Public sector Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The first comprehensive and authoritative work covering the entire public sector in India, including the public sector banks and the insurance companies as well as the public sector enterprises in the states, the book begins with the... more

The first comprehensive and authoritative work covering the entire public sector in India, including the public sector banks and the insurance companies as well as the public sector enterprises in the states, the book begins with the philosophy behind the public sector and traces their evolution in India and their subsequent privatisation and disinvestment after the economic liberalisation of 1991. Based on the most up-to-date data and the latest developments, it examines the plight and options before a public sector paralysed by excessive government interference and now trapped hopelessly between the State and the market. Drawing widely upon global experiences, the book argues that disinvestment and privatisation need not be the only answer to reform the public sector companies. They can be rejuvenated and transformed into global champions if freed from the stifling controls by an unimaginative government machinery and depoliticized, with separation of the Government’s roles as shareholder, policy-maker and regulator, along with changing their holding structure.

... Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Public Sector Leadership Development Programme Steering Committee (Roma Bridger, Cathy Mercer, and Karen Taylor) and Memorial University's Gardiner Centre (Susan Arscott,... more

... Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Public Sector Leadership Development Programme Steering Committee (Roma Bridger, Cathy Mercer, and Karen Taylor) and Memorial University's Gardiner Centre (Susan Arscott, Jackie Collins, and Bill Morrissey). ...

February 6, 2018 marked a century of women’s suffrage for which the first generation of women’s rights activists fought relentlessly making great personal sacrifices in the face of tremendous patriarchal resistance. Though the suffragist... more

February 6, 2018 marked a century of women’s suffrage for which the first generation of
women’s rights activists fought relentlessly making great personal sacrifices in the face of
tremendous patriarchal resistance. Though the suffragist movement began with striving for adult
franchise for women as a fundamental right as a citizen; it snowballed into struggle for rights of
the women as paid and unpaid workers. During the last century, in spite of sustained collective
actions in several parts of the North and the South, discrimination against women in the world of
work still persists due to caste/race/ethnicity/sexuality/gender based segmentation in the labour
market and non-recognition of unpaid care economy.

Few school-age youth consume the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, and increasing fruit and vegetable intake in children and adolescents is an important public health goal to maintain long-term good health and to decrease risk... more

Few school-age youth consume the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, and increasing fruit and vegetable intake in children and adolescents is an important public health goal to maintain long-term good health and to decrease risk of chronic disease and obesity. School salad bars are an important tool to promote fruit and vegetable consumption among schoolchildren. Studies show that introduction of school salad bars increases the amount and variety of fruits and vegetables consumed by children in schools. However, many schools cannot afford the capital investment in the salad bar equipment. In 2010, the National Fruit & Vegetable Alliance (NFVA), United Fresh Produce Association Foundation, the Food Family Farming Foundation, and Whole Foods Market launched Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools (LMSB2S) in support of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative. The goal of LMSB2S is to place 6000 salad bars in schools over 3 years. As of June, 2012, over 1400 new salad bar...

Whereas traditional transformational leadership studies tend to test the concept as an independent variable, this paper tests it as a mediator of the effects of management/peer trust, perceived organisational support and procedural... more

Whereas traditional transformational leadership studies tend to test the concept as an independent variable, this paper tests it as a mediator of the effects of management/peer trust, perceived organisational support and procedural justice. The study was undertaken within a large New South Wales (NSW) public sector organisation. In 2000, the organisation’s annual staff survey indicated that levels of trust in management were very low and, as a result, the authors were asked to investigate the possible causes of this outcome. Focus group results and survey questionnaires indicated that trust in management and trust in peers had a significant influence on transformational leadership and that transformational leadership was a significant predictor of turnover intention, OCB conscientiousness and affective commitment. Quantitative results did not support the proposed mediating effects of transformational leadership.

The implementation of a pharmacovigilance service compliant with the legal and regulatory responsibilities of clinical trial sponsors presents particular challenges for sponsors in a non-commercial setting.In this paper we examine these... more

The implementation of a pharmacovigilance service compliant with the legal and regulatory responsibilities of clinical trial sponsors presents particular challenges for sponsors in a non-commercial setting.In this paper we examine these challenges in detail. We identify and discuss the key steps in the development of a pharmacovigilance service within a public health service and university setting in the United Kingdom. We describe how we have established a central Pharmacovigilance Office with dedicated staff and resources within our organisation. This office is supported by an electronic pharmacovigilance reporting infrastructure developed to facilitate the receipt and processing of safety information, the onward reporting in compliance with legislation and the provision of sponsor institution oversight of clinical trial participant safety. An education and training programme has also been set up to ensure that all relevant staff in the organisation are fully aware of the pharmaco...

An effective health workforce is essential for achieving health-related new Sustainable Development Goals. Odisha, one of the states in India with low health indicators, faces challenges in recruiting and retaining health staff in the... more

An effective health workforce is essential for achieving health-related new Sustainable Development Goals. Odisha, one of the states in India with low health indicators, faces challenges in recruiting and retaining health staff in the public sector, especially doctors. Recruitment, deployment and career progression play an important role in attracting and retaining doctors. We examined the policies on recruitment, deployment and promotion for doctors in the state and how these policies were perceived to be implemented. We undertook document review and four key informant interviews with senior state-level officials to delineate the policies for recruitment, deployment and promotion. We conducted 90 in-depth interviews, 86 with doctors from six districts and four at the state level to explore the perceptions of doctors about these policies. Despite the efforts by the Government of Odisha through regular recruitments, a quarter of the posts of doctors was vacant across all institutiona...

