Energy Research Papers - (original) (raw)
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- Computer Science, Architecture, Energy, Vocabulary
RESUMO: O trabalho objetivou avaliar o consumo de energia elétrica por meio de medidas de amperagem, sobre dois graus de moagem de grãos de milho para alimentação animal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso em... more
RESUMO: O trabalho objetivou avaliar o consumo de energia elétrica por meio de medidas de amperagem, sobre dois graus de moagem de grãos de milho para alimentação animal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso em Esquema Fatorial, com quatro tratamentos e dez repetições. Foram utilizados dois diâmetros geométricos médios (DGM) de 865 e 570mm, grosso e fino, respectivamente, com texturas dentada e dura. Constatou-se maior consumo de energia elétrica na granulometria fina, com aumento na demanda de energia de 14 % para a moagem dos grãos de textura dura em relação aos grãos de textura dentada. Portanto, em granulometria de menor DGM (570mm) deve-se dar preferência por grãos de milho de textura dentada pelo menor consumo de energia elétrica na moagem, enquanto que em granulometria de 865mm, o consumo de energia para ambos os híbridos foi o mesmo. Palavras-chave: custos, DGM, híbridos de milho.
- by Mayra A D Saleh
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- Energy, Corn
The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste... more
The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW). The conversion technologies such as anaerobic digestion (AD), pyrolysis, transesterification, incineration treat food, plastic, meat, and lignocellulosic wastes to produce liquid, gaseous and solid biofuels. Makkah city landfills receive about 2750 tons of waste every day. While during the Ramadan and Hajj seasons, these quantities become 3000 tons and 4706 tons per day respectively. More than 2.5 million animals were sold for slaughtering in 2014 Hajj, and their blood and organic solid waste were disposed of untreated. Similarly, around 2.1 million plastic Zam-Zam cups were wasted every day during the 2014 Ramadan time. In the first three days of 2014's Ramadan, 5000 tons of food was wasted only in Makkah municipality. Collectively, about 3853 tons of waste were generated each day during 2014 Hajj and Ramadan. The waste from Al-Haram and Al-Masha’ir (Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat) and their surroundings was mainly composed of organics (up to 68.5%). There is no waste-to-energy facility existing in Saudi Arabia. The waste biorefinery in Makkah will divert up to 94% of MSW from landfill to biorefinery. The energy potential of 2171.47 TJ and 8852.66 TJ can be produced if all of the food and plastic waste of the Makkah city are processed through AD and pyrolysis respectively. The development of AD and pyrolysis under waste biorefinery will also benefit the economy with gross savings of 405 and 565.7 million SR respectively, totalling to an annual profit of 970.7 million SR. Therefore, the benefits of waste biorefinery in Makkah city and other parts of the Saudi Arabia are numerous including the development of renewable-energy science and research, solving solid waste problems, new businesses and job creation opportunities and minimizing environmental pollution.
