Sense Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This article first describes the central features of human evolution theory. Secondly, Parse's theory is presented through a narrative written as an aid to learning for health professionals. We subsequently review the analysis... more

This article first describes the central features of human evolution theory. Secondly, Parse's theory is presented through a narrative written as an aid to learning for health professionals. We subsequently review the analysis between teachers and professionals to deepen understanding of this theory as a nursing care methodology.The dialogue between the nurse and her interviewee and the reflections, paradoxes and questions of nursing practice raised by this dialogue are discussed.

This text is a response to the article written by A.D. Maidansky (Siberian Journal of Psychology. 2020. 76) [2] and aims to update the discussion of controversial aspects of cultural and activity psychology, especially some of the... more

This text is a response to the article written by A.D. Maidansky (Siberian Journal of Psychology. 2020. 76) [2] and aims to update the discussion of controversial aspects of cultural
and activity psychology, especially some of the provisions of the activity theory by A.N. Leontiev and his scientific school, which, in contrast to the creative heritage of L.S. Vygotsky,
are now rarely considered in both foreign and domestic literature.
The article analyses the solution of the problem of correlation between "affect" (motivational and emotional component of mental life) and "intellect" (cognitive processes) in this
scientific school. It is shown that the definition of the mind as an orienting activity (A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, etc.) does not imply the reduction of mental processes to cognitive
ones, since any orienting process is always affectively loaded. Sensations are not separated
from affects already in the primary forms of sensitivity that arise in phylogeny. However,
even at later stages of mental development, a similar unity is maintained, although the mental
life (including emotional states) becomes more differentiated. It is shown that this unity of the
subject's knowledge of the object and the subject's attitude to this object is best represented in
A.N. Leontiev’s scientific school in the definition of mental phenomena through the category
of sense.
Since affect (emotion in the broad sense of the word) is a subjective form of motivation,
the problem of "mastering affects" is transformed in the school of A.N. Leontiev into the
problem of awareness (comprehension) of the motives of a person's activity and possible restructuring of the hierarchy of motives, which is best represented in the situation of an act.
The act as a responsible and free action of a personality is performed by choosing one of the
meaningful motives, which acquires a new sense (and thus an additional motivating force)
due to the inclusion of this motive in a higher system of values, in the limit – in universal
values. And since, according to Leontiev’s scientific school, in the activity of any person the
"motivational-emotional" ("affect") and cognitive ("intellect") components are inseparable,
they are usually proportional to each other: the higher forms of emotional regulation, overcoming the lower ones, correspond with the higher forms of knowledge of the world as
a whole. The author sees a clear parallel of these ideas with B. Spinoza's arguments about
"Amor Dei intellectualis". Thus, the formula of B. Spinoza – L. S. Vygotsky about free will as a reasonable mastery of affects discussed in the article by A. D. Maidansky is clarified and
filled with concrete psychological content.
Keywords: activity; mind; motive; affect; orienting activity; sense; act; personality;
activity approach in psychology

The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a relationship between sense of community within a work unit and work performance. The hypothesis of this research was that a higher sense of community score, computed from the... more

The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a relationship between sense of community within a work unit and work performance. The hypothesis of this research was that a higher sense of community score, computed from the Sense of Community Index-2 survey, would facilitate better work performance in that work unit, as indicated by a “Work Performance Rating” form filled out by the Human Resources of each company. This hypothesis was accepted because there was a positive correlation between the two factors, however there were discrepancies with a couple of the work units studied. To achieve the purpose and objectives of this research, six work units were chosen for research: two small (seven to ten employees) real estate companies and four work units within a larger web services provider company (2,000 employees). Each work unit had a different number of employees participate, ranging from seven employees to twelve employees. Employees volunteered to fill out the twenty-four item Sense of Community Index-2, which is a reliable measure of sense of community developed by McMillan and Chavis (1986). The survey’s twenty-four questions contain six questions on each of the four components of sense of community: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection. The average total sense of community score (sum of questions one through twenty-four) was computed for each of the six work units along with the average score for each of the four sense of community components. Vanover, Ansley / The Impact of Sense of Community on Business Unit Work Performance 2 An employee from Human Resources for each company was asked to fill out a “Work Performance Rating” form, which asks he or she to rate the work performance of that work unit one through five. With this information, the sense of community scores could be compared to the work performance scores to determine if the two factors were related. Results showed that the work unit with the highest community score also had the highest work performance score, and the work unit with the lowest community score also had the lowest work performance score. The four work units in-between, however, did not have a definite trend, although there is a positive correlation amongst all six units. Analysis indicated that the work units with the smallest number of employees had the highest participation rates and the highest sense of community scores. “Shared emotional connection” was the highest overall section of the SCI-2 across five of the six units and seems to have the largest tie to a higher sense of community. While most of the results were consistent with expectancies of this research, there were also a couple discrepancies. For example, the work unit with the second highest work performance score also had a significantly low community score, indicating that sense of community does not always lead to better work performance and can even hinder productivity because some employees might find it a distraction. The analysis yielded several limitations of this study. These limitations can be partially prevented if this study were to be continued on a larger scale. Vanover, Ansley / The Impact of Sense of Community on Business Unit Work Performance 3

