Scope Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Social Studies seen as helping pupils acquire relevant knowledge, positive attitudes, skills and values which in effect will equip them to be competent, concerned, reflective and problem solvers by the Junior High School (JHS)... more

Social Studies seen as helping pupils acquire relevant knowledge, positive attitudes, skills and values which in effect will equip them to be competent, concerned, reflective and problem solvers by the Junior High School (JHS) curriculum.
Forming a better conception about Social Studies has necessitates the need to research into the scope of content of Social Studies in the Colleges of Education in Ghana since the subject is taught mostly by diploma teachers from the country’s thirty-eight public teacher training colleges. The research methods chosen for this study are; both qualitative and quantitative (mixed method). The study revealed that the scope of content of the College of Education Social Studies course structure does not reflect the tools needed by individual to solve personal and societal problems as compared to the JHS syllabus. Final year teacher-trainees’ current knowledge base about the scope of content of Social Studies as a problem solving was inadequate. It was recommended that at least two credit hours course should be designed and mounted on the current Junior High School (JHS) Social Studies syllabus for students in Colleges of Education as part of their programme of study. This will help mentees to become familiar with the content of the syllabus, making it easy in their selection of valid content, setting of appropriate objectives in their teaching and even the mode of using appropriate assessment tools.

The fact that some dominant holdings have hold the power of media led various problems in terms of society and individuals who practice this profession. Media employees has been losing autonomy over against media bosses due to the fact... more

The fact that some dominant holdings have hold the power of media led various problems in terms of society and individuals who practice this profession. Media employees has been losing autonomy over against media bosses due to the fact that increasing heavy working conditions, declining personal rights and the absence of an established union.
Journalistswho used to express their opinions freely in an objective way in order to inform and raise public awareness, has been transformed into people who are biased and dictated due to the monopolization in the media sector. Many journalists who do not accept this situation and would like to carry out their work within the professional principles of
journalism has remained unemployed. At this point, within the bounds of possibility of new communication technologies, a new term described as boss-free journalism, has emerged.
This study will examine the practices of this particular kind of journalism. It focuses on reflections of developments in media sector on journalism proffession, the term of massfunded journalism and the opportunities offered by the new media. Moreover, it presents the findings of in-depth interviews with Ünsal Ünlü, Şükrü Küçükşahin and Gökhan Özbek, who have been conducting boss-free journalism.

Many construction projects suffer from changes to the scope of the project during the construction phase. Because the changes ultimately lead to substantial cost overruns and major scheduling delays, scholars and practitioners worldwide... more

Many construction projects suffer from changes to the scope of the project during the construction phase. Because the changes ultimately lead to substantial cost overruns and major scheduling delays, scholars and practitioners worldwide are assessing their impact and the critical causes behind them, but are finding it challenging to ameliorate or eliminate them with appropriate strategies. To mitigate the consequences of scope creep, it is beneficial to first identify the critical root causes so that appropriate strategies can later be implemented. The aim of this study is to identify the scope creep indicators (SCIs), then analyze and quantify the impacts of implementing best practices. For this purpose, a structured survey was developed and distributed to qualified professionals involved in construction projects. The research team collected 37 completed surveys, and used appropriate statistical data analysis to obtain the results. The results revealed that communication among owners, the number of oversight entities, and the project's location are three important factors that lead to scope creep, and that alignment, partnering, front-end planning, material management, and dispute prevention are important to mitigating its cost. The outcomes of this study will assist project managers in identifying potential sources of scope creep early in their projects, and in applying appropriate BPs to minimize their impact throughout the execution of construction projects.

The prefix be-, which appears in a variety of verbal forms and constructions in Lithuanian, has not been subject to a detailed and theoretically informed synchronic description. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing an account... more

The prefix be-, which appears in a variety of verbal forms and constructions in Lithuanian, has not been subject to a detailed and theoretically informed synchronic description. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing an account of the two most clearly identifiable aspectual uses of be-: (i) its being part of the periphrastic forms expressing the avertive meaning recently established as a cross-linguistic gram; (ii) its use in the positive and negative continuative forms. I discuss the semantics and use of these constructions, and pay particular attention to their interactions with other aspectually relevant categories of Lithuanian.

