Psychiatric Disorders Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The second article in a series, this case study demonstrates how psychiatric diagnoses and treatment can ignore social, environmental, and personal history factors that likely caused a person's mental disorders. We examined the life of a... more

The second article in a series, this case study demonstrates how psychiatric diagnoses and treatment can ignore social, environmental, and personal history factors that likely caused a person's mental disorders. We examined the life of a woman who endured physical assault and rape by her father, a series of unsatisfactory romantic relationships, marriage to a man who repeatedly brutalized their children and her, the deaths of two children, and the burden of caring for eight surviving offspring. This woman occasionally exhibited symptoms of depression and emotional outbursts that led to her psychiatric hospitalization, psychotropic drugging, and ECT. Hospitalization and psychiatric drugs provided no relief, while ECT brought on memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, and bizarre persecutory beliefs. This case study revealed how psychiatric diagnosis and treatment can be irrelevant, ineffective, and harmful, while concealing institutional failures and helping to perpetuate social problems.

Background: Psychiatrists started using urine pyrroles (hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one, HPL) to diagnose psychiatric disorders many years ago. The biological origins of HPL are not known, nor are the causes of elevated urinary pyrrole... more

Background: Psychiatrists started using urine pyrroles (hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one, HPL) to diagnose psychiatric disorders many years ago. The biological origins of HPL are not known, nor are the causes of elevated urinary pyrrole excretion well understood. Methods: In the present study we analyzed the level of pyrroles in 148 patients with schizophrenia, 135 patients with bipolar disorder, 97 patients with depression, 119 patients with ADHD and compared these data with the results of pyrrole tests for patients with non-psychiatric conditions and healthy volunteers. Results: According to our data, urinary pyrrole concentrations tended to be high in patients with psychiatric disorders, but elevated level of pyrroles was not specific for only these patients. We found evidence of an allergy related component in the fact that elevated pyrrole levels were significantly more prevalent in subjects with elevated histamine values. A role of intestinal bacteria, or imbalances in intestinal bacterial metabolism, was also suggested based on the found relationship between elevated pyrrole levels and elevations in indicans and urobilinogens. In addition, our data demonstrated that subjects with severely elevated pyrrole levels were deficient in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B3, and vitamin C. Conclusion: Thus, pyrrole excretion seems to be a component of illness in general and not strictly psychiatric disorders.

Intellectual Disability (ID) represents a meta-syndromic group of several different conditions, each one with specific cognitive and communication features. This constitutes one the main reason for which the... more

Intellectual Disability (ID) represents a meta-syndromic group of several different conditions, each one with specific cognitive and communication features. This constitutes one the main reason for which the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in adults with ID is challenging. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive and updated state of art on the assessment of psychiatric disorders in people with ID. In order to accomplish this goal, authors performed a systematic literature mapping trying to answer to the following questions: what are the issues in the psychiatric diagnostic process for adults with ID? What methods and procedures have been used for psychiatric assessment in ID? To date, is it possible to identify the most effective diagnostic procedures?Results indicated that the main critical issues in the psychiatric diagnostic process were the following: the identification of psychiatric symptoms, the behavioural equivalents, the diagnostic criteria, the setting, the source of information, the screening and diagnostic instruments. An increasing interest in screening instruments for providing appropriate diagnosis for people with ID has been noted in the recent years. For this reason, available assessment tools have been briefly indicated, with their strengths and weaknesses. Although the recent advances, more research is needed in order to increase diagnostic accuracy in this heterogeneous group of patients

Carmine Pariante, professore di Psichiatria al King's College di Londra e autorità internazionale nel campo della psichiatria biologica, nella intervista che gentilmente ha concesso alla nostra rivista, illustra un campo di ricerca che ha... more

Carmine Pariante, professore di Psichiatria al King's College di Londra e autorità internazionale nel campo della psichiatria biologica, nella intervista che gentilmente ha concesso alla nostra rivista, illustra un campo di ricerca che ha rivoluzionato il modo di vedere i disturbi psichiatrici. Il circolo vizioso infiammazione-depressione, andata e ritorno, negli ultimi 20 anni, è stato ampiamente analizzato, con il contributo rilevante del prof. Pariante.

