Qcd Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

We study N_f D6-brane probes in the supergravity background dual to N_c D4-branes compactified on a circle with supersymmetry-breaking boundary conditions. In the limit in which the resulting Kaluza--Klein modes decouple, the gauge theory... more

We study N_f D6-brane probes in the supergravity background dual to N_c D4-branes compactified on a circle with supersymmetry-breaking boundary conditions. In the limit in which the resulting Kaluza--Klein modes decouple, the gauge theory reduces to non-supersymmetric, four-dimensional QCD with N_c colours and N_f << N_c flavours. As expected, this decoupling is not fully realised within the supergravity/Born--Infeld approximation. For N_f = 1 and massless quarks, m_q = 0, we exhibit spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking by a quark condensate, <\bar{psi} \psi> \neq 0, and find the associated massless `pion' in the spectrum. The latter becomes massive for m_q > 0, obeying the Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner relation: M_pi^2= - m_q <\bar{psi} \psi> / \f_pi^2. In the case N_f > 1 we provide a holographic version of the Vafa--Witten theorem, which states that the U(N_f) flavour symmetry cannot be spontaneously broken. Further we find N_f^2 - 1 unexpectedly light pseudo-scalar mesons in the spectrum. We argue that these are not (pseudo) Goldstone bosons and speculate on the string mechanism responsible for their lightness. We then study the theory at finite temperature and exhibit a phase transition associated with a discontinuity in the chiral condensate. D6/anti-D6 pairs are also briefly discussed.

We show how all non-MHV tree-level amplitudes in 0 =< N =< 4 gauge theories can be obtained directly from the known MHV amplitudes using the scalar graph approach of Cachazo, Svrcek and Witten. Generic amplitudes are given by sums of... more

We show how all non-MHV tree-level amplitudes in 0 =< N =< 4 gauge theories can be obtained directly from the known MHV amplitudes using the scalar graph approach of Cachazo, Svrcek and Witten. Generic amplitudes are given by sums of inequivalent scalar diagrams with MHV vertices. The novel feature of our method is that after the `Feynman rules' for scalar diagrams are used, together with a particular choice of the reference spinor, no further helicity-spinor algebra is required to convert the results into a numerically usable form. Expressions for all relevant individual diagrams are free of singularities at generic phase space points, and amplitudes are manifestly Lorentz- (and gauge-) invariant. To illustrate the method, we derive expressions for n-point amplitudes with three negative helicities carried by fermions and/or gluons. We also write down a supersymmetric expression based on Nair's supervertex which gives rise to all such amplitudes in 0 =< N =< 4 gauge theories.

HERAFitter is an open-source package that pro- vides a framework for the determination of the parton distri- bution functions (PDFs) of the proton and for many differ- ent kinds of analyses in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It encodes... more

HERAFitter is an open-source package that pro- vides a framework for the determination of the parton distri- bution functions (PDFs) of the proton and for many differ- ent kinds of analyses in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It encodes results from a wide range of experimental mea- surements in lepton-proton deep inelastic scattering and proton-proton (proton-antiproton) collisions at hadron col- liders. These are complemented with a variety of theoretical options for calculating PDF-dependent cross section predic- tions corresponding to the measurements. The framework covers a large number of the existing methods and schemes used for PDF determination. The data and theoretical predic- tions are brought together through numerous methodologi- cal options for carrying out PDF fits and plotting tools to help visualise the results.

We discuss non-perturbative QCD contributions to jet observables, computing their dependence on the jet radius R, and on the colour and transverse momentum of the parton initiating the jet. We show, using analytic QCD models of power... more

We discuss non-perturbative QCD contributions to jet observables, computing their dependence on the jet radius R, and on the colour and transverse momentum of the parton initiating the jet. We show, using analytic QCD models of power corrections as well as Monte Carlo simulations, that hadronisation corrections grow at small values of R, behaving as 1/R, while underlying event contributions grow with the jet area as R^2. We highlight the connection between hadronisation corrections to jets and those for event shapes in e^+e^- and DIS; we note the limited dependence of our results on the choice of jet algorithm; finally, we propose several measurements in the context of which to test or implement our predictions. The results presented here reinforce the motivation for the use of a range of R values, as well as a plurality of infrared-safe jet algorithms, in precision jet studies at hadron colliders.