The paper deals with a curious phenomenon of quasi-synonymy that occurs in Russian between sentences with non-negated and negated predicates in the construction with the adverb dolgo ‘for a long time’. Consider sentences like Chainik... more

The paper deals with a curious phenomenon of quasi-synonymy that occurs
in Russian between sentences with non-negated and negated predicates
in the construction with the adverb dolgo ‘for a long time’. Consider sentences
like Chainik dolgo zakipal ‘It took the kettle a long time to boil, lit. Kettle
for a long time boiled’ vs. Chainik dolgo ne zakipal ‘It took the kettle a long
time to boil, lit. Kettle for a long time not boiled’. The paper is an attempt
to define the semantic and pragmatic mechanisms of such quasi-synonymy,
as well as semantic and aspectual classes of predicates where it occurs.
It also considers subtle semantic, pragmatic and communicative differences
associated with non-negated and negated construction, respectively.
Such quasi-synonymy occurs primarily in cases when the predicate belongs
to the aspectual class of accomplishments and denotes a telic process
or action with a desired result (‘to boil’, ‘to cool down’, ‘to warm up’,
‘to grow up’, ‘to finish’, etc.). Those predicates include two major semantic
components, that is, a lasting process or action and an instant result. In the
imperfective aspect they allow at least two possible interpretations, namely,
of a process and that of a result. Similar interpretations of sentences with
such predicates occur due to different scope assignments of negation and
dolgo. In sentences with non-negated predicate dolgo has scope over the
‘process’ component in the verb; in sentences with negated predicate negation
has scope over the ‘result’ component of the verb while at the same
time falling into the scope of dolgo. The former type of sentences describes
long-lasting processes, whereas the latter type describes long-awaited results,
which pragmatically amount to the same thing.

The scope order of clausal categories has been claimed to be universal. In this paper we adopt a universalist cartographic approach to clausal syntax. By discussing the categories of speech acts, evaluation, epistemic modality, scalarity,... more

The scope order of clausal categories has been claimed to be universal. In this paper we adopt a universalist cartographic approach to clausal syntax. By discussing the categories of speech acts, evaluation, epistemic modality, scalarity, volition and deontic, as well as other kinds of modality, we illustrate a striking regularity in strategies of scope-taking in German Sign Language (DGS): the wider/higher the scope of a clausal operator, the more likely its expression will occur with a high body part by way of layering; namely, descending from the eyebrows to the lower face, tentatively to the shoulders, and finally switching to manual expressions. For intermediate operators a left-to-right concatenation strategy is employed, and low categories are expressed by way of a manual right-to-left concatenation strategy. Hence, we propose a highly regular natural mapping of the scope-order of clausal categories onto the body. This sort of mapping can also be observed in other sign languages and may turn out to be universal.

En este trabajo de investigación se logró determinar la huella de carbono de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito, campus sur; el valor obtenido para el año 2012 fue de 873,88 toneladas de dióxido de carbono equivalente. La... more

En este trabajo de investigación se logró determinar la huella de carbono de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito, campus
sur; el valor obtenido para el año 2012 fue de 873,88 toneladas de dióxido de carbono equivalente. La metodología aplicada es el
“Protocolo de gases de efecto invernadero” que establece el cálculo de tres alcances, denominados Scopes. Para la UPS-Sur, el Scope
1 relacionado con el uso de combustibles es de 16,82 toneladas de CO2 eq, el Scope 2 mismo que tiene que ver con el consumo
eléctrico es de 209,07 t CO2 eq y el Scope 3 que considera las emisiones de GEI por la adquisición y utilización de insumos, por la
descomposición de residuos sólidos orgánicos y de descargas líquidas, tiene un valor de 647,99 t CO2 eq.
Puesto que en el año 2012 había 3870 individuos realizando actividades dentro de las instalaciones de la UPS-Sur, es posible
establecer un valor per cápita anual de H-C de 225,81 kg de CO2 eq emitidos hacia la atmosfera.
Para verificar estos resultados se empleó el software SimaPro 7.3, con el cual se obtuvo un total de 861,03 t CO2 eq. La diferencia
entren los dos valores de huella de carbono se debe a que en el software no se considera los residuos ni las descargas líquidas del

