Sequence Analysis Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Abstract: This chapter investigates the issue of the role of the computer,in musical analysis. Starting with a survey of the main approaches in computer analysis, we focus on the particular problem of Jazz chord sequences harmonic... more

Abstract: This chapter investigates the issue of the role of the computer,in musical analysis. Starting with a survey of the main approaches in computer analysis, we focus on the particular problem of Jazz chord sequences harmonic analysis. We propose a theory of chord sequence analysis, based on an explicit conceptual hierarchy of analysis objects. We discuss the implementation,of the theory

We report the progression of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with circulating villous lymphocytes to Burkitt lymphoma with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) followed by a highly aggressive course. While the initial indolent... more

We report the progression of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with circulating villous lymphocytes to Burkitt lymphoma with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) followed by a highly aggressive course. While the initial indolent lymphoma had an IgM λ immunophenotype the Burkitt lymphoma was IgM κ-positive. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (IGH) sequence analysis showed no identity between the two clones. We conclude that Burkitt lymphoma can occur in patients with SMZL, although not necessarily of identical clonal origin.

We determined the frequency distribution of Actinomyces spp. recovered in a routine clinical laboratory and investigated the clinical significance of accurate identification to the species level. We identified 92 clinical strains of... more

We determined the frequency distribution of Actinomyces spp. recovered in a routine clinical laboratory and investigated the clinical significance of accurate identification to the species level. We identified 92 clinical strains of Actinomyces, including 13 strains in the related Arcanobacterium-Actinobaculum taxon, by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and recorded their biotypes, sources, and disease associations. The clinical isolates clustered into

Troxacitabine (Troxatyl; BCH-4556; (-)-2'-deoxy-3'-oxacytidine), a deoxycytidine analogue with an unusual dioxolane structure and nonnatural L-configuration, has potent antitumor activity in animal models and is in clinical... more

Troxacitabine (Troxatyl; BCH-4556; (-)-2'-deoxy-3'-oxacytidine), a deoxycytidine analogue with an unusual dioxolane structure and nonnatural L-configuration, has potent antitumor activity in animal models and is in clinical trials against human malignancies. The current work ...

Bioremediation is a possible mechanism for clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils in the Antarctic. Microbes indigenous to the Antarctic are required that degrade the hydrocarbon contaminants found in the soil, and that are able to... more

Bioremediation is a possible mechanism for clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils in the Antarctic. Microbes indigenous to the Antarctic are required that degrade the hydrocarbon contaminants found in the soil, and that are able to survive and maintain activity under in situ conditions. Alkane- degrading bacteria previously isolated from oil-contaminated soil from around Scott Base, Antarctica, grew on a number of n-alkanes from hexane (C6) through to eicosane (C20) and the branched alkane pristane. Mineralization of 14C-dodecane was demonstrated with four strains. Representative isolates were identified as Rhodococcus species using 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Rhodococcus spp. strains 5/14 and 7/1 grew at −2°C but numbers of viable cells declined when incubated at 37°C. Both strains appear to have the major cold-shock gene cspA. Partial nucleotide sequence analyses of the PCR-amplified cspA open reading frame from Rhodococcus spp. strains 5/14 and 7/1 were approximately 60% identical to cspA from Escherichia coli.

The promoter region of the murine branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase E2 subunit (dihydrolipoyl transacylase) gene was isolated and characterized. Sequence analysis of the promoter-regulatory region showed the presence of two inverted... more

The promoter region of the murine branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase E2 subunit (dihydrolipoyl transacylase) gene was isolated and characterized. Sequence analysis of the promoter-regulatory region showed the presence of two inverted ‘CAAT box’ sequences, the most proximal being −42 to −48 bp upstream from the determined transcription initiation site, but no TATA-box sequences, similar to the human BCKAD E2 gene. The boundary of the minimum promoter sequence appeared to reside just inclusive of this first inverted CAAT sequence, but minigene transfer analysis demonstrated that the promoter proximal region between −65 and −140 bp is likely to be extremely important for controlling regulated changes in E2 RNA expression. The regulatory effect of this region may be modulated by a number of other upstream regions which were identified within the 7.0 kb sequence examined.

摘要 本研究以生命歷程之研究取徑探討台灣民眾「轉至成人」(transition to... more

We reported previously that human geneMAGE-1 directs the expression of a tumor antigen recognized on a melanoma by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes. Probing cosmid libraries with aMAGE-1 sequence, we identified 11 closely related genes.... more

We reported previously that human geneMAGE-1 directs the expression of a tumor antigen recognized on a melanoma by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes. Probing cosmid libraries with aMAGE-1 sequence, we identified 11 closely related genes. The analysis of hamster-human somatic cell hybrids indicated that the 12MAGE genes are located in the q terminal region of chromosome X. LikeMAGE-1, the 11 additionalMAGE genes have their entire coding sequence located in the last exon, which shows 64%-85% identity with that ofMAGE-1. The coding sequences of theMAGE genes predict the same main structural features for allMAGE proteins. In contrast, the promoters and first exons of the12 MAGE genes show considerable variability, suggesting that the existence of this gene family enables the same function to be expressed under different transcriptional controls. The expression of eachMAGE gene was evaluated by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction amplification. Six genes of theMAGE family includingMAGE-1 were found to be expressed at a high level in a number of tumors of various histological types. None was expressed in a large panel of healthy tissues, with the exception of testis and placenta.