V literaturi – prostoru drugačnosti in tujosti – se v zadnjih letih vse pogosteje pojavlja tema duševnih motenj, med katerimi sta najpogosteje obravnavana avtizem in depresija. Ker gre praviloma za stanje, polno protislovij, psihične in... more

V literaturi – prostoru drugačnosti in tujosti – se v zadnjih letih vse pogosteje pojavlja tema duševnih motenj, med katerimi sta najpogosteje obravnavana avtizem in depresija. Ker gre praviloma za stanje, polno protislovij, psihične in mentalne motnje v leposlovju predstavljajo področje, ki odpira nov in poglobljen razmislek o vprašanju identitete, občutij in kompleksnosti zavesti. Meja, ki ločuje »normalnost« od norosti, se v obravnavanih romanih izkaže kot izrazito fluiden koncept, postopen, skorajda neopazen zdrs na drugo, družbeno manj sprejemljivo, stran pa – ob upoštevanju bioloških, psiholoških in socialnih dejavnikov – kot mogoč razplet zaostrene življenjske situacije, v kateri se znajde slehernik.
V prispevku nas bo zanimalo, kako se travmatizirana zavest odraža na pripovedni ravni in kakšen je njen učinek. Primerjali bomo roman Stanke Hrastelj Igranje in roman škotske pisateljice Janice Galloway Dihati moraš, to je vsa skrivnost ter s pomočjo primerjalne, literarnozgodovinske, literarnoteoretične ter interpretativne metode analizirali pripovedno strukturo, pripovedovalca, literarne like in karakterizacijo ter jezikovno in stilno podobo obeh del.

The goal of this group proposal is to provide the opportunity for patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, in a psychiatric hospital setting, to learn about their condition while reflecting on the ways the person is able to fully... more

The goal of this group proposal is to provide the opportunity for patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, in a psychiatric hospital setting, to learn about their condition while reflecting on the ways the person is able to fully function. The objective of learning about the characteristics of the disorder is to help patients identify the aspects of the disorder, and prevent relapses of mood episodes, by adhering to proposed treatments. Having this information in a group setting will help promote a sense of community and normalcy, by highlighting the prevalence of people living with this disorder. The group therapy sessions are a chance for patients to evaluate their lives, in a safe and supportive environment, before returning to life outside of the hospital.

Over the last two decades, the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder has evoked polarized contention in both research and clinical arenas. The level of emotion elicited in the proponents and sceptics of the diagnosis appears to... more

Over the last two decades, the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder has evoked polarized contention
in both research and clinical arenas. The level of emotion elicited in the proponents and sceptics of the
diagnosis appears to transcend the content of the debate. When a concern commands such potent
reactions, perhaps there are underlying agendas which warrant further investigation. The present work
seeks to review historical evidence, the evolving nosological criteria, an alternative dissociation
construct, the etiological and epidemiological controversy, the forensic psychiatric ramifications, and the
supernatural element. In the process, the writer wishes a) to demonstrate the quality and quantity of
scientific investigation completed, to date, in validation of the diagnosis; b) to stress the need for a
paradigm shift in the official North American nosological schema; c) and to promote future dissociation
screening studies in the prison population.