Abstract John Corcoran: The expressions 'form', 'structure', 'schema', 'shape', 'pattern', 'figure', 'mold', and related locutions are used in logic both as technical terms and in metaphors. This paper juxtaposes, distinguishes, and... more

Parallel imaging techniques have been widely used in high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multiple receiver coils have been shown to improve image quality and allow accelerated image acquisition. Magnetic resonance imaging at... more

Parallel imaging techniques have been widely used in high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multiple receiver coils have been shown to improve image quality and allow accelerated image acquisition. Magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-low fields (ULF MRI) is a new imaging approach that uses SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) sensors to measure the spatially encoded precession of pre-polarized nuclear spin populations at microtesla-range measurement fields. In this work, parallel imaging at microtesla fields is systematically studied for the first time. A seven-channel SQUID system, designed for both ULF MRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG), is used to acquire 3D images of a human hand, as well as 2D images of a large water phantom. The imaging is performed at 46 microtesla measurement field with pre-polarization at 40 mT. It is shown how the use of seven channels increases imaging field of view and improves signal-to-noise ratio for the hand images. A simple procedure for approximate correction of concomitant gradient artifacts is described. Noise propagation is analyzed experimentally, and the main source of correlated noise is identified. Accelerated imaging based on one-dimensional undersampling and 1D SENSE (sensitivity encoding) image reconstruction is studied in the case of the 2D phantom. Actual 3-fold imaging acceleration in comparison to single-average fully encoded Fourier imaging is demonstrated. These results show that parallel imaging methods are efficient in ULF MRI, and that imaging performance of SQUID-based instruments improves substantially as the number of channels is increased.

Meaning defines language because it is the internal function of language. At the same time, meaning does not exist unless in language and because of language. From the point of view of the speaking subject meaning is contents of... more

Meaning defines language because it is the internal function of language. At the same time, meaning does not exist unless in language and because of language. From the point of view of the speaking subject meaning is contents of conscience. From the point of view of a language, meaning is the objectification of knowledge in linguistic signs. And from the point of view of the individual speaking subject, meaning is the expressive intentional purpose to say something.

There has been a growth of interest in the role of humour in organizations from both practitioner and academic perspectives. Various claims for the functionality of humour have been made, ranging from stress reduction to helping form and... more

There has been a growth of interest in the role of humour in organizations from both practitioner and academic perspectives. Various claims for the functionality of humour have been made, ranging from stress reduction to helping form and cement corporate cultures. Latching on to these presumed benefits, businesses and consultants have begun to employ humour and comedy in a direct and explicit manner. However, there is a counterpoint, which suggests that humour cannot always be managed and in fact has subversive qualities. This article addresses the issue of the subversive potential of comedy in organizational contexts. It draws illustratively on the case of a successful corporate comedian to do so. The article argues, through an analysis of the case, the history and philosophy of comedy, and theories of the comedic, that while comedy has inherent subversive potential, it most often is contained. Indeed, it suggests that comedy works by intruding as a potential threat to mundane real...

We show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, Frege's distinction between sense and reference does not reconcile a classical logic of identity with apparent counterexamples to it involving proper names embedded under proposi-tional... more

We show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, Frege's distinction between sense and reference does not reconcile a classical logic of identity with apparent counterexamples to it involving proper names embedded under proposi-tional attitude verbs.

Translation is an essential part of Yves Bonnefoy’s work. But his originality in this field lies in the critical studies that have regularly accompanied his translations and in his reflection on the act of translation, developed in... more

Translation is an essential part of Yves Bonnefoy’s work. But his originality in this field lies in the critical studies that have regularly accompanied his translations and in his reflection on the act of translation, developed in various essays and interviews. Departing from his conception of translation as a poetic activity –based on the distinction between the ‘translation of meanings’ and the ‘translation of the essence’– we approach the analysis of two poetic short stories, ‘Première ébauche d’une mise en scène d’Hamlet’, and ‘Hamlet en montagne’ included in L’heure présente (2011), which we approach both as ‘translations in a broad sense’, according to the definition proposed by the poet, as a prolongation and deepening of the understanding of the text through poetic writing, and as allegorical fictions of the process of translation.