Recently, interest has developed in the distribution of interjet energy flows, with for example the leading-log calculation of the highly non-trivial colour structure of primary emissions in 4-jet systems. Here we point out however that... more

Recently, interest has developed in the distribution of interjet energy flows, with for example the leading-log calculation of the highly non-trivial colour structure of primary emissions in 4-jet systems. Here we point out however that at leading-log level it is insufficient to consider only multiple primary emission from the underlying hard antenna -- additionally, one must take into account the coherent structure of emission from arbitrarily complicated ensembles of large-angle soft gluons. Similar considerations apply to certain definitions of rapidity gaps based on energy flow. We examine this new class of terms in the simpler context of 2-jet events, and discover features that point at novel aspects of the QCD dynamics.

We introduce a new color decomposition for multi-parton amplitudes in QCD, free of fundamental-representation matrices and structure constants. This decomposition has a physical interpretation in terms of the flow of color, which makes it... more

We introduce a new color decomposition for multi-parton amplitudes in QCD, free of fundamental-representation matrices and structure constants. This decomposition has a physical interpretation in terms of the flow of color, which makes it ideal for merging with shower Monte-Carlo programs. The color-flow decomposition allows for very efficient evaluation of amplitudes with many quarks and gluons, many times faster than the standard color decomposition based on fundamental-representation matrices. This will increase the speed of event generators for multi-jet processes, which are the principal backgrounds to signals of new physics at colliders.

▪ Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes hadrons and their interactions, is a non-Abelian gauge theory. The salient property of QCD is color confinement, quantitative understanding of which still remains a challenge. Major... more

▪ Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes hadrons and their interactions, is a non-Abelian gauge theory. The salient property of QCD is color confinement, quantitative understanding of which still remains a challenge. Major contributions to understanding quantum dynamics of non-Abelian fields are due to V.N. Gribov, both in the framework of pure gluodynamics (Gribov copies, Gribov horizon) and in the quest for confinement in the presence of light quarks (supercritical confinement scenario). We discuss Gribov's approach to the confinement problem and review some recent developments that are motivated, directly or indirectly, by his ideas.

The recent computation on the full threshold contributions to Higgs boson production at next to next to next to leading order (N3LO) in QCD contains valuable information on the soft gluons resulting from virtual and real emission partonic... more

The recent computation on the full threshold contributions to Higgs boson production at next to next to next to leading order (N3LO) in QCD contains valuable information on the soft gluons resulting from virtual and real emission partonic subprocesses. We use those from the real emissions to obtain the corresponding soft gluon contributions to Drell-Yan production and determine the missing delta(1 − z) part of the N3LO. The numerical impact of threshold effects demonstrates the importance of our results in the precision study with the Drell-Yan process at the LHC.

We discuss the stringy properties of high-energy QCD using its hidden integrability in the Regge limit and on the light-cone. It is shown that multi-colour QCD in the Regge limit belongs to the same universality class as superconformal... more

We discuss the stringy properties of high-energy QCD using its hidden integrability in the Regge limit and on the light-cone. It is shown that multi-colour QCD in the Regge limit belongs to the same universality class as superconformal Script N = 2 SUSY YM with Nf = 2Nc at the strong coupling orbifold point. The analogy with integrable structure governing

The Gauss hypergeometric functions 2F1 with arbitrary values of parameters are reduced to two functions with fixed values of parameters, which differ from the original ones by integers. It is shown that in the case of integer and/or... more