Healthy life is not only oriented to physical health in the human body, but mental health is also important to keep the soul is not disturbed. Many people have psychiatric disorders, but they ignore it, so his mental health becomes a... more

Healthy life is not only oriented to physical health in the human body, but mental health is also important to keep the soul is not disturbed. Many people have psychiatric disorders, but they ignore it, so his mental health becomes a nuisance. People who have mental disorders also have difficulty for treatment. They must find the experts who are experts in mental disorder, and seek solutions to his recovery. It all costs a lot. Along with the advance of development technology, it can be made an application to help us to diagnose psychiatric disorders in humans so that patients with psychiatric disorders can make the initial diagnosis without having to come to the experts. This research is doing psychological system design. This study consists of data analysis conducted by collecting data obtained from psychology books or related to medical science related to psychology. Then from the data obtained successfully then translated into a graph of knowledge, decision tables, and decision trees. The use of forward chaining method in designing the development of the premise, namely reasoning first, and then testing the truth of the hypothesis. The result of this research is the design of expert system of psychological disorder diagnosis which in the next research can be developed into the final application that can be applied and used by the public.

In this essay, reliability of DSM’s classification and validity of psychiatric diagnosis will be evaluated. Moreover, there will be a comparison and an evaluation of DSM-II (1973) and DSM-V (2013) in terms of diagnosis. These major points... more

In this essay, reliability of DSM’s classification and validity of psychiatric diagnosis will be evaluated. Moreover, there will be a comparison and an evaluation of DSM-II (1973) and DSM-V (2013) in terms of diagnosis. These major points will be analyzed in the light of the Rosenhan study entitled “On Being Sane In Insane Places” published in 1973.

Questo articolo è la traduzione italiana di Bottaccioli AG, Bottaccioli F, Minelli A, Stress and the psyche–brain–immune network in psychiatric diseases based on psychoneuroendocrineimmunology: a concise review. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019... more

Questo articolo è la traduzione italiana di Bottaccioli AG, Bottaccioli F, Minelli A, Stress and the psyche–brain–immune network in psychiatric diseases based on psychoneuroendocrineimmunology: a concise review. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019 Feb;1437(1):31-42
L'articolo originale ha avuto una larga audience internazionale ed è stato citato in varie pubblicazioni peer-reviewed, tra cui Current Opinion in Psychology, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Canadian Journal of Pain. SOMMARIO Negli ultimi decenni, numerosi studi condotti nel campo della psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia hanno fornito contributi rilevanti in diversi ambiti di ricerca, dalle neuroscienze alla psicobiologia, dall'epigenetica alla biologia molecolare, fino alla ricerca clinica, analizzando gli effetti dello stress sulla salute umana alla luce delle strette interrelazioni tra psiche, cervello e corpo. Oggi è nozione universalmente accettata che lo stress cronico può alterare il fisiologico cross-talk tra cervello e sistemi biologici, poiché induce una varietà di effetti disfunzionali a lungo termine (sovraccarico allostatico) su tutti i sistemi fisiologici (nervoso, immunitario, endocrino e metabolico), compromettendo così la resilienza agli eventi stressanti e le traiettorie di salute. Si è visto che condizioni avverse nelle fasi precoci della vita si associano a profonde alterazioni in aree cerebrali corticali e sottocorticali coinvolte nella regolazione delle emozioni e nel network di salienza, alterazioni che presentano marcate analogie con quelle osservate in diverse patologie psichiatriche.

Many of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders are marked by prominent disturbances of cognition and emotion. Characterizing the complex neural circuitry underlying the interplay of cognition and emotion is critically important, not... more

Many of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders are marked by prominent disturbances of cognition and emotion. Characterizing the complex neural circuitry underlying the interplay of cognition and emotion is critically important, not just for clarifying the nature of the mind, but also for discovering the root causes of a broad spectrum of debilitating neuropsychiatric disorders, including anxiety, schizophrenia, and chronic pain.