My purpose in this paper is to combine a fregean account of senses with a kripkean account of reference and a descriptivist account of connotation. The main ideas derive from my book Logical Forms, where my account of senses, thoughts,... more

My purpose in this paper is to combine a fregean account of senses with a kripkean account of reference and a descriptivist account of connotation. The main ideas derive from my book Logical Forms, where my account of senses, thoughts, and truth is developed in some detail.

Lacking a plausible model for the emergence of telos (purposive, representational, and evaluative relationships, as in life and consciousness) from simple material and energetic processes, the sciences operate as though all teleological... more

Lacking a plausible model for the emergence of telos (purposive, representational, and evaluative relationships, as in life and consciousness) from simple material and energetic processes, the sciences operate as though all teleological relationships are physically epiphenomenal. Alternatively, in religion and the humanities it is assumed either that telos influences the material world from an outside or transcendental source or that it is a fundamental and ineffable property of things. We argue that a scientifically sound and intuitively plausible model for the physical emergence of teleological dynamics is now realizable. A methodology for formulating such a model and an exemplar case—the autocell—are presented. An autocell is an autocatalytic set of molecules that produce one another and also produce molecules that spontaneously accrete to form a hollow container, analogous to the way virus capsules form. The molecular capsules that result will spontaneously enclose some of the nearby molecules of the autocatalytic set, keeping them together so that when the autocell is broken open autocatalysis will resume. Autocells are thus self-reconstituting, self-reproducing, and minimally evolvable. They are not living and yet have necessary precursor attributes to telos, including individuality, functional interdependence of parts, end-directedness, a minimal form of representation, and a normative (evaluational) relationship to different environmental properties. The autocell thus serves as a missing link between inanimate (nonlife) and animate (living) phenomena. We conclude by discussing the challenges that a natural origin for telos poses for religious thought.

ABSTRACT This essay argues that propositions are made true by facts. A proposition is the sense expressed by a statement (sentence token used to make a truth claim). Facts are positive or negative constitutive properties of the domain of... more

ABSTRACT This essay argues that propositions are made true by facts. A proposition is the sense expressed by a statement (sentence token used to make a truth claim). Facts are positive or negative constitutive properties of the domain of discourse (usually the actual world). The presence of horses is a positive constitutive property of the world; the absence of unicorns is a negative one. This notion of constitutive properties accords well with the Hume-Kant claim that existence is not a property of any individual said to exist. While Frege held existence to be a property of concepts and Russell held it to be a property of propositional functions, our view sees existence as a property of a domain of discourse. To say that Native Dancer exists is simply to say that the world is characterized by the presence of Native Dancer; to say that Pegasus does not exist is to say the world is characterized by the absence of Pegasus. Such properties of presence and absence are facts. Facts make true propositions true; nothing makes false propositions false (they simply fail to be made true). Facts are not items in the world; they are (constitutive) properties of the world. KeywordsConstituents–Domains–Existence–Fact–Properties–Sense–Truth

Dans une première partie, ce papier tente de montrer que le document numérique est le résultat d'un processus complexe composé de 5 niveaux de processus emboîtés (de 0 à 4). Ils comportent à la fois des dimensions sémiotiques (signes... more

Dans une première partie, ce papier tente de montrer que le document numérique est le résultat d'un processus complexe composé de 5 niveaux de processus emboîtés (de 0 à 4). Ils comportent à la fois des dimensions sémiotiques (signes et sens), des dimensions techniques (enregistrements, codages et transmissions de signaux) et des dimensions médiatiques (socialisation et diffusion). Bien qu'il soit dès lors impossible de séparer les différentes entrées, la deuxième partie examine plus particulièrement deux effets qu'introduit le passage au numérique en termes d'apparition de nouvelles composantes du sens. Le premier réside dans la dynamique de transition entre couches de codes. Le second considère le Web comme un outil à produire du sens, par rapprochement de fragments disparates suivant une notion de proximité fondée sur une appréhension topologique de l'espace documentaire. Abstract The first section of the paper shows how the numerical document is the result of...

