Accessibility Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Sommario 1. Dalla “supremazia speciale” dell’istituzione carceraria al “modello a tre elementi”: legge, potere amministrativo e diritti fondamentali della persona detenuta. – 2. Il potere amministrativo di natura autoritativa al cospetto... more

1. Dalla “supremazia speciale” dell’istituzione carceraria al “modello a tre elementi”: legge, potere amministrativo e diritti fondamentali della persona detenuta. – 2. Il potere amministrativo di natura autoritativa al cospetto dei diritti fondamentali della persona in vinculis: il principio di “legalità sostanziale”. – 3. Il principio di “legalità sostanziale” e la sua degradazione a mera “legalità formale”. Casi paradigmatici. – 4. L’elusione del principio di legalità: i poteri amministrativi privi di fondamento legislativo. Il trattenimento provvisorio della corrispondenza epistolare tra detenuti sottoposti al regime di sospensione delle ordinarie regole del trattamento ex art. 41-bis, co. 2, ord. penit. – 4.1. L’istituzione delle sezioni a “custodia aperta”: considerazioni conclusive.

The discourse on the relationship between form and function in the world of design has its roots in the industrial and Tayloristic model that contrasts and differs from the artistic and artisanal process since the disciplinary foundation.... more

The discourse on the relationship between form and function in the world of design
has its roots in the industrial and Tayloristic model that contrasts and differs from the artistic
and artisanal process since the disciplinary foundation. At the origin of the debate there are
visions about the role of design in society, but also about the specificity of its own language.
The digital revolution and the introduction of Human-computer interaction and the wider
concept of Human-centered design have profoundly transformed this relationship, strongly
shifting it in favor of people, their expectations and their needs. In particular, when design
then focuses on inclusive and universal approaches – i.e. addressing needs that go beyond
standards – form is often sacrificed on the altar of accessibility transforming the experience
of both audiences – “normal” as well as impaired subjects – into a poor and a “low-resolution”
one. On the other hand, for people with disabilities, form itself is the essence of experience.
Whether it is the sound channel or VUI in the case of visual deficiencies, the figurative
language, for acoustic disabilities, or the tactile-sensory component, considering the cognitive
and perceptual aspects, the form becomes both the medium and the message as well. The
paper aims to identify the stages of a possible cultural and social journey, within the broader
scenario of Universal design/Design for all and the culture of accessibility, which includes the
aesthetic-emotional dimension as a shared design value and driver of innovation in the sector.
Besides, it illustrates through the discussion of case studies, in the field of personal and public
communication, possible approaches to ethics and aesthetics of inclusive design.

The project, which is still under construction in Turkey, has been designed for the access of the existing hiking trail to the Çatak canyon in the Kure Mountains of Kastamonu province, Azdavay district, accessible to everyone with the... more

The project, which is still under construction in Turkey, has been designed for the access of the existing hiking trail to the Çatak canyon in the Kure Mountains of Kastamonu province, Azdavay district, accessible to everyone with the disadvantaged people in the society.
The project area is located in Kure Mountains. Kure Mountains National Park, north of Turkey, the Black Sea's western section of the Black Sea Region, on Kure Mountains, Bartin and Kastamonu is located within the city limits. Funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and "Development of Social Integration of the Disabled (IDP)" it was supported by the grant program. In this article, it is aimed to explain the design and construction phases of the “Disabled Friendly National Park: Kure Mountains” project and to show its positive and negative effects.
The overall objective of the project is “to provide full accessibility for the disabled in nature conservation and protected areas in Turkey” has been identified as to be fully ensured. The outcomes of the project, the results obtained and the design criteria will contribute to this goal. The project aimed to provide the basis for future studies.

Dissemination is the interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audiences so that it may be used to lead to change. The challenge is to improve the accessibility of desired knowledge products by those they are intended to... more

Dissemination is the interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audiences so that it may be used to lead to change. The challenge is to improve the accessibility of desired knowledge products by those they are intended to reach. This means ensuring physical availability of the product to as large a proportion of the target audience as possible and making the product comprehensible to those who receive it.

