on frequency control of power systems. Whereas increased system inertia is intrinsically linked to the addition of synchronous... more

Increasing levels of wind generation has resulted in an urgent need for the assessment of their impact on frequency control of power systems. Whereas increased system inertia is intrinsically linked to the addition of synchronous generation to power systems, due to differing electromechanical characteristics, this inherent link is not present in wind turbine generators. Regardless of wind turbine technology, the displacement of conventional generation with wind will result in increased rates of change of system frequency. The magnitude of the frequency excursion following a loss of generation may also increase. Amendment of reserve policies or modification of wind turbine inertial response characteristics may be necessary to facilitate increased levels of wind generation. This is particularly true in small isolated power systems. Index Terms-Frequency control, power system control, power system security, wind energy, wind power generation. NOMENCLATURE Swept area of wind turbine (). Blade pitch (). Power coefficient. Current (A). Gains. Supplementary control loop constant. Per phase mutual inductance (H). Per phase rotor inductance (H). Per phase stator inductance (H). (H). Flux linkage (Wb). Number of machine poles. Accelerating aerodynamic power (MW). Differential operator. Density of air (). Electromagnetic torque (). Reference electromagnetic torque (). Reference torque (). Supplementary control loop torque (). Time constant (s). Wind speed (m/s). Voltage (V). Reference frame angular velocity (rad/s).

This paper focuses on PSS/E modeling of wind farms of Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) type and their impact on issues of power system operation. Since Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) don't have the same characteristics as synchronous... more

This paper focuses on PSS/E modeling of wind farms of Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) type and their impact on issues of power system operation. Since Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) don't have the same characteristics as synchronous generators, the appropriate modeling of wind farms is essential for transmission system operators to analyze the best options of transmission grid reinforcements as well as to evaluate the wind power impact on reliability and security of supply. With the high excepted penetration of wind power into the power system a simultaneous loss of Wind Farm generation will put at risk power system security and reliability. Therefore, the main wind grid code requirements concern the fault ride through capability and frequency operation range of wind turbines. In case of grid faults wind turbines have to supply a definite reactive power depending on the instantaneous voltage and to return quickly to normal operation.

The rapid growth of renewable energy (RE) is disrupting and transforming the global energy system, especially the electricity industry. As a result, supporters of the politically powerful incumbent industries and others are critiquing the... more

The rapid growth of renewable energy (RE) is disrupting and transforming the global energy system, especially the electricity industry. As a result, supporters of the politically powerful incumbent industries and others are critiquing the feasibility of large-scale electricity generating systems based predominantly on RE. Part of this opposition is manifest in the publication of incorrect myths about RE in scholarly journals, popular articles, media, websites, blogs and statements by politicians. The present article reviews the feasibility of large-scale electricity supplies that are predominantly renewable, including 100% renewable electricity (100RElec), and the technical, economic, institutional and political challenges that must be overcome in order to achieve 100RElec, which is the key to achieving 100% RE. We discuss specifically the motivation for the transition and the requirements of reliability, security and affordability, finding that the principal barriers to 100Elec are neither technological nor economic. We also find that the main criticisms published in scholarly articles and books contain factual errors, questionable assumptions, important omissions, internal inconsistencies, exaggerations of limitations and irrelevant arguments. Some widely publicized critiques select criteria that are inappropriate and irrelevant to the assessment of energy technologies, ignore key studies whose results contradict arguments in the critiques, and fail to assess the sum total of knowledge provided collectively by the published studies on 100RElec, but instead demand that each individual study address all the critiques' inappropriate criteria. We conclude that 100RElec is a technically and economically feasible global goal and that the barriers are primarily political, institutional and cultural.

In reliability assessment of bulk power systems, two methods have been largely studied and used: contingency enumeration and non-sequential Monte Carlo simulation. Both have their wellknown advantages and drawbacks. Contingency... more

In reliability assessment of bulk power systems, two methods have been largely studied and used: contingency enumeration and non-sequential Monte Carlo simulation. Both have their wellknown advantages and drawbacks. Contingency enumeration is conceptually simple and usually requires low computational effort. Conversely, Monte Carlo simulation is computationally harder, but much more versatile to model random aspects. This paper depicts some major aspects regarding both methods. It also shows that it is not a matter of choosing the definite and unique technique, but how they can be used in a complementary way. A real power system, based on the Brazilian interconnected electrical system, and the commercial program NH2 are used to illustrate that both methods are feasible to bulk power systems, and can be used in order to achieve complementary results.

Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles"A Dynamic Distributed Diagnosis Algorithm for an Arbitrary Network Topology with Unreliable Nodes and Links,"by Pabitra Mohan Khilar and Sudipta Mahapatra,in the Proceedings of the... more

Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles"A Dynamic Distributed Diagnosis Algorithm for an Arbitrary Network Topology with Unreliable Nodes and Links,"by Pabitra Mohan Khilar and Sudipta Mahapatra,in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, 2007. ADCOM, Dec. 2007, pp. 125-130After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE's Publication Principles.This paper contains significant portions of original text from the paper cited below. The original text was copied without attribution (including appropriate references to the original author(s) and/or paper title) and without permission.Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be made to remove all past references to this paper, and future references should be made to the following article:"A Distributed Network Connectivity Algorithm,"By E. Procopio Duarte Jr. and A.Weber,The Sixth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 2003. ISADS 2003 April 2003, pp. 285-292This paper presents a distributed network diagnosis (DND) algorithm for an arbitrary network topology where every node needs to record the status of every other nodes and links assuming the nodes and links are subjected to crash and value faults in a dynamic fault environment (the node's or link's status may change during execution of algorithm). The algorithm operates correctly in each connected component if the network is partitioned due to a set of faulty links or faulty nodes. The worst-case bounds for diagnostic latency is at most O(td) rounds where t is the number of dissemination trees and d is the diameter of the network. The proposed approach uses non-broadcasting method of message dissemination that has similar diagnostic latency with flooding [4] and similar message co- mplexity with Chinese Agent [14] method of message dissemination respectively.

This paper focuses on PSS/E modeling of wind farms of Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) type and their impact on issues of power system operation. Since Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) don't have the same characteristics as synchronous... more

This paper focuses on PSS/E modeling of wind farms of Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) type and their impact on issues of power system operation. Since Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) don't have the same characteristics as synchronous generators, the appropriate modeling of wind farms is essential for transmission system operators to analyze the best options of transmission grid reinforcements as well as to evaluate the wind power impact on reliability and security of supply. With the high excepted penetration of wind power into the power system a simultaneous loss of Wind Farm generation will put at risk power system security and reliability. Therefore, the main wind grid code requirements concern the fault ride through capability and frequency operation range of wind turbines. In case of grid faults wind turbines have to supply a definite reactive power depending on the instantaneous voltage and to return quickly to normal operation.

Cross-border electricity interconnections are important for ensuring energy exchange and addressing undesirable events such as power outages and blackouts. This paper assesses the performance of interconnection lines by measuring their... more

Cross-border electricity interconnections are important for ensuring energy exchange and addressing undesirable events such as power outages and blackouts. This paper assesses the performance of interconnection lines by measuring their impacts on the main reliability and vulnerability indicators of interconnected power systems. The reliability study is performed using the sequential Monte Carlo simulation technique, while the vulnerability assessment is carried out by proposing a cascading failures methodology. The conclusions obtained show that highly connected infrastructures have simultaneously high reliability and limited robustness, which suggests that both approaches show different operational characteristics of the power system. Nevertheless, an appropriate increase in the number and capacity of the interconnections can help to improve both security parameters of the power supply. Seven case studies are performed based on the IEEE RTS-96 test system. The results can be used to help transmission system operators better understand the behaviour and performance of electrical networks.

Under critical situation the main preoccupation of expert engineers is to assure power system security and to deliver power to the consumer within the desired index power quality. The total generation cost taken as a secondary strategy.... more

Under critical situation the main preoccupation of expert engineers is to assure power system security and to deliver power to the consumer within the desired index power quality. The total generation cost taken as a secondary strategy. This paper presents an efficient decomposed GA to enhance the solution of the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) with non-smooth cost function and under severe loading conditions. At the decomposed stage the length of the original chromosome is reduced successively and adapted to the topology of the new partition. Two sub problems are proposed to coordinate the OPF problem under different loading conditions: the first sub problem related to the active power planning under different loading factor to minimize the total fuel cost, and the second sub problem is a reactive power planning designed based in practical rules to make fine corrections to the voltage deviation and reactive power violation using a specified number of shunt dynamic compensators named Static Var Compensators (SVC). To validate the robustness of the proposed approach, the proposed algorithm tested on IEEE 30-Bus, 26-Bus and IEEE 118-Bus under different loading conditions and compared with global optimization methods (GA, EGA, FGA, PSO, MTS, MDE and ACO) and with two robust simulation packages: PSAT and MATPOWER. The results show that the proposed approach can converge to the near solution and obtain a competitive solution at critical situation and with a reasonable time.