- by Dr. Abdul-Sattar Nizami and +1
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- Renewable Energy, Energy, Recycling, Biorefinery
bone mineral density and lean mass. Only HRC training elicited adaptations in the cardiovascular system and 43 a decrease in fat mass. 44 45 46 47 48 49 65 with advancing age are examples of functional declines with aging, 66 which can... more
bone mineral density and lean mass. Only HRC training elicited adaptations in the cardiovascular system and 43 a decrease in fat mass. 44 45 46 47 48 49 65 with advancing age are examples of functional declines with aging, 66 which can severely limit physical performance and independence 67 and are negatively correlated with all cause mortality (Blair et al., 68 1995; Gulati et al., 2005; Laukkanen et al.Exercise can elicit a broad range of physiological changes. Nonethe-71 less, adaptations are specific to the exercise mode and intensity, so 72 several concurrently implemented regimes need to be performed. For 73 example, it is well known that both endurance exercise and resistance 74 training can substantially improve physical fitness and health-related 75 factors in older individuals (Cadore et al., 2012a, 2012b; Paoli et al., 76 2010). However, while endurance training is purported to be more ef-77 fective for decreasing fat mass ( Q3
Biomass fuel can be an alternative fuel for industries that produces a lot of agriculture waste (like FELDA), which can convert the fuel to useful heat energy. Numerous research works have been carried out to study the combustion... more
Biomass fuel can be an alternative fuel for industries that produces a lot of agriculture waste (like FELDA), which can convert the fuel to useful heat energy. Numerous research works have been carried out to study the combustion characteristics of agricultural solid wastes, however, every result is unique due to differences in the process and hardware. This paper publishes results based on the combustion experiments of palm kernel shell and palm fiber using an under-fire inclined grate combustor developed locally. This work aims to generate combustion data for future research development of the palm oil wastes as an alternative fuel. The analysis is based on theoretical and experimental energy outputs, emission analysis and combustion behavior. In general, palm shells have a calorific value of 16.9 MJ/kg, while palm fibers reported calorific value is 9.2 MJ/kg. Actual energy released during the combustion process was determined from the flue gas compositions using thermodynamics analysis of combustion reactions. The combustion chamber design limits the actual energy conversion at a range of 24% to 32%, where the maximum flue gas energy was determined at about 5.4 MJ/kg for palm shells and 2.5 MJ/kg for palm fiber. Critical factors identified in enhancing the combustion performance are the air supply, air-fuel mixing and fuel distribution.
The September 2021 edition of the IRMO Brief deals with energy security of the Balkans and the upcoming changes in the energy security of the region. Year 2023 could bring a dramatic overhaul on the energy map of the Western Balkans... more
The September 2021 edition of the IRMO Brief deals with energy security of the Balkans and the upcoming changes in the energy security of the region. Year 2023 could bring a dramatic overhaul on the energy map of the Western Balkans countries, as by then the derogation from EU environmental regulation for a number of thermal power plants expires while reliability of lignite mines and power plants deteriorates. As the region’s energy supply is to a large extent dependent on lignite-fired power plants, the 2023 will be a turning point for the Balkans in terms of energy supply. At the same time, the Western Balkan countries are aware of the importance of the EU Green Agenda and that the replacement of coal by other energy sources, is at the core of EU climate policy. The author also analyses the energy map Europe after the completion of the Nord Stream 2 and Turk Stream gas pipeline projects as well as closures of nuclear and coal plants and phase out of Groningen gas field , and positions the role of the Balkans in the overall energy security of Europe. Paper address the risk that developments in Balkans affect credibility of the EU promotion of the rule of law, climate change awareness and human rights. Findings are confirmed by recent failures in gas and power supply across the region and spike in wholesale prices.
- by Macjoy Peñaredondo
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- Energy
Abundant and economical energy is the life blood of modern civilization. Energy poverty continues to be a major constraint to the developmental and economic of Nigeria and the crucial challenge of the energy sector in the country includes... more
Abundant and economical energy is the life blood of modern civilization. Energy poverty continues to be a major constraint to the developmental and economic of Nigeria and the crucial challenge of the energy sector in the country includes the issues of inadequate energy supply, energy security and sustainability. This study appraises critically the current energy scenario in Nigeria and examines the roles of all the primary energy forms in the country as well as alternative energy forms in the provision of adequate energy supply and energy security for the future, particularly as it pertains to the attainment of the country's goals for boosting energy supply as articulated in all its policy and developmental documents. The study identified poor energy mix, slow implementation of policy and inadequate private sector participation as major constraints and challenges of the energy sector and recommends appropriate strategies to improve the energy scenario in the country.