This paper represents one outcome from the Invitational Research Symposium on Technology-Enabled and Universally Designed Assessments, which examined technology-enabled assessments (TEA) and universal design (UD) as they relate to... more

This paper represents one outcome from the Invitational Research Symposium on Technology-Enabled and Universally Designed Assessments, which examined technology-enabled assessments (TEA) and universal design (UD) as they relate to students with disabilities (SWD). It was developed to stimulate research into TEAs designed to make tests appropriate for the full range of the student population through enhanced accessibility. Four themes are explored: (a) a construct-centered approach to developing accessible assessments; (b) how technology and UD can provide access to targeted knowledge, skills, and abilities by embedding access and interactive features directly into systems that deliver TEAs; (c) the possibility of incorporating scaffolding directly into innovative assessment items; and (d) the importance of investigating the validity of inferences from TEAs that incorporate accessibility features designed to maximize validity. Through the paper, symposium participants and contributin...

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was intended to protect a class of individuals whose ability to engage in “major life activities” in places of public accommodation and other settings was limited by disability. Design... more

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was intended to protect a class of individuals whose ability to engage in “major life activities” in places of public accommodation and other settings was limited by disability. Design guidelines for ADA were derived from ANSI’s A117.1 - 1980 “Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities”, originally developed in 1961. The anthropometric data used are those for average adults and children, not elders. Consequently, the disparities between the needs and characteristics of the population for whom accessibility codes were written and the seniors for whom we are designing living and caring environments are in some respects quite significant and can actually exacerbate their effective level of disability. This article identifies these discrepancies and explores how providers, designers, and regulators of senior living environments can successfully accommodate the needs of frail elders while also satisfying the accessibility requirements imposed by the code authorities having jurisdiction.

This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more

This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design dimensions for high granularity patterns have been established. In this paper we focus on detailing lower granularity adaptive patterns based upon learning styles. Several patterns from existing AEH system case studies are identified and classified according to an extended learning style "onion" model. This model forms the basis of a learning style taxonomy, introduced here, whose components determine adaptation patterns for AEH. These patterns are of importance both for authoring, as well as for interfacing between adaptive hypermedia systems. From an authoring point of view, these patterns may be used to establish a fine-grain approach to instructional strategies that can be implemented in AEH systems, as a response to a particular learning style. The implementation of this adaptation pattern taxonomy is discussed, both generally and in detail.

הזמנה לכנס "מהדורה מוגבלת: מוגבלות באמנויות, עיצוב ואדריכלות", אשר ייערך ביום ראשון ה-19 בינואר 2020 בבצלאל, קמפוס הר הצופים, ירושלים. מדובר בכנס השנתי של המחלקה לתרבות חזותית וחומרית של בצלאל והשנה הוא ייערך בשיתוף עם דקאנט הסטודנטים של... more

הזמנה לכנס "מהדורה מוגבלת: מוגבלות באמנויות, עיצוב ואדריכלות", אשר ייערך ביום ראשון ה-19 בינואר 2020 בבצלאל, קמפוס הר הצופים, ירושלים. מדובר בכנס השנתי של המחלקה לתרבות חזותית וחומרית של בצלאל והשנה הוא ייערך בשיתוף עם דקאנט הסטודנטים של בצלאל יחד עם המרכז ללימודי מוגבלות באוניברסיטה העברית.

Der Leitfaden liefert Lehrenden Hinweise und Tools für die Gestaltung einer mediengestützten Lehre, die zugänglich und inklusiv ist. Er soll für Diversität in der Hochschule sensibilisieren und Tipps zur Gestaltung zugänglicher... more

Der Leitfaden liefert Lehrenden Hinweise und Tools für die Gestaltung einer mediengestützten Lehre, die zugänglich und inklusiv ist. Er soll für Diversität in der Hochschule sensibilisieren und Tipps zur Gestaltung zugänglicher Lehrmaterialien geben.

The liveability of a city like Rome is endangered by vehicular traffic and, as consequence, urban spaces are generally not accessible to all users; this is a problem that is particularly felt in residential districts. The Department of... more

The liveability of a city like Rome is endangered by vehicular traffic and, as consequence, urban spaces are generally not accessible to all users; this is a problem that is particularly felt in residential districts. The Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University has recently moved to Testaccio, a historical, famous, working class district of the city, where Piattaforma Testaccio, an association of dwellers, is very active. A collaboration started between this association and University, with the aim to improve the urban environment where dwellers, teachers and students spend their everyday life. A study, involving academic staff and students of the course "City and Environment" together with some members of the association, was run with the aim of solving one of the most important problems highlighted by the association: the accessibility of public spaces. To this aim, it was used a prescriptive tool: "the Environmental Island" that can be applied in are...

