Ross Sea Research Papers - (original) (raw)

An examination of the observational record in the Ross Sea over the period 1982-1994 indicates that there is a statistically significant relationship between the Ross Sea sea surface temperature (SST) and the ENSO signal in the tropical... more

An examination of the observational record in the Ross Sea over the period 1982-1994 indicates that there is a statistically significant relationship between the Ross Sea sea surface temperature (SST) and the ENSO signal in the tropical Pacific. During this period the Ross Sea SSTs lag the ENSO signal by 2-4 months with the highest correlation coefficient occurring with a lag of 3 months. Observations of the sea ice concentration during 1982-1994 also indicate a relation between the sea ice concentration in the Ross Sea and the ENSO cycle, with reduced sea ice concentrations in El Niño years.

Aeromagnetic signatures over the Edward VII Peninsula (E7) provide new insight into the largely ice-covered and unexplored eastern flank of the Ross Sea Rift (RSR). Positive anomalies, 10–40 km in wavelength and with amplitudes ranging... more

Aeromagnetic signatures over the Edward VII Peninsula (E7) provide new insight into the largely ice-covered and unexplored eastern flank of the Ross Sea Rift (RSR). Positive anomalies, 10–40 km in wavelength and with amplitudes ranging from 50 to 500 nT could reveal buried Late Devonian(?)–Early Carboniferous Ford Granodiorite plutons. This is suggested by similar magnetic signature over exposed, coeval Admiralty Intrusives of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). Geochemical data from mid-Cretaceous Byrd Coast Granite, contact metamorphic effects on Swanson Formation and hornblende-bearing granitoid dredge samples strengthen this magnetic interpretation, making alternative explanations less probable. These magnetic anomalies over formerly adjacent TAM and western Marie Byrd Land (wMBL) terranes resemble signatures typically observed over magnetite-rich magmatic arc plutons. Shorter wavelength (5 km) 150 nT anomalies could speculatively mark mid-Cretaceous mafic dikes of the E7, similar to those exposed over the adjacent Ford Ranges. Anomalies with amplitudes of 100–360 nT over the Sulzberger Bay and at the margin of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf likely reveal mafic Late Cenozoic(?) volcanic rocks emplaced along linear rift fabric trends. Buried volcanic rock at the margin of the interpreted half-graben-like “Sulzberger Ice Shelf Block” is modelled in the Kizer Island area. The volcanic rock is marked by a coincident positive Bouguer gravity anomaly. Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks over the TAM, in the RSR, and beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet exhibit comparable magnetic anomaly signature reflecting regional West Antarctic Rift fabric. Interpreted mafic magmatism of the E7 is likely related to mid-Cretaceous and Late Cenozoic regional crustal extension and possible mantle plume activity over wMBL. Magnetic lineaments of the E7 are enhanced in maximum horizontal gradient of pseudo-gravity, vertical derivative and 3D Euler Deconvolution maps. Apparent vertical offsets in magnetic basement at the location of the lineaments and spatially associated mafic dikes and volcanic rocks result from 2.5D magnetic modelling. A rift-related fault origin for the magnetic lineaments, segmenting the E7 region into horst and graben blocks, is proposed by comparison with offshore seismic reflection, marine gravity, on-land gravity, radio-echo sounding, apatite fission track data and structural geology. The NNW magnetic lineament, which we interpret to mark the eastern RSR shoulder, forms the western margin of the “Alexandra Mountains horst”. This fundamental aeromagnetic feature lies on strike with the Colbeck Trough, a prominent NNW half-graben linked to Late Cretaceous(?) and Cenozoic(?) faulting in the eastern RSR. East–west and north–north–east to NE magnetic trends are also imaged. Magnetic trends, if interpreted as reflecting the signature of rift-related normal faults, would imply N–S to NE crustal extension followed by later northwest–southeast directed extension. NW–SE extension would be compatible with Cenozoic(?) oblique RSR rifting. Previous structural data from the Ford Ranges have, however, been interpreted to indicate that both Cretaceous and Cenozoic extensions were N–S to NE–SW directed.

Little information is available regarding predator-prey interactions in High-Antarctic coastal systems. In this study, the predation of Trematomus bernacchii (Pisces: Nototheniidae) on Adamussium colbecki (Mollusca: Pectinidae) is... more

Little information is available regarding predator-prey interactions in High-Antarctic coastal systems. In this study, the predation of Trematomus bernacchii (Pisces: Nototheniidae) on Adamussium colbecki (Mollusca: Pectinidae) is described and the related impact on the population structure of the mollusc is hypothesized. Fishes and scallops were collected during several expeditions between 1990/91 and 1997/98 summers, in nearshore waters at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica). Adamussium colbecki was the main food item of T. bernacchii and an ontogenetic prey-size selection was observed. The predation was mainly on medium size classes of the scallop. These were lacking in the A. colbecki population sampled in the same period suggesting that the impact of fish-feeding on the size structure of the natural population of the mollusc may be substantial. Two size classes of the Adamussium population were not preyed on. Large adults avoid predation either because of the limits for mouth gape in t...