This paper identifies risks of scope and organizational risks in IT projects during the merger period in telecommunications companies and proposes actions for risk mitigation. It adopts an interpretive epistemology in an exploratory case... more

This paper identifies risks of scope and organizational risks in IT projects during the merger period in telecommunications companies and proposes actions for risk mitigation. It adopts an interpretive epistemology in an exploratory case study. The results include a list of unique risks about IT projects in such period, and recommendations for mitigating the risks, which were identified through the research. The theoretical contribution is a list of risks during the merger of telecommunications companies, and to the practical part, this contribution enables project managers to apply the identified findings and mitigations to the risk management in IT projects in a similar setting.

This article highlights the heuristic usefulness of “cultural triangulation”, a concept attempting to exceed the dominant schemata for the analysis of intercultural relations in current comparative cultural studies, which are generally... more

This article highlights the heuristic usefulness of “cultural triangulation”, a concept attempting to exceed the dominant schemata for the analysis of intercultural relations in current comparative cultural studies, which are generally limited to binary mechanisms of the type (culture) A "sees”/constructs/influences/dominates (culture) B. In contrast to this reductionist tendency, I argue that all (inter)cultural processes have an ideologically filtered nature and consequently imply the mediation of the relationship between A and B via an intermediary C, to which various roles are assigned (e. g., to hide/alter/compensate/reverse various power relations, which are under no circumstances obvious or inevitable). My study explores the dynamics of this mechanism of cultural triangulation by analyzing some of the most representative travelogues to China written by Romanian authors during the communist era: G. Călinescu’s Am fost în China Nouă (I’ve Been to New China, 1955), Eugen Barbu’s Jurnal în China (Chinese Diary, 1970), and Paul Anghel’s O clipă în China (One Moment in China, 1978).

Air is one of the essential pillars that sustain life and existence of organisms itself. The air that we breathe in today is nowhere as clean as it used to be hundreds of years ago. Advancement of civilization and technology has led to... more

Air is one of the essential pillars that sustain life and existence of organisms itself. The air that we breathe in today is nowhere as clean as it used to be hundreds of years ago. Advancement of civilization and technology has led to the birth of numerous new methods that pollute and contaminate the air. Polluted air such as smog can cause various problems and slowly disrupt the normal working of the human body and begin a slow impending end. Hence, the air we breathe in is important to be analyzed and made sure we do not end up breathing in toxic substances or radioactive particles that affect the human body terribly ending in painful deaths. This project is to establish a multipurpose air monitoring system that can be used at homes, roads, nuclear facilities, and hospitals and it is implemented with the help of MQ135 sensor which is used to monitor the quality of air around us. A wifi module is attached the Arduino Uno through which the output is displayed. The architectural design is extendable to add on other devices. The scope and applications of this system are adaptable as per the needs arise over time. One of the major advantages of this system is, with the implementation of the Internet of Things they can be used on a larger scale.

Justifikasi Projek : Ketua Yayasan AAT meminta proyek ini dijalankan untuk mendukung yayasan dalam kegiatan donasi sosial pendidikan-nya. Aplikasi mobile untuk Yayasan Anak Anak Terang kelak akan membantu tercapainya visi misi yayasan AAT... more

Justifikasi Projek : Ketua Yayasan AAT meminta proyek ini dijalankan untuk mendukung yayasan dalam kegiatan donasi sosial pendidikan-nya. Aplikasi mobile untuk Yayasan Anak Anak Terang kelak akan membantu tercapainya visi misi yayasan AAT yang bergerak sebagai perantara orang tua asuh dan anak-anak asuh. Mempermudah orang tua asuh dalam melakukan kegiatan donasi dan memantau yayasan serta anak-anak asuhnya, mempermudah akses ke pelaporan yayasan yang transparan sehingga meningkatkan kepercayaan orang tua asuh dengan yayasan, serta mempermudah komunikasi antara orang tua asuh dengan yayasan melalui fitur-fitur dalam aplikasi. Anggaran untuk proyek ini sebesar Rp 50.000.000,00. Anggaran tersebut sudah termasuk biaya maintenance selama 2 tahun setelah aplikasi diluncurkan dan pembiayaan pengembangan aplikasi. Perkiraan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari aplikasi ini adalah peningkatan jumlah donasi dari orang tua asuh hingga 10% dari total donasi per tahun.