To assess the effectiveness of the PAST (Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Triage) protocol in reducing pre-hospital and emergency department (ED) delays to patients receiving organised acute stroke care, thereby increasing access to thrombolytic... more

To assess the effectiveness of the PAST (Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Triage) protocol in reducing pre-hospital and emergency department (ED) delays to patients receiving organised acute stroke care, thereby increasing access to thrombolytic therapy. Prospective cohort study using historical controls. Hunter Region of New South Wales, September 2005 to March 2006 (pre-intervention) and September 2006 to March 2007 (post-intervention). Consecutive patients presenting with acute stroke to a regional, tertiary referral hospital. PAST protocol, comprising a pre-hospital stroke assessment tool for ambulance officers, an ambulance protocol for hospital bypass for potentially thrombolysis-eligible patients, and pre-hospital notification of the acute stroke team. Proportion of patients who received intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), process of care time points (symptom onset to ED arrival, ED arrival to tPA treatment, and ED transit time), and clinical outcomes of patients treated...

In the present paper is studied an approach to accessibility for people with disabilities in Protected Areas, focusing on the area of information offered to visitors in the area of the National Marine Park of Alonissos-Northern Sporades... more

In the present paper is studied an approach to accessibility for people with disabilities in Protected Areas, focusing on the area of information offered to visitors in the area of the National Marine Park of Alonissos-Northern Sporades (N.M.P.A.N.S.). At first accessible information material to the Information Center of the N.M.P.A.N.S. Management Body is examined. The findings and recommendations raised during the research process gave rise to the construction of information materials concerning the N.M.P.A.N.S. and react to the needs of people with visual impairments. Then, an evaluation of the material of the individuals surveyed and approved its suitability. The most informative material exhibits the Information Center of the Management Body, being an important means of visually impaired visitors. This action is a first step toward the realization of the difficult goal of accessibility for people with disabilities in N.M.P.A.N.S.

Purpose of the study: Since 2015, International aviation sector has witnessed an exceptional transformation of Indian air transport with a growth rate of 15-20%. It is also predicted to maintain a similar trend for not less than 4-5... more

Purpose of the study: Since 2015, International aviation sector has witnessed an exceptional transformation of Indian air transport with a growth rate of 15-20%. It is also predicted to maintain a similar trend for not less than 4-5 years. However, transporting 400-500 million people a year with the existing facilities and infrastructure will inversely affect the sector. Thus we require an efficient and well-equipped airport network throughout the country to cater the needs of the future demand. Benchmarks are said to be the vital part of every planning standards and processes.
Methodology: Study focuses on 109 airports of India (including upcoming airports in UDAN) and covers a critical evaluation of airport to airport connection as well as airport accessibility to and fro. This paper analyses all the benchmarking parameters, namely ‘indicators’, those influence connectivity and accessibility of these airports.
Main Findings: Using statistical tools, it evaluates the existing air network, makes a comparative investigation and models the entire network to frame individual and overall benchmarks. Based on these benchmarks, study recommends adopting few strategies for the next 5 years to address the increasing demand.
Implications: Study brings about a healthy competition among airports to resolve their shortcomings. It can boost up demand shift from other modes to air transport.
Applications of this study: The methodology may be followed to set Benchmarks of any networks based on the relevant parameters.
Novelty/Originality of this study: Airports in India are given different indices and ranks on the connectivity and accessibility parameters, so that their performance is analysed in the global network

Government visions of a digital future show little indication of how disabled people, reliant on access technology, will participate. Access technology has the potential to offer independent use of the Internet but many disabled people... more

Government visions of a digital future show little indication of how disabled people, reliant on access technology, will participate. Access technology has the potential to offer independent use of the Internet but many disabled people already face barriers that ...