This study critically examines 20 years of geography and political ecology literature on the energy justice implications of climate change mitigation. Grounded in an expert guided literature review of 198 studies and their corresponding... more
This study critically examines 20 years of geography and political ecology literature on the energy justice implications of climate change mitigation. Grounded in an expert guided literature review of 198 studies and their corresponding 332 case studies, it assesses the linkages between low carbon transitions-including renewable electricity, biofuel, nuclear power, smart grids, electric vehicles, and land use management-with degradation, dispossession and destruction. It draws on a framework that envisions the political ecology of low-carbon transitions as consisting of four distinct processes: enclosure (capture of land or resources), exclusion (unfair planning), encroachment (destruction of the environment), or entrenchment (worsening of inequality or vulnerability). The study vigorously interrogates how these elements play out by country and across countries, by type of mitigation option, by type of victim or affected group, by process, and by severity, e.g. from modern slavery to organized crime, from violence, murder and torture to the exacerbation of child prostitution or the destruction of pristine ecosystems. It also closely examines the locations, disciplinary affiliations, methods and spatial units of analysis employed by this corpus of research, with clear and compelling insights for future work in the space of geography, climate change, and energy transitions. It suggest five critical avenues for future research: greater inclusivity and diversity, rigor and comparative analysis, focus on mundane technologies and non-Western case studies, multi-scalar analysis, and focus on policy and recommendations. At times, low-carbon transitions and climate action can promote squalor over sustainability and leave angry communities, disgruntled workers, scorned business partners, and degraded landscapes in their wake. Nevertheless, ample opportunities exist to make a future low-carbon world more pluralistic, democratic, and just.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present two challenges for integrated planning and implementation at the national level. One is that policies and plans need to identify and accommodate interconnectivities amongst the SDGs. Second... more
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present two challenges for integrated planning and implementation at the national level. One is that policies and plans need to identify and accommodate interconnectivities amongst the SDGs. Second is the need to balance the three dimensions: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. This paper uses network analysis to explore interconnectivity and balance of the Sri Lankan policies or plans in relation to SDG 7, that advocates clean energy security. The findings suggest that the selected policies or plans are not only clearly linked to SDG 7, but also shows strong connectivity to SDG 1 (poverty), 10 (inequality), 11 (cities) and 12 (sustainable consumption and production) as well as other SDGs. This emphasises the need to recognise sectoral cross links for an integrated plan. In terms of balance there is a skew towards the environmental dimension over the economic and social dimensions. There are also conflicts between ...
Petroleum industry has a major share in the world energy and industrial markets. In the recent years, petroleum industry has grown increasingly complex as a result of tighter competition, stricter environmental regulations and... more
Petroleum industry has a major share in the world energy and industrial markets. In the recent
years, petroleum industry has grown increasingly complex as a result of tighter competition,
stricter environmental regulations and lower-margin profits. It is facing a challenging task to
remain competitive in a globalized market, the fluctuating demand for petroleum products and the
current situation of fluctuating high petroleum crude oil prices is a demonstration that markets
and industries throughout the world are impacted by the uncertainty and volatility of the
petroleum industry.
These factors and others forced petroleum companies for a greater need in the strategic planning
optimization and sensitivity analysis in order to make decisions that satisfy conflicting multiobjective goals of maximizing expected profit while simultaneously minimizing risk. These
decisions have to take into account uncertainties and constraints in factors such as the source and
availability of raw material, production and distribution costs and expected market demand.
This book discusses the full aspects concerning the Petroleum Refinery starting from its history
reaching a plant design for the products refinery processes and naphtha processing with the help
of an industrial simulation programs such as Aspen HYSYS. It covers refinery classification, crude
oil structure and economics, in addition to the refinery processing line from the beginning of the
handling of the feed introduced to plant units passing through the desalting, preheating, flashing
units till reaching the separation processes in distillation towers producing the refinery products,
vacuum tower distillation and the naphtha processing using the modern technique Methaforming
that are all discussed theoretically and simulated for a real-life Petroleum Plant Production Units
using the industrial simulating programs.
This finally demonstrate the full image of the petroleum refinery processes importance to the local
and international world of petroleum and petrochemical industries and human’s life.
The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial... more
The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial EM fields and 3D material particles are created.