Adverbs are considered to be a specific word class and lexical category that helps explain the referent of a verb or sentence. With respect to syntactic and semantic criteria, adverbs classified with different approaches in the literature... more

Adverbs are considered to be a specific word class and lexical category that helps explain the referent of a verb or sentence. With respect to syntactic and semantic criteria, adverbs classified with different approaches in the literature are divided in two as wide or narrow scope. They are called sentential adverbs when scope over the entire sentence with a wide scope and they mark evidential, attitudinal, speech-act, epistemic, etc. meaning in a sentence. In this study, the syntactic and semantic features of adverbs in Turkish are analyzed in terms of the information structure of Turkish. In addition, the hierarchical order of different types of adverbs by scope are included in the analysis, as determined in the example. The samples included in the analysis were taken from the Turkish National Corpus.

This study investigates the reason why wh phrases are illegitimate in postverbal positions in Turkish while they are free to scramble in the preverbal area. The common view in the literature is that prosodic and interpretive properties of... more

This study investigates the reason why wh phrases are illegitimate in postverbal positions in Turkish while they are free to scramble in the preverbal area. The common view in the literature is that prosodic and interpretive properties of focus and wh phrases, i.e. taking obligatory primary stress and being non-recoverable, are inconsistent with the properties of the postverbal field, which is a destressed area reserved for backgrounded elements. Focusing mainly on wh data, this study proposes that phonological and interpretive effects of postverbal wh phrases that cause ungrammaticality can be derived from overt syntax. Building on empirical facts revealing the scope of focus is read directly from overt syntax, it is proposed that a postverbal wh phrase, being a variable, stays in a position where it cannot be bound by its operator, hence the ungrammaticality.

"Despite the fact that many Engineering Institutions in India are planning to start undergraduate courses in Biomedical engineering and even the number of students seeking these courses is on the rise, the existing Biomedical engineering... more

"Despite the fact that many Engineering Institutions in India are planning to start undergraduate courses in Biomedical engineering and even the number of students seeking these courses is on the rise, the existing Biomedical engineering (BME) graduates in India are finding it tough to find a placement in the job market. In order to analyse the reasons leading to this situation, a survey is being conducted. The preliminary results of the survey indicate that there exists a gap between the
undergraduate BME syllabi of various universities and the needs of the industry: certain subjects of the current curricula are irrelevant to the Indian industries, there is a need to include other relevant subjects and further, the laboratory sessions are inadequate. Most of the respondents feel that electronics engineers are preferred to
Biomedical engineers by the Biomedical firms due to the fact that the Biomedical engineers’ knowledge of electronics is inadequate. This paper presents the preliminary outcome of the survey thus being conducted and focuses on the need for revision /modification of the syllabi."

Following Klinedinst & Rothschild (2012), we argue that conjunctive readings of sentences where disjunction takes scope above an existential modal have a different explanation from that needed in the case where the modal has wide scope.... more

Following Klinedinst & Rothschild (2012), we argue that conjunctive readings of sentences where disjunction takes scope above an existential modal have a different explanation from that needed in the case where the modal has wide scope. When disjunction takes wide scope, we argue, following Meyer (2016b), that the conjunctive reading results from a structure involving an occurrence of the lexical item else in the second disjunct (overt, or covert).

The scope of public reason determines which political decisions should be taken ac- cording to its standards. In this paper, I defend a broad-scope view of public reason, ac- cording to which every single political decision should be... more

The scope of public reason determines which political decisions should be taken ac-
cording to its standards. In this paper, I defend a broad-scope view of public reason, ac- cording to which every single political decision should be justified by public reasons. In the first part, I argue that, despite the unclarity of Rawls’ position, it is compatible with the wide-scope view. In the three following parts, I refute the main arguments in favour of the narrow-scope view of public reason. Finally, I offer an argument for the wide-scope view and conclude that it is preferable from the point of view of political liberalism.
El alcance de la razón pública determina qué decisiones deben atenerse a ella. En este artículo defiendo una concepción de la razón pública de amplio alcance, según la cual todas las decisiones políticas deberían estar justificadas por razones públicas. Prime-ro sostengo que, aunque la postura de Rawls es confusa, es compatible con una razón pública de amplio alcance. En las tres siguientes secciones rechazo los argumentos principales en favor de una razón pública restringida. Después ofrezco un argumento a favor de la concepción amplia y concluyo que ésta es preferible desde el punto de vista del liberalismo político. PALABRAS CLAVE: Rawls, liberalismo político, razón pública, alcance, argumentación pública.