RESUMO Termos como 'acessibilidade midiática' e 'tradução audiovisual acessível' vem se tornando cada vez mais comuns tanto na área acadêmica quanto na sociedade em geral. Essa popularização deve-se ao aumento significativo da legislação... more

RESUMO Termos como 'acessibilidade midiática' e 'tradução audiovisual acessível' vem se tornando cada vez mais comuns tanto na área acadêmica quanto na sociedade em geral. Essa popularização deve-se ao aumento significativo da legislação nacional e internacional visando à inclusão das pessoas com deficiências em todas as esferas sociais e, em especial, no que concerne ao âmbito cultural (NAVES et al., 2016). Com essa crescente produção legal, profissional e acadêmica, o Brasil apresenta um sólido e variado portfólio sobre o assunto que não deixa a desejar mesmo quando em comparação com países desenvolvidos. Porém, devido a barreiras linguísticas, nem sempre esse conteúdo recebe o destaque e reconhecimento internacional merecido. Para tentar facilitar a divulgação desse conteúdo, a Plataforma de Acessibilidade Midiática (MAP-Media Accessibility Platform) é uma poderosa ferramenta que visa centralizar informações variadas, desde cursos de formação e notícias até publicações e legislação específica, em um único ambiente digital de livre acesso na internet (GRECO et al., 2016). Infelizmente, até o momento, pouca informação sobre a produção brasileira no assunto foi inserida na plataforma. Então, é interesse desse artigo divulgar não só a MAP em si e destacar a importância de inserir a maior quantidade de dados sobre a produção brasileira sobre tradução audiovisual e acessibilidade midiática em âmbito internacional, mas também apresentar projeto de pesquisa "MAPeando a acessibilidade audiovisual no Brasil e alimentando a plataforma global de acessibilidade midiática (MAP)" do grupo de pesquisa "Tradução Audiovisual: quebrando barreiras linguísticas e de acessibilidade" da Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) que, atualmente, dedica-se a esse propósito. Palavras-chave: tradução audiovisual; acessibilidade; produção audiovisual acessível. ABSTRACT Nowadays, terms such as 'media accessibility' and 'accessible audiovisual translation' are becoming more common both in academia and in society in general. This popularization is due to a significant increase in national and international legislation regarding inclusion of people with disabilities in all social spheres and, in particular, regarding to cultural aspects (NAVES et al., 2016). With such a remarkable increase in legal, professional and academic production, Brazil presents a solid and diverse portfolio that stands out even when compared to the production of developed nations on the same topic. However, because of language barriers, this relevant content does not enjoy the deserved recognition and praise among international researchers. In order to try to change that scenario and help promote this

Nowadays in the world, we are facing the era of digital inclusion and the accessibility of software has become a global concern, since this environment plays a key role in the daily lives of people with disabilities. The technology... more

Nowadays in the world, we are facing the era of
digital inclusion and the accessibility of software
has become a global concern, since this
environment plays a key role in the daily lives of
people with disabilities. The technology facilitates
the lives of these people, enabling them to create
new forms of relationships and fulfilling activities
before unavailable. For those reasons, this work
aims to develop a methodology for accessibility
testing to inspect all the phases of the project, from
its conception, when the test plan is done, until
delivery, after analyzing the tests results,
anticipating the errors, generating less rework,
reducing project costs, giving more importance to
accessibility and increasing the inclusion of people
with disabilities.

Esta pesquisa procurou compreender as práxis cotidianas jornalísticas do Grupo RBS de Comunicação e assim identificar os motivos que causam a falta de acessibilidade comunicativa e conteúdos com barreiras informativas que prejudicam a... more

Esta pesquisa procurou compreender as práxis cotidianas jornalísticas do Grupo RBS de Comunicação e assim identificar os motivos que causam a falta de acessibilidade comunicativa e conteúdos com barreiras informativas que prejudicam a significação das informações jornalísticas dos canais e meios de comunicação das empresas ligadas à RBS. Para tanto, nos valemos de transmetodologias que colaboraram de maneira distintas para a elucidar a questão problema: como acessibilidade comunicativa influencia a práxis jornalística no modelo hardnews?, sendo assim, partimos de uma pesquisa exploratória e contextual que nos fundamentou para uma segunda fase da pesquisa onde realizamos entrevistas em profundidade dentro das redações do Grupo RBS e exercemos também o papel de observadores não participantes. Por fim, fazemos considerações finais sob reflexão crítica a partir dos dados obtidos.