ABSTRACT Background: Individuals suffering with psychiatric disorders are stigmatised and dehumanised, which leads to the maintenance of conditions. With stigma and dehumanisation, there is a probability that those with mental illness... more

Background: Individuals suffering with psychiatric disorders are stigmatised and dehumanised, which leads to the maintenance of conditions. With stigma and dehumanisation, there is a probability that those with mental illness will suffer tremendously and eventually succumbing to adverse irreversible phases. Considering the significance of stigmatisation and dehumanisation in psychiatric populations, it becomes vital to assess their presence and degree in the psychology students’ community. The aim of this study was to examine psychology students' stigmatising and dehumanising attitudes toward two clinical populations (individuals with severe cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia), while taking gender into account.
Methods: Undergraduate psychology students (N=114) were presented with three vignettes portraying two psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, and cannabis use disorder) and one with no psychiatric condition (control). They were then required to rate their perceptions of humanity on a scale of dehumanisation (Unique human/Human nature). The Social Distance Scale (SDS) and two subscales of the Attribution Questionnaire (AQ 27: Fear and Anger) were used to assess stigmatising attitudes. Two distinct surveys, one for each gender, were distributed on University`s SONA system.
Results: Psychology students reported considerably more psychiatric stigma and dehumanisation toward individuals with schizophrenia and cannabis use disorder (CUD) compared with control condition on all attitudinal variables. When investigating gender, this study found significant results for desire to social distance from males regardless of diagnosis. Individuals suffering from cannabis use disorder(CUD) scored higher in measures of psychiatric stigma and dehumanisation. Another significant result in this study was that the schizophrenia case vignette elicited greater fear in respondents than the CUD and no psychiatric condition (control) case. Additional research is needed to generalise and verify the current research's results about attitudes of stigma and dehumanisation associated with psychiatric conditions using broader societal samples and relevant demographic samples. Further research should consider examining the many variations (responsibility and morality) in respondents' attitudes in an attempt to inform solutions targeted directly at the stigma associated with mental illness.
Keywords: schizophrenia, cannabis use disorder, dehumanisation, stigma, students` attitudes, vignette study;

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in many physiological regulation pathways in the human body, which makes this system the target of many drugs and therapies. In this review, we highlight the latest studies regarding the role... more

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in many physiological regulation pathways in the human body, which makes this system the target of many drugs and therapies. In this review, we highlight the latest studies regarding the role of the ECS and the drugs that target it, with a particular focus on the basis for the discovery of new cannabinoid-based drugs. In addition, we propose some key steps, such as the creation of a cannabinoid–receptor interaction matrix (CRIM) and the use of metabolomics, toward the development of improved and more specific drugs for each relevant disease.

Structural changes in different regions of the brain have become clinically relevant and regarded as the signature phenomenon for neurological diseases. Morphological changes in brain are also associated with neuronal and neurochemical... more

Structural changes in different regions of the brain have become clinically relevant and regarded as the signature phenomenon for neurological diseases. Morphological changes in brain are also associated with neuronal and neurochemical alterations. Studies have showed that minute changes in neurochemical levels may have marked impact on the psychobehaviour of the subject. Several neurological disease profiles have been reported with such specific psychobehavioural expression. However, application of behavioural abnormalities as possible disease progress markers has not been considered and emphasised much. Reports suggested that-the subjects, who have already entered into the terminal stage of the disease, used to show cardinal behavioural signs for a specific disease profile. However, psychological expressions are comparatively early expressive. As most of the neurodegenerative disorders are unidirectional and progressive by nature, therapeutic intervention at the right time is essential for attaining the desired outcome. Moreover, early diagnosis can aid in managing the disease progression also. Psychobehavioural analysis could meet the expected outcome of disease diagnosis if implemented properly and timely. In the present review, we have amalgamated the reported behavioural anomalies with the supportive background from neurochemical basis. Further, we have concluded that behaviour centric studies could be a potential diagnostic tool for the early diagnosis of major neurological diseases such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Impulse control disorder (ICD) and Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

En este artículo queremos reactualizar un gran aporte para la comprensión y el tratamiento de los Trastornos Delirantes: la "seudo-comunidad paranoide", que Norman Cameron describió por primera vez en 1943 en su artículo "The Paranoid... more

En este artículo queremos reactualizar un gran aporte para la comprensión y el tratamiento de los Trastornos Delirantes: la "seudo-comunidad paranoide", que Norman Cameron describió por primera vez en 1943 en su artículo "The Paranoid Pseudo-Community", y que reformuló en su artículo "The Paranoid Pseudo-Community Revisited", de 1959, tras una década de estudios clínicos intensivos del pensamiento paranoide en el curso del psicoanálisis de pacientes neuróticos, y en la terapia a largo plazo de pacientes psicóticos.