Objectives Aging is a critical period of human life, and attention to the problems and needs of this stage is a social necessity. The present study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of training the review of life on life... more

Objectives Aging is a critical period of human life, and attention to the problems and needs of this stage is a social necessity. The present study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of training the review of life on life satisfaction and sense of coherence among middle-aged women and elderly nursing home residents in Qazvin. Methods & Materials This is a quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test and control group. The study population consisted of 50-80-year-old women living in Nursing Home in the city of Qazvin. The statistical sample included 30 subjects selected through random sampling method and assigned to excremental and control groups (15 subjects per each group). For data collection, Diener's (1985) Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Flensburg's (2006) Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC) was used. Initially, a sample of people chosen for the research answered these questionnaires. After that, the program of life review was administered on the experimental group for six sessions, and finally, the post-test was administered to both the experimental and control groups. To analyze data, analysis of covariance was used in the environment of SPSS software. Results The mean age of the control group was 2.88±65 years, and the mean age of the experimental group was 3.56±67 years. The mean level of life satisfaction of the control group before education was 17.86, but after training, 17.60 and the mean level of life satisfaction of the experimental group before training was 90.17 and after education 24.86. Also, the mean of control group's sense of cohesion before and after education was 69.87 and 69.93, respectively, while the mean of the experimental group before education was 46.63, but after the education was 84.48. The results of covariance analysis showed that the process of lifestyle treatment sessions increased life satisfaction and cohesion among the elderly in the experimental group compared to the control group (P<0.001). Conclusion Results indicate that the life review therapy was effective on the level of life satisfaction and sense of coherence among the aged people. Hence, Review of Life therapy could be considered as an alternative or complementary approach to existing therapies for enhancing life among elderly adults.

MRI with non-Cartesian sampling schemes can offer inherent advantages. Radial acquisitions are known to be very robust, even in the case of vast undersampling. This is also true for 1D non-Cartesian MRI, in which the center of k-space is... more

MRI with non-Cartesian sampling schemes can offer inherent advantages. Radial acquisitions are known to be very robust, even in the case of vast undersampling. This is also true for 1D non-Cartesian MRI, in which the center of k-space is oversampled or at least sampled at the Nyquist rate. There are two main reasons for the more relaxed foldover artifact behavior: First, due to the oversampling of the center, high-energy foldover artifacts originating from the center of k-space are avoided. Second, due to the non-equidistant sampling of k-space, the corresponding field of view (FOV) is no longer well defined. As a result, foldover artifacts are blurred over a broad range and appear less severe. The more relaxed foldover artifact behavior and the densely sampled central k-space make trajectories of this type an ideal complement to autocalibrated parallel MRI (pMRI) techniques, such as generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA). Although pMRI can benefit from non-Cartesian trajectories, this combination has not yet entered routine clinical use. One of the main reasons for this is the need for long reconstruction times due to the complex calculations necessary for non-Cartesian pMRI. In this work it is shown that one can significantly reduce the complexity of the calculations by exploiting a few specific properties of k-space-based pMRI.

Background and Purpose— In the undamaged brain, sensory input to the cortex is intricately controlled via sensory gating mechanisms. Given the role of corticothalamic pathways in this control, it was hypothesized that in patients... more

Background and Purpose— In the undamaged brain, sensory input to the cortex is intricately controlled via sensory gating mechanisms. Given the role of corticothalamic pathways in this control, it was hypothesized that in patients recovering from thalamic stroke there would be evidence of disrupted sensory gating and that efficient control of cortical sensory inputs would emerge during recovery. Methods— Four patients were tested serially after stroke from 1 to 24 weeks after injury. Perceptual thresholds, somatosensory evoked potential amplitudes, and functional MRI activations under specific somatosensory stimulation conditions were measured. Results— All patients demonstrated comparable results, revealing disrupted threshold detection to vibrotactile stimuli in the presence of a concurrent competing, contralateral input. In contrast, threshold detection was comparable between the affected and unaffected sides when there were no competing stimuli. This compromised capacity to inhib...

Dans une premiere partie, ce papier tente de montrer que le document numerique est le resultat d'un processus complexe compose de 5 niveaux de processus emboites (de 0 a 4). Ils comportent a la fois des dimensions semiotiques (signes... more

Dans une premiere partie, ce papier tente de montrer que le document numerique est le resultat d'un processus complexe compose de 5 niveaux de processus emboites (de 0 a 4). Ils comportent a la fois des dimensions semiotiques (signes et sens), des dimensions techniques (enregistrements, codages et transmissions de signaux) et des dimensions mediatiques (socialisation et diffusion). Bien qu'il soit des lors impossible de separer les differentes entrees, la deuxieme partie examine plus particulierement deux effets qu'introduit le passage au numerique en termes d'apparition de nouvelles composantes du sens. Le premier reside dans la dynamique de transition entre couches de codes. Le second considere le Web comme un outil a produire du sens, par rapprochement de fragments disparates suivant une notion de proximite fondee sur une apprehension topologique de l'espace documentaire.