The development of public housing has major traffic impacts on road networks, particularly in already congested cities. Hong Kong, being one of the most congested cities in the world, has a significant amount of public housing in town.... more

The development of public housing has major traffic impacts on road networks, particularly in already congested cities. Hong Kong, being one of the most congested cities in the world, has a significant amount of public housing in town. Severe traffic congestion occurs in the adjacent road network if the forecast of traffic generation is not accurate. This technical note develops a multilinear regression model to forecast traffic generation for large-scale, high-density, multistory public residential housing estates in Hong Kong. Manual traffic counts were conducted at 36 housing development sites throughout Hong Kong. Regression analysis was undertaken for model evaluation. Many variables, such as the number of apartments, population, gross floor area, parking spaces, and accessibility, were included in the analysis, and the resulting model is both qualitatively and quantitatively reasonable.

An exploration of when and how theatre audio describers should describe the personal characteristics of the diverse range of characters that appear on stage, and in particular, the visible, physical markers of race, gender, impairment /... more

An exploration of when and how theatre audio describers should describe the personal characteristics of the diverse range of characters that appear on stage, and in particular, the visible, physical markers of race, gender, impairment / disability, age and body shape. Furthermore, a discussion as to why such characteristics should be described, as a basis for developing a common understanding and rationale for any proposed changes to practice. The research involved the whole community involved in theatre audio description: blind and visually impaired users of the service, actors, other theatre professionals, and audio describers working around the UK and the world, through an online survey (June to August 2019), in-depth interviews (January to March 2020) and collaborative workshops (April 2020).

This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. It has been accepted for inclusion in Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse by an authorized administrator... more

This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. It has been accepted for inclusion in Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse by an authorized administrator of Social Research in Transport ( ...

A review of research on deaf students in higher education reveals a significant body of knowledge about the barriers these students face in gaining access to information in the classroom. Much less is known about the potential solutions... more

A review of research on deaf students in higher education reveals a significant body of knowledge about the barriers these students face in gaining access to information in the classroom. Much less is known about the potential solutions to these problems. In addition, there is a dearth of research on the effectiveness of such support services as interpreting, note taking, real-time captioning, and tutoring, particularly with regard to their impact on academic achievement. This article summarizes relevant research and suggests directions for educational researchers interested in enhancing academic success and the retention of deaf students in higher education programs.

Public spaces of the city, where the social relations of the individuals of society take place intensively, have an important role in urban development. In addition to the cultural, economic and technological conditions in constant change... more

Public spaces of the city, where the social relations of the individuals of society take place intensively, have an important role in urban development. In addition to the cultural, economic and technological conditions in constant change and development, the understanding, necessity and usage of public space, are also affected. Along with these changing conditions, new requirements and problems arise such as the inclusivity of these spaces. Augmenting the quality of spaces by enhancing the inclusivity and hence the quality of university campuses as a public space and spreading this philosophy throughout the whole society in professional life by ensuring the awareness is settled on university students as the main campus users who will provide the development of society, is an approach that will sustain the development of societies&cities. The aim of this study is to review the literature in a wide range about conceptual of inclusive design in university campuses. In the meantime identifying the problems faced by users in university campuses, exploring the approaches and examples that will enable all users to access campus spaces and services will be handled. In addition, to use the approaches and to develope solutions to the problems will be encountered. In this study literature review based on inclusive design concepts and university design concepts will be done.

The results of the use of different teaching materials including 3D models, by students –some of them with functional diversity-, previously adapted to the Principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), are described. Teaching... more

The results of the use of different teaching materials including 3D models, by students –some of them with functional diversity-, previously adapted to the Principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), are described. Teaching materials were previously adapted taking into account the characteristics of the different formats we can get nowadays to provide students with structural spatial information. To make accessible, inclusive and mobile the use of the selected information presentation formats we take into account the guidelines related to each format. One of those information presentation formats that best allows students to acquire knowledge about ordered atomic/ionic structures is the use of 3D models, either, hand-made or, as in this case, with 3D printing technology. Combining the tactile models with other accessible tools will provide a wide range of learning customized scenarios.