The evolution of Caspian Sea basin energy transmission networks is entering a crucial phase. Azerbaijan is the crucible where questions concerning the future structure of geo-economic relations in Eurasia (and also therefore crucial... more
The evolution of Caspian Sea basin energy transmission networks is entering a crucial phase. Azerbaijan is the crucible where questions concerning the future structure of geo-economic relations in Eurasia (and also therefore crucial aspects of the general geopolitical structure of world politics) are today being resolved. Azerbaijan’s significance arises both from the volume of its natural energy resources and from its irreplaceable role as a bridge from Central Asia and the Caspian Sea basin to the Black Sea basin and Europe. Most recently, this significance has only been underlined by the implementation of a multi-vectored energy export strategy. Long-term and short-term historical perspectives put into relief the significance of the expanding geo-economic energy relations between Greater Central Asia and Greater Southwest Asia.
Electricity, being an important energy source is inadequate in Nigeria, and is mostly limited to a few towns, while the rural areas are either underserved or neglected in terms of supply. This paper examines various literatures on... more
Electricity, being an important energy source is inadequate in Nigeria, and is mostly limited to a few towns, while the rural areas are either underserved or neglected in terms of supply. This paper examines various literatures on electricity generation and supply by focusing on the experience of Nigeria, Africa's largest economy. The result reveals the continued insufficient electricity supply in the country. The deregulation of the sector, which was aimed at facilitating efficiency in electricity supply, did not provide much improvement in the supply as there was no significant increase in the total generation output and access. The result further shows that the frequent power outage in the country has a multiplier effect on the socioeconomic activities at all level. It is recommended that policies and measures needs to be emphasised to abate the sabotage in the sector. The study concludes that a robust reform is required in the power sector that would holistically address the problems.
Nigeria is endowed with substantial amounts of energy resources, and it has been making large profits from their export. However, windfall revenues have also been affecting the Government’s responsiveness and accountability, and they have... more
Nigeria is endowed with substantial amounts of energy resources, and it has been making large profits from their export. However, windfall revenues have also been affecting the Government’s responsiveness and accountability, and they have brought it into collusive relationship with international oil and gas companies operating in the country. A skewed distribution of petroleum resources costs and benefits, as well as the dependence on exports exposing the public finances to volatility in the international markets have represented further major issues. As a result, in spite of the resource abundance, energy access and power generation still represent urgent issues for action in the country. Solid biomass accounts for 74% of the primary energy consumption, while the electrification rate stands at 34% in rural areas. Active power plants are mainly gas-fired, but they face capacity, maintenance, and financial constraints. While historically natural gas has been disregarded or flared into the atmosphere because it was considered a by-product of oil due to lacking market conditions and processing capacity, today the development of a domestic market for natural gas is seen as a key priority to guarantee energy security and boost industrial development in Nigeria. A more efficient and equitable governance of the sector and management of export revenues can play a major role in this sense. In this context, this paper highlights the main current issues and underpins key policy conditions for this transition to take place in Nigeria.
In true sense, Nigeria has made considerable efforts in reducing her gas-flaring activities. However, it is highly debated if the recorded reductions over the years are solemnly from the enacted regulations, penalties and incentives. In... more
In true sense, Nigeria has made considerable efforts in reducing her gas-flaring activities. However, it is highly debated if the recorded reductions over the years are solemnly from the enacted regulations, penalties and incentives. In order to analyse the effectiveness of these instituted policy instruments including the implementation mechanisms driving their successes or failures, this research uses the Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) as a theoretical framework.
The theory is built on the premise that Governance is essentially a myriad of interaction processes where actors in a policy setting are constantly in a game of influencing each other depending on their position in relation to others. Consequently, actors’ characteristics play pivotal roles in determining policy outcomes.
Although varieties of adhoc explanations abounds for various policy failures, ranging from inadequate motivation of responsible institutions, insufficient manpower resources, ambiguity of legislative guidelines and so on. However, empirical researches including the CIT have shown that these factors need not exclusively affect policy implementation; rather in consonance with other factors can exert some degree of influences.