Riassunto. La mappatura dei dati geofisici costituisce il passo finale della interpretazione e ne costituisce una delle fasi più delicate. Tale operazione quindi deve essere accurata e rappresentare al meglio il fenomeno o la struttura... more

Riassunto. La mappatura dei dati geofisici costituisce il passo finale della interpretazione e ne costituisce una delle fasi più delicate. Tale operazione quindi deve essere accurata e rappresentare al meglio il fenomeno o la struttura geologica, oggetto di studio. Nel presente lavoro vengono messe a confronto due differenti filosofie di operatività con l'interpolazione bivariata, su una griglia regolare, ai fini

Drillhole CRP-3 in northern McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica) targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climate and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs. Well... more

Drillhole CRP-3 in northern McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica) targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climate and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs. Well logging of CRP-3 has provided a complete and comprehensive data set of in situ geophysical measurements down to nearly the bottom of the hole (920

Water samples and particulate materials settling under the pack ice were collected in an ice-covered area near the Terra Nova Bay Italian Station during late summer 1995, in order to study short-term changes in the biochemical composition... more

Water samples and particulate materials settling under the pack ice were collected in an ice-covered area near the Terra Nova Bay Italian Station during late summer 1995, in order to study short-term changes in the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter. At the end of the study period the phytoplankton biomass increase (up to >3.0 μg chlorophyll-a l−1) was probably related to the intrusion under the pack ice of chlorophylls-enriched surface waters coming from the near ice-free area. Such increase was associated also with a notable increase in particulate organic matter concentrations, as well as in particulate organic matter vertical fluxes (up to >100 mg C m−2 day−1). Proteins were the most abundant biochemical class of particulate organic matter (on average about 49%), followed by lipids (29%) and carbohydrates (22%). By contrast, organic matter collected in the sediment trap was characterized by the dominance of lipids (about 55% of the total biopolymeric carbon flux) over carbohydrates (28%) and proteins (17%). The hydrolizable particulate biopolymeric carbon accounted for about 23% of total biopolymeric carbon. This value was about one-half of that found in ice-free waters, suggesting that the suspended particulate organic material under the pack ice was less digestible than in ice-free waters or was already partially digested. Despite this, and the decay of labile organic compounds in the sediment trap during the deployment, material settling towards the sea bottom under the pack ice in Terra Nova Bay, owing to its high lipid content, might represent an important high-quality food source for benthic consumers. Finally, assuming as possible the intrusion under sea ice of primary organic matter-enriched waters, we hypothesize the occurrence of a “fertilization” effect deriving from ice-melting areas towards under-ice waters, supplying the latter with an additional rate of primary organic matter.

An aeromagnetic survey was flown over the offshore region northeast of Cape Adare and the magnetic anomalies compared to onshore structures between Pennell Coast and Tucker Glacier. The magnetic anomalies show two nearly orthogonal major... more

An aeromagnetic survey was flown over the offshore region northeast of Cape Adare and the magnetic anomalies compared to onshore structures between Pennell Coast and Tucker Glacier. The magnetic anomalies show two nearly orthogonal major trends. NNW-SSE trending anomalies northeast of Cape Adare represent seafloor spreading within the Adare Trough. A connection of these anomalies to the Northern Basin of the Ross Sea is not clear. Onshore faults are closely aligned to offshore anomalies. Main trends are NW-SE to NNW-SSE and NE-SW to NNE- SSW. NNW-SSE oriented dextral-transtensional to extensional faults parallel the Adare Peninsula and Adare Trough anomalies. NE-SW trending normal faults appear to segment the main Hallett volcanic bodies.

Global crustal model, from gravity studies, imaged a thick crust (>40 km) under Eastern Antartic craton (EAC). This global trend ends abruptly west of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM), which border EAC along its western margins.... more

Global crustal model, from gravity studies, imaged a thick crust (>40 km) under Eastern Antartic craton (EAC). This global trend ends abruptly west of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM), which border EAC along its western margins. There, the crust raises up to about 20 km. While this model points out the difference between EAC and the Ross sea crustal structures, its intrinsic spatial resolution gives little help to solve some regional geophysical issues, like the TAM orogenesis and the formation and nature of the Wilkes Basin. In this study, teleseismic Receiver Functions (RFs) are used to image the S-velocity crustal structure in finer details. We computed RFs from teleseismic events recorded during three different austral summer compaigns: BackTAM, WIBEM and WISE. Broadband seismic stations were deployed along a transect which spans from the coast of Northern Victoria land (NVL) to the far interior of the EAC plateau. The transect, almost perpendicular to the regional TAM axis...