Objective: Obesity and overweight are global problems. They increase patient’s morbidity and mortality and may cause severe medical conditions affecting physical, mental, and or social health. Bariatric surgery is a durable solution for... more

Objective: Obesity and overweight are global problems. They increase patient’s morbidity and mortality and may cause severe medical conditions affecting physical, mental, and or social health. Bariatric surgery is a durable solution for treating morbid obesity. This study aimed to determine the associations between psychiatric problems and eating disorder symptoms in candidates for bariatric surgery.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 140 participants were selected from the patients who had already been referred to the obesity clinic in Firoozgar Hospital in Tehran, Iran, for bariatric surgery from April to June 2017. To collect study data, we used the eating disorder questionnaire for assessing eating disorders and the symptom checklist questionnaire for evaluating psychiatric problems.
Results: The results of the Chi-squared test showed a significant association (P<0.05) between eating disorder symptoms and psychiatric problems (phobia, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive, psychoticism, hostility, paranoid ideation, and somatization). However, there was no significant correlation (P>0.05) between eating disorder symptoms and interpersonal sensitivity.
Conclusion: This study showed that eating disorders were significantly correlated with psychiatric problems.

Ageing is the main risk factor for human neurological disorders. Among the diverse molecular pathways that govern ageing, epigenetics can guide age-associated decline in part by regulating gene expression and also through the modulation... more

Ageing is the main risk factor for human neurological disorders. Among the diverse molecular pathways that govern ageing, epigenetics can guide age-associated decline in part by regulating gene expression and also through the modulation of genomic instability and high-order chromatin architecture. Epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of neural differentiation as well as in functional processes related to memory consolidation, learning or cognition during healthy lifespan. On the other side of the coin, many neurodegenerative diseases are associated with epigenetic dysregulation. The reversible nature of epigenetic factors and, especially, their role as mediators between the genome and the environment make them exciting candidates as therapeutic targets. Rather than providing a broad description of the pathways epigenetically deregulated in human neurological disorders, in this review, we have focused on the potential use of epigenetic enzymes as druggable targets to ameliorate neural decline during normal ageing and especially in neurological disorders. We will firstly discuss recent progress that supports a key role of epigenetic regulation during healthy ageing with an emphasis on the role of epigenetic regulation in adult neurogenesis. Then, we will focus on epigenetic alterations associated with ageing-related human disorders of the central nervous system. We will discuss examples in the context of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and posttraumatic stress disorders, and also dementia or Alzheimer's disease as the most frequent neurodegenerative disease. Finally, methodological limitations and future perspectives are discussed.

An analysis from the transcursive logic. This paper investigates the existence of a probable link between assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the birth of autistic children. We... more

An analysis from the transcursive logic. This paper investigates the existence of a probable link between assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the birth of autistic children. We propose that the possibility of transfer of paternal mitochondrial DNA by this or other techniques is a condition to be taken into account in the alteration of Ca++ homeostasis that has been detected in some autistic individuals. Using Hempel’s nomological-deductive method as a guide, complemented by transcursive logic, we can scientifically explain the phenomenon that would hypothetically occur in the case where, after the use of the ICSI technique, an autistic child is born.

This article develops the concept of wrongful depathologization, in which a psychiatric disorder is simultaneously stigmatized (because of sanist attitudes towards mental illness) and trivialized (as it is not considered a “proper”... more

This article develops the concept of wrongful depathologization, in which a psychiatric disorder is simultaneously stigmatized (because of sanist attitudes towards mental illness) and trivialized (as it is not considered a “proper” illness). We use OCD as a case study to argue that cumulatively these two effects generate a profound epistemic injustice to OCD sufferers, and possibly to those with other mental disorders. We show that even seemingly positive stereotypes attached to mental disorders give rise to both testimonial injustice and wilful hermeneutical ignorance. We thus expose an insidious form of epistemic harm that has been overlooked in the literature.