This paper describes a model of heat transfer for the convection section of a biomass boiler. The predictions obtained with the model are compared to the measurement results from two boilers, a 50 kW th pellet boiler and a 4000 kW th wood... more
This paper describes a model of heat transfer for the convection section of a biomass boiler. The predictions obtained with the model are compared to the measurement results from two boilers, a 50 kW th pellet boiler and a 4000 kW th wood chips boiler. An adequate accuracy was achieved on the wood chips boiler. As for the pellet boiler, the calculated and measured heat transfer rates differed more than expected on the basis of the inaccuracies in correlation reported in the literature. The most uncertain aspect of the model was assumed to be the correlation equation of the entrance region. Hence, the model was adjusted to improve the correlation. As a result of this, a high degree of accuracy was also obtained with the pellet boiler. The next step was to analyse the effect of design and the operating parameters on the pellet boiler. Firstly, the portion of radiation was established at 3-13 per cent, and the portion of entrance region at 39-52 per cent of the entire heat transfer rate under typical operating conditions. The effect of natural convection was small. Secondly, the heat transfer rate seemed to increase when dividing the convection section into more passes, even when the heat transfer surface area remained constant. This is because the effect of the entrance region is recurrent. Thirdly, when using smaller tube diameters the heat transfer area is more energy-efficient, even when the bulk velocity of the flow remains constant.
The evolution of technology has generated a greater competitive rivalry among Internet service providers, therefore, the goal was to design a wireless network to provide Internet service to rural areas of Valle de los Chillos and... more
The evolution of technology has generated a greater competitive rivalry among Internet service providers, therefore, the goal was to design a wireless network to provide Internet service to rural areas of Valle de los Chillos and accessible prices , under the Wireless last mile access topology. The documentary methodology was applied to carry out the market, technical and economic study of the proposal, whose results showed that the projection of the demand with real data, under the interpolation of a logarithmic function, resulted in a considerable number of users, being the main characteristic of MIMO, the Three-Stream that uses three flows of spatial beams to increase in a remarkable way the wireless speed. Also very important is the channel width, normally 20 MHz, but 802.11n allows 40 MHz channel widths using two separate 20 MHz channels to increase the minimum transfer speed 177.5 Mbps, requiring MIMO with 2 channels of 20 MHz each for Maximum speed of 300 MHz and 300 Mbps theoretical speed in WiFi-N must have at least MIMO 2T2R, 40 MHz channel width and two beams (two-stream), with 20MHz channel bandwidth, 2.4 GHz or 5GHz. In conclusion, the last mile access topology improves the connectivity of the proposed wireless network.
The global COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a justice crisis. It also brings to light multiple ongoing, underlying social crises. The COVID-19 crisis is actively revealing crises of energy sovereignty in at... more
The global COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a justice crisis. It also brings to light multiple ongoing, underlying social crises. The COVID-19 crisis is actively revealing crises of energy sovereignty in at least four ways. First, there are many whose access to basic health services is compromised because of the lack of energy services necessary to provide these services. Second, some people are more vulnerable to COVID-19 because of exposure to environmental pollution associated with energy production. Third, energy services are vital to human wellbeing, yet access to energy services is largely organized as a consumer good. The loss of stable income precipitated by COVID-19 may therefore mean that many lose reliable access to essential energy services. Fourth, the COVID-19 crisis has created a window of opportunity for corporate interests to engage in aggressive pursuit of energy agendas that perpetuate carbon intensive and corporate controlled energy s...
Communications on energy not lose sight of the basic principles of thermodynamics. We must establish a dialogue, an open channel of communication and understanding, between economists, businessmen, and policy makers on the one hand, and... more
Communications on energy not lose sight of the basic principles of thermodynamics. We must establish a dialogue, an open channel of communication and understanding, between economists, businessmen, and policy makers on the one hand, and thermodynamicists and engineers on the other.