Integration of regulating power markets of different balancing regions has a potential to reduce the costs of balancing within multinational power markets by exchange of regulating power between these regions. Currently, most regulating... more

Integration of regulating power markets of different balancing regions has a potential to reduce the costs of balancing within multinational power markets by exchange of regulating power between these regions. Currently, most regulating power markets are operating on a national level so that exchange of regulating power between regions is minimal. This paper investigates the potentials for reduction of total balancing costs by creation of multinational regulating power markets studying the case study of Northern Europe; the Netherlands, the Nordic region and Germany. An optimization model is built to analyze the effects on total balancing costs - the costs paid by a multinational TSO to the providers of regulating power. Based on the numerical results, total balancing costs can decrease by 100 million Euros per year when enough interconnection capacity is allocated to balancing trade. Furthermore, total amount of activated regulating power is reduced due to supportive power exchange. Finally, the use of the uniform pricing mechanism leads to frequent congestion of interconnection lines due to balancing trade. On average, regulation power prices stay within the same range.

In a competitive electricity market, where market parties try to maximize their profits, it is necessary to keep an acceptable level of power system security to retain the continuity of electricity services to customers at a reasonable... more

In a competitive electricity market, where market parties try to maximize their profits, it is necessary to keep an acceptable level of power system security to retain the continuity of electricity services to customers at a reasonable cost. Congestion in a power system is turned up due to network limits. After relieving congestion, the network may be operated with a reduced transient stability margin because of increasing the contribution of risky participants. In this paper, a novel congestion management method based on a new transient stability criterion is introduced. Using the sensitivity of corrected transient stability margin with respect to generations and demands, the proposed method so alleviates the congestion that the network can more retain its transient security compared with earlier methods. The proposed transient stability index is constructed considering the likelihood of credible faults. Indeed, market parties participate by their security-effective bids rather than raw bids. Results of testing the proposed method along with the earlier ones on the New-England test system elaborate the efficiency of the proposed method from the viewpoint of providing a better transient stability margin with a lower security cost.

Restructured markets are rarely flawless: the expected price reduction frequently has not been achieved and the system is often operated closer to its limits, with smaller margins on security, reliability and reserve. Thus, it is... more

Restructured markets are rarely flawless: the expected price reduction frequently has not been achieved and the system is often operated closer to its limits, with smaller margins on security, reliability and reserve. Thus, it is necessary to find out new resources to reduce price spikes and volatility, to improve transient stability and congestion management, to increase transfer capacity and to provide ancillary services. Loads that can be interrupted and/or controlled may prove to be profitable for each one of these purposes. This paper presents and discusses the potential benefits provided by the so-called interruptible loads (IL) to the electric system. Some simulations have been run on the Italian network and on a test system to show how ILs can be a means of increasing the transfer capacity of interconnection lines and how they can compete with generators as ancillary service providers for primary and secondary P/f regulation.

The International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the computer Network Security & its... more

The International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the computer Network Security & its applications. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of security and its applications for wired and wireless networks. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on understanding Modern security threats and countermeasures, and establishing new collaborations in these areas.

This paper is intended to introduce a technique for incorporating system security into the clearing of day-ahead joint electricity markets, with particular emphasis on the voltage stability. A Multiobjective Mathematical Programming (MMP)... more

This paper is intended to introduce a technique for incorporating system security into the clearing of day-ahead joint electricity markets, with particular emphasis on the voltage stability. A Multiobjective Mathematical Programming (MMP) formulation is implemented for provision of ancillary services (Automatic Generation Control or AGC, spinning, non-spinning, and operating reserves) as well as energy in simultaneous auctions by pool-based aggregated market scheme. In the proposed market-clearing structure, the security problem, as an important responsibility of ISO, is addressed and a nonlinear model is formulated and used as the extra objective functions of the optimization problem. Thus, in the MMP formulation of the market-clearing process, the objective functions (including augmented generation offer cost, overload index, voltage drop index, and loading margin) are optimized while meeting AC power flow constraints, system reserve requirements, and lost opportunity cost (LOC) considerations. The IEEE 24-bus Reliability Test System (RTS 24-bus) is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.