Objective: Study the scope, dangers and predictors of outcome of deep neck space infections in our setting. Study Design: Retrospective cohort. Setting: Public Academic Tertiary Hospital. Method: Case files retrieved utilizing ICD-10... more

Objective: Study the scope, dangers and predictors of outcome of deep neck space infections in our setting.
Study Design: Retrospective cohort.
Setting: Public Academic Tertiary Hospital.
Method: Case files retrieved utilizing ICD-10 version 10 codes that met the inclusion criteria for deep neck space infections (DNSI) from January 1, 2012- June 30, 2016 were analyzed.
Results: Thirty-three cases of DNSI with a M:F = 1.75:1 were studied. Age range was 6 months - 82years with mean = 35.3 years ± 26.0 Figure 1. In this, 60.6% presented early (≤ 7days) while 39.4% late ( that is after 7 days). The submandibular space predominated (n = 20, 60.6%) then the Space of Gilette (n = 5,15.2%) Figure 2. Major source was odontogenic (n =19,57.6%) with 57.9%, 26.3% and 15.8% for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd mandibular molars, respectively, which tend to be extensive. We recorded a case that extended to the coccyx. Almost half had causally-associated co-morbidity (n = 15, 45.5%); predominantly anemia (n = 8, 24.2%) Figure 3. Parenteral Ceftriazone/Augmentin with Metronidazole for 24-48 hours before surgical intervention of which 36.4% were delayed interventions. All had ICU management which improved outcome.
Morbidity and mortality rates were 24.2% and 15.2% respectively with the latter often following upper airway obstruction from Ludwig’s angina in 80% of which three-fifth expired before surgical intervention from late presentation.
Conclusion: Extensive deep neck space infections with their attendant morbidity and mortality remain frequent in our environment. Early diagnosis and early identification of predictors of outcome with prompt intervention are key to satisfactory results.

In this paper we discuss several cases of English and German negative quantifiers taking extended scope. We argue that these scope extensions are sensitive to linear and prosodic continuity, a fact that we capture in terms of a Condition... more

In this paper we discuss several cases of English and German negative quantifiers taking extended scope. We argue that these scope extensions are sensitive to linear and prosodic continuity, a fact that we capture in terms of a Condition on Extended Scope Taking (CEST). We provide two formalizations of CEST, one couched in minimalist terms and another within the framework of Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG). We compare and contrast the resulting systems and suggest that although the differences are clearly discernible it is too early to judge which of the competitors should be preferred.

The object of the paper is the class of Russian sentences that have more than one probability qualifier (PQ) with intersecting scopes. As it appears, modern Russian texts abound with such phenomena. Our goal is to identify meanings and... more

The object of the paper is the class of Russian sentences that have more than one probability qualifier (PQ) with intersecting scopes. As it appears, modern Russian texts abound with such phenomena. Our goal is to identify meanings and uses of such utterances. We analyze the most typical cases and proceed to more controversial issues. The analysis shows that even though the language has plenty of tools for fine differentiation of probability estimations, speakers often avoid straightforward statements, resorting to a variety of means to emphasize the approximate and subjective character of their estimates and thus declining the responsibility for the statements they make.

This article investigates interactions between the scope of QPs and the restrictions imposed by binding theory. It presents new evidence that Condition C applies at (and only at) LF and demonstrates that this condition can serve as a... more

This article investigates interactions between the scope of QPs and the restrictions imposed by binding theory. It presents new evidence that Condition C applies at (and only at) LF and demonstrates that this condition can serve as a powerful tool for distinguishing among ...