It goes without saying that the use of natural gas will play an important role in the coming years. by Esmira Jafarova Shahmar Hajiyev Nowa days, one of the major concerns for Europe is energy security and how to address the challenges... more
It goes without saying that the use of natural gas will play an important role in the coming years. by Esmira Jafarova Shahmar Hajiyev Nowa days, one of the major concerns for Europe is energy security and how to address the challenges that face European energy consumers. Natural gas is an important source of energy, and most EU Member States depend on natural gas imports. It is worth noting that gas can be considered a cleaner "transition fuel" because it leads to the emission of less CO2 than coal. Another important fact is that natural gas supports renewable energy sources because it can quickly compensate for dips in solar or wind power supply and rapidly respond to sudden increases in demand. In addition, it is a good partner for hydropower, providing a secure electricity supply when there is insufficient rainfall. It should be underlined that, during the energy transition period, countries cannot rely on only a few energy sources; on the contrary, they have to
Governments around the globe enact various energy and environmental policies focused on electricity production and consumption, conservation, waste management, water and air pollution, and many others. The public policy approaches to... more
Governments around the globe enact various energy and environmental policies focused on electricity production and consumption, conservation, waste management, water and air pollution, and many others. The public policy approaches to address such issues often lean toward a status quo that favors more powerful actors who sometimes attempt to stifle innovation. This paper reviews the “Punctuated Equilibrium Theory” framework and how it illuminates novel policy changes in an energy and environment context.
У 2016 році на ТЕС і ТЕЦ було використано 31,3 млн т вугілля (+9%; табл. 1), у тому числі в осінньо-зимовий період (із 15 жовтня до 15 квітняблизько 15 млн т). Співвідношення між спожитим вугіллям антрацитової й газової груп становило 41... more
У 2016 році на ТЕС і ТЕЦ було використано 31,3 млн т вугілля (+9%; табл. 1), у тому числі в осінньо-зимовий період (із 15 жовтня до 15 квітняблизько 15 млн т). Співвідношення між спожитим вугіллям антрацитової й газової груп становило 41 : 59. У середньому за рік ТЕС і ТЕЦ споживали 86 тис. т вугілля на добу, влітку 2016 року (внаслідок проведення позапланових ремонтів на АЕС)до 110 тис. т на добу.
In this study, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were applied to predict the mean monthly wind speed of any target station using the mean monthly wind speeds of neighboring stations which are indicated as reference stations. Hourly wind... more
In this study, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were applied to predict the mean monthly wind speed of any target station using the mean monthly wind speeds of neighboring stations which are indicated as reference stations. Hourly wind speed data, collected by the Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS) at 8 measuring stations located in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey were used. The long-term wind data, containing hourly wind speeds, directions and related information, cover the period between 1992 and 2001. These data were divided into two sections. According to the correlation coefficients, reference and target stations were defined. The mean monthly wind speeds of reference stations were used and also corresponding months were specified in the input layer of the network. On the other hand, the mean monthly wind speed of the target station was utilized in the output layer of the network. Resilient propagation (RP) learning algorithm was applied in the present simulation. The hidden layers and output layer of the network consist of logistic sigmoid transfer function (logsig) and linear transfer function (purelin) as an activation function. Finally, the values determined by ANN model were compared with the actual data. The maximum mean absolute percentage error was found to be 14.13% for Antakya meteorological station and the best result was found to be 4.49% for Mersin meteorological station. r
Appendix to Biomass Heating
- by Albert R George
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- Energy
Due to broadcast nature of wireless radio services such as encryption in pervasive networks such that it transmission, security services are of paramount importance to sufficiently protects information while minimizing the energy protect... more
Due to broadcast nature of wireless radio services such as encryption in pervasive networks such that it transmission, security services are of paramount importance to sufficiently protects information while minimizing the energy protect information exchanged in a wireless network. However, cost. We trade off energy consumption with the strength of providing security services increases the computation and hence energy consumption due to cryptographic algorithms. Energy security servcs The str of secrityoservice n be 1 p. Keeratiwintakorn is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, security requirements, and utilize different security algorithms King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand based on transmission packet size to further minimize energy (corresponding author to provide phone: ±66 2 9132500; fax: ±66 2 913 2500 consumption of wireless devices. The level adjustment and the