The Gauss hypergeometric functions 2F1 with arbitrary values of parameters are reduced to two functions with fixed values of parameters, which differ from the original ones by integers. It is shown that in the case of integer and/or half-integer values of parameters there are only three types of algebraically independent Gauss hypergeometric functions. The ɛ-expansion of functions of one of this type (type F in our classification) demands the introduction of new functions related to generalizations of elliptic functions. For the five other types of functions the higher-order ɛ-expansion up to functions of weight 4 are constructed. The result of the expansion is expressible in terms of Nielsen polylogarithms only. The reductions and ɛ-expansion of q-loop off-shell propagator diagrams with one massive line and q massless lines and q-loop bubble with two-massive lines and q-1 massless lines are considered.

We complete our study of resummed event-shape distributions in DIS by presenting results for the class of observables that includes the current jet mass, the C-parameter and the thrust with respect to the current-hemisphere thrust axis.... more

We complete our study of resummed event-shape distributions in DIS by presenting results for the class of observables that includes the current jet mass, the C-parameter and the thrust with respect to the current-hemisphere thrust axis. We then compare our results to data for all observables for which data exist, fitting for alpha_s and testing the universality of non-perturbative 1/Q effects. A number of technical issues arise, including the extension of the concept of non-globalness to the case of discontinuous globalness; singularities and non-convergence of distributions other than in the Born limit; methods to speed up fixed-order Monte Carlo programs by up to an order of magnitude, relevant when dealing with many x and Q points; and the estimation of uncertainties on the predictions.

The spectral function rhoV−A(s)\rho_{V-A}(s)rhoVA(s) is determined from ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau decays using a neural network parametrization trained to retain the full experimental information on errors, their correlations and chiral sum... more

The spectral function rhoV−A(s)\rho_{V-A}(s)rhoVA(s) is determined from ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau decays using a neural network parametrization trained to retain the full experimental information on errors, their correlations and chiral sum rules: the DMO sum rule, the first and second Weinberg sum rules and the electromagnetic mass splitting of the pion sum rule. Nonperturbative QCD vacuum condensates can then be determined from finite energy sum rules. Our method minimizes all sources of theoretical uncertainty and bias producing an estimate of the condensates which is independent of the specific finite energy sum rule used. The results for the central values of the condensates O_6O_6O6 and O8O_8O_8 are both negative.

The flux of papers from electron positron colliders containing data on the photon structure function F2γ(x,Q2) ended naturally around 2005. It is thus timely to review the theoretical basis and confront the predictions with a summary of... more

The flux of papers from electron positron colliders containing data on the photon structure function F2γ(x,Q2) ended naturally around 2005. It is thus timely to review the theoretical basis and confront the predictions with a summary of the experimental results. The discussion will focus on the increase of the structure function with x (for x away from the boundaries) and its rise with lnQ2, both characteristics being dramatically different from hadronic structure functions. The agreement of the experimental observations with the theoretical calculations is a striking success of QCD. It also allows a new determination of the QCD coupling constant αs which very well corresponds to the values quoted in the literature.

In this work we estimate the heavy quark production in the interaction of ultra high energy cosmic rays in the atmosphere, considering that the primary cosmic ray is a proton or a photon. At these energies the saturation momentum... more

In this work we estimate the heavy quark production in the interaction of ultra high energy cosmic rays in the atmosphere, considering that the primary cosmic ray is a proton or a photon. At these energies the saturation momentum Q_{sat}^2 stays above the hard scale \mu_c^2=4m_c^2, implying charm production probing the saturation regime. In particular, we show that the ep HERA data presents a scaling on \tau_c = (Q^2+\mu_c^2)/Q_{sat}^2. We derive our results considering the dipole picture and the Color Glass Condensate formalism, which one shows to be able to describe the heavy quark production in photon-proton and proton-proton collisions. Nuclear effects are considered in computation of cross sections for scattering on air nuclei. Implications on the flux of prompt leptons at the earth are analyzed and a large suppression is predicted.