Negative postcoital emotions (NPEs) are understood as a disorder by some authors, but little is known about their evolutionary significance, etiology, and prevalence. We surveyed samples from the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Norway... more

Negative postcoital emotions (NPEs) are understood as a disorder by some authors, but little is known about their evolutionary significance, etiology, and prevalence. We surveyed samples from the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Norway to test predictions regarding the following evolutionary hypotheses: Three groups of NPEs exist, related to (a) having a lesser or (b) a greater perceived desire for bonding and commitment than one’s partner, or to (c) the maintenance of sexual reputation. Additionally, (d) we hypothesized a Sex by NPE dimension interaction, whereby men have higher levels of NPEs related to a lesser perceived desire for bonding relative to women, and women have higher levels of NPEs related to greater perceived desire for bonding relative to men. Results corroborated the existence of the three dimensions of NPEs, and the associations found between them and indicators of mating effort, attachment anxiety, relationship satisfaction, and mate quality supported most predicted design features across samples. The hypothesized sex differences were supported in all samples. We argue that NPE factors have an important functional basis in sexual strategies, and the factor comprising guilt, shame, and related emotions facilitates the maintenance of sexual reputation. The capacity to experience NPEs appears to have evolutionary functions, and we question its classification as pathological, considering the harmful dysfunction theory of pathology. Finally, we report prevalence data indicating that NPEs are much more common than previously speculated, with frequencies that were highly comparable across samples.

From the Malleus Maleficarum to DSM-III, the Rat Man to Son of Sam, shaman to psychopharmacologist, Hippocrates to France, and King David to Senator Eagleton, concepts of mental disorder have fascinated us. It therefore seems surprising... more

From the Malleus Maleficarum to DSM-III, the Rat Man to Son of Sam, shaman to psychopharmacologist, Hippocrates to France, and King David to Senator Eagleton, concepts of mental disorder have fascinated us. It therefore seems surprising that there has never been an extended monograph on the conceptual groundwork of psychiatric nosology. This book is designed to explore some of the philosophical assumptions, trade-offs, compromises, omissions, commissions, possibilities, impossibilities, successes and failures of contemporary psychiatric classification. As an exploration it cannot claim to be a comprehensive review of psychiatric taxonomies or an exhaustive critique of them. We hope that it will accomplish a few modest functions, including bringing some shock of the new. In the Forward, Allen Frances warns of the danger of reifying diagnostic concepts - treating mental disorders as concrete things rather than useful abstractions or constructs. Instead of reifying classification, we intend this book to expand the conceptual scope of it - to be a long essay on the many possibilities of psychiatric classification. Indeed, we conceive an important task of good science to be the uncovering and elaboration of alternative ways of making sense of things, including scientific things themselves.

The study aimed to provide the first general description of chamba-related admissions to Zomba Mental Hospital, the major psychiatric facility in Malawi, and to analyse the distinctiveness of this patient group from other admissions. A... more

The study aimed to provide the first general description of chamba-related admissions to Zomba Mental Hospital, the major psychiatric facility in Malawi, and to analyse the distinctiveness of this patient group from other admissions. A questionnaire was verbally administered to 50 chamba abusers and 50 other patients matched by gender, age, and admission date. The typical chamba abusing patient is: 27, male, a subsistence farmer, takes the drug because it is the cheapest form of intoxication, reports 'seeing things clearly' (immediate effect), and general apathy (long-term); and compared to other patients is more likely to originate from a chamba-growing area, less likely to have been raised by his natural parents, and has had more schooling.