AbstractThis study examines whether auditors adjust their effort and pricing decisions for political visibility. We argue, from the behavioural literature, that political visibility will create the need for more justification by auditors.... more

AbstractThis study examines whether auditors adjust their effort and pricing decisions for political visibility. We argue, from the behavioural literature, that political visibility will create the need for more justification by auditors. Using data on actual audit fees, hours and billing rates for a sample of New Zealand public sector companies, we find that total audit fees are positively related

PurposeThis paper seeks to explore whether the Western concept of servant leadership holds the same meaning in the public sector of the cross‐cultural context of China and to identify whether there is an alternative term in the Chinese... more

PurposeThis paper seeks to explore whether the Western concept of servant leadership holds the same meaning in the public sector of the cross‐cultural context of China and to identify whether there is an alternative term in the Chinese language that closely relates to the concept of servant leadershipDesign/methodology/approachAn inductive approach is adopted based on critical incident technique, using an open‐ended survey to collect the data.FindingsIt was found that the concept of servant leadership holds parallel meaning in China to that of the West and that the Chinese concept of servant leadership can be described precisely as public servant leadership in the public sector and servant leadership in the non‐public sector. When asked to characterize Chinese servant leadership in the public sector, the study respondents consider six types of servant leadership similar to the West but also three types of Chinese extended servant leadership.Originality/valueThe paper is a first atte...

The Authors would like to thank the World Bank and Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) each for partial funding of the project ‘Improving Fiscal Health of Indian Cities’, which initiated the research on estimation of fiscal... more

The Authors would like to thank the World Bank and Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) each for partial funding of the project ‘Improving Fiscal Health of Indian Cities’, which initiated the research on estimation of fiscal capacity and needs in Indian cities. We thank the research team of this project, particularly Kala Sridhar for her sincere efforts and Satadru Sikdar for his excellent research assistance in the initial drafts of the six reports submitted to the World Bank. We would also like to thank Om Prakash Mathur for his help and interest at different stages of the work. We are grateful to Andrew Reschovsky, Anwar Shah, Howard Chernick, Jorge Martinez, Melville Mcmillan for their comments and suggestions on an

This paper examines the relationship between policy and politics in relation to the development of public- sector primary education through Breton and Gaelic, considering closely the patterns of power through which such provision is... more

This paper examines the relationship between policy and politics in relation to the development of public- sector primary education through Breton and Gaelic, considering closely the patterns of power through which such provision is delivered. Brittany and Scotland present many similarities as culturally distinctive territories, contained within larger state-nations, which until recently allowed very little scope for minority language education. Initiatives to develop public-sector education through Breton and Gaelic were finally launched in the 1980s and have now became significantly institutionalised, even if they remain small in scale. The dynamics of institutionalisation have been very different in the two territories, however: parallel problems have been tackled in different ways, and issues that have proved fraught in one have presented few complications in the other. Both case studies demonstrate the importance of ‘bottom-up’ dynamics as a source of innovative energy.

This paper argues that pension funds can earn attractive risk-adjusted rates of return on targeted real estate investment in underserved capital markets. Targeted investing is designed to achieve both a financial and social return.... more

This paper argues that pension funds can earn attractive risk-adjusted rates of return on targeted real estate investment in underserved capital markets. Targeted investing is designed to achieve both a financial and social return. Fiduciary duty requires public sector pension funds to put financial obligations at the forefront of their decision-making. However these funds also have a vested interest in ensuring vibrant, healthy communities that in turn underpin employer contributions to the fund. We examine the California Urban Real Estate (CURE) program of the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) as a model of targeted real estate investment in urban and underserved capital markets. From this case study we draw some implications for best practice in targeted investment.

This article argues that the essential factors of a public service code of ethics can be divided into five categories. These categories or principles are fairness, transparency, responsibility, efficiency and conflict of interest. These... more

This article argues that the essential factors of a public service code of ethics can be divided into five categories. These categories or principles are fairness, transparency, responsibility, efficiency and conflict of interest. These principles are identified in this article as being the basic elements of democratic accountability in relation to public sector decision-making. The issues explored are not only the obstacles that the public service decision-maker faces in internalising these principles but, also, the challenges for a pro-active management in fostering such internalisation.

In all economies, there is a part which is not included in the official economy, in other words, economic activities not included in the official statistics. The size of the unofficial economy in the Republic of Croatia was probably at... more

In all economies, there is a part which is not included in the official economy, in other words, economic activities not included in the official statistics. The size of the unofficial economy in the Republic of Croatia was probably at least 25% of GDP in 1995. Two periods can be clearly distinguished between 1990 and 1996. During the first period

this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Policy Research Working Papers are available online at... more

this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Policy Research Working Papers are available online at I.

The internet has become one of the most important means of communication in all areas of our life. In the paper we focused on central and local government bodies and their attitude towards information and communication technology. By... more

The internet has become one of the most important means of communication in all areas of our life. In the paper we focused on central and local government bodies and their attitude towards information and communication technology. By analysing web pages, inquiring public servants and testing the responses on citizens' questions we tried to discover influences of Internet on better informing of citizens, their participation in making decisions of public interest and communication between citizens and central and local government bodies.