The health system should be endowed with adequate accessibility levels to each functional population cohort it envisages to serve. In the case we are before higher levels of elder population, those health necessities increase. The... more

The health system should be endowed with adequate
accessibility levels to each functional population cohort it
envisages to serve. In the case we are before higher levels
of elder population, those health necessities increase.
The location of health facilities should have in mind the
demographic structure of each territory. Accordingly, the
increase of elder people turns more needed public health
policies addressed to mitigate social exclusion processes
that can occur. Health public policies and planning practices
should promote accessibility to primary health care
facilities. In such a context, the location of those facilities
and its accessibility have a particular importance. In this
article, we envisage to evaluate the contribution of the
location models to identify the more adequate locations
of the health facilities and to check how the accessibility
levels vary according to the results obtained from those

OBJECTIVES. Our goal was to assess the degree of pediatric preparedness of emergency departments in the United States. METHODS. A closed-response survey based on the American Academy of Pediatrics/ American College of Emergency Physicians... more

OBJECTIVES. Our goal was to assess the degree of pediatric preparedness of emergency departments in the United States. METHODS. A closed-response survey based on the American Academy of Pediatrics/ American College of Emergency Physicians joint policy statement, "Care of Chil- dren in the Emergency Department: Guidelines for Preparedness," was mailed to 5144 emergency department medical and nursing directors. A weighted

Interiority is not just the science of interior design that meets of needs of function and aesthetics alone. Both of these are indeed the main task in interior design. Each building is design and built to fulfill certain functions.... more

Interiority is not just the science of interior design that meets of needs of function and aesthetics alone. Both of these are indeed the main task in interior design. Each building is design and built to fulfill certain functions. Hotels, apartments, and houses for example, serves as a means of accommodation. Restaurant serves as a commercial building that meets the needs of food. A public building should be accessible and used by a variety of different needs. These building must be accessible to those who can see or not (blinds), walkers and wheelchair users, and those who are able to listen or not (deaf/hard of hearing). This paper is a theoretical study and application of universal design that is accessible to public buildings that function as a university. The case studies taken in this research are University of Mercu Buana in west Jakarta and University of Daegu in South Korea. The study was conducted by study of universal design of two universities by considering two parameters, namely universal design and usability, by conducting literature study and user interviews. From results of study its found that university in Daegu have make of universal design and usability factors an important part of design, while University of Mercu Buana in West Jakarta hasn't fully made these two factors as part of the design, with many facilities not being able to accessed and used universally well

Far too many people in urban Ghana live without access to safe drinking water and this is a primary determinant of continuing poverty. Using questionnaire survey and key informant interviews, this study explored the situation of... more

Far too many people in urban Ghana live without access to safe drinking water and this is a primary determinant of continuing poverty. Using questionnaire survey and key informant interviews, this study explored the situation of households’ access to potable water supply in the Wa Municipality, a low-income urban area in north-west Ghana. This study highlights several important issues on access to water supply focusing on availability, accessibility and cost. A clustered sample of residential areas of the municipality was employed and the study was able to examine spatial disparities in access to water supply. The results indicate that access to potable water supply in the municipality is generally high as only 13 percent of households depend on open wells as their main source. Also, the private sector (individuals and non-governmental organizations) are major players in public water supply in the municipality. In spite of the progress made in access to potable water supply, distanc...

Accessibility of a destination is an important factor affecting the volume of arrivals to a region. This paper discusses the role of direct flights in development of tourism in Turkey by analyzing Turkish Airlines (THY / TK). THY has... more

Accessibility of a destination is an important factor affecting the volume of arrivals to a region. This paper discusses the role of direct flights in development of tourism in Turkey by analyzing Turkish Airlines (THY / TK). THY has transformed into a leading airline by number of international destinations served within the past decade. Parallel to THY, Turkey as a tourist destination also experienced a metronomic rise in international arrivals. Secondary data is used to assess the number of international arrivals to Turkey before and after her air connectivity with certain countries is established. Findings confirm that direct flights to/from generating regions have significant impact on number of arrivals to destinations. Considering availability of direct flights to/from a destination as an important determinant of momentum in tourism development, the cost-benefits analysis of new flight routes would be based on a more holistic approach rather than mere airline revenue and costs.