Levels of mental illness amongst prisoners are high, but little is known about the situation of those serving community sentences. More information is needed at a time when the UK Department of Health is seeking to improve mental health... more

Levels of mental illness amongst prisoners are high, but little is known about the situation of those serving community sentences. More information is needed at a time when the UK Department of Health is seeking to improve mental health service access for all offenders. To estimate the prevalence of both current and lifetime mental illness, an epidemiological survey was conducted on individuals under probation supervision in Lincolnshire, England. Assessment included the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Inventory and other measures of mental health. We estimate that around 39% of individuals in this probation population are suffering from current mental illnesses, anxiety disorders being the most common. Furthermore, around 60% have substance abuse problems and around 48% have personality disorders. Lifetime mental illness, co-morbidity and dual diagnosis were also found to be high. In common with other groups of offenders, the prevalence of mental health problems in those serving community sentences is high.

The current scientific research into music has been skewed in favor of its frequency-based variety prevalent in the West. However, its alternative, the timbre-based music, native to the Northeast, seems to represent an earlier... more

The current scientific research into music has been skewed in favor of its frequency-based variety prevalent in the West. However, its alternative, the timbre-based music, native to the Northeast, seems to represent an earlier evolutionary development. Western researchers commonly interpret such timbre-based music as a “defective” rendition of frequency-based music. They often regard pitch as the structural criterion that distinguishes music from non-music. We would like to present evidence to the contrary—in support of the existence of indigenous music systems based on the discretization and patterning of aspects of timbre, rather than pitch. Such music is distinguished by its personal orientation: for oneself and/or for close relatives/friends. Collective music-making is rare and exceptional because of the deeply rooted institute of “personal song” - a system of personal identification through individualized patterns of rhythm, timbre, and pitch contour—whose sound enables the recognition of a particular individual.

Research suggests that the effectiveness of religious belief as a coping strategy may depend on whether an individual adopts a positive or negative view of the association between life events and their religious belief. Many individuals... more

Research suggests that the effectiveness of religious belief as a coping strategy may depend on whether an
individual adopts a positive or negative view of the association between life events and their religious belief.
Many individuals with psychiatric disabilities consider their faith an important aspect of their lives, especially
in times of increased distress. As with other populations, they often rely on their religious beliefs to help them
improve their daily functioning. Positive religious coping consistently predicts improved psychosocial adjustment,
such as lower reports of depression, anxiety, and self-esteem, whereas negative religious coping predicts
the opposite effects. It is possible that religious coping influences psychosocial adjustment through optimism,
which is a strong predictor of positive psychological outcomes for those with psychiatric disabilities. We
proposed a model in which optimism mediated the effect of religious coping on life satisfaction and
psychological adjustment for individuals with psychiatric disabilities. We found that optimism mediated the
effect of religious coping on both life satisfaction and psychological distress. Negative religious coping was
associated with direct and indirect reductions in life satisfaction and increases in psychological distress.
Although positive religious coping was associated with direct and indirect increases in life satisfaction, psychological
distress was only indirectly reduced. These results bring attention to the ways that religious coping can
improve quality of life, as well as negatively affect outcomes for those diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities.

This study examines the prevalence and correlates of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems among undocumented Mexican immigrants using the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS). Two approaches were used to obtain... more

This study examines the prevalence and correlates of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems among undocumented Mexican immigrants using the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS). Two approaches were used to obtain estimates for likely undocumented Mexican immigrants (LUMIs): (1) creation of a proxy variable, and (2) multiple imputation using chained equations. Results indicated that LUMIs had greater prevalence rates for specific anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and poor self-rated mental health compared to documented Mexican immigrants. Next, potential mediators of poor mental health were identified. Finally, LUMIs were compared with other Latino groups by nativity status. This study concludes with a discussion of the results and implications for future research.