Dans l’Union en crise socio-économique et financière, sinon politique, des mécanismes intergouvernementaux, tel le Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES), imposent des mesures d’austérité génératrices de situations indignes des valeurs... more

Dans l’Union en crise socio-économique et financière, sinon politique, des mécanismes intergouvernementaux, tel le Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES), imposent des mesures d’austérité génératrices de situations indignes des valeurs fondatrices de l’Union et déjouant ses objectifs fondamentaux, tels la dérégulation du droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale et le démantèlement de l’État social. Il en résulte une « paupérisation et un chômage d’une ampleur sans précédent depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale », et « la gouvernance par les nombres » au sens de la « quantification » et la « programmation » des êtres humains, voire leur « déshumanisation ». La Cour refuse de contrôler ces mesures au regard de la Charte au motif qu’elles ne relèvent pas du droit de l’Union mais du droit international. Cependant, par l’arrêt Ledra, elle reconnaît que les institutions de l’Union impliquées dans la prise et l’application de ces mesures, quoiqu’agissant en dehors du cadre juridique de l’Union, gardent le caractère et la mission que leur assignent les traités, étant liées par la Charte. Cet arrêt débloque le contrôle du MES à travers le contrôle des institutions. Reste cependant le problème des limitations de la protection des droits fondamentaux, normes constitutionnelles de l’Union, par des actes externes à l’Union que la Cour a entérinées. Cette contribution tente de démontrer que de telles limitations vont à l’encontre de l’autonomie et de la primauté du droit de l’Union, telles que reconnues par la Cour, ainsi que de son objectifs fondamental de «promouvoir […] ses valeurs et le bien-être de ses peuples»; elles privent la Charte d’effectivité et d’efficacité et les particuliers de protection juridictionnelle et portent atteinte à l’État de droit, valeur fondatrice de l’Union qui résume toutes ses autres valeurs et dont la sauvegarde est plus nécessaire que jamais.

An English sentence that can be used to express propositions having different logical structures, or forms, is structurally ambiguous [1]. An example is (1). (1) Every integer precedes some integer One use of variable-enhanced English [2,... more

An English sentence that can be used to express propositions having different logical structures, or forms, is structurally ambiguous [1]. An example is (1). (1) Every integer precedes some integer One use of variable-enhanced English [2, §4] is to exhibit the different logical structures. In one context, (1) expresses a true universal proposition. (1-universal) Every integer x is such that for some integer y, x precedes y. Every integer precedes its successor. In another context, (1) expresses a false existential proposition. (1-existential) Every integer x is such that x precedes y, for some integer y This is an existential since the existential quantifier's scope is the clause it follows. The proposition expressed is " for some integer y, every integer x is such that x precedes y ". Of course, there is no such integer: for no integer y, is every integer x such that x precedes y. The existential implies the universal but not conversely. Sentence (1) exemplifies quantifier-scope ambiguity. Even more familiar is the structural ambiguity called negation-scope ambiguity where one sentence can express either a negation or a universal: the negation of a universal with an affirmative predicate or a universal with a negative predicate. In English sentences such as (2) 'not' can have broad scope—yielding a negation—or narrow scope—yielding a universal. (2) Every integer does not precede some integer. Negation-scope ambiguities can often be separated without using variables: In broad scope (2-not) 'not every integer precedes some integer', In narrow scope (2-every) 'every integer is one that doesn't precede some integer'. These two sentences, though no longer having negation-scope ambiguity, have quantifier-scope ambiguity resolvable as above using variable-enhanced English. This paper delves further into the syntax, semantics, and heuristics of variable-enhanced English and into its pedagogical and hermeneutic uses.

This paper focuses on the previously barely described restrictive use of the prefix te- in Lithuanian. This prefix, whose meaning is similar to that of the particle tik ‘only’, is peculiar in that it can take scope over almost any kind of... more

This paper focuses on the previously barely described restrictive use of the prefix te- in Lithuanian. This prefix, whose meaning is similar to that of the particle tik ‘only’, is peculiar in that it can take scope over almost any kind of phrases, including constituents of non-finite embedded clauses. In this paper, morphosyntactic properties and scope of the restrictive te- are analysed on the basis of both elicited and corpus data. Besides that, it is shown that from a cross-linguistic point of view, a restrictive affix displaying both rigid verb-adjacency and scope flexibility is quite rare.