In this study, a three-dimensional numerical model is developed to investigate the thermal and electrical characteristics of 18 650 lithium-ion battery cells that are used in the solar racing car of Dokuz Eylül University, i.e., SOLARIS.... more
In this study, a three-dimensional numerical model is developed to investigate the thermal and electrical characteristics of 18 650 lithium-ion battery cells that are used in the solar racing car of Dokuz Eylül University, i.e., SOLARIS. The Newman, Tiedemann, Gu, and Kim (NTGK) battery model of ANSYS Fluent software is implemented to resolve the coupled multiphysics problem. In the analysis, only the discharging period of the battery is considered. Before going through parametric studies under variable weather conditions, time-wise variations of the cell temperature and the battery voltage are evaluated both experimentally and numerically under two different ambient conditions of 0°C and 25°C. Comparative results revealed that reasonable predictions are achieved with the current battery model, and the difference between the predicted battery surface temperature and experimental data is less than 1°C. Following the model validation, the battery performance is numerically examined by applying the battery model to a real race procedure of SOLARIS. Phase change materials (PCMs) with different amounts and melting temperatures are implemented around the batteries, and transient analyses are conducted under real weather conditions. The current study aims to keep the battery temperature of a solar racing car above a certain limit to prevent the overcooling and maintain higher charging capacity. Implementation of PCM with a melting temperature of 26°C yields 3.15% of capacity increment, and such a performance improvement corresponds to 15.51 Wh of extra energy that can be extracted from an individual battery.
The purpose of this study is to produce a mathematical model to describe the operation of a water-to-water heat pump system for steady-state condition. The set-up model is deterministic. It consists of distributed as well as lumped... more
The purpose of this study is to produce a mathematical model to describe the operation of a water-to-water heat pump system for steady-state condition. The set-up model is deterministic. It consists of distributed as well as lumped parameters. The proposed mathematical models of heat exchangers were described by coupled differential equations, while the models of the compressor and the expansion valve are of lumped parameters. The Runge–Kutta and the Adams–Moulton predictor-corrector methods were applied for the numerical solution of differential equations, i.e. the equation systems. The developed mathematical model is validated with 118 tests using R134a as a working fluid. The results show that an average difference between the modeled and experimental results for the coefficient of performance is 1.73%, which means that the proposed mathematical model can be used to determine the optimum operating point of a heat pump system for a given heat demand for heating, by determining the maximum value of the coefficient of performance.
- by Robert Santa and +1
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- Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Energy
The call for inquiry science to be a part of the school science curriculum is popular in many parts of the world. While some research in this area revealed success stories of students' learning when they are engaged in student-directed,... more
The call for inquiry science to be a part of the school science curriculum is popular in many parts of the world. While some research in this area revealed success stories of students' learning when they are engaged in student-directed, open-ended scientific inquiry activities, others are more sceptical about how these activities impact students' learning in and of science. Using the microanalysis of classroom talk in a grade-six science classroom dealing with the conversion of energy, we illustrate the dilemma in communicative approach used by a teacher when using an inductive hands-on activity to teach canonical science content. We unravel the complexity between dialogic-authoritative approaches in establishing learning as well as the need to fulfil the teaching purposes set for each lesson. Here we illustrate how the use of fine grain analysis of classroom talk and interaction can reveal the details of classroom learning, such as mismatch of teaching purposes and adopting appropriate approach to fulfil the intended teaching purpose.
This paper examines the difference in the net present values (NPV's) of North sea oil projects obtained using discounted cashflow methods based on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and a Modern Asset Pricing (MAP) method... more
This paper examines the difference in the net present values (NPV's) of North sea oil projects obtained using discounted cashflow methods based on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and a Modern Asset Pricing (MAP) method (Laughton and Jacoby, 1993; Jacoby and Laughton, 1992).