A B S T R A C T The current study investigates the patterns of disease persistence and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders among patients with class III obesity in pre-operative period. For 393 treatment-seeking patients with severe... more

A B S T R A C T The current study investigates the patterns of disease persistence and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders among patients with class III obesity in pre-operative period. For 393 treatment-seeking patients with severe obesity recruited from a bariatric center, we ascertained their psychiatric diagnosis through Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I). Following, the frequency, persistence and comorbidity pattern of psychiatric disorders in this sample were determined. Current psychiatric disorders were observed in over half of patients during preoperative period, being anxiety disorders the most frequent diagnosis. For lifetime disorders, mood disorders were the most frequent diagnosis. Most of the sample presented 2 or more concurrent lifetime psychiatric disorders. While mood and eating disorders were frequent conditions, anxiety disorders were the most persistent conditions (the highest one month-to-lifetime prevalence ratio) and were significantly correlated with bipolar, depressive and eating disorders. Psychiatric disorders are frequent and enduring conditions among patients looking for bariatric surgery. Comorbid anxiety, mood, and eating disorders are remarkable features in treatment-seeking patients with obesity. Prognostic implications of preoperative psychiatric disorders on surgery outcome should be demonstrated prospectively in intervention studies.

Despite the many number of studies examining workaholism, large-scale studies have been lacking. The present study utilized an open web-based cross-sectional survey assessing symptoms of psychiatric disorders and workaholism among 16,426... more

Despite the many number of studies examining workaholism, large-scale studies have been lacking. The present study utilized an open web-based cross-sectional survey assessing symptoms of psychiatric disorders and workaholism among 16,426 workers (M age = 37.3 years, SD = 11.4, range = 16–75 years). Participants were administered the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale, the Obsession-Compulsive Inventory-Revised, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Bergen Work Addiction Scale, along with additional questions examining demographic and work-related variables. Correlations between workaholism and all psychiatric disorder symptoms were positive and significant. Workaholism comprised the dependent variable in a three-step linear multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Basic demographics (age, gender, relationship status, and education) explained 1.2% of the variance in workaholism, whereas work demographics (work status, position, sector, and annual income) explained an additional 5.4% of the variance. Age (inversely) and managerial positions (positively) were of most importance. The psychiatric symptoms (ADHD, OCD, anxiety, and depression) explained 17.0% of the variance. ADHD and anxiety contributed considerably. The prevalence rate of workaholism status was 7.8% of the present sample. In an adjusted logistic regression analysis, all psychiatric symptoms were positively associated with being a workaholic. The independent variables explained between 6.1% and 14.4% in total of the variance in workaholism cases. Although most effect sizes were relatively small, the study's findings expand our understanding of possible psychiatric pre-dictors of workaholism, and particularly shed new insight into the reality of adult ADHD in work life. The study's implications, strengths, and shortcomings are also discussed.

Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a surgical procedure involving the implantation of electrodes in the brain, has rekindled the medical community's interest in psychosurgery. Whereas many researchers argue DBS is substantially different from... more

Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a surgical procedure involving the implantation of electrodes in the brain, has rekindled the medical community's interest in psychosurgery. Whereas many researchers argue DBS is substantially different from psychosurgery, we argue psychiatric DBS—though a much more precise and refined treatment than its predecessors—is nevertheless a form of psychosurgery, which raises both old and new ethical and legal concerns that have not been given proper attention. Learning from the ethical and regulatory failures of older forms of psychosurgery can help shed light on how to address the regulatory gaps that exist currently in DBS research. To show why it is important to address the current regulatory gaps within psychiatric DBS, we draw on the motivations underlying the regulation of earlier forms of psychosurgery in the US. We begin by providing a brief history of psychosurgery and electrical brain stimulation in the US. Against this backdrop, we introduce psychiatric DBS, exploring current research and ongoing clinical trials. We then draw out the ethical and regulatory similarities between earlier forms of psychosurgery and psychiatric DBS. As we will show, the factors that motivated strict regulation of earlier psychosurgical procedures mirror concerns with psychiatric DBS today. We offer three recommendations for psychiatric DBS regulation, which echo earlier motivations for regulating