The cytolytic seed protein enterolobin from seeds ofEnterolobium contortisiliquumwas purified by using FPLC on a Mono Q column giving a single peak in capillary electrophoresis. The complete amino acid sequence of the plant cytolysin was... more

The cytolytic seed protein enterolobin from seeds ofEnterolobium contortisiliquumwas purified by using FPLC on a Mono Q column giving a single peak in capillary electrophoresis. The complete amino acid sequence of the plant cytolysin was determined by an automated method, yielding a molecular mass of 54,806 Da. Databank searches and sequence alignment demonstrated a high degree of sequence identity and

The prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) of Drosophila melanogaster is a modulator of ecdysteroid (molting hormone) synthesis and was isolated and characterized from extracts of whole larvae (approximately 4 x 10(5) larvae). The purification... more

The prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) of Drosophila melanogaster is a modulator of ecdysteroid (molting hormone) synthesis and was isolated and characterized from extracts of whole larvae (approximately 4 x 10(5) larvae). The purification protocol included delipidation, salt-extraction, heat treatment, conventional column chromatography, and HPLC, and yielded about 50 microg of pure hormone. Biological activity was followed using a ring gland in vitro assay in which ecdysteroidogenesis by control ring glands as measured by radioimmunoassay was compared with ring gland incubations containing active fractions. The molecular weight of the purified PTTH was 45 kDa and N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis indicated that those analyzed sequences displayed no significant homology with known peptides or peptide hormones, including PTTH from the silkmoth, Bombyx mori. Western blot analysis indicated that the native form of Drosophila PTTH was a single 66-kDa polypeptide with N-linked carbohydrate chains and intrachain disulfide bonds. The purified 45-kDa peptide is the deglycosylated form, a result of glycosidase activity present during preparation of the PTTH extract. The deglycosylated form shows heterogeneity, presumably as a result of varying degrees of deglycosylation at the N terminus.

Filarial nematode parasites are a serious cause of morbidity in humans and animals. Identification of filarial infection using traditional morphologic criteria can be difficult and lead to misdiagnosis. We report on a poly- merase chain... more

Filarial nematode parasites are a serious cause of morbidity in humans and animals. Identification of filarial infection using traditional morphologic criteria can be difficult and lead to misdiagnosis. We report on a poly- merase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)-based method to detect and differen- tiate a broad range of filarial species in a single PCR. The first internal transcribed

The utility of polymorphism analysis was determined for differentiation of the following subspecies of the Gram-positive plant pathogenic bacterium, Clavibacter michiganensis: C. m. subsp. michiganensis, C. m. subsp. sepedonicus, C. m.... more

The utility of polymorphism analysis was determined for differentiation of the following subspecies of the Gram-positive plant pathogenic bacterium, Clavibacter michiganensis: C. m. subsp. michiganensis, C. m. subsp. sepedonicus, C. m. subsp. insidiosus C. m. subsp. nebraskensis, and C. m. subsp. tessellarius. Specific primers designed for amplification of the housekeeping genes recA, rpoB, and rpoD generated 827-, 1037-, and 862-bp DNA fragments, respectively. PCR products obtained from 40 C. michiganensis strains were analysed using RFLP with four restriction endonucleases, and those PCR products with specific RFLP patterns were sequenced. The genotypes discriminated after PCR–RFLP were specific for each subspecies and also allowed for differentiation of C. m. subsp. michiganensis strains. Sequence analysis of the recA, rpoB, and rpoD gene fragments also distinguished C. michiganensis subspecies and was useful for phylogenetic analysis of all subspecies. For rapid, inexpensive, and effective differentiation of the five subspecies in this research, we recommend the amplification of recA and/or rpoD gene fragments and digestion of the PCR products with the restriction endonuclease FnuDII.

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequence analyses of the PCR-amplified 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer (ITS) were used for differentiating Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strains from other related acidithiobacilli,... more

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequence analyses of the PCR-amplified 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer (ITS) were used for differentiating Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strains from other related acidithiobacilli, including A. ferrooxidans and A. caldus. RFLP fingerprints obtained with AluI, DdeI, HaeIII, HinfI and MspI enabled the differentiation of all Acidithiobacillus reference strains into species groups. The A. thiooxidans strains investigated (metal mine isolates) yielded identical RFLP patterns to the A. thiooxidans type strain (ATCC 19377(T)), except for strain DAMS, which had a distinct pattern for all enzymes tested. Fourteen A. ferrooxidans mine strains were assigned to 3 RFLP groups, the majority of which were grouped with A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270(T). The spacer region of one representative strain from each of the RFLP groups obtained was subjected to sequence analysis, in addition to eleven additional A. thiooxidans strains isolated from sediment and water samples, and A. caldus DSM 8584(T). The tRNA(IIe) and tRNA(Ala) genes, present in all strains analyzed, showed high sequence similarity. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS sequences differentiated all three Acidithiobacillus species. Inter- and infraspecific genetic variations detected were mainly due to the size and sequence polymorphism of the ITS3 region. Mantel tests showed no significant correlation between ITS sequence similarity and the geographical origin of strains. The results showed that the 16S-23S rDNA spacer region is a useful target for the development of molecular-based methods aimed at the detection, rapid differentiation and identification of acidithiobacilli.

The basic theory of Markov chains has been known to mathematicians and engineers for close to 80 years, but it is only in the past decade that it has been applied explicitly to problems in speech processing. One of the major reasons why... more

The basic theory of Markov chains has been known to mathematicians and engineers for close to 80 years, but it is only in the past decade that it has been applied explicitly to problems in speech processing. One of the major reasons why speech models, based on Markov chains, have not been developed until recently was the lack of a method for optimizing the parameters of the Markov model to match observed signal patterns. Such a method was proposed in the late 1960's and was immediately applied to speech processing in several research institutions. Continued refinements in the theory and implementation of Markov modelling techniques have greatly enhanced the method, leading to a wide range of applications of these models. It is the purpose of this tutorial paper to give an introduction to the theory of Markov models, and to illustrate how they have been applied to problems in speech recognition.