- by Magne Emhjellen
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- Business, Energy, Papers, Capital
Direct fermentation of cellulosic biomass to bioethanol has been very promising and hence attracted attention in recent years. In this study, bioethanol production from apple pomace hydrolysate (agroindustrial waste product) was... more
Direct fermentation of cellulosic biomass to bioethanol has been very promising and hence attracted attention in recent years. In this study, bioethanol production from apple pomace hydrolysate (agroindustrial waste product) was investigated by coculturing Trichoderma harzianum, Aspergillus sojae and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using statistical approaches. Screening and optimization experiments were conducted in order to determine the significant factors and their optimum levels for maximum bioethanol production. Inoculation rates, aeration and agitation speed were considered as factor variables and bioethanol production as response variable. Highest bioethanol (EtOH) concentration and ethanol yield on total reducing sugar content (Y P/S) were 8.748 g/L and 0.945 g/g, respectively. Optimum conditions were 6% (w/v) inoculation rates of T.harzianum and A.sojae, and 4% (v/v) inoculation rate of S.cerevisiae with vented aeration method and agitation speed of 200 rpm. To best of our knowledge to date, no reports are available in literature regarding the coculturing of T.harzianum, A.sojae and S.cerevisiae for bioethanol production. Therefore, this study will serve as a base line of initial studies in this field. The method can create a renewable alternative feedstock for fossil fuel production and suggest a feasible solution to multiple environmental problems simultaneously creating a sink for waste utilization.
Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is defined as a cluster of energy conversion/storage units which are centrally operated in order to improve the technical and economic performance. This paper addresses the optimal operation of a VPP considering... more
Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is defined as a cluster of energy conversion/storage units which are centrally operated in order to improve the technical and economic performance. This paper addresses the optimal operation of a VPP considering the risk factors affecting its daily operation profits. The optimal operation is modelled in both day ahead and balancing markets as a two-stage stochastic mixed integer linear programming in order to maximize a generation companys (GenCo) expected profit. Furthermore, the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) is used as a risk measure technique in order to control the risk of low profit scenarios. The uncertain parameters, including the PV power output, wind power output and day-ahead market prices are modelled through scenarios. The proposed model is successfully applied to a real case study to show its applicability and the results are presented and thoroughly discussed.
We give a proof of dynamical localization in the form of exponential decay of spatial correlations in the time evolution for the one-dimensional continuum Anderson model via the fractional moments method. This follows via exponential... more
We give a proof of dynamical localization in the form of exponential decay of spatial correlations in the time evolution for the one-dimensional continuum Anderson model via the fractional moments method. This follows via exponential decay of fractional moments of the Green function, which is shown to hold at arbitrary energy and for any single-site distribution with bounded, compactly supported density.
This study investigated the relationship among biomass energy consumption, economic growth and carbon emissions in West Africa during 1980e2010. This nexus was explored by integrating the pollution production function and energy demand... more
This study investigated the relationship among biomass energy consumption, economic growth and carbon emissions in West Africa during 1980e2010. This nexus was explored by integrating the pollution production function and energy demand function with an augmented endogenous growth model. Moreover, this paper employed a simultaneous equation model estimated with three stage least squares (3SLS). Analysis was conducted for individual West African countries and panel of the countries. The overall results show that a complete significant interactive relationship (feedback effects) exists among GDP, biomass consumption and carbon emission in five West Africa countries (Nigeria, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Mali and Togo). There are partial significant links among the variables in the remaining West African countries. A complete significant nexus among the variables was also discovered for panel of the countries. Based on the results, some policy implications were drawn for West African countries. There is need to reduce the prevailing high energy intensity of output in West Africa through the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. It is also imperative to find clean energy alternatives (or complementary) to biomass use so as to reduce the resulting high carbon emissions which may hinder the attainment of high and sustainable growth in the nearest future.
Data on residential construction practices in 19751976, together with climatic data, construction costs and fuel costs, are used to calculate discount rates implicit in homeowner's decisions to invest in energy-saving measures in... more
Data on residential construction practices in 19751976, together with climatic data, construction costs and fuel costs, are used to calculate discount rates implicit in homeowner's decisions to invest in energy-saving measures in new homes. This process ...